American University Chronic Stress Effects on the Body Essay

American University Chronic Stress Effects on the Body Essay


Help me choose a topic and write a Bibliography, 1-2 pages. Include help with the sources I found.

Submit three reference sources in APA format. No need for an annotated bibliography. References must be within the last ten years. The research paper is expected to be a true research paper involving library research. These references should not include sources from the popular media (e.g., newspapers, popular magazines, internet sites, etc. and should not include the textbook, “Managing Stress: Skills for Self-Care, Personal Resiliency and Work-Life Balance in a Rapidly Changing World by Brian Luke Seaward, instead select from peer reviewed professional journals and books written by professionals in the field. In your final paper, include any sources from internet websites and the textbook after the minimum six traditional research sources have been met by professional journals or books. American University Chronic Stress Effects on the Body Essay


Possible Research Topics:

Meditation techniques, Relaxation techniques

Spirituality and stress; Social Support and stress

Psychological disorders and stress

Humor, Positive Attitude and stress

Music therapy, Art therapy, Dance therapy

Stress in Relationships (Communication, Conflict resolution)

Yoga, Tai Chi, Physical Activity and stress

Stresses in different life stages (child, adolescent, adult, etc.)

Chronic stress effects on the body

Aromatherapy, Visualization, etc. American University Chronic Stress Effects on the Body Essay

Questions: ADHD symptoms Assignment

Questions: ADHD symptoms Assignment

Questions: ADHD symptoms

This case study presents a 31-year-old man with a chief complaint of anxiety of “different types”, stating he “has been successful in graduate school, has financial worries, but states he worries and is tense most of the time”. The client also states he has been anxious for many years, mostly since college, and that now he is “torn in many directions”. He reports symptoms including feeling tense, restless, irritable, argumentative, temperamental, and worries about things other than work or school. He also states his anxiety lingers without the presence of stressors. He denies drug or alcohol use. He is married without children. He is gainfully employed and also in graduate school. He has no significant medical history. Psychological history includes chronic GAD symptoms. His father has AUD, and distant family members have probable bipolar disorder. Current medications on initial visit were Vistaril, Paxil-CR, and Gabitril (Stahl, 2013). Questions: ADHD symptoms Assignment


Questions for client:


1.) Did you experience stressful or scary events as a child? Were you physically, sexually, or emotionally abused in the past, or did you witness such abuse? Screening for PTSD could provide a link to the client’s ADHD symptoms. The prevalence of PTSD is significantly higher among adults with ADHD compared to [controls]. Moreover, those with PTSD and ADHD had higher rates of comorbidity than those with ADHD alone (including higher rates of MDD, social phobia, oppositional defiant disorder, and GAD) (Antchel et al., 2013). Questions: ADHD symptoms


2.) Were you ever diagnosed with ADHD as a child, or do you remember having ADHD symptoms in your early life? The classic form of ADHD has an onset by age seven, relating to abnormalities developed in the prefrontal cortex before age seven but last a lifetime. However, later onset ADHD is often diagnosed as well, although not as prevalent.


3.) In what ways do you try to cope with your symptoms? How do you cope with your anxiety? How do you attempt to cope with your inattention? What are your personality characteristics in response to your daily environment? According to Young (2005), adults with ADHD have maladaptive coping strategies stemming from cognitive factors, rather than from personality factors. Their ability, however, to positively reappraise stressful situations is an important protective factor (Young, 2005).


Questions for client’s family:


Since the client is married without children, I would attempt to speak with his wife to gain insight into his condition. I would ask her questions such as: Does he have difficulty with organization? Does he have difficulty remembering appointments or obligations? Does he have trouble finishing the final details of a project? Is he squirmy or fidgety when he is required to sit for a long time? Does he put difficult tasks off or avoid them altogether? Does he seem overactive or driven by a motor at times? These are all core questions included in the ASRS-v 1.1., the adult ADHD self-report scale symptom checklist, which is a valid and reliable screening instrument for ADHD among adults (Green et al., 2019). Questions: ADHD symptoms Assignment

Physical Exams and Diagnostic Tests:


I would perform the ASRS v1.1 test with the client, which is the predictive screening tool to assess adults for ADHD. I would also like to utilize the GAD-7 assessment tool as a measure of anxiety symptom severity (Beard, 2014). I would also want to rule out any neurological or medical symptom that could be contributing to the client’s symptoms, so a complete neurological assessment may be indicated. If positive findings are seen, then a CT or MRI of the brain may be indicated.


