NURS6003 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2022

NURS6003 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2022

Question 1          Which of the following is the correct way to cite a direct quote?

A.           Jones (2018) found that “nurses are among the most trusted health care professionals.” (p. 34).

B.           Jones (2018) found that “nurses are among the most trusted health care professionals” (p. 34).

C.           Jones (2018) found that “nurses are among the most trusted health care professionals (p. 34).”

D.           Jones (2018) found that “nurses are among the most trusted health care professionals.” (p34).

Question 2          Words should be used to express any number that begins a sentence, title, or text heading.




Question 3A block quote contains:

A.           10 or more words

B.           20 or more words

C.           40 or more words

D.           50 or more words

Question 4 Based on the URL or web-address, which of the following websites would more likely contain scholarly, research-based resources on heart disease?




Question 5 In APA, numerals should be used to express numbers 10 and above. NURS6003 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2022



Question 6          Below is a reference page listing for a book with two authors. How should the title of the book be formatted?

Jones, A. & Smith, P. (2016). Nursing ethics: Keeping the patient at the center of care (2nd ed). Pearson Education

A.           The book title should be in quotation marks.

B.           The book title should be in italics.

C.           The book title should be listed without special formatting.

D.           The book title should be in bold.

Question 7 In some papers for APA, an abstract will be required. Abstracts typically are limited to no more than ______ words.

A.           50

B.            125

C.           250

D.           300

Question 8 Which of the following is correct regarding the format of a periodical on the reference page?

A.           Jones, T. (2018). The legal side of the profession. Legal Nursing, 22(7), 245-250. 10.2334/4892-8888.24.3.978

B.           Jones, T. (2018). The Legal Side of the Profession.Legal Nursing, 22, 245-250. doi: 10.2334/4892-8888.24.3.978

C.           Jones, T. (2018). The legal side of the profession. Legal Nursing, 22(7), 245-250.

D.           Jones, T. (2018). The legal side of the profession. Legal Nursing, 22, 245-250. doi: 10.2334/4892-8888.24.3.978

Question 9 In APA, the writer should avoid the use of back-to-back parentheses.



Question 10        In APA formatting, the margins should be _________ on all sides.

A.           one and one-half inches

B.           one-half inch

C.           one inch

D.           author’s choice

Question 11 Which of the following is correct regarding the reference list in APA?

It should be in alphabetical order by the author’s last name.

The first line should be indented with the second-and subsequent lines flush with margins.


All references should appear alike in relation to capitalization and italics regardless of type of reference (book, periodical, etc.).

The word “References” should be at the top of the list, bold, and centered on the page.

Question 12 When should an author’s first initial be included in the citation?

A.           The author’s first initial should never be included in the citation.

B.           The author’s first initial should be included in the citation only if a parenthetical citation is used.

C.           If there are two authors with the same last name, the first initial of the first author should be included in the citation. NURS6003 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2022

D.           The author’s first initial should be included in the citation only if an in-text citation is used.

Question 13 While 12-point Times New Roman was preferred by APA in the past, the seventh edition of the association’s Publication Manual also allows for the use of other fonts, such as s 11-point Calibri, 11-point Arial, or 10-point Lucida Sans Unicode.



Question 14        Which of the following is correct for a subsequent parenthetical citation for one work by two authors?

A.           (Jones & Smith, 2016)

B.           (Jones, et. al, 2016)

C.           (Jones et al., 2016)

D.           (Jones and Smith 2016)

Question 15 In relation to comma usage in APA, which of the following follows the correct format?

A.           Smith Jones and Craig (2016) found……

B.           Smith, Jones, and Craig (2016) found……

C.           Smith, Jones and Craig (2016) found……

D.           Smith Jones, and Craig (2016) found……

Question 16 1.   Which of the following is true regarding the APA elements of a title page in a student paper?

A.           The title should be in all caps, centered between the left and right margins, and positioned in the upper half of the page.

B.           The recommended length of the title is no more than 25 words.

C.           The title of the paper, author’s name, author affiliation, course name and number, instructor name, assignment due date, and page number.

D.           The institutional affiliation should come before the author’s name at the top of the title page.

Question 17        In APA, the paper should be ________ spaced.

A.           double-

B.           single-

Question 18        Poetry, novels, and interviews are examples of _____________ sources.

