Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

The major assignment for this course is analysis of your organization (or an organization that you have worked for if you aren’t currently employed). In this assignment, you will report the organization’s mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. You will compare and contrast what you find with the characteristics of organizations you have learned about in the lectures and presentations and in your own investigative reading.

Complete this assignment to demonstrate your analysis of the big picture of your organization.




  • Explain how organizations function.


  • Compare and contrast characteristics of leadership and management. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization


  • Apply trends, issues, theories, and evidence as guidelines for management decision


  • Evaluate effectiveness of communication patterns using specific management situation



Expected elements for scholarly writing:


  • Ensure correct grammar and spelling


  • Assignment should be submitted as an APA Paper, including title page and references.


  • Title page is required for this Assignment and the UTACON version is expected format.


  • 1-inch margins, 12 size Times New Roman font.


  • Please provide all references used to support your opinions and clarify positions in the paper.


  • The reference list begins on a separate page from the content.


  • Headings are expected and must be connected to the assignment criteria following APA style. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization


  • An introduction is expected providing a brief look at what is planned within the body of the paper. However, no heading is used over the introduction in APA format. A Summary is used and should have a heading over it.


  • For all other style questions refer to the American Psychological Association. (2020).


Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) Washington, DC: Author.




Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 Organizational Analysis – The Organization.


Tasks Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Use correct grammar, punctuation, and American Psychological Association (APA) format in writing professional papers.

(max 10 points)

(9-10 points)

APA format and style are correct and clear. Areas of focus include syntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature citations are correct. (0-2 errors)

(5-8 points)

APA format and style are mostly correct. Areas of focus include syntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature citations are correct. (3-5 errors)

(0-4 points)

APA format and style are minimally correct. Areas of focus include syntax, appearance, organization, and grammatical correctness. References and literature are cited but contain mistakes. (>5)

Introduction of the Organization

(max 10 points)

Concise description including: (9-10 points)



Type of agency, size, geographic location


Services provided Target clientele Accreditation status

Community relationships

One or more components missing in description

(5-8 points)

One or more components missing in description

(0-4 points)

Examination of the Organization

(max 20 points)

(15-20 points)

Mission stated with source reference

(4 points) Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization


Philosophy stated with source reference

(4 points)


Administrative structure clearly described and connected to structure type with at least two examples

(12 points)

(9-14 points)

Mission stated (2  point)




Philosophy stated (2 points)



Administrative structure described and identified by structure type with at least one example

(10 points)

(0-8 points)

Missing mission statement (0 points)



Missing philosophy statement

(0 points)


Description of administrative structure and/or identification of structure type is vague or missing

(0-3 points)





Strengths and Limitations

(max 20 points)

(17-20 points) Detailed description of

major strengths with


(10 points)

(13-16 points)

General description of major strengths with at least one example

(8 points)

(0-12 points)

Vague description of major strengths

(0-6 points)

  Detailed description of major weaknesses with examples

(10 points)

General description of major weaknesses with at least one example

(8 points)

Vague description of major weaknesses

(0-6 points)

Care Delivery System

(max 20 points)

Detailed description of delivery system(s), including clear explanations of delegation examples on all levels

(17-20 points)

General description of delivery system(s) with a description of at least two delegation examples

(11-16 points)

Unclear description of delivery system(s) with little or no mention of delegation examples

(0-10 points)

Outcomes and Measurements

(max 20 points)

(17-20 points) Robust description of

specific system-wide

outcome, including measurements and


(10 points)

Robust description of specific nurse-sensitive clinical outcome, including measurements and monitoring

(10 points)

(9-16 points)

General description of specific system-wide outcome with statement of measurements and/or monitoring

(8 points)

General description of specific nurse-sensitive clinical outcome with statement of measurements and/or monitoring

(8 points)

(0-8 points)

Nonspecific description of system outcome

(0-4 points)

Nonspecific description of nurse-sensitive clinical outcome

(0-4 points)

Introduction of the Organization


Provide a concise description of the healthcare organization, including type of agency, size, geographic location, services provided, target clientele, accreditation status, and community relationships.

