Texas A & M University ADHD Medication for Children Literature Review

Texas A & M University ADHD Medication for Children Literature Review

ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS for Review of Literature Section of Your Action Research Proposal You will use your outline plan shown on the next page of this PDF to write and submit a synthesized literature review of your action research proposal. You are submitting it for review by the instructor. Assignment Details You will write and submit a literature review with these items: A bold centered title of “Literature Review” on the first page ● A synthesized literature review in paragraph form that follows the outline plan from the Unit 2 Discussion and uses in-text citations throughout ●


The heading “Summary” in bold print, flush left, with a paragraph to summarize this section ● References page with a full reference for each source cited ● A running head of the title, as in the Introduction section, and page number on each page The Literature Review section will be approximately 3–4 pages in length, not including the reference page. The first paragraph of the literature review will begin on the same page as the title. ● ● This Assignment addresses the following Unit Outcome: Synthesize the topic information for a literature review. It also addresses the following Course Outcome: Develop an action research proposal that focuses on improving practice in an educational or workplace setting. Outline/ Plan for your Review the Literature: ● ● ● ● ● ● Introduction — Should children be put on ADHD medication to treat their behavioral issues in the classroom The controversy of prescribing ADHD medication for children ○ Pros of ADHD medication in children ○ Cons of ADHD medication in children Understanding behavioral modification as behavioral treatment for ADHD students ○ With Therapy ○ With Strategies Percentage of Children Grow out of the need for ADHD Medication after high school and Percentage who become dependent on the medication as a lifelong issue Discussion of the Specific ADHD Medications on the Market for Children ○ Strattera (atomoxetine hydrochloride/ Non-Stimulant) ○ Focalin XR (methylphenidate), Ritalin (methylphenidate), Concerta (methylphenidate), Adderall XR (amphetamine), Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine dimesylate) Conclusion Here are Five articles that are related to your topic and serve to form a background for and/or seek to answer your research question: !. ”Should Young ADHD Children be Medicated?” In this article, a research study is conducted to determine whether assertions established by former studies claiming that students who are diagnosed with ADD/ ADHD and are put on medicinal substance early on may be able to perform better academically better than the students who are put on medicinal substance in junior high. #. “Psychosocial treatment strategies in the MTA study: Rationale, methods, and critical issues in design and implementation” This article discusses evidence-based research for the treatment of ADHD children with students under the age of 10. The article analyzes the efficacy of medicinal substance vs. behavioral treatment of ADHD students. $. “Using Stimulant Medication for Children with ADHD: What Do Parents $. Say?” This article utilizes real-life qualitative methods of 3 focus groups consisting of care-givers and guardians who are asked to recount their experiences looking after a child with ADHD and utilizing medicinal substance for treatment. [. ”Practitioner review: Non-pharmacological treatments for ADHD: A lifespan approach” This article examines the different non-pharmacological treatments that are currently accessible for children, teenagers, and even adults. In leading this study, the researchers strived to identify the most effective approaches for dealing with the issue of ADHD in the three classes of individuals. . “Medical treatment of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and childrenʼs academic performance” This article utilizes Danish administrative register data to assess the effect of medication treatment of ADHD on childrenʼs academic performance assessed by student grade point average. Texas A & M University ADHD Medication for Children Literature Review