Bainbridge College Conflict Resolution Healthcare Malpractice Question

Bainbridge College Conflict Resolution Healthcare Malpractice Question


The ADR in Healthcare Malpractice: Annotated Bibliography and the ADR in Healthcare Malpractice: Research Paper are related assignments that require you to research and write a review of the existing literature and, then, develop the information from your sources into a research paper. Both your research and the paper will explore the use of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) in healthcare, including options for Bible-based dispute resolution, focusing on the issues raised in using ADR to resolve malpractice claims without, or limiting, litigation. The paper will ask you to make recommendations in your field and facility, but the larger focus should be ADR and malpractice.

In the ADR in Healthcare Malpractice: Annotated Bibliography Assignment, identify and discuss at least ten scholarly sources relevant to the topic, other than the Learn materials and the Bible. At least two of the sources must relate to your particular area of practice in healthcare (physician, nurse, allied health professional [be specific], administration, etc.), and at least two of the sources must relate to biblical worldview considerations of the topic. You are not required to use all these sources in your ADR in Healthcare Malpractice: Research Paper, and you may use other sources not reported here. The ADR in Healthcare Malpractice: Annotated Bibliography Assignment documents your background on this topic and provides a snapshot of your research and analysis for the paper. Bainbridge College Conflict Resolution Healthcare Malpractice Question


Compose your annotated bibliography in a Word document, and include the following:

  • Identification, Title: Create an APA-formatted title page, running headers, and page numbers. No abstract is needed.
  • Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the topic and findings of the Annotated Bibliography. Identify your area of practice.
  • Sources: List your sources in alphabetical order by author. For each source, provide a full citation in current APA format (as it would appear in the reference list of your Research Paper); then, provide (i) a brief description of the content and (ii) how this source is relevant to your paper.
  • Analysis: Discuss what conclusions you have drawn from reviewing the literature so far. Where might the discussion proceed as you write your Research Paper? Bainbridge College Conflict Resolution Healthcare Malpractice Question

Practicum Experience Plan (PEP)

PLEASE FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS  BELOW4 REFERENCESZERO PLAGIARISMAs you establish your goals and objectives for this course, you are committing to an organized plan that will frame your practicum experience in a clinical setting, including planned activities, assessment, and achievement of defined outcomes. In particular, your plan must address the categories of clinical reasoning, quality in your clinical specialty, and interpersonal collaborative practice.For this Assignment, you will consider the areas you aim to focus on to gain practical experience as an advanced practice nurse. Then, you will develop a Practicum Experience Plan (PEP) containing the objectives you will fulfill in order to achieve your aims. In this practicum experience, when developing your goals and objectives, be sure to keep PMHNP clinical skills in mind.To PrepareReview your Clinical Skills Self-Assessment Form you submitted last week, and think about areas for which you would like to gain application-level experience and/or continued growth as an advanced practice nurse. How can your experiences in the practicum help you achieve these aims? There may be overlap between your skills goals and your PEP goals.Review the information related to developing objectives provided in this week’s Learning Resources. Your practicum learning objectives that you want to achieve during your practicum experience must be:SpecificMeasurableAttainableResults-focusedTime-boundReflective of the higher-order domains of Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., application level and above)Discuss your professional aims and your proposed practicum objectives with your Preceptor to ascertain if the necessary resources are available at your practicum site.Select one nursing theory and one counseling theory to best guide your clinical practice. Explain why you selected these theories. Support your approach with evidence-based literature.Create a timeline of practicum activities that demonstrates how you plan to meet these goals and objectives based on your practicum requirements.The AssignmentRecord the required information in each area of the Practicum Experience Plan template, including three to four (3–4) measurable practicum Learning Objectives you will use to facilitate your learning during the practicum experience.

Liberty University Health & Medical Paper

Liberty University Health & Medical Paper


Understanding Research Paper Assignment Instructions


The purpose of the Understanding Research Paper Assignment is to critically examine a research article using Jordan & Zanna’s (1999) recommendations for evaluating a research study. This resource is found in the Learn section of Module 5: Week 5. Please locate and read a research article on any topic in psychology that interests you, using the Jerry Falwell Library databases. If you are not familiar with the Jerry Falwell Library and how to find resources, please watch the brief Library tutorial located on the Understanding Research Paper Assignment page under the Understanding Research Paper Resources. Also, please read the information on Defining Databases and Journals located under the Understanding Research Paper Resources on the Understanding Research Paper Assignment page for information on what a scholarly journal article is and how to find them in the research databases.Liberty University Health & Medical Paper



For this Understanding Research Paper Assignment, please locate and read an article on any topic in psychology that interests you. Actively read the article using the evaluation recommendations of Jordan & Zanna (1999). In your reading by Jordan & Zanna (1999), there are questions to guide you through an evaluation of each section of your research article. Use those questions to actively read the journal article you have selected, and then write a 2–3 page summary evaluation of the article that includes the following:

  • A concise description of the purpose of the study and research questions.
  • An evaluation of the method of the study. Briefly describe how the researcher(s) collected the data for the study and then report any limitations you see. For example, evaluate their sample, how the variables were measured, and any other methodological factors that may have affected the study.
  • A brief description of the results found. What were the major findings? Did the findings support the researchers’ hypotheses?
  • An evaluation of how the authors discussed the findings. Do you agree with how they discussed the findings of their study? Are there possible alternative explanations for what they found (or didn’t find)? Are there things about the way the study was conducted (described above) that could explain why the authors found what they found (or didn’t find)?

The Understanding Research Paper Assignment must also include a title page and reference page in current APA format. The Understanding Research Paper Assignment must include an introduction and conclusion in addition to the body, as outlined above. The title page and reference page are not included in the 2–3 page requirement. Please note that the Understanding Research Paper Assignment is meant to be a concise summary and evaluation of a research article using the recommendations of Jordan & Zanna (1999). You are not expected to review all limitations, but rather to point out some factors that you notice when you critically evaluated the article.

Be sure to review the criteria on the Understanding Research Paper Grading Rubric before beginning the Understanding Research Paper Assignment. Liberty University Health & Medical Paper



Information Technology’s Influence on Patient Safety

Nursing Professionals have an ethical duty to ensure patient safety. Select one of the 2018 National Patient Safety Goals® ( and detail how information technology has helped to reduce the risk to the patient and improve safety.

practicum experience

objectives and goals of practicum experience

db week 10 human aggression

Are these both sexual harassment? Are neither sexual harassment? Is one but not the other? If so, which one?In these pictures, what is happening (or not happening) in order for you to decide? Is there anything you can’t tell from the pictures that would help you decide?Of course, don’t forget – you MUST explain your answers and perspective!

Health Policy Essay

Health Policy Essay



Please do not combine assignments; each assignment should be a separate Word Docx. The reading material attached is used for both assignments.

Assignment 1: One of the most significant health policy issues facing the United States is the continuing rise of health care costs. After reviewing the background readings and doing independent research, write a 3-page paper discussing the factors contributing to this. Your paper should be based on fact, not opinion. You must cite reliable sources in support of your discussion.

Assignment 1 Expectation: Maximum 3 pages, double space

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  2. Limit your response to a maximum of 3 pages.
  3. Support your paper with a minimum of 3 reliable sources. At least 2 of these should be peer-reviewed articles. Health Policy Essay

Assignment 2: Individuals and organizations often choose to take a stance on certain policy issues that are relevant to their field or organization. To move beyond simply having an opinion, this stance can be drafted in the form of a position statement or paper. Position statements utilize facts, evidence, and research to support them.


After reading and reviewing the required materials for this module, you are expected to draft a position statement informed by what you learned from this background information. Review the document at the link below on how to set up a position paper, including a general outline. Use this to guide your drafting of your paper.

Your paper should specifically address whether the Affordable Care Act is an effective mechanism for reducing the burden of uncompensated care.

Xavier University Library. (2014). How to write a position paper. Retrieved from

Assignment 2 Expectation: Maximum 1 page, single spaced

  1. Limit your response to no more than 1 page, single-spaced.
  2. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  3. Support your paper with a minimum of 3 reliable sources. At least 2 of these should be peer-reviewed. Health Policy Essay

NURS 342L Miami Dade College Homelessness in Miami Paper

NURS 342L Miami Dade College Homelessness in Miami Paper

After your Community Assessment, identify a health concern or public health problem in your community.

  1. Develop a plan to address the identified health concern or problem.


  1. Provide an introduction to identified health concern/problem. This may be based on your community assessment projec  What is the identified health concern? Why? What is the community setting and population?
  2. Provide supportive data from assessment of community, including at least two reputable statistical references from community to support your identified concern.
  3. Describe your plan/project you did to assist with the health concern/problem for your community. (Include pictures of your group in action)
  4. Include at least four literature reviews to support the plan you are developing which is current (within the last five years).
  5. Describe how you will plan on evaluating this plan in measurable goal
  6. Design and print applicable materials, handouts, e needed for your plan. NURS 342L Miami Dade College Homelessness in Miami Paper
  1. Describe the material to the Is it at the appropriate 5th grade reading level if applicable for clients to review?
    1. Provide at least two references either a learning theory or a health promotion model(Example: Pender’s Health Promotion Model) for this material or handout that best fits your community and described how you used this theory in your project.
    2. How will this benefit this community?
    3. Provide the materials or handouts to the class or provide in PowerPoint presentation if applicab


  1. Involve any appropriate community agency that has a similar interest in the problem
    1. Describe your agency.
    2. How are they meeting/or not meeting the needs of the community you have identified the health concern or problem.
    3. How did you assist them?
    4. Who did speak with? (Name and title)


  1. Prepare to present a 3-minute presentation to a governing board about your concern such as a city council, school board, etc.
    1. Plan to present this to the class as if you were planning to present to a governing board, etc. as time may not permit actual presentation.
    2. Submit this presentation or per the directions of your instructor.


  1. This community action plan should or may also incorporate the Community Teaching Assignment. NURS 342L Miami Dade College Homelessness in Miami Paper
  1. Ideas for Community Action Plans may include:
    1. Development of a program plan to address a concern
    2. Plan and participate in a community health fair
    3. Plan and participate in a community vaccination project
    4. Develop a promotional event for your agency related to your concern i.e. sock drive for homeless children, etc.
    5. Develop a fundraiser for a community agency that addresses your concern
    6. Develop a resource book related to your community problem


Community Action Project Rubric


NAME:                                                                                                                                      COURSE:                                                   DATE:                                                                                                                                             



COMMUNITY AGENCY: ________________________________________ COMMUNITY PROJECT TITLE:                                                                                  _


Criteria 4

(Exceeds Expectations)


(Meets Expectations)


(Approaching Expectations


(Does Not Meet Expectations)

Assessment o Assessment of the health concern was explained in detail including a thorough description of the community setting and population. o Assessment was explained in some detail with moderate description of the community setting and population. o Assessment was explained in limited detail with a marginal description of the community and population. o Assessment was limited with poor understanding of the community. X3
Supportive Data o Correctly identifies two appropriate references from the community to support identified concern.  Correctly sites references using APA Format. oCorrectly identifies one appropriate reference from community to support identified concern.  Correctly sites reference using APA Format. o Correctly identifies resources.  References not cited. o No community references are identified. X2
Evidence of Planning o Shows steps on how you planned to assist with health concern for the community thoroughly explained. NURS 342L Miami Dade College Homelessness in Miami Paper o Shows steps on how you planned to assist with health concern for the community is moderately explained. o Marginal description of planning o Planning is not explained. X2
Supportive Literature o Four appropriate literature reviews are included (within the last five years).  Properly cited using APA Format. o Three appropriate literature reviews are included (within the last five years).  Properly cited using APA Format. o Two appropriate literature reviews are included (within the last five years).  Properly cited using APA Format. o No literature reviews are included. X2
Evaluation o Thorough description of evaluation is done with two measureable goals identified.


o Moderate description of evaluation is done with one measureable goal identified. o Vague description of evaluation is done with goals identified, not measureable. o No description of evaluation or goals included. X2
Project Description o Thoroughly describes project to class including materials developed for your project.  Meets the requirement of being at the 5th grade reading level if applicable. Provides thorough explanation of benefits for the community.


o  Moderate description of project to class including materials developed for your project.  Meets the requirement of being at the 5th grade reading level if applicable with moderate explanation of benefits for the community. o Vague description of project to class.  Meets the requirement of being at the 5th grade reading level with a vague explanation of benefits for the community.


o Project is not described. X3
Learning Theory/Health Promotion Model o Identifies two references, either a learning theory or health promotion model.

o Describes how this theory was used in your project.

o Correctly citing references using APA format.

o Identifies one reference, either a learning theory or health promotion model.

o Described somewhat how this was used in your project.

o Correctly citing references using APA format.

o Identifies references, either a learning theory or health promotion model.

o No description on how used in your project.

o References not cited.

o No Learning Theory or Health Promotion model or

o  vaguely discussed with

o No references cited.

