Broward College Health & Medical Bioethical Issue Essay

Broward College Health & Medical Bioethical Issue Essay



Criterion 1: Research and Identify Bioethical Issue

Completes all three of the following elements;
● Chooses one (1) bioethical issue
● Evaluates the issue
● Researches chosen bioethical issue

.Criterion 2: Identify the bioethical issues



Explains all three of the following elements;
● Details of the issue
● Details of its implications
● Details of its status in health care.

Criterion 3: Administering your facility


Discusses details of all of the following elements:
● ethically handle the bioethical issue in your facility as the administrator.
● effectively handle the issue in your facility as the administrator

Criterion 4: Writing Requirements

All of the following elements are met:
● Displays college-level writing in Standard English free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
● Minimal in-text citation errors such as a missing page number or a misplaced date may occur.
● Minimal paper formatting errors such as a misplaced margin may occur.
● Quotation marks and citations make authorship clear. Broward College Health & Medical Bioethical Issue Essay
● Assignment is 3-page paper in length not including the title page and reference page

.Criterion 5: Academic references with in-text citations.

Includes more than two academic references from multiple outside sources and/or course materials as required

.HA405_1802C_-2.1: Explain a bioethical issue within a healthcare facility.

Student work demonstrates the ability to develop a resolution to a bioethical issue in a healthcare facility. Broward College Health & Medical Bioethical Issue Essay