NUR 394 Health Promotion Week 9

NUR 394 Health Promotion Week 9

NUR 394 Health Promotion Week 9

Critiquing Health-related information with the HON Code Criteria and Fry Readability Scale

Name: _________________________________

Part I: HON Code Criteria

1. Visit the Hon-Code website:

2. Identify one health related website and list the URL where you found the site

Name of the site you are evaluating


Directions: Indicate yes or no regarding your evaluation of the site in relationship to meeting the identified criteria, and then provide rationale using examples from the site to support your answer.

1. Authoritative (2 points)

Indicate the qualifications of the authors




2. Complementarity (2 points)

Information should support, not replace, the doctor-patient relationship





3. Privacy (2 points) NUR 394 Health Promotion Week 9

Respect the privacy and confidentiality of personal data submitted to the site by the visitor




4. Attribution (2 points)

Cite the source(s) of published information, date medical and health pages




5. Justifiability (2 points)

Site must back up claims relating to benefits and performance




6. Transparency (2 points)

Accessible presentation, accurate email contact




7. Financial disclosure (2 points)

Identify funding sources




8. Advertising policy (2 points)

Clearly distinguish advertising from editorial content




9. Your recommendation of the site. (1 point)


A. Quality Site

B. Use with Caution

C. Do not Use

Part II: Fry Readability Tool (3 points)

Directions: Randomly select three separate 100-word passages from health related brochure from the American Heart Association, CDC, or another government website meant for patient education.

· Count every word including proper nouns, initializations, and numerals.

· Count the number of sentences in each 100-word sample (estimate to nearest tenth).

· Count the number of syllables in each 100-word sample. (Each numeral is a syllable. For example, 2007 is 5 syllables — two-thou-sand-se-ven – and one word.)

· Plot the average sentence length and the average number of syllables on the graph.


· The area in which it falls is the approximate grade level of readability

10. What is the name of the brochure? What grade level is the brochure written? (2 points)

11. Would you consider the brochure appropriate for patient education? (1 point) NUR 394 Health Promotion Week 9

Impact of Standardized Terminologies on Practice Nursing Essay

Impact of Standardized Terminologies on Practice Nursing Essay

Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Chapter 6: Overview of Nursing Informatics (review) References Hardiker, N. & Nagle, L. (2015). Information and knowledge needs of nurses in the 21st century. In D. McGonigle & K. Mastrian (Eds.), Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Matney, S. & Lundberg, C. (2013). The role of standardized terminology and language in informatics. In T. Hebda & P. Czar (Eds.), Handbook of informatics for nurses and healthcare professionals (5th ed.) (pp. 295–323).


Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Schwirian, P. W. (2013). Informatics and the future of nursing: Harnessing the power of standardized nursing terminology. Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 39(5), 20–24. Retrieved from Page or paragraph numbers must be included with quotes per APA. See APA re how to format references and in-text citations i.e. capitalization issues and use of the ampersand versus the word (“and”). Including at least one in-text citation and matching reference. Check for grammar and spellings Discussion: Impact of Standardized Terminologies on Practice (graded) What are your thoughts on how Standardized Terminology in nursing supports evidenced-based practice? The course outcome guiding our discussion this week is: CO 4: Assess the value of standardized terminologies in supporting nursing in all four practice settings. Impact of Standardized Terminologies on Practice Nursing Essay

MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement Assignment Prompt

The purpose of assignments Part 1 – Part 3 is to gradually guide the student in developing the signature assignment. The idea is for the student to take a stepwise approach to completing the signature assignment. The signature assignment will be broken up into three steps: STEP 1 – Introduction and Overview of the Problem; STEP 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOt Formatted Clinical Project Question; and STEP 3 – Literature Review and Critical Appraisal of the Literature. The three steps, when completed, will be combined in the final Signature Assignment formal paper in Week 8. MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

This week’s assignment is STEP 1 – Introduction and Problem Statement.

First, the student will select a clinical question from the Approved List of PICOt/Clinical Questions or seek approval for a question from the course professor only for Nurse Educator and Health Care Leadership MSN majors who wish to tailor their research question to their specialized major. The student will select an approved topic from the list (or with faculty approval as previously stated) and will customize the question to meet his or her interest.

Next, the student will use the outline below and submit via a Word doc to the assignment link.

  1. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.
  2. Introduction – Provide an introduction to your topic or project. The introduction gives the reader an accurate, concrete understanding what the project will cover and what can be gained from implementation of this project.
  3. Overview of the Problem – Provide a synopsis of the problem and some indication of why the problem is worth exploring or what contribution the proposed project is apt to make to practice.
  4. References – Cite references using APA 6th ed. Manual.


MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement Expectations

  • Due: Monday 5/25/20, 11:59 pm PT
  • Format: Completed Word doc with references in APA 6th ed. format
  • File name: Save the file with Student First Name_Last Name_Part 1

See USU NUR Writing Assignment Rubric for additional details and point weighting. MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

Instructions for Week 3 Research Paper.


The paper for Week 3 should be 3 to 5 pages not including the title page or references.  An abstract is not required and will neither add to or subtract from the grade for inclusion or exclusion.

You are writing the first two chapters of a research paper.  Yes, chapters.  A master’s thesis of 100 pages or so would frequently have 40% of the thesis in these two sections.   All research papers have the exact same five chapters.  

Remember that every fact stated must be appropriately referenced. MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement


Assignment Prompt

This week’s assignment is STEP 2 – Project Purpose Statement, Background & Significance and PICOT Formatted Clinical Project Question.

The student will answer the items below in a Word doc and submit to the assignment link.

  1. Provide a title that conveys or describes the assignment.
  2. Project Purpose Statement – Provide a declarative sentence or two which summarizes the specific topic and goals of the project.
  3. Background and Significance – State the importance of the problem and emphasize what is innovative about your proposed project. Discuss the potential impact of your project on your anticipated results to the betterment of health and/or health outcomes.
  4. PICOt formatted Clinical Project Questions – Provide the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Expected Outcomes and timeframe for the proposed project.
  5. References – Cite references using APA 6th ed format.


