Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay

Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay

Assignment Instructions

In a 1-to-3-page reflective essay, consider how anthropologists study modern media, and consider how you, in your nursing career, see yourself using modern media professionally.

Think critically, as anthropologists do.

  • First, describe in your essay how anthropologists study modern media.
  • Then, apply those observations regarding ways anthropologists study modern media and describe ways nurses do or could use modern media professionally.
  • Describe ways you, as a nurse, could use modern media professionally.
  • What would be some potential benefits of the use of modern media to the modern nurse?
  • What would be some potential drawbacks? How might such media use affect the nurse-and-patient relationship? Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay
  • Integrate the textbook reading in your reflection, using concepts, quotes, and/or paraphrases and citations, from both the “Doing Fieldwork” Chapter 3 by Nelson and the “Media Anthropology” Chapter 16 by Peake. Paraphrase or quote and cite from at least one scholarly, outside source to support your reflections, also.



Week 13: Reflective Essay_ANT300Week 13: Reflective Essay_ANT300CriteriaRatingsPtsThis criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA, Formatting, and Mechanics (30%)Standard APA formatting is present (12 pt, Times New Roman, double-spaced). Spelling, punctuation, and grammar are correct. Both sentence and paragraph structures conform to current conventions. Citations (both parenthetical and full) are present and in correct APA format.9 ptsExemplary (30%)Meets all guidelines with no errors.7.5 ptsAccomplished (25%)Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors.6 ptsAcceptable (20%)Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors.4.5 ptsInadequate (15%)Does not meet the guideline0 ptsNo Submission9 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis (40%)Discussion of anthropology and modern media is clear, detailed, and supported by scholarly sources as described in the assignment description.12 ptsExemplary (40%)Meets all guidelines with no errors.10.5 ptsAccomplished (35%)Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors.10 ptsAcceptable (30%)Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors.7.5 ptsInadequate (25%)Does not meet the guideline0 ptsNo Submission12 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication (30%)Applications and implications for Nursing practice are considered; pros and cons are both addressed.9 ptsExemplary (30%)Meets all guidelines with no errors.7.5 ptsAccomplished (25%)Meets all guidelines; contains minor errors.6 ptsAcceptable (20%)Meets some of the guidelines; contains major errors.4.5 ptsInadequate (15%)Does not meet the guideline0 ptsNo Submission9 pts Total Points: 30PreviousNext  . Media Anthropology : Reflective Essay