SNHU 107 SNHU Personal Mission Statement Worksheet

SNHU 107 SNHU Personal Mission Statement Worksheet



Establishing a personal mission statement and setting goals are important steps in achieving success. Learning how to identify and align goals with your personal and professional values will establish standards to work toward. In this assignment, you’ll draft a personal mission statement and identify short-term goals to use throughout your educational career.


Draft your academic personal mission statement and short-term goals in the provided Module Four Activity Template. An exemplar for this activity has been provided for your reference as well. This personal mission statement and these goals should reflect your most important values, motivational needs, ideal career situation, what you value about that career, and why you’re pursuing that particular career path. SNHU 107 SNHU Personal Mission Statement Worksheet


Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • Draft your academic personal mission statement. Consider the following as you create these goals:
    • Write a sentence or two summarizing your purpose for pursuing higher education and your proposed graduation date.
    • Write a sentence or two summarizing the type of professional you wish to become in your career.
    • Write a sentence or two summarizing how you hope to enhance your community or profession with your degree.
  • Draft three SMART academic goals relating to your academic personal mission statement. These goals should be achievable in the next six months (short-term). Consider the following as you create your goals:
    • How will each goal help you achieve your mission?
    • How will you know you’ve been successful in meeting each goal?
    • When do you intend to complete each goal? SNHU 107 SNHU Personal Mission Statement Worksheet

Guidelines for Submission

Use the provided Module Four Activity template to draft your academic personal mission statement and goals, then submit for grading and feedback. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.

SNHU 107 Module Four Activity Template

Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses and submit for grading and feedback.


1.       Draft an academic personal mission statement in the box below. Do the following in your draft:

  1. Write a sentence or two summarizing your purpose for pursuing higher education and your proposed graduation date.
  2. Write a sentence or two summarizing the type of professional you wish to become in your career.
  3. Write a sentence or two summarizing how you hope to enhance your community or profession with your degree. SNHU 107 SNHU Personal Mission Statement Worksheet


[Insert personal mission statement here.]


2.       Draft three SMART academic goals relating to your academic personal mission statement. These goals should be achievable in the next six months (short-term). Consider the following as you create your goals:

  1. How will each goal help you achieve your mission?
  2. How will you knowyou’ve been successful in meeting each goal?
  3. When do you intend to complete each goal?  SNHU 107 SNHU Personal Mission Statement Worksheet