Methods by which Nurses Obtain Community Assessment Data

Methods by which Nurses Obtain Community Assessment Data

METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION: Identify the Three Methods by which Nurses Obtain Community Assessment Data.

Community assessment data may be gathered in a variety of ways by nurses. For the fullest picture of a community in terms of health, nurses generally combine many different methods. The most apparent source of community knowledge is the government (Community toolbox, n.d.). Information from local companies and community groups is also available. To better serve their clients, companies may keep track of community statistics. It’s also possible for residents to provide vital information about their town. Methods by which Nurses Obtain Community Assessment Data


Observation is a technique that nurses employ to collect data for community assessments. Go out into the community and observe people and their surroundings. For the nurse, this might be an excellent opportunity to acquire a sense of the community’s demographics and culture. Interviews are another way that nurses collect community assessment data. Individual or group discussions with members of the community are part of this process (Community toolbox, n.d.). This is a terrific approach to learning about the town and getting a feel for the people that live there. Finally, surveys may be used by nurses to gather information about the state of the community. People in the community will be asked to fill out a questionnaire as part of this process. This may be a terrific approach to quickly getting a significant quantity of data from many individuals. It’s common for nurses to utilize a mix of these strategies to gain the fullest picture of a community’s demographics (Community toolbox, n.d.).
As many people as possible should participate in stakeholder interviews to get a clear picture of the prospective community concerns and the perceived repercussions. There are a variety of ways to learn about your town. You may get information about the population, economics, and infrastructure of a community from the government. Information from local companies and community groups is also available. Keeping track of community information may help nurses better understand their patients’ demands and decide where to establish new operations. To better serve their goals, community groups may also gather information on their members and the community. Community members may have great information about their area and may be a good source of information for others.
The study of human societies using systems thinking has grown in popularity in recent years. The reason for this is that communities are made up of people who interact with each other and their surroundings. Systems thinking may help us better understand human societies and develop strategies to enhance their performance (Wells, 2020). If, for example, one section of a community is affected by a change in another area of the community, systems thinking may help us develop solutions that take this into consideration. Systems thinking may also help us better comprehend the function of communities in human systems (Wells, 2020).

Wells, D. (2020). Systems thinking view of analytics – part I. Eckerson Group. Retrieved June 5, 2022, from
Community toolbox. (n.d.). conducting needs assessment surveys. Assessing Community Needs and Resources | Section 7. Conducting Needs Assessment Surveys | Main Section | Community Toolbox. Retrieved June 5, 2022, from . Methods by which Nurses Obtain Community Assessment Data

Health Promotion Discussion Outline

 Health Promotion Discussion Outline

Responsibilities and Duties of Community Health Nurses (The Nurses Rol)
• Community health nursing revolves around various concepts such as healthy living promotion, disease prevention, and health problems, rehabilitation, medical treatment, care delivery evaluation, and systems of prevention as well as research on in-depth health of the community and wellness.
• A community nurse can necessitate various aspects such as the provision of direct care, educating members of the public, advocating for improvements in health, and performing community health research
 Direct Care Provider/ Clinician Role
 Educator Role
 Advocate Role
 Managerial Role
 Collaborator Role
 Leader Role
 Research Role

Responsibilities and Duties of Community Health Nurses
Community health nursing revolves around various concepts such as healthy living promotion, disease prevention, and health problems, rehabilitation, medical treatment, care delivery evaluation, and systems of prevention as well as research on in-depth health of the community and wellness. A community nurse can necessitate various aspects such as the provision of direct care, educating members of the public, advocating for improvements in health, and performing health research at the community level. Therefore, it is the work of a community nurse in health in ensuring control of the community health


For the community nurse, the clinician role implies they facilitate services in health, for families and individuals as well as for the community’s populations and groups. The clinician role for the community health nurses revolves around specific emphasis in contrast to the nursing at the basic level for instance skill expansion, health promotion, and holism. Health Promotion Discussion Outline
Its recognized globally that teaching in health forms a vital element of excellent practice in nursing and also a crucial role for a community health nurse. There is an assessment of the stage of change, practices, behaviors, beliefs, values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills of people in the community and the provision of health education based on the level of knowledge.
The client’s right issue is crucial in today’s health care. Every client or patient has the right of receiving humane or just equal treatment. A community health nurse, therefore, advocates for the care as well as the patient’s rights. They encourage people in taking the food that is required for health maintenance, the right treatment drugs, and required services when it is needed. Adequate information is henceforth provided by community health nurses in making health care decisions that are necessary and the promotion of awareness in the community for significant health problems.
The nurse, as a manager, enhances administrative direction in the accomplishment of the specified goal through the assessment of the needs of the client, planning and organizing to meet such needs, providing direction and control as well as evaluation of the progress to assure meeting the goal.
The community health nurse hardly performs their practice in isolation. They will always ensure to work with a large number of people inclusive of social workers, other nurses, psychologists, biostatisticians, patients, physicians, nutritionists, therapists, epidemiologists, legislators, and, community leaders being part of the health team.
There are an increasingly active nature of the community health nurses within the leader role. The nurse as a leader provides instruction that persuades or influences other people to effect the right change which has a positive impact on other individuals’ health. The primary function of the leadership role is using a health policy change centered upon the health of the community people; in that case, the nurse develops into a change agent.
The community nurse within the research role ensures engagement in the systematic investigation, analysis, and data collection in solving problems and enhancing the nursing practice of community health. Following the results of the research, the service quality gets improved by the community nurse as well as improving community people’s health.

Kawai, C., Betriana, F., Tanioka, T., Yasuhara, Y., Ito, H., Tanioka, R., … & Locsin, R. (2019). The intermediary roles of public health nurses (PHNs) in utilizing communication robots (CRs) in community health care practice. Health, 11(12), 1598-1608.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2019). Public health nursing e-book: Population-centered health care in the community. Elsevier Health Sciences.  Health Promotion Discussion Outline

Nursing homework help


In this assignment, you will assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that needs change. Observe a healthcare environment, focusing on areas of the nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature. Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change(s) you want to make. Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change. Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal. Finally, reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession.




  • Assess a current semi-direct or indirect nursing situation that needs change.
    • Observe your healthcare environment, focusing on areas of nursing process that are inefficient, unsafe, or problematic in nature.
    • Diagnose the problem and choose a nursing change theory that suits the change you want to make.
    • Propose a detailed plan based on your chosen change theory, explaining how to implement change.
    • Develop criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan and include a timeline for your change proposal.
    • Reflect on how your change affects the nursing profession. Nursing homework help
  • Write a 3-5 page paper following the criteria below:
    • Your paper should include primary sources and include at least two peer-reviewed nursing journal articles.
    • Citations should be in your own words and not direct quotes.
    • Include a title page, running head, appropriate headings, and reference page.
    • The paper should be double spaced, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, follow APA style format, and cite all sources correctly. Nursing homework help


Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions

Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions


Week 6: Discussion Question


Role of Outcomes in Evaluating Practice Change Through Research


Use this PICOT question to answer assign question.

PICOT question: Use of sertraline versus sertraline with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to treat depression in teenagers age 12-18 over a 1-year period of time. – Approved by Dr. S

Discussion Prompt

What are the benefits of evaluating the role of outcomes in practice change through research? Discuss how you would evaluate the roles of outcomes through a change proposed from research findings.


  • Due: Thursday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
  • Citations: At least two high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years. Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions


Week 6: Assignment

Proposed Project Interventions

Use PICOT question to write and answer assignment

PICOT question: Use of sertraline versus sertraline with CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to treat depression in teenagers age 12-18 over a 1-year period of time. – Approved by Dr. S


Assignment Prompt

Write a paper of 3-4 pages about the proposed interventions for your problem/issue supported by evidence collected by conducting a literature search and review. Integrate the information into your project.

The assignment should include:

  1. The extent of evidence-based data for proposed interventions.
  2. Comprehensive description of factors that might influence the use of proposed interventions.
  3. Identify the barriers related to the proposed interventions.
  4. Detailed list of resources that will be needed.
  5. Detailed steps, or sequence of events, or specific implementation activities that will be required to implement the intervention.
  6. Monitoring, tracking and ongoing review.
  7. Performance of tasks required for implementation. Staff responsible in the implementation of the interventions and their qualifications.
  8. Strategies that facilitate the implementation of the proposed intervention.
  9. Expected outcomes to be achieved by your project.
  • Length: 3-4 pages
  • Format: APA 7th ed.
  • Research: At least two- three peer reviewed reference within the last 5 years. Week 6: Assignment Proposed Project Interventions



Nursing homework help

FYI HERE RESPOND TO TWO COLLEAGUES: Please include 2 in test citations and references in each response

By Day 3 of Week 2

Post a response to each of the following:


1-Explain the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action of psychopharmacologic agents, including how partial and inverse agonist functionality may impact the efficacy of psychopharmacologic treatments.