Examination of the Organization


Identify the organization’s mission, philosophy, and the administrative structure. Identify the type of organizational structure the facility represents (functional, matrix reporting, joint practice, etc.). Give examples that support the type you selected.

Strengths and Limitations


Discuss major strengths and limitations of the organization. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

Care Delivery System


Describe the nursing care delivery system(s) used. Include delegation examples of manager, charge nurse, licensed staff to unlicensed staff.

Outcomes and Measurements


Discuss two specific patient outcomes and explain how they are measured and monitored. Include one system–wide outcome and one nurse–sensitive clinical indicator.


Module 3 Assignment 1: Financial Management Case Study VSu22(2)


Name:   Date:  


Overview: Financial Management Case Study

One of the important duties of a nurse leader is to manage personnel and personnel budgets. In this assignment, you will assume the role of a nurse manager. You will use given data to make important decisions regarding budgets and staffing.

Some nurse managers have computer spreadsheets or software applications to help them make decisions regarding budgets and staffing. You will only need simple mathematical operations* to perform the needed calculations in this assignment because the scenario has been simplified. Furthermore, some data have been provided for you that a nurse leader might need to gather or compute in a real setting. Still, you will get a glimpse of the complexity of responsibilities nurse leaders shoulder regarding financial management. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

  • To calculate the percent of the whole a given number represents, follow these steps:

Change the percentage to a decimal number by moving the decimal twice to the left (or dividing by 100).

Multiply the new decimal number by the whole.

Example: What is 30% of 70?

30%= .30;            (.30) × 70 = 21

  • To find out what percentage a number represents in relation to the whole, follow these steps:

Divide the number by the whole (usually the small number by the large number).

Change the decimal answer to percent by moving the decimal twice to the right (or multiplying by 100).

Example: What percent of 45 is 10?

10 ÷ 45 = .222; so, 10 is 22% of 45.


* You will only need addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Case Study

You are the manager for 3 West, a medical/surgical unit. You have been given the following data to assist you in preparing your budget for the upcoming fiscal year.


Patient Data

Average Daily Census (ADC): 55

Budget based on 6.2 Avg. Hours per patient day (HPPD)

(6.2 HPPD excludes Nurse Manager and unit secretaries)


Staff Data

Total FTEs                  40 Variable FTEs

1 Nurse Manager

3 Unit Secretaries

44 Total FTEs

Staffing Mix

RN       75%

LVN     10%

NA       15%


Average Salary Scale per Employee

Benefits are 35% of annual salaries

Nurse Manager $90,000.00 per year
Registered Nurses (RN) $37.00 per hour
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) $26.00 per hour
Nurse Aides (NA) $15.00 per hour
Unit Secretary (US) $14.00 per hour





Use this rubric to guide your work on this assignment.

Criteria Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Question 1 Both % and FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(13-16 Points)

Either  % or FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-12 points)

Neither  % nor FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 2 All column (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 Points) Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 3

  1. Table
All six values within ± 2 of correct answers

(6-8 points)

At least five values within ± 2 of correct answers

(1-7 points)

Less than five values within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-1 point)

  1. Significance of variance in HPPD
Response is clearly stated and explains some potential details, ramifications, and/or solutions

(6-8 points)

Response states some potential details or ramifications

(2–7 points)

Response is unclear or lacks potential details or ramifications

(0-2 points)

  1. Implications for nurse leader
Response shows keen understanding of responsibilities of the nurse leader regarding staff budgets

(6-8 points)


Response shows some knowledge of responsibilities of the nurse leader

(2-7 points)

Response fails to demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of the nurse leader

(0-1 point)

Question 4 All columns (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 Points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 5 All columns (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)




  1. How many RNs, LVNs, and NAs, by category, are on the staff of 3 West? (Round FTEs to the nearest tenth.) Compute totals for each column.
Positions Variable FTEs % by Position FTEs by Position
RN 40 0.75 30
LVN 40    
NA 40    
  1. Compute the annual salary budget for 3 West.

