Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Poster & Abstract

Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Poster & Abstract



Scenario: As you continue in your career, you may find that attending professional conferences, in-person or virtually, may be beneficial to your professional development. In this scenario, you will be presenting a poster and abstract at a professional conference to share your knowledge, skills, and expertise on a specific healthcare subject matter. You will select your specific subject matter from the Topic List Options provided below. Your topic will be personalized based on the Topic and the Option you select for your presentation.

Assignment Requirements: Submit Your Poster and Your Abstract as 2 Documents

Poster Requirements: Present Your Poster Using a Microsoft Office Product. Examples: Publisher or PowerPoint


Poster Title: Your poster should include the title that you are presenting, be brief, but long enough that the audience can understand the topic.

Visuals: Create at least one illustration, graphic, graph, table, or other images for your poster. Do NOT use any images that are not your own creation.

Appropriate Headers: Each area on the poster must include appropriate headers or titles for the information contained with the section.

Text: Blocks of text should be brief but informative. Expand on: a) why the information you are presenting is important, b) background and evaluation of topic, c) what you learned, and d) focus on the key items that you researched for your selected topic. Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Poster & Abstract

References: A minimum of four references with correlating in-text citations are required. Supporting external evidence will need to be presented using APA 7th Edition formatting. Your references should be from the last five years, collected from any of the weekly course content, and you may include a maximum of two additional resources outside of the weekly content from your own personal research.

Abstract Requirements: Present Your Abstract in a Word Document

Formatting and Length: Your abstract should be between 250 to 500 words, formatted in APA 7th Edition using Microsoft Word.

Text: The abstract should highlight the major points of your poster, explain: a) why the information you are presenting is important, b) background and evaluation of topic, c) what you learned, and d) focus on the key items that you researched for your selected topic.

References: Include any references from your poster in your abstract. Ensure that all references and in-text citations are formatted in APA 7th Edition formatting. You are not required to include all your references from the poster unless they are needed to present the information within your abstract.

Assignment;   Health Literacy and the Role of Culture (You will need to select a specific population; select a level of health literacy such as functional, interactive, or critical; provide details associated to that specific culture related to health literacy, and provide details to how the specific culture is influenced by your selected topic within health literacy.) Cultural Competency and Health Literacy Poster & Abstract


Type 2 Diabetes Discussion paper

Type 2 Diabetes Discussion paper



Please listen to this 10 minute narration of the assignment instructions.


Nutrition Analysis Project (50 points)

  1. Keep a record of everything you eat or drink for one day. Pay attention to serving sizes/quantities
  2. Go to (Links to an external site.) Website is free. There is an app available but it costs $2.99
  3. Click on “sign up for free” in the green box
  4. Set up your account by using your email and pick a password. Then fill out the info on birthday, gender, height and weight. Click on “create account”. A verification email will be sent to your email account. Go to your email and click on the link there. It will then open up into the website.
  5. Look at the top and find the Add Food (next to the apple icon). A new screen will pop up and you begin to enter everything you ate or drank for one day. After you find the food item in the search box, make sure you pick the quantity/serving size (found on same page). Click “Add Serving”
    You will see your food added, keep going back to the search box and add all foods and beverages for the day.
  6. You will see all the info compiled for you. For the purpose of this paper, you only need to focus on food intake. Exercise and biometrics would be for your personal interest only. The assignment specifically does not ask about supplements and vitamins/minerals pills since you need to learn if you cover your vitamin and mineral needs through food choices alone. Type 2 Diabetes Discussion paper
  7. To understand the data. Yellow means under, Green means good/at your limit and Red means exceeded the limit.


  8. Assignment 3 is based on your following answers to these questions. All criteria highlighted in yellow needs to answered in your paper. Type your answers in paragraph format to the following questions: USE COMPLETE SENTENCES. ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS (structure your answers into paragraphs. Do not use Q & A. Do not repeat every question for your answers )

  9. Look at the top of your food diary (food list) Reflect on your food intake for the day. Was this a typical or atypical day of food choices for you? What influenced your food intake for this day?
  10. Look at your Calories Summary- What is your calorie recommendation (stated as Calories to Burn)? What number did you receive? What are some strategies for improvement to reduce or improve? What percentage of the total calories is coming from fat, proteins and carbs? Compare each to the recommendation. (You can click on the “i’ in the Macronutrient box to get more info). How can you improve or reduce each of these three macronutrients? I want to see a detailed analysis on your fats, proteins and carbs. Type 2 Diabetes Discussion paper
  11. Look at Highlighted Nutrients. Which targets are under 50%? What can you do to improve these areas?
  • Discuss the following components in your diet and list the main source contributing to this number: saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, fiber, sodium, and sugar. SHOW YOUR DATA (numbers) along with the recommendations. Identify what you think contributed to your added sugar number. Offer solutions for any areas that concern you. I do not know why Cronometer does not post some of the recommended ranges and puts N/A instead, so compare YOUR data with the recommendations from the American Heart Association
  • AHA Recommendation
    Cholesterol Keep it under 300mg
    Sodium Keep it under 2300mg
    Sugar Men- 38g or lessWomen- 25g or less
  • Did you meet all of the nutritional recommendations for vitamins and minerals? (yellow –under, green –good, red-over) If not, which ones do you need more of? List what foods contain the minerals, vitamins and nutrients you are lacking. (Use your text or other resources. Do NOT say you (will) take supplements or multivitamins. The purpose of this section is for the student to learn which real foods contain vitamins and minerals). Offer strategies to introduce these researched foods into your diet.
  • Are you satisfied with your overall diet? (write a complete answer!) What improvements do you need to make, if any? Offer some specific suggestions (like an action plan) to improve or maintain your diet. Use your researched list of food source to provide some meal plans. Give SPECIFIC examples of how you can introduce lacking nutrients into your daily food intake.
  • Discussion 6

    No unread replies. No replies.

    Week 6- CVD and cancer (Ch.13) & STI/HIV/AIDS (Ch.14 pages 420,424-434) & Environmental health (Ch.16) CLOSES SATURDAY at 11:59pm Your first post should be earlier in the week before you get too busy. Making both of your posts on the last day (Saturday) will result in -3 points. As always, the first post must include a textbook page number.1. Describe three strategies you can personally engage in to reduce environmental pollution or waste to protect your own health. What are the barriers to implementing these strategies?2. Describe a personal or family member’s experience with one of the following diseases: cardiovascular disease, cancer or Type 2 diabetes. What did you learn about this disease from your own observations? Incorporate information on how to prevent or treat the disease using research (page number) from the health textbook. Type 2 Diabetes Discussion paper

CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay

CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay

Guiding Questions

Problem Statement (PICOT)

This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete the Problem Statement (PICOT) assessment. You may find it useful to use this document as a pre-writing exercise, an outlining tool, or as a final check to ensure that you have sufficiently addressed all the grading criteria for this assessment. This document is a resource to help you complete the assessment. Do not turn in this document as your assessment submission.

Part 1: Problem Statement

Need Statement

Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
  • What type of need is your project trying to address? CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay
  • Why is addressing this need important?
  • What are one or more key pieces of evidence that support the urgency of the need?

Population and Setting

Describe a target population and setting in which an identified need will be addressed.
  • What is the population you will be targeting with your project?
    • Why is it important to address your identified need within this population?
  • What is the setting you will be targeting with your project?
    • Why is it important to address your identified need and target population within this setting?

Intervention Overview

Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help address an identified need within a target population and setting.
  • What interventions could be applied to your identified need?
    • How well do the interventions fit your target population?
    • How well do the interventions fit your target setting?
    • How well do the interventions address your identified need?


Comparison of Approaches

Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention overview with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting.
  • Discuss one or more alternatives to the intervention(s) presented in your Intervention Overview.
    • How do the alternatives encourage interprofessional care approaches compared to the interventions in your overview? CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay
    • How well do the alternatives fit your target population compared to the interventions in your overview?
    • How well do the alternatives fit your target setting compared to the interventions in your overview?
    • How well do the alternatives address your identified need compared to the interventions in your overview?

Initial Outcome Draft

Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
  • What is one outcome (or goal) that you want to achieve with your intervention and project?
    • How does this outcome illustrate the purpose of your intervention and project?
    • How does this outcome illustrate what you hope to accomplish with your intervention and project?
    • How does this outcome establish a framework that can be used to achieve an improvement in the quality, safety, or experience of care?

Time Estimate  

Propose a rough time frame for the development and implementation of an intervention to address an identified need.
  • What is a rough time frame for developing your intervention?
    • Is this time frame realistic?
    • What potential challenges may impact this time frame?
  • What is a rough time frame for implementing your intervention?
    • Is this time frame realistic?
    • What potential challenges may impact this time frame?

Part 2: Literature Review

Analyze current evidence to validate an identified need and its appropriateness within the target population and setting.
  • How does the evidence validate your identified need?
  • How does the evidence support the appropriateness of attempting to address your identified need within your target population?
  • How does the evidence support the appropriateness of attempting to address your identified need within your target setting? CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay
Evaluate and synthesize resources from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy that could impact the approach taken to address an identified need.
  • What health policy exists that is relevant to your identified need?
    • How will this health policy impact the way to try to address your identified need?
      • In other words, are there considerations that you need to be sure you include or approaches that will be unavailable to you based on policy, as you continue to develop your project?
    • Remember: In this literature review you are expected to have addressed 10–15 unique resources.
Address Generally Throughout
Communicate problem statement and literature review in a way that helps the audience to understand the importance and validity of a proposed project.
  • Is your writing clear and professional?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate your problem statement?
  • Does your writing effectively communicate your literature review?
  • Is your writing free from errors?
  • Is your submission 5–9 pages?
  • Does your submission conform to current APA style standards?

