PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

Data Collection Method

For this assignment, data will be collected  for a community health need.

– Begin by choosing a population of interest.- (An option of chosen population will be high school (Secondary school) students***)***Ages 14 to 18 years old.


– Research your chosen population for available health data- Substance use and alcohol abuse among high school (Secondary school) students


This is your secondary data. From the data available about your population, identify a health need that you would like to address- (Access to mental health care and substance abuse for teens)

-Choose a data collection method to collect primary data about the identified health need for your population. Popular data collection methods to choose from are surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

-Write a 800-word plan describing how you will collect primary data about the identified health need for your chosen population. PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

Include the following in your data collection plan:

  1. Description of the chosen population and identified health need.
  2. Identify the most appropriate data collection method for your chosen population with rationale.
  3. Describe which type of data that will be collected (qualitative or quantitative).
  4. Identify health indicators specific to the population with at least one source.
  5. Provide at least five example questions to be used in your data collection.
  6. Include a rationale for each question asked, including the expected data.

Cite two or three resources in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method




Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods are essential in research. The data collection methods act as directives for researchers to know how and when the collected data can be used in research findings. They also enhance the effectiveness of research by providing critique for the investigators to tackle and give efficient conclusions and results. The paper discusses the data collection process among secondary school students aged 14-18 years, engaging in substance abuse, and the appropriate data collection method to use.

Population and Health Need

The focus is on high school students aged between 14 to 18 years old. Statistics have shown that the number of high school students using alcohol and other substances keeps on increasing. In the United States, mental health issues among adolescents aged 12 to 18 years are prevalently high compared to before. An approximation of the same number might increase if the problem is not taken carefully (Lipari et al., 2016). Secondary school students at the age of 14-18 years mostly face mental issues based on their emotions and behaviors. A study conducted an interview on this age group to investigate if such students receive treatment for their mental problems.

Most secondary students at this age gap are prone to peer pressure and adolescent changes that might lead to negative impacts if not controlled. Students get to interact with each other at different levels and meet new colleagues. This is whereby they begin to join various school clubs and others outside the school. In the process, some get to indulge in substance abuse that later triggers their emotions and behaviors, leading to mental health issues, thus affecting their general academic performance.

Data Collection Method; Interview

The secondary school students are an essential and delicate group of the population. This is because they are more knowledgeable and have prior information; because they are either affected indirectly or directly. Therefore, the interview will be the most suitable method to use. The students will be interviewed using the open-ended question to allow them to explore their views and ideas based on what they have seen, experienced, and observed among them regarding the issue of mental health and substance abuse (Paradis et al., 2016). This will give a clear insight into what is going on as there will be diverse opinions and views from them.

Data Type: Qualitative

Collecting qualitative data is vital in this group because it will help investigate the phenomenon in question. Qualitative, tend to incite deep into the real issue and provide rich, in-depth information that assists in knowing why a particular problem occurs (Bowler et al., 2018). For instance, in this circumstance, it is essential to point out why these students need access to mental health and assistance with substance abuse, especially among teens. Qualitative data will give specific reasons that have been only identified by the students, teachers, and their randomly selected parents. Qualitative data enables the collection of realistic and conceptual information because it comes directly from the participant facing the issue (Bowler et al., 2018). Therefore, it attempts to verify and sample only that which is needed and relevant to the study.

Health Indicators

A recent survey conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2018 show the prevailing rate at which those aged between 12 to 18 years are more exposed to substance use and mental issues (Welty et al., 2019). The number keeps rising each year, putting pressure on mental health institutions and counseling organizations to help reduce the number. In the United States, the survey shows that by the end of the first month in 2018, almost 164.8 million; aged between 12 and above were under substance use such as illicit drug, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking (Welty et al., 2019). PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

The current survey also showed a higher number of secondary students and youths who are suicidal due to depression and the effects of substance use. Most of those involved in substance use, such as tobacco use, are mainly students who also sell them. All these occur in the local areas where businesses are being conducted with no attempt to help stop teens from using substances. The number of those who seek mental health increases with a higher percentage showing that the secondary students are at a higher level of accessing mental health as long as the abuse of substance use is not solved.

Research Questions

The qualitative data type chosen for this group excites the frequency of questions that can help solve the issue of substance abuse in teens and mental health access. Some of these questions will be; do the students acknowledge the impacts of substance abuse on their health? Do they have professional counseling resources and staff necessary for conducting mental health assessments? Is there any additional pressing issue that leads to these mental health problems? How is the academic performance of these students who are directly involved in these issues? How often do the mental health programs occur in the school, and are there any follow-ups made?

 Rationale and Expected Data

The rationale for the first question is to create self-awareness among the students regarding how conscious they are about their health. The expected data is bridging the gap of those students taking alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco. In the case of assessing the availability of mental health facilities in the school, it is mainly to ensure that there are efficient resources that are effective for students in managing their mental problems. The expected data is to increase the number of students who access mental health facilities and reduce the number of those who are suicidal. The main focus of trying to find if there are any other issues is to make the students be open-minded, that there are some issues that can be triggered by behaviors and emotions leading to depression. The expectation is to identify the related pressing issues and talk about them to find solutions.

It is crucial to assess the students’ academic performance to identify the leading cause for their poor performances precisely. The expected data is to determine the number of low-performing students, high performing students, and averagely. Then check the cases they have been involved in at school. The frequency of the mental health program sessions is crucial for documentation to acknowledge the progress of the individual students. This helps in keeping records and data of the students and their progress through monitoring assessments. PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method


Bowler, L., Julien, H., & Haddon, L. (2018). Exploring youth information-seeking behaviour and mobile technologies through a secondary analysis of qualitative data. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science50(3), 322-331.

Lipari, R. N., Hedden, S., Blau, G., & Rubenstein, L. (2016). Adolescent mental health service use and reasons for using services in specialty, educational, and general medical settings. The CBHSQ Report

Paradis, E., O’Brien, B., Nimmon, L., Bandiera, G., & Martimianakis, M. A. (2016). Design: Selection of data collection methods. Journal of graduate medical education8(2), 263-264.

Welty, L., Harrison, A., Abram, K., Olson, N., Aaby, D., & McCoy, K. (2019). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.(2017). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. SMA 17-5044, NSDUH Series H-52). Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved. College of Health Sciences106(5), 128.