  • Due: Monday, 11:59 pm PT
  • Length: See section requirements above
  • Format: Completed template with references in APA 6th ed. format
  • File name: Save the file with Student First Name_Last Name_Part 2

Approved Clinical Questions For PICOt Development List

Implementing a clinical practice protocol/guideline for the management of [hypertension or disease] in [the homeless or population/clinic type]

Developing a clinical protocol to prevent [community acquired pneumonia or disease] in [vulnerable populations] in primary care

Identifying barriers to [diabetic treatment or disease or health promotion] adherence in a community primary care clinic

An educational program to improve [influenza and/or pneumococcal or type] vaccination rates among [population]

Evaluation of an intervention protocol to improve adult vaccination rates among [older adults or population]

Primary care providers’ adherence to treatment guidelines for the management of [Type II diabetes or disease] in a [rural or type] clinic

The implementation of a clinical protocol to identify and manage [COPD or disease] in [the working poor or vulnerable population or setting] MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

Evaluation on implementing [smoking cessation or disease prevention/health promotion] primary clinic in long-term care

Improvement of screening rates for [sexually transmitted diseases or disease prevention targets] in a primary care clinic

Implementing a peer review process in a primary care clinic or setting

The effectiveness of implementing the [Geriatric Depression Scale or standardized assessment instrument] for the treatment and management of [depression or disease] in primary care

Evaluating the use of computer reminder systems for providers to improve treatment guideline adherence in [community care or setting]

Screening for mild cognitive impairment in a primary care setting

Primary care provider practice patterns for the treatment and management of [pain or disease] in [older adults or population]

Effectiveness of obesity management strategies in [working adults or population] with [cardiac risk factors or disease] in primary care

The impact of the Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner’s role in a healthcare home model

Identification of perceived barriers to care of [women or population] seeking treatment for [depression or disease] in primary care

Culturally sensitive care for [Asian Americans or population] seeking treatment for chronic [hypertension or disease] management in primary care


Barriers and facilitators to implementing a culturally sensitive clinical protocol in [Hispanic men or population] with [prostate cancer or disease]

Evaluation of [cost or type] outcomes of a primary care model that includes a psychiatric-mental health care nurse practitioner overlay service

Development of a [cardiac or disease/type] risk profile to identify high risk [women or population] in primary care

Effective [ADHD/Other] Screening of Children in the Primary Care Setting

Reducing BMI of Overweight and Obese [Children or population]: Evidence-Based Approach

Expedited Partner Therapy: An Option in the Treatment of [Genital Chlamydial Infection or other STI]

Effectiveness of the Use of Insulin [pens/pump]: An Analysis of the [Hispanic adult or population] Patient’s Satisfaction and Outcomes

An Effective Plan to Reduce Polypharmacy in a [State Prison or Long-term Care Facility]

The Role of Reminder Cards and Telephone Follow -Up on Office Visits on Adherence of Patient with [T2DM or other chronic disease]

Effects on A1C among Insulin Managed Diabetic Patients following an Electronic, Patient-Centered, Feedback System: An Evidence-Based Practice

The Effect of Language in the Delivery of Care in [Home Health or other community setting]

The Effect of Culture and Eating Habits on [Childhood or population] Obesity in [United States or state]

The Effectiveness of [Basic Daily Monitoring or other intervention] for [Elderly or population] with Heart Failure to Reduce Hospital Readmission

Adherence to Diet and Exercise to Reduce Hyperlipidemia in [Adults or population]

Evidence-Based Practice in Management of Acute Otitis Media: Topical versus Systemic Treatments

[Walking 3x/week or Other exercise activity] for 45-minutes Reduce Blood Sugar levels in [African- Americans or population] with Type II Diabetes

Implement a [Brisk Physical Activity or other activity} to Improve BS Levels in [Women with GDM or population]?

Asthma Treatment in Pediatric Patients: Spacer versus Conventional Inhaler

Concurrent use of Probiotics during Antibiotic Therapy Reduce the Incidence of Developing Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea

The Role of Nurse Practitioner in the [Breast Cancer Risk Assessment or other Assessment] on [Hispanic Women or populations]

Brain Exercise Reduce the Cognitive Decline in Patients with [Cognitive Decline or population]

Measuring the Effectiveness of 5-2-1-0 every day to Reduce Obesity in [Children or population]

Spiritual Care: The Missing Link in Health Care Among Patients with [Advanced Cancer in Palliative Care or population]

Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioner’s Home Visits in Improving Patient Adherence in the Management of [Hypertension or population]

Nurse Practitioner’s Focus Patient Education to Prevent Complications of [Pre-eclampsia or population]

Providing Education to [Reduce Hb1Ac or Other measure] in Adherence with Current [Diabetes or other chronic disease] Guidelines

Utilization of Nurse Practitioners in the [Emergency Department or other Community Settings] on Patient Satisfaction, Provider to Patient time, and Length of Stay

Use of NP-led Triage Orders in Emergency Department for Early Patient’s Discharge

Screening of Patients with Drug-Seeking Behaviors in [Emergency Department or other Community Setting]

Developing an Education-based Approach to Increase Awareness on [Prostate Cancer or other] Screening

Reducing [HPV or other preventable disease] Incidences with Vaccination among the [Latino Population ages 11-­26 in the United States or population]

Evaluate the Effectiveness Of Post-Discharge Follow-Up Among [Congestive Heart Failure or high-risk population] Patients on Reduction of Hospital Readmission, Improve Quality Of Life, Medication Reconciliation, Self-Care Skills and Coordination of Care During Transition to Home [Other]

Primary Care Provider Practice Patterns for the Identification, Treatment, and Management of [early onset sepsis disease or other disease] in [pediatric or populations]

Evaluation on Implementing and Follow-up with Health Screening Guidelines [Colonoscopy or other Screening] in a Primary Clinic or other Community Setting

Primary Care Provider Practice Patterns for the Treatment and Management Follow-up after UC or ED visit in [older adults or population]

Barriers and facilitators to implementing a culturally sensitive clinical protocol in [refugee men or population] with [depression or other chronic disease] MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

General MSN 563 Assignment Guidelines:

There are a lot of instructors and everyone one of us grades differently.  So, to help with the confusion, here are some tips for my class.  I sleep with the APA manual under my pillow.  The 6th edition is the model for this class.  Here are common errors that frequently lose points:

  • There are two spaces after sentences in APA format (APA Manual 4.01)
  • EBSCO Host and CINAHL are not reference locations.  They are indexing services.  They should NEVER appear in a reference list.
  • Fonts between the heading and body must match.
  • Indents are best handled using the indent on the ruler in Word, not by spaces.  Be careful that the indent is corrected for all headings so that they are not skewed to the right of center.
  • Word inserts extra line spacing after paragraphs automatically.  Turn it off in HOME|PARAGRAPH|LINE AND PARAGRAPH SPACING.
  • First person is used to describe your own activity and research.  Indirect references are inappropriate (the use of “one”).
  • Quotes are rarely appropriate.  They should be saved for phrases that cannot be reworded without changing the context such as “Give me liberty or give me death.” (Patrick Henry).
  • Less is more.  Simple language, short sentences, and clear statements are assets.
  • Do not announce the paper or the conclusion.  In this paper, we will ….is verboten.  In conclusion, this paper reviewed…. and such wording is also verboten.  These are redundancies that take up space without adding to the paper.  Editors hate them and will sometimes reject a paper only because they are there.
  • There are no feelings in a scholarly paper.  Just the facts ma’am.  Opinions are not stated until the conclusion and are based on the facts stated in the paper.
  • All statements of facts must be referenced.  If you report that it was warm on a particular day, provide a reference to a weather report.
  • Turn on grammar and spelling checking in your word processor.  It is on in the instructor’s view.  Little blue or red squiggles are hard to miss and so easy to grade.
  • Turn on the ruler.  You will see the indent and tab settings that way.
  • Use Turn-It-In.  Look at the results before submitting your final version.
  • Plagiarism is a major issue and will severely affect your progress.
    • Read
  • Do NOT cut and paste into your paper.  You will insert non-printable characters that will show up like a red flag.

The purpose of this attention to detail is to help prepare you for the dissemination of scholarly work.  A publication manual is a method to assure continuity across writings in a publication.  When a paper is submitted to a journal, the editor has to know if it will fit in the space available in an edition.  If a paper follows the formatting, the editor can tell exactly how many column inches will be required to publish the paper.  A significant concern is wordiness.  Clear, concise language saves space.  Words are money in both directions to an editor.  Papers that the editor does not have to edit are more likely to be published.

Read the assignment.  Answer the points of the assignment.  Going off on a tangent or discussing issues not part of the assignment does not help a grade.

An instructor has about 3 days to grade 40+ papers.  If the specific items of the assignment are easy to find, such as having a heading, then it is easier to grade.  When it is hard to find or see if the point is covered, the instructor has to look harder and is MUCH MORE likely to find little issues to grade. MSN 563 Week 3: Assignment – Part 1: Introduction and Problem Statement

Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of cells and cell behavior is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. But some diseases can be complex in nature, with a variety of factors and circumstances impacting their emergence and severity.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond isolated cell behavior. Genes, the environments in which cell processes operate, the impact of patient characteristics, and racial and ethnic variables all can have an important impact.

An understanding of the signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans. Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis
In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify cell, gene, and/or process elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)
Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.
Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.


By Day 7 of Week 2
Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 2.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Scenario for Case Study Week 2: A 65-year-old obese African American male patient presents to his HCP with crampy left lower quadrant pain, constipation, and fevers to 101˚ F. He has had multiple episodes like this one over the past 15 years and they always responded to bowel rest and oral antibiotics. He has refused to have the recommended colonoscopy even with his history of chronic inflammatory bowel disease (diverticulitis), sedentary lifestyle, and diet lacking in fiber. His paternal grandfather died of colon cancer back in the 1950s as well. He finally underwent colonoscopy after his acute diverticulitis resolved. Colonoscopy revealed multiple polyps that were retrieved, and the pathology was positive for adenocarcinoma of the colon.

Here is the introduction to the directions. I cannot copy and paste the directions from Week 2 into the same box as the case study as the site does not save if I go to another site to copy. So I am asking you to go into the Week 2 directions yourself for full details, please.

Please go in to Week 2 for further instructions on writing this case study. This is due on the final day of Module 1, Week 2, which is a Sunday at 11:59 pm MT, as usual. The instructions are very clearly spelled out and like with the discussion, there are several points for you to include in your case study analysis. Since cancer is one of the topics in Module 1, this will be a good case. Please note the instructions specific to the page count, and the fact that you need a Title page, introduction, summary and references per Walden requirements. You may use your textbook as one resource (or another text) but please use at least 2 other scholarly articles that are 5 years old or less in your references. You may use more and you may also use very high-level websites (Walden discourages use of lower level websites, that are more accessible to the public). I hope this helps guide you in next week’s work. Please focus, though, on quality peer responses for this week’s work first.  Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

DNP 805 Week 4 Assignment EHR Database and Data Management Essay

DNP 805 Week 4 Assignment EHR Database and Data Management Essay


As a DNP-prepared nurse, you may be called upon to assist in the design of a clinical database for your organization. This assignment requires you to integrate a clinical problem with data technologies to better understand the components as well as how those components can lead to better clinical outcomes.

General Guidelines:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center. DNP 805 Week 4 Assignment EHR Database and Data Management Essay
  • This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


For this assignment, write a 1,000-1,250 word paper in which you:

  1. Select a clinically-based patient problem in which using a database management approach provides clear benefit potential.
  2. Identify the data needed to manage this patient problem using information from the electronic health record (EHR).
  3. Include a brief description of the patient problem which incorporates information needed to manage the specific problem.
  4. Identifies whether the EHR-supplied data is structured or unstructured with an explanation as to why.
  5. Provide a complete description of the structured and unstructured data from the EHR that are needed to organize a hypothetical database.
  6. Provide a complete description of data relationships that apply to the hypothetical database.

Portfolio Practice Hours:

It may be possible to earn portfolio practice hours for this case report. Enter the following after the references section of your paper:

Practice Hours Completion Statement DNP-805

I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have completed (NUMBER OF) clock hours in association with the goals and objectives for this assignment. I have also tracked said practice hours in the Typhon Student Tracking System for verification purposes and will be sure that all approvals are in place from my faculty and practice mentor.EHR Database and Data Management Essay

DNP805 Topic 2 DQ 1 Sample Approach

Discuss the usefulness of the electronic health record (EHR) and its impact on patient safety and quality outcomes. Describe strengths and limitations that might apply to its usage.


During the last decade, healthcare has witnessed the development and implementation of electronic health records (EHRs). The initial theory was that EHRs would improve patient safety and quality outcomes.  Silverman (1998) stated that some of the obvious advantages to an EHR would have included and were not limited to the ease of access and immediate availability of patient information, history, and treatment plans in routine or emergency situations.  He stated the potential to decrease adverse outcomes such as missed diagnoses, unnecessary or repeated treatments and procedures, international drug interactions and contraindicated treatments.  If all EHRs were connected, one could also have a complete and up to date medical record always immediately available to caregivers.


Reimbursement incentives to increase the use of EHRs were put into place by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act in 2009.  This Act allocated $27 billion of reimbursement for the demonstration of the meaningful use of EHRs.  Clinical decision support rules that are specialty specific were expected to be implemented in the EHR to guide professional practice at the point of care with a purpose of improving overall patient safety and quality outcomes (Moja et al, 2014).


The impact of the EHR on the mortality, morbidity and costs of healthcare has been examined by several researchers throughout the years. Moja et al. (2014), conducted a systematic review of computerized decision support systems (CDSSs) that provided guidance messages such as “diagnostic test ordering and interpretation, treatment planning, therapy recommendations, primary preventive care, therapeutic drug monitoring and dosing, drug prescribing, or chronic disease management” to identify the impact of CDSSs on patient safety and quality outcomes.   The researchers compared systems with CDSSs to those without access to CDSSs, those that did not generate advice for care and those that did not have evidence based advice for care (Moja et al., 2014).


The results of 28 randomized control trials was surprising as it  indicated little evidence for a difference in mortality.  The small differences were primarily identified in particular settings with specific diseases and circumstances only. However, most studies were considered too short to prove or exclude a mortality effect.  Morbidity outcomes of the studies were found to be too diverse and limited to make inferences.  However, there was a 10% to 18% decrease of morbidity due to CDSSs linked to EHRs.  This indicates that some studies showed an improvement in the health outcomes and quality of patient care as it pertained to the overall morbidity of patients. Finally, the differences observed for cost and utilization of health services among the studies was found to be small between the study groups (Moja et al, 2014). DNP 805 Week 4 Assignment EHR Database and Data Management Essay


While this study had several limitations such as not including the processes of different facilities or the level of compliance of practice professionals to guideline recommendations, the study indicates that there are several advantages to the use of CDSSs within an EHR to improve patient safety and quality of care.  Although more research is needed to prove the benefits of CDSSs within EHRs, several advantages have been observed.


