Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques

Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques

Group therapy can alleviate feelings of isolation and foster a supportive and collaborative environment for sharing difficult feelings in order to facilitate healing. For many people, being part of a group that has a shared understanding of a struggle provides a unique opportunity to gain an understanding of their own experiences.

As you examine one of the group therapy demonstrations from this week’s Learning Resources, consider the role and efficacy of the leader and the reasons that specific therapeutic techniques were selected. Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques


To prepare:

Select one of the group therapy video demonstrations from this week’s required media Learning Resources.

The Assignment
In a 3- to 4-page paper, identify the video you selected and address the following:

  1. What group therapy techniques were demonstrated? How well do you believe these techniques were demonstrated?
  2. What evidence from the literature supports the techniques demonstrated?
  3. What did you notice that the therapist did well?
  4. Explain something that you would have handled differently.
  5. What is an insight that you gained from watching the therapist handle the group therapy?

Now imagine you are leading your own group session.

  1. How would you go about handling a difficult situation with a disruptive group member? How would you elicit participation in your group?
  2. What would you anticipate finding in the different phases of group therapy?
  3. What do you see as the benefits and challenges of group therapy?

Support your reasoning with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources, and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.
By Day 7.


Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques

Group therapies alleviate isolation feelings and enhance a supportive and collaborative environment that allows members to share difficult feelings to attain healing. Group therapy is a form of counseling effective for treating psychological disorders that include substance abuse and addiction. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze group therapy techniques. The selected group therapy video is by the Center for Addiction Treatment Studies that focus on Interpersonal Group Therapy for Addiction Recovery.

Demonstrated Group Therapy Techniques& Evidence from Literature

Addiction is a complicated disease that affects many areas of an individual’s life. Studies show that group therapy is an approach shown to be effective in treating substance use disorders, especially with a view of preventing potential relapses among clients. Group therapy is a powerful component of addiction recovery as connecting with peers suffering from similar challenges assists in reducing the shame and isolation that accompany addiction. The approach also reminds one that they are not alone in their struggles. Therefore, group therapy offers a safe place for the addiction recovery victims to be vulnerable and share all their worries, discomforts, and shame, as demonstrated in the video by Jimmy. Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques

The video demonstrates a host of interpersonal group therapy techniques like vulnerability and shame that Jimmy, the supportive and collaborative approach that members of the group show to him, and the non-interference role in sharing that the therapist plays. These techniques are essential in interpersonal group therapy as they allow members to share their secrets and gain trust and confidence in the group. Jimmy makes disclosures about how he started using drugs. This happens when a group has sufficient cohesiveness and readiness by the individual to reveal. Disclosures like Jimmy’s should never be forced, especially by the therapist. Disclosures show trust in the group and take risks by members to reveal their past secrets.

Evidence from existing literature supports the interpersonal group techniques noticed in the video. Firstly, the commentary by Devin Ashwood, an interpersonal group therapy teacher, supports the techniques as he asserts that interpersonal group therapies offer benefits like enhanced trust and the ability to make disclosures. However, they also show that members can be vulnerable and at risk of sharing personal information. Dingle et al. (2017) show that interpersonal group therapies can enhance emotional regulations and allow participants to feel more comfortable. The study observes that people suffering from substance use disorder (SUD) have difficulties expressing their emotions’ awareness, feelings, and regulations. As a scholarly source, the article shows evidence of the benefits of using group therapies based on its research findings. The implication is that these people require interventions that can help them deal with challenges associated with addiction recovery.

Therapists can also find challenges dealing with the management of complicated group matter due to their limited experiences and training and over-dependence on educational groups (Mahon & Leszcz, 2017). The other technique in the video and supported by literature is the interpersonal group therapy process stages that include here-and-now, and formation of genuine interpersonal and genuine relationships occurs. Another source of evidence is the Niedermoser et al. (2020) study that focuses on the benefits of interpersonal group psychotherapy among individuals with major depressive disorders. The study shows that these therapies enhance life at work for these individuals to perform better in their lives.

Therapist Doing Well

Interpersonal group therapies focus on members of the group and their abilities to interact with each other well. One notices that the therapist does well not interfere in the discussion. The therapist does not offer any opinion but allows the group members to offer potential solutions to Jimmy based on their past and using the interpersonal group therapy stages. Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques

Doing Something Differently

Therapists offering counsel, especially for addiction recovery, need sufficient skills, knowledge, and experience to control the process effectively. As illustrated, group therapies focus on clients and how they can attain more trust and confidence to share their challenges and past experiences dealing with their conditions. Based on the video, I would do differently to ensure that all members can participate in giving Jimmy their trust to improve cohesion in the group.