Compute totals for appropriate columns.

Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Amount of Benefits Total
MANAGER 1.0 $90,000.00 XXXX $90,000.00    
RN 30 $37.00 2080      
LVN   $26.00 2080      
NA   $15.00 2080      
Sec   $14.00 2080      
Totals   XXXXX XXXXXX      




  1. Your hospital unit, 3 West, is a 60-bed general medical-surgical unit. Over the past year, the ADC (Ave. Daily Census) was 53 patients.

Use the following data on 3 West during the last year to perform these calculations and answer these questions.


  1. Complete this table to calculate the actual average hours of care required per patient day (HPPD) for the patients in 3 West. Round to the nearest tenth
Acuity Mix Average Hours of Care Required Average Daily Census


Total Hours of Care Per Day
I 1.4 8 11.2
II 3.9 21  
III 5.6 19  
IV 8.8 5  
Totals 53  
Hours per patient day (HPPD)  



  1. Remember that your established personnel budget for 3 West assumes a HPPD of 6.2. If your calculated HPPD is different, explain the significance of the variance. (If your calculated HPPD is different than 6.2, you must write more than, “We need more/less nurses.”) Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

What is the Significance of the variance?  If you believe you need more staff, what will be your             rationale for making this requires?  If you have too much staff, what would your proposal be for             bringing your staffing into a better balance?


  1.  What are the implications for the Nurse Manager?  As an example, based on your conclusions in Section B, what other observations would you make as you review your total budget and what would you expect to see as a result?  (Ex: supply costs; overtime hours, average census of 50 on a 60 bed unit, etc.)
  1. You have set two new goals for your unit for the next year related to personnel:
  • Provide stronger unit management support on evening and night shifts and in the absence of the manager.
  • Correct unfavorable efficiency variances due to overtime.

To accomplish these goals, you plan to make these changes:

  • Add 1.0 RN FTE position
  • Eliminate 1.5 LVN positions
  • Add 1.5 FTEs NA positions
  • Add 1.0 Assistant HN position at $70,000/year

Calculate ONLY the cost of the proposed recommendations for 3 West. Compute totals for each column. If the change represents a reduction in the budget for that category, record the total as a negative number. If it represents an increase in the budget for that category, record the total as a positive number.

Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
RN 1 37.00        
LVN -1.5 26.00        
NA 1.5 15.00        
AHN 1 69,000 XXXXX      
Totals 2 XXXXX XXXXX      


  1. Assume your proposal was approved. Calculate the new personnel budget (You will use your budget from question 2 and account for the changes you requested in question 4). Compute totals for each column.
Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
Manager 1 $90,000.00 XXXXX      
AHN 1 $69,000 XXXXX      
RN   37.00 2080      
LVN   26.00 2080      
NA   15.00 2080      
Sec   14.00 2080      
Totals   XXXXX XXXXX      


Module 3 Assignment 1: Financial Management Case Study VSu22(2)


Name:   Date:  


Overview: Financial Management Case Study

One of the important duties of a nurse leader is to manage personnel and personnel budgets. In this assignment, you will assume the role of a nurse manager. You will use given data to make important decisions regarding budgets and staffing. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

Some nurse managers have computer spreadsheets or software applications to help them make decisions regarding budgets and staffing. You will only need simple mathematical operations* to perform the needed calculations in this assignment because the scenario has been simplified. Furthermore, some data have been provided for you that a nurse leader might need to gather or compute in a real setting. Still, you will get a glimpse of the complexity of responsibilities nurse leaders shoulder regarding financial management.

  • To calculate the percent of the whole a given number represents, follow these steps:

Change the percentage to a decimal number by moving the decimal twice to the left (or dividing by 100).

Multiply the new decimal number by the whole.

Example: What is 30% of 70?

