social determinants of health

What are social determinants of health?  Explain how social determinants of health contribute to the development of disease.  Describe the fundamental idea that the communicable disease chain model is designed to represent. Give an example of the steps a nurse can take to break the link within the communicable disease chain.Resources within your text covering international/global health, and the websites in the topic materials, will assist you in answering this discussion question.

Nursing Informatics

Required Assigned TopicRequired assigned topic for the focus of your paper.Obesity Patient ScenarioRequirements and GuidelinesDownload the requiredMilestone 2 Template. (Links to an external site.)Save it to your computer with the file name: Your Last Name NR361 Milestone 2.docx.You are required to complete the form using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.)Carefully review the grading rubric criteria for Milestone 2 and type directly on your saved Milestone 2 Template.Complete all rubric areas for a superior Milestone 2.Use instructor feedback from Milestone 1 to improve your statements regarding the patient scenario in Milestone 2.Submit your completed Milestone 2 by Sunday end of Week 4.**Academic Integrity Reminder**Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.

Hypothermia and hyperthermia

The difference between Hypothermia and hyperthermia,and the impact to the patient, patient education for client and family in order to avoid extreme temperature variation. APA format 350 words

Nurse Educator Philosophy – 3 pages

Develop your own nurse educator philosophy statement. Identify your beliefs and values regarding the adult learner, learning environment, and teaching strategies and applicable learning theories that you will use as an educator. Address how this philosophy will guide you in the tripartite roles of a nurse educator – how it will guide your teaching, scholarship, and service. Support your philosophy with your knowledge of historical events that are pertinent to your work. In addition, identify the competencies that you see as critical to your role.In sum, your philosophy statement should guide your practice as a nurse educator.Your educator philosophy statement should do the following:Identify the area of nursing education or the area in health care in which you will apply your MSN, education specialization skills, and knowledge.Formulate your nurse educator philosophy statement, which should comprise of your beliefs and values regarding the adult learner, learning environment, and teaching strategies and applicable learning theories that you will use as an educator.Apply your philosophy statement to each of the tripartite roles of the nurse educator. What does your philosophy mean for your approach to teaching, scholarship, and service? As you discuss the role of teacher, be sure to address any theories (adult learning theory, learner-center education, and others) that shape your approach as an educator.Analyze the relationship of significant historical events that have shaped the role you seek to fill.Analyze the most essential nurse educator competencies necessary for this MSN-prepared nurse educator. Explain why you selected the competencies you did.Conclude with a summary.



1.  What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Qualitative studies). STUDENT MBECHA

How significant are qualitative approaches in research?


2.  What is your cosmic question? (This is a question you ask your peers to respond to based on the chapter discussed in class this week i.e. Qualitative studies). STUDENT SAVILEE

Do you think this study can be applied to all those who have diabetes if so, how can cultural background and social status fit in?


Team Presentation: Nursing Theory

Team Presentation: Nursing Theory

Identify the tenets and application of a nursing theory. Discuss the impact of the identified nursing theory on evidence-based practice.

Your presentation should include the following:

– Identify the nurse theory selected.
– Provide an overview of the concepts of the nursing theory.
– Analyze the application of the selected nursing theory for evidence-based practice.
– Provide recommendations for application of selected nursing theory


Presentation is original work and logically organized in current APA style.  Incorporate a minimum of 4  current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

  • Power point presentation with 8 -10 slides, excluding the tile slide and the reference slide.
  • The presentation is clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
  • Speaker notes expanded upon and clarified content on the slides. Team Presentation: Nursing Theory

Nursing -Soap Note Assignment

Nursing -Soap Note Assignment


SOAP Note for Hypothyroidism

Primary Health of Acute Client/Families Across the Lifespan-Clinical Practicum

SOAP Note for Hypothyroidism


ID: Mrs. J B, Age: 50, Race: African American, Gender: Female, Date of Birth: January 15, 1972, Insurance: N/A, Marital Status: Married.

CHIEF COMPLAIN: “I am experiencing fatigue. I want to rest even without working for long. I have increased 7 pounds in 3 months which is causing worry. I experience muscle cramps, and sometimes I get constipation. Nowadays, I can’t tolerate cold weather.”

HISTORY OF THE ILLNESS: A 50 years old African American female patient came to the clinic complaining about fatigue after light tasks. The patient reports gaining weight fast, which is causing a lot of worries to her. The patient works in a restaurant not far away from where she lives. Her job is highly demanding, and she has to keep on walking. The patient disagrees with having seasonal allergies, shortness of breath, chest pains, or frequent headaches.



IMMUNIZATION: The patient is up-to-date with her immunizations.

FAMILY HISTORY: The patient’s father passed away at age 72 and succumbed to throat cancer and memory loss. The patient’s mother died at 68 after suffering from hypertension and depression for three years. The patient has a brother who has a history of stomach ulcers, and he struggles with alcoholism. Her sister is healthy, and she has no known medical history. The patients’ paternal grandmother died at 89 of a stroke resulting from food poisoning. Her paternal grandfather also succumbed to stomach ulcers.

SOCIAL HISTORY: The patient lives with her husband and 1 of their four children. She worked at an airport before switching to a restaurant. The patient admits to being an alcoholic in her 20s but stopped in her early 30s. She claims not to have any experience with hard drugs. The patient is sexually active and only with her husband. She used to go to the gym to maintain her body weight, but the fatigue made her find difficulties exercising. She is a Christian and follows all Christian virtues. The patient enjoys cool music and playing with her last-born son. Nursing -Soap Note Assignment



GENERAL: The patient reports weight gain and fatigue. She denies a high fever, nocturnal sweats, and a change in appetite.

HAIR, SKIN, AND NAILS: The patient denies rashes, no color changes, no sunburns, and nodes.

HEAD: The patient denies frequent headaches, visual changes, redness, no injury, or drainage.

NECK: The patient does not feel pain or stiffness in the neck—no noted masses or edema.

EYES: No scotomata, no tearing, no pain. The patient has normal vision.

EARS: The patient denies bleeding, having any hearing difficulties, bleeding, tinnitus. No vertigo.

NOSE: Denies nasal obstruction, drainage, or redness

MOUTH & THROAT: The patient denies edema, sore throat, complications absorption, hoarseness, no dental complications, no use of dentures.

CARDIOVASCULAR: The patient doesn’t suffer from peripheral edema, chest pain, or palpitations.

GASTROINTESTINAL: The patient disagrees with having abdominal pain. She disagrees with having nausea, disgorging, or cramps.


ENDOCRINE: The patient has a normal appetite and denies extreme thirst or unconscious prejudice.

LYMPHATICS: The patient has negative tender lymph nodes.

GENITOURINARY: there is an absence of dysuria

MUSCULOSKELETAL: The patient refutes redness and edema to muscles.

NEUROLOGICAL: There are no cognitive or disorientation problems with this patien

PSYCHIATRIC: The patient denies extreme sadness, mood fluctuations, or sleeplessness.

ALLERGIC: no known allergies.


VITAL SIGNS: Temp- 98.9, Pulse- 77, Resp-22, O2- 98% RA, BP- 141/81, weight- 146 lbs., height- 6’.9”, BMI-25.0



GENERAL APPEARANCE: Vigilant, well combed. No acute pains were detected. She is presentable.

HEENT: Normocephalic. Atraumatic. Eyes: PERRLA.  No nystagmus bilateral, Pupils are equal, round, and sensitive to light reconciliation. Ears: Bilateral outer ears are normal, free from drainage. Nose: Sputum is midline. No alterations. It is symmetrical, and vessels expound in the mutual snout with transparent drainage.

NECK: Flexible and balanced. No tracheal variation. No goiter noted—no inflamed lymph lumps.

ABDOMEN: The patient has a gentle and non-tender flat belly. There was no inguinal found. No ascites were discovered.


CARDIOVASCULAR: regular S1 & S2,  heart rate is standard, no murmurs in a heartbeat.

GENITOURINARY: No wing, suprapubic sympathy, or CVA devotion.

SKIN: Skin is mild and dry. The legs appear dry and darker.

MUSCULOSKELETAL: No joint malformation was noticed. Her spine aroused straight calibration without any curving.

NEUROLOGIC: No cerebellar signs or symptoms, no neural shortfall.

