Taif University Disaster Mental Health Discussion Paper

Taif University Disaster Mental Health Discussion Paper

Post 1-

From your reading, what is an example of how psychological distress either WAS mitigated or COULD HAVE been better mitigated via the use of effective risk communication from public officials?

One good example of how psychological distress could have been better mitigated by using effective risk communication from public officials is the CDC spokesmen’s response to the Anthrax. The response involved inconvenience messages, and the tremendous number of spokespersons of the CDC is also questionable. A message control began almost immediately when Secretary Tommy Thompson, responsible for the CDC as part of his Cabinet assignment, inferred Stevens’ death was his fault by publicly speculating that Stevens, an avid outdoorsman, “apparently drank from a stream while in North Carolina, a state known for hog farming and its associated waste.” Seven days later, CDC erroneously reported, “This appears to be a local and isolated exposure focused in one building” . The very next day, a CDC press release announced that Erin O’Connor, working in New York City’s Rockefeller Plaza, had developed cutaneous Anthrax after opening a letter laced with anthrax spores. Also, public officials’ telebriefings and corresponding print media coverage of the anthrax crisis reveal the use of multiple spokespersons and poor message control. This resulted in a seemingly fragmented CDC message and apparent loss of CDC credibility. Taif University Disaster Mental Health Discussion Paper

Name a success of risk communication, if you can locate one, and alternatively, name a failure of effective risk communication (and why it was deemed a failure).

The communication of radiological accidents after the occurrence of a nuclear disaster in 1979 at TMI was a failure of effective risk communication from whereby the report to the government from the nuclear industry was delayed. This caused fear and confusion among the public leading to a lot of evacuations than the issued official advisory on evacuation. The nuclear accident was also initially underestimated.

What lessons about effective risk communication will you carry forward in your career in emergency management?

I believe that developing a plan for risk and emergency communication is a must and will help me as an emergency manager to ensure establishing clear communication lines with other organizations, leaders, and communicators. Also, I believe it is necessary to collaborate with public officials.

Please note any other lessons that you would want to make sure to share with current and future colleagues

One thing I would share is that it is necessary to dispel rumors quickly. If left unaddressed, rumors have the potential to weaken trust in official entities and decrease the effectiveness of response measures taken by people. Take wearing the mask as an example. A lesson learned from the current Pandemic COVID 19 is how many people around the world no longer wanted to wear masks and concluded that the virus is fake. Many people thought that if the virus was real, why would the politicians themselves not wear masks. On the other flip of the coin, the CDC responded well to defeat against rumors on how the virus spread. Some people thought the infection could spread via food, mail packages, and mosquito bites.


Eichelberger, L. (2007). SARS and New York’s Chinatown: The politics of risk and blame during an epidemic of fear. Social Science & Medicine 65. 1284–1295. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2007.04.022

O’Neill, K. Calia, J. Chess, C. Clarke, L. (2007). Miscommunication during the Anthrax attacks: How events reveal organizational failures. Human Ecology Review. (14). 2. 119-129. Taif University Disaster Mental Health Discussion Paper




QUESTION 1           

In 2003, following the surfacing of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), several propaganda and stories spread all over the Asian regions in the United States, particularly within the state of New York. Different interpretations were made with the news media asserting that this was mainly a domestic pandemic, even as a small number of individuals in the entire nation had been infected (Eichelberger, 2007). The Asian regions were discerned as a site of risk and contagion. However, it is vital for a public leader to oppose the rumors immediately to avert tension amongst society. The psychological distress at this pandemic could have been mitigated better if there were a countrywide response from the officials of the local government, the regional administration, and the state officials. People in such a pandemic do not want to decide on the best message to tag along. They need reliable and simple advice from several sources. Consequently, the countrywide response officials could have teamed up with other allies counting the new media to make sure that the correct message was dispersed to the general public immediately.