Insight Gained on Handling of Group Therapy

Handling group therapy requires a therapist to know the kind of therapy they will use to encourage members to participate and feel confident and comfortable, especially cohesion among them. A core insight attained from watching the therapist handle the therapy is that allowing members to share their experiences and difficulties without interference is important. The approach is essential in attaining each stage of the group therapy, right from here-and-now to more complex, difficult dynamics that need more attention.


Leading a Group Session

Leading group therapy sessions, especially using the interpersonal group approach, requires a therapist to have sufficient experience and skills to handle the complex nature of these settings. Handling a difficult situation with a disruptive member of the group requires one to incorporate a collaborative approach where all members share their sentiments on such conduct and implore the perpetrator to focus on the main goals of the therapy. Further, a therapist can elicit participation by handling the group as one of the members and not questioning responses.

Anticipated findings

Different phases of interpersonal group therapy lead to in-depth findings and the development of trust. Therefore, I anticipate that group members will gain more trust, share their experiences, and benefit from the vulnerabilities that they have through the disclosures of others.

Benefits and Challenges of Group Therapy

Group therapy provides several benefits that include increased awareness, participation, and sharing of vulnerabilities. The therapy also allows clients to make fundamental disclosures to their overall good (Mahon & Leszcz, 2017). However, discomfort in the early stages, development of trust, and feelings of shame are challenges that make the therapy difficult to use. Difficulties in facilitation are evident, as demonstrated by the article by Wendt & Gone (2018), who assert that complex dynamics are a significant challenge to these therapies. Individuals are afraid of making disclosures of their past secrets to attain recovery or healing.


The use of interpersonal group therapy among individuals recovering from drug addiction is effective as it allows them to share experiences and enhance trust. Therapists can only guide the process but not control it. Despite these therapies’ challenges, they contain several benefits for clients and practitioners. Assignment: Analyzing Group Techniques


Center for Addiction Treatment Studies (2016). Interpersonal Group Therapy for Addiction

Recovery Demonstration.

Dingle, G. A., Neves, D. D. C., Alhadad, S. S., & Hides, L. (2018). Individual and interpersonal

emotion regulation among adults with substance use disorders and matched controls. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 57(2), 186-202.

Mahon, L., & Leszcz, M. (2017). The interpersonal model of group psychotherapy. International

Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67(sup1), S121-S130.

Niedermoser, D. W., Kalak, N., Kiyhankhadiv, A., Brand, S., Walter, C., Schweinfurth, N., &

Lang, U. E. (2020). Workplace-related interpersonal group psychotherapy to improve life at work in individuals with major depressive disorders: a randomized interventional pilot study. Frontiers in psychiatry11, 168.

Wendt, D. C., & Gone, J. P. (2018). Complexities with group therapy facilitation in substance

use disorder specialty treatment settings. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 88, 9-17.

Nurs 530 Week 5 Assignment Paper

Nurs 530 Week 5 Assignment Paper

Select one of the following discussion prompts to address. In the subject line of your post, please identify which prompt you are responding to, for example, choice #2 vitamin deficiencies.

Consider the impact of spinal cord injury and the potential scope of lifetime disability and sequelae associated with spinal cord injury. The greatest challenge facing the neuroscience community involves developing therapy that will allow damaged nerve tissue to be regrown and regenerated. Reflect on this article (Links to an external site.)and discuss the importance of Schwann cells and their impact on damaged axons.

Describe the genetic components, pathophysiology, and major neurologic features of neurofibromatosis, Cri du chat syndrome, Tay-sachs disease, and Parkinson disease (early onset). Nurs 530 Week 5 Assignment Paper

Define dementia of Alzheimer type (DAT) and describe the pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, evaluation and treatment.


Week 5 Nurs 530

Choice 3: Dementia of Alzheimer type

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a gradual degenerative disorder affecting the neurologic system. It is insidious and presents with a progressive cognitive function loss causing dementia and alterations in affect and behavior (Weller & Budson, 2018). AD is a common neurodegenerative disorder that causes dementia. The onset of AD occurs in middle age, and thus it is not found exclusively in the elderly.



AD dementia occurs when the number of neurons and synapses reduces in the cerebral cortex and various subcortical area. The reduced number of neurons causes atrophy of the affected brain regions (Silva et al., 2019). The pathophysiology of AD dementia is complex and involves various cellular, molecular, and physiological pathologies. The most affected brain regions in AD are the neurons in the hippocampus, amygdala, neocortex, and the basal forebrain cholinergic system (Silva et al., 2019). Patients with AD dementia present with specific neuropathologic and biochemical changes. They comprise neurofibrillary tangles which is a knotted mass of non-functioning neurons, and neuritic plaques, which are amyloid protein deposits in the brain. The damage of neurons in AD dementia take place mainly in the cerebral cortex and causes a decreased brain size.

Clinical Manifestations

The clinical manifestations of AD progress from the early stages to the terminal stages. Signs and symptoms in the initial stages include mild memory loss (Weller & Budson, 2018). An individual may encounter mild challenges in occupational and social activities but has ample cognitive function to conceal the memory loss and functions independently. Late clinical manifestations include increasing memory loss that is evident in most daily activities. Individuals lose their capacity to identify familiar faces, objects, and places and may get lost in familiar places (Weller & Budson, 2018). There are repetitions and diminished ability to create concepts and think abstractly. In addition, individuals become depressed, paranoid, hostile, and even combative. Physical activity and agitation increase, and the individual may wander at night. In the terminal stage, the individual is usually immobile and needs total nursing care due to a lack of bladder and bowel control (Weller & Budson, 2018). They experience significant weight loss, difficulty swallowing, skin infections, grunting, and increased sleeping. Nurs 530 Week 5 Assignment Paper


The diagnosis of AD dementia is made by taking a patient history and conducting mental status examination. Diagnostic studies are used to aid in the diagnosis, including blood studies such as Complete blood count, chemistry profile, HIV testing, VDRL test for syphilis, vitamin B12 to assess hematologic disease, and thyroid-stimulating hormone test to rule out thyroid disorder (Silva et al., 2019). Brain CT scan or MRI are performed in the initial evaluation of persons with dementia to visualize lesions that lead to cognitive impairment such as stroke and brain tumor (Silva et al., 2019). A lumbar puncture is performed to examine the cerebrospinal fluid and rule out disorders such as CNS infections and normal-pressure hydrocephalus.


The standard pharmacological treatment for AD dementia includes partial N -methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists and cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEIs). ChEIs are used to treat mild to moderate AD dementia (Zucchella et al., 2018). The FDA-approved ChEIs include Rivastigmine, Donepezil, and Galantamine, which block the breakdown of acetylcholine. ChEIs exhibit a modest impact on aspects of cognitive function and performing activities of daily living (Zucchella et al., 2018). Moderate to severe AD dementia is managed using NMDA antagonist memantine, an FDA-approved agent to treat moderate and severe AD.


Silva, M. V. F., Loures, C. D. M. G., Alves, L. C. V., de Souza, L. C., Borges, K. B. G., & das Graças Carvalho, M. (2019). Alzheimer’s disease: risk factors and potentially protective measures. Journal of biomedical science26(1), 1-11.

Weller, J., & Budson, A. (2018). Current understanding of Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis and treatment. F1000Research7, F1000 Faculty Rev-1161.

Zucchella, C., Sinforiani, E., Tamburin, S., Federico, A., Mantovani, E., Bernini, S., … & Bartolo, M. (2018). The multidisciplinary approach to Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. A narrative review of non-pharmacological treatment. Frontiers in neurology9, 1058. Nurs 530 Week 5 Assignment Paper




Purpose: This assignment will enhance your Skills in political analysis and strategies aimed at influencing policy changes.

****** The Policy I am supporting to be passed is the H. R. 1474: Alzheimer’s Caregiver’s Support Act

******I am a resident in the state of Texas*****

Directions: Upload a 5 paged double spaced paper (excluding cover page and reference page)
1. Define Context of the Policy Issue/ Problem: Briefly describe the political context for the issue under examination. Include the socio-political, economic, ethical, historical, cultural factors relevant to the issue. This step is crucial in forming the basis for the policy analysis. Include the 5Ws and H (who, what, when, where, why and how) aspects of the issue. Provide a specific practice based concern or public health issue of concern at State or National level.
2. Policy Lenses: Briefly discuss how your personal values, beliefs, experiences, ethics, political philosophies and ideologies guide your views about the issue. POLICY ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK PAPER
3. Describe a specific policy framework/model of choice that applies to your issue
4. Evidence Based Policy Change: Discuss research and evidence based policy change strategies and options to address the issue. Using a balanced approach discuss at least two alternative policy responses for consideration Examine the “best practices” of other agencies, as well as emerging policy proposals.
5. Apply the selected model/framework and analyze the political feasibility of solving the issue using the selected framework. What are the key concepts in the model/framework? How does your policy issue fit within this framework? What are the barriers and facilitators in addressing the issue? How can you advance this issue on the policy agenda? Who holds the power to advance this issue? What networks and coalitions exist that are involved in this issue
6. Recommendations: Of the two policy alternatives you presented, end your policy analysis with a summary of the preferred policy option. Justify why this option is preferred. Conclude with a discussion of the implications for nursing leadership policy and practice.

