(NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies

(NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies


Forrmative and summative assessments should align with instructional objectives and provide instructors with a variety of ways to measure learning. Instructors have the responsibility to create a test blueprint before creating the assessment to guide them in item writing.

The purpose of this assignment is to create a test blueprint based on the health care practice you selected in Topic 2 and the objectives you created in Topic 3. After the blueprint is developed, create a summative assessment that consists of five multiple-choice questions. Following each question, include a short narrative that addresses the following:(NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies.


The domain of knowledge each question addresses.
A rationale for strategies used in the development of your test blueprint and multiple-choice questions.
An explanation of how the test blueprint guided the development of your summative assessment based on learning objectives.

Include the test blueprint, summative assessment, and associated narratives as one Word document. Add your test blueprint and summative assessment to your Nurse Educator Electronic Portfolio.(NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies.


APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

Reflective journals
Record of experiences, individual thoughts & ideas about the learning process
Students reflect on their learning experiences & insights
Used to help students reflect on & store clinical learning in memory
To examine the student’s insights about the course’s learning process

Reflective journals Cont. (NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies
Enables students to identify own strengths & weaknesses
Enables students to develop critical & nursing skills
Educators identify students’ thoughts about the course
Assessment reflective thus objective marking difficult
Very time-consuming
Reflective journals applicable in both theory & clinical settings
Concept maps
Graphical display & linking of key concepts
Demonstrates conceptual knowledge & their relationships to the topic
Includes concept labels connected with labeled lines
To assist students organize & represent knowledge graphically

Concept maps
Useful in examining critical thinking among students
Can be used as a quick assessment to check conception’s about a topic
Time consuming to set an assessment criteria
Difficult to give individual feedback
Concept maps are more applicable in a theory learning.(NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Form of assessment where student select a choice/choices from a list of answers
Contains set of possible answers
Plausible distractors but incorrect answers to the question
To assess student’s ability/knowledge about specific content area

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) Cont.
A well-established reliable technique to assess knowledge
Very specific & thus easy to mark
Promotes cramming instead of learning
Do not test student’s in-depth understanding
Suitable for testing knowledge theoretically & clinical setting

Portfolio assessment
A collection of students’ works related to learning
Student gathers work over a long time
A form of student’s reflection about course’ learning
To evaluate the learning progress & academic achievement
To determine if learners have met learning standards

Portfolio assessment Cont.
Adaptable to various levels of assessment
Directly measures & evaluates student’s learning processes
Can be labor-intensive
Subjective assessment technique & thus hard to measure reliability
Useful in both clinical and classroom settings

Short-answer questions
Open-ended questions
Students required to create answers
Responses not limited in length
Used to assess student’s basic knowledge & understanding of a topic

Short-answer questions
Easy to mark and analyze results
Examines student’s in-depth understanding of the content/knowledge
Assessment’s accuracy can be affected by spelling mistakes or handwriting
Can lead to grading difficulties
More applicable in a classroom setting . (NUR 648E) Assessment Strategies.

Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment

Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment

Oncology Symptoms Management Essay.

Question Description
To learn more about qualitative designs, please visit the following website: Qualitative Research Designs

For quantitative designs, please visit the following website: Research Designs

TASK- answer one of the two topics below.


Based on the following titles of research studies, identify what you believe to be the design of the study and the rationale for your selection. Refer to the links above for descriptions of research designs.Oncology Symptoms Management Essay.


Determining the effect of position on heel pressure in older adults.
Factors that influenced the development of democracy in America.
The relationship between physical activity and GPA in nursing students.
Determining the effect of a new drug to treat brain tumors
Coping strategies of chronically ill men and women.
Determining the incidence of drug abuse in RNs in community hospitals.
The meaning of living with COPD. Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment
Exploring the Aborigine culture.
Topic 2
Select one of the suggested references listed below. Based on your selection, complete the following tasks: Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment


Identify and describe the research problem, purpose, objectives, and hypothesis identified in the article.
Describe how you would evaluate the credibility and validity of the study. Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment

Fitzwater, J., Johnstone, C., Schippers, M., Cordoza, M., & Norman, B. (2019). A comparison of oral, axillary, and temporal artery temperature measuring devices in adult acute care. MEDSURG Nursing 28 (1), 35-41.

Gibbon, G. & Crane, J. (2018). The impact of ‘missed care’ on the professional socialisation of nursing students: A qualitative research study. Nurse Education Today 66(2018), 19-24. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2018.04.002

Purtzer, M.A., Hermansen-Kobulnicky, C.J. (2016). Optimizing the benefits of self-monitoring among patients with cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum 43(6), E218-225. doi: 10.1188/16.ONF.E218-E225

Tongvichean, T., Aungsuroch, Y., & Preechawong, S. (2019). Effect of self-management exercise program on physical fitness among people with prehypertension and obesity: A quasi experiment study. Pacific Rim International Journal of Research, 23(1), 6-17.Oncology Symptoms Management Essay.

Assignment: Oncology Symptoms Management

You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes.

Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages. Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor.Oncology Symptoms Management Essay.

The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument. Oncology Symptoms Management Assignment


NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay

NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay


Module 3: Reflection Assignment – Peer Review

Submit by 2359 (CT) Saturday of Module 3.



Overview: Peer Review

In the Module 3 Reflection Assignment, you will reflect upon what you have learned about Peer Review Committee processes and Texas Board of Nursing rules as you consider the actions of fictitious nurses and committee members in scenarios. REMEMBER, YOU ARE USING THE TEXAS BOARD OF NURSING RULES, NOT THE STATE YOU LIVE IN. Please use the link provided in the assignment for the Texas BON Rule 217.16.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.



Refer to your course readings and lectures as you complete the assignment.

Performance Objectives:

· Apply the Minor Incident Rule to specific incidents.

· Describe the due process protections for a nurse who is peer-reviewed.


Use this rubric to guide your work on the assignment, “Peer Review.”




Needs Improvement

Part 1 (a) Applying Rule 217.16 (Total 50 points)

Lists all the correct 5 criteria, accurately explains application of criteria clearly. (25 points)

Lists 3 or 4 of the correct criteria, accurately explains application of these criteria (15 points)

Lists 2 applications of criteria. 10 points)

Incorrectly lists criteria (0 point)

Part 1 (b) Reflects upon applications of Rule 217.16 (Total 25 points)

Correctly states if nurse should be reported or not reported with 3 substantial sentences. (25 points)

Correctly states if nurse should be reported or not reported with 2 sentences. (15 point)

Writes 1 sentence. (10 points)

Incorrectly judges whether violations occurred (0 point)

Part 2

Violation of IBPR Rule 217.19 (Total 25 points)

Correctly listed the 4 violations and provides correct explanations (25 points)

Correctly lists 2-3 violations and explanations (15 points)

Lists 1 violation and explanation (10 points)

Incorrectly lists criteria (0 point)

Part 3

Multiple choice and true/false questions- 5 points each

(Total 25 points)

All 5 questions correct (25 points)

4 questions correct (20 points)

3 questions correct (15 points)

2 questions correct (10 points)

1 question correct (5 points)

0 questions correct (0 point)

Part 1: (a) Applying Rule 217.16(h) Minor Incidents

Read the following scenario and then answer the questions that follow

You are on your hospital’s Peer Review Committee (PRC). You are reviewing Nurse A’s practice. She works on the pediatric unit. In the past, Nurse A has practiced safely without incidents. However, four months ago, Nurse A gave immunizations to five pediatric patients (3 months, 9 months, 2 years, 4 years, and 5 years of age). She used a vial of Hepatitis B vaccine that had been expired for 30 days but still was being stored in the unit refrigerator. She gave the five immunizations within a few minutes of each other, and she got the vial from the refrigerator only once (i.e., She did not take it out and replace it five times). She took responsibility for the errors when she was informed by her unit manager.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

Should Nurse A be reported to the BON?

