MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT

MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT




Overview – Assessment 4 – MSN-FP6218

Develop and record a 10–15-slide, asynchronous, audiovisual presentation for policymakers, soliciting resource and policy support for the community health care system change you proposed in the previous assessment.

Note: This assessment builds upon the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

Nurse leaders must be able to make effective financial and policy decisions. Equally important is the ability to communicate their vision for change to policymakers and provide objective, evidence-based support for their position with respect to the regulatory, political, social, ethical, legal, and financial aspects of systemic change.

This assessment provides an opportunity to develop a presentation aimed at soliciting resource and policy support for the community health care change you proposed in Assessment 3. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Identify the challenges and opportunities facing health care.
    • Explain why proposed changes to a health care system require policy and financial support to ensure positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges.
  • Competency 2: Compare the effects of different health care finance models and policy frameworks on resources and patient outcomes. MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT
    • Provide broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that are important to the success of a proposed change.
  • Competency 3: Evaluate the positive and negative influences of leaders on health care processes and outcomes.
    • Assess the potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals.
    • Cultivate stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community health care system.
  • Competency 4: Develop proactive strategies to change the culture of the organization by incorporating evidence-based practices.
    • Provide compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce the intended outcomes.
    • Outline a plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization.
  • Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
  • Develop slides that augment a multimedia presentation.
  • Argue persuasively to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a proposed community health care change. MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT
  • Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.



Required Resources

MSN Program Journey

Please review this guide for your degree program. It can help you stay on track for your practice immersion experience, so you may wish to bookmark it for later reference.

Suggested Resources

The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The MSN6218 – Leading the Future of Health Care Library Guide can help direct your research, and the Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.


    • Argues for adopting a leadership style based on emotional and behavioral intelligence to effectively overcome resistance to change and foster a supportive organizational culture that is focused on shared success.
  • Jessie, A. T. (2017). Transformational leadership in organizational redesign. AAACN Viewpoint, 39(2), 14–15.
  • Addresses the leadership skills needed to complete and sustain projects of any size and argues for the importance of transformational leadership in ensuring success.

Finance and Regulation

    • Addresses the need for case managers and leaders to adapt to a health care marketplace shifting toward reimbursement models based on the quality of patient care.
  • Liaropoulos, L., & Goranitis, I. (2015). Health care financing and the sustainability of health systems. International Journal for Equity in Health, 14.

Evidence-Based Practice

  • An editorial addressing evidence-based practice as the key to achieving the Triple Aim in health care and the nurse executive’s role in supporting and adopting evidence-based practice in health care settings.

Population Health and Wellness

This resource will serve as a useful guide when examining the potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care.


The following resources can help you create and deliver more effective presentations, whether you choose to use PowerPoint or other presentation software.

  • This video addresses the primary areas involved in creating effective audiovisual presentations. You can return to this resource throughout the process of creating your presentation to view the tutorial appropriate for you at each stage. MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.

Scholarly Writing and APA Style

Use the following resources to improve your writing skills and for finding answers to specific questions.

Library Research

Use the following resources to help with any required or self-directed research you do to support your coursework.

Guiding Questions and ePortfolio

Assessment Instructions

Note: The work you complete in this assessment is based on the work you complete in Assessments 2 and 3. Therefore, complete Assessments 2, 3, and 4 in the order in which they are presented.


The executive leaders at Vila Health accepted your change proposal and would like to move it forward. However, lasting change in a volatile regulatory and policy environment will require adequate funding and support from the applicable governing body or regulatory agency. Consequently, you have been asked to present the proposed change to policymakers to seek their support and funding for the change as an established policy for the organization and community.

To prepare for this assessment, you are encouraged to begin thinking about funding and securing policy support for lasting change. In addition, you may wish to:

  • Review the assessment requirements and scoring guide to ensure that you understand the work you will be asked to complete.
  • Review the Guiding Questions: Advocating for Lasting Change document linked in the Resources of this assessment, which includes questions to consider and additional guidance on how to successfully complete the assessment.
  • Be sure that your audiovisual equipment works and that you know how to record and upload your presentation.

Note: Remember that you can submit all or a portion of your draft presentation to Smarthinking Tutoring for feedback before you submit the final version for this assessment. If you plan on using this free service, be mindful of the turnaround time of 24–48 hours for receiving feedback.


It is a good idea to check that your recording hardware and software is working properly and that you are familiar with its use as you will make a video recording of your presentation. You may use Kaltura Media or other technology of your choice for your video recording.

  • If using Kaltura Media, refer to the Using Kaltura tutorial for directions on recording and uploading your video in the courseroom.

You may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

Note: If you require the use of assistive technology or alternative communication methods to participate in this activity, please contact to request accommodations.


Develop and record a video presentation for policymakers from the appropriate governing body or regulatory agency requesting policy and financial support for your proposed change. Draw on your work in the previous assessments and consolidate lessons learned.


The presentation requirements outlined below correspond to the grading criteria in the scoring guide, so be sure to address each point. Read the performance-level descriptions for each criterion to see how your work will be assessed. The Guiding Questions: Advocating for Lasting Change document provides additional considerations that may be helpful in completing your assessment. In addition, be sure to note the requirements below for the presentation format, length, and for citing supporting evidence. MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT

  • Explain why proposed changes to a health care system require policy and financial support to ensure positive, systemic change and to overcome present challenges.
  • Provide compelling evidence that proposed changes to a health care system will produce the intended outcomes.
  • Provide broad budget estimates to fund specific capital or human resource outlays that are important to the success of a proposed change.
  • Outline a plan for leading transformational, evidence-based change in an organization.
  • Assess the potential future for wellness, health, and improved overall care and the role of visionary leaders in achieving the desired goals.
    • As a guide, explore the website of, linked in the Resources of this assessment.
  • Cultivate stakeholder interest in and support for the proposed changes to a community health care system.
  • Develop slides that augment a multimedia presentation.
  • Argue persuasively to obtain policy and financial support from policymakers for a proposed community health care change.
  • Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.

Presentation Format and Length

Remember, you may use Microsoft PowerPoint or other suitable presentation software to create your slides. If you elect to use an application other than PowerPoint, check with your faculty to avoid potential file compatibility issues.

Your slide deck should consist of 10–15 slides, not including the title, questions, and references slides. Use the speaker’s notes section of each slide to develop your talking points and cite your sources, as appropriate.

Be sure that your slide deck includes the following slides:

Note: Your slide titles will depend on your choice of community and the specific content of your change proposal.

  • Title slide.
    • Title or name of your project (main focus of your change proposal).
    • Subtitle (optional), which could include Jordan or Armitage, if not part of the title.
    • Your name.
    • Date.
    • Course number and title.
  • Introduction.
    • Identify the stakeholders to whom you are presenting.
  • Social determinants affecting health in the community (may need more than one slide).
  • Synopsis of the windshield survey and environmental analysis findings.
    • Identify the positive aspects of the community.
    • Identify opportunities for improvement. Although your change proposal addresses these opportunities, avoid phrasing them as negatives.
  • Your change proposal—briefly outlined (may need more than one slide).
  • Benefits of the change to the community and stakeholders.
  • Challenges or concerns. MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT
    • Address the implications for the community and organizational stakeholders, if these opportunities are not addressed.
  • Funding (may need more than one slide).
    • Include the financial implications for the community and organizational stakeholders.
    • Specify your funding needs (how much and for what)?
  • Community health implications (may need more than one slide).
    • Explain how the proposed change will improve the health of the community.
    • Address both direct or indirect benefits, as applicable.
  • Conclusion.
    • Summarize key points.
    • Be sure to thank your audience for their time and consideration of your proposal.
  • Questions.
    • Add a slide to prompt questions from the audience.
  • References (at the end of your presentation).

Supporting Evidence

Cite 3–5 credible sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional industry publications to support your presentation.

Additional Requirements

Upload your video presentation and attach the presentation slides, with speaker notes. See Using Kaltura for more information about uploading media. You may submit the assessment only once, so be sure that the assessment deliverables are included before submitting your assessment.

Proofread your slides to minimize errors that could distract the audience and make it more difficult to focus on the substance of your presentation. MSNFP 6218 Capella Mental Health Promotion Program at Jordan Middle School PPT

Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

Policy Description and its Implications on Health Delivery

The burden of chronic diseases such as diabetes is increasing, necessitating the establishment of policies and effective ways at the municipal, state, and federal levels to address them. Diabetes management and treatment costs were predicted to reach $245 billion in 2012, and it is anticipated that they would continue to rise (Herman & Cefalu, 2015). Implementation of the Affordable Care Act policy aimed at enhancing public health by expanding the population’s access to health care. The policy was created in 2010 with the goal of increasing access to care, enhancing the quality of care delivered, lowering medical costs, and adding new consumer protections. The policy resulted in the Medicaid program’s expansion. This phase was designed to close gaps in Medicaid eligibility, which would result in a considerable rise in the number of people receiving benefits from the program. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550


The ACA was projected to cost $940 billion between 2010 and 2019. The health budget deficit would be decreased by $143 billion under this strategy (Blewett, Planalp, & Alarcon, 2018). The insurance plan would lower the cost of medications and make preventive healthcare more affordable for the American public (Herman & Cefalu, 2015). Notably, persons with chronic diseases such as diabetes require routine healthcare examinations and monitoring. The majority of populations are able to get medical treatments as expected under this approach, which results in an improved prognosis. From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, the policy is sound. Assignment – Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis

Access to healthcare services is determined by a variety of factors, including socioeconomic position. The ACA seeks to eliminate current inequities in access to healthcare treatments between wealthy and impoverished persons diagnosed with diabetes. The policy encourages equity from an ethical standpoint. Healthcare professionals, particularly nurses, are expected to provide equitable and fair care to their patients. On the other hand, budgetary constraints may make achieving such a goal and perspective in nursing practice difficult. However, the execution of this legislation addresses disparities in health access. Medicaid expansion would provide states with 100% federal funding for the first three years, after which it would be lowered to 90%. (Herman & Cefalu, 2015). Additionally, the policy incorporates a variety of techniques to ensure that healthcare providers give the most helpful and high-quality services to patients. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550


The Scope of the Policy

Initially, the states administered the Medicaid programs as guided by the federal policies; though, they were mandated to determine

the eligibility, provider payment levels, and the benefits. The income levels for the eligibility were strict compared to the provisions in the new policy. Furthermore, no special considerations were made for patients with disabilities, elderly without dependent children and the non-pregnant women (Schembri & Ghaddar, 2018). Therefore, the policy was developed with collaboration between the state and the federal government. However, most of the regulations would be done by the federal government. For example, the states that failed to expand Medicaid to accommodate more people would lose federal funding. A larger portion of the healthcare funding would come from the federal government under the new policy. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment

The design and scope of the policy are well developed to meet the intended goal. The insurance agencies monitor the activities of the healthcare providers to ensure that they are giving their best in terms of quality service delivery. Various parameters such as the readmission within 30 days, number of days patient stay in the hospital and nosocomial infection rates among others have been used in monitoring the performance of the healthcare facilities (Hilliard, Liebenberg, Liebenberg, & Ruhland, 2018). Therefore, all institutions are obliged to comply with the provisions by offering high-quality care services to the patients and in the process improve their outcomes and minimize their spending. With the implementation of the new policy, the number of patients with diabetes covered in the Medicaid program increased significantly. This indicates that diabetes care would improve and the financial barriers limiting their access and utilization of the healthcare services reduced. On the other hand, despite the introduction of the policy, the number of people going for health screening has remained significantly low (American Diabetes Association, 2016). As a result, the measures to improved health outcomes for diabetes patients are thwarted because the number of undiagnosed diabetes patients is likely to remain high. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

The Advocacy Strategies to Promote Access to the Benefits of the Policy

The realization of the benefits of the policy requires the provision of education to the public. Majority of the populations fail to go for health screening and testing because of the lack of knowledge on the importance of such an exercise. Provision of education is an important strategy for ensuring primary, secondary and tertiary health promotion (Konchak, Moran, O’Brien, Kandula, & Ackermann, 2016). First, educated populations are likely to embrace quality lifestyles that will limit the incidences of diabetes cases. Secondly, the education will aim at encouraging testing and screening behaviors among the populations to enhance the identification and early management of the diabetes conditions. Studies have shown that people from low-income regions and are covered with the Medicaid programs are more likely to be diagnosed with chronic illnesses and their conditions treated in time thus improving their prognosis. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment

From a Christian, professional and moral perspective, advanced registered nurses ought to advocate for and promote health as well as prevent diseases among the populations. By engaging in translational research, evidence-based practice measures are developed and customized to address specific health needs. Diseases are considered as the dissonance between an individual and their surroundings that affect the body, mind, and spirit. Holistic and biomedical approaches can be integrated to guide health promotion activities among nursing professionals. From the biblical perspective, health is a vital component of human life and that is why only whole animals would be offered for sacrifice in the Old Testament (McDermott-Levy, Leffers & Mayaka, 2018).

