
Minimum of 350 words with at least to peer review reference in 7th edition APA style1.  What are the big potential side effects of milrinone?2.  Which drugs reduce preload, which reduces afterload.  In what circumstances do we want to reduce afterload or preload…how do things such as stroke volume play into this?

NURS 3000

Need Assignment done by Tuesday

Joint Commission their mission statement and areas that Joint Commission covers, provide a summary of each area.

Navigate the Joint Commission websites and prepare a presentation on their mission statement and areas that Joint Commission covers, provide a summary of each area.Minimum 10 slides 2 reference within five years of current date


The influence of leadership can be far-reaching in practice and improving patient outcomes even when not in a formal role. Describe advocacy strategies that you can use as a leader to create positive change in your current workplace. In response to peers, describe a time when you provided leadership and the outcome. Was there anything that you would do differently?

Week 11 Discussion: What in the World?

Step 1 Review environmentalist and industrialist points of view.The city has announced plans to raze the block between Birch Avenue and Pine, a space long abandoned and overgrown with shrubbery and vines, in favor of a new business complex. Opinions among city residents are mixed, though generally falling in one of two camps. Below are testimonial representations of each group.EnvironmentalistsJames is a devout environmentalist who believes natural resources must be preserved, even at the cost of potential socioeconomic growth. “Native Americans sustained their people for centuries by coexisting with the environment, not by fighting against it. Commerce is fleeting. Growth is an abstraction. Building this complex will eradicate one of the few green spaces left in the city, and for what?”IndustrialistsSarah is an industrialist who supports the district’s new plan. “Construction projects such as this provide us with a unique opportunity. They enable us to stand in the present and see the future. The building of this complex alone will create 200 new jobs and over 300 upon completion as new businesses begin opening their doors. Sure, trees are pretty to look at, but when’s the last time one offered you a job or put food on your table?”Step 2 In your original post, address the following questions:How well do you feel each person’s perspective sustains the reasoning offered to support his or her views?Do you believe James and Sarah each present a rational viewpoint? How might you distinguish between a viewpoint that is rational and one that is not rational?On what grounds might you interpret one perspective to be unreasonable?Are their arguments organized? Focused? How did this affect their statements?How important is focus and organization during the decision-making process? Based on the aforementioned testimonials, which do you believe is the most organized? How does that influence your opinion of them?What, if anything, is faulty about the views presented? How could they be made better?Which side of this argument do you favor? How did the presentation of this argument influence your decision?

Quality Indicators

Post a brief description of the two nurse-sensitive indicators of quality that you selected. Analyze the influence of early quality improvement theories and philosophies on the development of the quality indicators you selected. Be specific. Then, cite the two (2) nursing research articles you selected, and explain how these indicators may influence your practice setting. Be specific and provide examples.

Assignment: How I Think

In this assignment, you will apply the use of reasoned arguments and personal beliefs to a case study.Step 1: Consider the scenario:Amnesty International has recently established a chapter in your area. Residents are encouraged by the organization’s message and good reputation, and everyone is determined to make this local chapter one of the largest in the state. In order to drum up further support, you have volunteered to create content for a group page on an online social network outlining the mission of Amnesty International. Another member suggests that you highlight a case with moral implications that is currently being contested.Step 2: Research a moral issue.Use the Internet to research a moral issue. Focus on the specific moral questions being debated as well as the opinion of all sides within the case.Step 3: Examine a moral case study.Address the following by creating content for your group page in hopes of attracting new members to your local Amnesty International chapter:An explanation of the issueThe possible viewpoints and conclusionsA clear statement of your conclusionAn explanation of how you reasoned your way to your conclusionsAn explanation of which underlying beliefs clashed with or supported your conclusionArguments to support your conclusionHow to form a reasoned argument illustrating the new beliefRemember, you are writing for a wide array of potential members. It is important that you exhibit superior knowledge of the subjects being covered while still packaging the materials in a way that is fun and engaging for new members. They should be excited to join your social network group. Follow these guidelines to further engage the audience:Use clear, concise sentences.Use clear and relatable real-world examples to help explain concepts.Share your enthusiasm and interest in the subject matter.Relate the material back to your own personal experience when possible.


Please open both attachment!!!! The NCHLexam is a sample is a reference of what the MOHA-510 need to be.  The MOHA-510 attachment you need to use.PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE PAPAER!!!!!

week 7 soap

Soap noted based on bacterial vaginosis.Subjective, objective, assessment, and plan (SOAP) notes; physical examsS; history taking; head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat (HEENT); respiratory; and cardiovascular systems, in addition to the Female Reproductive system content that we are covering this week..+++PLEASE USE THE TEMPLATE PROVIDED IN THE ATTACHMENT. THE SOAP NOTE HAS TO BE DONE ON BACTERIAL VAGINOSIS. TEMPLATE IS ATTACHED TO THIS POST, AS WELL AS THE RUBRIC.