Community Agency o Community agency identified with thorough description provided.  Discussion of benefits or lack of benefits the agency provides.

o Described how you assisted the agency.

o Name and title of agency person included.

o Community agency identified with moderate description provided.  Discussion of benefits or lack of benefits the agency provides.

o Vague description of how you assisted them.

o Name and title of person included.

o Community agency identified with vague description provided. Benefits or lack of benefits not included.

o No description how you assisted them.

o No name of person identified.

o Community agency not included.


Presentation to a Governing Board o 3-minute presentation prepared and completed in allotted time frame providing a thorough explanation of identified problem and action to be taken. o 3-minute presentation completed in allotted time frame with a moderate explanation of identified problem and action to be taken. o 3-minute presentation unprepared but completed in allotted time frame with a vague explanation of identified problem and action to be taken. o 3-minute presentation not included or not completed in the 3-minute time. X1
Total Possible Points: /72=    %



Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper


For this assignment, you will utilize information and research from the assignments in previous units to create a concept paper on the community health of the community you have chosen. You will incorporate your opinions and perspectives, supported by research and data you discovered in your previous assignments. Your concept paper should contain best practices, philosophies, and other related issues that you believe should be acted on in the near future for the betterment of the community. It should also illustrate the unique roles and requirements of a community health worker serving this area. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

  • Give an overview of your community to include any relevant population, demographic, cultural, social, or economic characteristics.
  • Identify a significant determinant of health that impacts your community.
  • Identify a specific public health issue that is commonly seen by a multicultural or diverse population in the community.
  • Describe a local health promotion program that is failing or lacking in the community that could help meet the determinants of health needs of the diverse population in the community.
  • Discuss the community health framework/model that can be applied to the health promotion program. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper
  • Discuss a law or policy that could alleviate determinant of health issues if it were in place.
  • Discuss the role a CHW would play in addressing determinants of health, multicultural or diverse populations, and health equity in the community.
  • Identify the role a CHW can play and the collaboration needed with others in the community to effect system, environmental, and policy changes.
  • Discuss the skills and traits a CHW would need to be a successful change agent in this community.
  • Conclude your concept paper with recommendations and expectations of positive change in the public health of the community.


Your concept paper will be a minimum of four pages, not counting the title and reference pages. It should be logically arranged to support your analysis and offer strong arguments and evidence. You must use at least four sources (one of which must come from the CSU Online Library) to support the analysis and discussion in your concept paper. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Your concept paper, including all references, will be formatted in APA style.

Maryland Community Population and Geographic Composition

Maryland Community Population and Geographic Composition

Maryland’s community comprises people from different racial groups, cultural backgrounds, and ethnicities. In Maryland, the White Non-Hispanic racial group is 49.8%, African Americans are 29.7%, Asians are 6.35%, White Hispanics are 4.71%, and the others make up 4.74% of the total population (DATAUSA, 2022). Besides racial diversity, diversity is thriving in Maryland in many other ways. Diversity is seen in the language most commonly used in the community. While most of the residents are English speakers, there are many Spanish, Chinese, and French speakers. Another aspect of diversity is settlement and development. There are metropolitans, suburban areas, and rural non-metropolis regions with different settlement patterns and levels of economic development. The rural non-metropolis regions are generally less developed, such as the inner parts of Baltimore occupied by relatively poor residents (DiLisio, 20119). Diversity is also reflected in how the people in this community get employment opportunities and access to economic empowerment programs. On the other hand, culture is also diverse, with each racial group maintaining a particular culture. For instance, the White Non-Hispanic group tends to live in Carroll and Garrett counties, while the African Americans are concentrated in Prince George’s county. In these regions where they live, they maintain their unique cultures. As a result, these cultural differences make Maryland a multi-cultural community like the American society. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

Culture and diversity have played a role in the history of the community, its development, and progression over time. Culture refers to the way of life of certain people or societies. As a result, culture influences how people relate and plan their lives. In Maryland, the rate of economic development and progression has been largely influenced by culture. Some regions like Baltimore have maintained their conservative cultural values to date. As a result, they have remained poor despite the rapid economic development in other parts of Maryland (DiLisio, 20119). Western Maryland was engaged in coal mining, which contributed to its development. Additionally, the regions occupied by the white majority residents are more developed than other regions. However, culture has also played a great role in Maryland’s uneven development and progression because it affects people’s belief systems, children’s upbringing, attitudes toward education, and understanding of their society (Collier, 2017). As a result, people with progressive cultures tend to be more developed than those with retrogressive cultures. In the case of Maryland, the regions with progressive cultures have developed over time, and the residents enjoy high living standards.