However, disadvantages have also been observed in relation to EHRs.  There is concern for the privacy of medical record information and the accuracy of information entered into permanent medical records (Thede, 2010). The implementation of information technology systems is expensive, time consuming and at times is perceived as disruptive to the care being delivered by healthcare professionals. The adoption of a universal electronic health record is still yet to be achieved and the use of the EHR by some practice professionals still seems daunting and time consuming (Kreidler, 2019).




Kreidler, M. L. (2019). Health Care and Information Technology. Salem Press Encyclopedia. Retrieved from


Moja, L., Kwag, K. H., Lytras, T., Bertizzolo, L., Ruggiero, F., Brandt, L., … Bonovas, S. (2014). Effectiveness of computerized decision support systems linked to electronic health records: A systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Public Health, (12), e12.


Silverman, D. D. (1998). The electronic medical record system: Health care marvel or morass? Physician Executive24(3), 26. Retrieved from


Thede, L. (2010). Informatics: Electronic Health Records: A Boon or Privacy Nightmare? Online Journal of Issues in Nursing15(2), 8. EHR Database and Data Management Essay DNP 805 Week 4 Assignment EHR Database and Data Management Essay

NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard: Analysis and Nursing Plan

NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard: Analysis and Nursing Plan


NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan (Walden)

Assignment: Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan

As Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discussed this week, data from the NDNQI is used to improve nursing practices and support the strategic outcomes of an organization. This data is also used to create the Dashboard. The Dashboard, then, is used to create an action plan. Correctly interpreting information presented on the Dashboard provides nurses with a better understanding of the goals of the action plan. This week, use the Dashboard, linked here and posted in Doc Sharing, to interpret the data and frame a nursing plan based on best practices. NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard: Analysis and Nursing Plan


For this Application assignment, review the quarterly Dashboard provided in the online classroom (and in Doc Sharing) which contains a variety of clinical and administrative indicators. Write a 3- to 4-page paper analyzing areas where there is good performance and areas of opportunity. Then, select one area that needs improvement and develop a nursing action plan based on best practices. Use the following guidelines and evaluation criteria and the headings below for each section. Use a minimum of three references from the professional nursing literature in the assigned course readings and other references in the Walden Library. If they are relevant, you may use one or two professional Web sites in addition to the literature references.

  • Overview – 20 points
    Begin this paper with a brief paragraph that provides an overview of the assignment and its purpose. There is no separate heading for this paragraph; the heading for this paragraph is the same as the title of the paper. This paragraph will be about 2–3 sentences. The last sentence in this paragraph is a sentence that begins “The purpose of this paper is to¨.
  • Analysis of the data – 50 points – Describe the area of performance you selected that needs improvement. Discuss the findings and why you selected that area. This section is 1 paragraph.
  • Nursing plan – 150 points
    Outline your suggestions for how to improve performance on the selected indicator. Include a minimum of three best practices that could be implemented. Discuss how each best practice could address the selected performance. Support each selected best practice with references from the professional literature. This section is 4–5 paragraphs.
  • Summary – 30 pointsEnd the paper with a one-paragraph summary of the main points of the paper


Proofread the paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper in the Dropbox. Up to 40 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum number of required references. NURS 4005 Assignment Dashboard: Analysis and Nursing Plan.

NURS 4005 Assignment Preventing Accidents and Injuries (Walden)


Grading Rubric

Application Assignment

Preventing Accidents and Injuries


Points Possible

Earned Points


After your title slide, include a brief overview of the purpose of your presentationThis should be at least 1 slide.

20 Points


Statistics of the selected accident or injury 

Describe the significance of your selected accident or injury. Include data about its rate of occurrence and references. This should be at least 1 slide.


30 Points


Prevention strategies / Teaching plan 

Outline your teaching plan. This should include the main elements of your presentation to a group of parents or elderly or their caregivers and be based on best practices. This should be approximately 4–5 slides.

80 Points



End the presentation with a one-paragraph summary of the main points of the teaching plan/presentation


20 Points



Proofread the paper as described in the tips for success in this course and correct any typos, grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, or APA format errors before submitting your paper in the Dropbox. Up to 40 points can be deducted from the grade for this assignment for these types of errors, or for not using at least the minimum of three required references.


(possible up to 40 point deduction)


Total points for assignment


NURS 4005 Assignment The Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda (Walden)


Assignment: The Nurse’s Role in Supporting the Organization’s Strategic Agenda

As hospitals seek to reduce the incidence of Never Events and improve the overall quality of health care provided, it is apparent that ultimate success will require the effort of the entire medical staff. Consider the nurse’s role in supporting the organization’s strategic agenda as it relates to improving clinical outcomes.

For this application you are asked to interview a quality manager in an acute care or long-term care agency of your choice. Your goal is to determine the manager’s view regarding the impact of the direct care nurse’s role in clinical outcomes for the organization. How does this influence the ability of the organization to achieve its strategic agenda? Before you attend the interview, create a list of relevant questions that will help you better understand the effect a nurse can have on the successful treatment of the patient.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper discussing what you learned from this interview. How will what you learned impact how you approach your nursing responsibilities?

At least 2 References APA style.


NURS 4005 Discussion 1 Depression One of the issues patients who face a drawn (Walden)


Discussion 1: Depression

One of the issues patients who face a drawn out illness or an extend hospital stay deal with is a tendency to become depressed. How does a patient’s age influence the way in which depression can manifest? How does the nurse’s role differ when working with patients with depression based on the clinical setting? Please answer the following:

Describe depression-related problems that patients may have. If you have worked or are currently working in patient care, you may choose to describe problems that you have actually encountered.

Find an article in the professional nursing literature in the Walden Library that provides strategies that might help patients with depression in your work setting.

Share the reference and discuss at least two nursing interventions that BSN nurses could use to help patients with these problems.

must be 250–350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignment.

NURS 4005 Discussion 1 The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Health Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer (Walden)

Discussion 1: The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Health

Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are three very difficult and challenging diseases. Nurses, through their knowledge and support, can play an important role in how the individual patient responds both physically and emotionally to the challenges of the disease.

Select one core measure and reflect on how that measure is implemented in nursing practice. Then, address the following:

  • Identify your selected core measure and describe its essential components.

Discuss the implications for the BSN nurse’s role when implementing this core measure Your initial postings must be 250–50 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must …

NURS 4005 Discussion 2 New Cancer Therapies In this week’s media presentation, Dr. Rempher discussed (Walden)

Discussion 2: New Cancer Therapies

In this week’s media presentation, Dr. Rempher discussed a non-invasive medical cancer procedure, CyberKnife. Review the media presentation and the readings that focus on non-invasive and complementary and alternative healing therapies.

