Assignment: Pediatric Teaching Project

Assignment: Pediatric Teaching Project

Assignment: Pediatric Teaching Project

The pediatric teaching project is designed to allow the nursing student to demonstrate their ability and proficiency in developing and implementing an educational program for children on a specific health related topic. Groups must consist of 3-5 students. Each group will be assigned a topic along with a corresponding grade level. The topics offered are as follows:

– Stranger Safety and Street safety (bicycle, outdoor play, traffic)-4th Grade Level

When completing the teaching plan, students should consider the age and developmental level of the group they will be teaching. What is their attention span estimated to be? What activities will you do to make the teaching interactive and get the kids involved? What level of language will you use to explain things at the child’s level of understanding? Assignment: Pediatric Teaching Project


After the project is completed, the group must submit a final summary paper (maximum 5 pages, excluding references and cover page) in APA format with a minimum of 3 peer reviewed references. This paper should cover the following topics, which are recommended as headings in the document.

o Project description (Who was your target population? What topic did you choose? Why? What developmental consideration were included? What teaching strategies were used?

o Evaluation of learning (Were the learning objectives achieved? How did you know? What method of evaluation was used?) **Use a hypothetical scenario**

o Summary of overall experience (Do you feel it was helpful to the children? What were the strengths or weaknesses of the teaching methods used? Would you do anything differently. Were there any other health care issues observed that could be identified as areas for further instruction?) **Use a hypothetical scenario**

o References

NOTE : VERY IMPORTANT, Please I need a plagiarism report include. Assignment: Pediatric Teaching Project


Nursing trend and issue

Can you answer this

Gerontology Infection Shadow Health Assignment

Gerontology Infection Shadow Health Assignment

Gerontology Infection Shadow Health

Gerontology infection shadow health Patricia Young. During the patient interview, there are a number of opportunities to provide patient education and empathy. The
opportunities listed below are those identified by nursing experts to be of particular importance to this patient.
A Model Statement is provided as an example of an appropriate response to each opportunity.
Opportunities marked as Not Followed Up are missed opportunities that were present in the interview, but where no statements were made Opportunities marked as Followed Up were followed up by students, and include the dialogue between student and patient.


Learning outcome:



Instructions and guidelines (Read carefully)

Insert your name and surname in the space provided above, as well as in the file name. Save the file as: First name Surname Assignment 4 – e.g. Lilly Smith Assignment 4. NB: Please ensure that you use the name that appears in your student profile on the Online Campus.
2     Write all your answers in this document. There is an instruction that says, “Start writing here” under each question. Please type your answer there. Gerontology Infection Shadow Health Assignment

3     Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word only. No other file types will be accepted.

4     Do not delete the plagiarism declaration or the assignment instructions and guidelines. They must remain on your assignment when you submit.

PLEASE NOTE: Plagiarism cases will be penalised according to the Head Tutor’s and GetSmarter’s discretion.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please ensure that you have checked your course calendar for the due date for this assignment.


1     There are eight pages and one question in this assignment.

2     Make sure that you have carefully read and fully understood the questions before answering them. Answer the questions fully but concisely and as directly as possible. Follow all specific instructions for individual questions (e. g. “list”, “in point form”).

3     Answer all questions in your own words. Do not copy any text from the notes, readings or other sources. The assignment must be your own work only.


TOTAL                                                                                                          50

Assignment instructions
Complete Question 1 in this document. Make sure you have read Modules 3 and 4 before completing this assignment.


Make sure that you show all your workings within the assignment when calculations are required.

Aging Adult Case Study

Aging Adult Case Study

Aging Adult Case Study

A 68-year-old client lives alone and is independent with all ADLs, has no restrictions for mobility, and is competent, and oriented x4. The client is on a fixed income, but has enough to manage a modest lifestyle. The client has family and social supports but is very independent and is proud of her self-reliance. The client’s height is 5’ 6”, weight is 210 lb. / 95.25 kg. Aging Adult Case Study

Please answer the following:

  • What is the client’s BMI?
  • Identify what screening tools you would use to assess nutritional and exercise knowledge, and why?
  • Identify two client outcomes that are reasonable, measurable and realistic
  • Identify 3 nursing interventions for each client outcome and give rationales
  • Identify what weakness in the client’s life and supports may be impacting the client’s activity and diet?
  • What referrals would you make and why?
  • Identify your references in APA format. Use references not just opinion.