A.           Primary

B.           Secondary

Question 19        In APA, a Level 1 heading should appear:

A.           Flush Left, Bold, Title Case Heading

B.           Indented, italic, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period.

C.           Centered, Bold, Title Case Heading

D.           Indented, bold, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period. NURS6003 Week 2 Quiz Latest 2022

Question 20        According to APA, the list of references which appear at the end of the paper is referred to as the:

A.           Works Cited

B.           References

C.           Sources

D.           Bibliography

South university NRSG 6020 quiz

South university NRSG 6020 quiz

Question 1. 1. Mr. Maxwell has noticed that he is gaining weight and has increasing girth. Which of the following would argue for the presence of ascites? (Points : 1)

Bilateral flank tympany

Dullness which remains despite change in position

Dullness centrally when the patient is supine

Tympany which changes location with patient position



Question 2. 2. A 76-year-old retired farmer comes to your office complaining of abdominal pain, constipation, and a low-grade fever for about three days. He denies any nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. The only unusual thing he remembers eating is two bags of popcorn at the movies with his grandson, three days before his symptoms began. He denies any other recent illnesses. His past medical history is significant for coronary artery disease and high blood pressure. He has been married for over fifty years. He denies any tobacco, alcohol, or drug use. His mother died of colon cancer and his father had a stroke. On examination, he appears his stated age and is in no acute distress. His temperature is 100.9 degrees and his other vital signs are unremarkable. His head, cardiac, and pulmonary examinations are normal. He has normal bowel sounds and is tender over the left lower quadrant. He has no rebound or guarding. His rectal examination is unremarkable and his fecal occult blood test is negative. His prostate is slightly enlarged but his testicular, penile, and inguinal examinations are all normal. Blood work is pending. South university NRSG 6020 quiz

What diagnosis for abdominal pain best describes his symptoms and signs? (Points : 1)

Acute diverticulitis

Acute cholecystitis

Acute appendicitis

Mesenteric ischemia



Question 3. 3. A 57-year-old maintenance worker comes to your office for evaluation of pain in his legs. He has smoked two packs per day since the age of sixteen, but is otherwise healthy. You are concerned that he may have peripheral vascular disease. Which of the following is part of common or concerning symptoms for the peripheral vascular system? (Points : 1)

Intermittent claudication

Chest pressure with exertion

Shortness of breath

Knee pain



Question 4. 4. An elderly woman with a history of coronary bypass comes in with severe, diffuse, abdominal pain. Strangely, during your examination, the pain is not made worse by pressing on the abdomen. What do you suspect? (Points : 1)




Physical abuse



Question 5. 5. Which is the proper sequence of examination for the abdomen? (Points : 1)

Auscultation, inspection, palpation, percussion

Inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation

Inspection, auscultation, percussion, palpation

Auscultation, percussion, inspection, palpation

Question 6. 6. Josh is a 14-year-old boy who presents with a sore throat. On examination, you notice dullness in the last intercostal space in the anterior axillary line on his left side with a deep breath. What does this indicate? (Points : 1)

His spleen is definitely enlarged and further workup is warranted.

His spleen is possibly enlarged and close attention should be paid to further examination.

His spleen is possibly enlarged and further workup is warranted.

His spleen is definitely normal. South university NRSG 6020 quiz

Question 7. 7. Which of the following is consistent with obturator sign? (Points : 1)

Pain distant from the site used to check rebound tenderness

Right hypogastric pain with the right hip and knee flexed and the hip internally rotated

Pain with extension of the right thigh while the patient is on her left side or while pressing her knee against your hand with thigh flexion

Pain that stops inhalation in the right upper quadrant (RUQ)



Question 8. 8. A 55-year-old secretary with a recent history of breast cancer, for which she underwent surgery and radiation therapy, and a history of hypertension comes to your office for a routine checkup. Which of the following aspects of the physical are important to note when assessing the patient for peripheral vascular disease in the arms? (Points : 1)

Femoral pulse, popliteal pulse

Dorsalis pedis pulse, posterior tibial pulse

Carotid pulse

Radial pulse, brachial pulse



Question 9. 9. You are assessing a 59-year-old gas station owner for atherosclerosis in the lower extremities. In which of the following locations would the patient’s pain make you concerned for this disease process? (Points : 1)







Question 10. 10. Jim is a 60-year-old man who presents with vomiting. He denies seeing any blood with emesis, which has been occurring for two days. He does note a dark, granular substance resembling the coffee left in the filter after brewing. What do you suspect? (Points : 1)

Bleeding from a diverticulum

Bleeding from a peptic ulcer

Bleeding from a colon cancer

Bleeding from cholecystitis. South university NRSG 6020 quiz

South University NRSG6420 mid term

South University NRSG6420 mid term

Question 1.

1. Your patient has been using chewing tobacco for 10 years. On physical eamination, you observe a white ulceration surrounded by

erythematous base on the side of his tongue. The clinician should recognize that very often this is: (Points : 2)

Malignant melanoma

Squamous cell carcinoma

Aphthous ulceration

Behcet’s syndrome

Question 2.