Regarding the West African pandemic, I believe that there is a lot to discover.  In New Jersey, the Anthrax attack is mainly an ideal example of futile risk communication. In 2001 during the attack, according to O’Neill et al. (2007), there was a very intricate connection between the pertinent authorities. Although the attack was executed via a letter, information to the general public was conveyed after two weeks. Actually, hospitals that stumbled upon the cases of infection did not alert the local officials of health for mobilization.


In the contemporary world of information, it is vital to circulate information immediately to counteract the psychological distress that might surface from public tension. This indicates that there ought to be a reliable message when there is a crisis. Therefore, I have noted that to have a triumphant risk communication, and it is crucial to organize with all important stakeholders and make sure that risk communication is accessible to the public. However, this does not necessarily mean telling the general public to relax and not to be anxious, but rather appealing to them, in the management progress, and constantly being the guide. In simple words, nothing is significant in emergency management than a clear and solid communication arrangement. Lack of solid plan, a disaster can be disadvantageous to the public, akin to the CDC cases, throughout an anthrax attack. Today, CDC has been criticized and blamed owing to the lack of effectual risk management communication. Taif University Disaster Mental Health Discussion Paper


Eichelberger, L. (2007). SARS and New York’s Chinatown: the politics of risk and blame during an epidemic of fear. Social Science & Medicine65(6), 1284-1295.

O’Neill, K. M., Calia, J. M., Chess, C., & Clarke, L. (2007). Miscommunication during the anthrax attacks: How events reveal organizational failures. Human Ecology Review, 119-129.

Schiavo, R. (2014). Risk communication: Ebola and beyond.



The SARS epidemic was horrific. Not only in terms of what it did to people physically, but how it turned people against an entire culture. This could have been mitigated with more appropriate risk communication from the very start, early on, before people got mis guided beliefs that ruined an entire downtown area of New York City. Health stigmas can kill people- they need controlled and clearly identified, maintained and updated to keep the health and well being of those at the center up and out of harms way.

A success of risk communication would certainly have to be the Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System- since being implemented in has saved millions of lives and millions more in lost revenue for the people who benefit from it every day.

A failure is probably the most poignant one we all know of- the poor handling of Hurricane Katrina. The mayor saying the levees are holding whilst a helicopter flies overhead showing the 9thward under water and the levees completely breached and broken.

What lessons will I carry forward? I could go on for hours but the primary two are be honest and be timely- don’t lie to people as it will hurt when they find out and demolish the trust, if any, you had. As well, to be timely is to save lives. You cannot always have all the information, but you need to be able to make decisions with the best information you have at the time you have it. You should not push to the 11thhour to see if something changes, it could cost you everything- weighing cost benefits is not an easy job for anyone. Taif University Disaster Mental Health Discussion

HSA 3422 Rasmussen College Comparing Compliance Plans in Healthcare Essay

HSA 3422 Rasmussen College Comparing Compliance Plans in Healthcare Essay


Are you ready to present the policies for your two compliance plans in a way that all employees will understand at a large medical facility where you are the Compliance Officer?

  • In 4-page paper describe the policies for each of the two compliance plans.
    • Break each policy section into 2 pages each.
    • Remember to support your policies for the two plans with a total of three research sources, cited at the end in APA format. (That’s 1-2 research sources per plan).
  • Then, summarize your plan in a 5-8 slide PowerPoint presentation.
  • Polices you should consider covering for each plan come under the key compliance elements:
    • Compliance Standards
    • High-Level (personal) Responsibility
    • Education
    • Communication
    • Monitoring/Auditing (for Safety)
    • Enforcement/Discipline
    • Response/Prevention


Look these over in your research, and then select just two of these key elements and write your policies under them for each of your two compliance plans. (Your policies for each plan can zero in on different key elements.)


  • A compliance plan about washing hands between patients might describe policies for High Level (personal) Responsibility and Monitoring/Auditing (for Safety)
  • A compliance plan about charging patients for Diabetes Management Education as a Physician Visit might describe policies for Compliance Standards and Enforcement/Discipline. HSA 3422 Rasmussen College Comparing Compliance Plans in Healthcare Essay

UCLA Proper Healthcare Facility Nursing Discussion

UCLA Proper Healthcare Facility Nursing Discussion



When designing facilities, there are many stakeholders who will be affected by its design. It is important to understand that each of the stakeholders will have a unique perspective of the facility based on their role.