Assessment 2 Instructions: Problem Statement (PICOT)

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  • Develop a 5-9 page problem statement that presents information related to the problem-intervention-comparison-outcome-time (PICOT) approach to nursing research.

You will also be required to submit your completed practicum hours using CORE ELMS. You must submit a minimum of 20 confirmed hours with each assessment deliverable to receive a grade for the entire assessment.


Note: Each assessment in this course builds on the work you completed in the previous assessment. Therefore, you must complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.

For the first section of your final capstone project you will develop a proposal for an intervention plan to fulfill a need within a specific population. This assessment is meant to capture your initial thoughts about the need and impacting factors to help focus your in-depth analysis later on in the course.

First you will brainstorm and crystallize some of your ideas for this assessment, specifically ideas around needs, a target population, and some initial support from the literature and other sources of evidence. The problem statement is an important part of your capstone project as it will help illustrate the importance of your project, as well as help to clarify your project’s scope.



    • Read Guiding Questions: Problem Statement (PICOT) [DOC]. This document is designed to give you questions to consider and additional guidance to help you successfully complete this assessment.
    • As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
      • As you reflect on your work in the field, what population do you feel has the greatest need? Why? Is the need across the population, or within a specific setting?
      • What interventions already exist for the selected population? Are they effective? Why or why not?
      • How will site support from your practicum and your preceptor support your goals and objectives?


Note: The assessments in this course are sequenced in such a way as to help you build specific skills that you will use throughout your program. Complete the assessments in the order in which they are presented.

Your problem statement will focus on presenting information related to the problem-intervention-comparison-outcome-time (PICOT) approach to nursing research. You will also present a brief literature review that supports the need you identified in your problem statement and the appropriateness of your broad intervention approach. Provide enough detail so that the faculty member assessing your problem statement will be able to provide substantive feedback that you will be able to incorporate into the other project components in this course, as well as into the final draft of your project.

At minimum, be sure to address the bullet points below, as they correspond to the grading criteria. You may also want to read the scoring guide and the Guiding Questions: Problem Statement (PICOT) document (linked above) to better understand how each criterion will be assessed.

Reminder: these instructions are an outline. Your heading for this this section should be titled Problem Statement and not Part 1: Problem Statement. CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay

Your Problem Statement (PICOT) should be structured as follows:


Need Statement (1 paragraph).

    • Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education or management need.

Population and Setting (1–2 paragraphs).

    • Describe a target population and setting in which an identified need will be addressed.

Intervention Overview (1–2 paragraphs).

    • Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help address an identified need within a target population and setting.

Comparison of Approaches (1–2 paragraphs).

    • Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting.

Initial Outcome Draft (1 paragraph).

    • Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.

Time Estimate (1 paragraph).

    • Propose a rough time frame for the development and implementation of an intervention to address and identified need.


    • Analyze current evidence to validate an identified need and its appropriateness within the target population and setting.
    • Evaluate and synthesize resource from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy that could impact the approach taken to address an identified need.


    • Communicate problem statement and literature review in way that helps the audience understand the importance and validity of a proposed project.

Practicum Hours Submission

You have been tracking your completed practicum hours each week using the CORE ELMS. By placing the hours into CORE ELMS, you will ensure you are accumulating all hours that are needed to meet the requirements for your specialization and degree.

Submit your CORE ELMS practicum hours tracking log showing a minimum of 20 confirmed hours per assessment. Reminder: Only confirmed hours will be considered for grading.

You will not receive a grade for this assessment without a practicum hours log showing a minimum of 20 confirmed hours for the time period of this assessment. Your faculty will review your hours to date and will contact you if he or she has any questions or concerns.

Additional Requirements

    • Length of submission: 5–9 double-spaced pages.
    • Number of resources: 10–15 resources. (Your final project summation will require 12–18 unique sources across all sections.)
    • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
    • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style. Header formatting follows current APA levels.
    • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Lead organizational change to improve the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
      • Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help drive quality improvement related to an identified need within a target population and setting.
    • Competency 2: Evaluate the best available evidence for use in clinical and organizational decision making.
      • Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.
      • Analyze current evidence to validate an identified need and its appropriateness within the target population and setting.
    • Competency 3: Apply quality improvement methods to impact patient, population, and systems outcomes.
      • Describe a quality improvement method that could impact a patient, population, or systems outcome.
    • Competency 4: Design patient- and population-centered care to improve health outcomes.
      • Propose a rough time frame for the development and implementation of an intervention to address an identified need.
    • Competency 5: Integrate interprofessional care to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost of care.
      • Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting.
    • Competency 6: Evaluate the ability of existing and emerging information, communication, and health care technologies to improve safety and quality and to decrease cost.
      • Evaluate and synthesize resources from diverse sources illustrating existing health policy, health care technologies, or other communications that could impact the approach taken to address an identified need.
    • Competency 7: Defend health policy that improves the experience of care, population health, and professional work life while decreasing cost of care.
      • Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.

