Advocacy Through Legislation Essay Paper

Advocacy Through Legislation Essay Paper

Assessment Description

Nurses often become motivated to change aspects within the larger health care system based on their real-world experience. As such, many nurses take on an advocacy role to influence a change in regulations, policies, and laws that govern the larger health care system.

For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template to complete this assignment Advocacy Through Legislation Essay Paper.

You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

Advocacy Through Legislation

Identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity to be advocated through legislation. Research the issue and complete the sections below. For each topic that requires the listing of criteria, a minimum of two criteria should be identified and discussed. Add more rows as is appropriate for the topic/proposal Advocacy Through Legislation Essay Paper.


In no more than 250 words, describe the problem, who is affected, and the current ramifications. Explain the consequences if the issue continues.





Idea for Addressing Solution

In no more than 250 words, outline your idea for addressing the issue and explain why legislation is the best course for advocacy.






Research the Issue

Perform research and compile information for your idea. Present substantive evidence-based findings that support your idea for addressing the problem (studies, research, and reports). Include any similar legislation introduced or passed in other states.

Evidence 1  
Evidence 2  
Stakeholder Support

Discuss the stakeholders who would support the proposed idea and explain why they would be in support.

Stakeholder(s) Supporting 1  
Stakeholder(s) Supporting 2  
Stakeholder Opposition

Discuss the stakeholders who would oppose the proposed idea. Explain why they would be in opposition and how you would prepare to debate or converse about these considerations Advocacy Through Legislation Essay Paper.

Stakeholder(s) Opposed 1  
Stakeholder(s) Opposed 2  
Financial Incentives/Costs

In no more than 250 words, summarize the financial impact for the issue and the idea (added costs, cost savings, increased revenue, etc.). Provided support.

 Legislature: Information Needed and Process for Proposal

Discuss the how to advocate for your proposal using legislation. Include the following:

Provide the name and complete contact information for the legislator.  
Describe the steps for how you would present this to your legislator.  
Outline the process if your legislator chooses to introduce your idea as a bill to congress.  
Christian Principles and Nursing Advocacy

In no more than 250 words, discuss how principles of a Christian worldview lend support to legislative advocacy in health care without bias. Be specific as to how these principles help advocate for inclusiveness and positive health outcomes for all populations, including those more vulnerable, without regard to gender, sexual orientation, culture, race, religion/belief, etc.


Advocacy Through Legislation Essay Paper

Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study

Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study


G.G. is a 62-year-old white male with a 15-year history of CAD and hypertension. He had an anterolateral MI 2 years ago. He also has a history of hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and chronic renal insufficiency. His father died of sudden cardiac death at age 44, and his mother died while undergoing a coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) at age 68. His hypertension is treated with hydrochlorothiazide and verapamil (Calan), and he takes metformin (Glucophage) for control of his diabetes and atorvastatin for his high cholesterol. He is a current cigarette smoker with a 45 pack-year smoking history and drinks a beer almost daily. He is 5’10” tall, weighs 209 pounds, and does not regularly exercise. He tries to watch what he eats, but he travels a lot as a computer consultant, and it is difficult to maintain a healthy, diabetic diet when he is out of town Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study.


He presents to the Emergency Department with chest pain not relieved with NTG, associated with N & V.

  1. Indicate whether the risk factor is modifiable or non-modifiable.
  1. Based on G.G.’s clinical manifestations and health history, which diagnostic tests would best confirm or rule out myocardial damage?
  1. He is diagnosed with having a STEMI, what should be included in his plan of care?
  1. Based on the ECG below which coronary artery is considered the culprit lesion?
  1. Create a nursing care plan for this patient Coronary Artery Disease-Case Study.

Reengineering Health Care

In 300 words and 2 References each:1)  Discuss how nurse managers and nurse leaders contribute to the reengineering of health care.2)  Continuous quality improvement (CQI) is the responsibility of all nurses and is vital when addressing the challenges of the health care industry. Provide an example of how you would apply CQI in your current or past position.

Global Health Essay Paper

Global Health Essay Paper

You are currently working as an administrative assistant for a large metropolitan hospital. You have been asked to prepare an article for the hospital newsletter about international health care. The following are the items you have been asked to include 2-3 pages and cited references


  • List and explain reasons why the health status of a country plays an important role in its economic status.
  • Create a table that shows how the access, quality, and cost of health care are influenced by the low-income, middle-income, and high-income status of an economy Global Health Essay Paper.

NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

As patient safety concerns continue to be addressed in the health care settings, nurses can play an active role in implementing safety improvement measures and plans. Often root-cause analyses are conducted and safety improvement plans are created to address sentinel or adverse events such as medication errors, patient falls, wrong-site surgery events, and hospital-acquired infections. Performing a root-cause analysis offers a systematic approach for identifying causes of problems, including process and system-check failures. Once the causes of failures have been determined, a safety improvement plan can be developed to prevent recurrences. The baccalaureate nurse’s role as a leader is to create safety improvement plans as well as disseminate vital information to staff nurses and other health care professionals to protect patients and improve outcomes. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

As you prepare for this assessment, it would be an excellent choice to complete the Quality and Safety Improvement Plan Knowledge Base activity and to review the various assessment resources, all of which will help you build your knowledge of key concepts and terms related to quality and safety improvement. The terms and concepts will be helpful as you prepare your Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan. Activities are not graded and demonstrate course engagement. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze the elements of a successful quality improvement initiative.

Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address a safety issue or sentinel event.

Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan.

Competency 2: Analyze factors that lead to patient safety risks.

Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event within an organization.

Competency 3: Identify organizational interventions to promote patient safety.

Identify existing organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve a plan.

Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly, evidence-based strategies to communicate in a manner that supports safe and effective patient care.

Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.


Professional Context

Nursing practice is governed by health care policies and procedures as well as state and national regulations developed to prevent problems. It is critical for nurses to participate in gathering and analyzing data to determine causes of patient safety issues, in solving problems, and in implementing quality improvements. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis


For this assessment, you may choose from the following options as the subject of a root-cause analysis and safety improvement plan:

The specific safety concern identified in your previous assessment.

The Vila Health: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Planning simulation.

One of the case studies from the previous assessment.

A personal practice experience in which a sentinel event occurred.


