HSM 494 NSU Hospital Financial and Functional Analysis Discussion

HSM 494 NSU Hospital Financial and Functional Analysis Discussion


Red Bear River Valley Hospital is one of the small, scattered villages located in rural northern Utah and about 40 miles from the Big Swift, the closest town and commercial center. The only transportation linkages to Red Bear River Valley are rural county and state highways. These routes are closed or not easily utilized between 7-10 days a year.


Red Bear River Valley Hospital offers a basic emergency room and 16 inpatient beds in a 44.000 square-foot facility. An adjoining medical clinic, Red Bear River Clinic, provides an additional 20,000 square-feet of space. The Bear River Clinic provides for basic outpatient care. The hospital is supported by 10 physicians. HSM 494 NSU Hospital Financial and Functional Analysis Discussion

Attached are the following data for Bear River Valley Hospital:

  • Population Statistics
  • Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the last three years
  • Top eight DRG Discharges
  • Patient Days by Payer
  • Best and Worst percentages for Performance against CMS Core Measure

Based on the data given, consider the following:

  • Describe and discuss the current financial and functional outlook for the facility. (Eloisa) HSM 494 NSU Hospital Financial and Functional Analysis Discussion

Offensive Marketing Plan Paper

Offensive Marketing Plan Paper


Read the case study, Stopping Outshopping [PDF] (also found in Chapter 32 of your textbook). Then, use the Internet or Strayer library to research similar marketing strategies in the health care industry.

Assignment Instructions

Your task is to create an offensive marketing plan for Scarlet Hospital. The competition has already created a marketing plan that advertises in your area, so your marketing plan should reflect that.


Your plan should be 4–6 pages and include the following eight sections:

An Executive Summary and Table of Contents that summarizes the key points of the marketing plan including any recommendations and strategies and has an itemized table of contents for the plan that make each of the sections easy to find. Offensive Marketing Plan Paper

An explanation of the Current Marketing Situation that determines whether Scarlet Hospital is ready to fully compete aggressively based on market research, and existing marketing plan.

An Opportunity and Issue Analysis that assesses the existing marketing plan, while making recommendations on the direction Scarlet Hospital should follow. It should also include a review of the Scarlet hospital strategy for assessing the potential for a change or enhancement to generate revenue.


Objectives for an offensive marketing plan using techniques like market penetration, market development and product development.

A Market Strategy that proposes a one-page offensive strategy (such as communication, branding, or innovation) that Scarlet Hospital should deploy in order to turn the table on opposing health care providers and improve its competitive marketing position.

  1. An outline of Action Programs that can be put in place by Scarlet Hospital to protect its market share and thus decrease the chance of losing patients to other institutions. Action programs should also reflect an awareness of the current events that contribute to the risk of losing patients to other institutions.
  2. Financial Projections that allow Scarlet Hospital to determine if any financial reinforcement is needed for the offensive marketing strategy.
  3. Implementation Controls that include a review of the marketing team’s plan, communication and project timeline to ensure those pieces contribute to the success of the marketing strategy being implemented.  Offensive Marketing Plan Paper

Health & Medical Paper

Health & Medical Paper


You have been hired to develop an Outpatient Immunization Clinic for Baton Rouge General (https://www.brgeneral.org/in-the-community/community-health-needs-assessment). Their website has a wealth of information regarding their community.

The Mission Statement is:

We will preserve and restore health, one person at a time. ​

The Vision Statement is:

We will lead the region in exceptional patient experiences. ​

Utilizing the Web Site, on-line resources, and the information that we discussed in class via the PowerPoints and Assignments, prepare a proposal for the implementation of Outpatient Immunization Clinic which you will send  to the executive officers of the hospital for review. You are preparing this information for the board to demonstrate to them that this project is needed, is important and meets the mission, vision, and goals of the organization.


Present the information in correct professional language in paragraph form separated by Section Headers for each of the criteria listed below. Health & Medical Paper 

In your proposal, include the following.

  1. At least two Goals for the Outpatient Immunization Clinic; Refer to the PowerPoint on Mission Statement for more information.
  2. At least three Objectives for the Outpatient Immunization Clinic that are specific, attainable, and measurable; Refer to the PowerPoint on Mission Statement for more information.
  3. An organizational chart for the Outpatient Immunization Clinic including a justification for each of the positions on the organizational chart. You will be the Director of the Outpatient Immunization Clinic. Remember that the lines upward on your organization chart show to whom they report and lines downward show who has authority over whom.

NOTE: If the Immunization clinic is approved and implemented, you will report to the Director of Outpatient Services who will report to Ms. Nijoka who is the Chief Nursing Officer. These positions are already a part of the organizational chart of the hospital and are not part of the organizational chart for this assignment.


  1. Using online data, information from the hospital website, and your own ideas, provide a justification and make a case for the development of the Outpatient Immunization Clinic. Health & Medical Paper


  1. Complete a SWOT analysis regarding the development the Outpatient Immunization Clinic.


  1. Prepare a Job Description for two of the positions on your organizational chart.



  1. Prepare Position Specific Interview questions for two different positions and describe the why that question is appropriate for the position. Do NOT asked questions that are generic and apply to all positions e.g. where do you see yourself in three years


  1. Create two questions that you will ask of applicants for a specific position on your organizational chart.
  2. Create two questions that you will ask of applicants for a different specific position on your organizational chart.


  1. Identify and describe three specific ways that you will collect data to assess whether you have obtained your objectives for the Outpatient Immunization Clinic. You must suggest three ways that data can be gather to assess the achievement of your outcomes.


  1. Describe two potential growth opportunities for the Outpatient Immunization Clinic.


  1. Utilize appropriate professional language that is free of typographical errors and that exhibits correct sentence structure. Health & Medical Paper


  1. Cite any sources using APA Style.


Refer to the attached rubric for expectations for the assignment.






HCM 565 Healthcare Finance Essay

HCM 565 Healthcare Finance Essay


Module 12: Critical Thinking

Staffing Turnover (100 points)

Review the Corporate Strategic Plan for Dr. Soliman Fakeeh Hospital


One of the Strategic Directives listed in “Invest in People & development” which is explained in detail on page 14.

Investing in people can be expensive but it can be argued it is less expensive than having a higher employee turnover.

There can also be many benefits from retaining staff as this article illustrates:

The COVID-19 Pandemic has placed a significant strain on many employees in the healthcare industry, with burnout and potentially PTSD becoming major issues going forward. HCM 565 Healthcare Finance Essay


Write a paper that addresses:

  1. The financial issues relating to both retaining staff and those associated with recruiting and training new staff when there is high staff turnover.
  2. The non-financial costs associate with losing personnel who have many years of experience working in this institution.
  3. Recommendations as to what an institution should do to avoid such problems.
  4. The benefits associated with adopting those recommendations.

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

Your paper should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Four-to-five pages in length, not including the cover sheet and reference page.
  • Formatted according to APA 7th edition and Saudi Electronic University writing standards
  • Provide support for your statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook, or lectures, but the other two must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is a good place to find these references.

You are strongly encouraged to submit all assignments to the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting them to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment to the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check Student Guide. HCM 565 Healthcare Finance Essay

Financial Statements in Healthcare Organizations Discussion

Financial Statements in Healthcare Organizations Discussion




Analyzing financial statements helps healthcare leaders determine the opportunities and problems the organization faces financially. At its core, the financial statement is a pulse of the financial health of the organization, defining whether it is capable of paying expenditures, overburdened with debt, or flush with capital to expand. There are two primary methods of financial statement analysis: horizontal and vertical. Other methods are extensions of these. Financial Statements in Healthcare Organizations Discussion


To prepare for this Discussion:

Identify one example of an event that has changed the operations of your organization or an organization with which you are familiar with. If you are not currently working in a healthcare organization (HCO), you may choose a case study from a reliable source from which to work.

Review this week’s Reading and Learning Resources.

Post a cohesive response to the following:

List the primary financial statements used in a typical healthcare organization. Assess horizontal and vertical financial data analysis and its role in helping healthcare leaders assess the financial and business considerations for long term financial viability. Financial Statements in Healthcare Organizations Discussion


Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment

Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment

Identify someone in the healthcare field who may have created a policy or assessment to improve healthy living.  Contact that individual to conduct an interview about the policy.

Consider whether the policy or assessment is effective, and how your interviewee feels how it might be improved. Be sure to include the following information in your interview:

Identify the interviewee.

The goals and objectives of your interview.

Location of the organization and how the interviewee is involved/position.

Description of the policy. Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment

Are there recommendations for improving the policy?

  • Here are some suggested questions:

What are the mission and vision statements for your organization?

  • How do these mission and vision statements assist in helping your organization focus on healthy living promotions?
  • How are the daily operations for your organization meeting policy? What are some of the areas that may lead to improvement regarding any policy updates?
  • What are some of the challenges that you are currently experiencing with your policy revisions?
  • What are some of the benefits your policy is providing to patients, or clients?

What are some of the recommendations that you may have regarding policy improvement both internally and externally?  Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment

HCM 550 Saudi Electronic University Healthcare Policy Analysis Worksheet

HCM 550 Saudi Electronic University Healthcare Policy Analysis Worksheet


Module 12: Critical Thinking

Interview Regarding a Healthcare Policy or Assessment (110 points)

Identify someone in the healthcare field who may have created a policy or assessment to improve healthy living.  Contact that individual to conduct an interview about the policy.

Consider whether the policy or assessment is effective, and how your interviewee feels how it might be improved. Be sure to include the following information in your interview:

Identify the interviewee.

The goals and objectives of your interview.

Location of the organization and how the interviewee is involved/position.


Description of the policy. HCM 550 Saudi Electronic University Healthcare Policy Analysis Worksheet

  • What are some of the challenges regarding the policy development?
  • What were some of the benefits of the policy?

Are there recommendations for improving the policy?

  • Here are some suggested questions:

What are the mission and vision statements for your organization?

  • How do these mission and vision statements assist in helping your organization focus on healthy living promotions?
  • How are the daily operations for your organization meeting policy? What are some of the areas that may lead to improvement regarding any policy updates?
  • What are some of the challenges that you are currently experiencing with your policy revisions?
  • What are some of the benefits your policy is providing to patients, or clients?

What are some of the recommendations that you may have regarding policy improvement both internally and externally?  HCM 550 Saudi Electronic University Healthcare Policy Analysis Worksheet

Saudi Electronic University Digital Health Technologies in KSA Paper

Saudi Electronic University Digital Health Technologies in KSA Paper


Evaluate the use of digital health technologies in Saudi Arabia that would support expanding patient access to medical care by researching a minimum of four peer-reviewed articles on this topic and then creating a brochure or infographic using appropriate templates available online. Discuss how these information technology innovations can benefit the Saudi population and how they align with the MOH strategic plans. What barriers or challenges prevent the adoption of these technologies, and what would you recommend to remove those barriers or challenges? Demonstrate how this recommendation will increase patient access to care and support the achievement of Saudi Vision 2030. Saudi Electronic University Digital Health Technologies in KSA Paper


Elements to be explained:

  • Digital health expanding access to medical care
  • Information technology innovation benefits
  • Barriers and challenges to adoption
  • Recommendations to remove barriers and challenges
  • Achieving Saudi Vision 2030
  • Conclusion summary

Create a brochure or infographic using appropriate templates available online that the Ministry of Health could use to support Saudi healthcare organizations in their adoption of Telehealth to provide greater access to healthcare services for their patients.

Your brochure should meet the following structural requirements:

  • A two-page brochure that includes all the elements detailed above.
  • Follow APA 7th edition writing standards.
  • Be sure to cite any statistics or other information as appropriate. Saudi Electronic University Digital Health Technologies in KSA Paper

Review this video for an overview of how to create infographics:



Discussion questionA 33-year-old Hispanic male is admitted and complains of a tingling sensation in his left leg, vertigo, and loss of balance. When you begin to perform intake history, you notice that his speech is slurred, his teeth are in need of repair, and he seems to be very drowsy.What other findings may you find in this individual?What would you think is the underlying cause of this patient’s complaint?How would you proceed with your assessment specifically for this patient?

NUR506 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)

NUR506 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)


Module 1 Discussion

Common Drug Interactions

Initial Post

Flier for ZithromaxFor your initial post, select a common drug that a pediatric or geriatric patient would be prescribed. This could be a drug that you’ve worked with or one that you’re curious about. You will be designing an infographic or handout to inform your fellow healthcare providers about the following:

The possible implications of this drug as it relates to absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination in this population.

The impact of sex, age, genetics, and ethnicity in the alteration of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of this drug.

Although you are welcome to use the software of your choice, we recommend either of the two free design programs below. They offer premium options for a fee, but you will not need to use them:

Canva (Links to an external site.)

Crello (Links to an external site.)

Please see the following sites for open source images that you can use without restriction:

Unsplash (Links to an external site.)

Pixabay (Links to an external site.)

Pexels (Links to an external site.)

If you’ve created a Word or PDF document, please attach it to the discussion forum by clicking the document icon and selecting upload document.

Screenshot showing the dropdown menu under the Page Icon with Upload Document highlighted.

You can also embed an image directly in the discussion by clicking the image icon and then selecting Upload Image. This is preferable as will allow your classmate to see the image directly in the discussion forum. NUR506 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)



Module 2 Discussion


Initial Post

For your initial post, you should select a vaccine and create a short paragraph that explores the following:

The history of the vaccine.

The disease that the vaccine was created to prevent.

Who is contraindicated in the vaccine and who needs to have it?

How the community feels about the vaccine. Address whether there was vaccine hesitancy or not.

In this discussion along with providing information on your selected vaccine, we will also have a debate. As nurses, you will encounter patients who are against receiving vaccines and those who are in favor of them. Please write another short paragraph advocating for the vaccine.

Please cite any sources using the APA 7th edition. (Links to an external site.)



Module 3 Discussion

Autobiography of a Drug

Initial Post

Select a drug that you have studied this week and write its autobiography, including some fun details along with the mechanism of action. Please see the example below:

Autobiography of a Drug

Hello everyone! I was first synthesized in 1985 by Dr. Bruce Roth. I did not get approved by the FDA until 1996. I became the best-selling drug of all time in the world, netting more than $125 billion in sales over a 14.5-year period. I work by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme found in the liver that plays a role in producing cholesterol. Several years later in the mid-2000’s, I was shown to contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes in some populations. The most common side effects that I cause are joint pain, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, hyperglycemia, and muscle pains. NUR506 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)

Who am I?

You should not use the name of the drug in the post. Your classmate will guess the name of the drug and justify the guess in their response post.

Please cite any sources using the APA 7th edition. (Links to an external site.)

Your initial post is due Thursday, 11:59 pm ET.

Response to Classmates

Please respond to two classmates, selecting those who wrote about drugs different from your own.

Guess the name of the drug and give the rationale for your response.

Describe the type of patient for whom the drug would be prescribed. Your description should include the diagnosis, demographic information, and physical description in addition to any other details.







Module 4 Discussion

Drug Therapies

Initial Post

Please use the Excelsior Library (Links to an external site.) to find a peer-reviewed article published in the last year, related to drug treatment of any of the diseases covered this week. Provide a paragraph describing the findings of the article and the implications for care.

What did you learn from this article?

What did you find to be the most interesting aspect of the article?

How will this information impact your thinking in relation to drug therapy for your patients?

Please provide the link to the article in your post and cite it using the APA 7th edition. (Links to an external site.)




Module 5 Discussion

Drug Education Poster

Initial Post

Flier for ZithromaxSelect a drug that is used to treat endocrine/hormone disorders. This can be anything from levothyroxine to hormone therapy in transitioning patients.

Describe the possible implications of this drug as it relates to absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination in this population. NUR506 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)

What is the impact of sex, age, genetics, and ethnicity in the alteration of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of this drug?

What education should be provided to the patient that is prescribed this medication?

Although you are welcome to use the software of your choice, we recommend either of the two free design programs below. They offer premium options for a fee, but you will not need to use them:

Canva (Links to an external site.)

Crello (Links to an external site.)

Please see the following sites for open source images that you can use without restriction:

Unsplash (Links to an external site.)

Pixabay (Links to an external site.)

Pexels (Links to an external site.)

If you’ve created a Word or PDF document, please attach it to the discussion forum by clicking the document icon and selecting upload document.

Screenshot showing the dropdown menu under the Page Icon with Upload Document highlighted.

You can also embed an image directly in the discussion by clicking the image icon and then selecting Upload Image. This is preferable as will allow your classmate to see the image directly in the discussion forum.



Module 6 Discussion

Autobiography of a GI Drug

Initial Post

Select a drug that you have studied this week and write its autobiography, including some fun details along with the mechanism of action. Please see the example below:

Autobiography of a Drug

Hello everyone! I was first synthesized in 1985 by Dr. Bruce Roth. I did not get approved by the FDA until 1996. I became the best-selling drug of all time in the world, netting more than $125 billion in sales over a 14.5-year period. I work by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme found in the liver that plays a role in producing cholesterol. Several years later in the mid-2000’s, I was shown to contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes in some populations. The most common side effects that I cause are joint pain, diarrhea, heartburn, nausea, hyperglycemia, and muscle pains.

Who am I?

You should not use the name of the drug in the post. Your classmate will guess the name of the drug and justify the guess in their response post.



Module 7 Discussion


Initial Post

Please use the Excelsior Library (Links to an external site.) to find a peer-reviewed article published in the last year, related to drug treatment of any mental health condition. Provide a paragraph describing the findings of the article and the implications for care.

What did you learn from this article?

What did you find to be the most interesting aspect of the article?

How will this information impact your thinking in relation to drug therapy for your patients?

Please provide the link to the article in your post and cite it using the APA 7th edition.


Module 8 Discussion

Legal Issues Related to Medical Administration

Alternative therapies can take many forms. Nearly all the conditions we treat with traditional western medicate have alternative therapies. For your initial post, please do the following:

Select a medical condition.

Compare and contrast the pharmacologic treatment with the alternative medicine option by addressing the questions below.

What data are available to support the use of the treatment?

What consideration should be taken for the treatment’s use in different populations such as the elderly, pediatric, pregnant/lactating women?

What education would you need to provide to the patient who is taking these treatments? NUR506 Discussions Latest 2022 March (Full)