NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

BSN-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. After a patient care interaction, it is important to evaluate how well you addressed the criteria set for the nurse-patient interaction and consider future improvements. Research suggests that creating and sharing video reflections may enhance learning (Speed, Lucarelli, & Macaulay, 2018). NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation



This assessment requires you to prepare a 5–10 minute video reflection on your capstone clinical practicum experience. Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations. If you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment.

Complete the following preparatory activities:

  • If necessary, set up and test your microphone or headset per the manufacturer instructions.
  • Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is sufficient.
  • Consult the Campus resource Using Kaltura [PDF] for guidance on recording and uploading your assessment in the courseroom.
  • Begin developing your reflection. Some questions you might address in your reflection video are:
    • What were your most important outcomes or findings?
    • What challenges did you overcome throughout your project? NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation
    • How did your initial research and evidence base help you plan and execute your capstone project?
    • How were the outcomes similar to and different from your expectations?
    • How did you feel your professional product turned out?
    • What impacts of the implementation of your professional product did you observe?
    • To what degree were you successful in using technology in your capstone project?
    • How did organizational or governmental health policy impact the way in which you approached your project?
    • What contributions did you make to your organization’s policies throughout the course of your project?
    • In which areas do you feel you grew the most?
    • How will your learning affect your professional practice and ability to implement ethical care in accordance with professional codes of conduct?
    • What would you do differently if you could do the capstone project or program again?
    • What accomplishment are you most proud of, within the context of the capstone or the program as a whole?
  • Examine your capstone project through the lens of your initial plan and literature review. NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation


Use Kaltura to record a 5–10 minute video reflection addressing the following scoring guide grading criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you know what is needed for a distinguished score:

  • Reflect on how evidence and the literature were utilized to plan and implement a capstone project, as well as how project outcomes compared to initial predictions based on a review of the literature.
  • Reflect on the degree to which health care technology was successfully used to improve outcomes or communication to relevant stakeholders in the capstone project.
  • Reflect on how organizational and governmental health policy influenced the planning and implementation of a capstone project as well as any contributions to policy development that the project made.
  • Reflect on personal and professional growth throughout the capstone project and the BSN program, paying special attention to growth related to the provision of ethical care and demonstration of professional standards.
  • Communicate audibly and professionally, using proper grammar and including a reference list formatted in current APA style. NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

Important Note: You do not need to submit the transcript of your video, but do address each scoring guide criterion in the video, including a discussion of authors in the literature who support the ideas presented. Please submit a separate APA-formatted reference list for the resources discussed in your reflection.

Assessment 4 Instructions: Capstone Reflection

Develop a 5-10 minute video in which you reflect on your capstone experience. Complete this assessment fourth.

For this assessment, you will reflect on various aspects of your capstone experience. This will give you a chance to discuss elements of the project of which you are proud and aspects of the experience that will help you grow in your personal practice and nursing career.

Demonstration of Proficiency

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 2: Make clinical and operational decisions based upon the best available
    • Reflect on how evidence and the literature were utilized to plan and implement a capstone project, as well as how project outcomes compared to initial predictions based on a review of the
  • Competency 4: Apply health information and patient care technology to improve patient and systems
    • Reflect on the degree to which health care technology was successfully used in the capstone project to improve outcomes or communication to relevant
  • Competency 5: Analyze the impact of health policy on quality and cost of
    • Reflect on how organizational and governmental health policy influenced the planning and implementation of a capstone project, as well as any contributions to policy development made by the
  • Competency 8: Integrate professional standards and values into
    • Reflect on personal and professional growth throughout the capstone project and the BSN program, with special attention to growth related to ethical care provision and demonstration of professional
    • Communicate professionally and audibly, using proper grammar and current APA. NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

Important: You must complete all of the assessments in order for this course.

Professional Context

BSN-prepared nurses have many opportunities to reflect on their contributions to patient care outcomes during clinical experiences. After a patient care interaction, it is important to evaluate how well you addressed the criteria set for the nurse-patient interaction and consider future improvements. Research suggests that creating and sharing video reflections may enhance learning (Speed, Lucarelli, & Macaulay, 2018).


This assessment requires you to prepare a 5–10 minute video reflection on your capstone clinical practicum experience. Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations. If you are unable to record a video, please contact your faculty member as soon as possible to explore options for completing the assessment. NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

Complete the following preparatory activities:

  • If necessary, set up and test your microphone or headset per the manufacturer
  • Practice using the equipment to ensure the audio quality is
  • Consult the Campus resource Using Kaltura [PDF] for guidance on recording and uploading your assessment in the
  • Begin developing your Some questions you might address in your reflection video are:
    • What were your most important outcomes or findings?
    • What challenges did you overcome throughout your project?
    • How did your initial research and evidence base help you plan and execute your capstone project?
    • How were the outcomes similar to and different from your expectations?
    • How did you feel your professional product turned out?
    • What impacts of the implementation of your professional product did you observe?
    • To what degree were you successful in using technology in your capstone project?
    • How did organizational or governmental health policy impact the way in which you approached your project?
    • What contributions did you make to your organization’s policies throughout the course of your project?
    • In which areas do you feel you grew the most?
    • How will your learning affect your professional practice and ability to implement ethical care in accordance with professional codes of conduct?
    • What would you do differently if you could do the capstone project or program again?
    • What accomplishment are you most proud of, within the context of the capstone or the program as a whole?
  • Examine your capstone project through the lens of your initial plan and literature