Note: You will also be assessed on two additional criteria unaligned to a course competency:

    • Communicate problem statement and literature review in a way that helps the audience to understand the importance and validity of a proposed project.
    • Demonstrate completion of hours toward the practicum experience.

See the scoring guide for specific grading criteria related to these additional requirements.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated. CU Hypertension Prevention and Management Essay



CC The Influence on Other People Behavior in Amazon Company Analysis

CC The Influence on Other People Behavior in Amazon Company Analysis




Creative Disability Justice Exploration

TOPIC: Power

Learning Objectives: 

  1. Students will explore the power dynamics in their own lives and community.
  2. Students will examine  the dynamics of power, and its role within the disability community.
  3. Students will apply the Principles of Disability Justice to the concept of power.

Assignment Description: 

The purpose of this activity is to offer students an opportunity to reflect on power as it relates to disability justice. This assignment is designed to help you examine power and the role it plays in how the disability community is perceived within society. This assignment helps us explore different kinds of power that we have, don’t have, and are impacted by.  CC The Influence on Other People Behavior in Amazon Company Analysis

Think about it. Power is everywhere, all the time.

  • Think about school uniforms. How are school uniforms about power? Who has power in relation to them? Who is impacted the most and how?
  • What about being online? Who has power when you are accessing the internet?
  • What about your home? Where is power in your home or household? How are decisions made?

Power doesn’t just exist between people, it moves on the levels of community, state, and nations. Changing the way power at these levels is used can be a longer process, as it may require changes to laws, policies, and enforcement.

Assignment Requirements:

For this assignment, you have the freedom to decide how you want to present your work. We are modeling the concept of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to allow you the freedom and flexibility to present material in a way that works best for you. To receive full points, you must address/answer all of the questions listed below in some way and follow the rubric.  If you choose an artistic format, you must ensure that you address the questions (video recording, write-up, audio description, etc). There are many ways to complete this assignment:

  • Essay
  • Power Point
  • Adobe Spark
  • Song
  • Art
  • Video



Required Assignment Activity & Prompts: 

  1. Listen to the following podcast episode –  The Heumann Perspective: What’s Next? Teaching and Learning Disability Justice with Lydia X.Z. Brown
    (Links to an external site.)(Listen for conversations of structural ableism that address how disabled people are systematically denied power and control over their lives.)
  2. Where in your own life do you hold the most power? Explain.
  3. Where in your life do you feel like you do not hold power? Why?
  4. How do power structures/dynamics affect the disability community? Think about what we’ve discussed in this course.
  5. How do current power structures/dynamics drive the disability justice movement?
  6. Reflect on the podcast episode of The Heumann Perspective. Where does it seem that Lydia (and Judy) hold the most power? And where do they and the group they represent (disabled people) not hold power?
  7. What solutions are presented that would facilitate equitable access to power?
  8. What next steps can you and other members of society take in order to support those solutions?
  9. In your opinion, why are the 10 Principles of Disability Justice (Links to an external site.) important to the disability community and its relationship to power? CC The Influence on Other People Behavior in Amazon Company Analysis

Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment




Throughout this semester, we have followed the Smith family’s journey to health literacy by way of health education and through practical assignments that have asked us to make some changes to our lifestyle based on our health education. Healthful habits can be challenging to make and maintain, while old (bad) habits tend to persist. Among our best strategies for making new habits is to incorporate substitution behaviors that are easy. Among the best ways to succeed in breaking bad habits is to add “friction” to the habit to make it less convenient and desirable. Finally we learned that tracking habits was a good way to find habits we may not even realize we are doing that need work as well as hold ourselves accountable to the new habits we are attempting to create.

In an attempt to cement some of our new lifestyle habits into place, we will now complete a week-long master habit tracker of all of your new health habits. Your master tracker can be downloaded here (Links to an external site.). You will add to it a description of changes you made to habits in each category. You may also add additional personal categories if you wish. Please refrain from simply checking off the boxes on this table to indicated that something was accomplished. Rather, for this assignment, you must describe what got done AND how it got done. In other words, mention where are using friction to break habits or substitution behaviors to replace bad habits. Doing so will deepen your self-discovery. Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Please take this assignment to heart. It’s only a week long and you might find it much more helpful than it would seem.

Please being this assignment immediately in order to have sufficient time to track 7 days worth of habits.



Midterm Project f2022 (1)

Midterm Project f2022 (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Description of criterion
40 ptsOn time and complete

A habit-tracker is generated and submitted on time (but not earlier than 7 days after it appears at Canvas); AND the content is insightful and contains details that apply content from every module and suggest personal investment and growth; AND the response meets all other assignment parameters. Homelessness in California Annotated Bibliography Assignment

36 pts1-7 days late and complete

A habit-tracker is generated and submitted 1-7 days late (but not earlier than 7 days after it appears at Canvas); AND the content is insightful and contains details that apply content from every module and suggest personal investment and growth; AND the response meets all other assignment parameters.