Differential Diagnoses:

1.) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – This is the most likely diagnosis for the client’s chief compliant. The client has experienced ADHD symptoms for a period of longer than six months and meets six or more of the symptom criteria in the ASRS v1.1 screening tool.

2.) Generalized Anxiety Disorder – This is an existing diagnosis for this client. Severity and symptom management should be assessed.

3.) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – May be a contributing factor in the prevalence of comorbidities in this client.


Pharmacologic Agents:

1.) Duloxetine (Cymbalta) 60 mg daily. Duloxetine is an SNRI that blocks both serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake pumps, increasing neurotransmission of both. It also will increase dopamine transmission in the frontal cortex. Cymbalta has full ability as an NRI, which is the preferred treatment for patients with both ADHD and anxiety symptoms. The use of stimulants would worsen anxiety symptoms in these patients, and therefore are contraindicated (Stahl, 2013)


2.) Guanfacine-ER (Intuniv) 2 mg daily. Guanfacine is a selective a2A receptor agonist that treats ADHD by enhancing prefrontal cortical function. It works much like clonidine without the sedative and antihypertensive properties. As an augmentation to Cymbalta, guanfacine should work to improve inattention and anxiety symptoms (Stahl, 2013).


Lessons Learned:


In this case study the client presented with chronic GAD and chief complaints of anxiety of different types, which included feeling tense, restless, irritable, argumentative, temperamental, worries about things other than work or school, and feeling “torn in many directions”. It is easy for providers to overlook the presence of ADHD in clients presenting with other comorbidities like GAD. However, assessing for ADHD early on could help identify its presence and more effectively formulate a synchronous treatment plan.Questions: ADHD symptoms




Antchel, K., Kaul, P., Biederman, J., Spencer, T., Hier, B., Hendricks, K., Faraone, S. (2013).

Postraumatic Stress Disorder in Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Clinical Features and Familial Transmission. J Clin Psychiatry, 74(3)197-204. Doi:10.4088/JCP.12m07698.


Beard, C, Bjorgvinsson, T. (2014). Beyond Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Psychometric

Properties of the GAD-7 in a Heterogeneous Psychiatric Sample. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 28(6), 547-552.


Green, J., DeYoung, G., Wogan, M., Wolf, E., Lane, K., Adler, L. (2019). Evidence for the

Reliability and Preliminary Validity of the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale V1.1 (ASRS V1.1) Screener in an Adolescent Community Sample. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res, 28(1), 1751. Doi:10.1002/mpr.1751.


Stahl, S. M. (2013). Stahl’s Essential Psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific Basis and Practical

Applications (4th ed.). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from: Questions: ADHD symptoms Assignment


Young, S. (2005). Coping Strategies Used by Adults With ADHD. Personality and Individual

Differences, 38(4), 809-816. Retrieved from: ADHD symptoms

Discussion: Multicultural communication

Discussion: Multicultural communication

Discussion: Multicultural communication

Discussion: Multicultural communication

Discussion: Multicultural communication

Explain multicultural communication and its origins.
Compare and contrast culture, ethnicity, and acculturation.
Explain how cultural and religious differences affect the health care professional and the issues that can arise in cross-cultural communications.


Discuss family culture and its effect on patient education.
List some approaches the health care professional can use to address religious and cultural diversity.
List the types of illiteracy.
Discuss illiteracy as a disability.
Give examples of some myths about illiteracy.
Explain how to assess literacy skills and evaluate written material for readability.
Identify ways a health care professional may establish effective communication.
Suggest ways the health care professional can help a patient remember instructions. Discussion: Multicultural communication

Integrative Health Practices​ Assignment

Integrative Health Practices​ Assignment

Integrative Health Practices​

Integrative Health Practices​

Integrative Health Practices​

Instructions: 1. This is a leadership and management assignment. Review case study. Answer questions. Write a summary and upload a copy.

2. Envision being the RN experiencing the situation and comment on how you would handle the situation. Post focusing on leadership and management critical thinking and strategies.


