Belief of Caring in Nursing Course Project

Belief of Caring in Nursing Course Project

Module 10 Course Project – Final Submission

Prepare a two to three page written assignment that includes the following:


Introduction to the assignment (sections of the assignment: caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)

Explain your belief of caring in nursing (self, nursing, environment, and profession)

Describe your professional identity including your beliefs, values, motives, and experiences

Discuss one to two professional organizations/associations you plan to be involved in during your nursing career


Conclusion (reflect on the criteria of the assignment; caring, professional identity, and professional organizations/associations)Belief of Caring in Nursing Course Project.

Use at least two credible resources to support your findings. For example, one of the resources could be the website for a professional organization or association, and another resource could be a textbook. These resources must be integrated into the body of your paper using at least two in-text citations. Be sure to use proper APA format and style Belief of Caring in Nursing Course Project.

Health Assessment Techniques Essay Paper

Health Assessment Techniques Essay Paper

Weekly assignment: conduct an assessment on the following body systems:

· Peripheral vascular, musculoskeletal and neurological


You may conduct the assessment on a fellow student, friend, or family member. Remember to secure their permission.



Collect both subjective and objective data using the process described in the textbook Health Assessment Techniques Essay Paper.


Write a summary of the assessment (subjective & objective data in narrative note) and the skills utilized. Answer the following 3 questions in the summary. Do not disclose any patient identifiers.


1. What skills (assessment techniques) were utilized during the assessment?

2. What subjective data did you collect? (list your findings)

3. What objective data did you collect? (list your findings) Health Assessment Techniques Essay Paper

Advanced Dementia Essay Paper

Advanced Dementia Essay Paper

E. L. is an 88-year-old widow who has advanced dementia. She is a retired secretary and is cared for in the home of her divorced daughter, who is her power of attorney for health affairs. E. L. requires assistance with all activities of daily living. She spends most of the day sitting in her orthopedic recliner (she has had bilateral hip replacements) or lying in bed. She does not speak or acknowledge the presence of others. Recently, E. L. has stopped eating all meals except for small banana slices. She resists a spoon when it is brought to her mouth, and she pockets food in her cheeks without swallowing. E. L. was admitted to the hospital several months ago for influenza and bilateral pneumonia. She was treated in the intensive care unit for three days and then sent home. The possibility of a feeding tube insertion was discussed during her hospitalization. E. L.’s daughter is seeking guidance on artificial nutrition and hydration.



  • Use the assigned readings to guide you in the development of five discussion points
  • Discussions points should reflect best practices that you will include as you speak with E. L.’s daughter regarding her mother’s end-of-life care.
  • Cite your references in proper APA Style Advanced Dementia Essay Paper.

Pediatric Clinical Experiences Research Paper

Pediatric Clinical Experiences Research Paper

 (450–500 words): 

  • Explain what most excites and/or concerns you about pediatric clinical experiences. Include a description of your strengths and weaknesses in terms of working with children and how these strengths and weaknesses might impact your Practicum experience.


  • Discuss your personal definition of family and family roles that might impact the assessment of a child and his or her family. Also expand your discussion on the challenges of working with families. Explain how you would handle parents that do not want to vaccinate children Pediatric Clinical Experiences Research Paper.
  • Then, explain how culture (both the culture of the provider and that of the child and his or her family) may further influence the assessment.
  • Select and explain a nursing theory to guide your practice with pediatric patients Pediatric Clinical Experiences Research Paper

Nursing Process Recording Essay Paper

Nursing Process Recording Essay Paper

A process recording is a written tool used by field education experience students, field instructors, and faculty to examine the dynamics of social work interactions in time. Process recordings can help in developing and refining interviewing and intervention skills. By conceptualizing and organizing ongoing activities with social work clients, you are able to clarify the purpose of interviews and interventions, identify personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, and improve self-awareness. The process recording is also a useful tool in exploring the interpersonal dynamics and values operating between you and the client system through an analysis of filtering the process used in recording a session Nursing Process Recording Essay Paper.


For this Assignment, you will submit a process recording of your field education experiences specific to this week.