2-Compare and contrast the actions of g couple proteins and ion gated channels.

3-Explain how the role of epigenetics may contribute to pharmacologic action.

4-Explain how this information may impact the way you prescribe medications to patients. Include a specific example of a situation or case with a patient in which the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must be aware of the medication’s action.

By Day 6 of Week 2

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days in one of the following ways:

If your colleagues’ posts influenced your understanding of these concepts, be sure to share how and why. Include additional insights you gained.

If you think your colleagues might have misunderstood these concepts, offer your alternative perspective and be sure to provide an explanation for them. Include resources to support your perspective.


Colleague 1

The future role of epigenetics in understanding and treating mental illness is increasingly a promising one. Because of its direct role on gene behavior (Szyf, 2019) it will provide clinicians with not only a deeper knowledge of the biologic reaction of the human brain to stressful or noxious stimuli across its lifespan, but also improve medications that specifically target these complex biologic reactions. This will be particularly beneficial for the developing brain beginning in utero and into early adulthood where continued maturation of the central nervous system (CNS) makes it particularly vulnerable to adverse events (Barker, 2018; Szyf, 2019). A particular area of focus in epigenetic research concerns DNA methylation (DNAm). This is a chemical process involving changes in genetic material in response to stimulation that can then produce ‘behavioral phenotypes’ (Szyf, 2019, p 369).  Barker (2018) further explains, “…if adversity-related DNAm is a causal link in the aetiology of a mental health problem – then reversing epigentic marks might help in remission of these problems” (p. 3). Nursing homework help

One example of the result of an epigenetic process involves the use of the drug cannabis. According to Hurd et al., (2019) prenatal, perinatal and adolescent exposure to the chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the substance responsible for psychoactive results, can lead to changes in gene expression that can affect mental health across the lifespan. During prenatal development maternal exposure to THC can cause changes in receptors called cannabinoid 1 receptors (CB1Rs) that are in the mesocorticolimbic brain where high concentrations of dopamine, glutamate and GABA are thought to contribute significantly to addiction and psychiatric disorders (Hurd et al, 2019).  Lactating mothers can also transfer these substances to their breastfeeding babies. One outcome of this exposure is the impact these substances have during the development of the neurotransmitter, GABA (Hurd et al., 2019).  GABA in the developing brain starts out as an excitatory neurotransmitter and does not achieve its inhibitory characteristic until the brain gradually matures (Hurd et al., 2019). According to Hurd et al. (2019) “The timing of this shift is a decisive moment in the neurodevelopmental trajectory, and pertubations during this critical period are linked to numerous disorders” (p. 8252).  During adolescence the central nervous system continues to develop especially the reward system located in the mesolimbic dopamine pathway via the endocannabinoid (eCB) ligands (Hurd et al., 2019). When the development of this area of the brain is disrupted by a substance like THC, it can increase vulnerability to drug addition (Hurd et al., 2019).

Limitations in epigenetic research do exist. For example, access to the living human tissue of the CNS, although ideal for this field of study, is not plausible. Instead, information from saliva, buccal epithelial cells, and blood, where peripheral inflammation and change in the immune response can be observed, are extrapolated to further understand how the changes correlate to mental illness (Barker, 2018).  Despite this limitation, information gleaned from these peripheral tissues, especially blood, hold promising information for the future of epigenetic research of mental illness (Barker, 2018). Barker (2018) further adds, “Moreover, there is good evidence from animal studies, and increasing evidence in humans, that peripheral inflammatory markers can affect brain areas implicated in certain psychiatric disorders. Consequently, adversity-related immune processes and DNAm may be well measured in blood samples’ (p. 5).


Neuron cells in the central nervous system communicate via two main types of signaling pathways: the ion channel and G couple protein. Due to their importance in maintaining homeostasis in the central nervous system, and therefore mental health, both processes have been extensively researched for their involvement in psychiatric and neurological disorders with numerous drug developments that target their structures to help treat disease (Pluimer et al., 2020; Held & Toth, 2021).

