Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion

Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion




Role transition from Registered Nurse to an advanced nursing practice role occurs through acquiring the educational component of role acquisition and the occupational or work component of role implementation. These two factors contribute to your transition from BSN-prepared nurse to MSN-prepared nurse. Discuss three strategies for enhancing the nursing advanced practice role development.

response #1 ( egd) Development

As to any role that involves stepping up into a larger scope of practice, transitioning from a registered nurse into an advanced practice role can be tough and challenging. We will be faced with barriers and strains that might hinder us from accomplishing our objectives and from reaching our full potential as practitioners. However, there are techniques and strategies that can serve as a guide to help us become more confident and competent as we take over our new role. Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion

First is the clinical knowledge development or simply put as clinical mentoring. According to Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, under Role Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse, the development of clinical knowledge and skills can be furthered by planning clinical experiences acquired with the support of preceptors and clinical faculty (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019). The preceptor directs the new advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) on applying theory-based knowledge into realistic clinical experience. Faculty can also help them pinpoint the periods of high stress during the transition so that a network of support can be established.

Next is the role rehearsal which ties hand in hand with clinical mentoring. During initial transition, students have the desire to observe rather than provide care. The student’s focus at this time is to refine and acquire assessment skills and to continue to develop physical examination techniques (Brykczynski, 2019). In role rehearsal, it is essential that the student experience all aspects of the core competencies with the help of faculty and fellow students. This will help establish role familiarity for the new APRN graduates and will guide them in overcoming role ambiguity.


Last but not the least is the development of supportive network. Building relationships among faculty members and preceptors opens opportunities for collaboration on research projects and literature searches. Based on a qualitative research conducted in 2019, new APRNs overwhelmingly mentioned the importance of support in facilitating their transition and in gaining more confidence in their roles than those who have none (Faraz, 2019). Aside from relationship with faculty members, it is as important to establish peer network with post-graduate colleagues as it helps with the transition through shared experiences and future ideas. Having these support systems helps in avoiding intraprofessional role conflict in the future. Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion


Brykczynski, K. A. (2019). Role Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse. In M. F. Tracy, & E. T. O’Grady, Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Intergrative Approach. Elsevier Inc.

Faraz, A. (2019, June). Facilitators and barriers to the novice nurse practitioner workforce transition in primary care. p. 364/370. doi:10.1097/JXX.0000000000000158

Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2019). Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (6th ed.). St. Louise, Missouri, United States of America: Elsevier Inc.

#2 (ch)

Transitioning from a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse can be incredibly stressful and challenging, especially now in a time of such uncertainty and evolution of our healthcare system. There are several strategies that can be utilized in order to make this transition more manageable, three of them being role rehearsal, development of clinical knowledge and skills, and creation of a supportive network.

Role rehearsal is an essential strategy in order to begin the transition from a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse. “For adequate role rehearsal, APRN students should experience all aspects of the core competencies directly while faculty and fellow students are available to help them process or debrief these experiences” (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019). Direct experience as a student allows a registered nurse to begin to develop advance practice nursing skills and thought processes that begin to assist in their transition to an APRN roll.

The development of clinical knowledge and skills is also a necessary strategy in order to begin the transition from a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse. “Making clinical decisions in contexts of uncertainty and complexity has become the norm for current nursing practice. This reality puts the newly graduated nurse in situations in which they have to demonstrate sound clinical reasoning from the beginning of their professional practice” (Deschênes et al., 2019). For these very reasons it is incredibly important to ensure that a foundation of clinical knowledge and the beginnings of the APRN skillset are in place in order to assist in the transition.

A third strategy that is essential in the transition of a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse is the creation of a supportive network. Though it may seem much less important than the clinical aspects of the new role, establishing a supportive network in order to flourish in the transition is vital in a new APRN’s overall well being and mental health. Without support such as peers in the same program, friends and family, and a self-care plan, APRN students may have a much more difficult time transitioning. This and the previous two strategies, if followed, allow for an easier transition into the role of an APRN. Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion


Deschênes, M., Goudreau, J., Fontaine, G., Boyer, L., Maheu-Cadotte, M., Da Silva, K.

B., & Charette, M. (2019). Theoretical foundations of educational strategies used

in e-learning environments for developing clinical reasoning in nursing students:

A scoping review. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from





Ikematsu, Y., Egawa, K., & Endo, M. (2019). Prevalence and retention status of new

graduate nurses with special support needs in japan. Nurse Education in

Practice, 36, 28-33.


O’Grady, E. T. (2019). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (6th ed., pp.

41-43) (1053213061 804022044 M. F. Tracy, Author). St. Louis, Missouri:

Elsevier Saunders.