2. Which of the following would be considered a “red flag” that requires more investigation in a patient assessment? (Points : 2)

Colon cancer in family member at age 70

Breast cancer in family member at age 75

Myocardial infarction in family member at age 35

All of the above

Question 3.

3. The pathophysiological hallmark of ACD is: (Points : 2) South University NRSG6420 mid term

Depleted iron stores

Impaired ability to use iron stores

Chronic uncorrectable bleeding

Reduced intestinal absorption of iron

Question 4.

4. It is important to not dilate the eye if ____ is suspected. (Points : 2)


Macular degeneration

Acute closed-angle glaucoma

Chronic open-angle glaucoma

Question 5.

5. A 66-year-old patient presents to the clinic complaining of dyspnea and wheezing. The patient reports a smoking history of 2 packs of

cigarettes per day since age 16. This would be recorded in the chart as: (Points : 2)

50 2-pack years

100-pack years

50-year, 2-pack history

100-pack history

Question 6.

6. When teaching a group of older adults regarding prevention of gastroesophageal reflu disease symptoms, the nurse practitioner will include

which of the following instructions? (Points : 2)

Raise the head of the bed with pillows at night and chew peppermints when symptoms of heartburn begins.

Raise the head of the bed on blocks and take the proton pump inhibitor medication at bedtime.

Sit up for an hour after taking any medication and restrict fluid intake.

Avoid food intolerances, raise head of bed on blocks, and take a proton pump inhibitor before a meal.

Question 7.

7. A 56-year-old male complains of anoreia, changes in bowel habits, etreme fatigue, and unintentional weight loss. At times he is constipated and other times he has episodes of diarrhea. His physical eamination is unremarkable. It is important for the clinician to recognize the importance of: (Points : 2)


CBC with differential

Stool culture and sensitivity

Abdominal -ray


Question 8.

8. Dan G., a 65-year-old man, presents to your primary care office for the evaluation of chest pain and left-sided shoulder pain. Pain begins

after strenuous activity, including walking. Pain is characterized as dull, aching; 8/10 during activity, otherwise 0/10. Began a few months ago, South University NRSG6420 mid term

intermittent, aggravated by eercise, and relieved by rest. Has occasional nausea. Pain is retrosternal, radiating to left shoulder, definitely

affects quality of life by limiting activity. Pain is worse today; did not go away after he stopped walking. BP 120/80. Pulse 72 and regular. Normal

heart sounds, S1 and S2, no murmurs. Which of the following differential diagnoses would be most likely? (Points : 2)

Musculoskeletal chest wall syndrome with radiation

Esophageal motor disorder with radiation

Acute cholecystitis with cholelithiasis

Coronary artery disease with angina pectoris

Question 9.

9. A common auscultatory finding in advanced CHF is: (Points : 2)

Systolic ejection murmur

S3 gallop rhythm

Friction rub


Question 10.

10. Which of the following symptoms is common with acute otitis media? (Points : 2)

Bulging tympanic membrane

Bright light refle of tympanic membrane

Increased tympanic membrane mobility

All of the above

Question 11.

11. Rheumatic heart disease is a complication that can arise from which type of infection? (Points : 2)

Epstein-Barr virus


Group A beta hemolytic streptococcus

Streptococcus pneumoniae

Question 12.

12. In eamining the mouth of an older adult with a history of smoking, the nurse practitioner finds a suspicious oral lesion. The patient has

been referred for a biopsy to be sent for pathology. Which is the most common oral precancerous lesion? (Points : 2)

Fictional keratosis


Lichen planus


Question 13.

13. Jenny is a 24 year old graduate student that presents to the clinic today with complaints of fever, midsternal chest pain and generalized

fatigue for the past two days. She denies any cough or sputum production. She states that when she takes Ibuprofen and rest that the chest

pain does seem to ease off. Upon eamination the patient presents looking very ill. She is leaning forward and states that this is the most

comfortable position for her. Temp is 102. BP= 100/70. Heart rate is 120/min and regular. Upon auscultation a friction rub is audible. Her lung

sounds are clear. With these presenting symptoms your initial diagnosis would be: (Points : 2)

Mitral Valve Prolapse

Referred Pain from Cholecystitis


Pulmonary Embolus

Question 14.

14. Which of the following findings should trigger an urgent referral to a cardiologist or neurologist? (Points : 2)

History of bright flash of light followed by significantly blurred vision

History of transient and painless monocular loss of vision

History of monocular severe eye pain, blurred vision, and ciliary flush

All of the above

Question 15.

15. Helicobacter pylori is implicated as a causative agent in the development of duodenal or gastric ulcers. What teaching should the nurse

practitioner plan for a patient who has a positive Helicobacter pylori test? (Points : 2)

It is highly contagious and a mask should be worn at home. South University NRSG6420 mid term

Treatment regimen is multiple lifetime medications.

