Grand Canyon University Pandemic Discussion

Grand Canyon University Pandemic Discussion


please respond to the following discussion post as a peer making a comment. “I have selected a leader that I admire his strategical tactics and his situational awareness within a crisis. Rob Sabina was our chief operating officer at HCA Houston healthcare Tomball. At the beginning of the pandemic known as COVID-19, our facility was tasked with implementing structural guidelines to keep our patients and employees safe. Not having a clinical background, he must rely on his team members and his clinical leaders to develop an infrastructure and framework to provide quality care to the patients while protecting the employees. I watched as he created committees and teams to appropriately provide isolation tactics within his facility to separate Covid patients from regular patients. As a leader, it required excellent communication with the hospital employees and delegating and coaching his team to achieve his goal of successfully protecting the patients and the employees. He uses the situational leadership model where he will empower the support, coach, and direct by also supporting team management. During this crisis, he had to manage these task-oriented goals, but he also maintained social support for his employees. Having the awareness to comprehend the magnitude of stress on his employees, he implemented meditation rooms and counseling for them. In addition, he held many town halls where employees could vent their frustrations and grant him access to hear their ideas and make them part of the solution and not the problem. Grand Canyon University Pandemic Discussion


I had had very little interaction with Rob as a leader before the pandemic because he had not been employed at Tomball for any significant length of time. However, I watched him become more of a situational leader who had to approach the pandemic with a strategic tactic and tap into employee behavioral interpersonal relationships. The type of teamwork management he employed during the pandemic to utilize financial, clinical, and business relationships took a strong leadership ability. Unfortunately, the pandemic is still here, but we now have better processes and the mental capacity to deal with the outcomes. Without this type of leadership, he demonstrated to juggle his task-oriented goals, and the interpersonal behavioral goals of his employees were crucial during this crisis.


Northouse, P. (2019). Leadership: Theory and Practice. All Books and Monographs by WMU Authors. Grand Canyon University Pandemic Discussion

NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project

NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project

Group Project #4 Staffing Dilemma

Olivia is suffering from burnout. Dr. Kritcher has just left her office, complaining loudly that his nurse is gone. She is taking some vacation time, and he does not like “that other nurse” who is working with him. The other nurse is unfamiliar with his way of doing things. He wants his nurse back.



Olivia has been the manager of a large outpatient center for only two years, and during that time, she has had to constantly deal with staffing issues. Hiring and retaining new staff is hard enough. Filling short-term vacancies because of vacations, staff illness, pregnancy, child- care needs, and short-term disabilities is especially difficult. When workers are gone, she receives complaints from physicians and other staff member who are overworked. Overtime, in some cases, has led to high costs. She could use temporary help from float pools or groups of individuals who could fill in as needed, but this option is expensive. NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project

Olivia is unsure what to do. She has a meeting scheduled with the clinic’s CEO two days from now and she wants to have a plan ready to present. She needs to show that she can maintain costs and still cover the clinic’s patient care needs.

Olivia needs your help and coming up with a plan.


For this Group Project, develop a staffing plan to include the following.

  1. In the paragraph above, two potential solutions were mentioned. Discuss each of those solutions and describe in detail the pros and cons of each solution.
  2. Suggest at least three other possible solutions to Olivia’s dilemma.
  3. Describe in detail the pros and cons of each of your additional potential solutions.
  4. When Olivia goes to the meeting, describe in detail the SPECIFIC information regarding her plan that she will need to present to the CEO.
  5. Present the material in a professional and grammatically correct format.
  6. Cite any sources used in the project utilizing APA format. NSU The Staffing Issue in The Clinic Working with A Staffing Company Project


Miami Dade College Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Responses

Miami Dade College Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Responses




Discussion I:

Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS Act)

Establishes a new, voluntary, self-funded public long?term care insurance program, to be known as the CLASS Independence Benefit Plan, for the purchase of community living assistance services and supports by individuals with functional limitations. Requires the Secretary to develop an actuarially sound benefit plan that ensures solvency for 75 years; allows for a five?year vesting period for eligibility of benefits; creates benefit triggers that allow for the determination of functional limitation; and provides cash benefit that is not less than an average of $50 per day. No taxpayer funds will be used to pay benefits under this provision. Miami Dade College Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Responses

Creates a new national insurance program to help adults who have or develop functional impairments to remain independent, employed and stay a part of their communities.

