HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay

HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay



HSE113-A2 Video Case Report, 1100 words

WORD LENGTH: 1200 words maximum (not including reference list)

Assessment task 2 video case report should be a maximum of 1200 words. Marks will be deducted if students go

over word count. Each section in the video case report has a recommended word limit, it is up to you to decide

on whether or not you stick to that specified limit or not, just remember that your report as a whole should not

exceed 1200 words. However, please note the word count does NOT include your headings, titles, tables,

questions, or reference list (in-text citations are considered towards the word count. HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay

HSE113 Growth, Development and Ageing for Exercise Scientists
Assessment Task 2 – Video Case Report
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Assessment Task 2 – Video Case Report Due Date: Week 11: Friday
20th May, 2022 by 8 pm. This assessment must be submitted through the Moodle site and you must run a turn-itin report to check for plagiarism.
In accordance with the University/College policy, late submission of assessments will be subject to a reduction
in the assessment overall grade of -5% for every day late. If the assessment is over 5 days late you will receive a
mark of zero. Please refer to the responsibilities of the student’s document.
WORD LENGTH: 1200 words maximum (not including reference list)
Assessment task 2 video case report should be a maximum of 1200 words. Marks will be deducted if students go
over word count. Each section in the video case report has a recommended word limit, it is up to you to decide
on whether or not you stick to that specified limit or not, just remember that your report as a whole should not
exceed 1200 words. However, please note the word count does NOT include your headings, titles, tables,
questions, or reference list (in-text citations are considered towards the word count).
WEIGHTING (% total mark for the unit): 30%
This assessment task will assess your ability to apply key concepts of growth, development and ageing to a series
of case clients. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of the unit content, and to apply it to
‘real world’ scenarios.
This assessment task will assess your ability to apply key concepts of growth, development and ageing to a client
through a video case study. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of the unit content, and to
apply it to ‘real world’ scenarios. This assessment builds on the case study reports in assessment task 1 to show
your ability to exact key information from a client similar to what you may exercise when work with clients in a
gym, clinical or applied sports setting to build and apply exercise guidelines and prescription. HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay
This assessment task satisfies the following ULO, as outlined in the unit guide
ULO1: Describe the stages of growth, maturation, and development across the lifespan, from conception through
to reproduction and death.
ULO2: Describe the structural, physiological, motor, psychosocial and cognitive changes that occur across the
lifespan and explain the influence of physical activity/exercise on these developmental variables.
ULO3: Illustrate the social determinants of health that affect growth and development.
ULO4: Recall the exercises that are indicated and contraindicated for particular stages of growth, maturation and
development across the lifespan, and identify the injuries or conditions that commonly present during certain
stages of growth and development.
ULO5: Source, summarise and apply, in the context of client focused case studies, evidence-based physical
activity and exercise principles affecting growth, development, pregnancy and ageing.
Ability to listen to a client and be able to determine their physical needs at a specific age to help avoid injury and
promote healthy aging. You should be able to identify the indicated and contraindicated exercise for the specific
age range remembering everybody is an individual. This assessment task will help you develop, and assess, your
ability to apply key concepts of ageing to a client. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of
the unit content, and to apply it to ‘real world’ scenarios. This assessment task satisfies ULO1, ULO3, UL04 and
ULO5 for HSE113, as outlined in the unit guide and above.
Step 1: Watch the video linked below and located within the Assessment task 2 folder on Moodle. As you watch
the video it will be important for you to deconstruct the video to pull out all the important information (case notes)
about the client. Refer to your classes in which we walked you through this step and helped you identify the key
information (case notes).
Video to use for this assessment Strength training for Parkinson’s::
 https://startingstrength.com/video/parkinsons-disease-and-training-for-strength
Step 2: After watching the video, begin completing assessment task 2. Watch your video again
to deconstruct the video and write down all the key information about the client.
Step 3: Once you have deconstructed the video, you must address the questions within the template located in
the assessment task 2 folder. When answering the questions make sure to refer back to the information you
gained from the video case client, the additional references we have provided to you and those you have
obtained yourself to support your responses. HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay
Step 4: Check your answers against the marking rubrics and refine your responses
Step 5: Submit your completed assessment, preferably in WORD or PDF but NOT PAGES through the
assessment portal on Moodle by the submission date/time listed above.


