HSA 505 Strayer University Analyzing a Marketing Plan Learning Activity

HSA 505 Strayer University Analyzing a Marketing Plan Learning Activity



  1. Review the sample marketing plan provided in the link. While more of a template or guide than a complete marketing plan, it does outline each of the parts of a marketing plan and provide fairly detailed suggestions and example formatting and images.
    • Developing a Telehealth Marketing Plan: A Step by Step Guide [PDF].
    • Analyze the marketing plan sample (using SWOT or another analysis tool). Identify at least two strengths and two weaknesses of each plan. Submit a Word document with the following:
    • A brief (one paragraph or less) summary of the plan.  HSA 505 Strayer University Analyzing a Marketing Plan Learning Activity
    • Bulleted lists of two strengths and two weaknesses of the plan.
    • One to two paragraphs on whether there are parts of these plans you will incorporate into your own

1. Marketing plan summary
J&K Auto Repair (J&K) will build a customer base made up of local community members
and drivers on the nearby highway. It will establish a reputation of a trustworthy business
with an experienced staff and competitive prices. J&K will gain an advantage over its
competitors by being one of the only local shops to offer both auto repair services and
auto parts for sale.


2. Market research
The Bureau of Economic Analysis and Bureau of Labor Statistics show that many
members of the local community work for the nearby university. These jobs pay well,
and many university employees earn well above the area’s cost of living. There is a strong
market for non-student residents.
Half of the university students have a car on campus. The university is roughly a two-hour
drive from the nearest major city, which means many students drive long distances for
internships and to visit family.
3. Target market
J&K estimates that 80% of its customers will come from
the local community, including the university, while the
remaining 20% will come from drivers on the nearby
3.1 Local community
The local community members represent the largest
share of J&K’s customer base, and are the best
opportunity for repeat customers.
3.2 University students and staff
J&K is located near a university. Creating awareness
about the business on campus will turn students and
university staff into customers.
This example marketing plan is provided by the Small Business Administration.
Get help starting and running your small business at SBA.gov. HSA 505 Strayer University Analyzing a Marketing Plan Learning Activity
J&K Auto Repair
Marketing Plan
3.3 Highway drivers
Drivers on the nearby highway represent hundreds of potential new customers each day.
They are a smaller, but important, portion of J&K’s customer base.
4. Competitive analysis
In addition to J&K, there are four auto repair shops within a 15-mile radius. But only J&K
and one other shop offer both auto repair services and auto parts. In its marketing tactics,
J&K will emphasize that it’s a shop where customers can have their cars repaired and buy
The majority of J&K’s inventory includes:
• Tires
• Batteries
• Brake parts
• Chemicals (oil, antifreeze, more)
• Wiper blades
• Filters, belts, and hoses
• Accessories (floor mats, seat covers, more)
5. Market strategy
J&K will build out its social media presence. It’s a free and effective way to create
awareness about the business and directly engage its customer base. It will purchase
advertising space in the print and online editions of both the local newspaper and the
university newspaper. J&K will also purchase ad space on a local TV news station’s
To attract customers from the nearby highway, J&K will purchase a billboard ad that will
include directions from the highway to the shop. The business also will build relationships
with local tow truck companies with the goal of getting those companies to refer their
customers, many of whom are highway drivers in need of a tow, to J&K.
6. Budget
J&K has budgeted $1,000 for marketing. These funds have already been accounted for in
the business plan. J&K has broken down the cost by each marketing tactic.
Billboard: $500
• Local news TV station digital ads: $200
• Local newspaper digital/print ads: $200
• University newspaper digital/print ads: $100
Total billboard costs
7. Return on investment
J&K will revisit its marketing plan in four months to look at which tactics worked and
which didn’t. At that time, it will decide whether to cut the unsuccessful tactics and direct
those funds elsewhere, or give them more time to work. HSA 505 Strayer University Analyzing a Marketing Plan Learning Activity

UMDC HIMS 661 Development of Personal Health Records Discussion

UMDC HIMS 661 Development of Personal Health Records Discussion

Question Description
I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Real World Case Study

As consumers become more knowledgeable about healthcare matters, they seek access to more information about their own and their family members’ health and healthcare. The employer- and insurance-sponsored consumer-directed health plans also are encouraging patients to become more knowledgeable about health and healthcare. This trend affects health information management, as HIM professionals become not only patient advocates in the emerging electronic health information environment, but also knowledge and content experts related to consumer rights, needs, and modes of access to their personal health information. Although this changing model for engaging consumers in their healthcare and healthcare decision making is forecasted and signs of its emergence in practice are everywhere, just what form it will take is not clear. This lack of clear direction presents a real-life strategic challenge for HIM professionals who must consider plausible alternate future for engaging with consumers to serve their needs for access to health information and their electronic health records. UMDC HIMS 661 Development of Personal Health Records Discussion


In a minimum of 250 words, respond to the following questions listed below. Support your post with at least 2-3 peer-reviewed references.