Women Health – Week 7 Discussion 1st REPLY

Reply to the following discussion by supporting the post.  You will want to focus on their point of view, asking pertinent questions, adding to the responses by including information from other sources. Be objective, clear, and concise.It is important to support what you say with relevant citations in the APA format from both the course materials and outside resources.JA Discussion:Week 7 DiscussionImplementation Plan OutlinePICOT question: Are obese adults in America (P), more successful at losing weight with a medical intervention such as taking phentermine (I), compared to no medical intervention such as diet and exercise alone (C), at achieving and maintaining a healthy weight (O), over 12 months (T).1. Goal and strategiesProblem statement: Obesity has turned into an epidemic that affects about one third of Americans and about one quarter of people worldwide. Obesity is a common, serious, and costly disease. Comorbidities that arise as a result of obesity cause preventable and premature death. To avoid adverse outcomes in obese patients, healthcare providers must be willing to address this subject matter objectively. Healthcare providers should be able to give obese patients viable weight loss options. Also important, is setting a realistic long-term weight loss management to avoid regaining of the weight lost. Long term weight loss maintenance is difficult to achieve and obesity tends to increase once again (Nimptsch et al., 2018).Goal Statement: The main goal of this project is to find out which intervention works better for acute weight loss and long term weight loss maintenance in a primary care clinic setting. having this knowledge helps the patients in the study and future patients that seek weight loss treatment. Empowering nurse practitioners to utilize the most effective intervention for acute weight loss and long term weight loss maintenance is important in helping patients’ overall health and wellbeing.Strategy Description: The strategy for this research is to identify patient eligibility based on their body mass index (BMI). Once the diagnosis of overweight, obese, or morbidly obese has been established, the nurse practitioner must determine the patient’s interest in weight loss and in this study. Patients who express interest in weight loss and participation in this study must be interested in both, a pharmacological and nonpharmacological approach, along with a controlled diet and exercise plan. Participant must be willing to engage in a 12 month research study and must be aware of their engagement in a multisession approach. The provider must be a qualified nurse practitioner with the capability to prescribe medications, implement the proposed interventions, collect research data, analyze the data, and report the findings.2. ApproachProject members: Nurse practitioner and registered nurseBarriers to Successful Implementation:Availability of nurse practitioner and registered nurse for the 12 month periodPatient eligibilityComorbidities that inhibit participation or weight lossPatients with an acute change in health statusLack of interest in participationPatient preference for pharmacologic versus nonpharmacological treatmentAdherence to therapy (complete all sessions)Discontinuations of weight loss medication, diet or exercise planUnreliable transportation to research clinicDropping out of the study at any pointSelf-reporting of inaccurate or false informationImplementation steps:Prepare the nurse practitioner and registered nurse who will conduct the researchDetermine patient eligibility, rule out patients with comorbidities, and age less than 21 or more than 60Diagnostic confirmation of BMI, overweight (25.0 – 29.9), obese (30.0 – 39.9), and morbidly obese (40.0 and above)Gather 70 patients in total, 35 who want to be in the pharmacologic/diet/exercise group and 35 who want to be in the nonpharmacologic/diet/exercise groupCollect signed informed consentsConduct the study over a 12 month period, while checking participants adherence to their perspective interventionCollect, review, analyze, and report study dataImplement best intervention for future patientsCommunication strategy:Who needs to know? The nurse practitioner and the registered nurse conducting the studyWhat information do they need? Diagnostic criteria, interventions being used, medication use, which participant is in which group, timeline, and expectations.Estimated time and expenses: The entire timeframe for the participants will be 12 months with additional time for the nurse practitioner to analyze and report the data found. Budget is to be determined.Resources needed for implementation: access to eligible participants, a qualified nurse practitioner and registered nurse, internet access, excel software, and a research clinic.Performance measures: The data will be analyzed using ANOVA and excel. Analysis from the data obtained will be utilized to evaluate the most effective intervention for acute weight loss and long term weight loss maintenance, and implementation with future overweight and obese patients.ReferencesNimptsch, K., Konigorski, S. & Pischon, T. (2018, December 23). Diagnosis of obesity and useof obesity biomarkers in science and clinical medicine. Metabolism, 92, 61-70. 10.1016/j.metabol.2018.12.006