Treatment regimen is multiple medications taken daily for a few weeks.

Treatment regimen is complicated and is not indicated unless the patient is symptomatic.

Question 16.

16. The best evidence rating drugs to consider in a post myocardial infarction patient include: (Points : 2)

ASA, ACE/ARB, beta-blocker, aldosterone blockade

ACE, ARB, Calcium channel blocker, ASA

Long-acting nitrates, warfarin, ACE, and ARB

ASA, clopidogrel, nitrates

Question 17.

17. The most common cause of eye redness is: (Points : 2)


Acute glaucoma

Head trauma

Corneal abrasion

Question 18.

18. A specific eam used to evaluate the gall bladder is: (Points : 2)

Psoas sign

Obturator sign

Cullens sign

Murphy’s sign

Question 19.

19. An 82-year-old female presents to the emergency department with epigastric pain and weakness. She admits to having dark, tarry

stools for the last few days. She reports a long history of pain due to osteoarthritis. She self-medicates daily with ibuprofen, naprosyn, and

aspirin for joint pain. On physical eamination, she has orthostatic hypotension and pallor. Fecal occult blood test is positive. A likely etiology

of the patient’s problem is: (Points : 2)

Mallory-Weiss tear

Esophageal varices

Gastric ulcer

Colon cancer

Question 20.

20. Which of the following is not a contributing factor to the development of esophagitis in older adults? (Points : 2)

Increased gastric emptying time

Regular ingestion of NSAIDs

Decreased salivation

Fungal infections such as Candida

Question 21.

21. Susan P., a 60-year-old woman with a 30 pack year history, presents to your primary care practice for evaluation of a persistent,

daily cough with increased sputum production, worse in the morning, occurring over the past three months. She tells you, “I have the

same thing, year after year.” Which of the following choices would you consider strongly in your critical thinking process? (Points : 2)

Seasonal allergies

Acute bronchitis

Bronchial asthma

Chronic bronchitis

Question 22.

22. A 59-year-old patient with history of alcohol abuse comes to your office because of ‘throwing up blood”. On physical eamination, you note

ascites and caput medusa. A likely cause for the hematemesis is: (Points : 2)

Peptic ulcer disease

Barrett’s esophagus

Esophageal varices


Question 23.

23. Which disease process typically causes episodic right upper quadrant pain, epigastric pain or chest pain that can last 4-6 hours or less,

often radiates to the back (classically under the right shoulder blade) and is often accompanied by nausea or vomiting and often follows a

heavy, fatty meal. (Points : 2)

Acute pancreatitis

Duodenal ulcer

Biliary colic


Question 24.

24. Mr. A presents to your office complaining of chest pain, mid-sternal and radiating to his back. He was mowing his lawn. He reports the pain

lasting for about 8 minutes and went away after sitting down. What is his most likely diagnosis based on his presenting symptoms? (Points : 2) South University NRSG6420 mid term

Acute MI




Question 25.

25. In addition to the complete blood count (CBC) with differential, which of the following laboratory tests is considered to be most useful in

diagnosing ACD and IDA? (Points : 2)

Serum iron

Total iron binding capacity

Transferrin saturation

Serum ferritin

Question 26.

26. If it has been determined a patient has esophageal reflu, you should tell them: (Points : 2)

They probably have a hiatal hernia causing reflu

They probably need surgery

They should avoid all fruit juices

Smoking, alcohol, and caffeine can aggravate their problem


Question 27.

27. Which of the following imaging studies should be considered if a pulmonary malignancy is suspected? (Points : 2)

Computed tomography (CT) scan

Chest -ray with PA, lateral, and lordotic views


Positron emission tomography (PET) scan

Question 28.

28. 2. (*There are multiple questions on this eam related to the following scenario. Be sure to read the whole way through to the question.)

Mr. Keenan is a 42-year-old man with a mild history of GERD and a remote history of an appendectomy, presenting with an acute onset of

significant right upper-quadrant abdominal pain and vomiting. His pain began after a large meal, was unrelieved by a proton-pump inhibitor,

was unlike his previous episodes of heartburn, but upon questioning, reports milder, prodromal episodes of similar post-prandial pain. His

pain seems to radiate to his back. Despite a family history of cardiac disease, he reports no classic anginal signs or chest pain. He furthermore

denies respiratory or pleuritic signs and denies fever, night sweats, and unintended weight loss. Finally, there are no dermatologic signs, nor

genitourinary symptoms.

When all lab work is returned within normal limits, what is the most practical imaging study to order, considering cost, availability, and sensitivity?

(Points : 2)

Abdominal upright and flat plate -ray

Abdominal MRI

Abdominal CT scan with contrast

Abdominal ultrasound

Question 29.

29. Emphysematous changes in the lungs produce the following characteristic in COPD patients? (Points : 2)

Asymmetric chest epansion

Increased lateral diameter

Increased anterior-posterior diameter

Pectus ecavatum

Question 30.

30. (*There are multiple questions on this eam related to the following scenario. Be sure to read the whole way through to the question.)

Mr. Keenan is a 42-year-old man with a mild history of GERD and a remote history of an appendectomy, presenting with an acute onset

of significant right upper-quadrant abdominal pain and vomiting. His pain began after a large meal, was unrelieved by a proton-pump inhibitor,

was unlike his previous episodes of heartburn, but upon questioning, reports milder, prodromal episodes of similar post-prandial pain. His pain

seems to radiate to his back. Despite a family history of cardiac disease, he reports no classic anginal signs or chest pain. He furthermore

denies respiratory or pleuritic signs and denies fever, night sweats, and unintended weight loss. Finally, there are no dermatologic signs, nor

genitourinary symptoms.

The chosen imaging study reveals: “GB normal in size without wall-thickening, but with 5-6 stones with shadowing. Common bile duct not

dilated. Liver is homogenous and normal in size. Pancreas and kidneys are normal.” What is the most effective therapeutic/management

option at this point? (Points : 2)

Trial of ursodiol

‘Watchful waiting’

Surgical consult

HIDA scan

Question 31.

31. A 26-year-old, non-smoker, male presented to your clinic with SOB with eertion. This could be due to: (Points : 2)

Eercise-induced cough


Alpha-1 deficiency


Question 32.

32. (*There are multiple questions on this eam related to this scenario. Be sure to read the whole way through to the question.)

Mr. Keenan is a 42-year-old man with a mild history of GERD and a remote history of an appendectomy, presenting with an acute onset

of significant right upper-quadrant abdominal pain and vomiting. His pain began after a large meal, was unrelieved by a proton-pump inhibitor,

was unlike his previous episodes of heartburn, but upon questioning, reports milder, prodromal episodes of similar post-prandial pain. His

pain seems to radiate to his back. Despite a family history of cardiac disease, he reports no classic anginal signs or chest pain. He furthermore

denies respiratory or pleuritic signs and denies fever, night sweats, and unintended weight loss. Finally, there are no dermatologic signs, nor genitourinary symptoms. South University NRSG6420 mid term

Of the following lab studies, which would provide little help in determining your differential diagnosis? (Points : 2)

Abdominal plain films

Liver function tests



Question 33.

33. A 22-year-old female comes to your office with complaints of right lower quadrant abdominal pain, which has been worsening over the

last 24 hours. On eamination of the abdomen, there is a palpable mass and rebound tenderness over the right lower quadrant. The clinician

should recognize the importance of: (Points : 2)

Digital rectal eamination


Pelvic eamination


Question 34.

34. A nurse practitioner reports that your patient’s abdominal -ray demonstrates multiple air-fluid levels in the bowel. This is a diagnostic

finding found in: (Points : 2)



Bowel Obstruction


Question 35.

35. Your patient is a 78-year-old female with a smoking history of 120-pack years. She complains of hoarseness that has developed over

the last few months. It is important to eclude the possibility of: (Points : 2)


Laryngeal cancer



Question 36.

36. Functional abilities are best assessed by: (Points : 2)

Self-report of function

Observed assessment of function

A comprehensive head-to-toe eamination

Family report of function

Question 37.

37. Essential parts of a health history include all of the following ecept: (Points : 2)

Chief complaint

History of the present illness

Current vital signs

All of the above are essential history components

Question 38.

38. An 86-year-old patient who wears a hearing aid complains of poor hearing in the affected ear. In addition to possible hearing aid

malfunction, this condition is often due to: (Points : 2)

Acoustic neuroma

Cerumen impaction

Otitis media

Ménière’s disease

Question 39.

39. Upon assessment of respiratory ecursion, the clinician notes asymmetric epansion of the chest. One side epands greater than the other.

This could be due to: (Points : 2)


Pleural effusion


Pulmonary embolism

Question 40.

40. When interpreting laboratory data, you would epect to see the following in a patient with Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD): (Points : 2)

Hemoglobin <12 g/dl, MCV decreased, MCH decreased

Hemoglobin >12 g/dl, MCV increased, MCH increased

Hemoglobin <12 g/dl, MCV normal, MCH normal

Hemoglobin >12 g/dl, MCV decreased, MCH increased. South University NRSG6420 mid term

NUrs521 Week 4 Article Summary and Review Essay

NUrs521 Week 4 Article Summary and Review Essay

Choose one of the articles below, and address the essay prompt associated with it. You will need to log in to the WCU library to access the full article.