1. How might the development of personal health records change the role of HIM professionals who work for healthcare organizations?

2. What types of personal health record products and services are available in the market today, and what might consumers look for in a product or service?

3. What does research tell us about consumer attitudes toward health information? UMDC HIMS 661 Development of Personal Health Records Discussion

HAP 445 GMU The Social Determinants of Health & Social Structures Discussion

HAP 445 GMU The Social Determinants of Health & Social Structures Discussion




Short Essays: please provide a minimum of a half page single spaced for each short essay.  Do not exceed one page. Use your text and research from the internet.  Source your information.


  1. How does the CDC define “social determinants of health?” Explain the force fields in Blum’s model.
  2. What percentage of premature deaths can be attributed to inadequate access to medical care
  3. What can be done to address this issue?
  4. Describe the “Force Field and Well-Being Paradigms of Health” according to Blum. How do we measure “poor health”?  What are the indicators of “poor health”?  Find information on the CDC and the World Health Organization websites.  HAP 445 GMU The Social Determinants of Health & Social Structures Discussion
  5. Describe two data collection methods that are qualitative in nature.  Include the strengths and weaknesses of both methods.
  6. What is a validity threat to experimental research?  Conduct research and find an example.  Summarize the example.

Long Essay: do not exceed two pages single spaced. Use your text (Chapter 15 and references therein) and research from the internet.  Source your information.  (60 points)

  1. You are an intern at the CDC.  You have been asked to conceptualize an independent health services research study focused on HIV/AIDS-Related Illness among Hispanic Women living in California.  Your supervisor has given you free reign to conceptualize the study.
  2. Conduct a literature review.  List five sources in APA style format.
  3. Chose and describe an aim or purpose for your study and the research question/hypothesis.Propose a study methodology, including population and sampling, sample size determination, measurement, data sources and data collection methods and analysis.  Explain your choices. HAP 445 GMU The Social Determinants of Health & Social Structures Discussion

Nursing Multiple Choice Questions

Nursing Multiple Choice Questions

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


Questions and Answers


In 1958 which nurse believed the environment was what?


Sister Callista Roy, created by society, includes values and expectations.


Dorothea Orem society’s view on values and expectations.


Dorothea Orem, the direct influence on the health of a person.


Dorothea Orem: created by society; includes values and expectations.


Dorothea Oram the environment was external influence on the person.


What year did Virginia Henderson and what model was: the ability to function independently in life’s physiologic, environmental, and social aspects? Nursing Multiple Choice Questions


1859 Person


1964 environment


1955 health


1958 theme


1972 nursing


Dorothea Orem’s theory consisted of?


Human is willing to take care of themselves.


Basic human needs are met through self-care activities.


The self-care activities consist of fourteen detailed components.


The basic foundation to caring for oneself.


Basic humans need to be supported or educated on their limitations.


Betty Neuman’s theory on a person was?


A whole being that consists of spiritual, intellectual, and physiological components


An integrated being constantly changing because of environmental influences


An integrated whole being constantly seeking spiritual guidance


Being whole and integrated into a variable state of change


An integrated whole in a constant state of change because of the dynamic interrelationship of many variables


Florence Nightingale believed the environment to be?


Either a negative or positive influence on the person


Those aspects outside the person that affect health


An external force that affects the person’s health


All of the above


None of the above


In what year and which nurse believed which model to be: disease-free? Nursing Multiple Choice Questions



1959 Dorothea Orem person


1963 Sister Callista Roy person


1954 Virginia Henderson health


1859 Florence Nightingale health


1971 Betty Neuman person


In what year and which nurse believed that the environment was an external and an internal environment, both of which constantly affect the development of the person?


1963 Sister Callista Roy


1972 Betty Neuman


1956 Virginia Henderson


1955 Sister Callista Roy


1858 Florence Nightingale


In 1964 which nurse believed the environment consisted of all internal and external influences that affect the human being


Betty Neuman


Florence Nightingale


Virginia Henderson


Dorthea Orem


Sister Callista Roy


Who proposed the Self-care deficit theory?