Hundreds of ion channels are located in the central nervous system and with their respective proteins act directly on the cell membrane to control interneuron communication (Held & Toth, 2021). Once an electrical impulse in the neuron cell reaches the cell’s membrane that synaptic activity, which is tightly regulated by ion channel, increases the permeability of the cell membrane (membrane potential) to the influx of ion proteins (Held & Toth, 2021). Compared to the G couple protein process, ion channel communication occurs rapidly (Stern et al., 2016).  Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels are a group of 28 cation channels responsible for sensing external and internal stimulation (Held & Toth, 2021). For instance, the channel TRPM2 is selective for calcium ions that are critical for healthy brain functioning and is thought to be involved in ‘oxidative stress’ that occurs with aging and neurodegenerative diseases (Held & Toth, 2021). Another widely studied TRP ion channel is the TRPM3 which is found in large numbers in the choroid plexus, the cerebellum, the forebrain, and the hippocampus (dentate gyrus) where it helps to regulate movement, cerebral spinal fluid, and memory (Held & Toth, 2021). Dysregulation of TRPM3 has also been implicated in certain brain pathologies involving learning disabilities including Kabuki Syndrome and autism suggesting its critical role in early brain development (Held & Toft, 2021).  Other areas of TRPM3 involvement include mood and anxiety disorders, including post-partum depression and seizures (Held & Taft, 2021).

Neuron signaling is also performed by the G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). According to Pluimer et al. (2020), “GPCRs constitute the largest superfamily of membrane proteins in eukaryotes. Their capacity to bind a wide variety of ligands and diverse signaling profiles position them as ideal candidates for drug-target therapies” (p. 139).  In fact, the Food and Drug Administration has approved between 20% – 30% of all the current drugs on the market, including opioids, anti-psychotics, and anti-histamines, to target GPCRs (Pluimer et al., 2020; Vedel et al., 2020). Unlike ion channels, GPCRs, of which there are five (Glutamate, Rhodospsin, Adhesion, Frizzled and Secretin), exert their influence through a complex slower process of chain reactions involving second-messenger systems (Stern et al., 2016). According to the International  Union for Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Committee of Receptor Nomenclature and Drug Classification, (NC-IUPHAR) there are, at present, 121 ‘orphan GPCR’ receptors, meaning an ‘endogenous ligand’ has not yet been identified for that receptor, including one for GPR 139, which is thought to have a role in Parkinson’s Disease, alcohol addiction, hyperalgesia, phenylketonuria schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression and fetal development (Vedel et al., 2020). Nursing homework help

Colleague 2

Top of Form

1-Explain the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action of psychopharmacologic agents, including how partial and inverse agonist functionality may impact the efficacy of psychopharmacologic treatments.

Paul Ehrlich (1854–1915) is credited with being the first person to suggest the notion of highly precise interactions between medications and receptors. corpora non agunt nisi fixata (drugs do not act unless they are bound) (Weir, 2020). However, before moving on to talk about how different drugs interact with one another, it is necessary to define what exactly a receptor is. A neurotransmitter, hormone, or inflammatory mediator are all examples of endogenous chemical mediators that may be recognized by receptors, which are proteins. Pharmacologists define a receptor as a protein that identifies one of these endogenous chemical mediators (Weir, 2020).  Following the binding of the mediator (agonist) to the receptor, a cascade of events takes place, which eventually results in a change in the function of the host cell.  For instance, the binding of GABA to GABAA receptors inhibits neuronal activity by causing an inward flow of chloride ions (Cl) via an integral ion channel. This flow of chloride ions (Cl) is responsible for the inhibition of neuronal function. When referring to a target whose function is changed by an external drug rather than an endogenous mediator, it is common practice to use the word “receptor” in a more general sense (Weir, 2020).


An agonist is a substance that binds to a receptor, which then causes the receptor to become activated and causes the function of the receptor’s host cell to change. Agonists are characterized by having both affinity and efficacy. The ability of an agonist (or drug) to bind to a receptor is referred to as its affinity (Weir, 2020).  Affinity is defined as the ratio of the binding rate (k + 1) to the dissociation rate (k 1), which is to say that affinity (kA) = k + 1/k 1. Affinity is frequently measured experimentally through the utilization of radioactive binding techniques.  On the other hand, efficacy is a term that refers to the capability of the medication to activate the receptor once it has successfully attached to the receptor (Weir, 2020).  Full agonists are capable of producing a maximal response or maximal efficacy (this may occur when only a fraction of receptors are occupied, hence the concept of’spare’ receptors), whereas partial agonists are not capable of producing a full response even in the presence of high concentrations of agonist (Weir, 2020).

