INFO 5740 UNT Digital Libraries Prototype Warm up Exercise Discussion

INFO 5740 UNT Digital Libraries Prototype Warm up Exercise Discussion


develop a digital library prototype using OmekaLinks to an external site., a web publishing platforms for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits.

This week you will expose yourself to Omeka. Watch this [Video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.] first.

Then explore the Omeka-based digital archives listed on the following sites:

Sites Using Omeka

Omeka Showcase 

Choose the digital archive you like most. Then:

Post the Omeka-based digital archive’s name and site address

Explain what you like about the site (i.e., their collection and exhibit) (~100 words)

Module1: Discussion

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For your Module1 Discussion, answer at least ONE of the following questions:

Question 1.1: Can you provide a list of 10 terms and/or concepts that you think are important from the readings of this module? Why do you think those terms and/or concepts are important? Please provide the source for each term (author and page number if applicable).

Question 1.2: What is your definition of a digital library? Based on your definition, what are the major characteristics of a digital library? INFO 5740 UNT Digital Libraries Prototype Warm up Exercise Discussion

Question 1.3: How has the research and development from the field of computer science influenced the evolution of digital libraries?


Module1: Definition and History Nowadays, there’s a great digital wave and it seems that everyone is riding it. This includes libraries. The term “digital library” seems to be ubiquitous. Digital Libraries are not a new concept to information professionals. We hear about digital libraries at many professional conferences and workshops as well as through reading numerous articles published in many journals and magazines. Needless to say, there are lots of Websites calling themselves digital libraries. This first module is an overview of the field of digital libraries in which we will examine various perspectives and definitions.Video:The Internet Archive wants to be a digital library

Module and Course Objectives We will discuss the evolution and concept of digital libraries by looking at a number of different views. Upon completion of this module, you will be able to: Describe the evolution of digital libraries (Module1: Discussion)Define the basic terminologies in digital libraries (Module1: Discussion)Define the major characteristics of digital libraries as they relate to each definition (Module1: Discussion)Describe the role of technology in digital libraries and the ideas and concepts that preceded them (Module1: Lecture; Module1: Reading)Identify areas of research and development that fed into early digital library work (Module1: Lecture; Module1: Reading; Module1: Discussion)Analyze important issues and practical problems associated with digital libraries (Module1: Lecture; Module1: Reading; Module1: Discussion)To-do List Attend Online Session IGo through Module1: Reading Study Module1: Reading Complete Module1: Discussion