Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet

Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet

Strategy Formulation: Strategic Choice

Prepared by Dr. Abel Arvizú Whittemore

  1. Approaches


  1. Two Dimension Criteria, e.g.,


  1. Mission-Margin Matrix (Exhibit)


  1. Strategic Impact-Ease of Execution Matrix (Exhibit)


  1. Weighted Decision Model (Exhibit). To select from among the alternatives the strategy which best meets the organization’s objectives:  narrow the number of strategy alternatives, identify selection factors, evaluate alternatives against criteria, create scenarios, and make the choice. Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet


  1. Decision Tree Analysis (Exhibits)


  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis (including variation of profit maximization / social cost avoidance). Involves


  1. Determining the net benefits of each alternative and eliminating alternatives with low net benefits.


  1. Rating the maximum potential of each remaining alternative with respect to impact, implementation, and urgency.


  • Applying judgment to ensure that some obvious critical factor is not overlooked (e.g., meeting the needs of a key customer).


  1. General Guideline: must satisfy agreed-upon objectives with least use of resources, least number of negative side effects, most flexibility, least external dependency, maximum fit between the internal and external environment, appropriately balanced corporate portfolio, results in value to the ultimate customer. Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet