PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

QUESTION- TOPIC 2 DQ1-Why are public health models important in providing quality health care? Briefly describe two public health models and their impact on quality health care.


Classmate Chayah’s-Response

Public health models can be important in delivering quality care for many reasons. These models can enrich current public health programs and help with identifications of areas of need. Models can examine where interventions are needed and where collaborations are desired to improve outcomes. Programs can be specific at times and using models can broaden perspective for overall improvement (Friedman & Starfield, 2003). Models can also help in practice to focus programs to be integrated and multifactor. Many models show the need for intersectoral activities and bring attention to environmental and community influences. Evaluation frameworks suggested by models can help with evaluation frameworks as well (Friedman & Starfield, 2003). All of these important factors can improve quality health care.  PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

While there are many traditional models there are also developing models for the modern time. One of interest was an article looking at the Laugh Model used in Utah. A low-cost social media platform was examined. The goal being communication with the public concerning public health hoping to get their message received and community engagement to occur (Lister et al., 2015). There was an online campaign concerning healthy family meals. Facebook ads, Twitter ads, and other social media engagement and results were measured looking at people visiting the intended nutrition site. The model they followed resulted in an indeed lower cost way to reach more people. When the population was engaged this way, it was found that it may be more effective, evidence of social media enhancing collaborations, effectiveness, and increased sustainability (Lister et al., 2015). When communication and access is improved it is one way to get people quality care.


Another, more widely used, public health model is the Health Belief Model. This model is theoretical in nature and used in guidance with health promotion and disease prevention programs. It is used to predict and comprehend individual health behaviors (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). The model looks at key variables that influence behaviors such as personal belief of perceived threat, how severe one thinks the consequence will be, how beneficial they think a change may be, perceived barriers, and confidence of success of any changes undertaken. This model is useful for the creation of both short- and long-term interventions (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). The implementation of this model can help quality care be delivered for many reasons. There is guidance for a needs assessment helping to determine populations that should be targeted for interventions, education of risk, communication to the public in appropriate ways, working to reduce barriers, and providing support that is likely to help individual behavior changes (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health



Friedman, D. J. & Starfield, B. (2003). Models of Population Health: Their Value for US Public Health Practice, Policy, and Research. American Journal of Public Health, 93, 366-369.


Lister, C., Royne, M., Payne, H. E., Cannon, B., Hanson, C., & Barnes, M. (2015). The Laugh Model: Reframing and Rebranding Public Health Through Social Media. American journal of public health105(11), 2245–2251.



Public Health Models

Hello, thank you for this opportunity to respond to your post. I want to thank you for taking the time to contribute to this post. I will only add a few points to your post since I fully agree with your discussion. The public health model is an epidemiological concept that uses other approaches to reduce illnesses in a particular region by identifying risk factors. Different public health models function uniquely in the essence of providing quality care services.

In summary of the importance of the public health model on quality healthcare, I would like to interpret the process and strategical ways. The models identify all the potential risks in the population, reducing its size, strengths in the population size, thus creating a differential pattern (Scott et al., 2016). Therefore, the population at risk can be studied and samples taken for further preventive interventions. These public health models are crucial for healthcare organizations working at community levels to provide quality care and manage the risk factors of diseases.


The health belief model can also predict physical activities or behavioral changes of patients, especially in the community (Wu et al., 2020). For instance, the model can be helpful in trying to find out the association between obesity and physical fitness among youths and adults aged between 25-45 years. The model will check on their behaviors towards diet and physical exercise routines every week. It becomes easier to analyze the population’s health based on the findings of their results. Public health models have proven to significantly contribute to managing potential risks of diseases and illnesses among people. The models use diverse approaches in giving evidence-based results that health organizations can use and improve quality healthcare. PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health



Scott, D., Lonne, B., & Higgins, D. (2016). Public health models for preventing child maltreatment: Applications from the field of injury prevention. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse17(4), 408-419.

Wu, S., Feng, X., & Sun, X. (2020). Development and evaluation of the health belief model scale for exercise. International journal of nursing sciences7, S23-S30.