Note: You are submitting a written transcript, not an audio or video recording.

The Assignment (2–4 pages):

  • Provide a transcript of what happened during your field education experience, including a dialogue of interaction with a client.
  • Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice theories, and explain how it might relate to diversity or cultural competence covered this week.
  • Describe your reactions and/or any issues related to your interaction with a client during your field education experience.
  • Explain how you applied social work practice skills when performing the activities during your process recording Nursing Process Recording Essay Paper

Evidence Base Practice Nursing Assignment

Evidence Base Practice Nursing Assignment

Choose one conceptual model or framework that can guide an EBP change in either clinical practice, education, leadership, or informatics.

  • Describe the chosen model or conceptual framework for change.
  • Discuss one type of information technology that could be used with the chosen conceptual model or framework to assist in managing and protecting data.





– IT MUST BE A NURSING clinical practice, education, leadership, or informatics. EXAMPLE ATTACHED IN A WORD DOCUMENT Evidence Base Practice Nursing Assignment

Family Nursing Discussion Board Essay

Family Nursing Discussion Board Essay

Module 4 FN/DB


For this discussion, choose one task from the family developmental and life cycle theory (pages 361-370) and apply that task to a family in your nursing practice.

Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts Family Nursing Discussion Board Essay.

Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”



· Discuss role changes and the impact of childbearing on the family

Points: 30

Due Dates:

· Initial Post: Fri, Jun 3 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.

· Response Post: Sun, Jun 5 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US – (the response posts cannot be done on the same day as the initial post).


· Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

· Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response Family Nursing Discussion Board Essay.

Words Limits

· Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)

· Response posts: Minimum 100 words excluding references.


Note: Since it is difficult to edit the APA reference in the Blackboard discussion area, you can copy and paste APA references from your Word document to the Blackboard discussion area. Points will not be deducted because of format changes in spacing Family Nursing Discussion Board Essay.

Alternative & Complementary Medicine Essay Paper

Alternative & Complementary Medicine Essay Paper

Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Would you have any conflicts/concerns supporting a patient who choose holistic/allopathic medicine?

Your initial post should be at least 550 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources.


Discuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Would you have any conflicts/concerns supporting a patient who choose holistic/allopathic medicine?

Your initial post should be at least 550 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 3 academic sources Alternative & Complementary Medicine Essay Paper.

Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Volunteer Placement

Complete the “Grand Canyon University Information Sheet for GCU Student Volunteer Placement” and submit it to your site supervisor and the instructor.

Industrialization, Imperialism, and America’s Entry Into WWI

Required ResourcesRead/review the following resources for this activity:Textbook: Chapter 17 (section 17.4), 18 (section 18.3), 19 (sections 19.1, 19.2), 21 (sections 21.2, 21.4)LessonMinimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook)Initial Post InstructionsFor the initial post, pick two (2) of the following categories representing minority groups during 1880-1914:Women’s rights activistsAfrican AmericansImmigrants from southern and eastern EuropeChild workersGreat Plain IndiansThen, address the following for your selections:Explain the socio-economic status and challenges of your minority groups at the turn of the century.How did the Industrial Revolution affect your chosen minority groups?Analyze how the Progressives brought reform to your selected minority groups. Do you find that the Progressives were successful in making government responsive and improve the conditions of your chosen minority group?professor’s post: Welcome to Week 5 Discussion Board, which opens Monday, Sept. 30. We enter the Industrial Revolution, with its many good and bad facets. Yes, so many innovations and business enterprises, but oh so many people sacrificed and crushed in this age, including many immigrants, women, and even children (Outman & Outman, 2003).Many persons were attracted to the big cities with promises of work during this Industrial Age. Select two from the following and interact with their experiences.Women’s rights activistsAfrican AmericansImmigrants from southern and eastern EuropeChild workersGreat Plain IndiansYou are welcome to find any other authoritative sources as well. Thanks!ReferenceOutman, J. L., & Outman, E. M. (Eds.). (2003). Industrial Revolution: Primary sources. Farmington Hill, MI: Thomson and Gale.