From the ethical and professional perspective, the nurses ought to comply with the ethical principles of nonmaleficence and beneficence among others. The ethical principles require that advanced registered nurse practitioners to engage all possible interventions in ensuring the most beneficial outcomes to the patients (Bastable, 2017). Health promotion activities aimed at promoting public health by minimizing diseases and suffering among the people. In the process, healthcare providers must understand the specific health needs of the defined populations. For example, the diabetes patients are in great need of the self-care skills which included proper adherence to the medication and observing an appropriate lifestyle.


            Therefore, the ACA has played an integral role in ensuring that diabetics in the United States receive high quality care. The scope and design of the policy is such that both the federal and state governments participate in the implementation of the ACA. The entire process has influenced the role of Advanced Practice Nurses as they work to promote it and advocate for its implementation.


American Diabetes Association. (2016). 1. Strategies for improving care. Diabetes Care39(Supplement 1), S6-S12.

Bastable, S. B. (2017). Nurse as educator: Principles of teaching and learning for nursing practice. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Blewett, L. A., Planalp, C., & Alarcon, G. (2018). Affordable Care Act Impact in Kentucky: Increasing Access, Reducing Disparities. American Journal of Public Health108(7), 924–929.

Herman, W. H., & Cefalu, W. T. (2015). Health policy and diabetes care: is it time to put politics aside?. Diabetes Care38(5), 743-745.

Hilliard, J. I., Liebenberg, A. P., Liebenberg, I. A., & Ruhland, J. (2018). The Market Impact of the Supreme Court Decision Regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: Evidence from the Health Insurance Industry. Journal of Insurance Issues41(2), 135–167

Konchak, J. N., Moran, M. R., O’Brien, M. J., Kandula, N. R., & Ackermann, R. T. (2016). The state of diabetes prevention policy in the USA following the affordable care act. Current diabetes reports16(6), 55.

McDermott-Levy, R., Leffers, J., & Mayaka, J. (2018). Ethical Principles and Guidelines of Global Health Nursing Practice. Nursing Outlook66(5), 473-481.

Schembri, S., & Ghaddar, S. (2018). The Affordable Care Act, the Medicaid Coverage Gap, and Hispanic Consumers: A Phenomenology of Obamacare. Journal of Consumer Affairs52(1), 138–165.

Choose a current or proposed health-care policy that aims to provide equitable health-care services to a diverse population. Create a 12- to 15-slide PowerPoint presentation that discusses the health care policy and how it improves access to quality, cost-effective health care for a specific population. Create 100-250 word speaker notes for each slide. Add extra slides for the title and references. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

Include the following information in your presentation:


Describe the chosen policy.

Discuss the diverse population that this policy will affect.

Explain how the policy is intended to improve cost-effectiveness and equity in health care for a diverse population.

Explain why the policy is financially sound and how it incorporates the nursing perspective as well as relevant ethical, legal, and political factors. Give a rationale to back up your explanation.

Describe the policy’s relationship to state, federal, or global health policies or goals, and explain how each contributes to equitable health care for a diverse population.

Discuss advocacy strategies for improving access to, quality of, and cost-effectiveness of health care for a diverse population.

NUR 550 – Population Health Policy Analysis


NUR 550 – Population Health Policy Analysis

chosen population

From a Christian perspective, discuss the professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good by working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations.

To complete this assignment, you must cite eight peer-reviewed sources. Sources must be within the last 5 years of publication and relevant to the assignment criteria and nursing content.

For more information on completing this assignment in the proper style, consult the resource “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” which can be found in the Student Success Center.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and source documentation should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the Student Success Center’s APA Style Guide.


Select a current or proposed health care policy that is designed to provide equitable health care for a diverse population. Create a 12-15-slide PowerPoint presentation discussing the health care policy and how it improves a specific population’s access to quality, cost-effective health care. Create speaker notes of 100-250 words for each slide. Include additional slides for the title and references.

Include the following in your presentation:

  1. Describe the policy selected.
    2. Discuss the diverse population that will be affected by this policy.
    3. Explain how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population.
    4. Discuss why the policy is financially sound and explain how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors. Provide rationale to support your explanation.
    5. Describe what state, federal, global health policies, or goals the policy is related to and explain the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population.
    6. Discuss advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected.
    7. Discuss the professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

You are required to cite eight peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies:

MBA-MSN; MSN-Nursing Education; MSN Acute Care Nurse Practitioner-Adult-Gerontology; MSN Family Nurse Practitioner; MSN-Health Informatics; MSN-Health Care Quality and Patient Safety; MSN-Leadership in Health Care Systems; MSN-Public Health Nursing

2.1 : Examine financially sound health care policy that incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors.

2.2 : Determine advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for diverse populations.

4.2 : Integrate appropriate state, federal, and global health policies and goals into the design of equitable health care for populations.

4.3 : Examine the professional and moral obligation of master’s-prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective.

Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NUR-550 NUR-550-O503 Benchmark – Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis 100.0
Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less Than Satisfactory (80.00%) Satisfactory (88.00%) Good (92.00%) Excellent (100.00%)
Content 100.0%
Description of Policy Designed to Provide Equitable Health Care 5.0% The policy is not described. The policy is only partially described. The policy is summarized. Some aspects are unclear or inaccurate. The policy is adequately described. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. The policy is clearly and accurately described.
Diverse Population Affected by Policy 10.0% Discussion of how a diverse population is affected by this policy is not presented. Discussion of how a diverse population is affected by this policy is presented but is incomplete. It is unclear how the population will be affected by this policy. Discussion of how a diverse population is affected by this policy is general. More information and support are needed. Discussion of how a diverse population is affected by this policy is adequate. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. Discussion of how a diverse population is affected by this policy is thorough. The narrative is well-supported and insightful.
Policy Design (Cost-effectiveness and health care equity) 10.0% Explanation of how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population is not presented. Discussion of how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population is incomplete. Discussion of how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population is general. More information and support are needed. Discussion of how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population is adequate. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. A thorough explanation for how the policy is designed to improve cost-effectiveness and health care equity for the diverse population is clearly presented.
“Evaluation of Financial Soundness of Policy; Incorporation of Nursing Perspective; and Relevant Ethical, Legal, and Political Factors
(C2.1)” 10.0% A discussion of why the policy is financially sound and how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors is not presented. A discussion of why the policy is financially sound and how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors is incomplete. A discussion of why the policy is financially sound and how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors is general. Some rationale is offered for support. More information and support are needed. A discussion of why the policy is financially sound and how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors is adequate. Adequate rationale is provided for support. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. A thorough discussion of why the policy is financially sound and how the policy incorporates the nursing perspective and relevant ethical, legal, and political factors is clearly presented, and strong rationale is offered for support. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550


“Integration of State, Federal, and Global Health Policies and Goals in Design of Equitable Care
(C4.2)” 10.0% The state, federal, and global health policies or goals the policy is related to and the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population are not discussed. The state, federal, and global health policies or goals the policy is related to and the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population are only partially discussed The state, federal, and global health policies or goals the policy is related to and the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population are summarized. Some aspects are unclear or inaccurate. The state, federal, and global health policies or goals the policy is related to and the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population are adequately discussed. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. The state, federal, and global health policies or goals the policy is related to and the degree to which each helps achieve equitable health care for the diverse population are thoroughly explained. The narrative is accurate and well-supported.
“Advocacy Strategies for Improving Access, Quality, and Cost-Effective Health Care
(C2.2)” 10.0% Advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected are not discussed. Advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected are incomplete. General advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected are summarized. More information and support are needed. Advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected are discussed. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. Well-developed advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected are discussed. NUR 550 Benchmark – Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment Essays
“Examination of Responsibilities of Master’s Prepared Nurses
(C4.3)” 10.0% The professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective are not discussed. The professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective are only partially discussed. The professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective are summarized. Some aspects are unclear. Rationale or support is needed. The professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective are adequately discussed. Some detail is needed for clarity or accuracy. “Well-developed advocacy strategies for improving access, quality, and cost-effective health care for the diverse population selected are discussed.
The professional and moral obligation of master’s prepared nurses to respect human dignity and advance the common good through working to promote health and prevent disease among diverse populations from a Christian perspective are thoroughly discussed. The narrative is insightful and well supported.”
Presentation of Content 15.0% The content lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information. Includes little persuasive information. Sequencing of ideas is unclear. The content is vague in conveying a point of view and does not create a strong sense of purpose. Includes some persuasive information. The presentation slides are generally competent, but ideas may show some inconsistency in organization or in their relationships to each other. The content is written with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information exhibiting a unity, coherence, and cohesiveness. Includes persuasive information from reliable sources. The content is written clearly and concisely. Ideas universally progress and relate to each other. The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea. NUR 550 Benchmark – Diverse Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment Essays
Layout 10.0% The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings, and subheadings to enhance the readability. The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text, small point size for fonts, and inappropriate contrasting colors. Poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting is evident. The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or a distracting background. Overall readability is difficult due to lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold, or lack of appropriate indentations of text. The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately. Sometimes the fonts are easy to read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color, or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability. The layout background and text complement each other and enable the content to be easily read. The fonts are easy to read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text. The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings, and white space. Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550. The background and colors enhance the readability of the text.
Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Slide errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Slides are largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. Writer is clearly in control of standard, written, academic English.
Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 5.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error

Name:  Discussion Rubric

  • Grid View
  • List View








Main Posting: 

Response to the Discussion question is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%) 

Thoroughly responds to the Discussion question(s).

Is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

No less than 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three current credible sources.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%) 

Responds to most of the Discussion question(s).

Is somewhat reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

50% of the post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three credible references.

31 (31%) – 34 (34%) 

Responds to some of the Discussion question(s).

One to two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Cited with fewer than two credible references.

0 (0%) – 30 (30%) 

Does not respond to the Discussion question(s).

Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.

Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Contains only one or no credible references.

Main Posting: 


6 (6%) – 6 (6%) 

Written clearly and concisely.

Contains no grammatical or spelling errors.

Adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Written concisely.

May contain one to two grammatical or spelling errors.

Adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Written somewhat concisely.

May contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Contains some APA formatting errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%) 

Not written clearly or concisely.

Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Main Posting: 

Timely and full participation

9 (9%) – 10 (10%) 

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts main Discussion by due date.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%) 

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts main Discussion by due date.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%) 

Posts main Discussion by due date.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%) 

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post main Discussion by due date.

First Response: 

Post to colleague’s main post that is reflective and justified with credible sources.