  • Identify one complementary or alternative healing nursing therapy, or a non-invasive nursing therapy for a form of cancer.

Describe the nursing therapy you identified and discuss the main elements you would include in a teaching plan for patients using this therapy.  Your initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Anderson, J.G.& Taylor, A.G. (2012). Use of complementary therapies for cancer symptom management: Results of the 2007 National Health Interview survey. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18(3), 235–241. doi: 10.1089/acm.2011.0022Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Topics in clinical nursing: Acute and chronic health problems across the lifespan. Baltimore, MD: Author.

NURS 4005 Discussion Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases (Walden)

Discussion: Emerging and Re-Emerging Infectious Diseases

As presented in this week’s readings, many individuals actually acquire infections as a result of being treated in a hospital. As you know, hospitals are no longer being reimbursed for services required when patients acquire these types of infections.

Medical errors, the spread of infection, and other types of patient safety issues are frequently heard about on the evening news. In a newspaper or lay magazine, locate an article about emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases.

Summarize the article you selected and provide the reference. Then, address the following:

  • What implications does the article have for BSN nursing practice?
  • What is the BSN nurse’s role in preventing and managing nosocomial infections?Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
  •  Must be 250-350 words  (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must. NURS 4005 Discussions and Assignments

NURS 4005 Discussion Promoting Quality and Safety Through Standards (Walden)

Discussion: Promoting Quality and Safety Through Standards

In the article “Managing to Improve Quality: The Relationship Between Accreditation Standards, Safety Practices, and Patient Outcomes,” the authors discuss the growing trend by medical insurance companies to eliminate reimbursement for Never Events. As these types of mistakes should be easily preventable, hospitals have developed protocols to lessen or extinguish the occurrence of these events. In addition, The Joint Commission and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have developed core measures to guide health care providers’ efforts in improving patient safety and the quality of care delivered. Review the information at the Joint Commission and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Web sites on the core measures and standards presented in this week’s Resources.

To prepare for this Discussion, select either a Never Event or a core measure and respond to the following:

  • How has the emphasis on quality of care, patient safety, and clinical care outcomes been impacted by specific standards emanating from CMS and TJC? Cite a core measure or standard in your response.Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements. Your initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources. Other scholarly sources may also be used to support your work.

NURS 4005 Discussion The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Patient Rights (Walden)

Discussion: The Nurse’s Role in Promoting Patient Rights

As a nurse, you are the individual who has the most extensive relationship with a patient. In this week’s articles, you read about both NDNQI nurse-specific indicators and the key role nurses play as advocates for patient rights. To assist nurses in being better prepared for this role, programs such as Patient Care Partnership provide guidance. Review the Patient Care Partnership Web site presented in this week’s Resources. In addition, reflect on the media presentation and the information shared by Ms. Manna on patient’s rights. Then, reflect on a situation in your work setting in which a patient did not know his or her rights or responsibilities. If you have not encountered this situation, reflect on a scenario presented in the readings. With these thoughts in mind, respond to the following:

What are some nursing practices you could use to promote patient rights and responsibilities?

Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature

250–350 words (not including the full references). Keep your responses succinct. Your written assignments must follow APA guidelines

In this week’s media, Ms. Santiago and Ms. Johnson continue the discussion on patient-centered care and examine the positive outcomes of involving patients in their care decisions. Then, Dr. Rempher and Ms. Manna discuss how data from the NDNQI guides the development of action plans which can lead to improved nursing practice and patient outcomes. Ms. Manna goes on to share her expertise on advocating for patients’ rights from her experience of working with vulnerable populations.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2009). Topics in clinical nursing: Accountability and nursing practice. Baltimore, MD: Author

Week 6 Assignment Patient safety

Week 6 Assignment Patient safety

Week 6 Assignment Patient safety

Read over each of the following directions, the required Reading Research Literature worksheet, and grading rubric.
Review the video below these directions, which contains a tutorial for your Week 6 Assignment. Tutorial may look slightly different session to session. Grading criteria and rubric will be the same.
Download and complete the required Reading Research Literature (RRL) worksheet (Links to an external site.). This must be used.
Your required article is available to you in an announcement: IMPORTANT: Assigned Article for Week 6 Assignment. Please go to your announcement to locate the required article assigned for this session.
This assignment contains:
Purpose of the Study: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the purpose of the study. Describe what the study is about. Week 6 Assignment Patient safety
Research & Design: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the description of the type of research and the design of the study. Include how it supports the purpose (aim or intent) of the study.
Sample: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize the population (sample) for the study; include key characteristics, sample size, sampling technique.
Data Collection: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one data that was collected and how the data was collected from the study.
Data Analysis: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the data analysis/ tests performed or one method of data analysis from the study; include what you know/learned about the descriptive or statistical test or data analysis method.
Limitations: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one limitation reported in the study.


Findings/Discussion: Using information from the required article and your own words, summarize one of the authors’ findings/discussion reported in the study. Include one interesting detail you learned from reading the study.
Reading Research Literature: Summarize why it is important for you to read and understand research literature. Summarize what you learned from completing the reading research literature activity worksheet.
You are required to complete the worksheet using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.). Click on the envelope at the top of the page.
Submit the completed Reading Research Literature Worksheet to the Week 6 Assignment.
Best Practices
For questions about this assignment, please contact your instructor.
Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
Please see the grading criteria and rubrics on this page.
Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
Scholarly Sources and Citations
Use APA format in citations and references. Week 6 Assignment Patient safety

Opioid Case Group Discussion

Opioid Case Group Discussion

Opioid Case Group Discussion

Patient rounds involve various disciplines coming together to discuss the patient’s condition and coordinate care. They are used as an educational tool and also help keep everyone on the same page when it comes to the treatment plan. The following case is found in the textbook (Pharmacotherapy: Principles and Practices. Chisholm-Burns et al, eds.  5th edition.  McGraw-Hill.  New York 2019. ISBN-978-1-260-01944-5; Chapter 34. “Patient encounter”). After reading the assigned chapters, resources identified in Dynamed and Evidence based practice guidelines, please present the case to your peers. This will be your initial post. Please be sure to address all the questions and your responses are well researched and include supporting, evidence based guidelines such those of the WHO, CDC, APS, etc. Opioid Case Group Discussion

You will then provide an evaluation of TWO peer submissions of the same case. These response posts / evaluations shall include a complete response (with references) either endorsing or refuting the post you are evaluating based upon your research and references (including the text). The response posts / evaluations will have one additional step; you will assign a rating to each of your TWO peers’ initial post using a five star rating system. Opioid Case Group Discussion

  • 5 STARS = Excellent
  • 4 STARS = Above Average
  • 3 STARS = Average
  • 2 STARS = Below Average
  • 1 STAR = Poor

Rate the post by clicking on the number of stars you think the post deserves in the Ratings area of a user’s post. You can give a maximum of five stars. [Ratings: ☆☆☆☆☆]

In essence, you will have three posts total. Your initial post and a two response posts (one for each of two classmates you are grouped with).


