College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Discussion Board:


Medical information is considered private, the sole property of a patient, and should never be released without permission. Discuss your thoughts or opinion on this with respect to information about medical conditions, medications, treatments, physician choice, insurance payments, etc. as if this was your own information, and if this information was about someone you know.


What legal rights, if any, do you have to information in your medical record or in someone else’s medical record? College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Would you agree to have all of your information disclosed? Why or why not?

Please give your honest opinion and validate your stance on this topic.


Paper 1 Resources: 

Then write a 2–4-page essay discussing the linked cases in the context of whether you believe they are more legal than ethical/moral cases, or more ethical/moral than legal cases and why. Please support your views. College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Requirements for the essay:


Must be submitted as MS Word attachment and all resources properly cited/referenced.

Must be at least 2 double spaced pages; maximum page length 4 double spaced pages (2-4 double spaced pages).

Paper 2 Resources:


In 1 -2 pages, using information found in your assigned readings from the textbook and additional readings provided, identify and explain the key differences between Medicare and Medicaid. Be sure to identify and define each component of Medicare and Medicaid and identify the populations each program serves. College of Southern Maryland Health Information Protection & Privacy Paper

Trident University International HealthCare Policy Essay

Trident University International HealthCare Policy Essay


Two Different Assignments: Health policymaking happens at all levels of government and on a wide variety of topics. The private sector also plays a considerable role in the process. This assignment will give you the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge of how policymaking happens in government and the roles of various entities as well as the numerous stakeholders.


Assignment 1: After Reading back ground material , please address the following questions:

Compare and contrast policymaking at the federal, state, and local levels. How are they similar? How are they different?

What is the role of the private sector in policymaking?

  • Identify the various stakeholders in health policymaking. Why is it important to seek input from all involved?
  • Assignment 2:
  • Explain the difference between regulatory health policies and allocative health policies.

What are determinants of health? How are they related to the determinants of health policy? Trident University International HealthCare Policy Essay

HCS 451 UP Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Worksheet

HCS 451 UP Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Worksheet

Quality Standards Table


Select 6 quality standards or measures used in the health care industry.


Complete the following sections of the Quality Standards Table using the provided spaces:

  • Quality-Reporting Standard column: Identify the quality reporting standard or measure. What is being reported on? This may be a specific measure, indicator, or quality-measurement program.
  • Source column: Identify the source of the standard. Which health care organization developed the standard or measurement indicators? HCS 451 UP Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Worksheet
  • Description of the Standard column: Describe the standard. What is the purpose and what does it measure? Does the standard apply primarily to a specific stakeholder, such as the patient, a provider, payors, the health care facility (i.e., a hospital), or something else?
  • Description of How the Standard Drives Quality Improvement in Health Care column: Explain how the standard demonstrates quality in health care. What does it mean for stakeholders when this standard is met or not met?

Review the following completed Quality Standards Table Example:

Quality Standards Table Example

Quality-Reporting Standard Source Description of the Standard Description of How the Standard Drives Quality Improvement in Health Care
Example: 30-day unplanned readmissions for cancer patients


The Alliance of Dedicated Cancer Centers (ADCC), endorsed by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) It measures the rate at which adult cancer patients have unplanned readmissions within 30 days of discharge from an eligible index admission as compared to all inpatient admissions with a primary or secondary malignant cancer diagnosis. HCS 451 UP Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Worksheet By analyzing patient readmission within 30 days of discharge, acute care hospitals can better identify causes of readmission and make improvement to reduce costs and improve outcomes specific to cancer patients, as opposed to other measures that are hospital-wide readmissions. It only compares unplanned readmissions because cancer patients often have planned hospital stays as part of their treatment plans.


Cite at least 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references and your textbook to support your information.

Include references in the provided “References” section located at the end of this document.

Format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.


Quality Standards Table

Quality Standard Number Quality-Reporting Standard Source Description of the Standard How the Standard Drives Quality Improvement in Health Care





HCS/451: Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis

Wk 2 – Summative Assessment: Quality Standards Table [due Mon]

Wk 2 – Summative Assessment: Quality Standards Table [due Mon]

Exam Content

  • Quality standards impact every role and organization in health care. There may be many different facets to quality measures, and your understanding of quality standards demonstrates skill in protecting and improving patient safety. In this assignment you will analyze drivers and measurements of quality improvement in health care. HCS 451 UP Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Worksheet
Preparing for This Assignment

Research quality dimensions, quality standards, or quality indicators used by various health care organizations that work to improve the quality of health care.


Consider using the following list of organizations and you may also use other organizations that you find in your research:

  • Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
  • Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  • The Joint Commission
  • The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Health and Medicine Division
  • National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA)


Assignment Directions

Complete the Quality Standards Table. You must be specific in your work, list a specific standard like, CLABSI/CAUT (or any HAI/PSI) zero harm; reduction in mortality


Submit your assignment. HCS 451 UP Health Care Quality Management And Outcomes Analysis Worksheet



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  • Reference and Citation Generator
  • Grammar Assistance



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Grand Canyon Indoor Air Pollution Question

Grand Canyon Indoor Air Pollution Question


The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.

Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, with speaker notes, that outlines a teaching plan. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a voice over or a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning, and an additional slide for references at the end. Grand Canyon Indoor Air Pollution Question


In developing your PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the presentation is tailored.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants.
  2. Create a health promotion plan that can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor and improve the overall health and well-being of infants.
  3. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants.
  4. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three resources must be peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old. Grand Canyon Indoor Air Pollution Question
  5. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and contact information for each resource.

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Refer to the resource, “Loom,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on recording your presentation.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide,  Grand Canyon Indoor Air Pollution Question

Workout Structure for Whole Body Case Study

Workout Structure for Whole Body Case Study


Brandon is a 20 y old healthy college student who has been a non-competitive runner since his freshman year in high school. As a runner, he stretches regularly but has no experience with resistance training. He has hired you to help him improve his whole-body muscular strength and endurance. He wants to train at the park near his home since he loves exercising outdoors and has no desire to go to a gym. He would like you to work with him twice per week for 30 minutes per session, at least in the beginning.


Answer the following:

1. How will you structure his 30 minute, twice per week sessions, including warm up and cool down?

2. What equipment will you use, if any?

3. What specific exercises will you include in the workout and why?

4. How will you gauge his intensity?

5. How many sets and repetitions of each exercise will he perform and in what order?

6. How will you progress him, given that you are not in a gym with full equipment available? Workout Structure for Whole Body Case Study

The Clinical Presentation of Brain Tumors Discussion

The Clinical Presentation of Brain Tumors Discussion




A)List signs and symptoms that are common in the clinical presentation of brain tumours.

B)List six classes of primary brain tumours and the cell from which they are derived.

C)Discuss the factors affecting prognosis in relation to brain tumours.

Factors Affecting Prognosis in Relation to Brain TumoursA variety of factors can affect prognosis in relation to brain tumours. Examples of these factors include the size, location, and type of tumour; the age and general health of the person with the tumour; and the presence or absence of other illnesses. The Clinical Presentation of Brain Tumors Discussion A tumour’s site is essential to the prognosis of brain tumours. Gliomas located in the skull base (the area near the ear) are usually more aggressive than those that are more superficially located.7 The tumour’s location can also determine how a brain tumour will affect a patient’s neurologic functioning. For instance, a tumour near the frontal lobe may cause language deficits, while a tumour in the parietal lobe may cause problems with memory. Site impacts on resectability are significant to the prognosis of brain tumours. Scanning and Computed Tomography (CT) scans are typically used to assess the site of the tumour and its resectability. A tumour may be removed surgically if it is located in a place that can be accessed by the surgeon and removed safely with a margin of healthy tissue. Site impacts on morbidity are significant to the prognosis of brain tumours. For example, patients with astrocytoma of the optic nerve have a better prognosis than those with most other brain tumours. Patients with tumours in the posterior fossa may have a relatively more favourable prognosis than those with frontal lobe tumours.


LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the pathophysiology of abnormal water accumulation in the brain • Discuss hydrocephalus • Explain the causes and consequences of localised and generalised cerebral oedema • Explain the consequences of raised intracranial pressure • Discuss the basis for the classification of brain tumours and understand their varied biological behaviours. • Explain how brain tumours differ biologically from other tumours in the body Brain Tumours Dr Jane Cryan Summary 1. Brain tumour presentation 2. Cerebral oedema & hydrocephalus 3. Primary vs secondary brain tumours 4. Brain tumour diagnosis 1. WHO grade 2. Molecular tests 5. Unique features brain tumours 6. Tumour syndromes Epidemiology • 2% all cancers • 20% cancers <15yrs • Leading cause of cancer-related death in children Risk Factors for Developing Brain Tumour • Increasing age • History of radiotherapy • Tumour predisposition syndrome Presentation 1. Seizure 2. Symptoms/Signs of raised intracranial pressure 3. Symptoms/ Signs of hydrocephalus 4. Focal neurologic deficit Raised intracranial pressure • Headache (especially postural/ nocturnal/ early morning) • Vomiting (especially children) • Clouding of consciousness/ Coma • Papilloedema Intracranial pressure • Brain & SC exist within rigid compartment defined by skull, vertebral bodies & dura. • +protective environment for delicate structure • -little room for expansion in disease states • Disturbed by cerebral oedema (generalised & local) & hydrocephalus Cerebral oedema = excess fluid in brain Two types 1. Vasogenic oedema = normal blood brain barrier disrupted Æ increased vascular permeability Æ fluid escapes from intravascular to intercellular compartments eg. trauma 2. Cytotoxic oedema = increase in intracellular fluid secondary to cellular (neuronal/ glial/ endothelial) injury eg. hypoxia/ischaemia In practice vasogenic & cytotoxic oedema co-exist. Raised intracranial pressure • Oedema (any cause) ÆSkull behaves as rigid box (infant skull will enlarge) ÆBrain compressed ÆInitial compensatory phase = CSF displaced to spinal compartment; blood volume reduced in cerebral veins ÆSwellingÆ vascular compressionÆ vascular insufficiencyÆ exacerbates high ICP (cytotoxic oedema) —————————————————————–Æ Consequences= Cerebral herniation Other: 4. cerebral ‘fungus’ (craniectomy) 5. upward herniation of cerebellum Extra-cranial herniation through craniectomy defect Extra-cranial herniation through craniectomy defect Complications of brain herniation • Vascular compression – Anterior cerebral artey at falx – Posterior cerebral artery at tentorium – Brainstem Duret haemorrhage = death Focal/ Localised vs Generalised cerebral oedema Definition of hydrocephalus =Increase in CSF volume within the ventricular system NORMAL VENTRICLES HYDROCEPHALUS Causes of hydrocephalus Disturbance of CSF homeostasis (rare) • CSF overproduction (choroid plexus tumour) • Failure of CSF absorption (absence of Arachnoid granulations, various cranial dysplasias) Interference with CSF flow (common) • Neoplasm • Malformation eg congenital stenosis, membrane at foramen of Monro, many more • Infection- scarring • Haemorrhage • Gliosis, any cause eg stroke Neoplasms/ cysts commonly presenting with hydrocephalus • Posterior fossa tumour eg pilocytic astrocytoma, medulloblastoma • Pineal gland neoplasm • SEGA • Hypothalamic pilocytic astrocytoma • Central neurocytoma • Chordoid glioma of 3rd ventricle • Colloid cyst of 3rd ventricle Symptoms/ Signs of hydrocephalus • Infant: enlarging head, bulging fontanelle, vomiting, irritability, sleepiness, downward eyes (sunsetting) • Child: above + headache, blurred vision, poor balance, seizures • Adult: above + poor balance, memory loss, bladder control problems Brain tumour presentation 1. Seizure 2. Symptoms/Signs of raised intracranial pressure 3. Symptoms/ Signs of hydrocephalus 4. Focal neurologic deficit Important facts about brain tumours 1. Can be divided into primary and secondary tumours – Primary tumours arise from cells originating in the nervous system/ its coverings – Secondary tumours are tumours that metastasize from elsewhere in the body – Secondary tumours account for 15% in neurosurgical (rather than autopsy) centres Secondary brain tumours 50% metastases are solitary Metastasize to brain but also meninges and vertebra Breast Lung Colorectal Renal Cell UpperGI Melanoma Ovarian Prostatate Kidney Squamous Cell Thyroid Systemic Lymphoma CNS Primary Unknown Primary 0 5 10 15 20 25 Breast Lung Colorectal Renal Cell UpperGI Melanoma Ovarian Prostatate Kidney Squamous Cell Thyroid Systemic Lymphoma CNS Primary Unknown Primary Surgery for Metastases 18 22 5 6 4 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 9 Surgery for Metastases – 2016 Beaumont Hospital Primary brain tumours Neurons Glia= Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Ependyma Choroid plexus Primitive/ precursor cells Pineal gland Pituitary gland Meninges Embryological remnant cells Nerve Unknown origin: germ cell tumours Know the cells that make up the brain! Primary brain tumours Neurons Gangliocytoma Ganglioglioma Glioma = Astrocytoma Oligodendroglioma Ependymoma Choroid plexus Papilloma/carcinoma Primitive/ precursor cells Medulloblastoma/ Embryonal Pineocytoma Pituitary adenoma Embryological remnant cells Craniopharyngioma Meningioma Nerve Schwannoma/Neurofibroma Know the cells that make up the brain! Embryological remnant cells Unknown origin: germ cell tumours Primary CNS lymphoma Neurons Gangliocytoma Ganglioglioma Glioma = Astrocytoma Oligodendroglioma Ependymoma Choroid plexus Papilloma/carcinoma Primitive/ precursor cells Medulloblastoma/ Embryonal Pineocytoma Pituitary adenoma Embryological remnant cells Craniopharyngioma Meningioma Nerve Schwannoma/Neurofibroma Usually benign Malignant (or potentially