What elements must be met to show professional malpractice in a court of law?

What elements must be met to show professional malpractice in a court of law?Why is it important that all elements be shown?Must address the topic.• Rationale must be provided.• May list examples from your own nursing practice.• 150-word minimum/250-word maximum without the references.• Minimum of two references (the course textbook must be one of the references) in APA format, must have been published within last 3-5 years.

Risk Management Program Analysis

Please refer to the questions given in the attached document and give answers.


1.  When you develop a research project, you need to have a reliable and valid method of measurement in your study. Using your anticipated research proposal (topic would be covid-19 and vaccination), how will you address the issues of reliability and validity? What concerns do you have over reliability and validity in your study and how will you overcome these concerns ? 1 pageTopic:  COVID-19 vaccine and the risk involved in the vaccine2. Create a PICOT question


Topic: COVID-19 vaccine and the risk involved in the vaccineProblem Statement: What are the adverse effects in adults who receive the COVID- 19 vaccine?Appropriate sampling is a critical component in developing a good research project. Using your approved research questions and research topic, explain your anticipated sampling method and why this is appropriate for your research proposal. What is your sample size?1 page

Assessment traits

The purpose of this assignment is to outline an implementation strategy for the goals in the previous phases of project management for the case study you selected in the Class Resources.

Use the “Implementation Checklist Template” located in the topic Resources folder to complete this assignment.

Prepare Part 2 of the template according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.


Considering today’s forces, trends, and issues that influence curriculum development and the changing demands in healthcare delivery, discuss how you think the nursing curricula needs to change in order to prepare nurse graduates for their future role as practicing nurses. Cite two current references (published within the last five years) to support your discussion.1 page


Revisit your personal philosophy of teaching. What learning strategies (discussed in chapter 7) that are influenced by your personal philosophy of teaching might you integrate into the curricula? Discuss how the learning strategies you described align with your personal philosophy of teaching.1page


CORONAVIRUS Assignment for Clinical Makeup1.Watch the following videos:(Viewing will take Approx. 2 hours)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWzbArPgo-o- COVID-19 | Coronavirus: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, Diagnostics (50:43)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqnrqV6ogGw- COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 19) August Update- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (25:00)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35Idb_lCU4o&t=16s- COVID-19 Vaccines: MODERNA | PFIZER/BIONTECH | ASTRAZENECA (43:40)2.  Develop aFACT SHEETabout Coronavirus that you could use to educate your patient and their family.  CDC.gov – Reference Page:https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.htmlInclude the following pieces: (Document should thorough and easy to read/understand)a.  What is Coronavirus?b.  Where did it Originate from?c.  What are the risk factors?d.  Who is at the greatest risk?e.  How is the virus spread?f.  What are the signs & symptoms?g.  Is there treatment?  What is it?h.  What can be done to reduce the spread of the disease?i.  Explain what “Social Distancing” is, and how it helps to reduce the spread of disease.j.  Benefits of vaccination, herd immunity.3.  Lastly, answer the following discussion questions……. (Each response should be 3-5 sentences)a.  How you personally have been affected by this virus?b.  What you are personally doing to keep “normalcy” in your personal life?c.  Have you had or know anyone who has had Coronavirus?  Share that experience….d.  Have you been vaccinated, what are your thoughts on whether or not to get vaccinated?

Futures of US health care Delivery Systems

Futures of US health care Delivery Systems

Acute care Delivery system in the US

Acute care Delivery system in the US