Competitive receptor antagonists are classed as either reversible or irreversible. Competitive antagonists bind to the receptor and therefore possess affinity, but they are unable to produce a response and thus lack efficacy (Weir, 2020). Furthermore, they prevent the agonist from binding and so block its ability to activate the receptor.  It is possible to overcome irreversible competitive antagonism. To put it another way, the effects of an antagonist attaching to an agonist binding site may be neutralized by raising the concentration of a competing agonist. In contrast, irreversible competitive antagonists form a covalent bond with the receptor, and it is not possible to circumvent the receptor blockage by raising the concentration of the agonist (i.e. the effect is insurmountable). Because of this, the agonist has less of an opportunity to exert its full impact when there is an irreversible antagonist present (Weir, 2020). Nursing homework help

Inverse agonists are substances that, according to their name, have the opposite impact of agonists on the body. This recently discovered phenomenon is only conceivable in the event that the receptor is capable of action in the absence of an agonist (i.e. it has constitutive activity). In this circumstance, a competitive antagonist by itself will not have any impact on constitutive activity (since there is no agonist present), but an inverse agonist will create a concentration-dependent drop in receptor activity. This will occur because an agonist is not present (Weir, 2020).


2- Compare and contrast the actions of g couple proteins and ion gated channels.


Ion channel receptors are an essential part of the signaling process that occurs in the nervous system. They make it possible for a chemical neurotransmitter message to be rapidly and directly converted into an electrical current. Ionotropic receptors are known to be controlled by protein-protein interactions with other ion channels, G-protein coupled receptors, and intracellular proteins (Li et al., 2014).  This has become abundantly clear over the course of the last several decades. The interactions between ion channel receptors and these other proteins have the potential to regulate these other proteins as well. This bidirectional functional cross-talk is necessary for key cellular processes like as excitotoxicity in pathological and disease states like stroke, and it is also vital for the fundamental dynamics of activity-dependent synaptic plasticity. Protein interactions with ion channel receptors constitute a potential target for therapeutic intervention in neuropsychiatric disorder (Li et al., 2019). As a result, protein interactions with ion channel receptors may boost the computational capacity of neuronal signaling cascades (Li et al., 2014).

In order for there to be effective neurotransmission, there must be a specific interaction between the many different types of neurotransmitter receptors that are present in the pre- and post-synaptic compartments. In the neurological system, ligand-gated ion channels are an extremely important part of the process of intercellular communication. Ion channels are the cell’s mechanism for transporting ions across membranes, and as such, they are the fundamental component of the electrical activity that neurons undergo.   G protein coupled receptors, also known as GPCRs, are integral membrane proteins that are utilized by cells to translate extracellular information into intracellular responses. These responses may include reactions to hormones and neurotransmitters, as well as reactions to taste, smell, and vision cues (Li et al., 2014).

3-Explain how the role of epigenetics may contribute to pharmacologic action.

Epigenetics may be defined in a number of different ways, but it generally refers to the concept that the function of a gene can be altered without a corresponding change in the genetic code, and that this variation in gene function may also be heritable.  This may often take place as a result of a change in the structure of the DNA molecule, such as the formation of chromatin around a gene, which modifies the expression of that gene.  The human genome contains many genes, but only few of them are ever used. Through the study of epigenetics, one may decide whether a gene will be translated into its corresponding RNA and protein, or if it will be ignored or silenced (Mahgoub & Monteggia, 2013). Epigenetic processes allow for the modification of the structure of chromatin found in the nucleus of a cell, which in turn allows for the activation or silencing of genes. This may take place as a result of methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation, or any one of a number of other activities that are controlled by neurotransmission, medicines, and the surrounding environment (Mahgoub & Monteggia, 2013). Nursing homework help

It was formerly believed that genes did not alter throughout the course of a person’s lifespan; nevertheless, it is now recognized that epigenetics may change in adult neurons that have differentiated. Neurons are able to be altered by a variety of factors, including child maltreatment, nutritional inadequacies, psychotherapy, drug misuse, and other similar situations; as a result of these events, genes may either be activated or silenced. These results may sometimes be favorable, but more often than not, they are not.  Increasing amounts of evidence point to the possibility that epigenetic mechanisms, which are able to cause changes in gene expression that are both stable and long-lasting in response to environmental occurrences and behavioral experiences, may play a role in the processes that contribute to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders (Mahgoub & Monteggia, 2013).