The purpose of this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of and ability to analyze a root cause of a specific safety concern in a health care setting. You will create a plan to improve the safety of patients related to the concern based on the results of your analysis, using the literature and professional best practices as well as the existing resources at your chosen health care setting to provide a rationale for your plan. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

Use the Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan Template [DOCX] to help you to stay organized and concise. This will guide you step-by-step through the root cause analysis process.

Additionally, be sure that your plan addresses the following, which corresponds to the grading criteria in the scoring guide. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you understand what is needed for a distinguished score.

Analyze the root cause of a patient safety issue or a specific sentinel event in an organization.

Apply evidence-based and best-practice strategies to address the safety issue or sentinel event.

Create a feasible, evidence-based safety improvement plan.

Identify organizational resources that could be leveraged to improve your plan.

Communicate in writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using current APA style.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

Assessment 2 Example

Additional Requirements

Length of submission: Use the provided Root-Cause Analysis and Improvement Plan template to create a 4–6 page root cause analysis and safety improvement plan. A title page is not required but you must include a reference list as per the template.

Number of references: Cite a minimum of 3 sources of scholarly or professional evidence that support your findings and considerations. Resources should be no more than 5 years old.

APA formatting: Format references and citations according to current APA style.

NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Planning

Patient safety is a matter of more than just reacting to incidents as they arise.


To foster a truly safe environment for patients in a facility, one must look for broader patterns in safety concerns and trace them back to their common root causes. And, after these root causes have been identified, careful planning must be undertaken to enact evidence-based strategies to mitigate these issues.


In this scenario, you will assume the role of the charge nurse of a care unit at Clarion Court Skilled Nursing Facility in Shakopee, MN, a part of the Vila Health network. Clarion Court has seen a steady rise in medication errors over the past six months, leading to a particularly serious medication error last week that nearly resulted in an overdose.


The administrator of the facility, Stephen Silva, has asked you to conduct a root cause analysis and assist with creating a safety improvement plan to address the increase of medication errors on the unit over the past several months. This is a very serious matter because patient safety is of the utmost concern and medication errors remain a top priority at health care settings. You are required to submit a root cause analysis and safety improvement plan based off the incidences reported surrounding medication errors. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis


RE: Safety at Clarion Court

From: Stephen Silva, Administrator, Clarion Court Skilled Nursing Facility

To: Benny

I know that you’re upset about last week’s medication error. We all are. I think we need to look at this as a wake-up call, one we probably should have gotten months ago. We’ve seen the rate of medication errors move up steadily for months now, along with bad moves on several other health and safety metrics.


We need to take this seriously! On top of immediate measures to prevent the specifics of last week’s error from recurring, I would like you to do some examination of the deeper issues at play. Please spend some time talking to the care staff in your unit, and perform a root cause analysis. What are our underlying issues that are causing medication errors and other safety errors? On top of that analysis, I’d like you to at least start putting some thought into what sort of evidence-based courses of action we can undertake to remediate this.


Many thanks! I look forward to hearing what you find out.





Marisa Pacheco


I’ve been here 6 months. In some ways, it feels like 6 years; in others, it feels like I’m still learning the ropes. One thing I have trouble with: the computer system we use for charts. I always think I get it, and then I get twisted around, and oh boy. It can get pretty confusing. A couple of times I’ve just gotten completely lost trying to enter basic information, and I get really upset and scared. And then it takes me forever to get out of the mess, and I fall behind. And if I have to ask for help, whoever it is that helps me falls behind, too.


It’s a really hard job. You get pretty fried by the end of a shift, especially if they change what shift you’re working on. I can get to be kind of a zombie after a couple of hours on my feet here. I had an incident – I still feel super bad about this – where I was helping a resident in the bath and she slipped because my attention drifted. She broke her hip, and had a really tough bunch of months after that. I felt terrible. And it all happened because I was zonked. I don’t handle meds, but I can’t imagine what it must be like for people trying to keep medications straight when their brains are mush at the end of a shift and they’ve been fighting with the computers the whole time.


Shonda McCrae


I’ve been here three years. This was my first job after nursing school. I like it a lot! I love the connection with the residents – I feel like I’m doing my part to make their lives better a little bit each day.


In terms of safety, here’s the thing – in school and on the job here, I think I’ve had really good safety training. I know how to do things in ways that are safe for the residents and for me. I know the safety plan. But – but! Sometimes that training and those procedures don’t seem like they’re really meant for the real world. You always want to do things the right way, but then going completely by the book can be really fussy and take a long time. And you’ve got a million things to do and they’re all important and supposed to happen right now, and residents have needs and they’re urgent and, well, you get the picture. It’s a tough thing to balance, always following procedure and keeping up with your obligations.


Good example: I know one of the things that the state mentioned in their audit was a staff member not wearing gloves when touching a patient. Well, that was me. I’m not proud of that at all. But I was in the middle of doing a blood glucose check and my damn glove tore. I should have run and gotten another, but I didn’t have time, I was already behind. So I just yanked it off my hand and kept going, then I looked up and saw the inspector.


Anyway. I guess that means a bigger nursing staff would make everything safer, right? Less stuff for each person to do, more time to do it 100% according to protocol?


Nora Church


You want to talk about safety? Sure, I can talk about safety.


The biggest problem we have is some of the support staff cutting corners or just not really knowing their jobs. I know I’m not supposed to say this, but I have a real problem trusting the CNAs to follow procedures. CNAs or other support staff. They don’t care about patient safety, they don’t respect the safety plan – what there is of it – and they don’t want to take the time to learn the right way of doing things, so they take short cuts so they can get on to their breaks or what have you. I trust the other RNs to do their jobs the right way. The LPNs too, I guess, although a lot of them have been carrying around a lot of bad habits for a long time. But outside of the credentialed nurses? Forget it.


There’s this really bad perception out there that skilled nursing facility staff aren’t on the same level as hospital staff. Which makes me crazy! It’s right there in the name, skilled nursing. But then I think of our CNAs here and, well, I see where people are coming from. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis


Rich Kim


You know something weird? I’ve been here for three years. That’s not long at all, really. But other CNAs come in and out of here so quickly that I feel like one of the old guard of Clarion Court. It’s a real problem!