Opioid Case Group Discussion Part 1:

HPI:  A 78-year-old man who is to undergo a left above the knee amputation due to a limb abscess

PMH: Peripheral artery disease for 18 years; cardiomyopathy, benign prostatic hypertrophy for 13 years

FH: Mother had osteoporosis; father had diabetes

SH: Lives with wife; has two grown children

Meds: Aspirin 81mg daily; atorvastatin 80 mg at bedtime; multivitamin 1 daily; pantoprazole 40 mg daily; tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily

Pain Assessment: Patient rates pain as 8 on a scale of 0 to 10.

  • Based on the type of injury, what type of pain is this patient likely to experience?
  • What type of pain management regimen would you suggest in the postoperative period? Explain your answer

Part 2:

Following surgery he was placed on morphine patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). He has been using 55 mg of morphine/24 hours with adequate pain control; however, he developed redness and itching on his neck that is believed to be due to the morphine. Opioid Case Group Discussion

Current Meds:  Morphine PCA; aspirin 81 mg daily; atorvastatin 80 mg at bedtime; multivitamin 1 daily; gabapentin 100 mg three times daily; pantoprazole 40 mg daily, tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily; heparin 5000 units twice daily until discharged home. He will be discharged to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation therapy.

You would like to convert him to a combination preparation of hydrocodone and APAP for as-needed pain relief.

  • What dosing regimen would you suggest?
  • What would your monitoring plan include for this patient?
  • How would you assess pain response?
  • The patient is concerned about the redness and itching that he developed while on morphine. Would you document this as an allergic reaction?
  • What other interventions or education may be necessary at this time?

Part 3:

The patient was discharged to a skilled nursing facility and is receiving physical therapy and occupational therapy 6 days each week.

Current Meds: Aspirin 81 mg daily; atorvastatin 80 mg at bedtime; multivitamin 1 daily; gabapentin 100 mg three times daily; pantoprazole 40 mg daily, tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily, heparin 5000 units twice daily until discharged home, hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5/325 mg every 6 hours as needed for pain.

Pain Assessment: Patient reports pain of 7 out of 10; worse with movement.

Physical therapy notes indicate patient is unable to complete therapy goals due to complaints of pain.

  • Based on this information, what would you recommend to optimize pain control?
  • Prescribers play a critical role in prescription drug misuse and abuse prevention. What steps can be taken to identify signs of dependence and abuse and what education can you provide to the patient regarding the negative effects of medication misuse?

Opioid Case Group Discussion Part 4:

The patient has been at the skilled nursing facility for 4 weeks and is making progress toward rehabilitation goals; however, he complains that his leg is throbbing and feels like pins and needles. As a result, he requests to rest several times during her therapy sessions. During unit rounds, his therapist inquires whether her previous pain medication should be reordered.

Pain Assessment: 4 out of 10

Current Meds: Aspirin 81 mg daily; atorvastatin 80 mg at bedtime; multivitamin 1 daily; gabapentin 100 mg three times daily; pantoprazole 40 mg daily, tamsulosin 0.4 mg daily, heparin 5000 units twice daily until discharged home,

  • What additional recommendations would you have at this time regarding pain management?
  • Are there any other therapeutic issues that should be addressed? Opioid Case Group Discussion

Opioid Group Discussion Example

Several conditions lead to limb amputation. Most often, limb amputation is due Diabetes mellitus and peripheral vascular disorders. Monitoring and treating pain in a patient after amputation is one of the key components of patient management. Effective treatment could lead to effective coping and recuperation of the patient and vice versa.

After amputation, the patient experiences phantom pain. The pain feels like it’s originating from the amputated parts of the leg. Phantom pain is due to damage to the nerves serving the amputated parts. Amitriptyline, duloxetine, hydrocodone and pregabalin are useful {Limakatson, Madden and Parker n.d.} Phantom pain is quite notorious majorly because it involves severe incapacitating neuropathic pain requiring a multidimensional approach.

The patient should be monitored for pain response and possible drug interactions on changing therapy. It should also involve psychotherapy, physical and occupational therapy. The redness and itching a mild allergic reaction. According to Powell, Mueller and Reynolds {2019}, the itching and erythema should not be recorded as an allergic reaction as it would alter drug prescription and deny the patient effective pain therapy. The patient should, however, be assessed for opioid intolerance or psycostimulation due to opioid allergy. Education to the patent on possible drugs side effects, drug reactions could prove important at this point. Education on importance of maintaining therapy is also important.

Phantom pain can be quite challenging to control and requires optimization of therapy especially when the pain does not cease. In this case, use of stronger opioid analgesics could be helpful. Drugs even those used in management of pain could lead to dependence and abuse. Revising the drug dosage and adherence are necessary to ensure the patient is not abusing the drug. More so, observing signs such as headache and decreased level of activity with withdrawal or replacement of certain medications could be useful in assessing for dependence. Use of the Pain Disability Assessment Scale would prove useful in determining if the patient has developed drug dependence {Tetsunanga et al. 2018}

Psychotherapeutic interventions are also important. The doses of gabapentin can be tapered of gradually until the patient reports of no pain. The patient should also be monitored for drug interactions. The patient is on life aspirin and should be assessed for gastrointestinal side effects of aspirin. I would recommend mirror therapy as a psychological method of pain management and also aid in coping {Finn et al., 2017}. The patient is not bedridden hence withdrawal of heparin or administration of heparin in tapering doses would be necessary.

Effective treatment of pain after amputations is quite a challenge. Available medications are quite inefficient I the management of tis notorious type of pain. More research should be done to establish effective treatment therapy. Meanwhile pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods should be used in managing the pain in these patients with close monitoring by the medical team. Opioid Case Group Discussion Opioid Case Group Discussion


Limakatso, K., Madden, V. J., & Parker, R. Treatment recommendations for phantom limb pain in people with amputations: an expert consensus study.

Finn, S. B., Perry, B. N., Clasing, J. E., Walters, L. S., Jarzombek, S. L., Curran, S., Rouhanian M.,Keszler M, S., Hussey-Anderson L. K., Weeks S. R., Pasquina P. F.,  & Tsao, J. W. (2017). A randomized, controlled trial of mirror therapy for upper extremity phantom limb pain in male amputees. Frontiers in neurology8, 267.

Tetsunaga, T., Tetsunaga, T., Nishida, K., Kanzaki, H., Misawa, H., Takigawa, T., Shioaki Y., & Ozaki, T. (2018). Drug dependence in patients with chronic pain: A retrospective study. Medicine97(40).

Opioid Case Group Discussion Powell, M. Z., Mueller, S. W., & Reynolds, P. M. (2019). Assessment of opioid cross-reactivity and provider perceptions in hospitalized patients with reported opioid allergies. Annals of Pharmacotherapy53(11), 1117-1123.

