PSY 699 Mental Health Among College Students Discussion

PSY 699 Mental Health Among College Students Discussion

Prior to beginning work on this written assignment, be sure to carefully review the instructions for the Final Assignment, which is due at the end of Week Six. In preparation for that assignment, you will list the four required content domains you have chosen for the Integrative Literature Review and provide a minimum list of six resources you intend to use for each domain. For assistance with researching your resources, please view the Psychology Subject Guide in the Ashford University Library.

For the group of resources in each domain, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings and provide a rationale for including the group within the domain. These rationales should include descriptions of how the research findings will function together in the Integrative Literature Review.

Please use the format below for each of the four domains.

Name of the Domain: (e.g., Psychopharmacology)

List the complete references for each of the six resources. Format your reference list in alphabetical order according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).


One to two paragraphs including the required information noted above.

The Resources for the Integrative Literature Review

Must include a separate title page with the following:

Title of paper

Student’s name

Course name and number

Instructor’s name

Date submitted

Must use at least 24 scholarly sources, including a minimum of 20 from the Ashford University Library.

Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. PSY 699 Mental Health Among College Students Discussion

Hello, Students,

For Week Two assignment, “you” choose your interest (Example, mental illness/stress in youth 12-15 yrs old. Domain 4- Social and Personality (includes the study of personality, emotion, motivation, gender, and culture. Explained how each factor relates to mental illness in youth 12-15 yrs of age) for week two’s assignment, and complete as the “final” paper, Capstone project. The “Capstone Project” is built from past class assignments, as well as this class center on the “psychology theories”. The Capstone PSY 699 is the variety of assignments building upon the completion of the final paper for this class. ( See attached Powerpoint using the domains)


The students are to review the four psychology content domains (There are five pillars of domains)

Domain- 1: Biological (includes neuroscience, consciousness, and sensation)

Domain 2: Cognitive (includes the study of perception, cognition, memory, and intelligence)

Domain 3: Development (includes learning and conditioning, lifespan development, and language)

Domain 4: Social and Personality (includes the study of personality, emotion, motivation, gender, and culture)

Domain 5: Mental and Physical Health (includes abnormal psychology, therapy, and health psychology) and chosen from previous coursework in this program to assist with the instructions for the Final paper. PSY 699 Mental Health Among College Students Discussion

In the final paper, students will review the findings in the individual empirical articles, organize the research in a meaningful way, evaluate the reliability, validity, and generalizability of the research findings, and present an integrated synthesis of the research that sheds new light on the topics within and across the four domains.

Please be mindful; Week Two’s Assignment is a literature review. Therefore, provide a summary of each literature from per article, which a critique, and synthesizes on how it relates to “your” main chosen domain- Psychology topic in an integrated way, such that new frameworks and perspectives adding additional knowledge to the current field of psychology. Students will complete a thesis-length integrative literature review as their final project. Integrative literature. Reviews are a unique form of research that reviews, critiques, and synthesizes representative literature on a topic in an integrated way, such that new frameworks and perspectives on the topic are generated. PSY 699 Mental Health Among College Students Discussion

Students, a reminder about inserting academic voice (APA in-text citations and full references) in the written material and provide the same level critical thinking assessment per your responses to your classmates’ post.

Also, students, I encourage you to work ahead, but “only” if you have an understanding of the assignments/discussions. Mindful, all discussions and assignments build upon each other. Therefore, if you do not understand the instructions for previous assignments/discussions is to take time and learn with the class as we move from weekly modules. Weekly Announcements & Guidance tips that will provide needed information to move forward.include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. PSY 699 Mental Health Among College Students Discussion

DNP and Nursing Question Paper

DNP and Nursing Question Paper

1 page paper on:

What knowledge, skills do you expect to acquire in this course: DNP Role and Essentials/ Interprofessional Teams
Based on syllabus review, assignment overview, and discussion in week 1(Summarizing 6 peer review article in an annotated bibliography format), do you expect to learn what you expected?
Do you have recommendations on how to achieve or acquire your expectations?
Attached is the course syllabus for your use/reference

Part Two

Short writing assignment-(IALR).