It means that there are always a lot of people on the floor who are learning on the job. Even if they come in with very good job skills and experience, they still need time to familiarize themselves with Clarion Court itself. If you aren’t familiar with all of the residents, for instance, the older gentleman walking out the door with a firm look like he knows where he’s going may just appear to be a visitor on his way out when he is really a resident eloping. In fact, I think that’s happened here before.


Another thing that I think we need to do something about: nursing staff who walk around with their noses up in the air, thinking they’re too good to listen to CNAs when we’ve got something to say. I don’t care how fancy a nursing school you went to for your BSN, we’re all still people with eyes and brains, and we can all see stuff worth hearing about.


Lisa Cotrone


I’ve been here, what, 16 years. Wow! I spent a big chunk of time at Good Shepherd Home in St. Louis Park before that. It’s funny- I feel like I’m part of a dying breed. At least here, seems like all the incoming nurses are RNs, and a good chunk of them have a BSN.


Anyway. Safety. We get pulled into meetings, we get lectured about the safety plan, and, well, I don’t know. It’s good, yeah, but it’s words on paper. I’ve been here a long time! I know how to do things safely, no matter what some sheet of paper in a binder says.


One thing that happens to me again and again is that there’s this wall blocking communication. We do shift changeovers, and sometimes I have trouble following Fatima from the morning shift. Don’t get me wrong, she’s smart as heck! But she didn’t grow up speaking English, and her accent’s kind of thick. And sometimes the words she uses don’t make sense to me. And asking her to explain doesn’t always clear anything up. Couple of times, this has led to me not knowing something that’s up with a resident that I really should have known. We have charts, of course, and that helps, but charts only get you so far.


We get a lot of nurses and CNAs who either aren’t from the U.S. originally or are coming out of recent immigrant communities. I think there’s a couple of reasons for that. Partly because it’s a good entry-level job, and partly because in a lot of those cultures, it’s a definite thing that you should respect and take care of older people. And they see working here, or places like here, as a way to do that. And it’s great! But it means we have this language thing to deal with a lot.



Vila Health: Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Planning

My Questions




After talking to the floor staff, what do you see as some root causes of Clarion Court’s safety problems?


What would you recommend as part of a safety improvement plan?

Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Root-Cause Analysis


Introduce a general summary of the issue or sentinel event that the root-cause analysis (RCA) will be exploring. Provide a brief context for the setting in which the event took place. Keep this short and general. Explain to the reader what will be discussed in the paper and this should mimic the scoring guide/the headings. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis

Analysis of the Root Cause

Describe the issue or sentinel event for which the RCA is being conducted. Provide a clear and concise description of the problem that instigated the RCA. Your description should include information such as:

  • What happened?
  • Who detected the problem/event?
  • Who did the problem/event affect?
  • How did it affect them?

Provide an analysis of the event and relevant findings. Look to the media simulation, case study, professional experience, or other source of context that you used for the event you described. As you are conducting your analysis and focusing on one or more root causes for your issue or sentinel event, it may be useful to ask questions such as:

  • What was supposed to occur?
    • Were there any steps that were not taken or did not happen as intended?
  • What environmental factors (controllable and uncontrollable) had an influence?
  • What equipment or resource factors had an influence?
  • What human errors or factors may have contributed?
  • Which communication factors may have contributed?

These questions are just intended as a starting point. After analyzing the event, make sure you explicitly state one or more root causes that led to the issue or sentinel event.

Improvement Plan with Evidence-Based and Best-Practice Strategies

Provide a description of a safety improvement plan that could realistically be implemented within the health care setting in which your chosen issue or sentinel event took place. This plan should contain:

  • Actions, new processes or policies, and/or professional development that will be undertaken to address one or more of the root causes.
    • Support these recommendations with references from the literature or professional best practices.
  • A description of the goals or desired outcomes of these actions.
  • A rough timeline of development and implementation for the plan.


Existing Organizational Resources

            Identify existing organizational personnel and/or resources that would help improve the implementation or outcomes of the plan.

  • A brief note on resources that may need to be obtained for the success of the plan.
  • Consider what existing resources may be leveraged enhance the improvement plan?