Betty Neuman


Virginia Henderson


Dorothea Orem


None of the above


Who explained the Typology of twenty-one Nursing problems? Nursing Multiple Choice Questions


Faye G.Abedellah


Imogene King


Lydia E. Hall


None of the abovabove

HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT

HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT



Criterion 1: Properly Assess Medical Terminology, Taxonomies, and Nomenclature

Terminology shared includes all aspects of the following used in healthcare settings:
? taxonomies
? clinical vocabularies
? terminologies
? nomenclatures

Criterion 2: Identify Common Medical Terminology

Presentation correctly presents six or more slides common medical terminology utilized by:
? Clinicians (3+ slides)
? Healthcare Administrators (3+ slides)


Criterion 3: Applies Medical Terminology in Healthcare Setting

Specific examples are shared to exhibit use of medical terminology in multiple workplace scenarios
? Includes extensive speaker notes of two or more paragraphs per slide. HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT

Criterion 4: Continuum of Care

Presentation includes specific examples of how management and clinical departments interact for a patient from the continuum of care for at least two levels

Criterion 5: Sources

Supports all opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information.
? A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed sources are utilized.

Criterion 6: Length Requirements, Writing, Grammar, and APA

Few or no errors in writing, mechanics, APA style, and citation
? Cites sources using APA style.
? Includes in-text citations.
? Makes authorship clear when using quotation marks.

HS410_2103C_-1: Analyze taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies and nomenclature used in health care settings. HS 410 Broward Medical Terminologies Taxonomies & Nomenclatures PPT

ASU The Healthcare Competitive Market Model in California Essay

ASU The Healthcare Competitive Market Model in California Essay




In this assignment you will examine competitive market models and competitive forces in health care economics. Prices, supply and demand, quality of care, consumerism, and provider compensation are affected by the competitive forces found in health insurance and in the labor market. There is a direct relationship between insurance models, the labor market, and the financial performance of health care systems. You will write a paper about the economics of health care market models, health care delivery structures, provider compensation, and financial risk for health care systems. ASU The Healthcare Competitive Market Model in California Essay




Analyze your state’s current competitive market model in health care.

Compare and contrast the market power of monopolistic and monopsony markets in health care.

  1. Analyze the main competitive forces and the major factors that influence the fundamental manner in which the competitive forces determine prices, supply and demand, quality of care, consumerism, and providers’ compensation.
  2. Evaluate the positive benefits and negative aspects, respectively, of HMO-managed care from the provider’s point of view—i.e., a physician and a health care facility—and from a patient’s point of view. Provide a rationale for your response.
  3. Assess the efficiency of the types of economic incentives available to providers in the delivery of health care services in your own state. ASU The Healthcare Competitive Market Model in California Essay

Kent State University Mental Health Screening Tool Paper

Kent State University Mental Health Screening Tool Paper



Write a 4-5 page paper describing use of a specific screening tool. (mental health screening tool)

Discuss what diagnosis you are using the tool for, how to score the tool and support use of the tool with evidence and rationale. Next develop a treatment plan for the patient based on your findings in the diagnostic test and interpretation.


Sections should include:

Introduction to diagnostic tool

Discussion of Tool: why it is used, how, and for what diagnosis

  • Discussion of Interpretation of Scoring for the Tool
  • Treatment Plan for patients with positive results from the tool, include, non-pharmacological and pharmacological approaches, patient education, additional testing required, and follow-up as needed. Kent State University Mental Health Screening Tool Paper

University of Phoenix Marketing Mix Strategy Feedback Discussion

University of Phoenix Marketing Mix Strategy Feedback Discussion




can I please get help with responses I received from my team assignment?feedback

1.Your marketing strategy indicates that implementing a women’s health clinic that will cater to women’s need and their child. I think this is an excellent idea, and will help the organization stand out because, not only is it providing assistance with the primary needs of women but their child to. To also include, I believe implementing a program for children will also be beneficial to the women’s clinic as well, and will also help the organization stay unique. I believe the children’s program should include the needs of the children, mental health, bonding with mothers and different activities to include children in. This will also be beneficial for newly mothers to bond with their children along with providing all the assistance they will need when it comes to a newborn.  University of Phoenix Marketing Mix Strategy Feedback Discussion

Feedback 2If I had to provide feedback if any, I would just place a focus on pediatrics and advertisement that revolves around family and community engagement. Use quotes and testimonies to provide support for the introduction of the women’s health department and the pediatric functioning that will be working together.      we each individually create our marketing mix strategy by completing parts I-IV and post them here for our group to review.

As a team, review each team member’s strategy and utilize the discussion to ask questions, provide input, or make suggestions on their project.

Then each of us would write a summary of the feedback we received from our team as well as an explanation of why it did or did not help us refine our marketing mix strategy.


Walden University Healthcare Policy and Financing in the US Discussion

Walden University Healthcare Policy and Financing in the US Discussion




Value-based purchasing and pay-for-performance may continue to affect health policy, future reimbursement, and care-delivery trends in the United States. Outpatient services and post-acute services have recently come under the scrutiny of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to ensure quality of care to ultimately control costs.

Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Value-Based Purchasing went into effect on October 1, 2018, for the fiscal year 2019. Nursing homes that offer short-term rehabilitation and get reimbursed by Medicare Part A fall into this category. Specifically, SNFs will have a reduction in Medicare reimbursement based on rehospitalization rates. CMS will look back 2 years and will compare the rehospitalization rate from 2016 to 2018 for year one. Low-performing SNFs can potentially lose 2% on their Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) reimbursement.


Sunnyside Nursing Home, from Week 4, continues to have a 35% readmission rate, so the leadership is anticipating they will be affected by the Medicare discount. Medicare may also consider a reduction in hospice reimbursement as well, potentially 1.8%. Based on these expected changes and current data, you will make a recommendation regarding the future census planning at Sunnyside. Walden University Healthcare Policy and Financing in the US Discussion

To Prepare:

Review the Sunnyside Nursing Home Revenue Plan.

Familiarize yourself with the information found on the Overview of Terms tab.

Review the Sunnyside Nursing Home CMS Discount Revenue media piece in the resources to assist you in calculating the few missing cells in the Revenue Plan.

  • Study the completed Revenue Plan tab to see the impact of the Medicare changes.

The AHCA NJ tab lists the projections for long-term care for New Jersey, where Sunnyside is located. Review the information, especially in the 85+-year-old column to see the impact, if any, on nursing home demand in New Jersey. Walden University Healthcare Policy and Financing in the US Discussion

The American Health Care Association (AHCA) website has several resources to guide healthcare planning in the United States: https://www.ahcancal.org/research_data/Pages/LTC-P… Download and analyze the Long-Term Care (LTC) Patient Projections report for your state. Look for your state to view the impact of the aging population. Pay specific attention to the 85+ trend.

  • Complete the remaining calculations in the Sunnyside Nursing Home Revenue Plan.

Based on the information in the report from AHCA and the spreadsheet, what recommendation would you make regarding the future census planning at Sunnyside?

  • By Day 4

Post a comprehensive response to the following:

What are some of the future issues and concerns related to healthcare financing in the United States?

  • How might healthcare policy inform financing of healthcare, and what might that mean for the quality of health?

How will value-based purchasing affect healthcare providers? Review the information in the Sunnyside Case Study to guide this response. How can a healthcare provider ensure viability in the new value-based paradigm?

  • Would you consider new technologies for Sunnyside to employ to reduce readmissions?  Walden University Healthcare Policy and Financing in the US Discussion

INFO 5740 UNT Digital Libraries Prototype Warm up Exercise Discussion

INFO 5740 UNT Digital Libraries Prototype Warm up Exercise Discussion


develop a digital library prototype using OmekaLinks to an external site., a web publishing platforms for sharing digital collections and creating media-rich online exhibits.

This week you will expose yourself to Omeka. Watch this [Video (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.] first.

Then explore the Omeka-based digital archives listed on the following sites:

Sites Using Omeka

Omeka Showcase 

Choose the digital archive you like most. Then:

Post the Omeka-based digital archive’s name and site address

Explain what you like about the site (i.e., their collection and exhibit) (~100 words)

Module1: Discussion

No unread replies.No replies.

For your Module1 Discussion, answer at least ONE of the following questions:

Question 1.1: Can you provide a list of 10 terms and/or concepts that you think are important from the readings of this module? Why do you think those terms and/or concepts are important? Please provide the source for each term (author and page number if applicable).

Question 1.2: What is your definition of a digital library? Based on your definition, what are the major characteristics of a digital library? INFO 5740 UNT Digital Libraries Prototype Warm up Exercise Discussion

Question 1.3: How has the research and development from the field of computer science influenced the evolution of digital libraries?


Module1: Definition and History Nowadays, there’s a great digital wave and it seems that everyone is riding it. This includes libraries. The term “digital library” seems to be ubiquitous. Digital Libraries are not a new concept to information professionals. We hear about digital libraries at many professional conferences and workshops as well as through reading numerous articles published in many journals and magazines. Needless to say, there are lots of Websites calling themselves digital libraries. This first module is an overview of the field of digital libraries in which we will examine various perspectives and definitions.Video:The Internet Archive wants to be a digital library

Module and Course Objectives We will discuss the evolution and concept of digital libraries by looking at a number of different views. Upon completion of this module, you will be able to: Describe the evolution of digital libraries (Module1: Discussion)Define the basic terminologies in digital libraries (Module1: Discussion)Define the major characteristics of digital libraries as they relate to each definition (Module1: Discussion)Describe the role of technology in digital libraries and the ideas and concepts that preceded them (Module1: Lecture; Module1: Reading)Identify areas of research and development that fed into early digital library work (Module1: Lecture; Module1: Reading; Module1: Discussion)Analyze important issues and practical problems associated with digital libraries (Module1: Lecture; Module1: Reading; Module1: Discussion)To-do List Attend Online Session IGo through Module1: Reading Study Module1: Reading Complete Module1: Discussion