In your report, it is important that you demonstrate your understanding of key concepts discussed in the online
content and interactive learning activities. You will need to make direct links between this information and the
video. You will also be required to incorporate evidence to support your responses from peer- reviewed articles
provided to you (see Moodle for some suitable articles that we suggest you use) and additional relevant peerreviewed articles you obtain independently. This will provide sufficient, relevant, and contemporary peer review
to provide you with some breadth and depth of the literature.
See the Rubric for further details about the Assessment Criteria, and the expected standard.
A marking rubric for assessment task 2 – Video Critique will be made available to students via Moodle.
Please adhere to the following formatting for your assessment.
• Use the template provided to you make sure to format the template as follows below
• Follow the template where tables and headings (in the form of questions) have already been provided.
• A maximum of 1200 words is allocated for this assessment, not including your reference list (in-text citations
are considered towards the word count), tables or the questions. Being concise is an important writing skill to
develop and so you will be assessed on your ability to complete the task within the word count. See the
assessment criteria in the rubric and guidance in the template.
• 11- or 12-point font in any conventional font (e.g., Times New Roman, Calibri). If you are unfamiliar with
word take a look at this video for guidance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC13M8FGlNc
• The document must be line spacing of 1.5 throughout the document.
Referencing style should follow the Deakin Harvard format for In-text citations and reference lists. For more
information on Deakin Harvard formatting, please refer to the following resource: Harvard – Deakin guide to
referencing – https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/studying/study-support/referencing/harvard
o We have provided some additional sources and peer-reviewed papers to use in this report which can be found
within the assessment task 2 folder on the Moodle site.
o For this video case report in addition to the references provided to you, to obtain full referencing credit you
MUST source and incorporate additional relevant references to support your responses. The number of
additional resources you obtain and references is left to you to decide. However, it is important that you
include as many references as required to show your ability to critically think and communicate your
knowledge of the specific content discipline (addressing the ULO’s).


                                       Add a relevant assessment Title


Personal information

Student Name:

Student Number:

Seminar group (day/time/tutor name):


Date of completion:

Word Count:


AT2 video case report (100 marks available)


Question 1A: Review and reflect on the feedback from AT1-CS2. What aspect of the feedback have you taken on board and how have you dealt with that to improve this report (50 words not included in overall word count 2 marks)?


Question 1B: Video case report – summary of the subject. From watching the video, please provide a case report summary of your subject. (150 words 10 marks).


Question 1C: Describe how ageing is likely to have impacted your subject’s physical capacity, social and cognitive development. Remember to cite some relevant literature here to support your statements (cite at least two peer-reviewed articles). (200 words 10 marks). HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay



Question 2A: Evaluate your chosen subject’s physical activity against the current Australian Physical Activity guidelines for older adults. Discuss the type of exercise that has been selected for your chosen subject and comment on the appropriateness of the prescribed work for their age and ability? (200 words 10 marks). Remember to cite some relevant literature here to support your statements.



Question 2B: Discuss how the exercise program has influenced the ageing and disease processes? In this discussion present and discuss peer-reviewed evidence that is relevant to your subject’s lived experience (cite at least 3 peer-reviewed articles). In other words; is there evidence to support the benefits of exercise in the ageing and disease processes of your subject? (~300 words 20 marks).



Question 3: Let’s say hypothetically that the subject in the case study has had a largely sedentary life, and has an identical twin sibling who is a nationally ranked Master’s athlete within an athletics team. The identical twin sibling trains with the team at least twice per week and exceeds the physical activity guidelines with the training which consists of 2 whole-body strength and conditioning sessions per week in addition to 2 middle distance track sessions per week. With the above information in mind, address the two following questions:

1) Comparing your subject with the identical twin sibling, how will the sibling’s lifelong physical activity as part of an athletics team have impacted their physiological, cognitive and social development?

2) Your subject’s identical twin sibling has recently been diagnosed with the same disease as your subject. Given both of their physical activity levels, will your subject’s identical twin have a similar disease progression/severity and will their exercise prescription be any different? (~300 words 30 marks). HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay


Reference list (13 marks)


Presentation & communication (5 marks)