Quality and Safety Improvement Plan
Knowledge Base
Root Cause Analysis
Evidence-Based Practice
Sentinel Event
Core Measures
Opportunity for Improvement
Performance Improvement Team
QI Toolbox Techniques
For each term, select the explanation that best fits.
Question Question 1 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 2 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 3 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 4 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 5 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 6 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 7 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 8 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 9 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 10 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 11 of 12
Choose one answer.
Question Question 12 of 12
Choose one answer.
! Intro ” Transcript # Was this media helpful?
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
a) A method of problem solving used for identifying the root causes of faults or problems.
b) The results of care, treatment, and services in terms of the patient’s expectations, needs, and quality of life,
which may be positive and appropriate or negative and diminishing.
c) A healthcare structure, product, service, process, or outcome that does not meet its customers’ expectations
and, therefore, could be improved.
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. The
phrase “or risk thereof” includes any process variation for which a recurrence would carry a significant chance
of serious adverse outcome.
a) The relationship between the outcomes (results of care) and the resources used to deliver care.
b) The systematic comparison of the products, services, and outcomes of one organization’s outcomes with
regional or national standards. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis
Sets of patient care characteristics that The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have determined to reflect the quality of care an organization can provide for important
Integrates three basic principles: (1) the best available research evidence bearing on whether and why a
treatment works, (2) clinical expertise (clinical judgment and experience) to rapidly identify each patient’s
unique health state and diagnosis, their individual risks and benefits of potential interventions, and (3) client
preferences and values.
a) The interrelated activities of healthcare organizations-including governance, managerial support, and clinical
services-that affect patient outcomes across departments and disciplines within an integrated environment.
b) A method of problem solving used for identifying the root causes of faults or problems.
c) Tools that facilitate the collection, display, and analysis of data and information and that help team members
stay focused, including cause-and-effect diagrams, graphic presentations, and others.
An unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof. The
phrase “or risk thereof” includes any process variation for which a recurrence would carry a significant chance
of serious adverse outcome.
a) The systematic comparison of the products, services, and outcomes of one organization’s outcomes with
regional or national standards.
Sets of patient care characteristics that The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have determined to reflect the quality of care an organization can provide for important
c) Tools that facilitate the collection, display, and analysis of data and information and that help team members
stay focused, including cause-and-effect diagrams, graphic presentations, and others.
d) The relationship between the outcomes (results of care) and the resources used to deliver care.
a) The results of care, treatment, and services in terms of the patient’s expectations, needs, and quality of life,
which may be positive and appropriate or negative and diminishing.
b) The amount of financial resources consumed in the provision of healthcare services.
c) A healthcare structure, product, service, process, or outcome that does not meet its customers’ expectations
and, therefore, could be improved.
d) The relationship between the outcomes (results of care) and the resources used to deliver care.
Integrates three basic principles: (1) the best available research evidence bearing on whether and why a
treatment works, (2) clinical expertise (clinical judgment and experience) to rapidly identify each patient’s
unique health state and diagnosis, their individual risks and benefits of potential interventions, and (3) client
preferences and values.
b) The interrelated activities of healthcare organizations-including governance, managerial support, and clinical
services-that affect patient outcomes across departments and disciplines within an integrated environment.
c) The degree to which care is provided in the correct manner, given the current state of knowledge, to achieve
the desired or projected outcome(s) for the individual.
d) The relationship between the outcomes (results of care) and the resources used to deliver care
a) The amount of financial resources consumed in the provision of healthcare services.
b) The relationship between the outcomes (results of care) and the resources used to deliver care.
c) The degree to which care is provided in the correct manner, given the current state of knowledge, to achieve
the desired or projected outcome(s) for the individual. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis
d) The results of care, treatment, and services in terms of the patient’s expectations, needs, and quality of life,
which may be positive and appropriate or negative and diminishing.
Sets of patient care characteristics that The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have determined to reflect the quality of care an organization can provide for important
b) The systematic comparison of the products, services, and outcomes of one organization’s outcomes with
regional or national standards.
c) A healthcare structure, product, service, process, or outcome that does not meet its customers’ expectations
and, therefore, could be improved
d) The interrelated activities of healthcare organizations-including governance, managerial support, and clinical
services-that affect patient outcomes across departments and disciplines within an integrated environment.
a) A healthcare structure, product, service, process, or outcome that does not meet its customers’ expectations
and, therefore, could be improved.
b) The results of care, treatment, and services in terms of the patient’s expectations, needs, and quality of life,
which may be positive and appropriate or negative and diminishing.
c) Tools that facilitate the collection, display, and analysis of data and information and that help team members
stay focused, including cause-and-effect diagrams, graphic presentations, and others.
d) Members of the healthcare organization who have formed a functional or cross-functional group to examine a
performance issue and make recommendations with respect to its improvement.
a) A healthcare structure, product, service, process, or outcome that does not meet its customers’ expectations
and, therefore, could be improved.
b) Members of the healthcare organization who have formed a functional or cross-functional group to examine a
performance issue and make recommendations with respect to its improvement.
Sets of patient care characteristics that The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have determined to reflect the quality of care an organization can provide for important
d) Tools that facilitate the collection, display, and analysis of data and information and that help team members
stay focused, including cause-and-effect diagrams, graphic presentations, and others.
a) The systematic comparison of the products, services, and outcomes of one organization’s outcomes with
regional or national standards.
b) The interrelated activities of healthcare organizations-including governance, managerial support, and clinical
services-that affect patient outcomes across departments and disciplines within an integrated environment.
c) Tools that facilitate the collection, display, and analysis of data and information and that help team members
stay focused, including cause-and-effect diagrams, graphic presentations, and others.
Sets of patient care characteristics that The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have determined to reflect the quality of care an organization can provide for important
Sets of patient care characteristics that The Joint Commission (TJC) and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) have determined to reflect the quality of care an organization can provide for important
b) The degree to which care is provided in the correct manner, given the current state of knowledge, to achieve
the desired or projected outcome(s) for the individual.
c) The results of care, treatment, and services in terms of the patient’s expectations, needs, and quality of life,
which may be positive and appropriate or negative and diminishing.
d) The systematic comparison of the products, services, and outcomes of one organization’s outcomes with
regional or national standards. NURS FPX4020 Medical Errors in A Vila Health Root Cause Analysis


Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities:

Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or that is of

interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse

and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients.

Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient

care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require

interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is

an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated

bibliography include:

Delivery robots.

Electronic medication administration with barcoding. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.

Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions.

Real-time location systems.


Workflow management systems.

Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University

Library. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative



Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional


Scan the search results related to your chosen technology.

Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you.


Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines,

and blogs are not considered professional sources.

Your selections need to be current—within the last five years.

Annotated Bibliography

Prepare a 4–6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe peer-reviewed publications that

promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your

annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements:

Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic

What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?

What research process did you employ? Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

What databases did you use?

What search terms did you use?

Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first person since you are asked to

describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use

third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.

Annotation Elements

For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.

Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.

Provide a summary overview of the publication.

According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of


According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the

work of the interdisciplinary health care team?

Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other

words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read.


How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?

What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider

such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs,

and/or employee empowerment.

How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? Consider

the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patient care/satisfaction, and

interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the

scoring guide would look like:

Assessment 3 Example [PDF].

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall


Length: 4–6-typed, double-spaced pages.

Number of resources: Cite a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed resources.

Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.

Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

4/28/2020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on … 1/3
Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on Technology
in Nursing
Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a
selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.
Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the Annotated Bibliography
Formative Assessment. Completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment and counts towards
course engagement. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography
Rapid changes in information technology go hand-in-hand with progress in quality health care delivery, nursing
practice, and interdisciplinary team collaboration. The following are only a few examples of how the health care field
uses technology to provide care to patients across multiple settings:
Patient monitoring devices.
Electronic medical records.
Data management resources.
Ready access to current science.
Technology is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession, maintaining quality care outcomes, patient
safety, and research.
This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance quality
and safety standards in nursing. You will prepare an annotated bibliography on technology in nursing. A wellprepared annotated bibliography is a comprehensive commentary on the content of scholarly publications and other
sources of evidence about a selected nursing-related technology. A bibliography of this type provides a vehicle for
workplace discussion to address gaps in nursing practice and to improve patient care outcomes. As nurses become
more accountable in their practice, they are being called upon to expand their role of caregiver and advocate to
include fostering research and scholarship to advance nursing practice. An annotated bibliography stimulates
innovative thinking to find solutions and approaches to effectively and efficiently address these issues.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies
through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes.
Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality
of care, and the interdisciplinary team.
Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety,
quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.
Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients.
Describe organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting.
Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting.
Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient
care technologies.
Course Navigation 
Sara Hogg