Park, M. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law, 13(3), 68-77. doi:10.1891/1073-7472.13.3.68


Link: Ethical issues in nursing practice


Essay Prompt: Identify primary areas for legal and ethical issues faced by oncology nurses in this study (Park, 2009), and strategies they may have developed to work with those ethical issues. NUrs521 Week 4 Article Summary and Review Essay


Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3.


Link: Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts


Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what the nurse did wrong.


Your 1-2 page paper should include adhere to APA formatting and references/ citations for the article. Additional sources are optional.


Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.


Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time) NUrs521 Week 4 Article Summary and Review Essay

NR601 week 6 discussion part 1

NR601 week 6 discussion part 1

Discussion Part One (graded)

Ms. S. is a 62-year-old black female who has returned to the clinic to discuss her concerns that her lifestyle modifications to lose weight have not worked. At the last visit 3 months ago, she was advised to change her eating habits and increase activity to promote weight loss. She reports walking at least 30 minutes a day but has lost very little weight. She indicates that the walking only made her extremely thirsty and hungry and attributes her increased thirst and hunger to increased exercise and her increased urination due to drinking more water since “it’s been hot lately” and exercise makes me thirsty”. She has returned to the clinic to discuss if there is anything else that can be done to lose weight and to determine why she is so tired, thirsty and hungry all the time. She also thinks she may have an overactive bladder since she has to urinate frequently during the day, which has influenced her not to go on outings with her friends. NR601 week 6 discussion part 1


Discussion Questions Part One


Conduct a ROS on this patient.

Indicate which symptoms are most concerning to you.

List your differential diagnoses.

What types of screenings would be appropriate to use based on the chief complaint?

What primary diagnosis are you choosing at this point? NR601 week 6 discussion part 1


NR601 week 6 discussion part 2

NR601 week 6 discussion part 2

Discussion Part Two (graded)

Physical Exam:

Discussion Part Two (graded)

Vital signs: blood pressure 145/90, heart rate 100, respirations 20

height 5’1”; weight 210 pounds


CBC: normal

UA: 2+ glucose; 1+ protein; negative for ketones

CMP: BUN/Creat. elevated; Glucose is 300 mg/dL

Hemoglobin A1c: 12%

Thyroid panel: normal

LFTs: normal

Cholesterol: total cholesterol (206), LDL elevated; HDL is low


EKG: normal

General: obese female in not acute distress. NR601 week 6 discussion part 2

HEENT: unremarkable

CV: S1 and S2 RRR without murmurs or rubs

Lungs: Clear to auscultation

Abdomen- soft, round, nontender with positive bowel sounds present; no organomegaly; no abdominal bruits

Discussion Questions Part Two

• For the primary diagnosis, what non-pharmacological and pharmacological strategies would be appropriate?

• Include the following: lab work and screenings to be completed.

• Describe patient education strategies.

• Describe follow-up and any referrals that may be necessary. NR601 week 6 discussion part 2

NR601 week 7 discussion part 1

NR601 week 7 discussion part 1

Discussion Part One (graded)

C.G. is a 69-year-old male with a history of right head and neck cancer that you have been following for one year. The carcinoma was initially localized to the head and neck-specifically at the left lingual tonsil region and went on to complete a total of 6 weeks of radiation and chemotherapy. Recently, the last PET scan indicated some metabolic activity in the left lymph node area along with other regions of abnormal metabolic activity in the body-particularly the liver and the lungs indicating metastasis. C.G. indicates that he is tired of the effects of chemotherapy and radiation and does not want to pursue any more treatment for cancer. NR601 week 7 discussion part 1



Right head and neck cancer with metastasis to liver and lungs; patient is refusing further treatment.







Current medications:

Carvedilol 12.5 mg po 1 daily

Furosemide 40 mg po daily


2012: right radical neck dissection



Vaccination History:

Influenza vaccine last received 1 year ago

Received pneumovax at age 65

Received Tdap 5 years ago

Has not had the herpes zoster vaccine

Social history and Risk Factors:

Former smoker-stopped smoking at the time his cancer was diagnosed-2 years ago

Negative for alcohol intake or drug use

Patient does not have an advanced directive or living will. He is refusing further treatment for his cancer and his wife and children are in disagreement with him. The patient wants to know what his options are for the remainder of his life. NR601 week 7 discussion part 1

Family history:


Discussion Part One:

Provide differential diagnoses (DD) with rationale.

Further ROS questions needed to develop DD.