Assignment Expectations:

Length: 1500 to 1750 words in length

Structure: Include a title page and reference page in APA format.  These do not count towards the minimum word count for this assignment. Your essay must include an introduction and a conclusion.

References: Use appropriate APA style in-text citations and references for all resources utilized to answer the questions. A minimum of two (2) scholarly sources are required for this assignment.

Data were enhanced by conducting additional interviews with 14 neighbors and 7 family members of the informants and those participants were assured that their names would not be connected with the interview and that their responses would be kept confidential (Table 4). The researcher also made observations to understand the relations of the informant with other persons and activities that promoted elderly health. Focus group discussions were conducted with elderly persons who lived in the study village and were not the study informants to gain insight into the impact of local culture on healthy aging, a topic that has received little attention in the literature to date. In addition, meetings with the four research committee members who had expertise in (i) community health education and qualitative research, (ii) behavioral science, (iii) gerontology and (iv) public health nursing were conducted monthly throughout the study period to discuss the interview transcriptions, data analysis and interpretation of findings. Aging Adult Case Study

Assignment: Clinical Case Report

Assignment: Clinical Case Report

Assignment: Clinical Case Report

Assignment: Clinical Case Report

Word limit: 2000 words
This assessment will consist of a clinical case report. The completed case report will need to be submitted via the Health of Older Adults (NURS 2024) course site Assessment 1: case report link by the assessment due date.
In order to plan and provide optimal person-centred nursing care, Registered Nurses need to be able to interpret clinical information and draw upon their knowledge of pathophysiology and evidencebased clinical practice. Therefore, the purpose of this assessment is to support the development of the skills needed to evaluate evidence and to develop reflection and clinical reasoning skills.
What you need to do:
Based upon the clinical scenario provided below, construct a case report. A case report is a detailed report of the client’s clinical presentation, nursing assessment, nursing diagnosis and nursing management plan. The case report will draw upon your knowledge of pathophysiology and relevant academic literature to support an evidence-based plan of care. Assignment: Clinical Case Report
The case report must be presented using the headings provided below. A description of the content for each section of the report has been provided. It is important that all sections of the report are conceptually connected. For example, your knowledge of pathophysiology and your understanding of this particular client should underpin the nursing problems that you identify which should, in turn, drive the nursing management that is relevant for this clinical scenario.
Case Report:
The case report must include the following:
Introduction (1.25 marks) – 200 words
Introduce the client and provide a brief overview of their case. Provide an outline of the purpose and structure of the report.
You might like to think about the overview of the case study like a verbal clinical handover: what is the key information from the case scenario that would be relevant for the plan of care for this client?
Primary admission diagnosis (3.75 marks) – 300 words
Identify the primary diagnosis for the client (i.e. the reason the client was admitted to hospital). Provide a brief description of the pathophysiology and demonstrate how the presenting manifestations support the client’s primary diagnosis. Support this discussion using current literature (last 5 years).
Nursing problems (3.75 marks) – 300 words
Using your knowledge of pathophysiology and the manifestations, identify two (2) nursing problems that arise as a result of the client’s primary diagnosis. These problems may be actual or potential nursing problems. Provide a brief description for why these problems arise for this client. Support this discussion using current literature (last 5 years).
Nursing Management (6.25 marks) – 500 words
The nursing management must focus on the inpatient nursing assessment, nursing interventions and the role of the Registered Nurse (RN) related to medication management for this client and will address the two (2) identified nursing problems. Support this discussion using current literature (last 5 years).
This section of the report focuses on assessments and interventions that the Registered nurse conducts. So, avoid reverting to simple referrals to other members of the health care team – what does the nurse physically do to provide optimal person-centered care as part of the nursing management plan? Assignment: Clinical Case Report
Nursing Problem 1: Nursing assessment, nursing intervention, medication management.
Discuss one (1) method of nursing assessment that would need to be performed related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for this type of assessment and briefly describe how this assessment would be conducted in this case.
Discuss one (1) nursing intervention that you would need to implement related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for the intervention.
Discuss the role of the RN in the medication management related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem.
Nursing Problem 2: Nursing assessment, nursing intervention, medication management.
Discuss one (1) method of nursing assessment that would need to be performed related to this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for this type of assessment and briefly describe how this assessment would be conducted in this case.
Discuss one (1) nursing intervention that you would need to implement related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem. Provide a rationale for the intervention.
Discuss the role of the RN in the medication management related to the ongoing nursing management of this nursing problem.
Discharge planning (6.25 marks) – 500 words
The discharge plan must focus on the multidisciplinary management for this client and will address the two (2) identified nursing problems.
Discuss the aim for discharge planning and the importance of using a multidisciplinary approach. Discuss the role of the Registered nurse to facilitate the multidisciplinary discharge plan for this client. Identify the members of the multidisciplinary health care team, and the role that they would play, specific to the two (2) identified nursing problems. Support this discussion using current literature (last 5 years).
Summary (1.25 marks) – 200 words
Summarise the major findings of this case report.
Referencing (1.25 marks)
The content of the case report must be supported through referencing of current literature and must include a reference list and intext citations. You will be assessed on referencing so make sure to follow the UniSA-Harvard referencing style closely to avoid losing marks.
Assignment: Clinical Case Report