Assignment 5: Improved safety in healthcare?

Assignment 5: Improved safety in healthcare?

Assignment 5: Improved safety in healthcare?

Assignment 5: Improved safety in healthcare?

Assignment 5: Improved safety in healthcare?

According to the report To Err is Human—To Delay is Deadly, what are the findings that are related to improved safety in healthcare?


Guidelines for Submission: Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to a discipline-appropriate citation method. Page-length requirements: 2–4 pages. Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value Main Elements Includes all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element Includes most of the main elements and requirements and cites many examples to illustrate each element Includes some of the main elements and requirements Does not include any of the main elements and requirements 25 Inquiry and Analysis Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of multiple concepts Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of some concepts Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of minimal concepts Does not provide in-depth analysis 20 Integration and Application All of the course concepts are correctly applied Most of the course concepts are correctly applied Some of the course concepts are correctly applied Does not correctly apply any of the course concepts 10 Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence Draws logical conclusions, but does not defend with evidence Does not draw logical conclusions 20 Research Incorporates many scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research Incorporates some scholarly resources effectively that reflect depth and breadth of research Incorporates very few scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research 15 Writing (Mechanics/Citations) No errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations 10… Assignment 5: Improved safety in healthcare?

Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion

Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Grand Canyon University (Ed.). (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision-making in health care. URL: View both “Faith and Spiritual Decision-Making in Health Care Professions” video messages to RN to BSN students from Dr. Lisa Smith and Dr. Maria Quimba, from the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions. URL: This course requires the use of a Bible. Students should use one of the following versions: the English Standard Version (ESV), the New International Version (NIV), or the New American Standard Bible (NASB). Each of these versions is available in print and also for free at Students might also find it helpful to choose a study Bible such as the NIV Life Application Study Bible or the ESV Study Bible in order to take advantage of additional information. Read the “Ethical Positions Statement” on the Christian Identity and Heritage webpage, under the “Foundational Documents” section. URL: Read the “GCU Doctrinal Statement” on the Christian Identity and Heritage webpage, under the “Foundational Documents” section. URL: Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion
Read the statement on the “Integration of Faith and Work” at GCU on the Christian Identity and Heritage webpage, under “Faith Integration” section. URL: Refer to the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics for this course. URL: Review the “Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN)” section, found in the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions Undergraduate Field Experience Manual (2018-2019), located in the Student Success Center. RQMR8nvney1IA4mqFLzk8h8GXgERaxVGmeh9j8sAvR1s%2Fpk%2F2zDYZk5s%3D Refer to “The Nuremberg Code” found on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services website. URL: Refer to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki for this course. URL: View the “Introduction to Philosophical Writing” video to help inform your philosophical writing assignments throughout the course. URL: DQ1 Marisa Edwards 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 1 Taking a hard look at my beliefs and values, I would have to say that my worldview would be theism. I was born and raised Catholic, but as I have grown older, even though I still associate myself as Catholic, some of my views have changed a little. I do believe also that nature and God do inter-relate, and that is viewed as pantheism, but I would say I’m more of a believer in theism. I hold myself to the standard of a good Christian. I would say when it comes to spirituality I look towards the religion in which I was raised, but I also look at the foundation of which I was raised by my parents; the values we have as a family and how we value and care towards one another. I look to God for guidance as well as my husband and family, and I look at the world as a whole, and I see hoe it needs to heal, and I have to reflect and evaluate of how I can make a contribution to make it better based on my life up til now. Even though I am not a practicing Catholic, I still have a great spiritual belief in my one God and the values I was raised with as a good Christian. I try to help those that are in need in any way I am capable of providing. I feel that maybe I need to look a little more towards prayer, especially now in this worldly unrest, as I see no real resolution, and possibly spiritual intervention may be the only way….still I am unsure. When it comes to my patients, the care I provide them comes from the foundation that I was raised with, but I also incorporate the values and beliefs my patients families bring a well. Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion


I work in the nursery ICU and therefore I work directly with parents of these premature infants, and many times different religious beliefs are brought to the table with my patients and their families, and I must incorporate that into my care. I also have to leave out my own personal feelings when there is a conflict of interest, and the medical team and family of the patient must work together for the best outcome of the baby. Sometimes, it can be difficult, knowing that the best interest of the patient is being upheld by the medical, but knowing the family wants other things procedures done or not done, based on their religious and spiritual beliefs. Sometimes it is a very fine line. DQ2 Kelly Casey 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 1 A worldview can be described as how one understands and views the personal events of their own life (Grand Canyon University [GCU], 2020). For many, a worldview can be a subconscious, underlying assumption of how and why the person acts, and what is done onto them. Two broad categories that worldviews may be shaped into are religious and nonreligious, GCU has separated these into subcategories of atheism, pantheism, and theism (GCU, 2020). My personal worldview has ebbed and flowed as my life has gone on, and I believe all events, experiences, family, teachers, and mentors have had an influence on my worldview. To verbalize my worldview is a challenge to myself, and an internal conversation that I have been grappling with for many years. Once a woman with faith, then brought down by personal events and then discovering a new path for myself, I feel as if I have integrated aspects of all three subcategories of the two worldviews. I believe humans create their own morality as taken from atheism, I believe each person walks through their life making decisions, each decision leads them down another path, and so on. However, I do believe in a God, Pantheism is a new worldview for me that I have never heard of until now. Pantheism immediately spoke to me as I read about it in our text. The idea that God grows and changes as the world changes is important to me; we are all changing and we all have different needs at different points in our life, to know that God will change with me is comforting. However, I was baptized Catholic and grew up a Christian during my adolescence. This strong background guides me subconsciously, daily in my life. My worldview seems jumbled, and our text explains it is important to test one’s worldview because it will guide our practice as a health professional (GCU, 2020). I am a nurse, and when I became a nurse I took a pledge to do no harm and to use my knowledge to elevate the health of all I come into contact with. I made this pledge in the presence of God, to guide me to morally care for my patients, and all I am with. This pertains to me at all times, not just while I am clocked in at work, but at all times. My worldview has many lenses. I will continue to learn and hope this course will aid me to better define my worldview as I open myself to others and their worldviews. References Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from DQ3 CAT QUESTION Judith Noameshie 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 1 According to Bogue & Hogan (2020), “Spirituality is a dynamic and intrinsic aspect of humanity through which persons seek ultimate meaning, purpose, and transcendence, and experience relationship to self, family, others, community, society, nature, and to the significant or sacred. Spirituality is expressed through beliefs, values, traditions, and practices” (key terms). To me, spirituality is what one uses to make sense of his/her existence concerning the world around him/her. About my Christian worldview, spirituality is all the actions in one’s life related to his/her sense of purpose and expectation in life. My concept of spirituality influences my nursing care daily. First, I do believe every human being is made in the image of God, and as such I must treat everyone with respect regardless of how they treat me and be an advocate to my patient to the best of my ability. I also believe the LORD is the perfect judge and that He renders to each one according to their actions. I recently took care of a patient with some cognitive impairment and who constantly used a racial slur while I was taking care of him. Though it was difficult, I still followed the AirwayBreathing-Circulation method to keep him alive, render care, and relieve his pain. At the end of the day, I want to know I followed the LORD’s commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 12:31, New International Version) and to preach the gospel. I want to be able to sleep in peace when I lay down. Nursing calls for some tough situations at times, but through each one of them, I want to represent Jesus rightly. Reference Bogue, D. W. & Hogan, M. (2020). Foundational Issues in Christian Spirituality and Ethics. Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion
In GCU’s Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care. Retrieved from DQ4 Marisa Edwards 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 2 I was unaware that there is a difference between science and scientism. I had no idea that scientism is a philosophy. I thought that I was just based off a science, where scientific methods are used and have been used to prove foundation of living things; chemical and biological make up of things, formulas and procedures that are used. I also thought that evolution was based off of this. I wonder if atheists use scientism to explain why things are the way they are. It doesn’t proven anything scientifically but in turn, states that science is the only way to obtain knowledge and reason for why things are the way they are. When it comes to health and diseases, I believe science is important to understand the biological make up of disease processes and how medication and medical procedures can work. But I also believe there is a human side to treating sick patients. Sicknesses can come in all forms, and sometimes, I have noticed, that medications and medical interventions do not always work, and I have heard of religious and spiritual healing. I have seen where people have used the power of prayer to help heal sick loved ones with different ailments. I have also seen where natropaths help heal outside of scientific medical proven interventions. Some patients view medicines and poisons and only want natural herbs and treatments for their body. In nursing, I find that it is especially important for us to be able to use all these aspects in our medical treatments, and that we need to keep the focus on the patient and their wants, and to keep their mental health in mind and well as their physical health. It is almost like a mental game for us to use all aspects of life, if I can put it that way, to treat the patient as a whole, and that’s where I think that it is important for nurses to be able to look at all aspects of healing and treatment, and to use our best knowledge of when to bring our personal feelings and beliefs into a situation, and when it leave it out. DQ5 Kelly Casey 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 2 I found the introduction to Pantheism very interesting. As I mentioned in my previous discussion question I had never heard of this worldview until now and it really spoke to me. I have been taught theism all of my life, and it has always guided my morality and aided me in my life, however, Pantheism holds interesting aspects. I am constantly growing as a person, as a nurse, and it is familiar to hear of a God who is also growing and changing with the world, and as we can all see, our world is in a state of constant change. Disease and healing is a holistic event. When one is sick, hurt, or suffering it is not only the body that sufferers, the whole person including their spirituality. While evidence-based science and research should be utilized for the disease process, healing after surgery, and curing illness, the nurse should always approach the patient as a whole, and care for the entire person. I have seen what anxiety, fear, and loss can do to a patient’s physical symptoms. Vital signs and go out of range, and pain can become worse. The nurse has the unique opportunity to care for people at a time where they may need holistic care than most. Respectfully, the nurse can include the patient’s spirituality into care if the nurse has the patient’s permission, and should only do so if it aids in the healing process for that patient. It is up to the nurse to use their nursing judgment to ensure the patient is being cared for in the best way possible. DQ6 Stephanie Fokam 1 posts Re: Topic 1 DQ 2 A number of issues highlighted in the readings are interesting in one way or the other. However, the most interesting aspect in my view is that which touches on the changes that have been experienced in nursing over time. There are different personalities whose role in the development of nursing cannot be underestimated, Florence Nightingale being one of them. Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion
Shelly & Miller (2006) have noted that her role was greatly influential towards the starting of this career. Nightingale was the founder of a school that educated the people on how they could carry out nursing practices at the basic level. The interesting part about this history is that some of the teachings she provided back then are still in use in modern nursing practices. Nightingale’s emphasis was on nursing and taking care for the sick as opposed to dealing with the sickness whereas modern definition for nursing goes further to incorporate care for the whole being (Shelly, & Miller, 2006). This is a useful aspect to understand how this field has evolved. My view on the analysis of disease and healing can be looked at from the perspective of the role of science and religion in attending to patients. Individual beliefs and preferences may be used to determine the decision one makes as it may either be based on factors such as religion and science (Meilaender, 2013). Accepting to use the concepts of clinical diagnosis and treatments with bias to the spiritual effect on healing, patients can identify a greater concern on their lives by those taking care of them. The patients can exercise faith in God while trusting that the medical practitioners will offer them quality care that will help them to heal (Meilaender, 2013). When a patient has high belief in recovery and the process of care, then the probability of getting healing will rise through spiritual and physical healing. References Shelly, J. A., & Miller, A. B. (2006). Called to care: A Christian worldview for nursing. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press. Meilaender, G. (2013). Bioethics: A Primer for Christians ( 3rd Ed). Grand Rapids, Michigan / Cambridge, U.K: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company Reply | Quote & Reply EXTRA CREDIT QUESTION Re: Topic 1 DQ 1 This Week’s CAT Week 1 CAT: All: Each week, I will post a specific Classroom Assessment Tool (CAT) that helps gauge how well you are learning a key component of that week’s new information. The CAT will be posted within one of your weekly DQ forums. You still need to respond to the actual DQ for points, but responding to the CAT does count as a participation post. This week’s CAT: Please choose one topic and discuss it in 200 words or less. • List some of the pop culture caricature portrayals of Christians and present evidence to the contrary, including Christians you know personally. You should begin your answer with a definition (in your own words) of “caricature.” or; • Identify a medical decision that a patient or family might have to make that involves only scientific or medical considerations; If you are not able to identify such a potential decision, discuss why. Read Chapters 1 from Practicing Dignity. Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion
URL: View both “Faith and Spiritual Decision-Making in Health Care Professions” video messages to RN to BSN students from Dr. Lisa Smith and Dr. Maria Quimba, from the College of Nursing and Health Care Professions. URL: View “Literary Styles in the Bible” on the Bible Project website (2018). URL: View “The Story of the Bible” on the Bible Project website (2018). URL: View “What Is the Bible?” on the Bible Project website (2018). URL: Read “What Is Scientism?” by Burnett, on the American Association for the Advancement of Science website (2018). URL: Read “10 Things You Should Know About Scientism,” by Moreland, on the Crossway website (2018). URL: Topic 1: Optional Study Materials The Folly of Scientism “The Folly of Scientism,” by Hughes, from New Atlantis: A Journal of Technology & Society (2012). &AN=84015008&site=ehost-live&scope=site Blinded by Scientism “Blinded by Scientism,” by Feser, on the Public Ciscourse: The Journal of the Witherspoon Institute website (2010). Is There Truth Beyond Science “Is There Truth Beyond Science,” by Hutchinson and the Veritas Forum (2013). Time for Truth “Time for Truth,” by Guinness and the Veritas Forum (2018). © 2020. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. …

Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care Discussion