Alyssa Seehafer


Tutorials Support Log Out Rachel Beltran Cardoso
4/28/2020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on … 2/3
Create a clear, well-organized, and professional annotated bibliography that is generally free from
errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.
To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities:
Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or that is of
interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse
and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients.
Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient
care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require
interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is
an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated
bibliography include:
Delivery robots.
Electronic medication administration with barcoding.
Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.
Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions.
Real-time location systems.
Workflow management systems.
Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University
Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative
Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional
Scan the search results related to your chosen technology.
Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you.
Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines,
and blogs are not considered professional sources.
Your selections need to be current—within the last five years.
Annotated Bibliography
Prepare a 4–6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe peer-reviewed publications that
promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your
annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements:
Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic
What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?
What research process did you employ?
What databases did you use?
What search terms did you use?
Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first person since you are asked to
describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use
third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.
Annotation Elements
For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.
4/28/2020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on … 3/3
Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.
Provide a summary overview of the publication.
According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of
care? Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography
According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the
work of the interdisciplinary health care team?
Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other
words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read.
How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?
What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider
such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs,
and/or employee empowerment.
How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? Consider
the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patient care/satisfaction, and
interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.
Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the
scoring guide would look like:
Assessment 3 Example [PDF].
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall
Length: 4–6-typed, double-spaced pages.
Number of resources: Cite a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed resources.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.
APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.
Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. Submissions to the ePortfolio will be part of your final
capstone course.
Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Read each bibliographic entry. In the field below, explain whether the source is an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography. If the APA in-text or full citation is incorrect, provide the correct APA citation in your response.
Note: These examples are not inclusive. It is expected that your annotated bibliography will be more robust. See Sources and Evidence in the Capella Writing Center to learn more.
Annotated Bibliography Example #1
Dr. Jackson, John, The novice nurse. London: Lippincott, 1998.
Dr. Jackson provides a thorough examination issues that are encountered by a novice nurse, including their transition to practice, first medication error, and first patient death. The author discusses strategies as to how to survive the first year in clinical practice and how to find a helpful mentor.
Question 1 of 1
Is this an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography? Why or why not? Provide a correct APA citation for this source if needed.

Annotated Bibliography Example #2
Ehren, B., RN (2001). How to survive nursing school. New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company.
In this book the author presents the key strategies to pass nursing school while keeping your sanity.
Question 1 of 1
Is this an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography? Why or why not? Provide a correct APA citation for this source if needed.

Annotated Bibliography Example #3
Lam stated in her article “Life of a nurse is challenging in the 21st century”. Lam states that “the role of the nurse has changed over the past decade” (p2). Key changes are accountability and advanced practice. The source was clear and concise. It provided current examples of actual clinical practice.
The author provided the key issues in nursing practice that could be included in research paper on nursing trends and issues.
The writer wrote three paragraphs. A summary, evaluation, and how it is applicable to the learner’s research/ assignment.
Lam, A. (2018). The life of a new nurse.The Journal of Nursing Care, 130(1), 255-268.
Question 1 of 1
Is this an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography? Why or why not? Provide a correct APA citation for this source if needed.

Annotated Bibliography example #4
The Affordability Act: Can We Afford It? Wikipedia.
The Affordable Care Act was introduced this past decade. It has helped as many Americans and it has hurt. While it provides insurance for those who did not have access to health care, it has resulted in higher premiums for the middle class. The middle class has the burden of paying more for the same services that those covered under the Affordability Act. The ACA has resulted in an increased demand for nurse practitioners (NPs).
I really liked the article. I never read anything like it. This article is interesting because it addressed the need for advanced practice nurses to enhance health care, especially for the poor. This article provided me insight into why nurse practitioners are important to achieve equitable access to health care for diverse populations.
Question 1 of 1
Is this an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography? Why or why not? Provide a correct APA citation for this source if needed.

Annotated Bibliography example #5
According to Satalkar (2015, p. 6), the US needs to mandate vaccinations for all school-age children. The rise of childhood illnesses has resulted in a Senate bill. The author stresses the importance of such a bill to protect the population. Satalkar says that parents should be accountable for their child’s health and safeguard the community. This issue is timely in community health and public health nursing. This source provided insight into the need for nurses to play a key role in administering the vaccine. It supports the belief that the nurse is the gatekeeper for patient safety. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography
Source can be utilized in the community health teaching plan.
Question 1 of 1
Is this an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography? Why or why not? Provide a correct APA citation for this source if needed.

Annotated Bibliography example #6
Boerster, K. D., Sayer, J. A., Jabbard, S., & Kronick, R. G. (2018). Impact of policy on health care utilization among US farmworkers. American Journal of Public Health,101(4), 685—692. 8p. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2009.190892
This article discusses and analyzes the subject of equitable health care to the undocumented farmworker. Boerster et al. (2018) outlined strategies to provide programs for this vulnerable population. They provided the health professional insight into how to advocate for them and create a change in policy to require health promotion and disease prevention. The authors shared their experience as public health nurses working with migrant workers. The source makes a credible argument for nurses to join professional organizations to help them voice their concerns and best practice ideas.
Question 1 of 1
Is this an appropriate scholarly or authoritative source for an annotated bibliography? Why or why not? Provide a correct APA citation for this source if needed.

