Identify Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Health Information

Identify Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Health Information




Review the Case Studies 1 and 2. Case studies adapted from:

Oachs, P. & Watters, A. (2020). Health information management: Concepts, principles, and practice, instructor’s manual: Part III development of the patient health record (6th ed.). Chicago, IL: American Health Information Management Association. Identify Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Health Information

Then, respond to the questions that follow:


Case Study #1 Questions:

  1. What is your reaction to the actions taken by Carol Wright?
  2. What guidance could Carol Wright take from Obligations to the Employer?
  3. What guidance could Carol Wright take from the four basic ethical principles: Autonomy (decide for one’s self), Beneficence (doing good), Nonmaleficence (not harm to others), and Justice (treating people fairly)?
  4. Based on the review of these sources for ethical guidance, has your reaction to the action taken by Carol Wright changed? Why or why not.

Case Study #2 Questions:

  1. Discuss the elements of a compliance program that Jane should include in her presentation.
  2. As Jane explains to the administrative team the importance of designating a chief compliance officer, discuss the responsibilities of the person in that role.


  • Each answer must be complete, concise and referenced in APA. Identify Laws, Regulations and Standards Related to Health Information