malignant) *** Embryological remnant cells Unknown origin: germ cell tumours Primary CNS lymphoma ! Meningioma is the most common benign primary tumour. ! Glioma is the most common malignant primary tumour. – Glioblastoma is the most common glioma. WHO Grade IV Astrocytoma (Glioblastoma Multiforme) [Including; Epitheloid, NOS, Small Cell Atsrocytoma, Giant Cell] 36% Low Grade Meningioma [Including; Angiomatous, Atypical, Meningiothelial, Transitional Type, Mesothelial, Microcystic, Psammomatous, Secretory, Syncytial] 21% High Grade Astrocytoma [Including; Anasplastic, Gemistrocytic, Diffuse Astrocytoma, Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma, Gliosarcoma] 8% Low Grade Schwanoma 7% High Grade Lymphoma 4% Low Grade Astrocytoma 3% Low Grade Ependymoma [Including; Anaplastic, Myxopappillary, Subependymoma] 3% Low Grade Haemangioblastoma [Including Capillary haemangioblastoma] 3% High Grade Glioma 2% Low Grade Oligodendroglioma [Including; NOS] 2% Low Grade Glioma 2% Low Grade Neurofibroma 1% Other Tumour Types 8% Surgery for New Primary CNS Tumours 2016 Beaumont Hospital Tumour Type of New Primary Total Percentage Glioblastoma Multiforme 136 35.79% Low Grade Meningioma 79 20.79% Other Tumour Types* 32 8.42% High Grade Astrocytoma 31 39.24% Low Grade Schwanoma 28 7.37% High Grade Lymphoma 16 4.21% Low Grade Astrocytoma 12 3.16% Low Grade Ependymoma 11 2.89% Low Grade Haemangioblastoma 10 2.63% High Grade Glioma 7 1.84% Low Grade Oligodendroglioma 7 1.84% Low Grade Glioma 6 1.58% Low Grade Neurofibroma 5 1.32% For interest 2. Primary brain tumours rarely metastasize. Spread – secondary structures of Scherer CSF pathway dissemination Important facts about brain tumours Important facts about brain tumours 3. Prognosis is not solely related to grade – Tumour site is very important – Site impacts on resectability – Site impacts on morbidity ie. A ‘benign’ or a ‘low grade’ tumour can kill Optic pathway glioma Pilocytic astrocytoma WHO grade I Morbidity: Blindness, pituitary failure, Meningioma (WHO grade I) Convexity vs skull base ‘Eloquent’ areas Other: dominant hippocampus memory How to predict tumour behaviour? • Grade An example of how to grade a brain tumour: glioma WHO GRADE GLIOMA HISTOLOGIC FEATURES PROGNOSIS WHO Grade I Tumours earn this grade by definition eg PILOCYTIC ASTROCYTOMA Excellent (*site) 5YS 95% WHO Grade II No high grade features Median survival 10yrs WHO Grade III Mitosis Median survival 3-5yrs WHO Grade IV Vascular proliferation +/- Necrosis Survival usually months 5YS <5% HIGH GRADE LOW GRADE Techniques in diagnostic practice IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY Techniques in diagnostic practice Transcription factors X IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY ARRAY COMPARATIVE GENOMIC HYBRIDISATION (aCGH) DNA SEQUENCING PANELS (NGS) FUSION SPECIFIC qPCR METHYLATION The role of Molecular Neuropathology 1. A result can (sometimes) make a diagnosis/ define a tumour (case 1) 2. A result can (sometimes) indicate a tumour grade (case 2) 3. A result can (sometimes) predict responsiveness to therapy (case 3) 4. A result, or more commonly a combination of results, can predict behaviour The following examples will illustrate some of these points Case 1; 1 year old, signs of raised ICP Undifferentiated embryonal tumour INI-1 immunohistochemistry is absent from all tumour cells confirming the presence of SMARCB1 mutation/deletion INI-1; ATYPICAL TERATOID RHABDOID TUMOUR, WHO IV Tumour of infants and young children CSF dissemination Rhabdoid tumour predisposition syndrome in >1/3 cases Case 2: 14yrs headache and vomiting H3K27M H3K27M Diffuse midline glioma, H3K27M MUTANT WHO grade IV Mackay et al., 2017, Cancer Cell 32, 520–537 Case 3: 39yrs, first seizure, non enhancing cortically based SOL 1p19q co-deletion 1p19q co-deletion When present with IDH1/2 mutation, defines oligodendroglioma Predicts responsiveness to PCV therapy when combined with RT Journal of Clinical Oncology 2013 31:3, 337-343 Example: WHO 2016 Adult diffuse glioma = routinely assessed N Engl J Med 2009; 360:765-773 Example: Paediatric low grade glioma MAPK ERK pathway = routinely assessed Any positive molecular result Æplaces a tumour into this oncogenic pathway ÆOpens up important targeted treatment options Summary of some of the more common molecular aberrations in brain tumours Molecular analysis Impact BRAF gene fusion 90% posterior fossa pilocytic astrocyotoma BRAF gene mutation V600 BRAF inhibitor therapy (clinical trials) IDH1/2 mutation Confers better prognosis in glioma (II-IV) 1p19q co-deletion Defines oligodendroglioma MGMT methylation Predicts responsiveness to temozolamide in glioblastoma/ high grade gliomas Histone (H3) mutation Æ Automatically WHO grade IV (paediatrics); dismal prognosis Investigations • Brain imaging: • CT BRAIN followed by • MRI BRAIN with contrast Treatment 1. Surgery – gross total resection (all except lymphoma & germinoma) 2. +/- Radiotherapy (*Cognition) 3. +/- Chemotherapy (BBB challenge) Brain Tumours & Tumour Syndromes Tumour Familial tumour syndrome Neurofibroma, Optic pathway glioma Neurofibromatosis type I Schwannoma (eg. acoustic neuroma) Ependymoma Neurofibromatosis type II (Schwannomatosis) Haemangioblastoma Von Hippel Lindau disease Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma Tuberous sclerosis Glioma/ Embyronal/ Chordoid plexus tumour Li Fraumeni syndrome L’hermitte duclos Cowden syndrome Glioma Turcot syndrome Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumour ATRT Rhabdoid tumour predisposition syndrome Summary 1. Brain tumour presentation 2. Cerebral oedema & hydrocephalus 3. Primary vs secondary brain tumours 4. Brain tumour diagnosis 1. WHO grade 2. Molecular tests 5. Unique features brain tumours 6. Tumour syndromes. The Clinical Presentation of Brain Tumors Discussion