PSYCHIATRIC: Factual to time. Content and appropriate. Nursing -Soap Note Assignment 




Hypothyroidism is a disease that is caused by fewer thyroid hormones being generated by the Thyroid. Fewer thyroid hormones in the bloodstream can cause slow metabolism. The condition is known as an underactive thyroid. It makes the victim feel exhausted and also increases weight fast. They can also not withstand cold weather (Bekkering et al., 2019). Some of the signs associated with this disease include; fatigue, weight gain, slow heart rate, high sensitivity to cold, and a puffy face.


This disease occurs when the thyroid gland inflates than usual. The thyroid gland below Adam’s apple becomes huge, causing stiffness in the neck. Lack of iodine in the diet may lead to this disease (Doulaptsi et al., 2019). More signs include swelling neck vein and swelling in the front part of the neck. The symptoms presented did not match this disease, which was disqualified.


Thyroid cancer is a type of cancer that affects the thyroid gland’s malignant cells and tissues. Breathing problems, enlargement in the neck, and tenderness in the front region of the neck are some of the disease’s signs and symptoms.The risk factors include a family history of goiter, particular congenital ailments, and radiation exposures (Filetti et al., 2019). The diagnosis was dropped since the patient did not have signs and symptoms attributed to the disease.




The patient is most certainly suffering from hypothyriodism, as his symptoms closely matched the signs and symptoms of the disorder. Hypothyriodism will also be confirmed with lab tests, which will show a high TSH level.




-Thyroid test- a thyroid test was done to indicate thyroxines and the levels of thyroid-stimulating hormones.

-When there is a  high TSH level test, the test should repeaed and a free T4 should be added

-Thyriod scan

-CBC for aneamia

-Lipid profile

-.Nodules are detected by ultrasound of the neck and thyroid. This is not the basic test.



TREATMENT: Prescription: levothyroxine 25 mcg per day. For eight weeks

The medication is effective in restoring the levels of the hormone. It helps reverse hypothyroidism signs and symptoms.


Patients should be educated on the nature and evolution of the disease, as well as the signs and symptoms. Teach the patient to report any tachycardia, palpitation, or chest pain as a side effect of levothyrioxine or desiccated thyroid medication. The importance of lifelong levothyroxine medication and the risks of noncompliance were emphasized to the patient. The patient was advised to eat food rich in iodine. Food rich in iodine is essential for the restoration of thyroid hormones. She was advised to avoid the cold by wearing protective clothing. She was also advised to drink water within the recommended constraints. She was advised to consume food with high fiber. The absorption of levothyroxine is reduced when you drink coffee. Exercises are important to reduce weight. She was advised to keep on practicing to reduce her weight. Nursing -Soap Note Assignment

FOLLOW-UP: The patient should come back after 4 to 6 weeks to monitor lab values and patient well-being.


Bekkering, G. E., Agoritsas, T., Lytvyn, L., Heen, A. F., Feller, M., Moutzouri, E., … & Vermandere, M. (2019). Thyroid hormones treatment for subclinical hypothyroidism: a clinical practice guideline. Bmj, 365.

Doulaptsi, M., Karatzanis, A., Prokopakis, E., Velegrakis, S., Loutsidi, A., Trachalaki, A., & Velegrakis, G. (2019). Substernal goiter: Treatment and challenges. Twenty-two years of experience in diagnosis and management of substernal goiters. Auris Nasus Larynx, 46(2), 246-251.

Filetti, S., Durante, C., Hartl, D., Leboulleux, S., Locati, L. D., Newbold, K., … & Berruti, A. (2019). Thyroid cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology, 30(12), 1856-1883.



Concepts Of Foundational Neuroscience

Concepts Of Foundational Neuroscience

Instructions from my professor:


As a psychiatric and mental health nurse practitioner, it is essential for you to have a strong background in foundational neuroscience. In order to diagnose and treat patients, you must not only understand the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders but also how medications for these disorders impact the central nervous system. These concepts of foundational neuroscience can be challenging to understand. Therefore, this Discussion is designed to encourage you to think through these concepts, develop a rationale for your thinking, and deepen your understanding by interacting with your colleagues. Concepts Of Foundational Neuroscience


For this Discussion, review the Learning Resources and reflect on the concepts of foundational neuroscience as they might apply to your role as the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner in prescribing medications for patients.

Post a response to each of the following:

  1. Explain the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action of psychopharmacologic agents, including how partial and inverse agonist functionality may impact the efficacy of psychopharmacologic treatments.
  2. Compare and contrast the actions of g couple proteins and ion gated channels.
  1. Explain how the role of epigenetics may contribute to pharmacologic action.
  1. Explain how this information may impact the way you prescribe medications to patients. Include a specific example of a situation or case with a patient in which the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must be aware of the medication’s action. Concepts Of Foundational Neuroscience


-please answer the four (4) question abode.

– be careful with plagiarism.

– use APA format 7 edition.

-put ate least three references


Nutritional Principal In Nursing

Nutritional Principal In Nursing

In this video a 12 year old girl, Briana, is struggling with morbid obesity. She weighs over 300 pounds. She has been told that being this overweight will affect her health. She also feels very self-conscious about her weight and is bullied by her classmates. Briana’s parents express concern about her health as well. When her mother is interviewed about what food she serves the family she appears to be very interested in making any necessary changes. A trip to the market to find out what she purchases for family meals reveals that she does not seem to know what would be best to prepare for Briana so she can lose weight. Briana’s mother appears to be “stuck” on buying what she thinks are healthy foods which includes canned vegetables and very little fresh fruit and vegetables.


Here is the link to the video, “A 12 Year Old’s Struggle with Morbid Obesity

Describe how Briana’s mother should change meal preparations to be healthier. Describe strategies that might engage Briana in the process of preparing the meals. Nutritional Principal In Nursing

Admission Orders Template

Admission Orders Template

Please note the template added is almost complete Please add supporting literature with 4 references/ Citations APA style

Using the Required Admission Orders Template, write a full set of admission orders for the patient in the branching exercise.

  • Be sure to address each aspect of the order template
  • Write the orders as you would in the patient’s chart
  • Make sure the order is complete and applicable to the patient
  • Any rationale you feel the need to supply should be done at the end of the order set – not included with the order
  • Please do not write per protocol. We do not know what your protocol is and you need to demonstrate what is appropriate standard of care for this patient.
  • A minimum of four current, evidenced based references are required – no older than 5 years

Admission Orders Template



Primary Diagnosis: Atrial Fibrillation with Rapid ventricular Response


Status/Condition : Hemodynamically stable


Code Status: Full code


Allergies: NKA


Admit to Unit: Telemetry Unit


Activity Level: Ambulate with assistance if necessary, Bedrest with Bathroom privileges, Fall risk in place


Diet: 2 Gram Sodium Diet, Low fat


IV Fluids: Sodium Chloride 0.9  % solution 1000 ml – IV continuous, Order rate: 50 ml/h, Administer over 20 hours


  • Critical Drips: None at this time will reevaluate after initial dose of Beta Bloker is given

Respiratory: Nasal Cannula 2L to maintain SPO2 above 93 %


  • Medications : Metoprolol tartrate 2,5 mg IV bolus administer over 2 min once, for Atrial Fibribilation with Rapid ventricular response – re evaluate for possible initiation of Metoprolol Oral as initial treatment.




Nursing Orders : Vital Signs every 4 hours, Pulse Oximetry continuous, Weigh patient once upon admission, Educate for Cardiac Disease, Cardiac Arrythmias PRN, Intake and Output every shift, Assess IV site every shift, Cardiac monitoring in telemetry floor for 24 hours and re- assess, Consent for treatment as needed, notify provider if there is any change in cardiac rhythm, bleeding precautions. Admission Orders Template



Follow-Up Lab Tests: 12 lead EKG, THS, CBC. CMP, PT , PTT


  • Diagnostic testing : TEE, ECHO Doppler


Consults: Cardiologist consult for New Onset of Atrial fibrillation with Rapid ventricular response


Patient Education and Health Promotion: Educate patient in regards Cardiac disease, diet , medication compliance and proper specialist follow up. Admission Orders Template


Discharge Planning and Required Follow-Up Care: Plan to discharge home with primary care and cardiologist follow up within one week.


References (minimum of three timely references that prove this plan follows current standards of care):