Chapter 25: Integrative Health Practices

Lasandra first visited the very busy Woman’s Free Clinic in a large metropolitan city when she was 24 years old and 8 weeks pregnant. This was the first child for her and her husband

Benito, who had recently arrived from a small central American country and spoke very little English. LaKisha, the nurse midwife who volunteered at the clinic two days a week, performed the initial assessment and ultrasound which showed a normal fetus at 8 weeks gestation. She spoke to the couple in Spanish, although the dialect was different from what the couple spoke in their small rural town. Integrative Health Practices​ Assignment

The couple expressed a high level of fear that the child might be born with downsyndrome since one of Benito’s brothers had the condition. However, when it was explained to them that there was a 1 in 500 chance that an amniocentesis could result in a miscarriage, they opted not to undergo the procedure. They were assured by the nurse midwife that there was a

99.9% chance that the child would not have any form of mental disability.

Lasandra missed several of her follow up appointments at the clinic, but showed up for her six month appointment. A repeat ultrasound was performed and it was reported to the couple that the fetus was doing well and was completely normal.

The baby, Jana, was delivered by a normal vaginal birth at full term at a local hospital by the nurse midwife, however the child was born with only one leg, and no arms. The deformities obviously were not the fault of LaKisha, but Jana’s parents accused her of negligence and malpractice for not properly detecting the birth defects when she performed the ultrasounds. The parents stated that they would have aborted their daughter if they had known she would only have one limb.

LaKisha argued that she was not to blame. The parents refused the amniocentesis which would have clearly shown the genetic markers that were indicative of a condition that could cause a defect in the limbs. Also, the parents were concerned about a mental disability and Jana appeared to have normal mental development and showed no signs of any mental disability.


  • What key legal principles are involved in this case?
  • Do you agree with the parents or with the nurse midwife? Why?
  • What is the standard of care that a health care provider such as a nurse midwife should be held to in evaluating a pregnant patient?
  • Are all the key elements for a malpractice suit present in this case study? What was the harm that resulted directly from LaKisha’s actions?
  • Was there any contributory harm by the parents? What was it?
  • What ethical principles are involved with this case? Integrative Health Practices​ Assignment

Environmental Health Assignment

Environmental Health Assignment

Environmental Health

Environmental Health

Question 1

  1. In environmental health, the term toxin refers to a toxic substance that _______________.
[removed] is naturally produced by a plant or animal
[removed] occurs in the occupational setting
[removed] results from human activity
[removed] a man-made product introduced into the environment due to human activity

1 points

Question 2

  1. In toxicity testing in rodents, the LD50 is a dose that is _______________.
[removed] acutely fatal to 50 percent of test animals
[removed] fatal to 50 percent of test animals within a 90-day period
[removed] fatal to 50 percent of test animals after lifetime bioaccumulation

1 points

Question 3

  1. Which of the following is not characteristic of a health impact assessment?
[removed] It evaluates a site or activity as it is, rather than looking forward in time
[removed] It includes social and economic factors in the assessment
[removed] It incorporates input from community members

1 points

Question 4

  1. An exposure pathway connects _______________ to _______________.
[removed] an exposure / a change in tissue structure or function
[removed] inhalation / absorption
[removed] the environmental source of a contaminant / the point of exposure

1 points

Question 5

  1. The three major routes of human exposure to environmental contaminants are _______________.
[removed] by air, water, and soil
[removed] environmental, occupational, and residential
[removed] ingestion, inhalation, and dermal contact

1 points

Question 6

  1. The phrase contact with the human envelope is a common definition of _______________.
[removed] absorption
[removed] disposition
[removed] exposure

1 points

Question 7

  1. The quantity of a toxicant (or its breakdown product) that is available to interact with some vulnerable tissue in the body is called the _______________.
[removed] absorbed dose
[removed] biologically effective dose
[removed] body burden

1 points


Question 8

  1. The body burden of a chemical in the body reflects the net effect of _______________.
[removed] absorption and biological effectiveness
[removed] synergism and antagonism
[removed] the processes of toxicokinetics

1 points

Question 9

  1. Bioaccumulation is the _______________.
[removed] gradual building up of a chemical in the tissue of an organism
[removed] increase of concentrations of a chemical at higher levels of a food pyramid
[removed] movement of a chemical from water to living tissue