GCU Role of Behavior and Leadership Dynamics in Health Care Organization Discussion

GCU Role of Behavior and Leadership Dynamics in Health Care Organization Discussion



Assessment Description

The purpose of this assignment is to determine how the role of behavior impacts a health care organization.

Reflect on your personal experience working in a health care organization or interacting with a health care organization you are interested in working for, and address the following in an 800-1,000 word paper:

  1. Identify the behavior models and leadership dynamics discussed so far in the course that most closely match the organization you have selected. Provide relevant examples for how these behavior models and leadership dynamics were demonstrated in the organization.
  2. Determine the role that group and team dynamics have in influencing the model of leadership in a health care organization. GCU Role of Behavior and Leadership Dynamics in Health Care Organization Discussion
  3. Describe the role of conflict theory, power, and politics in the organizational collaboration by providing examples from interdepartmental relationships, chain of command, team building and hierarchy, reporting structures, etc.
  4. Discuss diversity as it is exhibited in the organizational structure through the mission, vision, and goals of the identified organization.


Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Health Organizations: Theory, Behavior, and Development

Johnson, J. A., & Rossow, C. C. (2019). Health organizations: Theory, behavior, and development (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 9781284109825. GCU Role of Behavior and Leadership Dynamics in Health Care Organization Discussion

Saudi Electronic University Multivariable Methods Worksheet

Saudi Electronic University Multivariable Methods Worksheet


Using the Framingham Heart Study dataset provided, perform the ANOVA multivariable linear regression analysis using BMI as a continuous variable. Before conducting the analysis, be sure that all participants have complete data on all analysis variables.