9 (9%) – 9 (9%) 

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Responds to questions posed by faculty.

The use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

8 (8%) – 8 (8%) 

Response has some depth and may exhibit critical thinking or application to practice setting.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%) 

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%) 

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

First Response: 


6 (6%) – 6 (6%) 

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Communication is mostly professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are mostly answered, if posed.

Provides opinions and ideas that are supported by few credible sources.

Response is written in standard, edited English.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Response posed in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Response to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%) 

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective communication.

Response to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

First Response: 

Timely and full participation

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts by due date.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts by due date.

3 (3%) – 3 (3%) 

Posts by due date.

0 (0%) – 2 (2%) 

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post by due date.

Second Response:
Post to colleague’s main post that is reflective and justified with credible sources.
9 (9%) – 9 (9%) 

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Responds to questions posed by faculty.

The use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%) 

Response has some depth and may exhibit critical thinking or application to practice setting.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%) 

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%) 

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Second Response:
6 (6%) – 6 (6%) 

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Communication is mostly professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are mostly answered, if posed.

Provides opinions and ideas that are supported by few credible sources.

Response is written in standard, edited English.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Response posed in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Response to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%) 

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective communication.

Response to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

Second Response:
Timely and full participation
5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts by due date.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts by due date.

3 (3%) – 3 (3%) 

Posts by due date.

0 (0%) – 2 (2%) 

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post by due date. Benchmark – Population Health Policy Analysis Assignment NUR 550

NRS 434 Shadow Health: Digital Clinical Experience Orientation

NRS 434 Shadow Health: Digital Clinical Experience Orientation


Within the Shadow Health platform, complete the Digital Clinical Experience Orientation. Upon completion, submit the lab pass through the assignment dropbox.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.



1. Apply evidence-based practice to health promotion for infants.
2. Examine environmental factors that increase risk to infant health.
3. Propose health promotion strategies for the infant


Read Chapter 1 in Health Assessment: Foundations for Effective Practice. Use the Appendix as needed to complete your assignments.

Unit III: Systems Assessment and Management of Disorders


Read “Unit III: Systems Assessment and Management of Disorders,” in the online eBook, Comprehensive Neonatal Nursing Care (5th ed.), edited by Kenner and Lott (2013), available through the GCU Library. NRS 434 Shadow Health: Digital Clinical Experience Orientation

WHO Growth Standards Are Recommended for Use in the U.S. for Infants and Children 0 to 2 Years of Age

Review “WHO Growth Standards Are Recommended for Use in the U.S. for Infants and Children 0 to 2 Years of Age” (2010), located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

GCU Library Tutorial


View the GCU Library tutorial.

Optional: Breastfeeding


For additional information, the following is recommended:

“Breastfeeding,” located on the National Women’s Health Information Center website. Familiarize yourself with the reasons why breastfeeding is important and the resources that are available for patients.

Optional: Family History Resources



For additional information, the following is recommended:

“Family History Resources,” located on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.

Optional: Never Shake a Baby Educational Video


For additional information, the following is recommended:

“Never Shake a Baby Educational Video,” by warrenman4u (2008), located on the YouTube website. In particular, familiarize yourself with prevention of abuse. NRS 434 Shadow Health: Digital Clinical Experience Orientation

Optional: 14 Diseases You Almost Forgot About Thanks to Vaccines


For additional information, the following is recommended:

Health Literacy Basics for Health Professionals


Watch “Health Literacy Basics for Health Professionals,” by VHC Primary Care (2014), located on the YouTube website.

A Comprehensive Newborn Examination: Part I. General, Head and Neck, Cardiopulmonary


Read “A Comprehensive Newborn Examination: Part I. General, Head and Neck, Cardiopulmonary,” by Lewis, from
American Family Physician (2014).

A Comprehensive Newborn Examination: Part II. Skin, Trunk, Extremities, Neurologic


Read “A Comprehensive Newborn Examination: Part II. Skin, Trunk, Extremities, Neurologic,” by Lewis, from
American Family Physician (2014).



Utilize Loom to complete the topic assignment. Refer to the resource, “Loom,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on recording your presentation. NRS 434 Shadow Health: Digital Clinical Experience Orientation

NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis


This study is based on the underlying condition of a 42-year-old patient who has been presenting in the emergency department with redness, swelling, and pain in his right calf. The patient history indicates that he had developed a cut with the string trimmer while working in the yard, and he has cleaned it with water from the garden hose. He also covered it with a large bandage. After a few days, he developed a high fever and reaches the ED for care. The patient needs immediate care, resulting in the development of adverse effects like organ dysfunction, etc. This study constitutes how the signs and symptoms developed, followed by the genes associated and the process of immunosuppression. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis


System Development

The patient had developed a wound infection which, if not managed, can result in septic disease. The wound constituted of germs and bacteria, and the patient had not cleaned this sufficiently. The bacteria grew under the damaged skin spreading to sensitive tissues present. As a result of the infection, the inflammatory response has stimulated, and inflammatory molecules are released. These inflammatory mediators like white blood cells (WBCs) further produce free radicals and enzymes, resulting in tissue damage and nerve damage.

Therefore, pain is generated, which is caused by the stimulation of pain receptors. The wound site develops a swelling due to the excess movement of white blood cells and fluid into the injured area. The infected tissues and nerves are put under extra pressure with the swelling and causing pain. The formation of wound clots is also an inflammatory response of the body, so the site becomes red (Stone, Basit & Burns, 2020).

During an infection, the body makes up an excess of inflammatory cells, which are the WBCs that work effectively to kill the bacteria. In addition, the increased production of white blood cells may affect the hypothalamus, which shifts the average body temperature upwards. It occurs as the bacteria releases pyrogens in the body, generating the immune response (Prajitha, Athira & Mohanan, 2018; Balli & Sharan, 2020).  NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

Genes That Associated with The Development of The Disease

The genes that are associated with the development of the infection include IL4, IL10, and NRAMP1. As a result of the disease from the bacteria, the inflammatory response is generating by interleukins like IL6, etc. The interleukin genes of IL4 and IL10 producing cytokines induced to make the anti-inflammatory response, restoring the balance after the cytokines storm. The IL4 is present in the eosinophils, basophils, and Th2 cells. The IL10 plays a central role in the development of the anti-inflammatory response and maintaining homeostasis. Both the genes, IL4 and IL10, are pleiotropic. They are also known to produce inflammatory responses, but they recruit to produce anti-inflammatory cytokines when controlling hyper inflammation. The proteins produced by IL4 and IL10 directly suppress the role of Th1 cells (Nedelopoulou et al., 2020). The NRAMP1 gene produces the NRAMP1 protein, an integral membrane protein expressed in the lysosome activity inducing cells macrophages and monocytes. However, the NRAMP1 is also known to have pleiotropic effects and is the gene responsible for producing disease resistance and can lead to the development of immunosuppression (Known, Jo & Park, 2018).

The Process of Immunosuppression and The Effect It Has On The Body Systems

Patients who do not have the ability or have reduced capacity for fighting bacteria and other microorganisms in the body. A cytokine-mediated inflammatory response had seen during a sepsis infection resulting in a hyper-inflammatory phase (Cytokine storm) followed by the immunosuppressive phase. Sepsis infection had characterized by the excess production of cytokine-mediated inflammatory mediators. Some evidence also suggests that the body also generates anti-inflammatory compounds as the inflammatory mediators are extra.

Immunosuppression can be caused due to various reasons like an underlying disease, age, genetics, medication, and surgery. The infection of sepsis activates the apoptosis of cellular B and T cells which are immune cells. As the apoptotic cells induce the activation of the dendritic cells, they have an increased role in the anti-inflammatory response in sepsis. The apoptosis of T cells further induces the downregulation of the CD4+ and CD8+ cells. This process is known as autophagy and contributes to immunosuppression. As the body’s immune cells are hyperactive, the cells also become exhausted, which can cause immunosuppression (Ono et al., 2018). NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis


The patient presented to the emergency department has developed a wound infection, and there was a need for immediate management. As a result of the condition, the patient developed signs of pain, inflammation, and high fever, indicating sepsis. Sepsis results in immunosuppression which has multiple mechanisms like apoptosis of the immune cells. The genes responsible for the development of sepsis include NRAMP1, IL4, and IL10. Therefore, understanding these aspects of sepsis will make infection management easier for the nurse and reduce further risk.



Balli, S., & Sharan, S. (2020). Physiology, Fever (Hyperthermia). StatPearls [Internet]

Kwon, H. K., Jo, W. R., & Park, H. J. (2018). Immune-enhancing activity of C. militaris fermented with Pediococcus pentosaceus (GRC-ON89A) in CY-induced immunosuppressed model. BMC complementary and alternative medicine18(1), 1-14.

Nedelkopoulou, N., Dhawan, A., Xinias, I., Gidaris, D., & Farmaki, E. (2020). Interleukin 10: the critical role of a pleiotropic cytokine in food allergy. Allergologia et immunopathologia

Ono, S., Tsujimoto, H., Hiraki, S., & Aosasa, S. (2018). Mechanisms of sepsis-induced immunosuppression and immunological modification therapies for sepsis. Annals of gastroenterological surgery2(5), 351–358.

Prajitha, N., Athira, S. S., & Mohanan, P. V. (2018). Pyrogens, a polypeptide produces fever by metabolic changes in hypothalamus: mechanisms and detections. Immunology letters204, 38-46.

Stone, W. L., Basit, H., & Burns, B. (2020). Pathology, inflammation. StatPearls [Internet]



Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An understanding of cells and cell behavior is a critically important component of disease diagnosis and treatment. But some diseases can be complex in nature, with a variety of factors and circumstances impacting their emergence and severity.

Effective disease analysis often requires an understanding that goes beyond isolated cell behavior. Genes, the environments in which cell processes operate, the impact of patient characteristics, and racial and ethnic variables all can have an important impact.

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Hero Images

An understanding of the signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For APRNs, this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

In this Assignment, you examine a case study and analyze the symptoms presented. You identify cell, gene, and/or process elements that may be factors in the diagnosis, and you explain the implications to patient health.

To prepare:

By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific case study for this Case Study Assignment. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.

The Assignment (1- to 2-page case study analysis)

Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis in which you:

  • Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.
  • Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
  • Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
By Day 7 of Week 2

Submit your Case Study Analysis Assignment by Day 7 of Week 2.

Reminder: The College of Nursing requires that all papers submitted include a title page, introduction, summary, and references. The sample paper provided at the Walden Writing Center provides an example of those required elements (available at All papers submitted must use this formatting.

Submission and Grading Information

To submit your completed Assignment for review and grading, do the following:

  • Please save your Assignment using the naming convention “M1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” as the name.
  • Click the Module 1 Assignment Rubric to review the Grading Criteria for the Assignment.
  • Click the Module 1 Assignment link. You will also be able to “View Rubric” for grading criteria from this area.
  • Next, from the Attach File area, click on the Browse My Computer button. Find the document you saved as “M1Assgn+last name+first initial.(extension)” and click Open.
  • If applicable: From the Plagiarism Tools area, click the checkbox for I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database.
  • Click on the Submit button to complete your submission.
Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Module 1 Assignment Rubric

Check Your Assignment Draft for Authenticity

To check your Assignment draft for authenticity:

Submit your Module 1 Assignment draft and review the originality report.

Submit Your Assignment by Day 7 of Week 2

To participate in this Assignment:

Module 1 Assignment

What’s Coming Up in Module 2?

