HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT

HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT



Criterion 1: Properly Assess Medical Terminology, Taxonomies, and Nomenclature

Terminology shared includes all aspects of the following used in healthcare settings:
? taxonomies
? clinical vocabularies
? terminologies
? nomenclatures

Criterion 2: Identify Common Medical Terminology

Presentation correctly presents six or more slides common medical terminology utilized by:
? Clinicians (3+ slides)
? Healthcare Administrators (3+ slides)


Criterion 3: Applies Medical Terminology in Healthcare Setting

Specific examples are shared to exhibit use of medical terminology in multiple workplace scenarios
? Includes extensive speaker notes of two or more paragraphs per slide. HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT

Criterion 4: Continuum of Care

Presentation includes specific examples of how management and clinical departments interact for a patient from the continuum of care for at least two levels

Criterion 5: Sources

Supports all opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information.
? A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed sources are utilized.

Criterion 6: Length Requirements, Writing, Grammar, and APA

Few or no errors in writing, mechanics, APA style, and citation
? Cites sources using APA style.
? Includes in-text citations.
? Makes authorship clear when using quotation marks.

HS410_2103C_-1: Analyze taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies and nomenclature used in health care settings. HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT