HIMS 661 UMDC Personal Health Records Discussion

HIMS 661 UMDC Personal Health Records Discussion


Hi, please, read and comment on peer discussions in 100 words minimum with at least 2-3 peer references in APA style.

Peer 1: How might the development of personal health records change the role of HIM professionals who work for healthcare organizations?

With the development of personal health records, the roles of HIM professionals will steadily evolve, resulting in less paperwork and more electronic-based roles. These roles change according to the three directions provided by AHIMA: professional development, promotion of educational programs, and leadership of HIM. While HIM professionals still perform roles of analysis, storage, processing, collection, coding, interpretation, privacy, and sharing data for healthcare usage; there will be newer automated roles in terms of using advanced technology to enable people to access vital information for research, personal health management, financial management and decision making (Stanfill, 2019). HIM professionals hence have the flexibility to work from home

What types of personal health record products and services are available today, and what might consumers look for in a product or service? HIMS 661 UMDC Personal Health Records Discussion

The types of personal health record products and services available today are paper, personal computer, hybrid personal computer-internet, employer-sponsored, insurance-sponsored, provider-sponsored, and independent products. Since consumers are more actively engaged in their healthcare roles, some of the aspects they consider are the benefits of PHRs. They are looking for a product that will enable them to maintain information better to compile comprehensive and complete data on their health history. Consumers want a product that is secure, easily accessible, comprehensive, and easy to use. HIMS 661 UMDC Personal Health Records Discussion

What does research tell us about consumer attitudes toward health information?

With the introduction of electronic health records, consumers build better attitudes towards health information. Research has shown that while 86% of US citizens are online users, many still prefer the traditional media and healthcare professionals as their primary source of healthcare information (Jacobs et al., 2018). Their attitudes toward these sources of information depending on their confidence in the sources of health information. Those who prefer the healthcare professionals and traditional media also turn to the internet for confirmation of what they have heard from healthcare personnel. This study indicates improved attitudes of people concerning health information either through traditional media or online media.


Jacobs, W., Amuta, A. O., & Jeon, K. C. (2018). Health information seeking in the digital age: An analysis of health information seeking behavior among US adults. Cogent Social Sciences, 3(1), 1302785.

Stanfill, M. H., & Marc, D. T. (2019). Health information management: implications of artificial intelligence on healthcare data and information management. Yearbook of medical informatics, 28(01), 056-064.

Peer 2: The healthcare industry continues to evolve with the introduction of new technologies that not only reduce administrative burdens for providers, but also fosters patient engagement. Patients’ personal health records are transitioning from paper to electronic files, revealing a wealth of information that can ultimately have a positive impact on public health. For this to be successful, providers must recognize the value of patients’ input. Engaging patients should be a foundational philosophy in any electronic health record (EHR) or other health information technology (HIT) system (Levin, et al, 2015). Providers would find it beneficial to invest in health information management (HIM) and HIT to fully capitalize on these innovations.


HIM professionals play a monumental role in the overall development of a health program no matter the size. From the security of the facility to the effectiveness of patients’ treatment plans, HIM professionals effectively spearhead these projects.

Based on recent research, the consumerization of healthcare has driven providers to improve their communication, as well as the education of the patients whom they serve. HIMS professionals who acknowledge that web-based technologies provide patients with access to their health information, empowers patients to be more active in their treatment and can reduce disparities are suited to create effective practices. By gaining and utilizing patient insight providers and HIM professionals will create more positive outcomes (Alida.com, 2021). With patients being more active on the web, technologies like artificial intelligence and the internet of things combined with healthcare software offers providers and HIM professionals’ opportunities to develop more patient-centric processes for their practices. The patient-centric approach has become a focal point on the horizon of customer care optimization. It lends a hand in meeting the preferences and needs of today’s digital-savvy audience (Velvetech.com, 2021). HIMS 661 UMDC Personal Health Records Discussion

The future of healthcare is heavily dependent on patient satisfaction. Limiting patient interactivity creates an unnecessary barrier to improved outcomes (Levin, et al, 2021). Healthcare providers will greatly benefit from developing a secure HIT infrastructure that caters to the development of better communication with, as well as the education of patients. Employing more web-based services will further improve the delivery of patient centered care.


Alida. (2021, May 18). What is the consumerization of healthcare? Alida. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from https://www.alida.com/the-alida-journal/what-is-the-consumerization-of-healthcare-4-success-strategies

Levin, D., & Gordon, D. (2015, January). MHealth’s role in consumerism and connectivity. Journal of AHIMA. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from https://library.ahima.org/doc?oid=107539#.YoWQsKjMLrf

Velvetech,com. (2021, December 23). Healthcare consumerization: Tech to keep your patients loyal. Velvetech. Retrieved May 18, 2022, from https://www.velvetech.com/blog/healthcare-consumerization/

SEU Health Initiative Discussion paper

SEU Health Initiative Discussion paper

1st post (1)


Description of the health initiative

RIAYATI is an electronic digital platform for health care that falls within the unified national health file and the Population Health Department, which was launched under the guidance and patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President of the United Arab Emirates. RIAYATI project has changed the healthcare landscape in the United Arab Emirates by establishing a central medical records system and providing an innovative and integrated digital system that displays updated clinical data for patient records in order to improve the quality and level of health services for the population and patients in the United Arab Emirates (Collaboration, 2018). SEU Health Initiative Discussion paper

RIAYATI program provides a platform for exchanging health information that will connect government and private hospitals and more than 2,500 healthcare facilities, including clinics, diagnostic centers, dialysis centers and pharmacies. The unified health file project has also been linked with the Federal Authority for Citizenship and Residence and will be linked with the Dubai Health Authority and the Health Department in Abu Dhabi through a pulse project and a file project to ensure the completion of a unified, integrated, digital and central national file for the health care system in the United Arab Emirates, thus transforming the vision of the state into a reality (Collaboration, 2018).


The adoption of health information exchange through my care provides a first national platform for health care providers that helps them enhance continuity of care and communication between them and establish a sustainable and effective health system for the United Arab Emirates (Razmak, 2022). SEU Health Initiative Discussion paper


Initiative Benefits

  • Serving the community through an advanced experience in patient care and telemedicine.
  • Access to comprehensive information about patients’ health care records, which will lead to fewer errors in diagnosis and fewer hospital admissions.
  • Increase workforce productivity by reducing unnecessary effort due to diagnosis and repetitive activities when a patient visits different health care centers and improving the quality of health service provided to patients.
  • Establishing an effective and sustainable healthcare system and reducing the overall system costs which in turn leads to reduced readmission procedures, hospital visits and thus overall savings in the UAE even in prescription costs.
  • Emphasis on preventive measures through disease surveillance.
  • Increase focus on data quality through continuous application update and innovation. This will allow us to draw on several future services such as clinical decision support, specific clinical pathways, advanced analytics and artificial intelligence in healthcare in the UAE.



Collaboration, B. S (2018). Middle East and North African Health Informatics Association (MENAHIA).

Razmak, J. (2022). Assessing patient readiness for a patient portal implementation in the UAE. Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management. SEU Health Initiative Discussion paper


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2nd post (4)


Electronic Health Recording

The Project

A project on Electronic Health recording (EHR) would be essential to improve the quality of health services delivery. An EHR is a computerized replica of a paper chart belonging to the patient. EHRs are authentic and centered on the patient databases that ensure data is available promptly and anonymously to authorized parties (Regan & Wang, 2016). Although an EHR stores patients’ treatment and medical records, the system is meant to go beyond traditional clinical information recorded in the healthcare provider’s computer, and it is comprehensive in the patient’s treatment from a broader viewpoint. Electronic health records provide clinicians with wider access to evidence-based tools necessary for decision-making about the patient’s health care. EHRs also help healthcare providers automate and streamline their processes.

Team Involved

Employees may be assigned to more than one function in the health facility, depending on the size and nature of the organization. However, a leadership team is necessary to oversee the successful implementation of EHR systems (Elias et al., 2015). The team would include a team leader, implementation managers, physicians, nurses, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, radiologists, billing staff, staff from the registration office, information technology specialists, and the EHR supplier.

Purpose and Intended Outcome

EHRs, aim to digitize and save a patient’s hospital documents in an electronic medium. Patients’ records are continuously updated and can be retrieved in a digital format by authorized individuals instantaneously. Furthermore, electronic health records (EHR) are designed to improve patient care by automating various clinical tasks (Kruse et al., 2018). They allow doctors to transmit real-time and real-time information, guaranteeing that any clinician dealing with a patient has access to the most recent, accurate, and complete file available. Another advantage is that EHRs are highly adjustable and can be changed to match the specific needs of the medical practice. EHRs report significant and remarkable success in ensuring quality patient care, making work easy, and accessing earlier health records.





















Elias, B., Barginere, M., Berry, P., & Selleck, C. (2015). Implementation of an electronic health             records system within an interprofessional model of care. Journal of Inter-professional                  Care, 29(6), 551-554. https://doi.org/10.3109/13561820.2015.1021001

Kruse, C., Stein, A., Thomas, H., & Kaur, H. (2018). The use of Electronic Health Records to      Support Population Health: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Medical       Systems, 42(11). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10916-018-1075-6

Regan, E., & Wang, J. (2016). Realizing the Value of EHR Systems Critical Success Factors.                   International Journal Of Healthcare Information Systems And Informatics, 11(3), 1-18.             https://doi.org/10.4018/ijhisi.2016070101


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Health and Medical Domestic Violence Discussion

Health and Medical Domestic Violence Discussion

What is Domestic Violence


Domestic violence refers to violent behavior between current or former intimate partners – typically where one partner tries to exert power and control over the other, usually through fear. Domestic Violence is Violence or other abuse in a domestic setting, such as in marriage or cohabitation. It can include physical, sexual, emotional, social, verbal, spiritual, and economic abuse.

Example of domestic Violence includes marital rape, physical abuse.


How Domestic Violence is a social problem

Domestic violence tears the very fabric of a community by dismantling family units and causing a ripple effect of repercussions felt for many years. Health and Medical Domestic Violence Discussion


Domestic violence at home has an immense impact on family bonds. Kids seeing savagery submitted against their parents can think it’s hard to confide in grown-ups later on. It bargains their connection to the individual that should cherish and ensure them, debilitating the nuclear family. An expected 3.3 million kids are presented to viciousness against their mom or a female overseer. These children have more significant levels of outrage, aggression, rebellion, and withdrawal. They have similar medical problems as grown-ups: nervousness, rest issues, psychological wellness, and conduct medical matters.



What does it mean to say the US historically had an ideology of non-intervention regarding domestic violence and the family?

Historically the US has been a patriarchal society dominated by major men. They insisted on a lot of influence in the government and also in the social sphere. Women generally could

not speak up about family issues; hence, it hard to intervene in family and domestic violence.


How does this make addressing domestic violence a social problem particularly challenging?

This is because women feel fibble. After all, they are sure no matter how hard they address the violence issue, there will be no solution as their husbands are the primary perpetrators.


McAdam, D., J. McCarthy and M. N. Zald (eds.) (1996): Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements. Political Opportunities, Mobilizing Structures and Cultural Framings, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Cambridge University Press.

Amato P. Divorce and the well-being of adults and children. Family Focus. 2007: 52, F3-F4, F18.

Amato P. The consequences of divorce for adults and children. Journal of Marriage and the Family. 2000: 62 (4), 1269—1287. Health and Medical Domestic Violence Discussion


Keiser University Opioid Use Addiction and Overdoses Essay

Keiser University Opioid Use Addiction and Overdoses Essay




In your paper, do NOT use the word “Addict” regardless of where you read it at. People are not their diagnosis. Instead of “addict”, use “suffering from addiction”“victim of addiction”, “dealing with addiction” etc.

Please read the Psychology Discussion Requirements fully, and then Read pages 174 – 184 in your text.

Opioid use, addiction, and overdoses have increased to alarming rates in the United States in recent years. Millions of Americans are affected by the opioid epidemic every day.

Read Volkow et al.’s (2014) article and Brown’s (2018) articles (PDF’s below) before discussing the following questions.


Brown, A. R. (2018). A systematic review of psychosocial interventions in treatment of opioid addiction, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/1533256X.2018.1485574

Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2022). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (16th ed.). Cengage Learning.

Volkow, N. D., Frieden, T. R., Hyde, P. S., & Cha, S. S. (2014). Medication-assisted therapies — tackling the opioid-overdose epidemic. New England Journal of Medicine370(22), 2063-2066. doi:10.1056/NEJMp1402780


For this week’s main post, answer all of the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post.


  • What are some ways that opioid addiction is affecting the United States?
  • What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering from opioid addiction?
  • If you had a friend or family member suffering from opioid addiction, what sort of help would you recommend they .
  • Your initial post (your response to the topic) must contain a citation. It is your ideas supported by research. Please refer to the APA Power Point in the Start Here section of the classroom for information on proper formatting. There will be a deduction of 20 points for failure to cite a source within your initial post and to provide a reference at the end of your initial post.
  • please provide url link for the refferances

Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet

Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet

Strategy Formulation: Strategic Choice

Prepared by Dr. Abel Arvizú Whittemore

  1. Approaches


  1. Two Dimension Criteria, e.g.,


  1. Mission-Margin Matrix (Exhibit)


  1. Strategic Impact-Ease of Execution Matrix (Exhibit)


  1. Weighted Decision Model (Exhibit). To select from among the alternatives the strategy which best meets the organization’s objectives:  narrow the number of strategy alternatives, identify selection factors, evaluate alternatives against criteria, create scenarios, and make the choice. Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet


  1. Decision Tree Analysis (Exhibits)


  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis (including variation of profit maximization / social cost avoidance). Involves


  1. Determining the net benefits of each alternative and eliminating alternatives with low net benefits.


  1. Rating the maximum potential of each remaining alternative with respect to impact, implementation, and urgency.


  • Applying judgment to ensure that some obvious critical factor is not overlooked (e.g., meeting the needs of a key customer).


  1. General Guideline: must satisfy agreed-upon objectives with least use of resources, least number of negative side effects, most flexibility, least external dependency, maximum fit between the internal and external environment, appropriately balanced corporate portfolio, results in value to the ultimate customer. Cal State Dominguez Hills West Side United Gantt Chart Worksheet

Health Policies and Vulnerable Populations Presentation

Health Policies and Vulnerable Populations Presentation



Assignment 1: You are a junior administrator in a small hospital. The clinical staff in the hospital have done a good job in ensuring that patient care falls in line with the National Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) policy. However, in a recent assessment of your facility, it was found that these competencies are lacking in the interactions of patients with administrative services. Your supervisor has learned that you have taken this course and has asked you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to share with the various administrative departments such as billing, customer service, scheduling, etc. Your presentation should include the following:

  • A thorough explanation of the CLAS Standards
  • Why culturally competent services are important throughout the hospital
  • Suggestions for how different departments can better serve the hospitals’ diverse clientele
  • A slide with resources for staff members
  • A slide with references

You must include the speaker’s notes with your slides, which will elaborate on the content in each slide. Be sure to cite your sources in your slides and speaker’s notes. Health Policies and Vulnerable Populations Presentation

Assignment 1 Expectations:

  1. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  2. Your presentation should be at least 8 slides, not including your cover slide and reference slide.
  3. Support your presentation with a minimum of 3 reliable sources.


Assignment 2: The debate over immigration reform continues to be a hot button in American policy and unlikely to be solved in the foreseeable future. Regardless of the current policy and where one stands on dealing with illegal immigration, the reality is that there will be undocumented immigrants that come into the country and as with all human beings, they will get sick or injured and need medical care. There are a host of legal, ethical, financial, and public health considerations for policies focused on care for this vulnerable population, and arguably no easy answers.

Review the background reading for this module and conduct your own research. After you have done so, write a position paper on whether the provision of health care for undocumented immigrants should be provided without consideration of immigration status, addressing each of the issues italicized above. Keep in mind that this paper is not meant to be a debate of immigration policy, but a statement regarding healthcare services.

Be sure to cite reliable sources and utilize the reference below to set up your paper. You must use the outline in the reference below. https://www.xavier.edu/library/students/documents/…

Assignment 2 Expectations:

  1. Limit your response to no more than 2 pages, single-spaced.
  2. Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your analysis.
  3. Support your paper with a minimum of 3 reliable sources; at least 2 of these should be peer-reviewed articles. Health Policies and Vulnerable Populations Presentation.

Links are for both assignments:

1. HHS Office of Minority Health. (2016). National CLAS Standards, health literacy, and communication [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkpRx1lHCu8&feature=youtu.be

2. Cervantes, L., Fischer, S., & Berlinger, N. (2017). The illness experience of undocumented immigrants with end-stage renal disease. JAMA Internal Medicine, 117(4), 529-535. Retrieved from https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamainternalmedicine/fullarticle/2601078


College of Southern Maryland Comparative Analysis Paper

College of Southern Maryland Comparative Analysis Paper

                                                       Legal Case Analysis                 

Each student will prepare and submit a written analysis of a closed legal case in health care-related law. This is not a review of an article or news story. Closed legal cases are available through a variety of sources and are typically one of perhaps several appealed cases for either the plaintiff(s) and / or the defendant(s) for a particular medical/legal claim, and may include such topics as medical malpractice, negligence, wrongful death, products liability, contract disputes, tort law, or violation of administrative laws or regulatory issues, etc.


The analysis should be in your own words and include the answers to the following in the order presented (Please label each question that you are addressing):


The complete title and citation for the case (e.g. Smith v. Beebe Medical Center).

Explain which court decided this case. College of Southern Maryland Comparative Analysis Paper

How did the case get to the court? Discuss the procedural history of the case.

What laws or statutes, acts, etc. pertain to this case.

What legal issues were decided by the in this case?

Discuss the facts of the case. (Who are parties? What happened?)

What did the court decide? Give its holding (decision) and the reasons it gave for the decision (reasoning)?

Was the decision unanimous? If not, who dissented and why did they dissent?

Why is this case important for health care administrators?

What do you think about the decision?

This paper should be no more than 7-8 double-spaced pages, (does not include the cover page and reference page) and must be in APA format. Please reference all related cases, statutes, laws, etc., pertaining to this case on your reference page. You may use any reliable resource including FindLaw.com, Justia Law, etc. to find information on your case.


Wikipedia, Bing, and Google.com are NOT to be used as citations in your paper or as a reference in your reference list. College of Southern Maryland Comparative Analysis Paper

Resources: https://www.findlaw.com/, https://law.justia.com/cases/, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGDJTeabQzU




                                                      PowerPoint Presentation

Narrate a presentation on the legal case you analyzed. The following points should be addressed in this presentation: Create PowerPoint slides


What legal issue or topic was the case about (medical malpractice, negligence, etc.) when it became news

Details of the case (who was involved)

When did the harm or complaint occur and did it settle? (who won)

Why this case is important to the healthcare industry

How does this case or situation impact healthcare organizations, the plaintiff, the defendant, or both

A summary of the case and your views on the outcome.

Please reference any materials necessary in your presentation on a reference slide; any tables, pictures, etc. that are not your own must be referenced on the slide and in your reference slide(s). You may be as creative as you wish (within reason) with design, colors, format, fonts, etc. Videos are acceptable for inclusion in the presentation but must be limited to no longer than 6 minutes in length.


Limit the presentations to no more than 15 slides, including the title slide and reference slide(s).  College of Southern Maryland Comparative Analysis Paper


Comparative Analysis Paper


Students will develop an in depth, critical study of the US health care system in comparison with several other countries by answering the following questions:

How does healthcare in the United States compare to healthcare in the United Kingdom, Japan, India and France in the following areas:











Role of the Government

System strengths

System weaknesses

You may include graphs and tables to support your data. The paper must follow APA guidelines, providing citations to support the responses. Please refer to the rubric for grading criteria. College of Southern Maryland Comparative Analysis Paper

Broward College Compare and Contrast Leaders Discussion

Broward College Compare and Contrast Leaders Discussion


Criterion 1: Assess and offer examples of differing leaders

Discusses all 3 of the following elements:

● Assesses effective and ineffective leaders.
● Gives one example of an effective leader
● Gives one example of an ineffective leader

Criterion 2: Compare and Contrast Effective and Ineffective leaders


Discusses all 3 of the following elements:
● Addresses similarities of your leaders
● Addresses the differences of your leaders
● Compares and contrast your leaders

Criterion 3: Leadership Characteristics



Discusses all 3 of the following elements:

● Includes specific characteristics of an effective leader
● Includes specific characteristics of an ineffective leader
● Includes specific characteristics of each type of leader based on identifying their effectiveness.

Criterion 4: Writing Requirements


All of the following elements are met:
● Displays college-level writing in Standard English free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
● Minimal in-text citation errors such as a missing page number or a misplaced date may occur.
● Minimal paper formatting errors such as a misplaced margin may occur.
● Quotation marks and citations make authorship clear.
● Assignment is 2-page paper in length not including the title page and reference page.

Criterion 5: Academic references with in-text citations.



Includes more than two academic references from multiple outside sources and/or course materials as required

.HA405_1802C_-5.1: Contrast the leadership styles of healthcare managers.

Student work demonstrates the ability to evaluate the leadership styles of two contrasting healthcare managers. Broward College Compare and Contrast Leaders Discussion

Broward College Developing a Healthcare Advocacy Plan Essay

Broward College Developing a Healthcare Advocacy Plan Essay



Criterion 1: Identify issues to propose an Advocacy Plan

Research three healthcare issues affecting your local community.
● You will contact either a local healthcare agency (i.e., County Health Department, etc.) or healthcare facility (i.e., clinic, hospital, or nursing home) to identify healthcare issues affecting the local community


Criterion 2: Preparing an Advocacy Plan

Includes all 4 of the elements to propose a healthcare advocacy plan:
● Explains the issues facing your community
● possible methods to alleviate the concern
● how you would ethically advocate for the respective population
● research the specific issues presented with credible sources (e.g., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute of Health, Census Bureau, etc.). Broward College Developing a Healthcare Advocacy Plan Essay

Criterion 3: Writing Requirements

All of the following elements are met:
● Displays college-level writing in Standard English free of spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.
● Minimal in-text citation errors such as a missing page number or a misplaced date may occur.
● Minimal paper formatting errors such as a misplaced margin may occur.
● Quotation marks and citations make authorship clear.
● Assignment is 3-page paper in length not including the title page and reference page.

Criterion 4: Academic references with in-text citations.

Includes three academic references from multiple outside sources and/or course materials as required.

HA405_1802C_-4.1: Develop a plan for healthcare advocacy.

Student work demonstrates the ability to formulate all the components of a healthcare advocacy plan. Broward College Developing a Healthcare Advocacy Plan Essay

BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment

BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment


Your boss, the Director of Human Resources at a prominent academic hospital, has asked you to prepare a two-part expository PowerPoint presentation to new employees during orientation. Your PowerPoint is to familiarize new staff from both clinical and administrative departments with the most common clinical and healthcare management terminology, to which they will be exposed and expected to use on their new job. Terminology shared should include aspects of taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies, and nomenclatures used in healthcare settings. A minimum of three slides should be dedicated to each department. Finally, include a section devoted to how management and clinical departments communicate for patient care. Provide examples for at least two levels of care (inpatient, outpatient, nursing facility, etc.).

While preparing to complete this presentation, think about the following questions:

  • What information will you include in your PowerPoint slides?
  • What notations will you make in the speaker’s notes for your boss to stress?
  • How will you organize the material so that it will be presented effectively for new employees exposed to terminology that you use daily? BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment



  • This assignment must be a Microsoft® PowerPoint®. Include extensive speaker notes. Slides should be uncluttered.
  • The presentation should be a minimum of 12, but no more than 14 slides. Be sure to include a title and reference slide.
  • Provide specific examples of concepts, topics, definitions, and other elements noted in the assignment introduction.
  • Your presentation should be highly organized, logical, and focused.
  • Your PowerPoint must be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar and mechanics.
  • Your PowerPoint should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
  • Your writing/speaker notes should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
  • Be sure to include both in-text citations and reference listings for all sources. A separate slide at the end of your presentation should contain a list of references, in APA 7th edition format. Use the assigned reading, the Library, and the internet for scholarly research. BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment
  • Criterion 1: Properly Assess Medical Terminology, Taxonomies, and Nomenclature
  • Terminology shared includes all aspects of the following used in healthcare settings:
    ● taxonomies
    ● clinical vocabularies
    ● terminologies
    ● nomenclatures
  • Criterion 2: Identify Common Medical Terminology
  • Presentation correctly presents six or more slides common medical terminology utilized by:
    ● Clinicians (3+ slides)
    ● Healthcare Administrators (3+ slides
  • Criterion 3: Applies Medical Terminology in Healthcare Setting
  • Specific examples are shared to exhibit use of medical terminology in multiple workplace scenarios
    ● Includes extensive speaker notes of two or more paragraphs per slide
  • Criterion 4: Continuum of Care
  • Presentation includes specific examples of how management and clinical departments interact for a patient from the continuum of care for at least two levels
  • Criterion 5: Sources
  • Supports all opinions and ideas with relevant and credible sources of information.
    ● A minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed sources are utilized.
  • Criterion 6: Length Requirements, Writing, Grammar, and APA
  • Few or no errors in writing, mechanics, APA style, and citation
    ● Cites sources using APA style.
    ● Includes in-text citations.
    ● Makes authorship clear when using quotation marks.
  • Analyze taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies and nomenclature used in health care settings.
  • Student work displays an ability to analyze taxonomies, clinical vocabularies, terminologies, and nomenclatures aligned to specific health care settings. All elements are identified, defined, and presented accurately. BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment
  • Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard English [Note: Standard English is the common language of educated professionals and is understood by people across different geographical regions,Student work includes a highly developed viewpoint and purpose. Assignment is in Standard English and demonstrates superior organization. Communication is highly ordered, logical and unified. The assignment displays exceptional content, organization, style and mechanics. BC Organization and Management for Healthcare Presentation Assignment