Photo Credit: [BrianAJackson]/[iStock / Getty Images Plus]/Getty Images

In Module 2, you will analyze processes related to cardiovascular and respiratory disorders. To do this, you will analyze alterations in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and the resultant disease processes. You will also consider patient characteristics, including racial and ethnic variables, which may impact physiological functioning and altered physiology. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

Week 3 Knowledge Check: Cardiovascular and Respiratory Disorders

In the Week 3 Knowledge Check, you will demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered during Module 2. This Knowledge Check will be composed of a series of questions related to specific scenarios provided. It is highly recommended that you review the Learning Resources in their entirety prior to taking the Knowledge Check, since the resources cover the topics addressed. Plan your time accordingly.

Next Module

Introduction: Scenario
The goal of this paper is to provide an explanation for the symptoms observed in the given case scenario. a 34-year-old Hispanic male with end-stage renal illness who required a kidney transplant from a cadaver donor due to the absence of a matching family member. Additionally, I will be finding genes that may be involved in the development of the disease, as well as the immunosuppressive process and its influence on the body. In this situation, the patient acquired symptoms as a result of possible adverse effects from the transplant process and medications supplied.
Presented Symptoms and Pathophysiology
The patient acquired symptoms as a result of the transplant procedure’s potential complications and the drugs supplied. According to evidence-based research, kidney transplantation is the most effective medical option for individuals with chronic end-stage renal illness since it is the most sought and cost-efficient way of renal replacement. Acute organ rejection occurred as a result of the recipient’s immunological response against the donor’s distinct MHC surface antigens. This frequently occurs within days to months of an organ donation. There is a potential that the patient experienced rejection following the transplant, resulting in renal failure, which led to the patient’s weight gain and decreased urine output (Kuan & Schwartz, 2021). Additionally, sensitivity of the body to the alien organ resulted in a rise in temperature and weariness. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis
The Identification of Disease-Associated Genes
The immune reaction of the patient to the surgery and drugs is dependent on several factors, including genetic makeup, which might result in symptoms such as oliguria, increased weight gain, fever, and weariness (McCance & Huether, 2019). rs25487 of the XRCC1 gene is one of the particular genes involved in the development of renal disease. The gene predisposes individuals to end-stage renal disease. Additionally, the GSTP1 gene is associated with the levels of C-reactive protein and ferritin. Individuals carrying the gene, Abd EL-Hassib et al. (2021), have an elevated risk of oxidative and carbonyl stress. C-reactive proteins levels are elevated in patients with end-stage renal disease, which are markers of increased inflammation. Additionally, they exhibit a high level of oxidative stress.
Immunosuppression impairs the body’s ability to mount an immunological response to infections (Benvenuto et al., 2018). This can be accomplished by decreasing the amount of T-helper cells, which recognize foreign things and activate other immune cells to combat the pathogen (Tielemans et al., 2019). Additionally, the impact can be created in bone marrow. Additionally, it decreases inflammation in the body and accompanying symptoms. However, it may be harmful to the body due to an increased vulnerability to infection (Brown et al., 2017).
Finally, because the human system is interrelated, when one organ is harmed, the others may suffer as well. In this situation, the patient experienced organ rejection, which could result in increased inflammation. Reduced urinary output was a sign of renal failure.

Abd EL-Hassib, D. M., Zidan, M. A., El Amawy, M. M., Hegazy, H. A., & Ameen, S. G. (2021). Polymorphism of XRCC1 Arg399Gln may predict for development of end-stage renal disease. A PCR confirmed case-control study. Meta Gene, 29, 100915.
Benvenuto, L. J., Anderson, M. R., & Arcasoy, S. M. (2018). New frontiers in immunosuppression. Journal of Thoracic Disease, 10(5), 3141-3155.
Brown, S. A., Tyrer, F. C., Clarke, A. L., Lloyd-Davies, L. H., Stein, A. G., Tarrant, C., Burton, J. O., & Smith, A. C. (2017). Symptom burden in patients with chronic kidney disease not requiring renal replacement therapy. Clinical Kidney Journal, 10(6), 788-796.
Kuan, K., & Schwartz, D. (2021). Educational case: Kidney transplant rejection. Academic Pathology, 8, 237428952110068.
McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for
disease in adults and children (8th ed.).
Tielemans, M. M., Van Boekel, G. A., Van Gelder, T., Tjwa, E. T., & Hilbrands, L. B. (2019). Immunosuppressive drugs and the gastrointestinal tract in renal transplant patients. Transplantation Reviews, 33(2), 55-63.

The introducing symptoms of the patient in the given case are predictable with Wound disease. Symptoms like redness, swelling, torment, and fever of 100.6 0 F are demonstrative of wound disease, most likely with Staphylococci.

Why the patient presented with the symptoms described? NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

An inappropriate wash of the wound directlyNot long after the injury, the patient washed distinctly with water from a garden

hose, however not with cleanser or germicide. Tainted water or hose could have filled in as a source of disease to the injury, and ill-advised washing could have prompted the endurance of the creature on the injury surface (Rizani, 2015).

Wound payable to string trimmerSince the customer in the given case had an injury because of String trimmer, which could hold Staphylococcus aurous from soil or plant materials, it could be the source from which Staphylococcus aurous entered the injury.

Cover with large Band-Aid: Improper washing followed by covering with enormous band-aid could have caught the bacteria on the injury surface, which advanced to wound contamination. Since, Staphylococci are also present as skin flora, covering with bandage could have encouraged the development of bacteria on the injury and brought about disease

            Consequently, all the above components could have added to wound disease as obvious from the redness, growing, torment, chills. Fever is because of the immune reaction towards the disease (Grumezescu, 2018). It should be quickly treated with anti-toxins, which if in any case, can prompt inconveniences, for example, Toxic Shock disorder. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis


            The wound should be cleaned and appropriately dressed with care. Anti-microbial, for example, Penicillins or its subordinates. Vancomycin can be utilized if there should be an occurrence of obstruction or when the disease spreads. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis


Grumezescu, V. (2018). Treatment Strategies for Infected Wounds. Molecules, 23(9). doi:10.3390/molecules23092392

Rizani, N. (2015). Modern wound dressing for wound infection: an overview. Indonesian Journal of Tropical and Infectious Disease, 53-59. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis
Week 2: Altered Physiology

With a place squarely in the spotlight for patients diagnosed with all manner of disease, APRNs must demonstrate not only support and compassion, but expertise to guide patients’ understanding of diagnoses and treatment plans.

This expertise goes beyond an understanding of disease and sciences, such as cellular pathophysiology. APRNs must become experts in their patients, understanding their medical backgrounds, pertinent characteristics, and other variables that can be factors in their diagnoses and treatments.

This week, you examine alterations in the immune system and the resultant disease processes. You consider patient characteristics, including racial and ethnic variables, and the impact they have on altered physiology.
Learning Objectives

Students will:

Evaluate cellular processes and alterations within cellular processes
Analyze alterations in the immune system that result in disease processes
Identify racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning
Evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on disorders and altered physiology


Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

Chapter 1: Cellular Biology; Summary Review
Chapter 2: Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology: Environmental Agents(pp. 46-61; begin again with Manifestations of Cellular Injury pp. 83-97); Summary Review
Chapter 3: The Cellular Environment: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids, and Bases,
Chapter 4: Genes and Genetic Diseases (stop at Elements of formal genetics); Summary Review
Chapter 5: Genes, Environment-Lifestyle, and Common Diseases (stop at Genetics of common diseases); Summary Review
Chapter 7: Innate Immunity: Inflammation and Wound Healing
Chapter 8: Adaptive Immunity (stop at Generation of clonal diversity); Summary Review
Chapter 9: Alterations in Immunity and Inflammation (stop at Deficiencies in immunity); Summary Review
Chapter 10: Infection (stop at Infectious parasites and protozoans); (start at HIV); Summary Review
Chapter 11: Stress and Disease (stop at Stress, illness & coping); Summary Review
Chapter 12: Cancer Biology (stop at Resistance to destruction); Summary Review
Chapter 13: Cancer Epidemiology (stop at Environmental-Lifestyle factors); Summary Review

Note: You previously read these chapters in Week 1 and you are encouraged to review once again for this week.

Justiz-Vaillant, A. A., & Zito, P. M. (2019). Immediate hypersensitivity reactions. In StatPearls. Treasure Island, FL: StatPearls Publishing. Retrieved from

​Credit Line: Immediate Hypersensitivity Reactions – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf. (2019, June 18). Retrieved from Used with permission of Stat Pearls.

Note: This article was presented in the Week 1 resources. If you read it previously you are encouraged to review it this week.

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Foundational Concepts of Cellular Pathophysiology – Week 2 (8m)

Walden University. (n.d.). Instructor feedback.

Immunity and Inflammation

Khan Academy (2010, February 24). Inflammatory response | Human anatomy and physiology | Health & medicine [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 14 minutes.

Soo, P. (2018, July 28). Pathophysiology Ch 10 alterations in immune function [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 37 minutes. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

Acid-Base Balance #1

MedCram. (2012, April 28). Medical acid base balance, disorders & ABGs explained clearly [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 13 minutes.

Acid-Base Balance #2

MedCram. (2012, April 29). Medical acid base balance, disorders & ABGs explained clearly | 2 of 8 [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 15 minutes.


MedCram. (2017, December 23). Hyponatremia explained clearly [LK1] (remastered) – Electrolyte imbalances [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 15 minutes.

Online Media from Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children

In addition to this week’s media, it is highly recommended that you access and view the resources included with the course text, Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Focus on the videos and animations in Chapters 3, 7, and 8 that relate to alterations in immunity, hyponatremia, and acid/base balance.

Note: To access the online resources included with the text, you need to complete the FREE online registration that is located at

To Register to View the Content

Go to
Enter the name of the textbook, Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children, or ISBN 9780323654395 (name of text without the edition number) in the Search textbox.
Complete the registration process.

To View the Content for This Text

Go to
Click on Student Site.
Type in your username and password.
Click on the Login button.
Click on the plus sign icon for Resources on the left side of the screen.
Click on the name of the textbook for this course.
Expand the menu on the left to locate all the chapters.
Navigate to the desired content (checklists, videos, animations, etc.).

Note: Clicking on the URLs in the APA citations for the Resources from the textbook will not link directly to the desired online content. Use the online menu to navigate to the desired content.

Rubric Detail

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.
Name: NURS_6501_Module1_Case Study_Assignment_Rubric

Grid View
List View

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis, examining the patient symptoms presented in the case study. Be sure to address the following:

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.
Points Range: 28 (28%) – 30 (30%)
The response accurately and thoroughly describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate, clear, and detailed reasons, with explanation for the symptoms supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 25 (25%) – 27 (27%)
The response describes the patient symptoms. Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis NURS 6501

The response includes accurate reasons, with explanation for the symptoms supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

Points Range: 23 (23%) – 24 (24%)
The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague or inaccurate.

The response includes reasons for the symptoms, with explanations that are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 22 (22%)
The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague and inaccurate, or the description is missing.

The response does not include reasons for the symptoms, or the explanations are vague or based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.
Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
Points Range: 23 (23%) – 25 (25%)
The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

Points Range: 20 (20%) – 22 (22%)
The response includes an accurate analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

Points Range: 18 (18%) – 19 (19%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 17 (17%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease is missing.
Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
Points Range: 28 (28%) – 30 (30%)
The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis

Points Range: 25 (25%) – 27 (27%)
The response includes an accurate explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.

Points Range: 23 (23%) – 24 (24%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 17 (17%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)
Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.
Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards:
Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)
Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running heads, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.

Points Range: 4 (4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors.

Points Range: 3 (3%) – 3 (3%)
Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 2 (2%)
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
Total Points: 100
Name: NURS_6501_Module1_Case Study_Assignment_Rubric

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Develop a 1- to 2-page case study analysis, examining the patient symptoms presented in the case study. Be sure to address the following: 

Explain why you think the patient presented the symptoms described.

28 (28%) – 30 (30%)

The response accurately and thoroughly describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate, clear, and detailed reasons, with explanation for the symptoms supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

25 (25%) – 27 (27%)

The response describes the patient symptoms.