Imagine you and your team are stakeholders (i.e., nurse, physician, patient, family member of patient, or janitorial staff) who will use the facility that was presented by the design team.


  • Physician
  • Patient

As a team, review the facility and consider how the perspective of the stakeholder you selected may be different from another stakeholder, such as a physician versus a patient. It is important to consider the stakeholder’s role and use of the facility (i.e., who they interact with, functions they perform, and departments they interact with). UCLA Proper Healthcare Facility Nursing Discussion


Complete the Facility Diagram presented by the design team.

  • You will notice the doors are missing on the facility presented. As a team, label where you will add doors into rooms.
  • Label the rooms in the facility presented.
  • Consider adding basic equipment to the space to help you with orientation and use for your stakeholders.

Complete a flow diagram using the facility diagram you added doors to and label rooms above. Make sure to use your research of FGIs.

  • The flow diagram needs to show your stakeholder’s use (flow) of the facility.
  • The flow should show the use from dirty to clean and clean to dirty.
  • The flow diagram needs to clearly indicate each stakeholder selected. Consider using different markers (i.e., color, shapes).

As a team, write a 350- to 700-word summary of your review of the facility. Your summary should:

  • Identify each stakeholder’s role selected for the flow diagram.
  • Discuss whether this space worked or did not work for each stakeholder.
  • Identify your cross points. Do they create hubs that could reduce foot traffic?
  • Identify whether the flow supports current build of the facility and FGI guidelines.
  • Identify 1 possible improvement or alternative that would support sustainable health care facility design and the stakeholder flow in this facility. MY SECTION
  • Describe the steps you would take to implement the improvements or alternative designs. MY SECTION
  • Identify at least 2 evaluation techniques that are used to measure project success.
  • Consider the type of data needed to evaluate success. UCLA Proper Healthcare Facility Nursing Discussion

Purdue University Clinical Management ADHD Presentation

Purdue University Clinical Management ADHD Presentation

Purdue University Clinical Management ADHD Presentation

make a 20 slides PowerPoint presentation (not counting title and references slides) + 1 page handout, based on the instructions below

Develop a 20- to 30-minute presentation, using Microsoft® PowerPoint® on the clinical management of the pediatric condition of ADHD


Include the following in your presentation:

Analyze the etiology, pathophysiology, and general clinical manifestation of symptoms of the disease based on relevant literature.

How might age or overall health status alter the normal clinical manifestation of the disease?

Evaluate the patient’s overall social and medical history, clinical symptoms, and clinical assessment from the perspective of the previously cited literature. Purdue University Clinical Management ADHD Presentation

Evaluate the diagnostic work-up and clinical findings, which include the rationale for each diagnostic test and expected findings, and recommend a diagnosis based on the findings.

Develop a plan of care based on diagnosis, including age-appropriate modifications of proposed therapy and dose modifications based on clinical guidelines:

Include medications, assistive therapies, and specific limitations of activities in your plan.

  • Address any age-appropriate modifications of proposed therapy or dosage modifications.
  • Analyze the potential complications of care and any possible side effects of medication based on literature that includes follow-up instructions.
  • Create a patient education plan that shows understanding of the patient’s developmental age, parental role, health literacy of the patient/family, cultural sensitivity, and health belief models
  • Analyze the current condition and how it may relate to underlying health issues, the proposed plan of care, and possible side effects or complications.
  • Include an example of patient/family engagement in the plan of care (for example, utilization of the teach-back method).
  • Analyze how the principles of Watson’s theory of human caring are integrated into the plan of care and patient education.
  • Prepare a 1-page summary as a handout for the other students. Purdue University Clinical Management ADHD Presentation

University of Southern Mississippi Early Childhood Education Essay

University of Southern Mississippi Early Childhood Education Essay

Answer each question with a good paragraph. NO PLAGIARISM. Paragraph can be 6 sentences. Answer question thoroughly.