30%= .30;            (.30) × 70 = 21

  • To find out what percentage a number represents in relation to the whole, follow these steps:

Divide the number by the whole (usually the small number by the large number).

Change the decimal answer to percent by moving the decimal twice to the right (or multiplying by 100).

Example: What percent of 45 is 10?

10 ÷ 45 = .222; so, 10 is 22% of 45.


* You will only need addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Case Study

You are the manager for 3 West, a medical/surgical unit. You have been given the following data to assist you in preparing your budget for the upcoming fiscal year.


Patient Data

Average Daily Census (ADC): 55

Budget based on 6.2 Avg. Hours per patient day (HPPD)

(6.2 HPPD excludes Nurse Manager and unit secretaries)


Staff Data

Total FTEs                  40 Variable FTEs

1 Nurse Manager

3 Unit Secretaries

44 Total FTEs

Staffing Mix

RN       75%

LVN     10%

NA       15%


Average Salary Scale per Employee

Benefits are 35% of annual salaries

Nurse Manager $90,000.00 per year
Registered Nurses (RN) $37.00 per hour
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) $26.00 per hour
Nurse Aides (NA) $15.00 per hour
Unit Secretary (US) $14.00 per hour





Use this rubric to guide your work on this assignment.

Criteria Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Question 1 Both % and FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(13-16 Points)

Either  % or FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-12 points)

Neither  % nor FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 2 All column (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 Points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 3

  1. Table
All six values within ± 2 of correct answers

(6-8 points)

At least five values within ± 2 of correct answers

(1-7 points)

Less than five values within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-1 point)

  1. Significance of variance in HPPD
Response is clearly stated and explains some potential details, ramifications, and/or solutions

(6-8 points)

Response states some potential details or ramifications

(2–7 points)

Response is unclear or lacks potential details or ramifications

(0-2 points)

  1. Implications for nurse leader
Response shows keen understanding of responsibilities of the nurse leader regarding staff budgets

(6-8 points) Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization


Response shows some knowledge of responsibilities of the nurse leader

(2-7 points)

Response fails to demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of the nurse leader

(0-1 point)

Question 4 All columns (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 Points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 5 All columns (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)




  1. How many RNs, LVNs, and NAs, by category, are on the staff of 3 West? (Round FTEs to the nearest tenth.) Compute totals for each column.
Positions Variable FTEs % by Position FTEs by Position
RN 40 0.75 30
LVN 40    
NA 40    







  1. Compute the annual salary budget for 3 West.

Compute totals for appropriate columns.

Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Amount of Benefits Total
MANAGER 1.0 $90,000.00 XXXX $90,000.00    
RN 30 $37.00 2080      
LVN   $26.00 2080      
NA   $15.00 2080      
Sec   $14.00 2080      
Totals   XXXXX XXXXXX      
  1. Your hospital unit, 3 West, is a 60-bed general medical-surgical unit. Over the past year, the ADC (Ave. Daily Census) was 53 patients.

Use the following data on 3 West during the last year to perform these calculations and answer these questions.


  1. Complete this table to calculate the actual average hours of care required per patient day (HPPD) for the patients in 3 West. Round to the nearest tenth
Acuity Mix Average Hours of Care Required Average Daily Census


Total Hours of Care Per Day
I 1.4 8 11.2
II 3.9 21  
III 5.6 19  
IV 8.8 5  
Totals 53  
Hours per patient day (HPPD)  



  1. Remember that your established personnel budget for 3 West assumes a HPPD of 6.2. If your calculated HPPD is different, explain the significance of the variance. (If your calculated HPPD is different than 6.2, you must write more than, “We need more/less nurses.”)

What is the Significance of the variance?  If you believe you need more staff, what will be your             rationale for making this requires?  If you have too much staff, what would your proposal be for             bringing your staffing into a better balance?


