Rasmussen College Urosepsis Essay Paper

Rasmussen College Urosepsis Essay Paper

Primary Diagnosis : ____Urosepsis_____ (as specified by instructor)

COMPLETE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: explanation of the pathophysiology of the problem, describing the disease at the cellular level. QSEN: Evidence Based Practice, Informatics, Client Centered Care. SLO: 1, 2, 4 (3-5 sentences in paragraph format, **we count sentences**)












Potential Nursing Diagnosis (3 minimum) (full sentences)

  1. _



Risk Factors (3 minimum) (bullets ok)


  1. _
  2. _
  3. _


Signs & Symptoms/Expected Findings (6 minimum) (bullets ok)

  1. _
  2. _
  3. _
  4. _
  5. _
  6. _


Laboratory Tests (3 minimum) (ok to list)

  1. _
  2. _
  3. _


Procedures (not labs) used in diagnosis (2 minimum) (ok to list)

  1. _
  2. _


Nursing Care (3 minimum) bullet points

  1. _
  2. _
  3. _



Client Education (3 minimum) detailed phrases or sentences

  1. _
  2. _
  3. _


Treatments: (3 minimum)

  1. _
  2. _
  3. _


Potential complications: (3 minimum)

  1. _
  2. _
  3. _


APA reference (MUST be in APA format)

  1. _

Rasmussen College Urosepsis Essay Paper