Software Application Process essay assignment

Software Application Process essay assignment

Software Application Process essay assignment

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper on the evolution of a software application currently used in a health care organization.

Select one of the following organizations to complete the paper:

Your own health care organization
Another health care organization, such as a clinic, surgical center, hospital, imaging center, cancer center, etc
The Moreno Medical Center Virtual Organization
Note: Contact the instructor early in the week to discuss any issues or challenges with selecting an organization.


Explain how the software application process functioned before the software application was implemented, or changed with a new software product and vendor. Software Application Process in Health Care Organization

Diagram the timeline and decision makers involved in recognizing system vulnerabilities. Address the following:

Identify viable alternatives and select the initial and current optimal software.
Insert the diagram as a table or figure.
Format both the paper and diagram consistent with APA guidelines. Software Application Process essay assignment