A) 8-10 insights(I) from the work of the week (Above)

B) share two ways you could apply (A)the information you read or learned during the week,

C) list two of the least (L) clear concepts or topics of the week and lastly,  DNP and Nursing Question Paper

D) Share one helpful resource (R) you found this week in all the reading you did either for this class, another class or during your work and state why the resource is helpful.


DNP and Nursing Question

Unformatted Attachment Preview
Sylabus: DNP Role and Interprofessional Teams! Course Description: As an introductory course to the DNP program, students examine the DNP essentials, as well as current trends and future directions of the DNP role within the context of a diverse, global healthcare environment. This includes focusing on role socialization, inter-professional collaboration, and clinical and leadership abilities as an advanced practice nurse. Students are also introduced to the options and requirements for the DNP Scholarly Project. Click here to download a PDF copy of your syllabus. Course Objectives: 1. Analyze the AACN DNP Essentials within the context of providing the highest quality population health. LO: 1-6 2. Evaluate the evolution, past, present, and future of the role expectations of a competent doctoral prepared nurse within a diverse, global environment. LO: 1, 2, & 6 3. Explore clinical and leadership opportunities of an advanced practice nurse with inter-professional collaboration. LO: 2 & 5. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of scholarship and practice-based scholarly inquiry. LO: 1. 5. Examine the options and requirements of a DNP Scholarly Project. LO: 1-6 Required Materials: American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (7th ed.). Holly, C. (2019). Practice based scholarly inquiry and the DNP project. Springer Publishing Co. Zaccagnini, M. & Pechacek, J. The Doctor of Nursing Practice practice essentials. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Course Calendar: An interactive list of assignments with due dates can be found here. *In the event of extenuating circumstances, the above schedule and the procedures for this course are subject to change. Evaluation and Grading Policy: Doctoral students will be evaluated in NSG 6110 through writing assignments using APA 7th ed. and scholarly interactions with the material, other students, and the instructor. No exams or quizzes will be given in this course. However, ALL assignments must be completed in order to pass this course, even assignments that are late and receive 0 points. Total points for this course is 1000 and you can see the breakdown in the Gradi

Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Research Paper

Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Research Paper


  • The Roles in Advanced Nursing Practice paper is worth 150 points and will be graded on the quality of the content, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
  • Submit the paper as a Microsoft Word Document, which is the required format at Chamberlain University. You are encouraged to use the APA Academic Writer and Grammarly tools when creating your assignment.
  • Follow the directions below and the grading criteria located in the rubric closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum or emailed to your faculty.
  • The length of the paper should be 3-6 pages, excluding title page and reference page(s).
  • Support ideas with a minimum of 2 scholarly resources. Scholarly resources do not include your textbook. You may need to use more than 2 scholarly resources to fully support your ideas.
  • You may use first person voice when describing your rationale for choosing the CNP role and your plans for clinical practice. Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Research Paper
  • Current APA format is required with both a title page and reference page(s). Use the following as Level 1 headings to denote the sections of your paper (Level 1 headings use upper- and lower-case letters and are bold and centered):
    • Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing (This is the paper introduction. In APA format, a restatement of the paper title, centered and not bold serves as the heading of the introduction section)
    • Four APN Roles
    • Rationale for Choosing CNP Role
    • Plans for Clinical Practice
    • Role Transition
    • Conclusion



  • Introduction: Provide an overview of what will be covered in the paper. Introduction should include general statements on advanced practice nursing roles, general statements on the role transition from RN to APN, and identification of the purpose of the paper.
  • Four APN Roles: Describe the role, educational preparation, and work environment for the four APN roles (CNP, CNS, CRNA & CNM). Provide support from at least one scholarly source.
  • Rationale for Choosing CNP Role: Describe your rationale for choosing the CNP advanced practice role versus one of the other roles.
  • Plans for Clinical Practice: Discuss your plans for clinical practice after graduation. Explain how your understanding of NP practice has changed after researching the four ANP roles. (DO NOT ANSWER THIS PART…I WILL DO)
  • Role Transition: Discuss your transition from the RN role to the NP role. Describe two factors that may impact your transition. Discuss two strategies you will use to support a successful transition from the RN to your NP role. Provide reference support from at least one scholarly source. The textbook is not a scholarly source.
  • Conclusion: Provide a conclusion, including a brief summary of what you discussed in the paper. Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing Research Paper