Identify the legal/ethical issues involved with the patient and describe your approach to addressing end-of-life care for this patient. NR601 week 7 discussion part 1

NR601 week 7 discussion part 2

NR601 week 7 discussion part 2

Discussion Part Two (graded)

Physical examination:

Vital Signs: Height: 6’0 Weight: 140 pounds; BMI: 19.0 BP: 156/84 P: 84 regular R: 20

HEENT: normocephalic, symmetric PERRLA, EOMI; poor dentition

NECK: left neck supple; non-palpable lymph nodes; no carotid bruits. Limited ROM

LUNGS: rhonchi in anterior chest bilaterally. NR601 week 7 discussion part 2

HEART: S1 and S2 audible; regular rate and rhythm


ABDOMEN: active bowel sounds all 4 quadrants; Normal contour; RUQ tenderness; liver palpable

NEUROLOGIC: negative



PSYCH: PHQ-9 is 15

SKIN: oral mucosa irritated-stomatitis

Discussion Part Two:

Summarize the history and results of the physical exam. Discuss the differential diagnosis and rationale for choosing the primary diagnosis. Include one evidence-based journal article that supports your rationale and include a complete treatment plan that includes medications, possible referrals, patient education, ICD 10 Codes, and plan for follow up. NR601 week 7 discussion part 2

nr508 Week 6 discussion 1

nr508 Week 6 discussion 1

Jonathon is a 56 year-old retired automobile mechanic who has not been to the doctor in approximately 6-7 years. He presents to your office complaining that 3 weeks ago he was awoken with severe pain and inflammation in his knee, which has been consistent since that initial night. Upon physical examination of his knee, it appears swollen and erythematous with periarticular involvement. nr508 Week 6 discussion 1 . Upon physical examination and laboratory results you notice the following:


Physical examination:

GEN: well nourished, obese male (310 pounds)

VS: BP 191/112 HR 75 RR 15 T 98.6, HT 5’8”

EXT: Knee joint inflammation


Laboratory (fasting):

Na 139 mEq/L

K 3.8 mEq/L

Ca 9.1 mg/dL

CL 102 mmol/L

HCO3 22 mEq/L

BUN 10 mg/dL

SCr 0.9 mg/dL

Serum Uric Acid 6.5 mg/dL

Alb 4.1 g/dL

Cholesterol 300 mg/dL

UA: pH 6.8, uric acid 250 mg/24h



What problems can be identified in this patient? Please provide a list of differential diagnoses, as well as indication of your primary diagnosis. What is your pharmacological plan for your primary diagnosis including the medication, dose, and mechanism of action? nr508 Week 6 discussion 1

nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

Evaluation of Epidemiological Problem

Guidelines& Grading Rubric


The purpose of this assignment is to

• Provide learners with the opportunity to integrate knowledge and skills learned throughout this course

• Directly apply principles and knowledge learned in the course to problem solving of population health problems in their own geographic areas.


This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

1. Define key terms in epidemiology, community health, and population-based research.

2. Compare study designs used for obtaining population health information from surveillance, observation, community, and control trial based research.

3. Identify appropriate outcome measures and study designs applicable to epidemiological subfields such as infectious disease, chronic disease, environmental exposures, reproductive health, and genetics. nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

4. Apply commonly used measures of health risk.

5. Examine current ethical/legal issues in epidemiology.

6. Identify important sources of epidemiological data.

7. Evaluate a public health problem in terms of magnitude, person, time, and place.





This paper should clearly and comprehensively identify the disease or population health problem chosen. The problem must be an issue in your geographic area and a concern for the population you will serve upon graduation with your degree. The paper should be organized into the following sections:

1. Introduction with a clear presentation of the problem as well as significance and a scholarly overview of the paper.

2. Background of the disease including definition, description, signs and symptoms, and current incidence and/or prevalence statistics current state, local, and national statistics pertaining to the disease. (Include a table of incidence or prevalence rates by your geographic county, state, and national statistics.)

3. A review of current surveillance methods and any mandated reporting or methods for reporting the disease for providers.

4. Conduct descriptive epidemiology analysis of the disease including who is more frequently affected and characteristics of the population that might help in creating a prevention plan. Include costs (both financial and social) associated with the disease or problem.

5. Review how the disease is diagnosed, current national standards for screening or prevention, and pick one screening test and review its sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, cost and any current national guidelines for conducting which patients to conduct this test on. nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

6. Provide a brief plan of how you will address this epidemiological disease in your practice once you are finished with school. Provide three actions you will take along with how you will measure outcomes of your actions.

7. Conclude in a clear manner with a brief overview of key points of the entire disease,


• Page length: 7-10 pages, excluding title/cover page

• APA format 6th edition

• Include references when necessary.

• Include at least one table to present information somewhere in the paper.





