Write a short (50-100-word) paragraph response for each question posed below. Submit this assignment as a Microsoft Word document.Define CAM.Describe the patient who uses CAM the most.List some common misconceptions about CAM.Identify methods of including the use of CAM in patient education.Discuss the safe use of CAM.List ways in which conventional medicine and CAM can be integrated.Define ethical theories, ethical principles, and values.Provide examples of ethical issues in patient education and compliance, and describe ways in which an effective professional/patient relationship and a poor health professional/patient relationship can impact these issues.Explain what is meant by “ethical patient education practices”.Explain the purpose of informed consent.Discuss what factors determine the patient’s ability to give informed consent.Compose a sample informed consent form. .Discuss the process of communication to use with the patient and the family when obtaining informed consent.

Healthcare Issues

See attachment below

nursing in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s

Consider what was happening in nursing in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s with the change from diploma programs to an associate degree program. Martha Rogers believed that nursing is a separate and essential discipline and a unique field of study. She worked hard to establish nursing in higher education. Explain the importance of this shift and how it impacted nursing as a profession.

Prof_Marcos A.

same as always the topic for this week is chest pain

Family engagement in person centered care

Critically review and respond to the following statement:The strengths-based nursing care approach can complement the problem based (medical model) approach to healthcare currently evident in Australian healthcare system.500 words3 references in text and list

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Student Support and Calendar Information

So you have all key information available to you off-line, it is highly recommended that you print the following items for your reference:

This Syllabus, including the Course Schedule that is linked on this page as a PDF
Course Calendar
Support, Guidelines, and Policies
Credit Hours

2 quarter hours in 11 weeks
Walden University assigns credit hours based on the number and type of assignments that enable students to achieve the course learning objectives. In general, each semester credit equals about 42 hours of total student work and each quarter credit equals about 28 hours of total student work. This time requirement represents an approximate average for undergraduate work and the minimum expectations for graduate work. The number and kind of activities estimated to fulfill time requirements will vary by degree level and student learning style, and by student familiarity with the delivery method and course content.

Course Description

This course emphasizes the concept of treatment of groups and families. Group and family dynamics and benefits associated with group and family therapy are also emphasized along with introducing the learner to techniques that can be used in group and family therapy settings. Practicum experiences focus on the treatment of the family unit as well as the provision of group psychotherapy. Managed care has ushered in a new era of effective mental health services. To that end, the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must know how to optimize not only his or her time, but also the treatment benefits associated with family and group therapy. Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Course Prerequisites

NURS 6640: Psychotherapy With Individuals

Course Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will:

Evaluate evidence-based psychotherapeutic counseling theories for groups and families
Apply psychotherapeutic counseling techniques and methods for groups and families
Assess clients presenting for group and family psychotherapy
Develop psychiatric diagnoses for clients across the lifespan
Analyze ethical and legal implications of counseling clients presenting for group and family psychotherapy
Click on the following link to view the Outcomes/Alignment map for NURS 6640:


Document: PRAC 6650 Alignment of Learner Outcomes (PDF)




Course Materials

Please visit the University bookstore via your Walden student portal to ensure you are obtaining the correct version of any course texts and/or materials noted in the following section. When you receive your materials, make sure that all required items are included.

Recommended Course Texts

American Nurses Association. (2014). Psychiatric-mental health nursing: Scope and standards of practice (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Nichols, M. , & Davis, S. D. (2020). The essentials of family therapy (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Note: The course text will be used in additional courses in the program; therefore, you should keep it for addition reference.

Wheeler, K. (Ed.). (2014). Psychotherapy for the advanced practice psychiatric nurse: A how-to guide for evidence-based practice. New York, NY: Springer.

Note: The course text was used in NURS 6640.

Note: If the print editions of these books are referenced here, electronic versions also may be available and may be acceptable for use in this course. If electronic versions are listed, no print versions are available.

Other readings (journal articles, websites, book excerpts, etc.) are assigned throughout the course and may be found within each week.


Assigned course media elements are found within the weekly Learning Resources pages and are available via a streaming media player or a hyperlink to the individual item.

Dedicated Support for Course Media

You may use the following e-mail address and toll-free number for any questions or concerns you have about media in the course.




Phone: 1-877-238-2963

Course Assignments

Online Discussion and Clinical Supervision

The exchange of ideas between colleagues engaged in scholarly inquiry is a key aspect of graduate-level learning and is a requisite activity in this course.

Requirements: You are expected to participate at least two separate days a week in the weekly Discussion area. Discussion topics/questions are provided in the Discussion area. In addition, you are expected to respond to your fellow students’ postings. To count as participation, responses need to be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the week’s readings, relevant issues in the news, information obtained from other sources, and/or ideas expressed in other class members’ postings. Where appropriate, you should use references to support your position. The Discussion questions require a response to one other student’s posting; it should be no more than two paragraphs long.

All Discussion postings need to be made in each week’s Discussion area of the course, unless otherwise stated. Please do not e-mail postings to the Instructor or other students. Refer to the Discussion area for specific instructions.

Discussions will be graded according to the Discussion Rubric found in the Course Information area.

Assignments and Projects

An Assignment or Project often is a writing assignment submitted to the Instructor for evaluation. Complete Assignment or Project directions are in the Assignments or Projects areas, including how and where to submit the Assignment or Project and the due date. Please note that you should keep copies of your Assignments and Projects on your computer in case of any technical difficulties.

Information on scholarly writing may be found in the APA manual and at the Walden Writing Center website.

Please refer to the APA Guide or visit the Walden University Online Writing Center at


Writing Center


Walden University expects you to act with integrity and honesty in your academic courses. Refer to the Guidelines and Policies and Academic Integrity areas for more details.

Check the Course Information area for any rubrics relating to the Assignments and Projects.

All assignments must be completed to pass the course.

Practicum Activities

The practicum experience in this course will assist your transition from the role of learner to that of scholar-practitioner. To achieve this transition, you will engage in a relationship with a clinical instructor and preceptor, focusing on roles and role functions and the achievement of individualized learning objectives. The primary objective of your practicum is to provide you with the basic skills necessary to serve as a mid-level provider of primary care to selected populations and prepare you to take the appropriate national certification exam.

At the end of the course, you must also ensure that your practicum preceptor submits an online evaluation of your performance. You will also complete an online evaluation of your practicum experience at the end of the course. These evaluations will not only provide information about the progress of individual students, but also help program leadership to continuously work on the course review and improvements. You will receive an Incomplete (I) as a grade if any of the above evaluations are not received by the posted deadlines.

Time Logs: Students are required to keep a log of the time spent related to their practicum experience and enter every patient they see each day. Students can access their time log from the Welcome Page in their Meditrek account. Students will track time individually for each patient they work with. Students are required to continuously input their hours throughout the term. Logs are reviewed by instructors in Weeks 4, 7, and 10. Please print and keep your completed Meditrek Log at the end of your clinical experiences for future use as a component of your portfolio.

Grading Criteria and Total Components of a Grade

Course grades will be based on participation (postings) and completion of assignments as listed below.

Grading Scale

Letter grades will be assigned 90%–100% = A

90%–100% = A

80%–89% = B

70%–79% = C

70% or below = F

Please see below for the policy on Incomplete (I) grades.

Important Note: This course contains weighted grading. Assignments are weighted differently depending on their type. The total points achieved for each assignment will be weighted based on the percentage values noted in the Weighted Total (%)column of the table that follows.

Total Points
Weighted Total (%)


Week 1 (10 points)
Week 5 (100 points)
Week 8 (100 points)
Week 11 (100 points)

Practicum Journal Entries

Week 1 Journal – submitted in Week 4 (20 points)
Week 2 Journal – submitted in Week 4 (20 points)
Week 5 Journal – submitted in Week 7 (20 points)
Week 8 Journal – submitted in Week 10 (20 points)
Week 10 Journal – submitted in Week 10 (20 points)
Clinical Supervision Discussions


Week 3 (100 points)
Week 10 (100 points)


Week 11 (100 points)
* Note: Each Discussion requires that you make one initial posting and at least two response postings to colleagues. See the Formative Evaluative Criteria for Discussion Board Assignments for posting details.

Feedback Schedule

The Instructor will log into the course at least 3–4 times during the week to monitor the weekly Discussion area. Feedback will be provided via the Discussion area and/or the Announcements page. Requests for more specific feedback may be made in the Discussion area or in the Contact the Instructor thread.
The Instructor will respond to at least one main post each week but will usually not respond to all posts.
Timely Review and Return of Student Work:
Feedback on all assignments will be provided no later than 7 business days following the due date of the assignment.
Each Instructor has a unique way of providing feedback. If you think that you are not getting enough feedback, you are strongly encouraged to contact your Instructor and ask for more. Contact information for your Instructor can be found under the Contact the Instructor area. For more information on Instructor feedback, go to the Faculty Accessibility section of Faculty and Student Guidelines for Online Courses, located in the Guidelines and Policiesarea.
Preferred Methods for Delivering Assignments

Submitting Course Postings to the Weekly Discussion Areas

Be sure that you post to the correct Discussion area each week. Do not e-mail postings to the Instructor. For all initial Discussion postings, make sure that the first sentence of your posting reads Main Question Post. For your responses to others’ postings, make sure that the first sentence of your response reads Response. These actions will ensure easily identifiable subject lines for your postings and responses.



Submitting Assignments and Projects

Assignments and Projects are submitted according to the instructions in the Assignments or Projects areas and are named according to the week in which the Assignment or Project is submitted. Directions for naming each Assignment or Project are included in each week’s Assignment or Project area.

E-mailing Your Instructor

When e-mailing the Instructor, please use the following heading for your e-mail subject line: last name + your first initial + course number (e.g., RideSPRAC6640) so that your Instructor will recognize and read your e-mail.

Policies on Late Assignments

Discussion and Assignment Postings

No credit will be given for Discussion and Assignment postings made after the week in which they are due unless prior arrangements are made with the Instructor. Exceptions will be made only for those rare situations that legitimately prevent a student from posting on time. Points will be deducted from late postings.


Assignments are due by Day 7 of the week in which they are assigned unless otherwise noted. Failure to meet the deadline without prior approval will result in at least a 3-point deduction per day. Assignments submitted late without prior agreement of the Instructor, outside of an emergency absence, or in violation of agreements for late submission, will receive a grade reduction for the assignment amounting up to 20%. After 5 days, the assignment will not be graded. Students should be aware that late assignments may not receive the same level of written feedback as do assignments submitted on time.

Keeping Your Coursework

You will have access to the course and your coursework from the course start date until 60 days after the course ends. After this time, you will no longer be able to access the course or related materials. For this reason, we strongly recommend that you retain copies of your completed assignments and any documents you wish to keep. The University is not responsible for lost or missing coursework.

Instructor Feedback Schedule

The Instructor will log in to the course during the week to monitor the weekly Discussion area. Feedback will be provided via the comments in the My Grades area, the Discussion area, and/or the Announcements page.

You can expect your weekly assignment grades to be posted within 10 calendar days of a due date. Instructor feedback and explanation are provided whenever full credit is not achieved. Depending on the nature of the feedback, Instructor responses may be posted to the Discussion area or included in the My Grades area. The goal of your Instructor is to act as a discussion and learning facilitator rather than a lecturer. The Instructor will not respond to every posting by every individual, so please feel free to ask your Instructor if you would like some personal feedback on a particular assignment posting or any time you have any questions regarding your assignments or your grade. Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Students With Disabilities

Students in this course who have a disability that might prevent them from fully demonstrating their abilities should contact the director of Disability Services at or at 1-800-925-3368, ext. 312-1205 and +1-612-925-3368 or for international toll-free numbers as soon as possible to initiate disability verification and discuss accommodations that may be necessary to ensure full participation in the successful completion of course requirements.

Classroom Participation

In accordance with U.S. Department of Education guidance regarding class participation, Walden University requires that all students submit at least one of their required Week 1 assignments (which includes posting to the Discussion Board) within each course(s) during the first 7 calendar days of class. For courses with two-week units, posting to the Discussion Board by Day 7 meets this requirement. The first calendar day of class is the official start date of the course as posted on your myWalden academic page.

Assignments submitted prior to the official start date will not count toward your participation.

Financial Aid cannot be released without class participation as defined above.

Students who are taking their first class with Walden and do not submit at least one of their required Week 1 assignments (or at least one Discussion post) by the end of the 7th day will be administratively withdrawn from the university.

Students who have already taken and successfully completed at least one or more class(es) with Walden, and who do not participate within the first 7 days, will be dropped from that class.

If you have any questions about your assignments, or you are unable to complete your assignments, please contact your Faculty Member.



The weekly course checklist below outlines the assignments due for the course.

For full assignment details and directions, refer to each week of the course. All assignments are due by 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time (MT) on the day assigned (which is 1:59 a.m. Eastern Time (ET) the next day). The time stamp in the classroom will reflect Eastern Time (ET), regardless of your time zone. As long as your submission time stamp is no later than 1:59 a.m. Eastern Time (ET), you have submitted on time.


To view the Course Calendar:

Course Calendar


To View a Printable Course Schedule

For full assignment details and directions, refer to each week of the course.

Click on the PRAC 6650 Course Schedule (PDF) link to access the Course Schedule.