The response includes accurate reasons, with explanation for the symptoms supported by evidence and/or research, as appropriate, to support the explanation.

23 (23%) – 24 (24%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague or inaccurate.

The response includes reasons for the symptoms, with explanations that are vague or based on inappropriate evidence/research.

(0%) – 22 (22%)

The response describes the patient symptoms in a manner that is vague and inaccurate, or the description is missing.

The response does not include reasons for the symptoms, or the explanations are vague or based on inappropriate or no evidence/research.

Identify the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
23 (23%) – 25 (25%)
The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
20 (20%) – 22 (22%)
The response includes an accurate analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
18 (18%) – 19 (19%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease.
(0%) – 17 (17%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate analysis of the genes that may be associated with the development of the disease is missing.
Explain the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
28 (28%) – 30 (30%)
The response includes an accurate, complete, detailed, and specific explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems. NURS 6501 Module 1 Assignment: Case Study Analysis
25 (25%) – 27 (27%)
The response includes an accurate explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
23 (23%) – 24 (24%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
(0%) – 17 (17%)
The response includes a vague or inaccurate explanation of the process of immunosuppression and the effect it has on body systems.
Written Expression and Formatting – Paragraph Development and Organization:
Paragraphs make clear points that support well-developed ideas, flow logically, and demonstrate continuity of ideas. Sentences are carefully focused—neither long and rambling nor short and lacking substance. A clear and comprehensive purpose statement and introduction are provided that delineate all required criteria.
(5%) – 5 (5%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity.

A clear and comprehensive purpose statement, introduction, and conclusion are provided that delineate all required criteria.

(4%) – 4 (4%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 80% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are stated, yet are brief and not descriptive.

(3%) – 3 (3%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity 60%–79% of the time.

Purpose, introduction, and conclusion of the assignment are vague or off topic.

(0%) – 2 (2%)

Paragraphs and sentences follow writing standards for flow, continuity, and clarity < 60% of the time.

No purpose statement, introduction, or conclusion were provided.

Written Expression and Formatting – English Writing Standards:
Correct grammar, mechanics, and proper punctuation
(5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation with no errors.
(4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
(3%) – 3 (3%)
Contains several (3 or 4) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.
(0%) – 2 (2%)
Contains many (≥ 5) grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors that interfere with the reader’s understanding.
Written Expression and Formatting – The paper follows correct APA format for title page, headings, font, spacing, margins, indentations, page numbers, running heads, parenthetical/in-text citations, and reference list.
(5%) – 5 (5%)
Uses correct APA format with no errors.
(4%) – 4 (4%)
Contains a few (1 or 2) APA format errors.
(3%) – 3 (3%)
Contains several (3 or 4) APA format errors.
(0%) – 2 (2%)
Contains many (≥ 5) APA format errors.
Total Points: 100

NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

A learning style is a technique or the preferred way in which learners absorb, process, comprehend, and retain knowledge. There are various learning styles which are categorized based on the sensible approaches, which are either visual, auditory, read or write, and kinesthetic. The learning styles are found within the VARK model of students learning. VARK is an acronym for the four primary learning styles Visual, Auditory, Read and Write and Kinesthetic (VARK, 2019). The VARK model recognizes that learners have various approaches on how they process information, typically known as the preferred leaning mode. This essay will discuss learning styles for learners and will include a description of my learning style based on the VARK questionnaire. The paper will also explore the importance of educators identifying learners’ learning styles and application of learning styles in health promotion. NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

Personal Learning Style According to the VARK Questionnaire

My learning style as per the VARK questionnaire is Very Strong Kinesthetic. The VARK questionnaire results were Visual-2, Aural-2, Read/Write- 2, and Kinesthetic-12. The Kinesthetic learning style is defined as one where a learner understands effectively by using experiences and real things even though they are exhibited as images or on screens (VARK, 2019). In the Kinesthetic learning style, I prefer to encounter several experiences to promote understanding of concepts. Furthermore, ideas become valuable if they seem practical, real, and relevant to me, and I need to do something to understand it.


Preferred Learning Strategies

The Kinesthetic learning style preference uses experiences and real things when they are presented in images and on screens. The preferred learning strategies in the Kinesthetic learning style include the use of autobiographies and documentaries, applications before learning theories, and the use of demonstrations and applying what one has learned (VARK, 2019). Individuals with kinesthetic preference prefer discussing real things in their life, prefer having their own experiences, doing thing things with others and making things happen through actions (VARK, 2019). In addition, they prefer tackling practical problems and using problem-solving techniques, they complete tasks and prefer outcomes that can be measured (VARK, 2019). Besides, they prefer being part of the team, being appreciated for their experiences and prefer interacting with individuals who apply their ideas as well as individuals who are relevant, concrete, and down-to-earth. NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

My preferred learning strategies are similar to a majority of the preferred learning strategies for the Kinesthetic learning style. For instance, I prefer learning to solve problems using real-life case scenarios and practical experiences since I understand things better and also retain the learned information for a more extended period. I understand concepts better when I learn them practically, such as through projects and lab practical. I prefer having a trainer who explains concepts using real-life scenarios, uses demonstrations to explain a theory, and allows me to apply theory in a real-life setting. When studying, I use case studies whereby I attempt solving the case scenarios to gauge my understanding of a concept. By using case studies and theory application, I can relate the information learned and find the information valuable and relevant.

NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

Complete “The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best?”

  1. Click “OK” to receive your questionnaire scores.
  2. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
  3. Review the other learning styles: visual, aural, read/write, kinesthetic, and multimodal (listed on the VARK Questionnaire Results page).
  4. Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  5. Appraise how this awareness of learning attributes influences your perceptions of teaching and learning.

In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise. Include the following:

  1. Provide a summary of your learning style.
  2. List your preferred learning strategies.
  3. Compare your preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  4. Discuss how the awareness of individual learning styles, preferences and strategies influence teaching (those who are in a position to teach) and learning (those who are in a position to learn).
  5. Cite a minimum of three references in the paper.

Although the topic of this assignment refers to your individual learning style, avoid the use of first person voice (words such as, “I, we,

our”) in your essay.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

NRS 429V Week 1 Discussion 1

Using the health belief model, how can nurses encourage patients to make immediate and permanent behavior changes; particularly as they relate to lifestyle choices?

Topic 1 DQ 1


Describe the nurse’s role and responsibility as health educator. What strategies, besides the use of learning styles, can a nurse educator consider when developing tailored individual care plans, or for educational programs in health promotion? When should behavioral objectives be utilized in a care plan or health promotion?

Re: Topic 1 DQ 1

A nurse’s profession entails a large amount of patient education. Patients who receive education are better able to enhance their health. Assessment is the first step a nurse must take when teaching a patient. Because each patient has a unique learning style, educational level, values, and belief system, patient assessment is required. Nurses are also in charge of determining whether there are any learning barriers. Culture, health disparities, environmental, language, literary, and physiological barriers are only a few of them. (Whitney, 2018) A nurse’s purpose as a health educator is to educate individuals on how to make educated health decisions, avoid diseases, and promote health. NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

Nurse educators can work with an interdisciplinary team to create a personalized care plan for each patient. Assessing the readiness and motivation of the patient is a key tool for effective education. (Smith & Zsohar, 2013) The nurse educator should use tactics that will assist the patient gain more knowledge, feel less anxious, be more satisfied, and have better outcomes. (Roxanne, n.d.) Various successful approaches, such as computer technology, audio and videotapes, textual materials, and demonstrations, can be employed to attain these aims. Various instructional tactics that were employed in tandem were also beneficial. Furthermore, systematic, culturally relevant, and patient-specific instructions have been shown to be superior to ad hoc or generalized teaching. When a patient is willing to learn and change, behavioral objectives should be included in their treatment plan.


Whitney. (2018). Teaching and Learning Styles. In Health Promotion [Review of Teaching and Learning Styles. In Health Promotion].

Smith, J. A., & Zsohar, H. (2013). Patient-education tips for new nurses. Nursing43(10), 1–3.

Roxanne, C. (n.d.). Effective Teaching Strategies and Methods of Delivery for Patient Education: A Systematic Review and Practice Guideline Recommendations [Review of Effective Teaching Strategies and Methods of Delivery for Patient Education: A Systematic Review and Practice Guideline Recommendations].

NRS 429V Week 1 Discussion 2

In the assigned reading, “How to Write Learning Objectives That Meet Demanding Behavioral Criteria,” Kizlik explained that “objectives that are used in education, whether they are called learning objectives, behavioral objectives, instructional objectives, or performance objectives are terms that refer to descriptions of observable behavior or performance that are used to make judgments about learning.” How do health providers design educational programs to clearly articulate objectives to engage both patients as well as families?

Topic 1 DQ 2


Describe a health promotion model used to initiate behavioral changes. How does this model help in teaching behavioral changes? What are some of the barriers that affect a patient’s ability to learn? How does a patient’s readiness to learn, or readiness to change, affect learning outcomes?

Re: Topic 1 DQ 2

Lifestyle improvements may be achieved via a combination of improved awareness, behaviour modification, and the creation of an environment that promotes good health habits. According to World Health Organization, “health promotion is the process of making people take or increase control over and improve their health. It moves beyond a focus on individual behaviour and instead towards a wide range of social and environmental intervention” (World Health Organization, 2017). Health promotion aims at “increasing energy, improving productivity, accomplishing goals” (Rural Health Information Hub, n.d). NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

The health belief model is one of the most frequently used health behaviour theories, Jones et al. (2014). The HBM predicts health behaviour using six Concepts. “Risk responsibility, risk severity, action benefits, obstacles to actions, self-efficacy, and action cues” (Jones et al., 2018, Para.2). The HBM clarifies health habits that predicts if the patient is willing to change. The healthcare team utilizes this information to obtain more information about patients which will help them assist them in making better decisions.

Learning obstacles such as a patient’s lack of preparedness and desire to learn, as well as a lack of awareness of the significance of learning, all have an impact on the patient’s capacity to learn. The patient’s emotional, physical, environmental, and physiological setup may all serve as impediments to his or her ability to learn.

Patient readiness and willingness to learn or modify behaviour have a significant impact on the outcome of the learning experience. When a patient is corporative, it is much easier to educate him or her to adopt new healthy habits. The result is always contingent on the patient’s desire to learn and comprehend whatever knowledge you are imparting to him or her. NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper



Jones, C.L Jensen, J.D, Scherr, C.L., Brown, N.R. Christy, K., Weaver, J. (2014). The Health Belief Model as an explanatory framework in communication research: exploring parallel, serial, and Moderated Mediation.

Health Communication, 30(6), 566-76. Rural health information Hub. (nd.). Defining health promotion and disease prevention, Retrieved from

World Health Organization, (2017, October), Health promotion, Retrieved from


Topic 1: Teaching and Learning Styles



  1. Evaluate personal learning styles.
    2. Discuss the application of teaching strategies to support individualized nursing care plans.
    3. Examine health promotion models used for behavioral change.
    Study Materials

Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum


Read Chapter 1 in Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum.


The VARK Questionnaire


Complete “The VARK Questionnaire,” located on the VARK website.

Teaching Strategies to Support Evidence-Based Practice


Read “Teaching Strategies to Support Evidence-Based Practice,” by Winters and Echeverri, from Critical Care Nurse

Patient-Education Tips for New Nurses


Read “Patient-Education Tips for New Nurses,” by Smith and Zsohar, from Nursing 2013 (2013).