The goal is that with a greater knowledge of how epigenetic processes underlie mental diseases, it will be possible to better identify how individual genes that may contribute to these disorders are impacted by epigenetic alterations. Researchers will discover new pathways of treatment approaches to satisfy the demands of people who are suffering from mental disease if they have a better grasp of how epigenetic processes carry out long-lasting and adaptive alterations in gene activity and expression (Mahgoub & Monteggia, 2013)

4-Explain how this information may impact the way you prescribe medications to patients. Include a specific example of a situation or case with a patient in which the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must be aware of the medication’s action.

This information plays a critical role in determining how medicine is recommended to patients, making it very important. When a practitioner has a thorough awareness of the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action, they are in a better position to accurately anticipate the clinical effects of psychopharmacologic drugs. Providers may benefit from having knowledge about the activity of certain neurotransmitters and where these neurotransmitters fall on the spectrum of agonists to antagonists, as this can help them choose the most effective therapy to deliver the desired therapeutic result. An illustration of this can be found in the treatment for substance abuse. If medical professionals have a better understanding of the mechanism by which a partial agonist can inhibit the use of a full agonist by occupying receptor sites, they will be better able to explain why drugs like Suboxone are used to treat addiction.

When a patient presents with anxiety that will require both short-term and long-term management, the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must be aware of the action of the medication. This is an additional specific example of a situation in which the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must be aware of the action of a medication. The knowledge that benzodiazepines alter ion flow and begin working nearly instantly, but the effects of an SSRI for long-term use will be delayed, has the potential to impact the prescription choices made by medical professionals. In this circumstance, it may be reasonable to prescribe a benzodiazepine as an initial treatment until the effects of the SSRI begin to take hold. Nursing homework help





Electronic healthcare Records powerpoint only section B

Electronic healthcare Records powerpoint only section B


The purpose of this assignment is to (a) explore and present an information technology used in the healthcare system that supports the patient care experience and (b) develop the skills of team communication, collaboration, and production.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Describe patient‐care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO 1)

CO 5: Identify patient care technologies, information systems, and communication devices that support safe nursing practice. (PO 5)

CO 6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO 6)

CO 8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO 8)


Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment. Electronic healthcare Records powerpoint only section B

Total points possible: 240 points

Preparing the assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

  • For this team project, students will be assigned by faculty into teams of three to five individuals depending upon class size.
    1. Teams will receive a project grade based on assessment by the project rubric, which will then be applied to everyone’s grade for the project minus points for lack of participation in the development or presentation of the
    2. The team leader will make all dropbox submissions for the course so that the:
      • TurnItIn similarity index will not pick up inadvertent self‐plagiarism from another team member’s


  • Course faculty will have only one submission to review and
  • The PowerPoint presentation will be shared with the class in the Community Café and the actual presentation occur during a Community Café.
    1. The due date for uploading the presentation and the team presentation will be shared by your course instructor via an Announcement in online course.
  • Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes between 25‐30 slides, excluding the title and reference
    1. Speaker Notes
      • Outline and “script” the presentation for online
        • Online students’ speaker notes should include the name of the student who researched and presented the slide
        • Campus students follow the guidelines of your course
  1. Scholarly writing and APA guidelines should be followed as applicable to PowerPoint
  2. Cite sources in APA format in the applicable slides and include the APA formatted reference in your reference

list slide(s) ‐ minimum 6 references.