A community health worker (CHW) working in this community would need to develop cultural competence specific to this community. One way of developing cultural competence is learning about the history and culture of this community. CHWs should take time to learn about the community’s historical roots, cultural values, and belief systems. As a result, CHWs will know how to offer community health services to the community within their cultural belief systems. Additionally, CHWs can develop cultural competence by training to improve their skills and understanding of cultures. They can also develop cultural competence by interacting with the community members. Such interactions ensure that they integrate and learn the cultural preferences of each other. As a result, CHWs will better understand what the community culture entails and how they will offer healthcare services. The interaction will also help them build trust and confidence with the community because they will understand what they prefer and how to meet those needs.

Maryland’s cultural differences and diversity have led to the prevailing health inequity. However, a CHW can work toward ensuring health equity for all populations in this community. The first strategy for promoting health equity is including the social determinants of health approach. This approach entails improving the conditions in which people are born, grow, work, and age because they form the social determinants of health (Belle-Isle, Benoit & Pauly, 2014). Therefore, CHWs should aim at improving the general living conditions of the people in Maryland, regardless of their race or ethnicity. As a result, they will create favorable social determinants of health for every person, improving overall health, thus reducing inequities. They can also improve access to healthcare for the most vulnerable community members. For instance, they can offer home-based care services or take healthcare services near where the people live. This strategy will ensure equity in the access to quality healthcare services.  Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

CHWs can also act as advocates of health equity through various activities. For instance, they can lobby the government to act as a guarantor and advocate of human rights, including the right to care. As a result, the government will be committed to providing affordable and quality care for all people because it will show their respect for human rights. Additionally, CHWs can advocate for health equity through policy intervention. In this approach, the CHWs will offer policy change proposals that support health equity and equality. They can offer proposals that obligate the government to provide equal access to quality and safe care to all community members regardless of their race or ethnicity. Finally, CHWs can work towards ensuring health equity by collecting and analyzing data on health inequities. This data will help them map out areas where health inequities and inequalities are prevalent before devising the appropriate strategies to address the issue. Working with real-time data promotes accuracy because the strategies adopted to address the situation will be appropriate in every manner.



Belle-Isle, L., Benoit, C., & Pauly, B. (2014). Addressing health inequities through social inclusion: The role of community organizations. Action research12(2), 177-193.

Collier, P. (2017). Culture, politics, and economic development. Annual Review of Political Science20, 111-125.

DATAUSA (2022). Profile and Maryland State. DATAUSA.,home%20as%20their%20primary%20language.

DiLisio, J. E. (2019). Maryland: a geography. Routledge. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

 Social determinant in a Community


Every community is faced with various issues which may affect its overall wellness and health outcomes. These issues may influence the capacity to achieve the intended goals since they provide barriers in meeting the increasing trends in matching the desired health standards. Healthcare providers must enhance their overall relationships with their target communities based on the growing demand for better wellness outcomes. It is vital to appreciate that the existing health determinants have created disparities across specific communities. Certain communities have failed to achieve the intended goals concerning their overall health outcomes through such disparities. Social determinants of health provide insights into the potential gaps which define a given society from a wellness dimension.

Discussion and Analysis

Numerous interventions and programs have been created to promote health outcomes for the underlying populations. It is essential to appreciate the issues arising from the existing determinants of health based on the witnessed gaps in meeting the increasing community demands. In this report, one area identified is teenage health, specifically women. While various approaches have been used to promote wellness, limited evidence-based interventions exist to foster awareness amongst adolescents and teenagers on reproductive health matters. The lack of sufficient resources and access to quality education about this field has created a gap leading to increased teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases (Knab & Cole, 2020). This report examines the lack of educational materials and poor access to quality health services as the primary determinants of teenage health based on the increasing pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases trends. This area is essential because it offers vital insights into the potential gaps that define the current teenage pregnancy trends and sexually transmitted infections. Also, poor access to health education and medical interventions has created a gap that undermines the overall wellness outcomes. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