  • Discuss the difficulties of maintaining safe indoor and outdoor environments in either a child care center or a family child care home.
  • Discuss routine practices that will prevent illness and promote good health and nutrition. Identify practices that the staff is responsible for implementing directly and those practices that the staff must help the children learn.
  • Discuss and make a list of the special needs and characteristics of infants under 6 months that should be taken into account when setting up an infant room.
  • Create and discuss a list of the expectable sequences in large- and small-muscle development in preschoolers. Discuss individual differences in the order in which developmental milestones are attained. University of Southern Mississippi Early Childhood Education Essay

CSU Health & Medical Improving Quality of Service Delivery Essay

CSU Health & Medical Improving Quality of Service Delivery Essay




  • You are the chief executive officer (CEO) of a large health care organization, Cornwall Regional Medical Center, and you noticed patient survey results show patients were clearly not satisfied with the wait times to see their primary care physician, even though there was an appointment. There are times the wait time could be an hour or more. As the CEO, you would like to see a significant improvement in wait times and an improvement in the patient satisfaction surveys. CSU Health & Medical Improving Quality of Service Delivery Essay


Below are Cornwall Regional Medical Center’s mission, vision, and values statements.

Mission: Cornwall strives to inspire and contribute to health and well-being by providing quality care to every patient.

Vision: Cornwall will provide an excellent patient experience.

Primary value: Patient needs come first.

Value statements: The following values, which guide Cornwall’s mission, are an expression of the vision and intent of our founders.

  • Respect: Treat everyone in our diverse community, including patients, their families, and colleagues, with dignity.
  • Compassion: Provide the best care with sensitivity and empathy.
  • Integrity: Adhere to the highest standards of professionalism, ethics, and personal responsibility.
  • Healing: Nurture the well-being of the whole person, respecting physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Teamwork: Value the contributions of all.

  • Excellence: Deliver the best outcomes and highest-quality service through the dedicated effort of every team member.
  • Innovation: Enhance the lives of those we serve through the creative ideas and unique talents of each employee.
  • Stewardship: Reinvest in our extended communities by wisely managing our human, natural, and material resources.
  • For this assignment, you will write an essay as the CEO addressing the prompts below.
  • Analyze how the organization’s mission, vision, and values impact your leadership strategy.
  • Explain ways to utilize strategic planning to alleviate the situation of long wait times and low completion of patient satisfaction surveys. CSU Health & Medical Improving Quality of Service Delivery Essay
  • Explain the importance of quality improvement in health care. From a leader’s perspective, why does it matter whether wait times improve?
  • Determine challenges that may arise in this situation when implementing quality improvement and how you will address them.

Discuss your role as a CEO in creating and maintaining this quality-focused organization.

research a health care organization and how they use alliances or partnerships to enhance their organization. Then, address the prompts below.
Discuss different types of strategic alliances that the organization your research used/uses.
Explain strategic alliances’ importance in health care organizations, specifically in the organization you researched.
Discuss reasons why you feel strategic alliances in health care fail. Explain whether any failed in the organization your researched. CSU Health & Medical Improving Quality of Service Delivery Essay

Columbia Southern University Community Health Worker Discussion

Columbia Southern University Community Health Worker Discussion

Gateway Technical College Medical Practice Valuation and ACP Worksheet

Gateway Technical College Medical Practice Valuation and ACP Worksheet
To prepare for this assignment, watch the video “Valuation Considerations in the Healthcare Industry” provided here: You have been the practice manager of an outpatient clinic for five years. The practice is profitable, and the owners are ready to expand by purchasing another practice in the area. The owners have asked you to research and conduct a basic valuation of a prospective purchase: ABC Clinic.Create a document outlining the steps you will take in the valuation process for ABC Clinic. Address the following concepts in your document – provide a brief summary for each, describing the information you will need to gather, and why, to complete the valuation:Review of financial statementsAverage collection period (ACP) from patient accountsReimbursement trends, patterns, etc.Case mix and patient typesInfrastructure and operational logisticsAudience: this is a reference document for yourself, however, you may share it with your practice owners as you collaborate on the purchase process. Formatting and wording should be professional and concise. Columbia Southern University Community Health Worker Discussion