CHFD 220 Popular Culture Perceptions of Sexuality & Elderly People Essay

CHFD 220 Popular Culture Perceptions of Sexuality & Elderly People Essay

Assignment 2: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or advertisement with your assignment submission. Make sure that you choose a cartoon that will provide ample information for you to write about. CHFD 220 Popular Culture Perceptions of Sexuality & Elderly People Essay


Using a minimum of 1000 words, answer the following questions. Be sure to use two references, other than your media item, to support your work. Your job is to convince me that you have a clear understanding of the issues surrounding sexuality and the elderly.

  1. What is the message of the popular media cartoon, or advertisement?
  2. What examples of physiological, psychological, or social aspects of sexual development are conveyed? Explain. Be sure to address each of the 3 aspects in your discussion.

All assignments and forums in the class are designed for you to demonstrate your understanding and your knowledge of the material content. It is never acceptable or appropriate to simply provide information that is copied and pasted from a source – any source. Even if the information were cited properly, copying and pasting does not demonstrate knowledge. CHFD 220 Popular Culture Perceptions of Sexuality & Elderly People Essay

NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies

NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies

Question 1 – Identify two GCU Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your capstone project change proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search.

1 – cara harris

Pub Med encompasses millions of published articles that are relevant to the nursing field. Many of the articles are research articles that discuss research funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH). (GCU,2017)This has been a very useful resource throughout my studies with Grand Canyon University( GCU) . GCU alco lists in the library database the Cochrane Library. This library includes 7 databases important to systematic reviews in Healthcare. It also contains controlled trials, methodology, decision-making, collaboration. This information is listed in the GCU Library.(GCU, 2017) Using these databases and libraries are better the google or internet searches because you know you are accessing a reliable source that is clearly defined, formatted, with all references and citations available. It is also easy to see associated articles for the topic. NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies



Grand Canyon University. (2017).…

2 – Jocelyn Perez

Two GCU Library scholarly databases will help me find the best research articles to support my capstone project change proposal, include using PubMed and Gale One File Nursing and Allied Health. PubMed is by far the best database that I have used throughout this program. I have found the most relevant information on this database. PubMed is a free database of more than 30 million citations for published articles in the fields of biomedicine and health. The second database is Gale One File Nursing and Allied Health. This database has over 10 million articles. This collection provides nursing students and other health care professionals with current and authoritative content (Grand Canyon University, 2021). These two databases are Google Scholar or a general internet search because they provide strong, evidence-based research that is peer-reviewed and relevant to the course’s objectives. NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies


Grand Canyon University. (2021). Find Journal Articles. GCU.

Reply | Quote & Reply

3 – Rebecca illnicky

GCU library has a wealth of information. You can formulate your search to look for specific information and narrow it down by date, publication types and peer reviewed. It can sometime be difficult to find exactly what you looking for with such a large library of information but GCU library web page states if you have looked for over 20min its time to contact them for assistance with your search. The available content ranges for full text scholarly journal articles to the most update textbooks from reputable publishers and resource sites. Students should find the available content GCU offers sufficient for research projects and assignments.

4 – tamara guitterez

ProQuest database along with EBSCO are two scholarly databases that will help me with research articles throughout my capstone project to explore resources related to health care as well as mental health attributes. GCU Library has a variety of databases to offer assistance. These produce easy access information in regards to the many different studies throughout this educational experience. My current school district utilizes the ProQuest database for research and documentation. These scholarly searches are peer reviewed when needed to gather evidence-based practices. The platform for either is easily accessible with exact data rather than general information found in the general internet searches. These GCU Library databases offers reliable citations for your work. Using the GCU Library platform for your database information ensures reliable facts and help with searches 7 days a week.