  1. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation apply even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g., quotation marks, italics, verb tense, ).
  2. Copyright and plagiarism guidelines
  • Each team will be assigned a healthcare information systems technology (e.g., Computerized Physician Order Entry, Electronic Health Record, Electronic Medical Record, etc.) by the course instructor. For that technology, include the following discussions in the presentation:
    1. Introduction of Technology and Team – 20 points/8%
      • Title slide identifies the assigned
      • Title slide introduces team Presentation provides an introduction that:
        • Describes the technology
        • States a purpose for use of the technology in healthcare
        • Establishes the professional tone for the presentation
  1. History and Current Use – 30 points/14%
    • Describe significant findings that prompted the development of the
    • Discuss the history and current use of the technology in
    • Describe three goals of this technology’s implementation.
  2. Impact on Healthcare and Nursing – 40 points/16%
    • Discuss impact on professional nursing practice related to:
      • Patient safety
      • Quality of care measures/monitoring
      • Risk management
      • Privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient data
      • Effect on population within the region
      • Ethical practice
      • Compliance with legal and regulatory mandates
      • Organizational infrastructure and operations
    • Support discussions with examples & data from current evidence-based
  3. Three Advantages and Disadvantages – 40 points/16%
    • Patient’s perspective (e.g., patient outcomes, safety, patient/family satisfaction)
    • Nurse’s perspective (improves/hinders job efficiency/safety)
    • Healthcare organization’s perspective (regulatory compliance, financial, )
  4. Controversy, Issues, Challenges, and Regulatory Implications – 30 points/14%
    • How might issues surrounding the chosen technology be addressed/solved?
    • Provide statistically significant data or evidence to support your
  5. Summary – 20 points/8%
    • Key points
    • Discoveries/surprises
    • Lessons learned by the team
  6. Team Project Evaluation – 40 points/16%
    • Place & discuss the following questions and responses in the slides(s) following the summary slide and prior to the reference slide(s).
    • How did the team function well? (e.g., team strengths, team balance, etc.)
    • What problems did you have interacting as a team? (e.g., team weaknesses, outside challenges, technology, ) Electronic healthcare Records powerpoint only section B
    • What specific actions would you recommend to future teams to help them interact, function, and collaborate successfully?
  7. Presentation, Scholarly Writing, and APA format – 20 points/8%
    • 25-30 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes (excluding title & reference slides)
    • Submitted to Dropbox/Turnitin by Team leader only
    • Speaker Notes outline and “script” the presentation for online students.
    • Online students’ speaker notes should include the name of the student who researched and presented the slide information.
    • Campus students follow the guidelines of your course
    • Copyright and plagiarism guidelines apply.
    • Scholarly writing and current APA guidelines should be followed as applicable to PowerPoint
    • Cite sources in APA format in the applicable slides and include the APA formatted reference in your


reference list slide(s)‐ minimum 6 references.

  • Spelling, grammar, and punctuation apply even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g., quotation marks, italics, verb tense, etc.).

For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.


Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.



Grading Rubric Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.

Assignment Section and Required Criteria

(Points possible/% of total points available)

Highest Level of Performance High Level of Performance Satisfactory Level of Performance Unsatisfactory Level of Performance Section Not Present in Paper
Introduction of Technology & Team

(20 points/8%)

20 points 18 points 16 points 7 points 0 points
•         Title slide identifies the assigned technology. All criteria are All criteria are 3 criteria are fully met 1-2 criteria fully met Criteria not present
•         Title slide introduces team members. described described concisely      
•         Introduction describes the technology. comprehensively. but not      
•         Introduction states a purpose for use of the   comprehensively (or)      
technology in healthcare.   one element is not      
•         Introduction establishes the professional tone for   addressed.      
the presentation.          
History & Current Use

(30 points/14%)

30 points 26 points 23 points 10 points 0 points
•         Describe significant findings that prompted the All criteria are All criteria are 2 criteria fully met 1 criteria fully met Criteria not present
development of the technology. described described concisely      
•         Discuss the history and current use of the comprehensively with but not      
technology in healthcare. consideration of comprehensively.      
•         Describe three goals of this technology’s alternate Some elements of      
implementation. perspectives or alternate      
  presentation of perspectives or      
  supporting data. presentation of      
    supporting data are      
Impact on Healthcare & Nursing

(40 points/16%)

40 points 35 points 30 points 14 points 0 points
Discuss impact on professional nursing practice related All criteria are All criteria are 6 criteria fully met 3 criteria fully met Criteria not present
to: described described concisely      
•         Patient safety comprehensively with but not      
•         Quality of care measures/monitoring consideration of comprehensively.      
•         Risk management alternate Some elements of      



•         Privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient data perspectives or alternate      
•         Effect on population within the region presentation of perspectives or
•         Ethical practice supporting data. presentation of
•         Compliance with legal and regulatory mandates   supporting data are
•         Organizational infrastructure and operations   present.
•         Support discussions with examples & data from    
current evidence-based resources    
Three Advantages & Disadvantages

(40 points/16%)