Describe how each character is related to BMI. Are crude and multivariable effects similar? What might explain or account for any differences?


H0 The BMI is not related to the patient characteristics of Glucose, Angina, Stroke, CVD, and Hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study. (Null Hypothesis)

H1 The BMI is related to the patient characteristics of Glucose, Angina, Stroke, CVD, and Hypertension in the Framingham Heart Study. (Alternative Hypothesis)

Upload both Excel sheets into R Studio. (Refer to Chapters 7 & 12 in Introductory Statistics with R or pages 111-122 in EXCEL statistics A quick guide T.Test). Conduct the simple linear regression (ANOVA) by using the Excel Regression tool in the Data Analysis Toolpak.

Remember SEX is coded 1=male and 2=female.

Ensure to submit the following requirements for the assignment:

Present your findings in a Word document by copying and pasting the ANOVA table into the document.

Your paper must be written with a title page, an introduction, a discussion where you interpret the meaning of the ANOVA test, and a conclusion should be included. Saudi Electronic University Multivariable Methods Worksheet

UMGC Health & Medical Essay

UMGC Health & Medical Essay




Scenario: Cross, Bazron, Dennis and Isaacs (1989) defined cultural competence as “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together as a system, that system, agency or those professionals to work effectively in cross-cultural situations”. Cultural Competency is vital to the sustainability of a healthcare organization and its capability to provide high-quality healthcare to the community it serves. Cultural competency consists of a blend of ethics, values, morals, healthcare organization’s mission and commitment hat all employees, patients and visitors shall be treated equally.

A new community health center has opened in your county offering basic healthcare services, preventative care and education to migrant workers, illegal residents, and recent immigrants. To ensure the health center promotes and establishes a culturally competent environment, as the health center’s chief privacy and compliance officer (CPCO), you have been tasked to develop a cultural competency training toolkit.

Deliverables: The final product to be submitted is robust cultural competency training toolkit for the department- and organization-wide use. Your final submission must include the following. Submit as Microsoft Word document along with an accompanying Microsoft PPT presentation by the end of Week Five but no later than Tuesday, by 11:59 PM EST. This is an individual assignment. UMGC Health & Medical Essay


  • A 1-2 page proposal for language assistance as an effort to offer additional pay for bilingual employees willing to serve as a designated language interpreter
    • Process identifying language interpreters
    • Determine supplemental pay
    • Schedule of interpreters (be sure schedule does not interfere with regular work schedule)
    • Process to locate identified interpreters when needed
  • Design an actual twenty (20) to thirty (30) minutes virtual training session for departmental and organizational use on Cultural Competency (the intent is future mandatory automated training)
    • Presentation can include clip art, links to additional sources
    • Must include recorded audio of each presentation slide
    • Topics must include cultural competency discussion on employees and patient care and aligned with the mission, vision, and values of the organization; define and discuss cultural competency; compare and contrast cultural competency and diversity, ethics, health disparities; impact on decision making; and measures to establish and maintain a culturally competent organization and environment.
  • Using Microsoft Excel, Word or a survey software, design a tool for attendees to assess the cultural competency training
    • Identify a list of cultural competency related domains and accompanying knowledge, skills, and abilities for attendees to measure the effectiveness of the virtual training session
    • Integrate data analytics to assess, evaluate and/or recommend local state and federal cultural competence (and/or related) regulatory compliance measures. UMGC Health & Medical Essay

Columbia Southern University Population and Geographic Composition of A Community Essay

Columbia Southern University Population and Geographic Composition of A Community Essay




For this assignment, you will research the population and geographic composition of the same community you have been focusing on in previous assignments and write a case study detailing your findings. Your case study should offer an analysis of the following areas.

  • What are the aspects of various cultures and diversities that exist in the community?
  • How has culture and diversity played a role in the history of the community and its development and progression over time? Columbia Southern University Population and Geographic Composition of A Community Essay
  • What suggestions would you have for a community health worker (CHW) to develop cultural competence specific to this community, as well as develop trust and confidence with the diverse population?
  • Identify ways in which a CHW can work toward ensuring health equity for all populations in the community.


Your case study will be a minimum of three pages, not counting the title and reference pages. It should demonstrate insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. Use relevant and specific data to support your analysis. You must use at least two sources. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Your case study, including all references will be formatted in APA style. Columbia Southern University Population and Geographic Composition of A Community Essay