Let’s review what deems a minor vs. a reportable (NOT minor) incident-

A minor incident is- 217.16(a)- as defined under the Texas Nursing Practice Act, Texas Occupations Code §301.401(2), means conduct by a nurse that may be a violation of the Texas Nursing Practice Act or a Board rule but does not indicate the nurse’s continued practice poses a risk of harm to a patient or another person.

A reportable incident is- 217.16(h)- conduct that falls outside of the definition of a minor incident and must be reported to a PRC or BON.

Apply the Minor Incident Rule to reach and support your decision. This Rule 217.16 can be found at http://www.bon.texas.gov/rr_current/217-16.asp

Use this specific link only- it is the official updated Texas Board of Nursing information. Click on the link and scroll down to the bottom to find the letter (h), where criteria are listed that describes actions that must be reported to the Peer Review Committee or BON.

Criteria. In the first column of the table, list the 5 criteria as it appears in the rule that are essential in determining if an incident is a reportable action. All 5 must be listed for full credit. Then, in the second column, record your explanation as to why or why not the nurse’s actions deem it reportable and therefore harmful to a patient.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

Criteria that determine an incident is reportable

Rule 217.16(h)

Explanation of whether or not Nurse A’s actions are minor vs. reportable

1. Conduct that ignores a substantial risk that exposed a patient or other person to significant physical emotional or financial harm or the potential for such harm

2. Conduct that violates the Texas Nursing Practice Act or a Board rule and contributed to the death or serious injury of a patient

3. A practice related violation involving impairment or suspected impairment by reason of chemical dependency, intemperate use, misuse or abuse of drugs or alcohol, mental illness, or diminished mental capacity

The nurse was not impaired by reason of chemical dependency, mental illness or diminished mental capacity therefore should not have been reported

4. A violation of Board Rule 217.12 with actions that constitute abuse, exploitation, fraud, or a violation of professional boundaries

5. Actions that indicate the nurse lacks knowledge, skill, judgment, or conscientiousness to such an extent that the nurse’s continued practice of nursing could reasonably be expected to pose a risk of harm to a patient or another person, regardless of whether the conduct consists of a single incident or a pattern of behavior

Part 1: (b) Report vs. Not Report

Based on the Rule 217.16(h) criteria you listed above, would you report Nurse A to the Board? Please explain why or why not. At least 3 substantial sentences are needed for full credit.

Part 2: Applying Rule 217.19 Incident-Based Peer Review

Read the following scenario and then reflect upon the actions it portrays.

Last month, the chairperson of your hospital’s Peer Review Committee (PRC) passed you in the hallway and said, “I’m glad I ran into you. You’re going to be peer-reviewed.” The chairperson continued, saying, “Your manager found out that you called the Texas Department of State Health Services two months ago and reported that LVNs were being allowed to do the complete initial assessment on patients. Also, you made some medication errors over the past couple of months. I’ll let you know when the meeting is to occur.”

You heard nothing more about the PRC meeting. Today, the chairperson came to you and told you that you had been reported to the Texas Board of Nursing. She said, “It was just felt by the work group that you are a troublemaker and lack the skills to practice due to your med errors. I’m also giving you a ‘heads up’ that you are going to be put on suspension for at least three days by your unit manager.”

Applying Rule 217.19, what violations of the rule occurred in the above scenario?

First, review your learning about incident-based peer review. In the first column of the table, list any 4 criteria from Rule 217.19 that were violated (there are more than 4 to choose from). In the second column, explain how each criterion was violated. All 4 boxes must be completed for full credit. Please use the link provided at

Which part of the rule was violated?

(Subsection number and letter OR descriptive phrase)

(Rule 217.19)

Explanation of violation





Submitting Your Assignment:

· Click the word Assignment in the Module.

· Click on the words Module 3 Assignment. The assignment submission document will open.

· Go to 2. Assignment Materials-Submission. Click Browse and navigate to your Desktop where you saved your paper. Select the final version of your paper to upload from your computer.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

· When you’ve selected your paper, click Attach Files and your saved assignment document should appear in the submission box just above the Attach Files button.

· Click Submit at the bottom of the Assignment Submission screen and your saved document assignment will appear the gradebook with a green exclamation point that alerts your Academic Coach that your assignment is ready for grading.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

Each week you will make an entry into your Journal. You are asked to reflect on 3 of the key points for each class. Key points: What did you take away from the module knowledge wise or interesting? Each entry should reflect on your understanding of the topic, your experiences and observations in your work environment or general nursing environment regarding the module topic.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

This is a cumulative document. You will save it to your own computer desktop or memory device and update it each week. You may choose to record more than one entry each week, especially if you have an “aha!” moment as a result of your reading, discussions, or experience. You will upload and submit the latest version of your Health Policy & Legal Aspects Reflective Journal to Blackboard by 2359 the Saturday following each class of this course. It is not necessary that your entries be formatted or written in any particular way because it is for your benefit. Your entries will only be reviewed to ensure that you are making sufficient progress and thinking deeply about the requirements in the course.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.


Use this rubric to guide your Journal entries.

There will be total of 3 Journal entries. With each journal you are expected to address 3 key points from the class lecture, discussion, and content, discuss how each point applies to your practice as a nurse, and, finally, how will your practice change in the future because of this information.

Journal Rubric for each Module

Criteria Target Unacceptable
1st Key Point
(30 Points)

Discuss 1st key point and why it is important or memorable. Connect RN-BSN experiences to key point (career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research). Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the key point addressed.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

(30 Points)

Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed. Fails to describe how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

(0 Points)

2nd Key Point
(30 Points)

Discuss 2nd key point and why it is important or memorable. Connect RN-BSN experiences to key point (career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research). Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the key point addressed.

(30 Points)

Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed. Fails to describe how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program.

(0 points)

3rd Key Point
(30 Points)

Discuss 3rd key point and why it is important or memorable. Connect RN-BSN experiences to key point (career goals, prior nursing practice, a previous RN BSN course, nursing theories or research). Describes how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program as a result of the key point addressed.

(30 Points)

Does not sufficiently record connections or reflections. Fails to connect RN-BSN experiences to goals, prior nursing practice, coursework, theories or research to key areas addressed. Fails to describe how personal practice will be different in the future based on RN-BSN program.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

(0 points)

Spelling & Grammar
(10 points)

3 or less spelling & grammar errors in the reflective journal.

(10 Points)

Greater than 3 spelling & grammar errors in the reflective journal.

(0 Points)


Each week, record your experiences, connections to your course goals, and reflections as they relate to the given prompts and/or your course project. You must record one entry each week, but may record more (insert rows as needed). You may find it helpful and rewarding to record one entry at the beginning of the week, think about the prompt during the week, and then record another at the end of the week. For privacy, refer to patients, online colleagues, and/or co-workers with initials instead of names. Remember you must support your key points with cited references.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

Save this document to your own computer desktop or storage device after each entry to create a cumulative journal.

Journal Entries
A separate Journal entry is required for each class by 2359 Saturday of each indicated class. Provide details of your thinking, including insights, challenges, paradigm shifts, and goals. Identify previous course topics, readings, or research that relate to the prompt.