  1.  What are the implications for the Nurse Manager?  As an example, based on your conclusions in Section B, what other observations would you make as you review your total budget and what would you expect to see as a result?  (Ex: supply costs; overtime hours, average census of 50 on a 60 bed unit, etc.) Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization
  1. You have set two new goals for your unit for the next year related to personnel:
  • Provide stronger unit management support on evening and night shifts and in the absence of the manager.
  • Correct unfavorable efficiency variances due to overtime.

To accomplish these goals, you plan to make these changes:

  • Add 1.0 RN FTE position
  • Eliminate 1.5 LVN positions
  • Add 1.5 FTEs NA positions
  • Add 1.0 Assistant HN position at $70,000/year

Calculate ONLY the cost of the proposed recommendations for 3 West. Compute totals for each column. If the change represents a reduction in the budget for that category, record the total as a negative number. If it represents an increase in the budget for that category, record the total as a positive number.

Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
RN 1 37.00        
LVN -1.5 26.00        
NA 1.5 15.00        
AHN 1 69,000 XXXXX      
Totals 2 XXXXX XXXXX      


  1. Assume your proposal was approved. Calculate the new personnel budget (You will use your budget from question 2 and account for the changes you requested in question 4). Compute totals for each column.
Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
Manager 1 $90,000.00 XXXXX      
AHN 1 $69,000 XXXXX      
RN   37.00 2080      
LVN   26.00 2080      
NA   15.00 2080      
Sec   14.00 2080      
Totals   XXXXX XXXXX      


Module 3 Assignment 1: Financial Management Case Study VSu22(2)


Name:   Date:  


Overview: Financial Management Case Study

One of the important duties of a nurse leader is to manage personnel and personnel budgets. In this assignment, you will assume the role of a nurse manager. You will use given data to make important decisions regarding budgets and staffing.

Some nurse managers have computer spreadsheets or software applications to help them make decisions regarding budgets and staffing. You will only need simple mathematical operations* to perform the needed calculations in this assignment because the scenario has been simplified. Furthermore, some data have been provided for you that a nurse leader might need to gather or compute in a real setting. Still, you will get a glimpse of the complexity of responsibilities nurse leaders shoulder regarding financial management.

  • To calculate the percent of the whole a given number represents, follow these steps:

Change the percentage to a decimal number by moving the decimal twice to the left (or dividing by 100).

Multiply the new decimal number by the whole. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

Example: What is 30% of 70?

30%= .30;            (.30) × 70 = 21

  • To find out what percentage a number represents in relation to the whole, follow these steps:

Divide the number by the whole (usually the small number by the large number).

Change the decimal answer to percent by moving the decimal twice to the right (or multiplying by 100).

Example: What percent of 45 is 10?

10 ÷ 45 = .222; so, 10 is 22% of 45.


* You will only need addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Case Study

You are the manager for 3 West, a medical/surgical unit. You have been given the following data to assist you in preparing your budget for the upcoming fiscal year.


Patient Data

Average Daily Census (ADC): 55

Budget based on 6.2 Avg. Hours per patient day (HPPD)

(6.2 HPPD excludes Nurse Manager and unit secretaries)


Staff Data

Total FTEs                  40 Variable FTEs

1 Nurse Manager

3 Unit Secretaries

44 Total FTEs

Staffing Mix

RN       75%

LVN     10%

NA       15%


Average Salary Scale per Employee

Benefits are 35% of annual salaries

Nurse Manager $90,000.00 per year
Registered Nurses (RN) $37.00 per hour
Licensed Vocational Nurses (LVN) $26.00 per hour
Nurse Aides (NA) $15.00 per hour
Unit Secretary (US) $14.00 per hour





Use this rubric to guide your work on this assignment.