Please refer to the Harvard Referencing System to accurately reference your case report:
Overall writing and presentation (1.25 marks)
This assignment must be saved as a word document. This case report must be structured using the headings provided and presented using academic writing. The use of dot-points will result in a reduction of marks. You will be assessed on the overall writing and presentation, so make sure that you follow the academic writing guidelines closely to avoid losing marks.
Please refer to the UniSA-School of Nursing and Midwifery academic writing guidelines to format your case report:
Clinical Scenario: Mrs Jessica George
Mrs Jessica George is a 79-year-old female living in rural South Australia with her husband of 60 years, Frank. Mrs George was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease (PD) 15 years ago and she has been admitted to your ward at the Crystal Brook and District Hospital for respite care. Jessica’s mother died of pneumonia at the age of 80, having had PD for 30 years. She has nil other significant medical history. Jessica’s PD symptoms are being managed with Sinemet CR ® (200/50 mg tablets) every four hours during the day and Pramipexole 1.5mg daily. Frank, is her primary carer.
On general appearance, Jessica is alert and oriented but appears slightly anxious with a noticeable tremor in her upper limbs. During the assessment, it is noted that she has a ‘mask-like’ face and speaks in a hoarse, monotonous voice. Jessica’s physical exam reveals a heart rate of 82 with a regular rhythm, normal blood pressure (120/72) without orthostasis and a regular respiratory rate of 16. Jessica is able to arise from a chair without pushing off with her hands. A ‘drag/scuffing’ of the left foot is also noticeable, heard better than seen on ambulation. Her movements are slow and rigid and her balance appears to be unstable but uses no aids. She has had a recent fall at home, sustaining bruising and a skin tear to her left lateral lower leg. She also complains of constipation and a lack of appetite. It is also noted that she starts to cough when given a drink of water.
Frank informs you that Jessica is ‘very particular’ about taking her PD medications ‘on-time’. Jessica believes the effectiveness of her levodopa therapy starts to wear off after 4 hours. Jessica says that she has relatively little ‘good time’ and she alternates between a state of immobility, requiring assistance with activities of daily living (ADL), when the effect of the medication wears ‘off’, and a state of excessive, uncontrolled movements when the medication is in effect. Assignment: Clinical Case Report
Jessica is being admitted to the ward for 5 days and will require specific nursing interventions to successfully manage her respite care.
Assignment: Clinical Case Report

Assignment: Clinical Case Report

How will I get assistance to complete this assessment?
Each of the topics delivered in this course will provide content that will give you the knowledge that you will need to successfully complete this assessment. For example, the weekly learning activities to develop the ISBAR plan of care will prepare you to complete the case report. You should make sure that you read all information provided, use opportunities to discuss this assessment in the weekly tutorials or virtual classrooms. In addition, the library will run a workshop (via virtual classroom) to support you to identify relevant sources of literature and the course coordinator will run a workshop (via virtual classroom) to support you to plan and write your case report. These workshops will be accessible via the NURS 2024 course site assessment folder.
Case Report Feedback and Results:
Feedback comments and grades will be provided using the Assessment Rubric and grades will be released via the assessment link within 10-15 working days.
Resubmissions will NOT be available for this assessment item. Assignment: Clinical Case Report

Case-Assignment: Renal Systems

Case-Assignment: Renal Systems

Week 7 discussion Discussion Part I: Assessment and Treatment of the Genitourinary, Gynecologic, and Renal Systems and Acid/Base Disorders Common emergency department complaints are vaginal bleeding, and STIs. An understanding of the differential diagnoses that might occur with pregnant and non-pregnant women is important to grasp. Advanced clinical skills that the Acute Care Nurse Practitioner must be familiar with include the auscultation of fetal heart tones, basic fetal heart monitoring, pelvic exams, and delivery of fetal demise or precipitous deliveries of viable fetuses. Pregnancy can alter the diagnostic possibilities of a patient with acute abdominal pain and change the clinical findings.  Case-Assignment: Renal Systems Advanced pregnancy can make it even more difficult. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are 19 million new cases of sexually transmitted infections every year in the United States. STIs may present serious health implications for infected patients—especially for those who are unaware of their health condition. Studies show that women are not only at greater risk of contracting these infections, but they also tend to have more severe health problems resulting from infections than men. As an advanced practice nurse, you must educate female patients and emphasize the importance of prevention and STI testing for all women regardless of marital status, race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status. Case Study 1: A 19-year-old Asian American female comes into the urgent care clinic. She is complaining of severe abdominal pain, that radiates to her back. She is having a moderate amount of vaginal bleeding. She has a past medical history of PID and has used an IUD in the past. Her vitals are T 37.7, P 116, RR 18, BP 88/50. Case Study 2: A 31-year-old African American female is brought into the ER with vaginal hemorrhage. She is unsure of her last menstrual period. States she is sexually active and does not use protection. On exam there are large clots noted in the vaginal vault, with possible tissue. Vital signs are T 37, P 134, RR 26, BP 180/110. Case Study 3: A 21-year-old nulligravida comes to the ER, concerned about vague lower abdominal pain for two days associated with a yellowish, nonodorous, vaginal discharge. Past history reveals regular menstrual periods and no previous surgeries or significant medical problems. Her last menstrual period was normal and ended two days ago. She had a similar episode about eight months ago for which she did not seek care because of lack of health insurance. She is currently sexually active with one partner and has had two partners in the past year. She is not using any type of contraception. On physical exam you note a temperature of 38º C, a regular pulse of 100, and a BP of 110/65. Her abdomen is diffusely tender in both lower quadrants. Pelvic exam reveals a yellowish cervical discharge with cervical motion tenderness and a tender fullness in both adnexa. To prepare: Review and select one of the three provided case studies.


Reflect on the patient information. Consider a differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Think about the most likely diagnosis for the patient. Think about a treatment and management plan for the patient. Be sure to consider appropriate dosages for any recommended pharmacologic and/or nonpharmacologic treatments.  Case-Assignment: Renal Systems.Consider strategies for educating patients on the treatment and management of the gynecological condition you identified as your primary diagnosis. Post on or before Day 3 an explanation of the differential diagnosis for the patient in the case study you selected. Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses, and list them from highest priority to lowest priority. Explain which is the most likely diagnosis for the patient and why. Then, explain a treatment and management plan for the patient, including appropriate dosages for any recommended treatments. Finally, explain strategies for educating patient. Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses. Respond on or before Day 6 to at least two of your colleagues on two different days in both of the ways listed below. Respond to colleagues who selected different case studies than you did. Based on your personal and/or professional experiences, expand on your colleagues’ postings by providing additional insights or contrasting perspectives. Discussion Part II: Pharmacology Read the following article to enhance your knowledge of commonly prescribed medications: Harder, S., & Graff, J. (2013). Novel oral anticoagulants: clinical pharmacology, indications and practical considerations. European Journal Of Clinical Pharmacology, 69(9), 1617-1633. doi:10.1007/s00228-013-1510-z Stöllberger, C., & Finsterer, J. (2013). Concerns About the Use of New Oral Anticoagulants for Stroke Prevention in Elderly Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. Drugs & Aging, 30(12), 949-958. doi:10.1007/s40266-013-0119-3 Wright, P., & Antoniou, S. (2013). Acute coronary syndrome: potent oral antiplatelets. Nurse Prescribing, 11(8), 397-400. Lira, A., & Pinsky, M. R. (2014). Choices in fluid type and volume during resuscitation: impact on patient outcomes. Annals Of Intensive Care, 438. doi:10.1186/s13613-014-0038-4 Retrieved from All of the following groups of medications are commonly prescribed in the acute care setting. Choose one of the topics below to discuss. If it is a medication group, select a specific drug within that group. (This is a good way for you to prepare for clinical practice, because you will get to know the drugs you will prescribe for patients.). Focus your discussion on the hospital or ICU setting and IV usage. Anticoagulants: rivaroxaban, apixaban, dabigatran, Antiplatelets: ASA, Clopidogrel, Dipyridamole, IV insulin, IV fluids: volume expanders colloids vs saline- Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic, Potassium, Topical anesthetics sq anesthetics Note: When sharing your initial post, select a drug that has not yet been discussed. If all drugs have been discussed, then you may select that drug again. For this Discussion, address 1 of the following options. Post by day 3: Option 1: Post a description of a patient you have taken care of (inpatient as an RN, or as an NP student) who has been prescribed the medication you selected. Include the scenario, indication, dosing, complications, and outcome. Then explain whether or not you would have ordered the same drug and same dose. Option 2: Conduct an evidence-based drug search on the drug you selected and post an explanation of any possible issues. Are there any drug interactions? Any black box warnings? To what type of patient would you prescribe this medication? Option 3: Post an explanation of the properties of the drug you selected, including usages and dosing in the hospital or ICU. Describe a patient to whom you would prescribe this medication. Note: To be considered as one of your required responses, your pharmacology rationale must include a supporting reference. Click on the Reply button below to reveal the textbox for entering your message. Then click on the Submit button to post your message. Case-Assignment: Renal Systems

Assignment: Legal Nurse Consultant

Assignment: Legal Nurse Consultant

Assignment: Legal Nurse Consultant

Week 4 Article Summary and Review Essay Choose one of the articles below, and address the essay prompt associated with it. You will need to log in to the WCU library to access the full article. Park, M. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law, 13(3), 68-77. doi:10.1891/1073-7472.13.3.68 Link: Ethical issues in nursing practice Essay Prompt: Identify primary areas for legal and ethical issues faced by oncology nurses in this study (Park, 2009), and strategies they may have developed to work with those ethical issues. Or, Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3. Link: Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what the nurse did wrong. Your 1-2 page paper should include adhere to APA formatting and references/ citations for the article. Additional sources are optional. Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded. Assignment: Legal Nurse Consultant


legal nurse consultant is a registered nurse who uses expertise as a health care provider and specialized training to consult on medical-related legal cases. Legal nurse consultants assist attorneys in reading medical records and understanding medical terminology and healthcare issues to achieve the best results for their clients.[1] The specialty is a relatively recent one, beginning in the mid-1980s.[2]

A legal nurse consultant bridges gaps in an attorney’s knowledge. While the attorney is an expert on legal issues, the legal nurse consultant is an expert on nursing and the health care system. Legal nurse consultant screen cases for merit, assist with discovery; conduct the existing literature and medical research; review medical records; identify standards of care; prepare reports and summaries on the extent of injury or illness; create demonstrative evidence; and locate or act as expert witnesses. The legal nurse consultant acts as a specialized member of the litigation team whose professional contributions are often critical to achieving a fair and just outcome for all parties.[1]

A legal nurse consultant differs from a paralegal in that a paralegal assists attorneys in the delivery of legal services and frequently requires a legal education, while a legal nurse consultant is first and foremost a practitioner of nursing, and legal education is not necessarily a prerequisite. A legal nurse consultant uses existing expertise as a health care professional to consult and educate clients on specific medical and nursing issues in their cases. Assignment: Legal Nurse Consultant