Journal Entry

Reflective Journal Example: Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.
Place Key Point in this column: Reflect on the Key Point (following Journal Rubric) in this column:


Key Point 1:


Why it is important: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking

How will I change my practice: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking

Key Point 2:

Safe Harbor

Why it is important: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking

How will I change my practice: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking

Key Point 3:

Peer Review

Why it is important: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking

How will I change my practice: at least 3-4 well written sentences using critical thinking

Reflective Journal Module 2: Legal Overview and Peer Review Process. Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.
Place Key Point in this column: Reflect on the Key Point (following Journal Rubric) in this column:
Key Point 1: Safe Harbor Why it is important: Safe Harbor is a tool which can be used by nurses within the parameters of their job. It is important to fully understand these parameters so that this tool can be adequately, successfully, and efficiently used.
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: Safe Harbor allows nurses to have a form of recourse should they be presented with unsafe nursing practices. It ensures that the proper guidelines are followed so that patient’s safety is not affected.

How will I change my practice: As a nurse, and especially charge nurse, I need to be more aware and well versed of all legalities that protect nurses in instances of unsafe assignments. As a charge nurse, I will can advocate for my nurses with more substantiated knowledge.

Key Point 2 Unprofessional nursing conduct. Why it is important: As a charge nurse, I have encountered nurse staff that conduct themselves in an unprofessional manner. Therefore, I need tools and resources that I can provide to them to prove that they are indeed performing their duties in an unprofessional manner.
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: In my experience, on our unit, we have provide private rooms and semi-private rooms. In this particular case, I have had to address a situation in which a patient in a semi private room requested to make a formal complaint on a nurse aid who mishandled his duties while bathing her roommate who was an altered mental status patient.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

How will I change my practice: When I need to write up a staff member in these cases, I will be well versed on the Texas Administrative Code Title 22 Part 11 Chapter 217 rule 217.12, which clearly states:

“Causing or permitting physical, emotional or verbal abuse or injury or neglect to the client or the public, or failing to report same to the employer, appropriate legal authority and/or licensing board.”

Using this tool, I will be able to better help my nurses understand the parameters of the job and why it’s so important to always do the right thing.


Key Point 3
Standard of nurse practice.

Why it is important: To have a standard of nursing practice is important so that regardless of where or when a patient is seen, the level of nursing care stays constant and consistent.
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: On our unit, we have license vocational nurses who work side by side with registered nurses on a cardiac unit. As the charge nurse, I have had to ensure that LVN’s are following their standards of care specific to vocational nurses and the RN’s are resourcing closely with their LVN’s. On a daily basis, I have to ensure the LVN’s are taking patients that are within their scope of practice. Examples are initiating certain cardiac medication drips and admissions of newly admitted stroke patients.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

“(B) Shall assign specific tasks, activities and functions to unlicensed personnel commensurate with the educational preparation, experience, knowledge, and physical and emotional ability of the person to whom the assignments are made and shall maintain appropriate supervision of unlicensed personnel.”

How will I change my practice: My knowledge of the specific tasks and who is responsible for them is essential to my ability to provide the best leadership, as charge nurse. Understanding what role and to what standard we are being held is also essential for providing the best, safest, and most efficient level of patient care.

Standards of Nursing Practice, Title 22, Part 11, Texas Administrative Code, Rule §217.11 (2007).

Reflective Journal Module 3: More Peer-Review Laws and Rules. Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.
Place Key Point in this column: Reflect on the Key Point (following Journal Rubric) in this column:
Key Point 1
Reporting minor incidents

Why it is important: I feel as if the Texas BON has the minor incident rule to protect the patients not to discipline the nurses. Reporting minor incidents is useful tool to monitor nurses and their progress in the clinical field. I have a lot of new nurses come through my floor. If they make a mistake due to inexperience this law protects their license. These events can be reported and then addressed immediately not only to prevent it happens again but to educate the nurse.
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: My floor is mainly made up of new nurses including new graduate nurses, new nurses to the telemetry field, and nurses from other countries. In my personal opinion, my mentality has always been to simply educate these nurses on how to safely perform tasks that are expected of them. If an error is made and there is a pattern, then reporting the incidents would be the proper way to handle the case of the event. Then it is escalated to a peer review for them to determine if the nurse is a harm to their patients.

How will I change my practice: After reading through this module, I have learned that it is my duty to report any incidents that may cause harm to the patients. In the four years that I have been a charge nurse, I never saw myself having to report anyone. We have many so many new nurses that normally the offense is corrected and not made again. But now after learning what reporting a minor incident means, the goal would not be to punish the nurse, but to protect the public from possible harm. If a nurse makes a mistake, then let’s correct that behavior. Reporting minor incidents will only help keep track of the nurse and to help monitor unsafe conduct.

Key Point 2 incident based peer review Why it is important: the main goal for incident based peer reviews is to maintain patient safety and the outcomes of the patients. Standards of care are maintained by holding nurses accountable in their own safe practices. But at times we need to hold the hospital and their units accountable for enabling unsafe situations. This is a learning tool for all involved in patient care.
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: We have always been taught that safety of the patient is priority in nursing. A scenario which is often introduced is the adequate staffing dilemma. On my floor if our staffing is not adequate then problems arise that might conflict with nurses being able to practice safely. Lack of the sufficient help such as running with one CNA for a thirty-six bed unit is all too common. This then causes a panic to my nurses which causes inadequately care for the patient and inevitably cause the patient harm. I have seen it over and over again where nurses have to cut corners just to make it through the day.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

How will I change my practice: Becoming more familiar with what incident based peer reviews are, I will make it a point to report all events presented to me. This might lead to nurses being reported but my intention will not be to get my nurse in trouble but to either hold the hospital accountable should it be their fault or educate the nurse. I have seen that the majority of the time it is not due to their ignorance and lack of education but rather due to what the hospital has pushed on them. My hospital is notorious for pushing nurses to the brink to perform poorly and put patients at risk.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

Key Point 3
Whistleblowing protections

Why it is important: As nurses we are taught to be patient advocates and how important our role is in the protecting and safety of our patients. But there is a stigma associated with being a “whistleblower,” therefore, many events are not being reported in the healthcare setting. Fortunately, the Texas BON nurse practice act rule217.19 offers whistleblower protections that basically protects nurses who report any situation they believe exposes a patient to harm are then protected from retaliation. It is important that we are protected and supported because our sole purpose is to be an advocate for our patients.
How does it impact my work/nursing practice: Although, there are whistleblower protections in place, where I work there are a lot of new nurses who are not well versed on this law. They are not confident in reporting what is right and what is wrong because they are just trying to make it through the day without making mistakes that are more likely due to their lack of experience. There is one nurse who has been in the field for twenty plus years and is constantly “complaining.” Per my director, she is considered “trouble.” I never follow up whether she actually does any formal reporting. My director doesn’t outright retaliate against her directly but she bad mouths this nurse to other staff members. I see that this in return does affect the newer nurses when wanting to speak up.NURS-3375: Health Policy And Legal Aspect Essay.

How will I change my practice: Being one of the veteran nurses, the newer nurses do come to me for advice on how to approach certain situations that they feel aren’t safe for their patients. I have built a rapport with my nurses. I see that they feel comfortable in reporting concerns that affect patient safety. But more often I see that they don’t want to make it a big deal may be due to possible retaliation. If I see that it needs to be escalated I then will bring it up to my director. By in my experience, I have learned how to bring certain situations to light without being labeled a “troublemaker.” For one, I have just recently started our own shared governance council, which I encourage the nurses to come forward to bring to light concerns they may have and make change on our unit. Fortunately, there has not been any major events that need to be escalated to the BON from my end.