Patient Education in Home Care: Strategies for Success


Read “Patient Education in Home Care: Strategies for Success,” by Ashton and Oermann, from Home Healthcare Now


Course Code Class Code Assignment Title Total Points
NRS-429VN NRS-429VN-O502 VARK Analysis Paper 100.0

Criteria Percentage Unsatisfactory (0.00%) Less than Satisfactory (75.00%) Satisfactory (79.00%) Good (89.00%) Excellent (100.00%)
Content 80.0%
Personal Learning Styles According to VARK Questionnaire 20.0% Personal learning style content is missing. Personal learning style presented is not reflective of VARK questionnaire. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified, but summary is incomplete. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified and basic summary is provided. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified and described. Personal learning style according to the VARK questionnaire is identified and described in detail. Summary offers examples that display personal insight or reflection.

Preferred Learning Strategies 20.0% Personal learning strategy content is missing. Personal learning strategy is partially described. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is incomplete. Personal learning strategy is summarized. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is generally described. Personal learning strategy is described. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is presented. Personal learning strategy is clearly described. A comparison of current preferred learning styles and VARK identified learning styles is detailed. Overall discussion demonstrates insight into preferred learning strategies and how these support preferred learning styles. NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper


Learning Styles (Effect on educational performance and importance of identifying learning styles for learners as an educator) 20.0% Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is not presented. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is partially presented. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is unclear. There are inaccuracies. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is generally discussed. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is generally established. There are minor inaccuracies. More rationale or evidence is needed for support. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is discussed. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is established. Some rationale or evidence is needed for support. Importance of learning styles for a learner, and importance of educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners, is thoroughly discussed. The importance of learning styles for learners participating in healthy promotion, and identifying them as an educator, is clearly established. Strong rationale and evidence support discussion.

Learning Styles and Health Promotion (learning styles and importance to achieving desired outcome for learners, learning styles and effect on behavioral change, accommodation of different learning styles in health promotion) 20.0% Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion, the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes, and the accommodation of different learning styles is not discussed. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is partially presented; a correlation has not been established. Accommodation of different learning styles is incomplete. There are inaccuracies. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in a health promotion, and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is generally presented; a general correlation has been established. More rationale or evidence is needed to fully establish correlation. Accommodation of different learning styles is summarized. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in a health promotion, and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is discussed; a correlation has been established. Accommodation of different learning styles is discussed. Some detail or minor support is needed. Understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in a health promotion, and the correlation to behavioral change and achieving desired outcomes is discussed in detail. A strong correlation has been established. Accommodation of different learning styles is discussed. The narrative demonstrates insight into the importance of learning styles to health promotion and behavioral outcomes.

Organization and Effectiveness 15.0%
Thesis Development and Purpose 5.0% Paper lacks any discernible overall purpose or organizing claim. Thesis is insufficiently developed or vague. Purpose is not clear. Thesis is apparent and appropriate to purpose. Thesis is clear and forecasts the development of the paper. Thesis is descriptive and reflective of the arguments and appropriate to the purpose. Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Argument Logic and Construction 5.0% Statement of purpose is not justified by the conclusion. The conclusion does not support the claim made. Argument is incoherent and uses noncredible sources. Sufficient justification of claims is lacking. Argument lacks consistent unity. There are obvious flaws in the logic. Some sources have questionable credibility. Argument is orderly, but may have a few inconsistencies. The argument presents minimal justification of claims. Argument logically, but not thoroughly, supports the purpose. Sources used are credible. Introduction and conclusion bracket the thesis. Argument shows logical progressions. Techniques of argumentation are evident. There is a smooth progression of claims from introduction to conclusion. Most sources are authoritative. Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use) 5.0% Surface errors are pervasive enough that they impede communication of meaning. Inappropriate word choice or sentence construction is used. Frequent and repetitive mechanical errors distract the reader. Inconsistencies in language choice (register), sentence structure, or word choice are present. Some mechanical errors or typos are present, but they are not overly distracting to the reader. Correct sentence structure and audience-appropriate language are used. Prose is largely free of mechanical errors, although a few may be present. A variety of sentence structures and effective figures of speech are used. Writer is clearly in command of standard, written, academic English.

Format 5.0%
Paper Format (use of appropriate style for the major and assignment) 2.0% Template is not used appropriately or documentation format is rarely followed correctly. Template is used, but some elements are missing or mistaken; lack of control with formatting is apparent. Template is used, and formatting is correct, although some minor errors may be present. Template is fully used; There are virtually no errors in formatting style. All format elements are correct.

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style) 3.0% Sources are not documented. Documentation of sources is inconsistent or incorrect, as appropriate to assignment and style, with numerous formatting errors. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, although some formatting errors may be present. Sources are documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is mostly correct. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error. NRS 429V Week 1 Assignment VARK Analysis Paper

NUR 513 Discussion: Summary of Professional Nursing Organizations

NUR 513 Discussion: Summary of Professional Nursing Organizations

Topic 8 DQ 1


 Identify three professional nursing organizations that interest you. Provide a brief summary of their purpose, requirements, and any differences in focus, population, scope, or intent. How do these organi£ations align with yo w· goals and worldview?



Advanced registered nursing graduates are entering the profession at dynamic time when roles and scope of practice are shifting based on developments in legislation and policy in response to the evolving needs of the health care system Professional nursing organuations play an impo11ant role in making sure the perspectives of advanced registered nurses are heard, and in suppo1ting nurse specialties in their effo1ts to expand their scope of practice and their full pa11icipation throughout the health care system. NUR 513 Discussion: Summary of Professional Nursing Organizations

For this assignment, you will conduc t research on the cu1Tent scope of practice for your specialty and efforts that are being made to expand that scope and the role of the advanced nurse in positively influencing the health care system. Write a 1,250-1,500-word paper that includes the following:

l. A discussion of the scope of your future role as an advanced registered nurse, including any regulato1y, certi fication, or accreditation agencies that define that scope.
2. A discussion of three professional nursing organizations that you think are most influential in advancing the scope and influence of advanced nursing. Of these organizations, evaluate the one that you would mo st like to join. How do its goals and mission fit in with your worldview and philosophy of care? How might membership in this organization improve your practice?
3. A discussion of a controversial or evolving issue that is most likely to affect your scope of practice or role in the next few years. How do you think this issue could influence the profession and other stakeholder s, and why does it matters to the advanced registered nurse? NUR 513 Discussion: Summary of Professional Nursing Organizations

You are required to cite five to 10 sources to comp lete this assignment Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a mbric. Please review the mbric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Studen t Success Center.




1. Evaluate how professional nursing organizations influence the profession and support nurses in achieving their professional goals.
2. Examine positions and goals supported by nursing organizations that relate to one’s personal worldview and philosophy of care and practice.
3. Discuss the potential impact of current legislation on the advanced registered nurse’s individual and collective practice.
Study Materials


Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


Read Chapters 28-30 in Advanced Practice NUYsing: Essential Knowwdgefor the Profession.

Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care


Read Chapters 1O and 11 in Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care.

A New Model for ANCC’s Magnet Recognition Program


Read “A New Model for ANCC’s Magnet Recognition Program,” by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), located on U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs website.

Professional Nursing Organizations


Explore the Professional Nursing Organizations links on the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of nursing website. NUR 513 Discussion: Summary of Professional Nursing Organizations

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists


Initial Post

          Nursing informatics has evolved into a discipline that is involved in a large number of essential healthcare decisions. Recent proof of this was obvious during the pandemic’s peak earlier this year, when telehealth and other virtual services became a primary source of healthcare delivery. Nursing informatics, according to Sipes (2016), “supports judgments in all positions, functions, and contexts…” I regularly observe this interdisciplinary teamwork inside the organization with which I work. I had the honor of caring for the mother of one of the nurse informatics instructors at the organization for which I work a few weeks ago. While caring for her mother, I sought out networking opportunities and presented myself to this NI instructor, explaining that I am currently getting an MSN in informatics.


Since then, she has encouraged me to shadow her several times, and this is a process that is ongoing. Indeed, I spent a few hours today, Monday December 14th, 2020, shadowing her. Throughout this assignment, I was able to observe the nursing informatics team’s interprofessional partnerships with the rest of the hospital. A problem I observed this connection in relation to the CERNER electronic health record platform. Recently, there have been some unexpected “downtimes,” and it appeared as though this may happen again this morning.

The informatics office received numerous phone calls from units inquiring about CERNER’s status, including physicians, charge nurses, and even the pharmacy department. The NI educator was receiving alerts from the cooperating office with real-time updates to share with the units. We then circled the hospital with another NI and a Physician Clinical Informaticist, where I witnessed the informatics team approach each unit leader, providing an update and answering any questions they may have about the current state of the CERNER delay. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists


            Among the many responsibilities that nurses have, one of the most important yet biggest frustrations come from EHR

documentation burdens that can interrupt patient care. (Boyle et al., 2019) states that two important points to address are “1) implementing true interprofessional teams to improve communication and quality of care and 2) addressing the documentation burden, usability, and interoperability issues of electronic health records through redesign”. I not only experience the frequent EHR interruptions with CERNER, but I also got to witness what it was like for the informatics team to address it in real-time. The organization I work for is in the early implementation phases of transferring the EHR system from CERNER to EPIC. Currently, there are three major databases that are used within the 50 hospital campuses, and 1,200 acute care centers (Cohen, 2020). By switching to EPIC, all of the health records will be accessible, making it easier to provide more patient-centered care because there will a more fluid process with interprofessional communication.(McGonigle & Mastrain, 2018, Chapter 25) points out the importance of patient-centered in regard to inter-professional relationships that are “woven together through the material and immaterial resources available in specific organizational contexts”

            A recommendation I have for the organization is to include the floor nurses and other staff members during their early implementation phases of the EPIC transition. I am aware of their need for “superusers” because I have expressed much interest in becoming a superuser. However, I would suggest creating more of awareness during the early stages so that there is a sense of enthusiasm among the staff members to embrace this change. Such a change is not always welcomed, especially for the more seasoned staff members. I plan on working alongside the NI team to help the emergency department become involved and excited about this transition. The nursing informatics field is bound to continuously grow and become engaged in project developments that impact patient care on a large platform. As technology improves and medical advancements are made, there will always be room for nurse informaticists to provide valuable input. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists


Boyle, D. K., Baernholdt, M., Adams, J. M., McBride, S., Harper, E., Poghosyan, L., & Manges, K. (2019). Improve nurses’ well-being and joy in work: Implement true interprofessional teams and address electronic health record usability issues. Nursing Outlook67(6), 791–797.

Cohen, J. K. (2020). Adventhealth dropping Cerner, Athenahealth EHRs for EPIC. Modern Healthcare50(7).

McGonigle, D., & Mastrain, K. G. (2018). Nursing Informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Mosier, S., Roberts, D., & Englebright, J. (2019). A systems-level method for developing nursing informatics solutions. The Journal of Nursing Administration49(11), 543–548.

Sipes, C. (2016). Project Management: Essential skill of nurse informaticists. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics225, 252–256.

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Nature offers many examples of specialization and collaboration. Ant colonies and bee hives are but two examples of nature’s sophisticated organizations. Each thrives because their members specialize by tasks, divide labor, and collaborate to ensure food, safety, and general well-being of the colony or hive.

Of course, humans don’t fare too badly in this regard either. And healthcare is a great example. As specialists in the collection, access, and application of data, nurse informaticists collaborate with specialists on a regular basis to ensure that appropriate data is available to make decisions and take actions to ensure the general well-being of patients.

In this Discussion, you will reflect on your own observations of and/or experiences with informaticist collaboration. You will also propose strategies for how these collaborative experiences might be improved. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the evolution of nursing informatics from a science to a nursing specialty.
  • Consider your experiences with nurse Informaticists or technology specialists within your healthcare organization.

By Day 3 of Week 3

Post a description of experiences or observations about how nurse informaticists and/or data or technology specialists interact with other professionals within your healthcare organization. Suggest at least one strategy on how these interactions might be improved. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain the impact you believe the continued evolution of nursing informatics as a specialty and/or the continued emergence of new technologies might have on professional interactions.

Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticist and Other Healthcare Specialists

Nursing informaticists play a pivotal role in researching and analyzing administrative and clinical performance analytics (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2015). This is important for tracking interventions and outcomes. In my workplace, I have experienced an interaction between nurse informaticists and other healthcare specialists on various occasions. Most importantly, nurse informaticists often interact with the administration to design, implement, and adjust the health information system software that is used to run communication at our facility. They then train each staff member on how to retrieve and access and share patient information without breaching the confidentiality rule. It has promoted end-to-end treatment and continuity of care as it aligns nursing based practice with clinical workflow.

One way in which interactions between nurse informaticists and other specialists might be improved is by training all the employees on how to utilize the information systems available for better patient outcomes (McGonigle& Mastrian, 2015). Secondly, collaborative practice is key in embracing the unique role of each employee at the workplace. Therefore, the organization should establish and maintain employee relationships as well as employee-employer relationships. Lastly, the interaction may also be fostered when every employee in the work environment has an access to a computer. Organizations need to add more electronics required for better patient outcomes.

Due to fast technological advancement and its application in the healthcare sector, we expect a huge impact on healthcare practice in terms of outcomes and quality (Cynthia & Tim, 2019). Headways in the future of nursing informatics will center on automated clinical and patient data records, simplified data collection, improved operations in healthcare facilities, and real-time access to data at any time. All these are evidenced by the emergence of artificial intelligence and remote monitoring technologies like remote blood sugar monitors. This substantiates the essence of us as front liners in healthcare having easy and open communications with the designers and builders of NI and EHR departments. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists



Cynthia, J., & Tim, R. (2019). Transformations in health information technology and the impact on patient experience. Patient Experience Journal, 6(2), 5-8.

McGonigle, D. (2017). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (4th Ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. G. (Eds.). (2015). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

By Day 6 of Week 3

Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days, offering one or more additional interaction strategies in support of the examples/observations shared or by offering further insight to the thoughts shared about the future of these interactions.

*Note: Throughout this program, your fellow students are referred to as colleagues.

Submission and Grading Information

Grading Criteria

To access your rubric:

Week 3 Discussion Rubric

Post by Day 3 and Respond by Day 6 of Week 3

To participate in this Discussion:

Week 3 Discussion

RE: Discussion – Week 3

I do absolutely support to your post especially when you have mentioned that “Amongst the many responsibilities that nurses have, one of the most important yet biggest frustrations come from EHR documentation burdens that can interrupt patient care. (Boyle et al., 2019) states that two important points to address are “1) implementing true interprofessional teams to improve communication and quality of care and 2) addressing the documentation burden, usability, and interoperability issues of electronic health records through redesign”.  The negative aspect of nurse informatics is that it disregards the face-to-face assessment interaction amongst the healthcare team.

Group presentations are often helpful because it allows mutual information sharing, memorizing important data, and highlights problems (Johnson, Johnson, & Smith, 2014).  While on a positive note, team members can appreciate other viewpoints while expanding knowledge of certain situations. These strategies would allow interaction with CIS to improve on areas needed additional data collection advancing technology within the organization.   Therefore, the continued development of nursing informatics has an affirmative impact on professional interactions.  This will allow continual education and interaction with other healthcare professionals, keeping them abreast of changes within the system.  This interaction also shapes trust amongst all disciplines and count on one another for the up-to-date information and data collection.

In the words of McGonigle & Mastrian, nurses are considered knowledgeable engineers, designers and developer, who implement and maintain knowledge (2017). To accomplish these characteristics, the nursing force needs professional interaction with the nursing informatics specialist. This interaction not only exists in healthcare settings, but in the business settings as well.  These types of telecommunication will continue to exist as long as there is technology with room for advancement. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists


Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R.T., & Smith, K.A. (2014). Cooperative learning: Improving      university instruction by basing practice on validated theory.  Journal on Excellence in  University Teaching. 25(4). 1-26.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K.G. (2017).  Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge(4th ed.).  Burlington, MA:  Jones & Bartlett Learning.

RE: Discussion – Week 3

            What a topical and amazing opportunity you had! Just as we begin a class focused on nursing informatics, you stumble upon one who takes you in? That’s amazing and I’m incredibly jealous of your luck! Interestingly enough, I have seen a few posts about CERNER in this discussion, so I’m curious as to the pros and cons of this electronic health program.

It seems as though your institution was able to manage this issue of the downtimes in a manner that pleased the staff, but were they able to get to the bottom of the random downtimes? One thing I’ve noticed in my workplace is the de-escalation factor of rising issues without actual resolve. For example, if multiple units are complaining about a similar issue, management may come around and give an answer that doesn’t exactly address the underlying issue but manages to decrease the frustration of the issue. Nursing informaticists must be able to have the discussions that occur within a disciplinary team in order to keep a constant flow of information and updates. In our weekly resources, Carolyn Sipes states that “discussion is the most important trait” (2016) for this exact reason. Keeping the team updated on current issues and solutions can lead to improved patient outcomes.

Your suggestion for including floor nurses in the early phases into the transition into a new electronic health program makes perfect sense. My health system is currently implementing education for a transition into the use of EPIC. In the earlier phases of the implementation, my health system selected “superusers”, but this idea ultimately failed. The people selected for the “superuser” class openly refused the responsibility, claiming that more nurses should be involved versus having mandated nurses be experts. This led to floor nurses being involved in the early phases which in turn created a volunteer basis for the “super user” title. Although we have not implemented EPIC as of yet, this is believed to produce better results. As quoted from one of our weekly resources, “leadership engagement is a key component of the implementation process” (Mosier,S et al., 2019). Leadership needs to be aware of the demands of the staff nurse in order for these things to work as fluently as they hoped, which it seems like your health system has (and mine hopes to get to).


Mosier, Sammie, DHA, MA, BSN, NE-BC, CMSRN, BC, Roberts, Wm., Dan PhD, RN, et al. (2019). A Systems-Level Method for Developing Nursing Informatics Solutions: The Role of Executive Leadership. Journal of Nursing Administration, 49, 543-548.

Sipes, C. (2016). Project Management: Essential Skill of Nurse Informaticists. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics225, 252–256.

Rubric Detail

Select Grid View or List View to change the rubric’s layout.
Name: NURS_5051_Module02_Week03_Discussion_Rubric

Grid View
List View

Excellent Good Fair Poor
Main Posting
Points Range: 45 (45%) – 50 (50%)
Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Supported by at least three current, credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.


Points Range: 40 (40%) – 44 (44%)
Responds to the discussion question(s) and is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

At least 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with one or no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Points Range: 35 (35%) – 39 (39%)
Responds to some of the discussion question(s).

One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Post is cited with two credible sources.

Written somewhat concisely; may contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Contains some APA formatting errors.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 34 (34%)
Does not respond to the discussion question(s) adequately.

Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.

Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Contains only one or no credible sources.

Not written clearly or concisely.

Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.
Main Post: Timeliness
Points Range: 10 (10%) – 10 (10%)
Posts main post by day 3.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)
Does not post by day 3.
First Response
Points Range: 17 (17%) – 18 (18%)
Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.

Responds fully to questions posed by faculty.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.

Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

Points Range: 15 (15%) – 16 (16%)
Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

Points Range: 13 (13%) – 14 (14%)
Response is on topic and may have some depth.

Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 12 (12%)
Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.
Second Response
Points Range: 16 (16%) – 17 (17%)
Response exhibits synthesis, critical thinking, and application to practice settings.

Responds fully to questions posed by faculty.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by at least two scholarly sources.

Demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Responses to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

Points Range: 14 (14%) – 15 (15%)
Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

Responses to faculty questions are answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

Points Range: 12 (12%) – 13 (13%)
Response is on topic and may have some depth.

Responses posted in the discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Response may lack clear, concise opinions and ideas, and a few or no credible sources are cited.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 11 (11%)
Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Responses posted in the discussion lack effective professional communication.

Responses to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.
Points Range: 5 (5%) – 5 (5%)
Meets requirements for participation by posting on three different days.

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)

Points Range: 0 (0%) – 0 (0%)
Does not meet requirements for participation by posting on 3 different days.
Total Points: 100
Name: NURS_5051_Module02_Week03_Discussion_Rubric

Name:  Discussion Rubric









Main Posting: 

Response to the Discussion question is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

40 (40%) – 44 (44%) 

Thoroughly responds to the Discussion question(s).

Is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

No less than 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three current credible sources.

35 (35%) – 39 (39%) 

Responds to most of the Discussion question(s).

Is somewhat reflective with critical analysis and synthesis representative of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

50% of the post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three credible references.

31 (31%) – 34 (34%) 

Responds to some of the Discussion question(s).

One to two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Cited with fewer than two credible references.

0 (0%) – 30 (30%) 

Does not respond to the Discussion question(s).

Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.

Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Contains only one or no credible references.

Main Posting: 


6 (6%) – 6 (6%) 

Written clearly and concisely.

Contains no grammatical or spelling errors.

Adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Written concisely.

May contain one to two grammatical or spelling errors.

Adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Written somewhat concisely.

May contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Contains some APA formatting errors.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%) 

Not written clearly or concisely.

Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.

Main Posting: 

Timely and full participation

9 (9%) – 10 (10%) 

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts main Discussion by due date.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%) 

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts main Discussion by due date. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

7 (7%) – 7 (7%) 

Posts main Discussion by due date.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%) 

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post main Discussion by due date.

First Response: 

Post to colleague’s main post that is reflective and justified with credible sources.

9 (9%) – 9 (9%) 

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Responds to questions posed by faculty.

The use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%) 

Response has some depth and may exhibit critical thinking or application to practice setting.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%) 

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%) 

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

First Response: 


6 (6%) – 6 (6%) 

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Communication is mostly professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are mostly answered, if posed.

Provides opinions and ideas that are supported by few credible sources.

Response is written in standard, edited English.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Response posed in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Response to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%) 

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective communication.

Response to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

First Response: 

Timely and full participation

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts by due date.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts by due date.

3 (3%) – 3 (3%) 

Posts by due date.

0 (0%) – 2 (2%) 

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post by due date.

Second Response:
Post to colleague’s main post that is reflective and justified with credible sources.
9 (9%) – 9 (9%) 

Response exhibits critical thinking and application to practice settings.

Responds to questions posed by faculty.

The use of scholarly sources to support ideas demonstrates synthesis and understanding of learning objectives.

8 (8%) – 8 (8%) 

Response has some depth and may exhibit critical thinking or application to practice setting.

7 (7%) – 7 (7%) 

Response is on topic and may have some depth.

0 (0%) – 6 (6%) 

Response may not be on topic and lacks depth.

Second Response:
6 (6%) – 6 (6%) 

Communication is professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are fully answered, if posed.

Provides clear, concise opinions and ideas that are supported by two or more credible sources.

Response is effectively written in standard, edited English.

5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Communication is mostly professional and respectful to colleagues.

Response to faculty questions are mostly answered, if posed.

Provides opinions and ideas that are supported by few credible sources.

Response is written in standard, edited English.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Response posed in the Discussion may lack effective professional communication.

Response to faculty questions are somewhat answered, if posed.

Few or no credible sources are cited.

0 (0%) – 3 (3%) 

Responses posted in the Discussion lack effective communication.

Response to faculty questions are missing.

No credible sources are cited.

Second Response:
Timely and full participation
5 (5%) – 5 (5%) 

Meets requirements for timely, full, and active participation.

Posts by due date.

4 (4%) – 4 (4%) 

Meets requirements for full participation.

Posts by due date. Discussion: Interaction Between Nurse Informaticists and Other Specialists

3 (3%) – 3 (3%) 

Posts by due date.