1 points

Question 10

  1. Which of the following is an example of a biomarker?
[removed] Body mass index calculated from measured height and weight
[removed] Concentration of a pesticide in blood
[removed] Inhalation rate in liters per hour

1 points

Question 11

  1. The Ames test is a test of a chemical’s _______________.
[removed] acute lethality, and is conducted in rodents
[removed] mutagenicity, and is conducted in bacteria
[removed] teratogenic potential, and is conducted mammalian cells

1 points

Question 12

  1. Exposure modeling is used to estimate the _______________.
[removed] biologically effective dose of a toxicant
[removed] fate and transport of a toxicant
[removed] ingestion of, inhalation of, or dermal contact with a toxicant

1 points

Question 13

  1. Conceptually, a reference dose is a dose that has no adverse effects in _______________.
[removed] sensitive subpopulations over a long-term exposure
[removed] sensitive subpopulations over a short-term exposure
[removed] the general population over a long-term exposure
[removed] the general population over a short-term exposure

1 points

Question 14

  1. Which of the following is one of the major processes which together make up toxicokinetics?
[removed] Bioconcentration
[removed] Distribution
[removed] Mutation
[removed] Synergism

1 points

Question 15

  1. In doing a risk assessment for a chemical, the usual assumption is that _______________.
[removed] carcinogenicity has a threshold; non-cancer effects do not
[removed] non-cancer effects have a threshold; carcinogenicity does not
[removed] both carcinogenicity and non-cancer effects have thresholds
[removed] neither carcinogenicity nor non-cancer effects has a threshold

1 points

Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.

NR 505 Week 4 Discussion

NR 505 Week 4 Discussion

NR 505 Week 4 Discussion

NR 505 Week 4 Discussion

Week 4 TD 1 – Sampling Issues

Staying in discussion with your fellow consultants, what type of sample would you need to examine your question and learn more about your issue? What are the various types of sampling you could use, along with their advantages and disadvantages?


Week 4 TD 2 – Ethical Issues

Read these two documents on ethical issues in research:

o Tuskegee syphilis study at

o An overview of questionable studies – Milestones in the history of human subjects protection at NR 505 Week 4 Discussion


What are the ethical principles violated in the studies described in these documents? What are the implications of this information with respect to recruitment of human subjects in your Ironridge study?

The Fordasaurus Assignment

The Fordasaurus Assignment

Before Ford publicly unveiled the biggest sport-utility vehicle ever, the Sierra Club ran a contest for the best name and marketing slogan for it. Among the entries were “Fordasaurus, powerful enough to pass anything on the highway except a gas station’’ and “Ford Saddam, the truck that will put America between Iraq and a hard place.’’ But the winner was “Ford Valdez: Have you driven a tanker lately?”

Ford, which decided to name the nine-passenger vehicle the Excursion, was not amused. Sales of sport-utility vehicles (SUVs) exploded in the 1990s, going up nearly six fold, and the company saw itself as simply responding to consumer demand for ever larger models. Although most SUVs never leave the pavement, their drivers like knowing their vehicles can go anywhere and do anything. They also like their SUVs to be big. Before the Hummer passed it, the Excursion was the largest passenger vehicle on the road, putting Ford well ahead of its rivals in the competition to build the biggest and baddest SUV. The Excursion weighs 8,500 pounds, equivalent to two midsize sedans or three Honda Civics. It is more than 6½ feet wide, nearly 7 feet high, and almost 19 feet long—too big to fit comfortably into some garages or into a single parking space.

Although the Excursion is expensive ($40,000 to $50,000 when loaded with options), it is, like other SUVs, profitable to build. Because Ford based the Excursion on the chassis of its Super Duty truck, the company was able to develop the vehicle for a relatively modest investment of about $500 million. With sales of 50,000 to 60,000 per year, Ford earns about $20,000 per vehicle. The Fordasaurus Assignment

Classified as a medium-duty truck, the Excursion is allowed to emit more smog-causing gases that do passenger cars. However, Ford says that the Excursion, with its 44-gallon gas tank, gets 10 to 15 miles per gallon and that its emission of pollutants is 43 percent below the maximum for its class. By weight, about 85 percent of the vehicle is recyclable, and 20 percent of it comes from recycled metals and plastics. The company thus believes that the Excursion is in keeping with the philosophy of William Clay Ford, Jr. When he became chairman in September 1998, he vowed to make Ford “the world’s most environmentally friendly auto maker.’’ He added, however, that “what we do to help the environment must succeed as a business proposition. A zero-emission vehicle that sits unsold on a dealer’s lot is not reducing pollution.’’