0 ptsNo Marks

A habit-tracker is generated, however it lacks personal investment AND/OR the response fails to track >2 habits; OR the assignment is submitted earlier than 7 days after appearing at Canvas, regardless of its level of completion; OR no work is submitted.

40 pts
Total Points: 40

St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report

St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report


This professional portfolio assignment will prepare the students to market and negotiate for employment as an advanced nurse practitioner.

The portfolio will include the forms below and all the forms are available on Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources page.

Collaborative Practice Agreement. Choose the NSC attachment, based on the program you are enrolled in, on Module 7: Lecture Materials & Resources page. Fill out your name and all the other information should be filled out fictitiously. Once you have filled out the application, save as a collaborative practice agreement, and upload the file as an attachment.

Professional Liability Insurance: Fill out the Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI). Fill out your name and all the other information should be filled out fictitiously. Once you have filled out the application, save as “certificate of liability (COI) insurance”, and upload the file as an attachment.

NP Secure: Print out the form, fill out the application for malpractice insurance, and upload the document.

AANP or ANCC application. Choose one of the certification applications.  St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report

Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP

This agreement sets forth the terms of the Collaborative Practice Agreement between Type Name, Degree, and Title, Credentials and Credentials at Credentials. This agreement shall take effect as of Click or tap to enter a date..

Credentials meets the qualifications and practice requirements as stated in Section 464.012, F.S., holds a Florida State license and is currently in good standing a certified family psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner pursuant to Section 464.012 of the Florida Statute and herein meets the requirement of maintaining a collaborative practice agreement with Credentials a duly licensed and currently registered physician in good standing under Chapter 458.313, Florida Statute.

  1. Nature of the Practice

This collaborative agreement is to establish and maintain a practice model in which the ARNP will provide health care services under the general supervision of Credentials. This practice shall encompass family psychiatric/mental health practice and shall focus on health screening and supervision, wellness and health education and counseling, and the treatment of common health problems.

  1. Conditions for which therapy may be initiated include, but are not limited to:
  1. The NP is authorized to provide psychiatric and medical care under this collaborative practice agreement (CPA) in all outpatient office locations of above agency, and to any contracting agencies.
  2. An NP, who is board certified as a family psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner, is licensed to provide psychiatric and limited medical care, as defined by the ANA scope of practice to adult, geriatric and pediatric populations. St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report
  3. The NP is authorized to provide the following medical functions.  (NOTE: This is sample language only to assist the practitioners in discussing and writing the medical functions authorized.  Practicing outside the scope of a CPA is a basis for discipline.  The CPA should provide authorization for the specific medical acts the NP will be performing.)
    1. Provides psychiatric diagnostic evaluations to assess for and determine psychiatric illness.  Diagnoses that can be made include but are not limited to mood and anxiety disorders, psychotic disorders, disruptive behavior, developmental disorders, eating disorders, delirium and dementia, substance use disorders and personality disorders.
    2. Request and interpret lab and other diagnostic procedures, such as EKGs, to rule out medical etiology for psychiatric illness or other medical conditions; and to assist in diagnosis, and monitoring for adverse effects from medications.
    3. Request assessments/evaluations, as needed, to confirm or support diagnoses, or guide treatment, including but not limited to psychological and educational testing; speech/language, vision, and hearing assessment; neurological evaluation; or referral to their primary care physician.
    4. Prescriptive Authority.


  1. Drug categories that may and may not be prescribed by the NP (including controlled (II-V), legend, and over the counter drugs) are listed in Attachment A.
  2. May prescribe drugs commonly used in psychiatry following accepted standards of practice as recommended by either the American Psychiatric Association or the American Association of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. These drugs may be prescribed “off label” (without FDA approval) if it is an accepted standard of practice.
  • May only prescribe drugs for consumers being served above agency or any contracting agencies
  1. May provide pharmaceutical samples to consumers.
    1. Provide on call coverage when scheduled.
    2. Provide education to the consumer as indicated about psychiatric illness and, medication (including adverse effects).
    3. Obtain consultation from the collaborating psychiatrist for complicated illnesses perceived by the NP to be beyond one’s knowledge and skills. St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report
    4. Provide follow up services to consumers after surgical implantation of a vagal nerve stimulator, including computerized adjustment of device, to provide optimal response.
    5. The NP may refer a consumer’s care to the psychiatrist if the NP feels the case exceeds the NP’s scope of practice which was part of their graduate curriculum.
  1. The NP does not have the legal authority to involuntarily commit a person to inpatient psychiatric treatment.
  2.  Plan for Emergency Services
  1. In the event of a life-threatening medical or psychiatric emergency, the consumer is informed to call 911 or to present to the local hospital emergency room. For an urgent need, a provider is available on call 24 hours, seven days per week through the agency emergency phone line.
  2. The practice of a registered professional nurse as a nurse practitioner may include the diagnosis of illness and physical conditions and the performance of therapeutic and corrective measures including prescribing medications for patients whose conditions fall within the authorized scope of the practice as identified on the college certificate. This privilege includes the prescribing of all controlled substances under a DEA number. The nurse practitioner, as a registered nurse, may also diagnose and treat human responses to actual or potential health problems through such services as case finding, health counseling, health teaching, and provision of care supportive to or restorative of life and well-being. This practice will take place at Credentials or in such other facility or location as designated by Credentials or by the parties of this contract.
  3. Physician Consultation

The physician shall provide general supervision for routine health care and management of common health problems, and provide consultation and/or accept referrals for complex health problems. The physician shall be available by telephone or by other communication device when not physically available on the premises. If the physician is not available, his associate, Credentials, title, Florida license number/DEA #999999), will serve as backup for consultation, collaboration and/or referral purposes.

III. Record Review

A representative sample of patient records shall be reviewed by the collaborating physician every three months to evaluate that Credentials, NP’s practice is congruent with the above identified practice protocol documents and texts. Summarized results of this review will be signed by both parties and shall be maintained in the nurse practitioner’s practice site for possible regulatory agency review. Consent forms for such review will be obtained from any patient whose primary physician is other than Credentials. St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report

  1. Education and Certification Requirements for Registration as a Nurse Practitioner


The following items will be maintained and available on site for the Nurse Practitioner:

  1. Proof of RN licensure (current RN licensure status may be verified at FBON).
  2. Proof of current registration.
  3. Proof of current approval to practice.
  4. Proof of current national certification.
  5. Proof of a current DEA number.
  6. A copy of the collaborative practice agreement.
  7. The nurse practitioner will maintain documentation of completing 50 contact hours each year of AMA or ANCC approved continuing education courses.


  1. Resolution of Disagreements

Disagreement between Credentials, and Credentials regarding a patient’s health management that falls within the scope of practice of both parties will be resolved by a consensus agreement in accordance with current medical and nursing peer literature consultation. In case of disagreements that cannot be resolved in this manner, Credentials opinion will prevail. In disagreements between the nurse practitioner and non-collaborating physicians, the collaborating physician’s opinion will prevail.

  1. Alteration of Agreement

The collaborative practice agreement shall be reviewed at least annually and may be amended in writing in a document signed by both parties and attached to the collaborative practice agreement. St Thomas University Collaborative Practice Agreement PMHNP Report

VII. Agreement

Having read and understood the full contents of this document, the parties hereto agree to be bound by its terms.


Student’s information:

Signature: ______________________

Printed Name:

License #



Physician’s information

Signature: ______________________

Printed Name:

License #




HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay

HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay



HSE113-A2 Video Case Report, 1100 words

WORD LENGTH: 1200 words maximum (not including reference list)

Assessment task 2 video case report should be a maximum of 1200 words. Marks will be deducted if students go

over word count. Each section in the video case report has a recommended word limit, it is up to you to decide

on whether or not you stick to that specified limit or not, just remember that your report as a whole should not

exceed 1200 words. However, please note the word count does NOT include your headings, titles, tables,

questions, or reference list (in-text citations are considered towards the word count. HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay

HSE113 Growth, Development and Ageing for Exercise Scientists
Assessment Task 2 – Video Case Report
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Assessment Task 2 – Video Case Report Due Date: Week 11: Friday
20th May, 2022 by 8 pm. This assessment must be submitted through the Moodle site and you must run a turn-itin report to check for plagiarism.
In accordance with the University/College policy, late submission of assessments will be subject to a reduction
in the assessment overall grade of -5% for every day late. If the assessment is over 5 days late you will receive a
mark of zero. Please refer to the responsibilities of the student’s document.
WORD LENGTH: 1200 words maximum (not including reference list)
Assessment task 2 video case report should be a maximum of 1200 words. Marks will be deducted if students go
over word count. Each section in the video case report has a recommended word limit, it is up to you to decide
on whether or not you stick to that specified limit or not, just remember that your report as a whole should not
exceed 1200 words. However, please note the word count does NOT include your headings, titles, tables,
questions, or reference list (in-text citations are considered towards the word count).
WEIGHTING (% total mark for the unit): 30%
This assessment task will assess your ability to apply key concepts of growth, development and ageing to a series
of case clients. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of the unit content, and to apply it to
‘real world’ scenarios.
This assessment task will assess your ability to apply key concepts of growth, development and ageing to a client
through a video case study. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of the unit content, and to
apply it to ‘real world’ scenarios. This assessment builds on the case study reports in assessment task 1 to show
your ability to exact key information from a client similar to what you may exercise when work with clients in a
gym, clinical or applied sports setting to build and apply exercise guidelines and prescription. HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay
This assessment task satisfies the following ULO, as outlined in the unit guide
ULO1: Describe the stages of growth, maturation, and development across the lifespan, from conception through
to reproduction and death.
ULO2: Describe the structural, physiological, motor, psychosocial and cognitive changes that occur across the
lifespan and explain the influence of physical activity/exercise on these developmental variables.
ULO3: Illustrate the social determinants of health that affect growth and development.
ULO4: Recall the exercises that are indicated and contraindicated for particular stages of growth, maturation and
development across the lifespan, and identify the injuries or conditions that commonly present during certain
stages of growth and development.
ULO5: Source, summarise and apply, in the context of client focused case studies, evidence-based physical
activity and exercise principles affecting growth, development, pregnancy and ageing.
Ability to listen to a client and be able to determine their physical needs at a specific age to help avoid injury and
promote healthy aging. You should be able to identify the indicated and contraindicated exercise for the specific
age range remembering everybody is an individual. This assessment task will help you develop, and assess, your
ability to apply key concepts of ageing to a client. This is very important for demonstrating your knowledge of
the unit content, and to apply it to ‘real world’ scenarios. This assessment task satisfies ULO1, ULO3, UL04 and
ULO5 for HSE113, as outlined in the unit guide and above.
Step 1: Watch the video linked below and located within the Assessment task 2 folder on Moodle. As you watch
the video it will be important for you to deconstruct the video to pull out all the important information (case notes)
about the client. Refer to your classes in which we walked you through this step and helped you identify the key
information (case notes).
Video to use for this assessment Strength training for Parkinson’s::
Step 2: After watching the video, begin completing assessment task 2. Watch your video again
to deconstruct the video and write down all the key information about the client.
Step 3: Once you have deconstructed the video, you must address the questions within the template located in
the assessment task 2 folder. When answering the questions make sure to refer back to the information you
gained from the video case client, the additional references we have provided to you and those you have
obtained yourself to support your responses. HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay
Step 4: Check your answers against the marking rubrics and refine your responses
Step 5: Submit your completed assessment, preferably in WORD or PDF but NOT PAGES through the
assessment portal on Moodle by the submission date/time listed above.


In your report, it is important that you demonstrate your understanding of key concepts discussed in the online
content and interactive learning activities. You will need to make direct links between this information and the
video. You will also be required to incorporate evidence to support your responses from peer- reviewed articles
provided to you (see Moodle for some suitable articles that we suggest you use) and additional relevant peerreviewed articles you obtain independently. This will provide sufficient, relevant, and contemporary peer review
to provide you with some breadth and depth of the literature.
See the Rubric for further details about the Assessment Criteria, and the expected standard.
A marking rubric for assessment task 2 – Video Critique will be made available to students via Moodle.
Please adhere to the following formatting for your assessment.
• Use the template provided to you make sure to format the template as follows below
• Follow the template where tables and headings (in the form of questions) have already been provided.
• A maximum of 1200 words is allocated for this assessment, not including your reference list (in-text citations
are considered towards the word count), tables or the questions. Being concise is an important writing skill to
develop and so you will be assessed on your ability to complete the task within the word count. See the
assessment criteria in the rubric and guidance in the template.
• 11- or 12-point font in any conventional font (e.g., Times New Roman, Calibri). If you are unfamiliar with
word take a look at this video for guidance.
• The document must be line spacing of 1.5 throughout the document.
Referencing style should follow the Deakin Harvard format for In-text citations and reference lists. For more
information on Deakin Harvard formatting, please refer to the following resource: Harvard – Deakin guide to
referencing –
o We have provided some additional sources and peer-reviewed papers to use in this report which can be found
within the assessment task 2 folder on the Moodle site.
o For this video case report in addition to the references provided to you, to obtain full referencing credit you
MUST source and incorporate additional relevant references to support your responses. The number of
additional resources you obtain and references is left to you to decide. However, it is important that you
include as many references as required to show your ability to critically think and communicate your
knowledge of the specific content discipline (addressing the ULO’s).


                                       Add a relevant assessment Title


Personal information

Student Name:

Student Number:

Seminar group (day/time/tutor name):


Date of completion:

Word Count:


AT2 video case report (100 marks available)


Question 1A: Review and reflect on the feedback from AT1-CS2. What aspect of the feedback have you taken on board and how have you dealt with that to improve this report (50 words not included in overall word count 2 marks)?


Question 1B: Video case report – summary of the subject. From watching the video, please provide a case report summary of your subject. (150 words 10 marks).


Question 1C: Describe how ageing is likely to have impacted your subject’s physical capacity, social and cognitive development. Remember to cite some relevant literature here to support your statements (cite at least two peer-reviewed articles). (200 words 10 marks). HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay



Question 2A: Evaluate your chosen subject’s physical activity against the current Australian Physical Activity guidelines for older adults. Discuss the type of exercise that has been selected for your chosen subject and comment on the appropriateness of the prescribed work for their age and ability? (200 words 10 marks). Remember to cite some relevant literature here to support your statements.



Question 2B: Discuss how the exercise program has influenced the ageing and disease processes? In this discussion present and discuss peer-reviewed evidence that is relevant to your subject’s lived experience (cite at least 3 peer-reviewed articles). In other words; is there evidence to support the benefits of exercise in the ageing and disease processes of your subject? (~300 words 20 marks).