0 (0%) – 2 (2%) 

Does not meet requirements for full participation.

Does not post by due date.

NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Week 7: Concepts of Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders – Part 1

Anatomists often use the analogy of a house to explain the human body, with skeletal systems, respiratory systems, and circulatory systems represented as a home’s framing structure, ventilation, and piping, respectively. Such analogies further emphasize the point that relationships between systems can result in complications when issues arise in one system.


With hundreds of diseases that can impact the brain, spine, and nerves, neurological disorders represent a complicated array of issues that present significant health concerns. Disorders such as strokes and Parkinson’s disease not only affect the nervous system, however; they can have secondary impacts in other areas, especially the musculoskeletal system. NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

This week, you examine fundamental concepts of neurological disorders. You explore common disorders that impact these systems and you apply the key terms and concepts that help communicate the pathophysiological nature of these issues to patients.
Learning Objectives

Students will:

Analyze concepts and principles of pathophysiology across the lifespan

Learning Resources

Required Readings (click to expand/reduce)

McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: the biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby/Elsevier.

Chapter 15: Structure and Function of the Neurologic System
Chapter 16: Pain, Temperature Regulation, Sleep, and Sensory Function (stop at Sleep); Summary Review
Chapter 17: Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function (start at Acute confusional states and delirium) (stop at Alterations in neuromotor functions); (Parkinson’s Disease); Summary Review NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Chapter 18: Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and the Neuromuscular Junction (stop at Degenerative disorders of the spine); (start at Cerebrovascular disorders) (stop at Tumors of the central nervous system); Summary Review
Chapter 44: Structure and Function of the Musculoskeletal System (stop at Components of muscle function); Summary Review. NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Chapter 45: Alterations of Musculoskeletal Function (stop at Bone tumors); (start at Disorders of joints); Summary Review
Chapter 47: Structure, Function, and Disorders of the Integument (section on Lyme Disease)

Chin, L. S. (2018). Spinal cord injuries. Retrieved from

Required Media (click to expand/reduce)

Module 5 Overview with Dr. Tara Harris

Dr. Tara Harris reviews the structure of Module 5 as well as the expectations for the module. Consider how you will manage your time as you review your media and Learning Resources throughout the module to prepare for your Knowledge Check and your Assignment. (3m) NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

Khan Academy. (2019b). Ischemic stroke . Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 8 minutes.

NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders (2019, June 12). Osteoporosis – causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology [Video file]. Retrieved from

Note: The approximate length of the media program is 9 minutes.

Online Media from Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children

In addition to this week’s media, it is highly recommended that you access and view the resources included with the course text, Pathophysiology: The Biologic Basis for Disease in Adults and Children. Focus on the videos and animations in Chapters 15, 16, 18, and sections of Chapters 44 and 45 that relate to the neurological and musculoskeletal systems. Refer to the Learning Resources in Week 1 for registration instructions. If you have already registered, you may access the resources at Knowledge Check: Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders

In this exercise, you will complete a 10- to 20-essay type question Knowledge Check to gauge your understanding of this module’s content.

Possible topics covered in this Knowledge Check include:
Multiple sclerosis
Transient Ischemic Attack
Myasthenia gravis
Seizure disorders
Head injury
Spinal cord injury
Inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Lyme Disease

Three basic bone-formations:

Photo Credit: Getty Images/Science Photo Libra

Complete the Knowledge Check By Day 7 of Week 7

To complete this Knowledge Check:

Module 5 Knowledge Check

Next Week

To go to the next week:

Week 8

Question 1

1 out of 1 points


Muscle protein that stores oxygen is called:
Selected Answer:







Question 2

1 out of 1 points


Lipogranuloma of oil-secreting gland of the eyelid best describes a:
Selected Answer:






Question 3

1 out of 1 points


Neurons need insulin in order to take in glucose. NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Selected Answer:




Question 4

1 out of 1 points


Damage to an upper motor neuron will cause muscle ________________________
Selected Answer:





Question 5

0 out of 1 points


Damage to the cerebellum will cause what symptoms?
Selected Answer:

resting tremor and ataxic gait

resting tremor and ataxic gait

resting tremor and shuffling gait


intention tremor and ataxic gait

intention tremor and shuffling gait
Question 6

0 out of 1 points


Which substances inhibit bone re absorption?
Selected Answer:

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)

Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and estrogen

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)

Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and t umor necrosis factor-a (TNF-a)

Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and estrogen
Question 7

1 out of 1 points


A neuron extension that carries impulses toward the cell body is called:
Selected Answer:






Question 8

1 out of 1 points


Venous bleeding around the brain can cause a(n):

Selected Answer:

subdural hematoma

subdural hematoma

epidural hematoma

intracerebral hematoma

cerebellar infarct
Question 9

1 out of 1 points


Inflammation in small fluid-filled sacs located between tendons, muscles, and bony prominences is called?
Selected Answer:


Septic joint




Question 10

1 out of 1 points


Cranial nerves III, IV, and VI are necessary for normal movement of the:
Selected Answer:






Question 11

1 out of 1 points


Characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis include:
Selected Answer:

Severe joint deformities and autoimmune disease

Severe joint deformities and autoimmune disease

Subchondral bone sclerosis and loss of articular cartilage

Joint pain relieved by rest and joint stiffness for first hour after awakening

Subchondral bone sclerosis and joint stiffness for first hour after awakening
Question 12

1 out of 1 points


What brain structure is responsible for the thermoregulation and heat production in the body?
Selected Answer:





Question 13

1 out of 1 points


Damage to a lower motor neuron will cause muscle ________________________
Selected Answer:






Question 14

1 out of 1 points


Inflammation of the eyelid is best described as:
Selected Answer:






Question 15

0 out of 1 points


Impaired recognition of tactile, visual, or auditory stimuli is called:
Selected Answer:






Question 16

1 out of 1 points


Which of the following conditions are have an autoimmune cause? NURS 6501 Knowledge Check Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
Selected Answer:

Lichen planus and lupus erythematosus

Lichen planus and lupus erythematosus

Erysipelas and impetigo

Tinea pedis and candidiasis

Erysipelas and candidiasis
Question 17

1 out of 1 points


Which of the following conditions are have a bacterial cause?
Selected Answer:

Erysipelas and impetigo

Lichen planus and lupus erythematosus


Erysipelas and impetigo

Tinea pedis and candidiasis

Erysipelas and candidiasis
Question 18

0 out of 1 points


Characteristics of osteoarthritis include:
Selected Answer:

Joint pain relieved by rest and joint stiffness for first hour after awakening

Severe joint deformities and autoimmune disease


Subchondral bone sclerosis and loss of articular cartilage

Joint pain relieved by rest and joint stiffness for first hour after awakening

Subchondral bone sclerosis and joint stiffness for first hour after awakening
Question 19

1 out of 1 points


Inflammation of a tendon where it attaches to a bone is called?
Selected Answer:


Septic joint




Question 20

1 out of 1 points



Changes in the pupils are useful to evaluate the function of what area of the brain?
Selected Answer:


grey matter




white matter

NRS 430 Topic 3 Discussion Question Two

NRS 430 Topic 3 Discussion Question Two

Topic 2 DQ 2


Discuss potential causes of conflict occurring within health care organizations. What are some principles of negotiation and conflict resolution used by the nurse leader to address conflict? What model or leadership theory would be effective to use in addressing conflict?



1. Differentiate between leadership and management.
2. Analyze different leadership theories and styles.
3. Analyze characteristics of the professional nurse leader and nursing leadership.
4. Evaluate leadership and management strategies within health care organizations. NRS 430 Topic 3 Discussion Question Two

5. Discuss potential causes of conflict, principles of negotiation, and conflict resolution models and strategies.


Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession


Read Chapters 4 and 27 in Advanced Practice Nursing: Essential Knowledge for the Profession.

Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care


Read Chapters 2-4, 7, and 14 in Leadership in Nursing Practice: Changing the Landscape of Health Care.

Great Leaders Inspire Great Followership


Read “Great Leaders Inspire Great Followership,” by Cruz, from Leadership Excellence (2014).

Advancing the Nursing Profession Begins With Leadership


Read “Advancing the Nursing Profession Begins With Leadership,” by O’Neill, from Journal of Nursing Administration

From Trait to Transformation: The Evolution of Leadership Theories. NRS 430 Topic 3 Discussion Question Two

Nursing Leadership From Bedside to Boardroom: Opinion Leaders’ Perceptions

Click here to ORDER an A++ paper from our MASTERS and DOCTORATE WRITERS: NUR 514 Topic 2 Discussion Question Two


Read “Nursing Leadership From Bedside to Boardroom: Opinion Leaders’ Perceptions,” by Blizzard, Khoury, and McMurray (2015), located on the Campaign for Action website.

Leadership Styles: Choosing the Right Approach for the Situation


Read “Leadership Styles: Choosing the Right Approach for the Situation,” located on the Mind Tools website.

Transformational Leadership: Becoming an Inspirational Leader


Read “Transformational Leadership: Becoming an Inspirational Leader,” located on the Mind Tools website.

Servant Leadership: Putting Your Team First, and Yourself Second


Read “Servant Leadership: Putting Your Team First, and Yourself Second,” located on the Mind Tools website.

What Is the Difference Between Management and Leadership? NRS 430 Topic 3 Discussion Question Two


Read “What Is the Difference Between Management and Leadership?” by Murray (2014), located onThe Wall Street Journal website.

An Alternative Approach to Nurse Manager Leadership


Read “An Alternative Approach to Nurse Manager Leadership,” by Henriksen, from Nursing Management (2016).

Nurse Manager Skills Inventory


Complete the “Nurse Manager Skills Inventory,” by the Nurse Manager Leadership Partnership (NMLP), located on the HWE Resources page of the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) website. The resource is located under the “Authentic Leadership” heading.

Leadership Style Reflective Essay Assignment Self-Assessment Resources


Rasmussen NUR2868 All Assignments Latest

Rasmussen NUR2868 All Assignments Latest

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing Module 2 Assignment  

Do You Have Emotional Intelligence?

Are you an emotionally intelligent nurse? Please honestly and critically assess yourself and answer the questions in the worksheet linked below.

1.            Think back on a time you were angry or upset about something at the clinical site. How did you react?

2.            Describe a time when understanding someone else’s perspective helped you understand them better.

3.            What motivates you when you have a job to do that you may not particularly enjoy doing? Rasmussen NUR2868 All Assignments Latest


NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing

Module 3 Assignment  

Agencies for Quality

Explore one of the agencies for quality improvement listed in this module’s lecture. Write a one-page summary of what the agency does, who it affects, and how it is utilized.

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing

Module 5 Assignment  

Concepts for Clinical Judgment

Read the article “Thinking Like a Nurse: A Research-Based Model of Clinical Judgment in Nursing” by Christine Tanner, which is linked below:

Link to article

In at least three pages, answer the following questions:

What do you feel are the greatest influences on clinical judgment? Is it experience, knowledge, or a combination of those things? Rasmussen NUR2868 All Assignments Latest

In your opinion, what part does intuition play in clinical judgment? How do you think you’ll be able to develop nursing intuition?

Additional sources are not required but if they are used, please cite them in APA format.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

NUR2868 Role, Scope, Quality, and Leadership in Professional Nursing

Module 7 Assignment  

Concept Map

Fill in the concept map linked below with the information you have on your most recent patient. Then look at opportunities, real or imagined, for collaborative and/or interdisciplinary care. What could you do to make everything and everyone work together for the good of the patient?

Evaluation may be real or imagined as well. Think “outside” the realm of the clinical picture you’re presented. If you believe the suggested improvements to care will benefit the patient, say so! If you are not convinced that the prescribed collaboration will be effective, say that as well.

Concept Map

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Rasmussen NUR2868 All Assignments Latest