NRS 493 Capstone Project Cardiovascular Complication Change Proposal

NRS 493 Capstone Project Cardiovascular Complication Change Proposal
The Topic is Implementation of Nonpharmacological management of Geriatric hypertension in a skilled nursing facility. The Goal is to reduce hypertension, cardiovascular complication, effective outcome. The objective is to prove that exercise, , diet and healthy lifestyle can improve, save cost and manage HTN in the elderly patient.

Musculoskeletal & Neurologic Systems Health Assessment Paper

Musculoskeletal & Neurologic Systems Health Assessment Paper

Musculoskeletal & Neurologic Systems Health Assessment Paper

Choose one of these scenarios

Research the conditions affecting the musculoskeletal and the neurologic systems.

Scenario 1

A 58-year-old female is admitted for a work up for a complaint of neck and low back pain. During admission, you discover that she underwent a renal transplant six years ago. The patient also had blood work collected. When you review the findings, you notice that her serum calcium is elevated at 13.9 (Normal values range from 8.5 to 10.2 mg/dl), her CBC shows a hematocrit of 33%, and hemoglobin of 11.1 g/dl (normal adult female hematocrit Range: 37-47%, normal adult female hemoglobin range: 12-16 g/dl). Musculoskeletal & Neurologic Systems Health Assessment Paper

  • What could be the underlying cause of her pain and her abnormal lab values?
  • What other assessments would be helpful?
  • What interventions might be considered?


Scenario 2

A 33-year-old Hispanic male is admitted and complains of a tingling sensation in his left leg, vertigo, and loss of balance. When you begin to perform intake history, you notice that his speech is slurred, his teeth are in need of repair, and he seems to be very drowsy.

  • What other findings may you find in this individual?
  • What would you think is the underlying cause of this patient’s complaint?
  • How would you proceed with your assessment specifically for this patient? Musculoskeletal & Neurologic Systems Health Assessment Paper

Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion

Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion




Role transition from Registered Nurse to an advanced nursing practice role occurs through acquiring the educational component of role acquisition and the occupational or work component of role implementation. These two factors contribute to your transition from BSN-prepared nurse to MSN-prepared nurse. Discuss three strategies for enhancing the nursing advanced practice role development.

response #1 ( egd) Development

As to any role that involves stepping up into a larger scope of practice, transitioning from a registered nurse into an advanced practice role can be tough and challenging. We will be faced with barriers and strains that might hinder us from accomplishing our objectives and from reaching our full potential as practitioners. However, there are techniques and strategies that can serve as a guide to help us become more confident and competent as we take over our new role. Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion

First is the clinical knowledge development or simply put as clinical mentoring. According to Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach, under Role Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse, the development of clinical knowledge and skills can be furthered by planning clinical experiences acquired with the support of preceptors and clinical faculty (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019). The preceptor directs the new advanced practice registered nurse (APRN) on applying theory-based knowledge into realistic clinical experience. Faculty can also help them pinpoint the periods of high stress during the transition so that a network of support can be established.

Next is the role rehearsal which ties hand in hand with clinical mentoring. During initial transition, students have the desire to observe rather than provide care. The student’s focus at this time is to refine and acquire assessment skills and to continue to develop physical examination techniques (Brykczynski, 2019). In role rehearsal, it is essential that the student experience all aspects of the core competencies with the help of faculty and fellow students. This will help establish role familiarity for the new APRN graduates and will guide them in overcoming role ambiguity.