Document: PRAC 6650 Course Schedule (PDF)



Week 1
Practicum Week 1

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Optional Resources

Practicum Site Information

Practicum – Week 1 Journal Entry

Looking Ahead
Practicum Assignments
Week 2
Practicum Week 2

Learning Resources
Required Resources
Optional Resources

Practicum – Week 2 Journal Entry

Looking Ahead
Week 3 Clinical Supervision Discussion
Week 3 Videos
Week 3
Practicum Week 3

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Required Media
Optional Resources

Clinical Supervision

Practicum – Assessing Client Families

Looking Ahead
Week 4 Videos
Week 4
Practicum Week 4

Learning Resources
Optional Resources

Assignment 1
Practicum – Week 1 Journal Entry

Assignment 2
Practicum – Week 2 Journal Entry

Practicum Reminder

Week 5
Practicum Week 5

Learning Resources
Optional Resources

Assignment 1
Practicum – Week 5 Journal Entry

Assignment 2
Practicum – Week 3 Assessing Client Families
Week 6
Practicum Week 6

Learning Resources
Optional Resources

Practicum Reminder
Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS

Looking Ahead
Week 7 Video
Week 7
Practicum Week 7

Learning Resources
Optional Resources

Assignment 1
Practicum – Assessing Client Family Progress

Assignment 2
Practicum – Week 5 Journal Entry

Practicum Reminder

Week 8
Practicum Week 8

Learning Resources
Required Resources

Optional Resources

Practicum – Week 8 Journal Entry
Week 9
Practicum Week 9

Learning Resources
Optional Resources

Practicum Reminder

Looking Ahead
Week 10 Clinical Supervision Discussion
Week 10
Practicum Week 10

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Required Media
Optional Resources

Clinical Supervision

Assignment 1
Practicum – Client Termination Summary

Assignment 2
Practicum – Week 10 Journal Entry

Assignment 3
Practicum – Week 8 Journal Entry

Practicum Reminder

Looking Ahead
Week 11 Discussion
Week 11
Practicum Week 11

Learning Resources
Required Readings

Group Therapy with Older Adults


The bibliography contains the references for all learning materials in the course. For your convenience, a link has been provided to download and save the bibliography. Assignment: PRAC 6650 SYLLABUS


To access the Bibliography:

Document: PRAC 6650 Bibliography (PDF)

Discussion: DNA And Genetics

Discussion: DNA And Genetics

Extra Credit: 20 pts Name:__________________________________________ Due: Section Day/time:_____________________________

GATTACA Movie Questions Introduction GATTACA is a science fiction movie about a future in which genetic technology determines your success or failure. Using what you’ve learned about DNA and genetics from class, answer the questions below. The questions must be answered in whole. Please use complete sentences to fully answer the question. Movie Questions

1. The title “GATTACA” is composed entirely of the letters found in which type of biological macromolecule? Describe how these “letters” are arranged in the molecule.

2. What biological structure does the winding stairs in Jerome’s apartment resemble? What do we call this arrangement? What components of the molecule are represented by the “steps”? What components are represented by the rails? Discussion: DNA And Genetics

3. The FBI agents are called “Hoovers,” a reference to legendary top G-man J. Edgar Hoover, but also a clever reference to a vacuum cleaner brand. There are numerous shots of vacuums being used to gather hair, dead skin cells, and nails. What are these materials being collected? How would these materials be analyzed?

4. The surgery that Vincent undergoes to increase his height is called the Ilizarov procedure, named after the Russian doctor who invented it 40 years ago to treat dwarfism. This painful operation adds length by allowing new bone to grow in the gap left by gradually separating ends of the broken bone. The patient’s shinbones are cut in two, a brace is applied and metal pins would pull apart the ones a millimeter a day. Risks include feet permanently turned at odd angles, twisted legs, and weakened bones that break again and again. Why is Vincent undergoing this procedure? How does it relate to his designation as an “invalid”? How is the connotation of the word “invalid” in this movie different from the current connotation?

5. When GATTACA was first released, as part of the marketing campaign there were advertisements for people to call up and have their children genetically engineered. Thousands of people actually called the phone number, believing the advertisement to be true. Do you think scientists should be working on genetic engineering? Why? Note: technology has advanced since this movie came out. We currently have the capabilities to do some level engineering of gametes. This debate is no longer science fiction, its reality.


6. The film’s working title was “The Eighth Day,” an allusion to the days of creation described in the Bible’s book of Genesis. In the bible God created the earth from nothing in six days and rested on the seventh. Why do you think, The Eighth Day, was considered as a title? Why do you think it was rejected?

7. The beginning of the movie has a quote from Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament, “Consider God’s handiwork, who can straighten what He hath made crooked”. If we can choose the characteristics of our children in the future, then should we? Why or why not? Which characteristics would be OK to choose? Which would not? Who would decide and how?

8. The real Jerome is expected to be perfect because of his “superior” genes. Is this superiority a blessing or a curse for him and why?

