Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment




Throughout this semester, we have followed the Smith family’s journey to health literacy by way of health education and through practical assignments that have asked us to make some changes to our lifestyle based on our health education. Healthful habits can be challenging to make and maintain, while old (bad) habits tend to persist. Among our best strategies for making new habits is to incorporate substitution behaviors that are easy. Among the best ways to succeed in breaking bad habits is to add “friction” to the habit to make it less convenient and desirable. Finally we learned that tracking habits was a good way to find habits we may not even realize we are doing that need work as well as hold ourselves accountable to the new habits we are attempting to create.

In an attempt to cement some of our new lifestyle habits into place, we will now complete a week-long master habit tracker of all of your new health habits. Your master tracker can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.). You will add to it a description of changes you made to habits in each category. You may also add additional personal categories if you wish. Please refrain from simply checking off the boxes on this table to indicated that something was accomplished. Rather, for this assignment, you must describe what got done AND how it got done. In other words, mention where are using friction to break habits or substitution behaviors to replace bad habits. Doing so will deepen your self-discovery. Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Please take this assignment to heart. It’s only a week long and you might find it much more helpful than it would seem.

Please being this assignment immediately in order to have sufficient time to track 7 days worth of habits.



Midterm Project f2022 (1)

Midterm Project f2022 (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Description of criterion
40 ptsOn time and complete

A habit-tracker is generated and submitted on time (but not earlier than 7 days after it appears at Canvas); AND the content is insightful and contains details that apply content from every module and suggest personal investment and growth; AND the response meets all other assignment parameters. Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment

36 pts1-7 days late and complete

A habit-tracker is generated and submitted 1-7 days late (but not earlier than 7 days after it appears at Canvas); AND the content is insightful and contains details that apply content from every module and suggest personal investment and growth; AND the response meets all other assignment parameters.

0 ptsNo Marks

A habit-tracker is generated, however it lacks personal investment AND/OR the response fails to track >2 habits; OR the assignment is submitted earlier than 7 days after appearing at Canvas, regardless of its level of completion; OR no work is submitted.

40 pts
Total Points: 40