Aside from within law firms, legal nurse consultants may also work for government agencies, insurance companies and health maintenance organizations, in hospitals as part of the risk management department, and may also be in independent practice.[1]

The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants which was founded in 1989, is a non-profit membership organization whose mission is to promote legal nurse consulting as a nursing speciality.[3] The Association also promulgates a Code of Ethics for the Legal Nurse Consultant practitioner.[4] As of 2001, the Association had approximately 4,000 members, the majority of whom had joined after 1994. Assignment: Legal Nurse Consultant

Assignment: Types of Shock

Assignment: Types of Shock

Week 3 Threaded Discussion Question 1 of 2

1. Discuss circulatory failure (shock) and the pathophysiology of shock.

Include the cellular responses and compensatory mechanisms of shock

2. Then choose one of the following types of shock and explain the pathophysiology, manifestations, and treatment:

1. Hypovolemic Shock

2. Cardiogenic Shock

3. Obstructive Shock

4. Neurogenic Shock

5. Anaphylactic Shock

5. Sepsis and Septic Shock

Please write the type of shock you are discussing in the Subject bar.

Respond to other students’ posts who chose a different type of shock than the one you discussed in your Initial response post. Assignment: Types of Shock

The Course Objectives (COs) that guide your learning this week are:

CO 8: Identify a pathophysiological question or hypothesis relating to an ares of potential study of interest

CO 9: Explain assessment and intervention in a specific pathophysiological state

CO 10: Review a pathophysiologic evidence-based study of interest relevant to a selected area of nursing study

CO 14: Evaluate the concepts of pathophysiologic alterations in the application of the nursing process in clinical practice

Week 3 Threaded Discussion 2 of 2


Please choose one of the following Case Studies to discuss:

Case Study 1

A 78 year-old man is admitted to the hospital with the chief complaint of shortness of breath. He states the shortness of breath has been increasing over the past 2 months and is aggravated by exertion. He has found that he often awakens at night with a sensation of “feeling like he is smothering” that is partially relieved when he gets up and opens the window. He has no ankle swelling or edema noted.

Past medical history is only positive for myocardial infarction 8 years ago. He currently does not have complaints of chest pain. BP is 140/98. When the nurse listens to his heart, she hears a normal S1 and S2 with a rate of 88. When auscultating his lungs, the nurse notes bibasilar rales. There is no peripheral edema.

The admission diagnosis for the patient was left-sided heart failure.

1. Describe the pathophysiology of left-sided heart failure

2. Describe other clinical manifestations the nurse would monitor for in this patient. Which clinical manifestations would be seen in only left-sided failure? Which symptoms would occur if right-sided failure was present also?

Case Study 2

An 82 year-old woman presented in the Emergency Department (ED) with complaints of chest pain, fainting episodes (syncope), feeling palpitations in her chest, and shortness of breath when walking. The result of her EKG shows she has a supraventricular arrhythmia indicating AV heart block. The client’s daughter is with her in the ED.

1. Explain the pathophysiology of the normal conduction system of the heart and how AV heart block disrupts the normal conduction system.

2. The physician tells the client she needs to have a pacemaker inserted. Help the patient and her daughter understand how the pacemaker will alter the electrical path of the heart. Assignment: Types of Shock

Please write the Case Study you are discussing in the Subject bar.

One of your peer posts must be to a student who chose a different Case Study than the one you discussed in your Initial response post.

The Course Objectives (COs) that guide your learning this week are:

CO 6: Describe the anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system, diagnostic procedures in disease states, coronary atherosclerotic disease, valvular heart disease, cardiac mechanical function and circulatory support, and vascular disease.

CO 8: Identify a pathophysiological question or hypothesis relating to an ares of potential study of interest.

CO 9: Explain assessment and intervention in a specific pathophysiological state.

CO 10: Review a pathophysiologic evidence-based study of interest relevant to a selected area of nursing study.

CO 11: In collaboration with a healthcare team (or simulated situation), explain application of this study in nursing practice to improve patient outcomes/or positively impact.

CO 13: In actual/simulated evidence-based nursing practice communicate/document the process and outcome to involve patients, families, and healthcare teams.

CO 14: Evaluate the concepts of pathophysiologic alterations in the application of the nursing process in clinical practice. Assignment: Types of Shock


NP Core Competencies Assignment

NP Core Competencies Assignment

NP Core Competencies Assignment

Week 8 discussion Reflection on Achievement of Outcomes Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #5, the MSN Essential IX, and the NP Core Competencies #2. Program Outcome #5 Develop a plan for lifelong personal and professional growth that integrates professional values regarding scholarship, service and global engagement. MSN Essential IX: Master’s-Level Nursing Practice Recognizes that nursing practice, at the master’s level, is broadly defined as any form of nursing intervention that influences healthcare outcomes for individuals, populations, or systems. Master’s-level nursing graduates must have an advanced level of understanding of nursing and relevant sciences as well as the ability to integrate this knowledge into practice. Nursing practice interventions include both direct and indirect care components.  NP Core Competencies Assignment

What is every nurse practitioner (NP) required to know once he or she graduates from NP school? These requirements are defined and agreed upon by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF). The NONPF created the first set of competencies in 1990; the most recent updates were incorporated in 2012.These core competencies apply to all nurse practitioners, regardless their medical specialty or patient population focus. Nurse practitioner core competencies were created by experts in clinical practice and education. The task force behind the 2012 update included various nurse practitioner organization and certification boards, and they created sub-groups of experts for each population focus.
NONPF has defined nine broad areas of core competence:

Scientific foundations
Practice inquiry
Technology and information literacy
Health delivery system
Independent practice

Each of these is subdivided into specific objectives that every nurse practitioner must demonstrate in order to graduate NP school. Furthermore, NP schools use the core competencies to design their curricula to ensure that students gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities to practice as licensed independent practitioners. The NONPF asserts that achievement of these competencies is of greater value than the total number of clinical hours a student performs.


Scientific Foundation Competencies

These competencies ensure that nurse practitioners graduate with a comprehensive background in medical sciences. All nurse practitioner students are required to take foundational pathophysiology and pharmacology, but depending on their specialty, they may take additional courses. Psychiatric nurse practitioners often take courses in neuroscience whereas neonatal nurse practitioners take courses in neonatology. Scientific core competencies also include knowledge and understanding of clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practice, translational research, and treatment of vulnerable and diverse patient populations.The scientific foundation core competencies defined by the NONPF include the following:

Thinks critically about data and applies this evidence to improving practice.
Allows knowledge from the humanities and other disciplines to inform one’s work in nursing.
Incorporates research findings to enhance practice methods and patient outcomes.
Creates fresh evidence-based approaches and techniques, paying thought to research findings, core theory, and experience from practice.
Leadership Competencies
Leadership competencies focus on professional accountability, scholarship, and advocacy. These skills ensure that nurse practitioner students understand their scope and standards of practice and that they are prepared to lead healthcare teams. The leadership competencies also encompass cultural sensitivity, engagement in professional organizations, and communication skills.
The leadership core competencies include the following:

Embraces high leadership opportunities to facilitate change.
Liaises effectively between various parties (e.g., healthcare teams, patients, community, policy advocates) in efforts to improve healthcare.
Applies critical and reflective thinking to one’s leadership.
Acts as an advocate for resource-efficient, cost-effective, and quality care.
Elevates practice by incorporating innovations.
Has excellent oral and written communication skills.
Joins professional associations, advocacy groups, and other activities to improve healthcare. NP Core Competencies Assignment

Discuss: Care Coordination Presentation

Discuss: Care Coordination Presentation


Develop a 20-minute presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in length, and record a video of your presentation.

Nurses have a powerful role in the coordination and continuum of care. All nurses must be cognizant of the care coordination process and how safety, ethics, policy, physiological, and cultural needs affect care and patient outcomes. As a nurse, care coordination is something that should always be considered. Nurses must be aware of factors that impact care coordination and of a continuum of care that utilizes community resources effectively and is part of an ethical framework that represents the professionalism of nurses. Understanding policy elements helps nurses coordinate care effectively. Discuss: Care Coordination Presentation

This assessment provides an opportunity for you to educate your peers on the care coordination process. The assessment also requires you to address change management issues. You are encouraged to complete the Managing Change activity.