  • Financed through voluntary payroll deductions (with opt-out enrollment similar to Medicare Part B), this program will remove barriers to independence and choice (e.g., housing modifications, assistive technologies, personal assistance services, transportation) by providing a cash benefit to individuals unable to perform two or more functional activities of daily living.

This information came from the website.  Not sure if it helps to point you in the right direction or not.

Federal Regulatory Guidance and Actions: Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS Act). (2010, May). In National Conference of State Legislators. Retrieved from…


Discussion II:

Three components of the Affordable Care act include: Improvements of insurance coverage for most Americans, the expansion of options for Americans, and increase of insurance coverage for Americans (J., M, et al, 2015). The ACA will impact nursing and medicine by hopefully improving who and how health care workers provide services to the community. The ACA offers coverage without discrimination of gender, age, current and past health status, and disability. The insurance rating variability or the out-of-pocket rates will only be based on age, family composition, geographic location and tobacco use (J, M, et al, 2015). Miami Dade College Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Responses. The act will limit the rating based on health or gender. The act will also certify patient safety initiatives through best clinical practice by requiring quality reporting to the HHS in relation to the coverage benefits and provider reimbursements (J, M, et al, 2015). However, the cost can greatly affect a family of four. According to J.,M, et al (2015), for coverage for a family of four who make forty-seven thousand dollars annually will pay up to two-hundred and forty-seven US dollars a month. When adding house payment, car and home insurance, daily necessities, groceries, emergencies, this is still not affordable to low-income families. Moving on to the impact on nursing, the ACA authorizes but does not mandate funding for nurse-managed healthcare centers to serve as training for students who want to expand their practice (J, M, et al, 2015). This means the encouragement for the continuation of education and emphasis on the need for APRN.


J., M. D., B, G. D., Freida, H. O., & T., O. E. (2015). Policy & politics in nursing and health

care (7th Edition). Elsevier Health Sciences

(US). (Links to an external site.)

Reply to each discussion Miami Dade College Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Responses



Make a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum 10-15 slides (excluding title and references). based on the attached documentInclude speaker notes with a minimum of 50 words per slide on the notes; good presentations should not have busy slides.Discuss how the sharing of data/findings with colleagues relates to Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice.


Make a PowerPoint presentation with a minimum 10-15 slides (excluding title and references). based on the attached documentInclude speaker notes with a minimum of 50 words per slide on the notes; good presentations should not have busy slides.Discuss how the sharing of data/findings with colleagues relates to Scholarship and Evidence-Based Practice.

Discussion: Neurological Case Study

Message for instructions

Discussion: Developmental and Psychosocial Considerations

Message for instructions

H/O Attendance Questions

A set of 5 questions in the document.

Change Project

Step 1 Select a change theory that would work best for your proposed change project. In one- to two-pages, summarize the main theoretical notions and concepts of the selected theory. Then discuss the various stages of implementation of the proposed project based on the selected theory.Using Lewin’s Change Theory

Hospital Compare

Assignment InstructionsThis assignment will familiarize capstone students with quality ranking systems currently in usefor hospitals and the measures that are used to determine quality.STEP 1Access the Hospital Compare website at, and enteryour home zip code in the search box. Select two hospitals to compare, preferably with differentstar ratings. If you are currently employed at a hospital, select your workplace for one of thelocations. Review information under all tabs.STEP 2Select one outcome quality measure focused on a change in health status (i.e. 30-day deathrates), one process quality measure focused on the steps of a process (i.e. Patients whoreported that staff “always” explained about medicines before giving them) and one patientsatisfaction measure ( i.e. Patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend thehospital).Compare and contrast the two hospitals based on these three measures. Based on yourknowledge of local needs, concerns and preferences select ONE of these measures that youbelieve would be the most important the local community.Research peer-reviewed nursing or hospital administration journals for strategies that has beenutilized to improve quality related to the ONE selected measure. For instance, if you selected apatient satisfaction measure, you can research strategies for improving satisfaction in anyhospital unit or service. Select one strategy that you feel would be most effective. Analyze thestrategy, for this hospital in its community for the following: Feasibility Efficacy Stakeholders (a person with an interest or concern in the measure; those who are criticalfor change to occur). Individuals should be identified by general job titles and not namedSTEP 3Create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint presentation Include the following in the PowerPoint:Title slideIntroduction: Community demographics, data on hospitals selected (i.e. Size, traumadesignation, urban/rural location)Selected measure: Outline the quality measure that you select as most important to the localcommunity, and the hospital selected to implement it. Provide your rationaleResearch: Present strategy and analyze forFeasibilityEfficacyStakeholdersReference slide