Discussion post response W3

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Week 7 Discussion Forum

What challenges may occur with collaboration? Give an example of the importance of interprofessional teamwork.Be sure to apply concepts from the readings and research. You must cite (with reference) at least one source: your textbook, scholarly resources, or ATI textbook (no blogs, Wiki, or other school of nursing website) in current APA Style.

common illness across life span class 591 ,benchmark assignment

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Week 4

Discussion Question #1:Discussion Question #2Case Study #3

Week’s discussion

Reflect upon your readings and personal or professional experience and address the following.Examine why it is essential for the you to be able to present a solid business plan when meeting with stakeholders regarding your DNP project.DNP project is about Type II Diabetes Mellitus patient self management in case you need to now.

Ceremonial Speeches

Respond to the following questions, and if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:Who is your hero? Your favorite celebrity? The person you most admire? Think about these questions, and select one individual.You have been selected to introduce this individual to your college commencement ceremony.What elements of a ceremonial speech would you incorporate in your introduction? Why do you think they would work?

Prepare a Ceremonial Speech

Step 1 Plan your speech.Select an occasion or situation for your ceremonial speech.Step 2 Review the process of thesis development.Review the information in Lesson 2 of the course about creating a specific purpose statement and thesis, deriving a question based on the thesis, and using the question to determine the main points to cover in the speech. Consider reviewing the documents you created for Assignment 2.2: Developing Purpose and Thesis Statements and Assignment.Step 3 Enter topic information.In a document for this assignment, determine and enter the following information about your topic.Description of the setting (occasion or situation) for your ceremonial speechDescription of the audience for your speech (you get to define your audience)TopicGeneral purposeSpecific purposeStep 4 Select a pattern.Based on your knowledge of patterns of organizing speech information, select a pattern of organization to use to create an outline for your speech.Step 5 Create an outline based on the template provided.Step 6 Create a reference list.Include any and all sources you used to locate information for your outline.

How to Care Using Technology

Step 1 Post your response to the discussion board.With the introduction of huge amounts of technology and electronic documentation, it seems that we are moving further from providing hands-on nursing care to patients. How can we, as nurses, apply nursing informatics standards to personalize care for patients? Give some examples of how you have seen technology used to personalize care.

Response 2

Professional accountability is important in nursing and part of the reason nursing has been considered the most trusted profession for 15 years in a row (Davis, 2017). Davis, 2017 states that professional accountability means having a responsibility to yourself and to others to maintain high standards and being held accountable when mistakes are made.An example of professional accountability in nursing practice can include medication errors. If a nurse gives the wrong medication to a patient, but the nurse also knows that the medication given may not necessarily have any adverse reactions, it may be tempting for the nurse to keep quiet about the medication error. This goes against the professional accountability that we are expected to maintain. The nurse should report the medication error immediately. In being accountable to ourselves, the nurse should reflect on why the medication error happened and how to prevent it from happening again. Perhaps a coworker was conversing with the nurse during med pass, and the nurse was distracted. In that instance, the nurse should make it a point to avoid conversations while dispensing medications to patients.ReferenceDavis, C. (2017). The importance of professional accountability. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy,15(6) 10.1097/01.NME.0000525557.44656.04(Please write a response to the article above using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references. Sources must be published within the last 5 years. There should be a mix between research and your reflections. Add critical thinking in the posts along with research. Apply the material in a substantial way. )