The company, however, has failed to win environmentalists to its side. They believe that with the Excursion, the Ford Company is a long way from producing an environmentally friendly product. Daniel Becker of the Sierra Club points out that in the course of an average lifetime of 120,000 miles, each Excursion will emit 130 tons of carbon dioxide, the principal cause of global warming. “It’s just bad for the environment any way you look at it,’’ he says. John DeCicco of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy agrees. He worries further that the Excursion is clearing the way for bigger and bigger vehicles. “This is the antithesis of green leadership.’’

Stung by criticism of the Excursion, Bill Ford vowed to make the company a more responsible environmental citizen. Worried that if automobile producers didn’t clean up their act, they would become as vilified as cigarette companies, in August 2000 Ford promised it would improve the fuel economy of its SUVs by 25 percent over the next five years, smugly inviting other automakers to follow its green leadership. To this GM responded that it was the real green leader and “will still be in five years, or 10 years, or for that matter 20 years. End of story.’’ When they aren’t bragging about their greenness, however, both companies continue to lobby Congress, and battle in the courts, against new mandates on emissions and fuel efficiency.


Ford Motor Company failed to keep its promise to improve fuel economy by 25 percent by 2005, but it has phased out the Excursion. After a five-year stint as president and CEO of Ford, Bill Ford remains chairman of its board of directors and is still hoping to push the company toward a greener future. Recently, the company introduced the Escape, an SUV that is a gas-electric hybrid, and Ford’s research-and-development people are working hard on developing a hydrogen engine. Still, Ford is filling the void left by the Excursion with an extra-long version of its Expedition.


Not only do gas guzzlers continue to roll out of Detroit’s assembly plants, but some of the auto makers’ supposedly environmentally conscious efforts—consider the new Cadillac Escalade Hybrid—seem to be a sham. Perhaps that is not so surprising when one finds Bob Lutz, vice president of GM, stating in 2008 that hybrids like the Toyota Prius “make no economic sense” and that global warming “is a total crock of [expletive].” However, with higher gas prices and the average fuel economy of new vehicles sold in the United States no better than it was twenty years ago, the backlash against SUVs is growing. Environmentalists have now been joined by conservatives, who in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, are worried about supporting Middle Eastern oil producers who fund terrorism, and by evangelical groups, whose bumpers stickers ask, “What would Jesus drive?” The Fordasaurus Assignment

Discussion Questions

1. Are environmentalists right to be concerned about the environmental impact of SUVs? How do you explain the demand for ever larger passenger vehicles? Will higher gas prices change that?

2. In developing and producing the Excursion, was the Ford Motor Company sacrificing the environment to profits, or was it acting in a socially responsible way by making the Excursion relatively energy efficient for its vehicle class? If you had been on the board of directors, would you have voted for the project? Why or why not? Do Ford’s stockholders have a right to insist that it produce the most profitable vehicles it legally can, regardless of their environmental impact?

3. Assess William Clay Ford’s promise to make his company the “world’s most environmentally friendly automaker.’’ How should we intend this claim in Utilitarian and Kantian terms?

4. Is Ford Motor Company simply responding to consumer demand for large vehicles, or is it helping to shape and encourage that demand?

5. What would an existentialist drive?

(1) Base on the utilitarianism theory utilitarianism is the doctrine that an action is right in so far as it promotes happiness. In this case the environment in the market will be the majority and on the other hand, the owners of SUV and SUV’, in my opinion we all live in the same earth we it is not very easy to say this personal problem, this kind of problem is about all the human live in the earth, in this hard the environmentalist is right, in the other hand for egoism higher gas prices can’t change that at all, because people will use car every single day they don’t care what other people think.

(2) In my opinion, based on the egoism, people need car however they only need car for instead of walking tool, for them they don’t care the SUV is making the Excursion relatively energy efficient for its vehicle class or just normal SUV, however, for utilitarianism, the Excursion relatively energy efficient for its vehicle class is bad, because if we do that we will lose lot of money when the company change to Excursion relatively energy efficient for its vehicle class. But we think about the environmentalist way I will voted this project because we all live in the earth and if environment is bad it is not only affect us, think about our children that is very seriously problem for them, so if I am stockholder will voted this project for environment we live.