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4/28/2020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on … Course Navigation  Hogg Tutorials Sara Support FACULTY Log Out 10 NEW  Alyssa Seehafer Rachel Beltran Cardoso COACH  Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Write a 4-6 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the Annotated Bibliography Formative Assessment. Completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment and counts towards course engagement. Rapid changes in information technology go hand-in-hand with progress in quality health care delivery, nursing practice, and interdisciplinary team collaboration. The following are only a few examples of how the health care field uses technology to provide care to patients across multiple settings: Patient monitoring devices. Robotics. Electronic medical records. Data management resources. Ready access to current science. Technology is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession, maintaining quality care outcomes, patient safety, and research. This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. You will prepare an annotated bibliography on technology in nursing. A wellprepared annotated bibliography is a comprehensive commentary on the content of scholarly publications and other sources of evidence about a selected nursing-related technology. A bibliography of this type provides a vehicle for workplace discussion to address gaps in nursing practice and to improve patient care outcomes. As nurses become more accountable in their practice, they are being called upon to expand their role of caregiver and advocate to include fostering research and scholarship to advance nursing practice. An annotated bibliography stimulates innovative thinking to find solutions and approaches to effectively and efficiently address these issues. Demonstration of Proficiency By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria: Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes. Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team. Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation. Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients. Describe organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting. Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting. Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography course_id=_252426_1&content_id=_8836395_1&mode=view 1/3 4/28/2020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on … Create a clear, well-organized, and professional annotated bibliography that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries. Preparation To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities: Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or that is of interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients. Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated bibliography include: Delivery robots. Electronic medication administration with barcoding. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography
Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support. Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions. Real-time location systems. Telehealth. Workflow management systems. Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University Library. Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources. Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional resources. Scan the search results related to your chosen technology. Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you. Notes Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not considered professional sources. Your selections need to be current—within the last five years. Annotated Bibliography Prepare a 4–6 page annotated bibliography in which you identify and describe peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. Be sure that your annotated bibliography includes all of the following elements: Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this? What research process did you employ? What databases did you use? What search terms did you use? Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first person since you are asked to describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use third person in the rest of the bibliography, however. Annotation Elements For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation. 2/3 4/28/2020 Assessment 3 Instructions: Annotated Bibliography on … Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose. Provide a summary overview of the publication. According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of care? According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the work of the interdisciplinary health care team? Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read. Conclusion/Recommendation How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined? What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs, and/or employee empowerment. How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? Consider the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patient care/satisfaction, and interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention. Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like: Assessment 3 Example [PDF]. Additional Requirements Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Length: 4–6-typed, double-spaced pages. Number of resources: Cite a minimum of 4 peer-reviewed resources. Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point. APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries. Portfolio Prompt: Save your presentation to your ePortfolio. Submissions to the ePortfolio will be part of your final capstone course. SCORING GUIDE Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated. VIEW SCORING GUIDE  3/3 Running head: ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Learner’s Name Capella University Managing Health Information and Technology Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing August, 2019 Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited. 1 ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 2 Technology in Nursing Pulse oximetry is one of the most common methods of measuring the percentage of oxygen saturation in blood (Narayen et al., 2016). Pulse oximeters play a crucial role in critical care settings by detecting low levels of oxygen saturation. Pulse oximeters are also adopted by anesthesiologists in recovery, emergency, and pediatric wards; operation theatres; and neonatal units (Hendaus, Jomha, & Alhammadi, 2015). This annotated bibliography provides insight into how pulse oximeters are used, their limitations and accuracy, and patient outcomes. Annotated Bibliography Hendaus, Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography
M. A., Jomha, F. A., & Alhammadi, A. H. (2015). Pulse oximetry in bronchiolitis: Is it needed? Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 11, 1573–1578. This article discusses the use of pulse oximetry in pediatric wards. The authors state that hospitals in the United States admit a significant number of children every year with bronchiolitis and other respiratory problems. These problems are usually monitored with the help of a pulse oximeter, an instrument used to measure the saturation of oxygen in the blood. Oxygen saturation levels are used by health care providers to evaluate a patient’s respiratory status and are one of the deciding factors for a patient’s discharge. Pulse oximetry is frequently used in pediatrics (in pediatric intensive care units and pediatric wards) and in emergency departments. Pulse oximeters are used to monitor oxygen saturation during resuscitations, while estimating perfusion, while detecting pulsus paradoxus, and while screening infants for congenital heart disease. Though the source does not fully explain why the limitations occur, it identifies several cases in which pulse oximeters are likely to be inaccurate. Pulse oximeters have certain Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited. Commented [A1]: Comprehensive information regarding the types of pulse oximetry devices, selection criteria, decision makers, and associated costs is not available in the selected papers. The two types of pulse oximeters and their advantages over the others is provided; however, information on the various types of pulse oximeters is not available and the associated costs are not provided. This paper does mention that this technique is cost-effective which can fulfill the required criteria. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 3 limitations due to inadequate signals. Inadequate signals occur in cases of anemia, bright external light, dark skin, nail polish, low perfusion, and intravenous dye. Pulse oximeters show low readings in cases of venous pulsations such as severe right heart failure, tricuspid regurgitation, and blood pressure cuffs or tourniquets above the site of the pulse oximeter. Pulse oximeters might not detect hypoxemia in patients with elevated arterial oxygen tension levels because of the sigmoidal shape of the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Also, pulse oximeters provide unreliable readings in cases of methemoglobinemia. The source highlights several limitations, which will help readers exercise caution when using pulse oximeters. However, despite these limitations, the use of pulse oximeters in pediatrics is recommended because they are handy and allow for noninvasive measuring of arterial oxygen saturation. Commented [A2]: Meets criterion 3 as it deals with organizational factors that influence the selection of a technology in health care setting. Jubran, A. (2015). Pulse oximetry. Critical Care, 19(1), 272. This article provides insight into the principles, accuracy, functioning, and outcome of pulse oximeters. It discusses the potential advantages of multiwavelength pulse oximeters over conventional pulse oximeters. Multiwavelength pulse oximeters are capable of estimating the blood levels of carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin, whereas conventional pulse oximeters assume that dyshemoglobins such as carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobin are absent because they can only distinguish between hemoglobin and oxyhemoglobin. Hence, physicians prefer to use multiwavelength pulse oximeters for more accurate results. In hospital settings, the transfer rate from a postsurgical care floor to the intensive care unit (ICU) is an important factor that influences the use of pulse oximeters. The resource reviews a study by Ochroch et al. in which patients were Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited. Commented [A3]: Deals with criterion 3: Organizational factors that influence the selection of a technology in health care setting. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 4 monitored by pulse oximeters either continuously (oximeter group) or intermittently based on clinical needs as judged by a physician or a nurse (control group). The rate of ICU transfers for pulmonary complications was lower in the oximeter group than in the control group. Additionally, for patients who did require ICU transfers, the estimated cost of treatment from enrollment to the completion of the study was lower for the oximeter group ($15,481) than for the control group ($18,713) despite the patients in the oximeter group being older and having higher comorbidity. The reduction in pulmonary transfers to the ICU in the oximeter group was speculated to be the result of early recognition and treatment of postoperative pulmonary complications. As cited in Jubran, another study by Moller et al. indicates that anesthesiologists considered pulse oximetry to be of immense value as it guides clinical management. Anesthesiologists recommend the use of pulse Commented [A4]: Deals with criterion 3: Organizational factors that influence the selection of a technology in health care setting. oximeters because they believe that maintaining oxygenation within limits might help prevent irreversible injury. Pulse oximetry is, therefore, a key part of the standard protocol for monitoring critically ill patients. Narayen, I. C. et al. (2016). Aspects of pulse oximetry screening for critical congenital heart defects: When, how and why? Archives of Disease in Childhood – Fetal and Neonatal Edition, 101(2), F162–F167. This article describes how pulse oximetry is being implemented worldwide for the screening of critical congenital heart defects (CCHD). The use of pulse oximetry to screen for CCHD is highly recommended because it is effective, quick, simple, and costeffective. The authors state that training parents and caregivers and using tools that are computer based can improve pulse oximetry screening. Pulse oximetry helps detect significant pathology and is reliable for keeping track of CCHD, which requires constant Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited. Commented [A5]: Fulfills the rubric criteria: Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting. And also fulfills: Describes organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 5 diagnosis and immediate medical intervention. In almost every infant with CCHD, clinically undetectable hypoxemia is identified by pulse oximeters. Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography
Early studies of neonatal pulse oximetry screening for CCHD showed accurate details. As a result, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services advised adding CCHD screening to the recommended uniform screening panel. According to a meta-analysis of 13 screening studies, pulse oximetry screening reported a specificity of 99.9 percent, a sensitivity of 76.5 percent, and a false positive rate of 0.14 percent. Therefore, the authors concluded that the universal screening criteria were met by pulse oximetry screening. Pulse oximetry screening shows no difference in accuracy when pre-ductal and post-ductal pulse oximetry measurements are performed. The authors also observed that pulse oximetry screening done 24 hours after birth increases the risk of late detection of CCHD in infants but decreases the false positive rate. Therefore, the use of pulse oximeters can be crucial for the early detection of CCHD and helps reduce mortality and improve postoperative outcomes. Nitzan, M., Romem, A., & Koppel, R. (2014). Pulse oximetry: Fundamentals and technology update. Medical Devices: Evidence and Research, 7, 231–239. This article offers comprehensive insight into how pulse oximetry works; particularly, it looks at the techniques involved in measurement, the limitations of using the techniques, and the accuracy that can be expected while determining oxygen saturation. Oxygen saturation (SaO2) is the measurement of the percentage of oxygen in hemoglobin. Pulse oximeters detect the significant decline of oxygen in the respiratory function of patients. Measurements of oxygen saturation in pulse oximeters (SpO2) are often inaccurate when Copyright ©2019 Capella University. Copy and distribution of this document are prohibited. Commented [A6]: Fulfills the rubric criteria: Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting. ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON TECHNOLOGY IN NURSING 6 critically ill patients receive supplemental oxygen. The difference between SpO2 and SaO2 determines the accuracy of a pulse oximeter. Though the outcome of pulse oximetry in measuring SaO2 in sick patients is 3–4 percent inaccurate, pulse oximeters quickly detect the abrupt drop of SpO2 in anesthetized patients and in patients in intensive care units. Despite the limitations of pulse oximetry, SpO2 values obtained from the pulse oximeter are considered reliable for the detection of deterioration in respiratory function. Further, pulse oximetry has the advantage of being a noninvasive technique to measure oxygen saturation. Studies suggest that pulse oximetry should not be the only method to monitor SaO2 in the neonatal intensive care unit because of infants’ vulnerability to Commented [A7]: Fulfills the criteria: Justifies the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting. Provides an in-depth and well-researched analysis of the impact of the technology on quality care and patient safety. retinopathy of prematurity, which is induced by the high partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood. The authors conclude that technological advancements in pulse oximeters over the years have enabled them to diagnose and monitor patients better. Conclusion Despite their limitations, pulse oximeters are recommended for monitoring oxygen saturation levels in patients with respiratory problems. The use of pulse oximeters helps reduce the rate of pulmonary transfers of patients from a postsurgical floor to the ICU. They play a … Essay: Technology in Nursing Annotated Bibliography

Bronx Community Health Policy Analysis Presentation

Bronx Community Health Policy Analysis Presentation

This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a problem statement, background, landscape, options and recommendations from the week’s readings. The health policy analysis presentation is based upon an identified healthcare issue in one’s local community.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Employ strategies to impact the development, implementation, and consequences of holistic healthcare policies using evidence-based practice principles (CO1)
  2. Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APRN practice are organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic and political factors (CO2)
  3. Analyze social, historical, ethical and political contexts of healthcare policies and advanced practice leadership (CO4 )Bronx Community Health Policy Analysis Presentation
  4. Advocate for institutional, local, national and international policies that fosters person-centered healthcare and nursing practice (CO5)

Due DateSunday by 11:59pm MT of week 4.

Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late assignment policy. Bronx Community Health Policy Analysis Presentation


Total Points Possible200


  1. Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Develop a power point presentation offline. Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.
    • Problem Statement
    • Background
    • Landscape
    • Options
    • Recommendations. Bronx Community Health Policy Analysis Presentation

Health Condition Essay Paper

Health Condition Essay Paper

Using CDC Wonder, choose a health condition or determinant in Oklahoma and a time period (years). Review the data covering a 5–10-year period. Answer the following questions in 400 words

  1. What are the morbidity and mortality rates for the health condition or disease?
  2. Choose 1 year, and review the data by age, ethnicity, and gender. Do you observe any disparities within these groups?


  3. What pattern or trend have you observed over the 5–10-year period?
  4. What are the risk factors for the disease or health condition?
  5. Does this information surprise you? If so, why?
  6. How can these data be used to inform policy and prevention and intervention programs? Health Condition Essay Paper

PICOT Nursing research Paper

PICOT Nursing research Paper

***Research Critiques

In the Topic 2 and Topic 3 assignments you completed a qualitative and quantitative research critique. Use the feedback you received from your instructor on these assignments to finalize the critical analysis of the study by making appropriate revisions.

