SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet

SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet

107 Module Six Activity Template

Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses and submit for grading and feedback. All personal mission statements, short-term goals, and feedback are examples.

Revise the personal mission statement based on instructor feedback.  SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet

Sample personal mission statement:

“My mission statement is to, without a doubt, do great in every class I take so I can get my bachelor’s degree. I want to work in business because it is rewarding. I hope to provide for my family and make the community better.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“You are off to a good start with your mission statement, but please remember that it needs to be focused on what specifically you are working toward and why it is a passion for you. For example, it is important that your first sentence clearly defines what your major is and your proposed graduation date. Knowing this information gives you a strong understanding of the length of time the goal will take to complete. Your second sentence should focus directly on the career field you want to work in and why. Please be a bit more specific when you say “business.” What specifically do you want to do in business and why? Finally, for your third sentence, make sure you focus specifically on how obtaining this degree and working within your desired career field will help provide for your family and make your community better. Please rework your mission statement to include these details.”


[Service to the community is my mission and passion as it is leeway to make a difference in the community; that is why I have majored in criminal justice to get completed in 2025. I want to work in the section that prevents crime in my community. I hope to open a private firm that will facilitate bringing criminals who have terrorized the community to justice. Obtaining a criminal justice degree and working with the section that prevents crime will help provide for my family through the wages earned, and it will make my community better by reducing crime.]

  1. Revise the first short-term goal based on instructor feedback. SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet

Sample goal:

“I want to get straight “A’s.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“This is a good start, but please remember the SMART goal-setting process (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). Writing your goals following these guidelines will ensure that you provide enough specific details so that you know exactly what it takes, every day, to accomplish them. Please make sure that you write your goals following this format.”

[I want to improve my overall GPA to facilitate an internship with the best criminal justice firms. I will earn B+ and above in every course end-of-year examinations and arrange additional tuition with my tutors every week to help me focus on my weak spots. At the end of my four-year course, I want to graduate with first-class honors. ]

  1. Revise the second short-term goal based on instructor feedback.

Sample goal:

“My second short term goal is to ask for help with schoolwork when I’m struggling.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“This is another good start with a short-term goal, but again, please make sure you follow the SMART goal-setting process. Remember to explain the overall purpose of this and why it is important for you to accomplish this as you work toward your mission statement. For example, are you saying you want to ask for help when times get tough? What kind of help would you get? How would you know that you needed help? It is important for you to detail the understanding of asking for help and why it is important to your success.”

[My second short-term goal is to seek academic help from my peers and tutors for courses and assignments that prove challenging. At the end of every week, I will consult on failed tests and assignments through scheduled recess sessions. The academic help and active participation in extra work will make it possible to improve my overall GPA and increase my grades to meet the set target.]


  1. Revise the third short-term goal based on instructor feedback:

Sample goal:

“I would like to use the SNHU Writing Center to help me improve my writing skills.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“I’m glad that you want to use the Writing Center to help you specifically improve your writing skills. Knowing this now can help you focus on the right resources at the right time. Please make sure you follow the SMART goal-setting process, specifically regarding how you will know when you are successful in improving your writing skills and when you hope to have this goal accomplished.”


[I would employ additional help from the SNHU Writing Center to improve my writing skills by using resources available and the frequent testing of my writing skills at the end of each session. I will know that my efforts to improve my writing skills have been successful at the end of the term by improving vocabulary and grades in my writing classes.]


Identify some benefits of embracing and incorporating feedback in your writing.


[The benefits of embracing and incorporating feedback in my writing include; improved goal setting that meets the SMART strategy, specifying aspects of my writing into precise and clear statements, it helps me recognize my strengths and weaknesses, and gives me an objective evaluation of my writing.] SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet

107 Module Six Activity Template

Complete all parts of this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses and submit for grading and feedback. All personal mission statements, short-term goals, and feedback are examples.

Revise the personal mission statement based on instructor feedback.

Sample personal mission statement:

“My mission statement is to, without a doubt, do great in every class I take so I can get my bachelor’s degree. I want to work in business because it is rewarding. I hope to provide for my family and make the community better.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“You are off to a good start with your mission statement, but please remember that it needs to be focused on what specifically you are working toward and why it is a passion for you. For example, it is important that your first sentence clearly defines what your major is and your proposed graduation date. Knowing this information gives you a strong understanding of the length of time the goal will take to complete. Your second sentence should focus directly on the career field you want to work in and why. Please be a bit more specific when you say “business.” What specifically do you want to do in business and why? Finally, for your third sentence, make sure you focus specifically on how obtaining this degree and working within your desired career field will help provide for your family and make your community better. Please rework your mission statement to include these details.”

[Service to the community is my mission and passion as it is leeway to make a difference in the community; that is why I have majored in criminal justice to get completed in 2025. I want to work in the section that prevents crime in my community. I hope to open a private firm that will facilitate bringing criminals who have terrorized the community to justice. Obtaining a criminal justice degree and working with the section that prevents crime will help provide for my family through the wages earned, and it will make my community better by reducing crime.]

  1. Revise the first short-term goal based on instructor feedback.

Sample goal:

“I want to get straight “A’s.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“This is a good start, but please remember the SMART goal-setting process (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound). Writing your goals following these guidelines will ensure that you provide enough specific details so that you know exactly what it takes, every day, to accomplish them. Please make sure that you write your goals following this format.” SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet

[I want to improve my overall GPA to facilitate an internship with the best criminal justice firms. I will earn B+ and above in every course end-of-year examinations and arrange additional tuition with my tutors every week to help me focus on my weak spots. At the end of my four-year course, I want to graduate with first-class honors. ]

  1. Revise the second short-term goal based on instructor feedback.

Sample goal:

“My second short term goal is to ask for help with schoolwork when I’m struggling.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“This is another good start with a short-term goal, but again, please make sure you follow the SMART goal-setting process. Remember to explain the overall purpose of this and why it is important for you to accomplish this as you work toward your mission statement. For example, are you saying you want to ask for help when times get tough? What kind of help would you get? How would you know that you needed help? It is important for you to detail the understanding of asking for help and why it is important to your success.”

[My second short-term goal is to seek academic help from my peers and tutors for courses and assignments that prove challenging. At the end of every week, I will consult on failed tests and assignments through scheduled recess sessions. The academic help and active participation in extra work will make it possible to improve my overall GPA and increase my grades to meet the set target.]


  1. Revise the third short-term goal based on instructor feedback:

Sample goal:

“I would like to use the SNHU Writing Center to help me improve my writing skills.”

Sample instructor feedback:

“I’m glad that you want to use the Writing Center to help you specifically improve your writing skills. Knowing this now can help you focus on the right resources at the right time. Please make sure you follow the SMART goal-setting process, specifically regarding how you will know when you are successful in improving your writing skills and when you hope to have this goal accomplished.”


[I would employ additional help from the SNHU Writing Center to improve my writing skills by using resources available and the frequent testing of my writing skills at the end of each session. I will know that my efforts to improve my writing skills have been successful at the end of the term by improving vocabulary and grades in my writing classes.] SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet


Identify some benefits of embracing and incorporating feedback in your writing.


[The benefits of embracing and incorporating feedback in my writing include; improved goal setting that meets the SMART strategy, specifying aspects of my writing into precise and clear statements, it helps me recognize my strengths and weaknesses, and gives me an objective evaluation of my writing.] SNHU 107 Southern New Hampshire University Academic Success Plan Worksheet