(3) in my opinion, Ford company did all things in a legal way, however, it is not enough for people for this environment, so in the public I think Ford company did every good job, but “world’s most environmentally friendly automaker.” I think this is only for the competitive between those car company, because is easy to see that Ford they still produce normal SUV which is bad for environment but in my opinion for Ford they should think more about how to produce the Excursion relatively energy car in cost reduction, that is very good for company running, so for the Utilitarian it is hard to say how Ford did good thing or bad thing, in the one hand Ford did pollute the environments, but in the other hand, everything is Ford did is legal, and make a lot of benefit. For Kantian, Kant’s theory is the rightness or wrongness of actions does not depend on their consequences but on whether they fulfill our duty. Base on his theory I think they did a very right things for this company’s running.

(4) In my opinion, I think Ford Motor Company produce to consumer demand for lager vehicles it is only for market need lager vehicles, even we talk a lot of environment issues in this case, company still need to make money, they acknowledge the carbon dioxide in the air, and introduce how important for human that if environment is bad. Also it is a good way for Ford company to prove that why they are world’s most environmentally friendly automaker, and they can let people know and buy Escape SUV, and show it is better choose for consumer and environment also they can encourage demand base on environment reason.

(5) Base on the existentialism, it is individual existence, freedom and choice, it is view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions, in my opinion I think existentialism is make benefit for ourselves, simplify think about why we should make our environment better, because we need to live in the earth, and everyone all have environment issues. So in my opinion if we think about where we live which is the earth, and our children we should stop to pollute the environment. The Fordasaurus Assignment

Caring for the Mental Health Needs of Special Populations in Primary Care

Caring for the Mental Health Needs of Special Populations in Primary Care

Topic: Caring for the Mental Health Needs of Special Populations in Primary Care

For this week’s discussion, you will create a presentation to educate other providers about caring for the mental health needs of special populations in primary care. The slides will be simple, with bulleted points. For each topic criteria, you will have 3 slides to create a full presentation of 18 slides total, with the addition of a title slide and reference slide making it 20 slides in length. Caring for the Mental Health Needs of Special Populations in Primary Care

Address the following populations:

  • Elderly/Geriatrics
  • Perinatal/Lactation
  • Pediatric/Adolescents
  • Immigrant/Migrant Workers
  • Ethnic Minority Groups (specific ethnicities)


Each population should have 3 slides devoted to them.

Case Study Presentation

Slide 1: POPULATION: Introduction to topic, epidemiology, and economic costs

Slide 2: Diagnosis & Criteria: DSM-5

Slide 3: TREATMENT PLAN: Pharmacological interventions with specifics to dynamics, kinetics, contraindications, side effects, etc.; plan of care to include collaborative interventions and psychotherapeutic options.

Determine your approach to assessment, and treatment planning for the client. Include any assessment tools, labs, tests, etc., as well as any tx, to include medications, referral, education, etc. Support your plan of care with evidence. Caring for the Mental Health Needs of Special Populations in Primary Care

3 References within 5 years



Assignment: Focused SOAP Note For Schizophrenia Spectrum, Other Psychotic, And Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

Assignment: Focused SOAP Note For Schizophrenia Spectrum, Other Psychotic, And Medication-Induced Movement Disorders


Psychotic disorders change one’s sense of reality and cause abnormal thinking and perception. Patients presenting with psychotic disorders may suffer from delusions or hallucinations or may display negative symptoms such as lack of emotion or withdraw from social situations or relationships. Symptoms of medication-induced movement disorders can be mild or lethal and can include, for example, tremors, dystonic reactions, or serotonin syndrome.

For this Assignment, you will complete a focused SOAP note for a patient in a case study who has either a schizophrenia spectrum, other psychotic, or medication-induced movement disorder.


To Prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the insights they provide about assessing, diagnosing, and treating schizophrenia spectrum, other psychotic, and medication-induced movement disorders.

Assignment: Focused SOAP Note for Schizophrenia Spectrum, Other Psychotic, and Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

Psychotic disorders change one’s sense of reality and cause abnormal thinking and perception. Patients presenting with psychotic disorders may suffer from delusions or hallucinations or may display negative symptoms such as lack of emotion or withdraw from social situations or relationships. Symptoms of medication-induced movement disorders can be mild or lethal and can include, for example, tremors, dystonic reactions, or serotonin syndrome.

For this Assignment, you will complete a focused SOAP note for a patient in a case study who has either a schizophrenia spectrum, other psychotic, or medication-induced movement disorder.


To Prepare

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources. Consider the insights they provide about assessing, diagnosing, and treating schizophrenia spectrum, other psychotic, and medication-induced movement disorders.


  • Review the Focused SOAP Note template, which you will use to complete this Assignment. There is also a Focused SOAP Note Exemplar provided as a guide for Assignment expectations.
  • Review the video, Case Study: Sherman Tremaine. You will use this case as the basis of this Assignment. In this video, a Walden faculty member is assessing a mock patient. The patient will be represented onscreen as an avatar.
  • Consider what history would be necessary to collect from this patient.
  • Consider what interview questions you would need to ask this patient. Assignment: Focused SOAP Note For Schizophrenia Spectrum, Other Psychotic, And Medication-Induced Movement Disorders


The Assignment

Develop a focused SOAP note, including your differential diagnosis and critical-thinking process to formulate a primary diagnosis. Incorporate the following into your responses in the template:

  • Subjective: What details did the patient provide regarding their chief complaint and symptomology to derive your differential diagnosis? What is the duration and severity of their symptoms? How are their symptoms impacting their functioning in life?
  • Objective: What observations did you make during the psychiatric assessment?
  • Assessment: Discuss the patient’s mental status examination results. What were your differential diagnoses? Provide a minimum of three possible diagnoses with supporting evidence, and list them in order from highest priority to lowest priority. Compare the DSM-5-TR diagnostic criteria for each differential diagnosis and explain what DSM-5-TR criteria rules out the differential diagnosis to find an accurate diagnosis. Explain the critical-thinking process that led you to the primary diagnosis you selected. Include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives for the specific patient case.
  • Plan: What is your plan for psychotherapy? What is your plan for treatment and management, including alternative therapies? Include pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic treatments, alternative therapies, and follow-up parameters, as well as a rationale for this treatment and management plan. Also incorporate one health promotion activity and one patient education strategy.
  • Reflection notes: What would you do differently with this patient if you could conduct the session again? Discuss what your next intervention would be if you were able to follow up with this patient. Also include in your reflection a discussion related to legal/ethical considerations (demonstrate critical thinking beyond confidentiality and consent for treatment!), health promotion, and disease prevention, taking into consideration patient factors (such as age, ethnic group, etc.), PMH, and other risk factors (e.g., socioeconomic, cultural background, etc.).
  • Provide at least three evidence-based, peer-reviewed journal articles or evidenced-based guidelines that relate to this case to support your diagnostics and differential diagnoses. Be sure they are current (no more than 5 years old) Assignment: Focused SOAP Note For Schizophrenia Spectrum, Other Psychotic, And Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

This is the link to the case study:


Walden University. (2021). Case study: Sherman Tremaine. Walden University Blackboard.


Global Health Issue Assignment

Global Health Issue Assignment

Choose a global health issue. For this assignment, you will introduce the health issue and discuss the interventions necessary to prevent the issue and promote health.

Some topics to consider may include:

  • Anthrax
  • Bioterrorism
  • Cholera
  • Clostridium botulinum infection
  • Community-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
  • Ebola virus disease
  • Escherichia coli
  • Human immunodeficiency virus disease
  • Malaria
  • Plague
  • Severe respiratory distress syndrome
  • Small pox
  • Suicide
  • Tuberculosis
  • Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus infection
  • West Nile virus


Include the following in your paper:

  • Introduction/overview of the health issue and the prevalence in the United States and worldwide
  • Contributing factors
  • Prevention strategies
  • Signs and symptoms
  • Diagnostic tests (if applicable)
  • Advanced practice nursing role and management strategies
  • Medical/pharmacological management (if applicable)
  • Follow-up care
  • Conclusion

Write a 3–4 page paper following APA format. You must include 2–3 scholarly sources in your citations and references. Global Health Issue Assignment

  1. use links provided with account info below[idloc_000.xhtml-itemref]!/4[eid1]/2[eid2]%4050:3