Question 3: Let’s say hypothetically that the subject in the case study has had a largely sedentary life, and has an identical twin sibling who is a nationally ranked Master’s athlete within an athletics team. The identical twin sibling trains with the team at least twice per week and exceeds the physical activity guidelines with the training which consists of 2 whole-body strength and conditioning sessions per week in addition to 2 middle distance track sessions per week. With the above information in mind, address the two following questions:

1) Comparing your subject with the identical twin sibling, how will the sibling’s lifelong physical activity as part of an athletics team have impacted their physiological, cognitive and social development?

2) Your subject’s identical twin sibling has recently been diagnosed with the same disease as your subject. Given both of their physical activity levels, will your subject’s identical twin have a similar disease progression/severity and will their exercise prescription be any different? (~300 words 30 marks). HSE 113 University of Sydney Video Case Report Essay


Reference list (13 marks)


Presentation & communication (5 marks)


BC People Should Be Able to Purchase Organs for Transplant Discussion

BC People Should Be Able to Purchase Organs for Transplant Discussion



Group 1: Support the claim that people should be able to buy organs for transplant if they would not be able to receive an organ by waiting their turn through the national database.

Group 2: Refute the claim that people should be able to buy organs for transplant if they would not be able to receive an organ by waiting their turn through the national database

.Criterion 1: Main Post Content Quality



Required criteria:
● Provides a comprehensive response to all parts of the topic(s), incorporating original thought (as appropriate).
● Initial post meets length requirement (if indicated).
● Provides main post prior to 11:59 p.m. ET Sunday.
● Supports ideas with specific references to course materials and/or academic/authoritative sources of information and/or relevant personal/professional experience (as appropriate).
● Includes in-text citations and a reference list (for all additional sources if used), including title, author, publication date, and access details (URL or text information, etc.). BC People Should Be Able to Purchase Organs for Transplant Discussion

Apply conflict management skills to resolve issues and/or build team alliances.


Team member fully engages in cooperative strategies in a team environment, which can include cooperation, negotiation and compromise, resulting in issue resolution and/or building team alliances. BC People Should Be Able to Purchase Organs for Transplant Discussion

South University Heath & Medical Leg Pain Non Traumatic 7 Year Old Male Discussion

South University Heath & Medical Leg Pain Non Traumatic 7 Year Old Male Discussion

Question Description

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


A 7-year-old boy has a one-week history of leg pains. He wakes up at night and cries because his legs hurt; however, during the day, he feels fine with no pain and no movement limitations. He has no history of trauma, fever, or joint swelling. The family history is negative for rheumatic or collagen vascular disease. The boy’s height and weight are at the 50th percentile for age, he is afebrile, and the physical examination is unremarkable.



  1. What are 3 differential diagnoses of leg pains in school-age children? Include the pathophysiology of the 3 differentials.
  2. What laboratory or radiographic studies are appropriate for children with leg pains? Explain
  3. How do musculoskeletal injuries in children differ from those in adults? In terms of injury type and location.
  4. How does the nurse practitioner decide the extent of the diagnostic work-up in a child with extremity pain?
  5. What fractures are common in pediatric patients, and what are the ages associated with them?
  6. Choosing one of the diagnoses you’ve come with; how would you treat the condition? South University Heath & Medical Leg Pain Non Traumatic 7 Year Old Male Discussion

HS 410 Broward College Organization and Management in Healthcare Memo

HS 410 Broward College Organization and Management in Healthcare Memo



Your boss, the Director of Community Relations at a busy Ambulatory Healthcare Center, has asked you to fill in for him while he is on vacation and to host a meeting of community leaders. The goal of the meeting is to consider ways to disseminate important community health bulletins. Many cultures are represented at the meeting and there is a discussion about how to meet the language needs of more than 20 different languages spoken in your organization’s service area. The meeting becomes tense when you must announce that your organization is only prepared to disseminate material in English and Spanish.


Prepare two-page memo for your boss briefly summarizing the events of the meeting and how it was concluded. More importantly, recommend to your boss at least one course of action for your organization moving forward. Be sure to fully support your recommendations. HS 410 Broward College Organization and Management in Healthcare Memo


This assignment should be no more than two pages, completed in a Microsoft Word® document.

Respond to the questions in a thorough manner, providing specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements asked for in the questions. Your submission should be highly organized, logical, and focused.

  • Your submission must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.

Your submission should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.

  • Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.

A separate page at the end of your submission should contain a list of references, in APA format. Use the assigned reading, the Library, and the internet for research.

  • Criterion 1: Problem Solving

Creates a memo format discussing three cause and effects of problems associated with the meeting

  • Criterion 2: Management Responsibilities

Displays use of more than two management principles applicable to a scenario

  • Criterion 3: Utilization of Resources
  • Shares a more than two plan of action for boss regarding multi-ethnic health information dissemination. HS 410 Broward College Organization and Management in Healthcare Memo