One of the determinants of interest is access to medical and educational resources. This factor has been selected because it offers information about the current trends in the community setting and the overall effects on teenagers from a health dimension. Poor access to health resources and educational materials has denied the young people sufficient insights into the potential ways to handle their daily trends leading to teenage pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. From a global dimension, countries like Bangladesh have the highest teenage pregnancy rates at around 82.96 births in 1000 teenagers between 15 and 19. The increasing incidents of teenage pregnancy represent this trend due to a lack of sufficient resources and exposure to the right educational interventions. In the United States, teenage pregnancy has affected over 750000 teenagers annually. This trend is increasing with variations across states. For example, the District of Columbia and Arkansas have the highest teenage pregnancy rates. It is estimated that at least 3 out of 10 teenagers get pregnant before 20. This trend has negative effects on the affected pupations from multiple dimensions. One of the immediate effects is the increasing school dropouts amongst these populations. Many teenagers have dropped out of school due to insufficient insights into their health outcomes and getting pregnant.

The selected issue has various factors which influence the overall wellness reported within the underlying communities. It is essential to appreciate the idea that the increasing teenage pregnancy cases are based on the lack of sufficient resources and gaps in sex education amongst school children. With variations and diverse viewpoints about sex education in schools, teenagers are exposed to challenges increasing their pregnancy risks and sexually transmitted diseases. Historically, teenage pregnancy declined between 2009 and 2010 by 9%, where the country recorded the lowest level of 34.3 births in every 1000 teenagers between 15 and 19 (CDC, 2022). It is essential to appreciate that the teenage pregnancy rate dropped 44% between 1991 and 2010. While a decline has been recorded from a general dimension, the country still records high teenage pregnancies (CDC, 2022). It is essential to mention that this problem can be overcome through policy changes and the adoption of effective programs. Such interventions will enhance the overall awareness that the underlying populations exhibit, matching their overall wellness and health outcomes.

As a community health worker, one of the programs that can handle this issue is a community awareness creation intervention. This intervention would include health providers and promoters who will organise educational seminars, executed physically and through online media like TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The program aims to create awareness of sexual behaviour on its effects on teenage wellness and pregnancy. Also, the program would provide resources that pregnant teenagers should seek to promote health and ensure educational continuity after giving birth (Wright & Fore, 2021). Such a program would be promoted through the digital and physical spaces to maximise enrolment and effectiveness.


Meeting the increasing community needs requires using the ideal interventions and strategies. Numerous approaches have been created to promote overall health and wellness outcomes. It is essential to mention that teenage pregnancies are a significant health challenge for many young people. As shown above, while the country reported a declining rate, many teenagers have become pregnant. This trend can be reduced through an effective community-based program. The program selected will provide educational, medical and social support to teenagers. The program will be promoted through online media to increase reach. Also, ensuring that the program is available online creates a reliable framework for attracting and reaching the intended audiences. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper


CDC. (2022). Reproductive Health: Teen Pregnancy. CDC. Retrieved from

CDC. (2022). Reproductive Health: Teen Pregnancy. CDC. Retrieved from

Knab, J., & Cole, R. (2020). Teen pregnancy prevention evaluation technical assistance: A case study. Evaluation Review, 0193841X20975279.

Wright, L. S., & Fore, S. (2021). Community-Engaged Teen Pregnancy Prevention: A Needs Assessment. Health Promotion Practice, 15248399211051407. Columbia Southern University Community Health of Maryland Community Paper

ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion

ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion


Already started but need help filling out the highlighted areas at the bottom( ON THE ATTACHMENT BUT UNDERLINED ON THIS BOX)

Diagnosis: Acne Vulgaris


Pharm Interventions:

Non pharm interventions:

Diagnostic testing:


Follow up:

and immediately available diagnostic results with interpretation

Correctly lists all diagnoses including differentials (if applicable); Comprehensive plan of care including pharm and non-pharm interventions, diagnostic testing, education, and follow up

Interventions outlined in the plan of care for original and suggested alternatives for response posts are supported with evidence from current, relevant, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources including but not limited to textbooks, practice guidelines, and scientific journals. APA  format for reference citations. ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion

Skin Assessment

Pt. Initials: GS






Gender: M



Cc “I have pimples and redness all over my face”