Last but not the least is the development of supportive network. Building relationships among faculty members and preceptors opens opportunities for collaboration on research projects and literature searches. Based on a qualitative research conducted in 2019, new APRNs overwhelmingly mentioned the importance of support in facilitating their transition and in gaining more confidence in their roles than those who have none (Faraz, 2019). Aside from relationship with faculty members, it is as important to establish peer network with post-graduate colleagues as it helps with the transition through shared experiences and future ideas. Having these support systems helps in avoiding intraprofessional role conflict in the future. Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion


Brykczynski, K. A. (2019). Role Development of the Advanced Practice Nurse. In M. F. Tracy, & E. T. O’Grady, Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Intergrative Approach. Elsevier Inc.

Faraz, A. (2019, June). Facilitators and barriers to the novice nurse practitioner workforce transition in primary care. p. 364/370. doi:10.1097/JXX.0000000000000158

Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2019). Hamric and Hanson’s Advanced Practice Nursing: An Integrative Approach (6th ed.). St. Louise, Missouri, United States of America: Elsevier Inc.

#2 (ch)

Transitioning from a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse can be incredibly stressful and challenging, especially now in a time of such uncertainty and evolution of our healthcare system. There are several strategies that can be utilized in order to make this transition more manageable, three of them being role rehearsal, development of clinical knowledge and skills, and creation of a supportive network.

Role rehearsal is an essential strategy in order to begin the transition from a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse. “For adequate role rehearsal, APRN students should experience all aspects of the core competencies directly while faculty and fellow students are available to help them process or debrief these experiences” (Tracy & O’Grady, 2019). Direct experience as a student allows a registered nurse to begin to develop advance practice nursing skills and thought processes that begin to assist in their transition to an APRN roll.

The development of clinical knowledge and skills is also a necessary strategy in order to begin the transition from a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse. “Making clinical decisions in contexts of uncertainty and complexity has become the norm for current nursing practice. This reality puts the newly graduated nurse in situations in which they have to demonstrate sound clinical reasoning from the beginning of their professional practice” (Deschênes et al., 2019). For these very reasons it is incredibly important to ensure that a foundation of clinical knowledge and the beginnings of the APRN skillset are in place in order to assist in the transition.

A third strategy that is essential in the transition of a registered nurse to an advanced practice nurse is the creation of a supportive network. Though it may seem much less important than the clinical aspects of the new role, establishing a supportive network in order to flourish in the transition is vital in a new APRN’s overall well being and mental health. Without support such as peers in the same program, friends and family, and a self-care plan, APRN students may have a much more difficult time transitioning. This and the previous two strategies, if followed, allow for an easier transition into the role of an APRN. Purdue University Global Week 2 Professional Role Development Discussion


Deschênes, M., Goudreau, J., Fontaine, G., Boyer, L., Maheu-Cadotte, M., Da Silva, K.

B., & Charette, M. (2019). Theoretical foundations of educational strategies used

in e-learning environments for developing clinical reasoning in nursing students:

A scoping review. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from





Ikematsu, Y., Egawa, K., & Endo, M. (2019). Prevalence and retention status of new

graduate nurses with special support needs in japan. Nurse Education in

Practice, 36, 28-33.


O’Grady, E. T. (2019). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach (6th ed., pp.

41-43) (1053213061 804022044 M. F. Tracy, Author). St. Louis, Missouri:

Elsevier Saunders.

High Cost of Healthcare Research Paper

High Cost of Healthcare Research Paper

High Cost of Healthcare Research Paper

Health care administrators must be able to make evidence-based decisions in a rapidly changing climate in order to succeed. Identify a specific health care administration issue or barrier that you want to utilize as the focus for your business research paper. In 250-500 words, propose the topic for your business research paper. Include the following:


  1. Describe the health care administration issue or barrier.
  2. Summarize the stakeholders affected by the health care issue or barrier.
  3. Discuss the relevance the health care administration problem as it relates to business research.
  4. Provide a quantitative or qualitative article that supports your proposed topic.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. High Cost of Healthcare Research Paper