Reflective Journal Module 4: Professional Boundaries and Challenges. Identify 3 key points from this module. Reflect on how why each point is important, how it impacts on your work experience or nursing practice, and how will you change your practice in the future based on each key area.
Place Key Point in this column: Reflect on the Key Point (following Journal Rubric) in this column:
Key Point 1 Why it is important:
How does it impact my work/nursing practice:

Pharmacological Therapies Essay

Pharmacological Therapies Essay

Discussion #1

What are the appropriate pharmacological therapies to be prescribed for Johnathan?

According to Jonathan’s mother, 2 to 3 days before the worsening cough and wheezing, Jonathan had a viral upper respiratory infection with a runny nose and low-grade fever of 101.0 degrees F orally, with loose cough – that could be initial signs of acute upper respiratory infection [URI] (Beta healthy, 2019). One of the comorbid conditions or risk factors of asthma exacerbation among children is upper respiratory infection (Hollier, A., 2018). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.


A study looking at the role of viral respiratory infections in asthma and asthma exacerbations reports that with existing asthma, viral respiratory tract infections can have a profound effect on the expression of disease (Busse, W., Lemanske, R., Gern, J., 2010). The authors go further and states that viral respiratory tract infections, most frequently with rhinovirus, are the predominant microorganisms associated with asthma exacerbations. Jonathan seems to have an asthma exacerbation induced by a URI. The appropriate pharmacological therapy for Jonathan will be a short acting bronchodilator such as albuterol, that stimulates beta 2 receptors in the lungs. (Hollier, A.). Pharmacological Therapies Essay. Jonathan will be prescribed albuterol 90mcg, 2 puffs q 4-6 hours that he will be using as rescue inhaler. Jonathan’s asthma is identified as mild intermittent asthma. According to Hollier, A. with mild intermittent asthma, a short acting bronchodilator is the treatment of choice for exacerbations (p.664). Furthermore, according to Tibble, H., Tsanas, A., Horne, E., Horne, R., Mizani, M., Simpson, C. Sheikh, A. (2019), asthma therapy typically follows a fairly linear path, beginning with a short-acting bronchodilator in the individuals without persistent asthma symptoms and adding preventative treatments and long-acting bronchodilators in the individuals with more persistent asthma symptoms. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Discussion: Pharmacological Therapies

What information is necessary to provide to Johnathan and his mother regarding asthma exacerbation?

Jonathan and his mother will be provided information about how to identify and minimize known asthma triggers by avoiding allergens and irritants. Respiratory irritants can be tobacco smoke, wood smoke, perfumes, pollution dust, etc. (Hollier, A., 2018). Jonathan will be instructed to take his medications as prescribed, learn early signs and symptoms of exacerbation such as severe shortness of breath, chest tightness or pain, and coughing or wheezing, low peak expiratory flow (PEF) readings, if a peak flow meter is used and also symptoms that fail to respond to use of a quick-acting inhaler. Pharmacological Therapies Essay. The most important information that will be provided to Jonathan and his mother is to implement an asthma action plan, a preplanned medication plan for asthma exacerbations. The correct way to use the inhaler, spacer and other medications will be reviewed with Jonathan and his mother. Mother will also be encouraged to give the influenza vaccine to Jonathan every year to decrease his change to catch the flu that can exacerbates asthma attacks. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Discussion: Pharmacological Therapies

What is an appropriate clinical assessment tool to be use with Johnathan?

In my opinion, the best clinical assessment too to be used with Jonathan is the peak expiratory flow (PEF). Keeping tract of the PEF values is on way to know if the symptoms of asthma are in control or worsening. During an asthma attack, the smooth muscles that surrounded the airways tighten ad cause the airways to narrow. According to WebMD (2019), the PEF meter alerts the patient to the tightening of the airways often hours or even days before the onset of the asthma symptoms. By using the PEF with the asthma action plan, Jonathan will know when to take is rescue asthma inhaler. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

What are the classifications of asthma?

The classification of asthma severity is as follows:

Mild intermittent. Symptoms occur less than 2 days a week or less that 2 night per months and do not interfere with normal activities and lung function test is 80% or more of the expected value. Exacerbation is brief.

Mild persistent. Symptoms occur more than 2 times a week, but less than one time per day and 3 to 4 nights per month. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Moderate persistent. In moderate persistent asthma, the symptoms occur daily with some limitation. Lung function test is abnormal with more than 60% and less that 80% of the expected value (Buttaro, T., Trybulski, J., Polgar-Bailey, P., Sandberg-Cook, J. 2017). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Severe persistent. There is continual symptoms or frequent nighttime symptoms more than one night per month with severely limited activities. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

How would you as the NP address his mother’s concern regarding providing an inhaler at school?

I will suggest Jonathan’s mother to schedule a conference with teachers and other school officials to go over the details of Jonathan’s and the plan and any other details they should know including need of having his inhaler with him, the correct use of the inhaler, location of the inhaler, and signs of trouble breathing to ensure that the school nurse, the principal and his teacher has a copy of his asthma action plan and to bring his inhaler with him all the time. The school should also know when to call Jonathan’s doctor and when to call 911. The mother should ensure that the action plan has the doctor’s phone number, their preferred hospital (emergency room), as well as contact numbers for her, other guardians if applicable, and a trusted friend. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

What is an appropriate plan of care for Johnathan?

An appropriate plan of care will be to use a PEF to monitor his respiratory status and control signs and symptoms of asthma. Jonathan’s should have his rescue medication with him all the time. Jonathan will need to avoid asthma triggers such as irritants. Follow up with Healthcare provider is also imperative to monitor evolution of his asthma. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Discussion: Pharmacological Therapies

Discussion #2

Johnathan, age 7, presents to the office with symptoms of worsening cough and wheezing for the past 24 hours. He is accompanied by his mother, who is a good historian. She reports that her son started having symptoms of a viral upper respiratory infection 2 to 3 days ago, beginning with a runny nose, low-grade fever of 101.0 degrees F orally, and loose cough. Wheezing started on the day before the visit, so

Johnathan’s mother started administering albuterol metered-dose inhaler (MDI) two puffs before bed and then two puffs at around 2 AM. The cough and wheezing appear worse today, according to the mother. He had difficulty taking deep-enough breaths to inhale this morning’s dose of albuterol, even using the spacer. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Johnathan has been a patient at the clinic since birth and is up to date on his immunizations. His growth and development have been normal, and he is generally healthy except for mild intermittent asthma. This is his first asthma exacerbation of the school year, and his mother expresses a concern about sending him to school with an inhaler. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Johnathan is afebrile with a respiratory rate of 36 and a tight cough every 1 or 2 minutes. He weighs 45 pounds (20.5 kgs.). The examination is all within normal limits except for his breath sounds. He has diffused expiratory wheezes and mild retractions. Pulse oximetry readings have been 93% of oxygen saturation.

1. What is the appropriate pharmacological therapies to be prescribed for Johnathan? Jonathan’s mom is a good historian. It appears she followed the guidelines regarding the asthma stepwise approach. Beginning with, initial administering albuterol metered-dose inhaler up to two treatments, but with no relief. Jonathan has a history of mild to intermittent asthma. Since Jonathan’s initial therapy was incomplete and persistent wheezing or tachypnea is present, the patient should be started on systemic oral corticosteroids (Woo & Robinson, 2016, p. 929). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

2. What information is necessary to provide to Johnathan and his mother regarding asthma exacerbation? Home management and early treatment is the most effective strategy for managing asthma exacerbations. Monitoring asthmas triggers is also an imperative part of asthma management. It is essential to teach patients and family how to monitor signs and symptoms, and take appropriate action of asthma exacerbations. The recognition of early symptoms and decreased lung function may require medications adjustments (Woo & Robinson, 2016, p. 929). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.


