NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question Two

NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question Two

 Topic 1 DQ 2


 List three examples of plagiarism and discuss how plagiarizing as a student affects the integrity of a baccalaureate degree, the public perception of the nursing profession, and evidence-based practice. Describe two things you will do to ensure academic integrity in your work.



1. Discuss characteristics of successful students.
2. Propose strategies to support successful completion of a program of study.
3. Discuss the effect of plagiarism on the nursing profession.

Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice


Read Chapter 1 in Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice. NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question Two

Tips for Successful Students


Read “Tips for Successful Students,” adapted by Lake and von Baeyer, located on the University of Saskatchewan website.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Nursing Students



Read “7 Habits of Highly Effective Nursing Students,” by Murphy (2015), located on the Nursing Studentsblog, located on the Minority Nurse website.

Conducting Scholarly Research


Read “Conducting Scholarly Research” for information and links to tutorials that will assist you in identifying and locating scholarly literature in the GCU Library.

Take the following tutorials linked in the “Conducting Scholarly Research” resource:

1. Evaluating Websites
2. How to Find Scholarly Research
3. Scholarly Writing

APA 6th Edition Tutorial


View the “APA 6th Edition Tutorial,” provided in the Student Success Center.

Plagiarism Tutorial


View the “Plagiarism Tutorial.”

Balancing Work and Nursing School


Read “Balancing Work and Nursing School,” located on the All Nursing Schools website. NRS 430 Topic 1 Discussion Question Two

LoudCloud Technical Support Help Center


 Use the LoudCloud Technical Support Help Center to get answers to frequently asked questions about navigating LoudCloud, discussion forums, and assignments and quizzes.

 Dynamics in Nursing: Art and Science of Professional Practice


 Grand Canyon University. (Ed.). (2018). Dynamics in nursing: Art and science of professional practice