The completed analysis should connect to your identified practice problem of interest that is the basis for your PICOT statement.

You will combine the qualitative and quantitative study critiques you have done on the topic you wrote your PICOT on. You will use the guidelines, the rubric, as well as the feedback I have given you through these weeks. You will also need to condense the first two assignments i.e. topic 2 and 3 and be succinct.

Refer to “Research Critique Guidelines.” Questions under each heading should be addressed as a narrative in the structure of a formal paper. PICOT Nursing research Paper


***Proposed Evidence-Based Practice Change

Discuss the link between the PICOT statement, the research articles, and the nursing practice problem you identified. Include relevant details and supporting explanation and use that information to propose evidence-based practice changes. PICOT Nursing research

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.

Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages.

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument. PICOT Nursing research Paper

Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn

Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn

Assignments, Chapter 26, Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn


Written Assignments Learning Objectives
1.      Make a list of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes for the following premature newborns:

   A newborn who develops anemia of prematurity

   A newborn who is born with persistent patent ductus arteriosus

   A newborn who has periventricular hemorrhage

4, 5
2.      Develop a nursing care plan for a high-risk premature infant that reflects the use of the nursing process and following QSEN competencies:

   Patient-centered care

   Teamwork and collaboration

   Evidence-based practice

   Quality improvement

   Safety

   Informatics

Share your nursing care plan with the rest of the class in a class discussion.

6, 9


Group Assignments Learning Objective
1.      Divide into six groups. Each group should choose a different one of the following classifications of newborns to discuss:

   Appropriate for gestational age (AGA)

   Large for gestational age (LGA)

   Small for gestational age (SGA)

   Low–birth-weight (LBW) infant

   Very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infant

   Extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW) infant

Within your group, discuss the characteristics of the babies in the category you chose and appropriate nursing interventions for the infant and family.

2.      Divide into four groups to discuss the following 2020 National Health Goals pertaining to preterm birth:

   Reduce low birth weight (LBW) to an incidence of no more than 7.8% of live births and very low birth weight (VLBW) to an incidence of no more than 1.4% of live births from baselines of 8.2% and 1.5%, respectively.

   Increase the proportion of VLBW infants born at level III hospitals or subspecialty perinatal centers from a baseline of 76.1% to a target level of 83.7%. Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn

   Reduce the rate of fetal and infant deaths during the perinatal period (28 weeks of gestation to 7 days or more after birth) to 5.9 per 1,000 live births from a baseline of 6.6 per 1,000 live births.

   Reduce the rate of deaths from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to 0.5 per 1,000 live births.

Within your group, discuss how nurses can help the nation achieve these goals and design a teaching tool for parents to help meet these objectives.





Clinical Assignments Learning Objective
1.      During your clinical rotation, arrange to shadow a nurse who is caring for high-risk newborns in a NICU. Watch as the nurse makes assessments of the infants to determine whether the infant has made a safe transfer to extrauterine life. Make a checklist of these assessments to use in your future practice. 3
2.      Interview a neonatal nurse and ask how he or she evaluates expected outcomes of nursing care of high-risk newborns to determine the effectiveness of care. With the nurse’s help, devise a list of expected outcomes that are appropriate for these newborns. 8


Web Assignment Learning Objective
1.      Search the Internet for the latest developments in the provision of nursing care for high-risk premature newborns. Place your findings in a report to share with the rest of the class in a class discussion. 7

Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn

Assignments, Chapter 26, Nursing Care of a Family With a HighRisk Newborn Written Assignments Learning Objectives 1. Make a list of nursing diagnoses and expected outcomes for 4, 5 the following premature newborns: A newborn who develops anemia of prematurity A newborn who is born with persistent patent ductus arteriosus A newborn who has periventricular hemorrhage 2. Develop a nursing care plan for a high-risk premature infant 6, 9 that reflects the use of the nursing process and following QSEN competencies: Patient-centered care Teamwork and collaboration Evidence-based practice Quality improvement Safety Informatics Share your nursing care plan with the rest of the class in a class discussion. Group Assignments Learning Objective 1. Divide into six groups. Each group should choose a different one of the following classifications of newborns to discuss: Appropriate for gestational age (AGA) Large for gestational age (LGA) Small for gestational age (SGA) Low–birth-weight (LBW) infant 1 Group Assignments Learning Objective Very-low-birth-weight (VLBW) infant Extremely-low-birth-weight (ELBW) infant Within your group, discuss the characteristics of the babies in the category you chose and appropriate nursing interventions for the infant and family. Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn. 2. Divide into four groups to discuss the following 2020 National Health Goals pertaining to preterm birth: Reduce low birth weight (LBW) to an incidence of no more than 7.8% of live births and very low birth weight (VLBW) to an incidence of no more than 1.4% of live births from baselines of 8.2% and 1.5%, respectively. Increase the proportion of VLBW infants born at level III hospitals or subspecialty perinatal centers from a baseline of 76.1% to a target level of 83.7%. Reduce the rate of fetal and infant deaths during the perinatal period (28 weeks of gestation to 7 days or more after birth) to 5.9 per 1,000 live births from a baseline of 6.6 per 1,000 live births. Reduce the rate of deaths from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to 0.5 per 1,000 live births. Within your group, discuss how nurses can help the nation achieve these goals and design a teaching tool for parents to help meet these objectives. 2 Clinical Assignments Learning Objective 1. During your clinical rotation, arrange to shadow a nurse 3 who is caring for high-risk newborns in a NICU. Watch as the nurse makes assessments of the infants to determine whether the infant has made a safe transfer to extrauterine life. Make a checklist of these assessments to use in your future practice. 2. Interview a neonatal nurse and ask how he or she evaluates 8 expected outcomes of nursing care of high-risk newborns to determine the effectiveness of care. With the nurse’s help, devise a list of expected outcomes that are appropriate for these newborns. Web Assignment Learning Objective 1. Search the Internet for the latest developments in the provision of nursing care for high-risk premature newborns. Place your findings in a report to share with the rest of the class in a class discussion. 7 … Nursing Care of a Family With a High-Risk Newborn