HPI 14-year-old Caucasian Male who presents to the office with his mother, with CC pimples and redness all over face and cannot seem to make it go away. Pt states he has had this problem for a year, but it’s been worse the past 3 months. Patients mother states, “it seems to have gotten worse when we moved to Florida from Colorado last year.” Patient denies any itching, pain, or tenderness. No other complaints. Patient states this is the first time he has ever had this happen since starting a year ago and progressing. Patient has tried over the counter face washes with no changes or improvements. Patient states he washes his face 3-4 times a day. Patient denies being around anyone with a skin condition or any chemicals or changes in environmental. Patient denies any recent changes in body soap, laundry detergent, or lotion. Pt denies any other rashes, lumps, or itching. Denies other skin, nails, or hair changes. Patient denies allergies and no new animals in the home. ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion


PMH- Patient has no past medical history. Patient’s mother concurs.

            Allergies- allergic to PCN (rash)

            Medications- Denies RX medications

OTC or herbal/ Vitamins: Pt denies taking OTC medications, herbal, supplements, or vitamins.  

Surgeries: No previous surgeries

Vaccinations: Denies Flu, pneumonia (patient has had all child mandated vaccines per CDC)

Last Exams: Patient saw PCP at this office 1year ago for routine physical. Pt also sees pediatric dentist once a year. (Last exam 6 months ago)

Psychiatric history: Denies history of depression, anxiety, Suicidal thoughts, or any other psychiatric history


ETOH: Denies drinking alcohol


Tobacco: denies tobacco use


Illegal Drugs: Denies ever using illegal drugs


Occupation/Status: Patient is in 9th grade and is homeschooled by his mother. Not sexually active.


Sleep Pattern: Pt states he sleeps about 12 hours a day


Exercise History: Reports he works out 4 days a week for about an hour at his neighborhood gym and plays basketball with friends a few nights a week. Pt has been working out for about a 1 year and playing basketball since he was 6 years old. Mother states he has always “been a very active boy and enjoys playing outside”.



Last 24-hour diet recall: Breakfast: 2 scrambles eggs and 2 pieces of toast with cheese. Lunch: Ramon noodles and a turkey sandwich. Dinner: Chicken and Rice. Snack: Chips, Chocolate granola bar and an energy drink. Drinks 1-2 cans of sprite and/or Dr Pepper every day, 1-2 bottles of water every day.


FH: Patient denies any family history of throat/mouth/thyroid cancer, glaucoma, or macular degeneration

Paternal Grandfather, 60, HTN

Paternal Grandmother, 56, Hyperlipidemia

Maternal grandfather; living 64y/o, HTN

Maternal grandmother; Living 64, HTN

Father: 36 years old, living, Asthma, Acne Vulgaris, Hay fever

Mother, 34 years old, living, No pertinent medical history

Brother-12 years old – asthma 



General appearance: Patient was sitting in exam room AAOX4, no distress noted, Friendly and good historian with mother in the chair next to him. Skin color appropriate for race. Patient was well groomed. Appears to have healthy hygiene and dental hygiene.

Vital signs: BP Left arm sitting 110/70, HR 88 Apical Sinus Rhythm, Resp 17 Regular non labored and even, Temp 97.0 Temporal, O2 sat 100% on room air, denies pain at this time.

Denies fever, fatigue, or malaise. 5’8, 150lbs, denies weight changes. Appetite good. BMI 22.8 (82%) Healthy weight



Head/Neck: patient denies any lymph node pain, goiters, swelling, nodules, headaches, head trauma, dizziness, light headiness, or sinus pressure. ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion

Eyes: denies eye pain, vision changes, itchy or discharge. Denies wearing corrective lenses

Ears: denies changes in hearing, ringing, pain, or discharge.

Nose: denies pain, nose bleeds, polyps, loss of smell, or hay fever.

Mouth/Throat denies sore throat, difficulty swallowing, loss of taste, gum bleeding, carries or lesions. Denies TMJ

Respiratory: denies SOB, cough, asthma, nasal discharge, allergies, or swollen glands.

GI: denies heartburn or indigestion, constipation, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, masses, hernias, or bowel changes.

Skin: C/o pimples and redness to face denies any other rashes, cyanosis, clubbing of fingers, night sweats, or changes in nails or hair


Physical Assessment:


Inspection: Normocephalic, symmetric, clear of scars, acne, bumps, bruises, redness, rash and swelling, no drooping, no weakness, or involuntary movement.