Criteria Target Acceptable Unacceptable
Question 1 Both % and FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(13-16 Points)

Either  % or FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-12 points)

Neither  % nor FTEs column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 2 All column (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 Points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 3

  1. Table
All six values within ± 2 of correct answers

(6-8 points)

At least five values within ± 2 of correct answers

(1-7 points)

Less than five values within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-1 point)

  1. Significance of variance in HPPD
Response is clearly stated and explains some potential details, ramifications, and/or solutions

(6-8 points)

Response states some potential details or ramifications

(2–7 points)

Response is unclear or lacks potential details or ramifications

(0-2 points)

  1. Implications for nurse leader
Response shows keen understanding of responsibilities of the nurse leader regarding staff budgets

(6-8 points)


Response shows some knowledge of responsibilities of the nurse leader

(2-7 points)

Response fails to demonstrate knowledge of responsibilities of the nurse leader

(0-1 point)

Question 4 All columns (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 Points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)

Question 5 All columns (except Hours and Salary) totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(17-20 points)

At least 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(5-16 points)

Less than 3 column totals within ± 2 of correct answers

(0-4 points)




  1. How many RNs, LVNs, and NAs, by category, are on the staff of 3 West? (Round FTEs to the nearest tenth.) Compute totals for each column. Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization
Positions Variable FTEs % by Position FTEs by Position
RN 40 0.75 30
LVN 40    
NA 40    
  1. Compute the annual salary budget for 3 West.

Compute totals for appropriate columns.

Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Amount of Benefits Total
MANAGER 1.0 $90,000.00 XXXX $90,000.00    
RN 30 $37.00 2080      
LVN   $26.00 2080      
NA   $15.00 2080      
Sec   $14.00 2080      
Totals   XXXXX XXXXXX      




  1. Your hospital unit, 3 West, is a 60-bed general medical-surgical unit. Over the past year, the ADC (Ave. Daily Census) was 53 patients.

Use the following data on 3 West during the last year to perform these calculations and answer these questions.


  1. Complete this table to calculate the actual average hours of care required per patient day (HPPD) for the patients in 3 West. Round to the nearest tenth
Acuity Mix Average Hours of Care Required Average Daily Census


Total Hours of Care Per Day
I 1.4 8 11.2
II 3.9 21  
III 5.6 19  
IV 8.8 5  
Totals 53  
Hours per patient day (HPPD)  



  1. Remember that your established personnel budget for 3 West assumes a HPPD of 6.2. If your calculated HPPD is different, explain the significance of the variance. (If your calculated HPPD is different than 6.2, you must write more than, “We need more/less nurses.”)

What is the Significance of the variance?  If you believe you need more staff, what will be your             rationale for making this requires?  If you have too much staff, what would your proposal be for             bringing your staffing into a better balance?


  1.  What are the implications for the Nurse Manager?  As an example, based on your conclusions in Section B, what other observations would you make as you review your total budget and what would you expect to see as a result?  (Ex: supply costs; overtime hours, average census of 50 on a 60 bed unit, etc.)

Module 3 Assignment 2: Organizational Analysis – The Organization

  1. You have set two new goals for your unit for the next year related to personnel:
  • Provide stronger unit management support on evening and night shifts and in the absence of the manager.
  • Correct unfavorable efficiency variances due to overtime.

To accomplish these goals, you plan to make these changes:

  • Add 1.0 RN FTE position
  • Eliminate 1.5 LVN positions
  • Add 1.5 FTEs NA positions
  • Add 1.0 Assistant HN position at $70,000/year

Calculate ONLY the cost of the proposed recommendations for 3 West. Compute totals for each column. If the change represents a reduction in the budget for that category, record the total as a negative number. If it represents an increase in the budget for that category, record the total as a positive number.

Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
RN 1 37.00        
LVN -1.5 26.00        
NA 1.5 15.00        
AHN 1 69,000 XXXXX      
Totals 2 XXXXX XXXXX      


  1. Assume your proposal was approved. Calculate the new personnel budget (You will use your budget from question 2 and account for the changes you requested in question 4). Compute totals for each column.
Positions FTEs Salary Hours Salary Subtotals Benefits Total
Manager 1 $90,000.00 XXXXX      
AHN 1 $69,000 XXXXX      
RN   37.00 2080      
LVN   26.00 2080      
NA   15.00 2080      
Sec   14.00 2080