What is an appropriate clinical assessment tool to be use with Johnathan? Monitoring patients with asthma is a continuous process, beginning with the initial diagnosis. The Expert Panel Report 3: Guidelines (NAEPP, 2007) recommends ongoing monitoring of the following six areas: signs and symptoms, pulmonary function, quality of life and functional status, history of asthma exacerbations, pharmacotherapy, and patient–provider communication and patient satisfaction (Woo & Robinson, 2016, p. 933). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

4. What are the classification of asthma? According to research, classification of asthma in children is based on severity and frequency of symptoms. The four classifications are as follows, mild intermittent asthma, mild persistent asthma, moderate persistent asthma and severe persistent asthma (Woo & Robinson, 2016, p. 915). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

5. How would you as the NP address his mother’s concern regarding providing an inhaler at school? The key to asthma patient education is to establish and maintain a partnership among the patient and family. A discussion on how environmental exposure to allergens and irritants can worsen asthma symptoms and how to avoid triggers at home, work, and school will assist patients and families in learning self-management (Woo & Robinson, 2016). As an NP, I would educate Johnathan’s mom on the vital aspect of having access to quick-relief medicines such as, his inhaler during the school day. This is paramount in asthma management and possible life saving measure (“ALA,” 2019, p. 1). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

6. What is an appropriate plan of care for Johnathan? The plan of care should consist of SABA as needed for symptoms. Take up to 3 treatments at 20 minute intervals as needed. Also, start a short course of oral systemic corticosteroids. If the symptoms not controlled by short course of corticosteroids, then consider the next level of care according to stepwise guidelines or higher level of care (Woo & Robinson, 2016, p. 929). Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Discussion: Pharmacological Therapies

Discussion: Pharmacological Therapies

You must proofread your paper. But do not strictly rely on your computer’s spell-checker and grammar-checker; failure to do so indicates a lack of effort on your part and you can expect your grade to suffer accordingly. Papers with numerous misspelled words and grammatical mistakes will be penalized. Read over your paper – in silence and then aloud – before handing it in and make corrections as necessary. Often it is advantageous to have a friend proofread your paper for obvious errors. Handwritten corrections are preferable to uncorrected mistakes. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Use a standard 10 to 12 point (10 to 12 characters per inch) typeface. Smaller or compressed type and papers with small margins or single-spacing are hard to read. It is better to let your essay run over the recommended number of pages than to try to compress it into fewer pages. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.

Likewise, large type, large margins, large indentations, triple-spacing, increased leading (space between lines), increased kerning (space between letters), and any other such attempts at “padding” to increase the length of a paper are unacceptable, wasteful of trees, and will not fool your professor. Pharmacological Therapies Essay.


The paper must be neatly formatted, double-spaced with a one-inch margin on the top, bottom, and sides of each page. When submitting hard copy, be sure to use white paper and print out using dark ink. If it is hard to read your essay, it will also be hard to follow your argument.






Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay

Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay

Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay

The effective nurse educator reflects on their practice through analysis of feedback from mentors, peers, and students. Feedback from all stakeholders within education guide a nurse educator towards effective instruction, the realization of career goals, and success in student learning. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze the lesson plan feedback provided by your preceptor and students in the practicum setting. Write a 500-800 word analysis with the following information: 1.A description of the lesson plan feedback from your preceptor. 2.A description of the instructor feedback from your students. 3.A comparison of preceptor feedback, student feedback, and your own reflection. 4.An explanation of how you will use the feedback from stakeholders to engage in the professional role of the nurse educator through systematic self-reflection, reflective teaching practice, and exploring opportunities for scholarship. 5.Plan for continuing professional development and refinement of practice. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Benchmark Information This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency: MSN Nursing with Emphasis in Nursing Education 6.4: Engage in the professional role of the nurse educator through systematic self-reflection, reflective teaching practice, and exploring opportunities for scholarship. Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay


The purpose of this assignment is to provide critical analysis of the feedback from the students and the tutor regarding my experience in the practicum setting. Additionally, a description of how the feedback will be used to engage in the professional role of the nurse educator and a plan for continuing professional development and refinement of practice will be provided.

Feedback from the Instructor

The feedback from the instructor included both positive and negative remarks, however, I decided to take all the remarks positively because I wanted to improve my skills and knowledge about the preparation of lesson plans. The positive remarks included the aspects of the lesson plan that were covered, while the negative remarks from the preceptor included the parts that were not adequately addressed in the lesson plan.

According to the preceptor, the areas that were fully covered include the practicum setting and population; teaching strategies with research-based rationale for effectiveness, and lesson outcomes. However, according to the preceptor the description of various learning styles was not adequately addressed in the teaching strategies, and also the outline of the content covered in the lesson plan was not clear and concise. Additionally, the outline as an appendix was not covered.

Feedback from the Students

According to the instructor feedback from my students, cooperative learning, demonstration, and visualization strategies enabled them to observe and practice the targeted learning activities and objectives. Students recognized that my selected learning strategies enabled them to practically familiarize themselves with the leadership roles of nurse managers. The students were also able to practice and learn leadership skills such as collaboration, teamwork, and effective communication. However, students noted that teaching styles such as simulation and role-playing would have been more effective in the learning process. Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay

Comparison of Preceptor Feedback, Student Feedback, and My Reflection

Both the feedback from the preceptor and instructor feedback from my students form the foundation to improve my teaching skills as a nurse educator. Both feedbacks emphasized the importance of using evidence-based teaching styles that allows students to participate in the learning, provide students with skills, and allows them to learn from errors and mistakes. However, the preceptor further added the importance of providing concise and clear content in the lesson plan. Just like feedback from the student and the preceptor, I think there were some gap areas in my lesson plan, especially regarding teaching methods. The teaching strategies should be engaging. I also think I should have integrated technology into the learning process.


Use of the Feedback from Stakeholders

I plan to use the feedback to improve my skills as a nurse educator such as helping novice learners, facilitating learning, developing curriculum, and implementing learning and effective evaluation methods. I plan to use teaching methods that are more engaging and demonstrative to the learners such as role-playing, simulation, as well as group discussions especially when teaching in clinical settings (Fitzgerald et al., 2020). I also plan to use evidence-based teaching practices when teaching in both classroom and clinical settings (Mthiyane & Habedi, 2018). Moreover, as per the instructor’s comment, I plan to ensure that the lesson plan is more concise and comprehensive to cover all the learning needs of my students.

Plan for Continuing Professional Development and Refinement of Practice

I plan to participate in professional development in order to improve my competencies as a nurse educator. My targeted top areas of interest in regard to professional development include designing learning activities, assessment, and evaluation processes, as well as simulation teaching (Oprescu et al., 2017). Effective learning activities ensure that learners engage in learning activities that ensure they achieve the assignment and course objectives. On the other hand, effective assessment processes ensure that the student’s level of knowledge, understanding, and clinical performance is determined effectively. I plan to improve my knowledge and competency by attending conferences, presentations, trialing innovations, and conducting research. Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay


Fitzgerald, A., McNelis, A. M., & Billings, D. M. (2020). NLN Core Competencies for Nurse Educators: Are They Present in the Course Descriptions of Academic Nurse Educator Programs? Nursing education perspectives41(1), 4-9.

Mthiyane, G. N., & Habedi, D. S. (2018). The experiences of nurse educators in implementing evidence-based practice in teaching and learning. Health SA = SA Gesondheid23, 1177. https://doi.org/10.4102/hsag.v23i0.1177

Oprescu, F., McAllister, M., Duncan, D., & Jones, C. (2017). Professional development needs of nurse educators. An Australian case study. Nurse Education in Practice27, 165-168. Benchmark- Reflective Analysis Essay

Risk Management Program Analysis

Risk Management Program Analysis


Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis – Part Two


Risks are inherent within all organizational operations, regardless of the settings. In addition, it is important to manage risks in order to adhere to the legal and ethical requirements as per the health and safety regulations. Healthcare organizations also have the duty of providing patients and community members with healthy and safe environment (Allen-Duck, Robinson & Stewart, 2017). Lastly, healthcare organizations have the responsibility of ensuring that their activities do not put the local community at risk of harm, injury, disease or damage. The purpose of this assignment is therefore to analyze how the quality and improvement processes of the organization contribute to the fall prevention and reduction program. Risk Management Program Analysis.


The Role of the Joint Commission

The role of Joint Commission is to provide performance improvement measures that assist healthcare organizations to ensure continuous improvement of the quality of care and safety. The Joint Commission evaluates healthcare organizations through direct staff interviews, observations, and data analysis in order to determine if the organizations adhere to the required regulations (Allen-Duck et al., 2017). The Joint Commission has the duty to certify healthcare organizations and programs and hence the commission has the role of assessing the implemented risk and fall prevention program. The Joint Commission also issues reports, that integrate measures and strategies whose aim is to track and monitor performance of the quality measures (Allen-Duck et al., 2017). Therefore, the Joint Commission has the role of monitoring the and tracking the performance of the implemented fall and risk prevention program.Risk Management Program Analysis.

In addition, the Joint Commission establishes approaches that continually review best practices that improve patient care. The Commission partners with other experts to identify the quality measures, by establishing performance standards that guide healthcare professionals to administer high-quality care through improved performance. Therefore, the healthcare organization as well as the fall and risk prevention program should comply with the standardized processes on the implemented quality management measures; accordingly, it is important to report the improvements that the fall and risk prevention program achieve.Risk Management Program Analysis.

The healthcare organization should submit its annual periodic performance reviews and reports about the fall and risk prevention program to the Joint Commission. Moreover, it is important to assess the fall and risk prevention program in order to ensure the program’s adherence with the Commission’s standards (Allen-Duck et al., 2017). Lastly, as per the Commissions aim to promote the quality of care, all stakeholders involved in the fall and risk prevention program should collaborate and partner with each other in order to identify the features of the program that indicate the best evidence-based aspects.

Roles played by Various Levels of Administrative Staff

Health care standards and policies are very important in ascertaining the adhering to standards as well as in the provision of safer care to patients and people that require the services. Different administrative staff members have the responsibility of developing and implementing policies that help workers and organizations to adhere to the appropriate practice standards and regulations. Such policies provide the organization and the staff members with the necessary information regarding changes in the industry in order to promote safety and ensure legal compliance (Farokhzadian et al., 2018).Risk Management Program Analysis.

The organizational management in collaboration with the risk management professionals in the healthcare the organization have the role of designing procedures and policies that can mitigate risks by promoting regulatory compliance, workplace safety, as well as the provision of high-quality and safe patient care. The administration also has the responsibility of monitoring whether the organizational staff adheres to the established policies and procedures (Farokhzadian et al., 2015).

Impact of the Quality Improvement Processes and Management Programs on Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Patients have the right to get high-quality and safe care. Therefore, quality improvement processes and risk management programs support the right of patients to quality and safe care. For example, a fall and risk prevention program that was implemented will improve the patient safety by preventing falls among the target patient population (geriatric) in the community. This is supported by Batalden (2018) who explains that by implementing quality improvement processes and risk management programs, healthcare organizations protect patient safety and also ensure provision of high-quality care as per the set care standards. Moreover, the fall and risk prevention program, is based on in-depth ongoing research; this further indicates how the program supports provision of high-quality care to patients.Risk Management Program Analysis.

Before the fall and risk prevention program was implemented, consent was obtained from all patients who participated in the program. In addition, confidentiality and privacy of any information provided by patients who were involved in the program was maintained.

Legal and Ethical Responsibilities Health Care Professionals

Healthcare practitioners are legally and ethically obligated to provide safe are and adhere to the set risk management policies. They have the responsibility to prioritize care of patients and to practice effectively and safely (Kadivar, Manookian, Asghari, Niknafs, Okazi & Zarvani, 2017). Healthcare practitioners must be ethical and trustworthy. Risk management policies are implemented with an aim of improving the quality of care and patient safety. Therefore, healthcare practitioners are ethically and legally obligated to conform with such policies in order to improve the quality of care and at the same time ensure patient safety. For example, a policy that requires all geriatric patients admitted in the hospital to undergo a fall risk assessment aims to ensure patient safety. Therefore, the nursing staff admitting each older adult is ethically and legally obligated to follow such organizational policy in order to ensure patient safety.Risk Management Program Analysis.

Minimizing risks to patients is an essential element of practice. Good practice entails adhering to the right practice standards and the established policies aimed to improve the quality of care (Kadivar et al., 2017). For example, nurses are obligated to take part in systems that support monitoring of adverse events and working within the systems to minimize the probability of the adverse events occurring and improving the safety of patients.Risk Management Program Analysis.


According to Salmond & Echevarria (2017) healthcare providers are required to have the appropriate skills and knowledge to provide effective and safe care. it is the responsibility of healthcare practitioners to promote health in the community through education, disease prevention, and where pertinent screening. This clearly indicates that healthcare practitioners are legally obligated to be competent enough to ensure provision of high-quality care.

The Impact of Organization’s Quality Improvement Processes

The quality improvement processes in the organization have significantly contributed to the success of the organization. The processes lead to better care outcomes and hence increases patient satisfaction. Satisfied patients are likely to be return clients to the organizations and also make referral clients. As a result, through the quality improvement processes, the organization has been able to maintain patient volume and at the same time gain competitive advantage in the industry. In addition, the organization has been able to avoid unnecessary lawsuits associated with provision of low-quality care. Quality improvement processes ensure provision of safe care and thus adverse events such as medical errors are avoided (Macrae & Stewart, 2019). Medical errors are among the leading causes of lawsuits against healthcare organizations.Risk Management Program Analysis.

Moreover, quality improvement processes have allowed the organization to avoid regulatory problems and fines for failure to adhere to the appropriate standards as per the regulatory bodies. For example, the organization has complied with the set standards by the organization with the duty of regulating delivery of safe care such as Joint Commission and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). This has ensured that the organization gains positive metrics from such organizations, further improving the reputation of the organization, in addition to evading any regulatory problems.Risk Management Program Analysis.


Healthcare organizations also have the duty of providing patients and community members with healthy and safe environment. Organizations such as Joint Commission provide performance improvement measures that assist healthcare organizations to ensure continuous improvement of the quality of care and safety. Different administrative staff have the responsibility of developing and implementing policies that monitor workers and organizations. The quality improvement processes and risk management programs support the right of patients to quality and safe care. Healthcare providers are legally and ethically obligated to provide safe and high-quality care to the patients.Risk Management Program Analysis.


Benchmark – Risk Management Program Analysis – Part Two

The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how an organization’s quality and improvement processes contribute to its risk management program.

This assignment builds on the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment you completed in Topic 1 of this course.

Assume that the sample risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was implemented and is now currently in use by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to create a high‐level summary brief of this new risk management program to share with a group of administrative personnel from a newly created community health organization in your state who has enlisted your organization’s assistance in developing their own risk management policies and procedures.Risk Management Program Analysis.Risk Management Program Analysis.

Compose a 1,250‐1,500 word summary brief that expands upon the elements you first addressed in the Topic 1 assignment. In this summary brief, address the following points regarding your health care organization and its risk management program:Risk Management Program Analysis.

  1. Explain the role of your organization’s MIPPA-approved accreditation body (e.g., JC, ACR, IAC) in the evaluation of your institution’s quality improvement and risk management processes.
  2. Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in healthcare ethics and establishing or sustaining employer/employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies.
  3. Illustrate how your organization’s risk management and compliance programs support ethical standards, patient consent, and patient rights and responsibilities.
  4. Explain the legal and ethical responsibilities health care professionals face in upholding risk management policies and administering safe health care at your organization.
  5. Relate how your organization’s quality improvement processes support and contribute to its overall journey to excellence.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer‐reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.Risk Management Program Analysis.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


to its risk management program.

This assignment builds on the Risk Management Program Analysis – Part One assignment you completed in Topic 1 of this course.

Assume that the sample risk management program you analyzed in Topic 1 was implemented and is now currently in use by your health care employer/organization. Further assume that your supervisor has asked you to create a high‐level summary brief of this new risk management program to share with a group of administrative personnel from a newly created community health organization in your state who has enlisted your organization’s assistance in developing their own risk management policies and procedures.Risk Management Program Analysis.

Compose a 1,250‐1,500 word summary brief that expands upon the elements you first addressed in the Topic 1 assignment. In this summary brief, address the following points regarding your health care organization and its risk management program:

  1. Explain the role of your organization’s MIPPA-approved accreditation body (e.g., JC, ACR, IAC) in the evaluation of your institution’s quality improvement and risk management processes.
  2. Describe the roles that different levels of administrative personnel play in healthcare ethics and establishing or sustaining employer/employee-focused organizational risk management strategies and operational policies.
  3. Illustrate how your organization’s risk management and compliance programs support ethical standards, patient consent, and patient rights and responsibilities.
  4. Explain the legal and ethical responsibilities health care professionals face in upholding risk management policies and administering safe health care at your organization.
  5. Relate how your organization’s quality improvement processes support and contribute to its overall journey to excellence.Risk Management Program Analysis.

In addition to your textbook, you are required to support your analysis with a minimum of three peer‐reviewed references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Risk Management Program Analysis.

Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment

Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment

Leadership (Weeks 4-6)

Accessible player
Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). The Leader in You [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Learning Objectives
Students will:
Analyze the effectiveness and impact of leadership skills
Assess personal leadership traits
Analyze how leadership traits can be applied to personal leadership philosophies and behaviors
Develop a personal leadership philosophy


Create a development plan related to personal leadership philosophies
Due By Assignment
Week 4, Days 1–2 Read the Learning Resources.
Compose your initial Discussion 1 post.Personal Leadership Philosophies.
Week 4, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion 1 post.
Begin to compose your Assignment.
Week 4, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion 1 posts.
Compose your peer Discussion 1 responses.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 4, Day 6 Post two peer Discussion 1 responses.
Week 5, Days 1-2 Compose your initial Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 5, Day 3 Post your initial Discussion 2 post.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 5, Days 4-5 Review peer Discussion 2 posts.
Compose your peer Discussion 2 responses.
Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 5, Day 6 Post two peer Discussion 2 responses.
Week 6, Days 1- 6 Continue to compose your Assignment.
Week 6, Day 7 Deadline to submit your Assignment.
Photo Credit: sturti/Creatas Video/Getty Images

Learning Resources
Required Readings
Marshall, E., & Broome, M. (2017). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer. Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment

Chapter 1, “Expert Clinician to Transformational Leader in a Complex Health Care Organization: Foundations” (pp. 7–20 ONLY)
Chapter 6, “Frameworks for Becoming a Transformational Leader” (pp. 145–170)
Chapter 7, “Becoming a Leader: It’s All About You” (pp. 171–194)
Duggan, K., Aisaka, K., Tabak, R. G., Smith, C., Erwin, P., & Brownson, R. C. (2015). Implementing administrative evidence-based practices: Lessons from the field in six local health departments across the United States. BMC Health Services Research, 15(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3. Retrieved from https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12913-015-0891-3

Resources for the StrengthsFinder Assessment Tool
Strengths Finder: Gallup. (2018). Retrieved from https://walden.gallup.com

Guidance Document: Student Long Guide

Guidance Document: Short Guide

Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Leadership [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.


Accessible player
Moore Foundation. (n.d.). Nurses share lessons in leadership. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/playlist?liMany of us can think of leaders we have come to admire, be they historical figures, pillars of the industry we work in, or leaders we know personally. The leadership of individuals such as Abraham Lincoln and Margaret Thatcher has been studied and discussed repeatedly. However, you may have interacted with leaders you feel demonstrated equally competent leadership without ever having a book written about their approaches.Personal Leadership Philosophies.

What makes great leaders great? Every leader is different, of course, but one area of commonality is the leadership philosophy that great leaders develop and practice. A leadership philosophy is basically an attitude held by leaders that acts as a guiding principle for their behavior. While formal theories on leadership continue to evolve over time, great leaders seem to adhere to an overarching philosophy that steers their actions.

What is your leadership philosophy? In this Assignment, you will explore what guides your own leadership.Personal Leadership Philosophies.

To Prepare:

Identify two to three scholarly resources, in addition to this Module’s readings, that evaluate the impact of leadership behaviors in creating healthy work environments.
Reflect on the leadership behaviors presented in the three resources that you selected for review.
Reflect on your results of the CliftonStrengths Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.
The Assignment (2-3 pages):

Personal Leadership Philosophies

Develop and submit a personal leadership philosophy that reflects what you think are characteristics of a good leader. Use the scholarly resources on leadership you selected to support your philosophy statement. Your personal leadership philosophy should include the following: Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment

A description of your core values
A personal mission/vision statement
An analysis of your CliftonStrengths Assessment summarizing the results of your profile
A description of two key behaviors that you wish to strengthen
A development plan that explains how you plan to improve upon the two key behaviors you selected and an explanation of how you plan to achieve your personal vision. Be specific and provide examples.
Be sure to incorporate your colleagues’ feedback on your CliftonStrengths Assessment from this Module’s Discussion 2.st=PLopRJPO6GaifsYPGP_jcWXZzU10H3AaX7

People who are especially talented in the Communication theme generally find it easy to put their thoughts into words. They are good conversationalists and presenters.
People who are especially talented in the Activator theme can make things happen by turning thoughts into action. They are often impatient.


People who are especially talented in the Individualization theme are intrigued with the unique qualities of each person. They have a gift for figuring out how people who are different can work together productively.Personal Leadership Philosophies.
People who are especially talented in the Woo theme love the challenge of meeting new people and winning them over. They derive satisfaction from breaking the ice and making a connection with another person.
People who are especially talented in the Input theme have a craving to know more. Often they like to collect and archive all kinds of information.

Personal leadership philosophies

Personal leadership philosophies are the sets of principles and thought that guide performance when engaging a team, particularly when motivating, inspiring and bringing out the best in a team (Marquis & Huston, 2017). My personal leadership philosophy is to learn from my predecessors and not to make the same mistake twice. I believe that both strong and weak leaders have something to offer and that I can learn from them. I lead through keeping my word, and acting with both character and integrity even as I earn my credibility. I place great value in quality, knowledge, communication, trust and honesty. I expect that any team I lead will always offer the truth in a timely manner while exhibiting their respect through actions and words, and being team players. I do not expect disrespectful or disruptive behavior, negligence, lying, safety violations and unsafe environments. Through this philosophy, I believe that I will become a better leader capable of inspiring others to meet and exceed the set team goals.Personal Leadership Philosophies.

My core leadership values act as the guiding principles in my life, with my approach to leadership occurring within the context of these core values. My first value is wisdom that I demonstrate through a broad awareness of human dynamics and how to balance different interests. The second value is humility, exhibited through a sense of dignity and humbleness, as well as an awareness of my limitations. The third value is courage with a focus on acting for justice and the greater good. The fourth value is authenticity through transparency, congruency and consistency in actions and beliefs. The fifth value is integrity through trustworthiness, ethical strength and moral courage in fulfilling expectations and keeping promises. The sixth value is making a positive difference in the lives of others. The final value is respect for others and self-respect through treating others with compassion, empathy and dignity. These seven values are aligned with my personal mission: to lead successful teams that synergistically act to play to their strengths even as they deliver value-added quality services (Ledlow& Coppola, 2014). Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment

Based on the Clifton Strengths Assessment results, I am an analytical strategic thinker, adaptable relationship builder, competitive influencer, and achiever. As an analytical thinker, I search for causes and reasons, looking at all the factors that can affect the team. As an adaptable leader, I prefer to go with the flow and adapt to the prevailing situation. As a competitive influencer, I prefer to measure my success against other leaders. As an achiever, I work hard and take immense satisfaction in being productive and busy (Iszatt-White & Saunders, 2017).Personal Leadership Philosophies.

Although I have performed well as a leader, there are two key behaviors that I wish to strengthen. I wish to motivate and inspire my team members to work towards common team goals. I anticipate that this will make the team more exciting even as the members become equality engaged in achieving something that is greater than the individual members. In addition, I wish to bring others along by understanding and meeting the distinct goals, abilities and needs of my team members. This would help in uncovering their strengths and weaknesses, and intervening to improve their performance. To improve the two key behaviors, I have created a development plan that focuses on attending leadership training to improve my performance. Also, I will engage the team members in regular forums on how to improve team performance and satisfaction (Marquis& Huston, 2017). Personal Leadership Philosophies Assignment


This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words with at least 3 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references.Assessment DescriptionYou are assessing a patient who has presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of abdominal pain. List three differential diagnoses that would lead to immediate surgical consultation. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.


This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words with at least 3 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style.  Please do not use international references.Assessment DescriptionYou are assessing a patient who has presented to the emergency department with an acute onset of abdominal pain. List three differential diagnoses that would lead to immediate surgical consultation. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.

walden NURS6501N Week 2 Quiz

walden NURS6501N Week 2 Quiz

NURS 6501N- 13 Advanced Pathophysiology

Week 2 Quiz

  1. A 40-year-old female is diagnosed with SLE.  Which of the following findings would be considered a symptom of this disease?


  1. When trying to distinguish between an infectious disease and noninfectious disease, what is the hallmark symptom for most infectious diseases?


  1. A 30-year-old female complains of fatigue, arthritis, rash, and changes in urine color.  Laboratory testing reveals anemia, lymphopenia, and kidney inflammation.  Assuming a diagnosis of SLE, which of the following is also likely to be present?


  1. Tinea corporis (ringworm) is a __________ infection of the skin.


  1. A 5-year-old female takes a hike through the woods during a school field trip.  Upon returning home, she hugs her father, and he later develops poison ivy.  Which of the following immune reactions is he experiencing?


  1. A patient has chicken pox.  How does the varicella replicate? walden NURS6501N Week 2 Quiz


  1. A 46-year-old male presents with severe pain, redness, and tenderness in the right big toe.  He was diagnosed with gouty arthritis.  He is at risk for developing:


  1. After studying about viruses, which information indicates the study has a good understanding of viruses? Viruses:


  1. Rubella, rubeola, and roseola are common communicable diseases caused by _______ infection.


  1. A 46-year-old male presents with severe pain, redness, and tenderness in the right big toe.  He was diagnosed with gouty arthritis.  The symptoms he experienced are caused by the crystallization of _______ within the synovial fluid.


  1. A 34-year-old female was recently diagnosed with RA.  Physical examination revealed that inflammation started in the:


  1. A 5-year-old female develops chickenpox after exposure at her day care center.  This disease is caused by:


  1. When a nurse cares for a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), the nurse remembers this disease is an example of


  1. The incidence of fractures of the pelvis is highest in:


  1. When bacterial pathogens enter a patient’s body, they can defend themselves form an immune response by:


  1. Which patient will develop active immunity? A patient who:


  1. When histamine is released in the body, which of the following responses would the nurse expect?


  1. Which of the following individuals would be at greatest risk for an opportunistic infection? walden NURS6501N Week 2 Quiz


  1. A 10-year-old male is stung by a bee while playing in the yard.  He begins itching and develops pain, swelling, redness, and respiratory difficulties.  He is suffering from:


  1. Which of the following hormones activates adrenergic receptors?


  1. Exhaustion occurs if stress continues and ______ is not successful.


  1. A 65-year-old female is diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer.  She developed muscle wasting.  Which of the following substances would be produced in large quantities to eliminate the tumor cells and cause muscle wasting?


  1. A 45-year-old male presents with persistent, severe stomach pain.  Testing reveals a peptic ulcer.  Further laboratory tests reveal the presence of Helicobater pylori.  Which of the following is a concern for this patient?


  1. A 30-year-old female presents to her primary care provider reporting fatigue, excessive sweating, and increased appetite.  Physical examination reveals protruding eyes, and laboratory testing reveals hyperthyroidism secondary to autoantibody production.  This disorder falls into the category of type ____________ hypersensitivity.


  1. A patient has a tissue growth that was diagnosed as cancer.  Which of the following terms best describes this growth?


  1. After teaching about stress, which information indicates a correct understanding of stress?


  1. A 50-year-old female experiences decreased blood pressure, decreased oxygen delivery, cardiovascular shock, and subsequent death.  A complication of endotoxic shock is suspected.  Which of the following is the most likely cause?


  1. A patient presents with poison ivy on the extremities, face, and buttocks.  This condition is an example of:


  1. While planning care, a nurse recalls seasonal allergic rhinitis is expressed through:


  1. Stress induces sympathetic stimulation of the adrenal medulla.  This causes the secretions of catecholamines, which include:


  1. A child fell off the swing and scraped the right knee.  The injured area becomes painful.  What else will the nurse observe upon assessment? walden NURS6501N Week 2 Quiz


  1. Which of the following patients would be at greatest risk for basal cell carcinoma?


  1. A 35-year-old male is diagnosed with a hormone-secreting tumor of the adrenal medulla.  He experiences elevated blood pressure, pupil dilation, “goose bumps,” and increased anxiety.  Which of the following hormones is the predominant one released by the tumor?


  1. A 5-month-old child is admitted to the hospital with recurring respiratory infections.  A possible cause of this condition is:


  1. A 30-year-old male is having difficulty breathing and has been spitting blood.  He reports that he began experiencing this reaction after cleaning his pigeons’ cages.  Testing reveals he is suffering from allergic alveolitis.  Which of the following is he experiencing?


  1. A 35-year-old male is diagnosed with lobar pneumonia (lung infection).  Which of the following g exudates would be present in highest concentration at the site of this advanced inflammatory disease?


  1. An infant develops a fever secondary to a bacterial infection.  Which of the following most likely triggered the fever?


  1. A 30-year-old female is diagnosed with cancer.  Testing reveals that the cancer cells have spread to local lymph nodes.  A nurse realizes this cancer would be documented as stage:


  1. When a patient asks the nurse what hypersensitivity is, how should the nurse respond?  Hypersensitivity is best defined as:


  1.   A 3-year-old is making play cakes in a sandbox and is eating play cakes.  The sand was also being used by cats as a litter box and was contaminated with toxoplasmosis.  Which of the following would most likely also be present? walden NURS6501N Week 2 Quiz