Palpation/Auscultate: No lesions, bumps, tender spots, or scabs felt. Mandible is symmetric with no cracks or pops during palpations when assessing TMJ and having pt open mouth (with fingers by the tragus of the ear) Lymph nodes are non-palpable and non-tender. Temporal artery no bruits



Inspection: Accessory muscles symmetrical while head erect and still and trachea(midline) on observation. Lymph nodes not swollen on inspection. Supple with full ROM. Face symmetrical, no drooping. ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion

Palpation: Lymph nodes are non-palpable and non-tender. Thyroid is soft and smooth on palpation with proper upward movement when swallowing (Standing behind pt, had pt tip head forward and toward the side to be examined and swallow). Thyroid moves up into assessors’ fingers when swallowing bilaterally. Carotid arteries +3/4 with palpation on one side at a time.

Auscultation: Trachea no stridor, Carotid arteries no bruits, Thyroid no bruit



Visual Acuity: Snellen 20/20 bilaterally, EOM intact,

Visual fields normal by confrontation (standing 2 feet away-looking into eyes at eye level- flickering finger until they can see / cover one eye at a time)

Corneal light reflex- symmetric bilaterally. (Shines light 12in away while pt looks straight ahead).

Cover- uncover test: no weakness noted / gaze remained normal ( pt stares straight at nose, cover one eye at a time)

Cardinal Fields of gaze-Tracking of object with both eyes

Inspection: no papilledema, conjunctiva- pink, moist, clear, Sclera white. No crusting or drainage around tear ducts/eyelids. Brows and lashes present. Cornea and lens smooth.

Palpation: eversion of upper lids, no color change, swelling or lesions

Funduscopic: PERRLA, Red reflex present bilaterally, macula is approximately 2.5 disc flat with sharp margins. Vessels present. No crossing defect, retinal background even with no hemorrhages or exudate, macula even color bilaterally. ANNP8070 UCMC Skin Assessment Discussion



Hearing test:

Whisper test- passed- patient able to hear whispered words bilaterally from 2 feet away with one ear covered at a time

Rinne- AC>BC bilaterally (using the tuning fork placed behind ear on bone, tell me when it stops, move to the front of the auricle, and tell me if you can still hear it)

Weber- not lateralized (using the tuning fork, tell me which ear or both that you hear it in)

Inspection: External- symmetric bilaterally, no drainage, bruising, edema, or erythema noted.

Palpate: no tenderness or pain. (Pushed on tragus and mastoid bone)

Otoscopic: TM bilaterally pearly gray with light reflex and landmarks intact, no perforations, no foreign bodies or ear wax. Inspected internal ear and malleus (short process and handle)


Nose :

Inspection : External- Symmetric, no drainage, polyps, or secretions observed

Patency : Internal- Nares patent, septum midline and symmetric. Mucousa pink and dry


Sinus :

Palpation/ Transillumination : Non tender, no edema. Normal transillumination (using the light)




Inspect & Palpate: Can clench teeth

Breath: No halitosis

Lips: moist, not cracked, no erythema or sores

Tongue: midline, pink and smooth, no lesions

Buccal mucosa: moist, pink, no edema

Gums: moist, pink, no edema, or sores/ulcers

Teeth: straight with good dentition

Uvula: midline, rises on phonation

Throat/Tonsils: Pink mucosa, no lesions, or exudate/ Tonsils grade 0 with no spots or lesions observed

Gag reflex present


Presence of comedones, papules, pustules, and erythema on face. Grade 3. No other lesions or rashes noted on neck, trunk, or other body parts. No warts or moles noted on skin.


Differentials: Folliculitis, Rosacea

Diagnosis: Acne Vulgaris



Pharm Interventions:

Non pharm interventions:

Diagnostic testing:


Follow up:

and immediately available diagnostic results with interpretation

Correctly lists all diagnoses including differentials (if applicable); Comprehensive plan of care including pharm and non-pharm interventions, diagnostic testing, education, and follow up


Interventions outlined in plan of care for original and suggested alternatives for response posts supported with evidence from current, relevant, scholarly, peer-reviewed sources including but not limited to textbooks, practice guidelines, and scientific journals. APA  format for reference citations