NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)

NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)


One of the biggest issues in the hospital is the readmission and death rates after leaving thehospital within 30 days of being discharged for pneumonia, copd, stroke, heart failure. I looked on the Medicare database for my hospital, Kaiser Foundation Hospital in Fontana. Per this database, the readmissions rates were no different than the national average, as well as the death rates. NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)


NURS 3100 Week 6 Reflection Paper (Walden)


​I can’t believe this class is already over and how much we have learned! Looking back on when I first started, I had hoped to learn and understand statistics and how to apply it to my everyday life. I remember reading the first chapters and how different polls are taken and the margin of error, and how that affects the polls. I found this to be especially interesting ...

NURS 3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 5 Assignment

Assignment: Maintaining Academic Integrity by Avoiding Plagiarism

In Week 3, you reviewed the Academic Integrity portion of Walden’s Code of Conduct and signed a Promise to Practice According to Walden’s Code for Academic Integrity. As a nurse, you are empowered by practicing with the HIGHEST standards in both your nursing and academic writing practices.

This week, you will learn about plagiarism and ways to strengthen your academic writing integrity. As a future nurse scholar-practitioner, you want to have the skill-set to successfully propose changes for quality and safety in healthcare. Your integrity in the collection and sharing of this evidence is foundational to successfully support your propositions to change practice.

You want to be adequately prepared to successfully propose changes for quality and safety in healthcare. Your integrity in the collection and sharing of this evidence is foundational to successfully support your propositions to change practice.

According to the Writing Center (2017), plagiarism is when an author represents someone else’s intellectual property as his or her own work. Authors are most commonly at risk of plagiarizing when they fail to adequately cite the original source material from which they took words and ideas. Plagiarism can occur in many forms and can range from a lack of citations to incorrect paraphrasing or actual direct copy and pasting of a source’s phrasing into another author’s own paper. (para 1)

Key ways to avoid plagiarizing are as follows:

Paraphrase your sources. Paraphrasing means rewriting your source’s content into your own words and NOT using direct quotes or cutting and pasting from sources.

Synthesize the reading material. Throughout your program, focus on synthesizing more than paraphrasing. Thus, by graduation, you will be at the point where you can collect all pertinent sources for evidence, read and think about the material, and then synthesize those readings into your OWN words. Again, this process does NOT include the use of direct quotes.

Write with the same level of integrity as you practice your nursing obligations. Cheating is taken seriously at and consequences include expulsion from the program. As a BSN student, avoid plagiarism in your assignments in the following ways. NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)


Do not use direct quotes.

Understand that academic writing is about putting forth scholarly opinions in your own words. Provide proof of those opinions by paraphrasing and synthesizing material from scholarly research and professional experts. Throughout the program, focus on synthesizing more than paraphrasing so by graduation you will be at the point where you can collect all pertinent sources of evidence, read and think about the material, and then synthesize those readings into your own words. This process does not include the use of direct quotes.

Give credit to someone else’s ideas and writings by citing and referencing in APA style.

Upload all of your assignments to Safe Assign Drafts prior to submitting them for grading.

To Prepare:

Read the Writing Center’s section on Plagiarism found at

The Writing Center has developed a Plagiarism Checklist to assist students in double-checking their work and scholarship practices to avoid plagiarism. Download the plagiarism checklist below and use it for each assignment to establish good academic integrity practices!

Read the Writing Center’s section on Paraphrasing and watch the video on Paraphrasing found at

Read the Writing Center’s section on Synthesizing and watch the video on Synthesizing found at


In this Assignment, a) describe how you will avoid plagiarism in your submitted assignments; and b) discuss how paraphrasing and synthesizing professional literature strengthens your future nurse scholar-practitioner practice.

NURS 3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 6 Assignment 1

Assignment 1: Quality Nursing (Part 2 of 2)

Welcome to Week 6, the final week of this 2-part assignment!

Quality As you learned in previous weeks, effectiveness and efficiency are improved in your nursing practice by following and measuring Quality Indicators (QIs). In Week 4 you learned how quality, safety, and outcomes are vastly improved by monitoring and adjusting nursing practice for QIs. NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)

You have learned many new skills as well! You learned to utilize the Library, Grammarly, and Safe Assign; to cite articles using APA in-text citations; and to summarize your colleagues’ work. Give yourself a “pat on the back”!

In this Week 6 Assignment, you revisit your paper one last time. This Assignment gives you the opportunity to thoroughly review your paper and incorporate your instructor’s feedback that you received in Week 4. You will also learn more about the “Safe Assign” program.

When it comes to writing, “practice makes perfect.” Enjoy the practice!

To prepare

Review the Week 6 Assignment Rubric from the Course Information area.

Review the AWE Checklist and Additional Resources for your Assignment:

2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template

TOP Ten BSN References and Citations

Review your Week 4 Assignment (Quality Nursing: Part 1) and the feedback that you received from your instructor (both within the paper and in the gradebook comments).

Review the Week 5 Summary (Quality Nursing: Part 2) of your assignment by your fellow student.

Review “Q. How Do I Proofread or Revise?” (University, n.d.-k) from this week’s Writing Resources and Program Success Tools.

Use the 2000/3000 AWE Level Assignment Template to complete your Assignment.

Assignment: Revision of Quality Nursing Paper

Revise your paper as needed to reflect the feedback that you received from your instructor within the paper and in the gradebook comments.

Compose a paragraph about what you learned from writing and rewriting the Week 4 and Week 6 Assignments. For example, did you learn how to become a more organized writer; are you more adept at accessing Library resources; do you have a better understanding of how to cite resources using APA Style? This paragraph should be inserted before the conclusion paragraph (see the Assignment Template in your Week 4 Learning Resources for assistance in placement).

Do not submit your revised paper to the SafeAssign Draft area of the course this week unless you have made major revisions to your paper. SafeAssign will recognize your Week 4 draft and give you a high SafeAssign Score. Thus, if you are satisfied with the integrity of your Assignment, submit it for grading.

NURS 3100 Issues/Trends in Nursing

Week 6 Assignment 2

Assignment 2: Journal: Observe, Process, and Reflect

Glasses and PenAs mentioned in Week 1 Assignment 2, the objective of the Journal Assignment is to provide you with a private place to “think on the page.” As a reminder, the Journal is not formal writing, and only you and your Instructor will see your Journal Assignment. Although these assignments are meant to be free writing, you should revise before submitting.

As you write, think about the audience to whom you are writing and the difference between personal writing and scholarly writing. Your Journal writing falls into the category of personal writing and should be approached in that way. Think of the Journal as an academic reflection space.

To prepare

Review the Week 6 Assignment 2 Rubric from the Course Information area.

Review the information about how to complete Journal Assignments.

Think about the feelings you have experienced while completing your first BSN course.

Reflect on your goals and think about how you plan to achieve them.

Think about the material you encountered in the course this week and consider one aspect of the classroom resources (Assignments, Discussions, or assigned readings) that surprised you. Be sure to think about why the material interested you as a thinker.

Set a timer (on the stove, a clock, or on your phone) and write for 10 minutes without stopping.

You may find it helpful to use the following format as a guide for your Journal writing:

Observe. Describe the week’s content and resources as if you are writing to a person who has not seen, heard, or observed them. NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)

Process. Answer the question, “What does this content or topic mean?”

Reflect. Answer the question, “What is the value of understanding this material?”

This Assignment is for you to share your feelings. There are no rules, and you will not be graded on your writing.

By Day 7

Submit a minimum 150-word Journal Assignment. How do you feel about completing your first BSN course? What are your goals, and how do you plan to achieve them? NURS 3100 Week 5 Discussion (Walden)