Completing course activities before submitting your first attempt has been shown to make the difference between basic and proficient assessment.

Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:

Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes.
Outline effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes.
Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience.
Identify the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Competency 4: Defend decisions based on the code of ethics for nursing.
Explain the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making.
Competency 5: Explain how health care policies affect patient-centered care.
Identify the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences.
Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.
Raise awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care in a video-recorded presentation. Script and reference list are not submitted.
Your nurse manager has been observing your effectiveness as a care coordinator and recognizes the importance of educating other staff nurses in care coordination. Consequently, she has asked you to develop a presentation for your colleagues on care coordination basics. By providing them with basic information about the care coordination process, you will assist them in taking on an expanded role in helping to manage the care coordination process and improve patient outcomes in your community care center.


To prepare for this assessment, identify key factors nurses must consider to effectively participate in the care coordination process.

You may also wish to:

Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
Allow plenty of time to rehearse your presentation.
Note: Remember that you can submit all, or a portion of, your draft presentation to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback, before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback. Discuss: Care Coordination Presentation

Recording Equipment Setup and Testing
Check that your recording equipment and software are working properly and that you know how to record and upload your presentation. You may use Kaltura (recommended) or similar software for your audio recording. A reference page is required. However, no PowerPoint presentation is required for this assessment.

If using Kaltura, refer to the Using Kaltura tutorial for directions on recording and uploading your video in the courseroom.
Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.

Complete the following:

Develop a presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Include community resources, ethical issues, and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. To prepare, develop a detailed narrative script. The script will be submitted along with the video.
Record a video of your presentation.
Note: For this assessment, develop your audio script, then record your presentation. You are not required to deliver your presentation to an actual audience but you certainly could.

Presentation Format and Length
Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in length. Include a reference list at the end of the script.

Assignment: Care Coordination Presentation

Assignment: Care Coordination Presentation

Supporting Evidence
Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your presentation. Include your source citations on a references page appended to your narrative script. Watch the example video in your course room to hear how citations are referenced. Discuss: Care Coordination Presentation

Grading Requirements
The requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues Scoring Guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed.

Outline effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes.
Provide, for example, drug-specific educational interventions, cultural competence strategies.
Include evidence that you have to support your selected strategies.
Identify the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Explain the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making.
Consider the reasonable implications and consequences of an ethical approach to care and any underlying assumptions that may influence decision making.
Identify the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences.
What are the logical implications and consequences of relevant policy provisions?
What evidence do you have to support your conclusions?
Raise awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care in a video-recorded presentation. Script and reference list are not submitted.
Fine tune the presentation to your audience.
Stay focused on key issues of import with respect to the effects of resources, ethics, and policy on the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Adhere to presentation best practices.
Additional Requirements
Submit both your presentation video and script. The script should include a reference page. See Using Kaltura for more information about uploading multimedia files. You may submit the assessment only once, so be sure that both assessment deliverables are included. Discuss: Care Coordination Presentation

Grading Rubric:

1. Outline effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes.

Passing Grade: Outlines effective, evidence-based, and culturally sensitive strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes. Ensures the strategies are well-supported by credible evidence.

2. Identify the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.

Passing Grade: Identifies the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care. Focuses on aspects of care highly valued by patients, and distinguishes between patient experience and patient satisfaction.

3. Explain the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making.

Passing Grade: Explains the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making. Identifies the logical implications and consequences of an ethical approach to care, and articulates underlying assumptions that guide decision making.

4. Identify the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences.

Passing Grade: Identifies the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences. Draws logical, evidence-based conclusions from an insightful interpretation of relevant and significant policy provisions.

5. Raise awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care in a video-recorded presentation.

Passing Grade: Raises awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care. Clearly establishes the importance and relevance of the nurse’s role in an engaging, and memorable presentation appropriate for the audience and well-supported by error-free slides that enhance key points and adhere to visual design best practices. Assignment: Care Coordination Presentation