9. The Mission Director at GATTACA says, “No one exceeds their (genetic) potential.” Do you agree? Did genes predict Vincent’s success (or failure)? What else might affect someone’s potential? What is the movie’s definition of a “de-generate”? Discussion: DNA And Genetics

10. The piano player in the concert scene is playing a musical piece that can only be played by a person with 6 fingers on each hand. How feasible would this characteristic be to genetically engineer?

11. In movie, what do you think was scientifically feasible today? What do you think will be feasible in the future? After you answer this below to see what some of the science the movie got wrong.

Bad Science in GATTACA • Vincent tells Irene that he’s already 10000 heartbeats beyond his expected lifespan. No

doubt he means some much higher number; the human heart beats about 90000 times a day!

• Healthy individuals do not shed nucleated cells into their urine, so DNA cannot usually be obtained from it. If you pee out nucleated cells, then go to the hospital!

• The so-called “electric” cars have tailpipes which produced exhaust. • Here are some famous people who may have not been born if “genetically inferior”

children were discarded in the past: Abraham Lincoln (Marfan’s syndrome), Emily Dickenson (Manic Depression), Vincent van Gogh (Epilepsy), Albert Einstein (Dyslexia), John F. Kennedy (Addison’s disease), Rita Hayworth (Alzheimer’s disease), Ray Charles (Primary Glaucoma), Stephen Hawking (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis), Jackie Joyner- Kersee (Asthma). Of course, the other birth that may never have taken place is your own!

12. Describe two other examples of “Bad Science” that you observed in the movie. Discussion: DNA And Genetics

Assignment: PICOT statement

Assignment: PICOT statement

Assignment: PICOT statement

A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.


Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone

dentify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.

Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:

Evidence-Based Solution

Nursing Intervention

Patient Care

Health Care Agency

Nursing Practice

The PICOT question format is a consistent “formula” for developing answerable, researchable questions. When you write a good one, it makes the rest of the process of finding and evaluating evidence much more straightforward. P: Population/patient – age, gender, ethnicity, individuals with a certain disorder

PICOT is an acronym to help you formulate a clinical question and guide your search for evidence. Using this format can help you find the best evidence available in a quicker, more efficient manner. Take a look: P = patient population. I = intervention or issue of interest.
PICO is a mnemonic used to help you clarify your clinical question. … In some questions, a T is added to the PICO framwork as well to help find a specific level of evidence. Assignment: PICOT statement

Sleep disorders-Psychology Assignment

Sleep disorders-Psychology Assignment

Sleep disorders-Psychology

For this writing assignment, you will need to look at the sections, “Sleep Throughout the Life Span” and “Sleep and Disease”.  Getting enough sleep is important and affects various aspects over a person’s lifetime. (Textbook is  Experience Psychology – Laura King)


In your own words, briefly answer these questions about sleep requirements throughout the life span and how sleep affects the immune system.

  1. In general, how do sleep requirements change as a person ages? (i.e., total hours spent in sleep according to developmental stage in life)
  2. Discuss the sleep needs of infants, children, and adolescents. What are some strategies that can be implemented to improve sleep hygiene (habits and practices that promote sleep) in young children and in adolescents to help with sleep issues?
  3. Describe how sleep patterns change during adulthood. What specific changes take place during this developmental stage?
  4. What is the connection between sleep and disease?
  5. How does sleeplessness affect humans physically and psychologically? Sleep disorders-Psychology Assignment


Assignment: Health Demand

Assignment: Health Demand

Assignment: Health Demand

“Health Demand, Elasticity, Principle and Agent in Determining Demand for Medical Care”  Please respond to the following:

  • From the e-Activity, compare the primary individual factors that  influence demand, and explain the significant ways in which each affects  the demand curve. Provide at least one (1) example of these factors to  support your rationale.
  • Imagine a situation where consumers have incomplete information  about their health status and about the productivity of medical care.  Examine the roles of the principal and the agent in helping consumers to  determine the demand for medical care in the described situation.  Provide at least one (1) detailed example of such roles in action to  support your response. Assignment: Health Demand


Demand for health care is characterized by the level of actual consumption of an individual incase of facing illness/injury, this consumption could differ in accordance with demand factors such as income, cost of care, education, social norms and traditions, and the quality and appropriateness of the services provided
normal good, also called a necessary good, doesn’t refer to the quality of thegood but rather, the level of demand for the good in relation to wage increases or declines. A normal good has an elastic relationship between income and demand for the good.
Health economics is a branch of economics concerned with issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, value and behavior in the production and consumption ofhealth and healthcare. In broad terms, health economists study the functioning of healthcare systems and health-affecting behaviors such as smoking. Assignment: Health Demand