Category Points

Possible Points Earned Comments

Scholarly Introduction (clear presentation of problem) 20

Background and significance of the disease (includes incidence or prevalence statistics) 30

Current surveillance methods 30

Descriptive epidemiological analysis (includes characteristics of the at-risk population and/or those affected by the disease and costs of the disease) 30

Screening and diagnosis (includes review of current guidelines for screening and diagnosis of the disease. In-depth review of statistics one screening or diagnostic test provided) 30

Plan of action (includes at least three evidenced based actions, supported by literature, that the student will take in their own practice and how outcomes will be measured) 30

Conclusion 20

Mechanics of writing, APA 10

Total 200 Total Points earned =

A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the criteria requirements. nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological



Assignment Criteria Exceptional

Outstanding or highest level of performance Exceeds

Very good or high level of performance Meets

Competent or satisfactory level of performance Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance Developing

Unsatisfactory level of performance

Identification of the problem/concern 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points

Comprehensively identifies the problem/concern Adequately identifies the problem/concern Identification of problem/concern is limited Identification of problem/concern is unclear. Identification of problem/concern is absent

Background and significance of the disease (includes incidence or prevalence statistics) 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 11 Points 0 Points

Background is complete, presents risks, disease impact and includes a review of incidence and prevalence of the disease within the student’s local area, state, and nationally. Evidence supports background. Background is complete, presents risk, disease impact and at least one set of incidence and prevalence statistics are presented and supported by evidence. Background missing one or more key points and at least one set of incidence and prevalence statistics are presented. Lack of evidence or limited presentation of the background. Background missing more than one key point and at least one set of incidence and prevalence statistics are presented, or there is no supported evidence. Unclear conclusions or presentation. Background and significance of the disease is not provided. nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

Current surveillance methods 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 11 Points 0 Points

Current local, state, and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed, currently gathered types of statistics, and information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting, supported by evidence More than one local, state, and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed, currently gathered types of statistics, and information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting, supported by evidence One of either local, state, and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed, currently gathered types of statistics, and information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting, supported by evidence One of either local, state, and national disease surveillance methods are reviewed, currently gathered types of statistics, or only information on whether the disease is mandated for reporting, or evidence is lacking to support this area. Unclear conclusions or presentation. Local, state, and national disease surveillance methods were not discussed.


Descriptive epidemiological analysis (includes characteristics of the at-risk population and/or those affected by the disease and costs of the disease) 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 11 Points 0 Points

Comprehensive review and analysis of descriptive epidemiological points of the identified disease and population most at risk, supported by scholarly evidence. Adequate review with some analysis of descriptive epidemiological points of the identified disease and population most at risk supported by scholarly evidence. Limited review and analysis of key descriptive epidemiological points of the identified disease and at-risk population. Minimal analysis of key descriptive epidemiological points of the identified disease and at-risk population. No analysis of key descriptive epidemiological points of the identified disease and at-risk population is provided.

Screening and diagnosis (includes review of current guidelines for screening and diagnosis of the disease. In-depth review of statistics one screening or diagnostic test provided) 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 11 Points 0 Points

Comprehensive review of current guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests is presented. Adequate review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests is presented. Limited review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests. Minimal or unclear review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests. Review of guidelines for screening, diagnosis, and statistics related to validity, predictive value, and reliability of screening tests not provided. nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

Plan of action (includes at least three evidenced based actions, supported by literature, that the student will take in their own practice and how outcomes will be measured) 30 Points 26 Points 24 Points 11 Points 0 Points

A comprehensive plan of action specific to the student’s interests, the problem, and the geographic area is presented with 3 evidenced based actions that will be taken to address the impact, outcomes, or prevalence of the disease. An adequate, but not fully comprehensive, plan of action specific to the student’s interests, the problem, and the geographic area is presented with 3 evidenced based actions that will be taken to address the impact, outcomes, or prevalence of the disease. A limited plan of action specific to the student’s interests, the problem, and the geographic area is, outcomes, or prevalence of the disease. Three actions are presented with limited or little evidence. Actions are minimal or unclear, or lack specificity to geographic area, are not supported directly by evidence or are not direct actions the student can take in practice. Plan of action not provided.

Conclusion 20 Points 18 Points 16 Points 8 Points 0 Points

The conclusion thoroughly, clearly, succinctly, and logically presents major points of the paper with clear direction for action. The conclusion adequately and logically presents major points of the paper with clear direction for action, but lacks one major point or is not succinct. The conclusion is a limited review of key points of the paper, is not succinct, or lacks one or more major points of the paper or clear direction for action. Conclusion is unclear or significantly limited in overview of the paper. Conclusion not provided.

Grammar, Spelling, APA 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 4 Points 0 Points

APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation are accurate, or with zero to one errors. Two to four errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Five to seven errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Eight to nine errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and syntax noted. Post contains greater than ten errors in APA format, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation or repeatedly makes the same errors after faculty feedback. nr506-Evaluation of Epidemiological

Total Points Possible = 200 points