40 points 35 points 30 points 14 points 0 points
Three advantages and disadvantages are presented for: All criteria are All criteria are 2 criteria fully met 1 criteria fully met Criteria not present
•         Patient’s perspective (e.g., patient outcomes, safety, described described concisely      
patient/family satisfaction) comprehensively with but not      
•         Nurse’s perspective (improves/hinders job consideration of comprehensively.      
efficiency/safety) alternate Some elements of      
•         Healthcare organization’s perspective (regulatory perspectives or alternate      
compliance, financial, etc.) Electronic healthcare Records powerpoint only section B presentation of perspectives or      
  supporting data. presentation of      
    supporting data are      
Controversy/Issues/Challenges/Regulatory Implications

(30 points/14%)


30 points


26 points


23 points


10 points


0 points

•         Controversy, issues, challenges, and regulatory All criteria are All criteria are 2 criteria fully met 1 criteria fully met Criteria not present
implications are addressed. described described concisely      
•         The presentation answers the question, “how might comprehensively with but not      
issues surrounding the chosen technology be consideration of comprehensively.      
addressed/solved?” alternate Some elements of      
•         Statistically significant data or evidence is provided perspectives or alternate      
to support the findings. presentation of perspectives or      
  supporting data. presentation of      
    supporting data are      

(20 points/8%)

20 points 18 points 15 points 7 points 0 points



•         The presentation provides a summary.

•         The summary reinforces all key points.

•         The summary discusses any discoveries made or surprises the team encountered during research and preparation for the presentation.

•         Includes lessons learned.

All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data. All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present. 3 criteria fully met 2 criteria fully met Criteria not present
Team Project Evaluation

(40 points/16%)

40 points 35 points 30 points 14 points 0 points
A team project evaluation is provided and includes the following criteria. Each of the following questions and responses must be present on the slides following the summary slide, but before the reference slide(s):

•         How the team functioned well (e.g., team strengths, team balance, etc.).

•         Problems the team encountered in interacting as a team (e.g., team weaknesses, outside challenges, technology, etc.).

•         Specific actions you would recommend to future teams to help them interact, function, and collaborate successfully.

All criteria are described comprehensively with consideration of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data. All criteria are described concisely but not comprehensively. Some elements of alternate perspectives or presentation of supporting data are present. 3 criteria fully met 2 criteria fully met Criteria not present
Presentation, Scholarly Writing, & APA Format

(20 points/8%)

20 points 18 points 16 points 7 points 0 points
The presentation format, scholarly writing, and APA format must meet the following criteria:

•         25-30 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes (excluding title & reference slides)

•         Submitted to Dropbox/Turnitin by Team leader only

•         Speaker Notes outline and “script” the presentation

for online students.

All criteria are met. Student provides 6 scholarly references and at least 7 criteria fully met. Student provides 6 or fewer scholarly references and 6 or more criteria fully met. 5 criteria fully met 4 or fewer criteria met



•         Online students’ speaker notes include the name of the student who researched and presented the slide information.

•         Copyright and plagiarism guidelines correctly applied

•         Scholarly writing and current APA guidelines are followed as applicable to PowerPoint slides.

•         Sources cited in APA format in the applicable slides and include the APA formatted reference in the reference list slide(s) ‐ minimum 6 references to meet criteria.

•         Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are correct, even in bullet points and speaker slides (e.g., quotation marks, italics, verb tense, etc.).

•         Additional criteria provided by course instructor is met. Electronic healthcare Records powerpoint only section B

Total Points Possible = 240 points



Due December 8 at 1:00 pm EST DO plagiarism follow instructions

By Day 3 of Week 2Post a brief explanation of three important components of the psychiatric interview and why you consider these elements important. Explain the psychometric properties of the rating scale you were assigned. Explain when it is appropriate to use this rating scale with clients during the psychiatric interview and how the scale is helpful to a nurse practitioner’s psychiatric assessment. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.  Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.TOPIC : YOUNG MANIA RATING SCALE

Due tomorrow December 8 at 3PM EST no plagiarism

By Day 3 of Week 1Explain the biological (genetic and neuroscientific); psychological (behavioral and cognitive processes, emotional, developmental); and social, cultural, and interpersonal factors that influence the development of psychopathology.Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses

global health issue

Select a global health issue affecting the international health community. Briefly describe the global health issue and its impact on the larger public health care systems (i.e., continents, regions, countries, states, and health departments). Discuss how health care delivery systems work collaboratively to address global health concerns and some of the stakeholders that work on these issues.Resources within your text covering international/global health, and the websites in the topic materials, will assist you in answering this discussion question.

misconceptions of cam

What are some of the misconceptions about using CAM? Throw out some examples, what have you heard and what have you read about?