GCU Library.

Ques 2 – The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed. NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies

5 – Shannon bolin

Evidence-based practice (EBP) integrates research-based information into patient care to provide the best quality care and patient outcomes possible (Wilson & Austria, 2019). When applying EBP to patient care, the healthcare provider uses knowledge gained through continue research and education to incorporate interventions and procedures that are aimed at improving the patient’s experiences. Nurses and other healthcare providers must continue to strive to remain up to date with every changing practice of medicine and apply evidence-based research into their practice. NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies


While research shows that EBP care is best for the safety and outcome of the patient, many health care providers still find it difficult to incorporate it into daily operation. In a study done, one barrier sited in the implementation of EBP is lack of resources (Alatawi et al., 2020). As an example of this type of barrier in preventing falls in the hospital, a nurse may find that the use of chair alarms no longer is best practice when a patient is sitting in a chair to alert staff they are moving. The nurse begins research new techniques and interventions that offer better safety and find that wireless set alarms are considered best practice, however, due to financial restraints this type of EBP intervention is not realistic for their unit.

Another barrier that Alatai et al. identified was a lack of training or education on newly implemented items (Alatai et al., 2020). As an example of this type of barrier, a hospital system purchases a new type of hospital bed that is proven to reduce pressure ulcers and allow more variability for better positioning for the patients. After the hospital incorporated this new bed into use it only provided brief instruction on one unit and invited nurses to comes a specific time to learn this use of this bed in a minimal amount of time during their shift. As a result, the nursing staff did not feel adequately trained on the new bed system and were not able to utilize it to the fullest extent of its use and purpose. While EBP continues to be gold standard there will be barriers that prevent nursing staff from incorporating these into practice. It is however, the duty of the nursing profession to continue to advocate for itself the benefits the patient receive from improvement implementation of EBP into the patient setting.

Alatawi, M., Aljuhani, E., Alsufiany, F., Aleid, K., Rawah, R., Aljanabi, S. & Banakhar, M., (2020). Barriers of implementing evidence-based practice in nursing profession: A literature review. American Journal of Nursing Science. Retrieved from…

Wilson, B. & Austria, M-J., (2019). What is evidence-based practice? University of Utah Health. Retrieved from…

6 – mary orao

According to a study carried out by(Shayan et al.,2019) on barriers associated with Evidence-Based Practice Among Nurses in Low- and Middle-Income Countries,three of the main barriers were institutional-related,nurse-related and there was also interdisciplinary barriers.Limitation in availability of resources,access to information,inadequate staffing and lack of support from institutions contributed to institutional barriers from achieving this goal.Nurse-related barriers emerged from the perception that there were limitations in the scope of practice in the nursing profession and knowledge of EBP despite advanced education.Another significant contributor was the lack of consistency between nursing education and practice,poor team work and the negativity of the nursing profession brought about by the publics image(Shayan et al.,2019).

Moving forward ,to adress these barriers,institutional should provide the necessary support needed for the implementation of these EBP practices by ensuring that there is availability of resources.Nurses should be empowered to practice within their educational boundaries and this can be enhanced though legislative advocacy.The transition between nursing education and practice should be seamless enable consistency.


Shayan, S. J., Kiwanuka, F., & Nakaye, Z. (2019). Barriers Associated With Evidence-Based Practice Among Nurses in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Systematic Review. Worldviews on evidence-based nursing16(1), 12–20.

NRS 493 Evidence Based Practice Managerial Attitudes & Perceived Barriers Replies

Health Journal Discussion Paper

Health Journal Discussion Paper

Health Journal Discussion

Write a half- to 1-page entry in your Health Journal that addresses the following:

  • After reviewing the readings about the Dimensions of Wellness, explain which dimension of your wellness you feel is the most out of balance. Explain your response.
  • Construct a 1-sentence goal statement related to a health behavior that falls within this dimension of wellness or dimensions (if it overlaps). Example: In order to improve my emotional and physical health, my behavioral goal is to get more sleep by going to bed an hour earlier each night.
  • Identify two to three specific steps you will take to work toward this health behavior goal by the end of this course. Example: In order to get an additional hour of sleep each night, I will need to eat earlier in the evening and start my course work earlier. I also have a tendency to procrastinate, which means I don’t start my course work until 8 or 9 at night. I need to eat earlier, start on my home work by 6, and then I can get to bed no later than 10 pm. Health Journal Discussion Paper
  • Explain the potential health benefits related to changing this behavior. Example: By getting more sleep, I’ll have more energy to get through the day, and my mood will likely improve. I think it will improve my emotional health, too, because I’ll be more rested to deal with stressful situations. Also I won’t have to panic the night before my assignments are due because I won’t be procrastinating. I may actually do better in my classes as well because I won’t be trying to write assignments with one eye!


Each week, as part of your Health Journal, you will be asked to report your progress toward achieving this goal. Assignments must follow APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. You may also choose to use the resources on the Writing and Library Skills Resource Guide page below. Health Journal Discussion Paper

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials Assignment

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials Assignment

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials

Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercial

Watch cartoons (geared for children) and their commercials, and also watch a non-cartoon, fictional television show and its commercials (e.g., a show geared toward adults). After watching them, write a short essay in which you analyze the gender stereotypes found in these TV shows (and their commercials). When writing your paper, answer the following questions: (0.50 point will be given for proper formatting and academic writing, including page length and proper grammar).

  • What kinds of gender stereotypes were present in the cartoons and the commercials? (0.50 points)
  • What kinds of gender stereotypes were present in the adult show (and its associated commercials)? (0.50 points)
  • Were the gender stereotypes worse or better than those during the television show and commercials you watched that aired in primetime/at night? (0.50 points)
  • Did you expect programming for children to be more or less gender stereotypical? Why or why not? (0.50 points)
  • What kind of effect, if any, do you think these stereotyped characters/behaviors have on the children who watch them? What about the adults? Explain your answer. (0.50 points)


– All assignments should be at least one full page of text, double spaced, with 1” margins all around, and no extra spaces between paragraphs; also, you should use a Sans Serif font (e.g., 11pt Calibri, 11pt Arial, or 10pt Lucida Sans Unicode) or a Serif font (e.g., 12pt Times New Roman, 11pt Georgia, or 10pt Computer Modern).

– Although it is usually good practice to include your name on your assignments, you do not actually need to include your name on these assignments, because – by virtue you submitting your assignment via Canvas – your name will automatically be associated with your assignment. That being said, if you do include identifying information (e.g., your name) directly on your assignment, that identifying information will NOT count toward your 1 page minimum. For example, if you use two lines to write your name and student ID number, then your assignment should end on at least line #2 of page #2 in order to meet the minimum 1-page requirement.


– If the small assignment prompt has several questions for you to answer, it is OK (and perhaps, preferable) for you to write your assignment in a question & answer format (where you write the question from prompt question #1, then write your answer to prompt question #1, then write prompt question #2, and the write your answer to prompt question #2, etc.). Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials Assignment

– If you choose to write your assignment in an essay format (as opposed to Q & A format). please be sure to break your writing up into paragraphs.

– Your assignment must be at least one full page long….and it is also perfectly OK if your assignment is more than 1 full page long.

In Your Own Words. Your assignments must be written in your own words. Although it is OK to use direct quotes very sparingly (i.e., no more than one or two short direct quotes per assignment), those direct quotes must be in quotes and properly cited (i.e., author, year, and page number). Using more than two (properly cited, in quotes) direct quotes in an assignment will result in lost points – and using any direct quotes that are not properly cited (i.e., not in quotes and/or missing the author, year, and page number) will result in a zero for the assignment. We want to see that you can form your own long phrases and sentences, not that you can copy and paste long phrases and sentences that were written by someone else.  Gender stereotypes in the cartoons and the commercials

LP2 Assignment Models of Health

LP2 Assignment Models of Health

LP2 Assignment: Models of Health

This assignment will assess the competency 2. Explore key concepts of health and the individual.


Please answer the questions in a minimum of 2 written pages.
• Your paper should be a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 2].
• Remember to cite references in APA format.

1. Compare and contrast the medical, holistic, and wellness models of health, identifying the key points of each.
2. Research and explain how Canadians’ attitudes toward their health and well-being have changed.

Submit this assignmeLP2 Assignment Models of Healthnt to your instructor via the dropbox “LP2 Assignment: Models of Health.” This assignment is worth 75 points.

Learning Plan 3


LP3 Assignment: Population Health

This assignment will assess the competency 3. Analyze the population health approach.


In a minimum of 2 written pages, write a paper that answers the questions provided below.
• Please answer the questions in a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 3].
• Remember to cite references in APA format.

Action Items:
1. Compare and contrast the principal elements of population health, health promotion, and public health.
2. What role did the Declaration of Alma-Ata play in developing population initiatives?
3. Explain the purpose of the Public Health Agency of Canada’s population health template.
4. Detail some advantages of engaging the public in developing population health initiatives.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP3 Assignment: Population Health.” This assignment is worth 75 points.

AssignmentsLearning Plan 4

LP4 Assignment: Legal Issues

This assignment will assess the competency 4. Assess the relationship between the law and health care in Canada.


In a minimum of 2 written pages, write a paper that answers the questions provided below.
• Please answer the questions in a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 4].
• Remember to cite references in APA format. LP2 Assignment Models of Health

Each of Canada’s provinces and territories implements its own privacy legislation as well as interpretation of other legislation relating to health care. Research your province specific information as it relates to the following:

1. Research and detail any legal challenges regarding people’s right to health care prompted by long waits for access to surgical services for your province. If no examples in your province, are there any legal challenges in other provinces?
2. Describe privacy legislation specific to the health care service providers in your province. How does the federal government’s Privacy Act and Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act contribute to the province-specific privacy legislation?
3. Detail how confidentiality of health care providers interacts with the privacy legislation.
4. Describe security of health records, electronic health information requirements, and how health care providers are regulated in your province.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP4 Assignment: Legal Issues.” This assignment is worth 75 points.


Learning Plan 5


LP5 Assignment: Ethics Paper

This assignment will assess the competency 5. Examine ethics and health care.


In a minimum of 2 written pages answer the questions provided below.
• Please answer the questions in a double-spaced word document.
• Include a title page, your name, instructor, course, date, and Learning Plan assignment [Learning Plan 5].
• Remember to cite references in APA format.

1. Research and describe an ethics topic that relates to health care (end-of-life bill, allocation of resources, abortion, genetic testing, patenting genes, etc).
2. Describe both the pros and cons of the ethics topic you chose above.
3. Detail proactive methods health care providers can employ to support the patient’s decision regarding the ethical issue discussed.

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP5 Assignment: Ethics Paper.” This assignment is worth 75 points. LP2 Assignment Models of Health


Capstone Week 2

See attached documents


This week, you will explore various assessment tools and diagnostic tests that are used to gather information about patients’ conditions. You will examine the validity and reliability of these tests and tools. You will also examine assessment techniques, health risks and concerns, and recommendations for care related to patient growth, weight, and nutrition.Assignment (3–4 pages, not including title and reference pages):Assignment Option 1: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests: Prostate-Specific AntigenInclude the following:A description of how the assessment tool or diagnostic test you were assigned is used in healthcare.What is its purpose?How is it conducted?What information does it gather?Based on your research, evaluate the test or the tool’s validity and reliability, and explain any issues with sensitivity, reliability, and predictive values. Include references in appropriate APA formatting.Learning ObjectivesStudents will:•            Evaluate the validity and reliability of assessment tools and diagnostic tests•            Analyze diversity considerations in health assessments•            Apply concepts, theories, and principles related to examination techniques, functional assessments, and cultural and diversity awareness in health assessment•            Apply assessment skills to collect patient health historiesAssignment 1: Adult Assessment Tools or Diagnostic Tests:Prostate-Specific Antigen