Use Kaltura to record a 5–10 minute video reflection addressing the following scoring guide grading criteria. Please study the scoring guide carefully so you know what is needed for a distinguished score:

  • Reflect on how evidence and the literature were utilized to plan and implement a capstone project, as well as how project outcomes compared to initial predictions based on a review of the
  • Reflect on the degree to which health care technology was successfully used to improve outcomes or communication to relevant stakeholders in the capstone
  • Reflect on how organizational and governmental health policy influenced the planning and implementation of a capstone project as well as any contributions to policy development that the project
  • Reflect on personal and professional growth throughout the capstone project and the BSN program, paying special attention to growth related to the provision of ethical care and demonstration of professional
  • Communicate audibly and professionally, using proper grammar and including a reference list formatted in current APA

Important Note: You do not need to submit the transcript of your video, but do address each scoring guide criterion in the video, including a discussion of authors in the literature who support the ideas presented. Please submit a separate APA-formatted reference list for the resources discussed in your reflection. NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

Additional Requirements
  • References: Cite a minimum of three scholarly and/or authoritative sources to support your
  • APA style and format: Submit, along with the video, a separate references page that follows APA style and formatting Refer to the APA Module as needed.

Portfolio Prompt: Remember to save the assessment to your ePortfolio. After you complete your program you may want to consider leveraging your Portfolio as part of a job search or other demonstration of your academic competencies.



Speed, C. J., Lucarelli, G. A., & Macaulay, J. O. (2018). Student produced videos – An innovative and creative approach to assessment. Sciedu International Journal of Higher Education7(4). Retrieved from

SCORING GUIDE – NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation

Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.

Capstone Reflection Scoring Guide

Reflect on use of Does not reflect on Reflects on use of Reflects on use of Reflects on use of
evidence and the use of evidence and evidence and the evidence and the evidence and the
literature to plan and the literature to plan literature to plan and literature to plan and literature to plan and
implement a and implement a implement a capstone implement a implement a capstone
capstone project, capstone project nor project, or compares capstone project, project, and compares
and compare project compare project project outcomes to and compares project outcomes to
outcomes to initial outcomes to initial initial predictions project outcomes to initial predictions based
predictions based predictions based on based on a review of initial predictions on a review of the
on a review of the a review of the the literature but not based on a review of literature. Explains how
literature. literature. both. the literature. evidence-based practice
principles informed this
aspect of the capstone
Reflect on the Does not reflect on Identifies, but does Reflects on the Reflects on the degree
degree to which the degree to which not reflect on success degree to which to which health care
health care health care of, health care health care technology was
technology was technology was technology leveraged technology was leveraged successfully
leveraged leveraged to improve outcomes leveraged to improve outcomes or
successfully to successfully to or communication to successfully to communication to
improve outcomes improve outcomes or relevant stakeholders improve outcomes or relevant stakeholders in
or communication to communication to in a capstone project. communication to a capstone project.
relevant relevant relevant Notes opportunities to
stakeholders in a stakeholders in a stakeholders in a improve health care
capstone project. capstone project. capstone project. technology use in
personal practice.
Reflect on how Does not reflect on Identifies but does not Reflects on how Reflects on how
organizational and how organizational reflect on how organizational and organizational and
governmental health and governmental organizational and governmental health governmental health
policy influenced the health policy governmental health policy influenced the policy influenced the
planning and influenced the policy influenced the planning and planning and
implementation of a planning and planning and implementation of a implementation of a
capstone project, as implementation of a implementation of a capstone project, as capstone project, as well
well as any capstone project, nor capstone project, nor well as any as any contributions of
contributions of the on any contributions on contributions of contributions of the the project to policy
project to policy of the project to the project to policy project to policy development. Notes
development. policy development. development. development. specific observations
related to the BSN-
prepared nurse’s role in
policy implementation
and development.
Reflect on personal Does not address Describes but does Reflects on personal Reflects on personal and
and professional personal and not reflect on and professional professional growth
growth throughout professional growth personal and growth throughout throughout the capstone
the capstone project throughout the professional growth the capstone project project and the BSN
and the BSN capstone project and throughout the and the BSN program, addressing the
program, addressing the BSN program. capstone project and program, addressing provision of ethical care
the provision of the BSN program or the provision of and demonstration of
ethical care and does not fully address ethical care and professional standards.
demonstration of the provision of demonstration of Notes specific growth
professional ethical care and professional areas of personal or
standards. demonstration of standards. professional pride.
Communicate professionally in a clear, audible, and well-organized presentation, with correct grammar, spelling, and use of APA style. Does not communicate professionally in a clear, audible, and well-organized presentation, with correct grammar, spelling, and use of APA style. Communicates in a presentation that is unclear or inaudible, poorly organized, and/or contains errors in grammar, spelling, and/or use of APA style. Communicates professionally in a clear, audible, and well-organized presentation, with correct grammar, spelling, and use of APA style. Communicates professionally in an exceptionally clear, audible, and well- organized presentation, with flawless grammar, spelling, and use of APA style. NURS FPX 4900 Capella University Role of Literature and Evidence in Capstone Project Presentation