Criteria Possible Points(100) Points Earned Comments
Policy Issue Description: Provide comprehensive overview of health policy issue to include socio-economic, political, cultural and ethical aspects of the issue 10
Policy Lenses: discuss how values, beliefs, experiences, political philosophy, and political ideologies influence decision making 20
Policy Analysis Framework: Describe and apply a specific policy framework/model of choice to the health policy issue of interest 20
Evidence Based Policy Change: Discuss research and evidence based policy change strategies and options to address the issue. Using a balanced approach discuss at least two alternative policy responses for consideration 20
Recommendations: Provide justification for policy recommendation and discuss implications for nursing health policy and practice 20
Clear grammar, spelling, writing style, references, double spaced paper within five page limit (excluding references and title page) and APA style. Headings are expected. Please use the grading criterial items for headings. 10




Policy Implementation

The Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Act in the 117th Congress on March 1, 2021, by Ms. Waters. The bill aimed at authorizing grants for training and supportive services for the families and the unpaid caregivers of the people living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia related to the health condition. The grants cover for the training of the untrained caregivers living with the patients in enhancing knowledge on how to care for the patients, cope with stress in handling the patients, planning for the care, solving the problems emanating from their duties, and managing the behavioral symptoms presented by the patients (ALZ, 2021). The Act initiated educational value to the caregivers of dementia patients in ensuring quality life by encouraging the patients to participate in daily activities and tasks and understanding their illnesses or injuries that need care.

Caregiving services for dementia patients require more time than the other forms of caregiving. The increased time needed to take care of the patients reduces the capacity of the caregivers to develop economically. According to ALZ (2021), caregivers of people with dementia in 2019 provided 18.6 billion hours of unpaid assistance cumulatively. This indicates that the caregivers use much of their time offering unpaid care for the specified population, thus limiting their social value with other people and personal economic developments. Handling dementia patients is distressing, and thus the caregivers need training and other financial assistance in coping with the distressing conditions and meeting the stressing economic needs. In a study, 49% of the caregivers for dementia patients acknowledged being distressed compared to 35% of caregivers of the patients or people without dementia (ALZ, 2021). This shows the economic and social burden of unpaid caregivers. It is ethical to appreciate the caregivers in motivating them to provide safe, ethical, and professional care to the patients. Seidel & Thyrian (2019) indicated that high levels of dependency among dementia patients and the distressing factor among the caregivers increase the prevalence of physical and sexual violence against dementia patients. This shows the importance of the bill in improving the professionalism and psychological wellbeing of the caregivers. POLICY ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK PAPER

Policy Lenses

My personal beliefs and values guide me in supporting the bill for providing grants to unpaid caregivers. I am a committed and reliable advocate for patients within the nursing profession, and thus in valuing health, I support the motions focused on improving the quality of health and patient care. I believe that people should provide healthcare services with a higher capacity, specially trained on how to provide the services, to positively impact the patients. Provision of patient care with knowledge limitations increases the risks of making unprofessional mistakes that may lead to health risks, ethical malpractices, and poor patient interpersonal relationships. The caregivers should thus be trained to understand the basic and best ways to handle patients with dementia. Being a nurse professional and through experience, I have learned that a distressed caregiver is prone to punching the same to the healthcare recipient, and thus, limiting the distress encourages the professional to observe ethical principles and provide quality care. I believe in the socialistic political philosophies that are built not on individualism but societal gain. Socialism rejects the desire to count on the personal gain without focusing on other people’s needs, as it is in the liberal or conservative philosophies. Quality healthcare is a right to everyone and not a privilege to some members of society. A socialistic view thus encourages to devise a plan to equalize the quality of care for those underpaid professional caregiving services and those under unpaid caregiving. In this context, the unpaid caregivers may provide uninformed and unqualified care to the patients with dementia which causes disparity in care compared to those under professional nurse care. Provision of professional training and support to the caregivers thus balances the quality of care for the specified population. POLICY ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK PAPER

Policy Framework/ Model

There are various policy models applicable to the policy implementation process. The most applicable policy framework for the described policy is the multiple streams policy model, popularly known as Kingdon’s model. According to the model, formulation and implementation of a policy happen when the three streams converge in accepting the terms of solving the issue (Judy Gregg et al., 2018). The first stream is the problem stream which involves the identification and definition of the problem. A problem, not a condition, is a consistent issue that needs to be resolved. It concerns a public matter that has been recognized as a problem. The policy stream involves the change proposals in addressing the problem identified. The policy stream provides a list of proposals driven by the interest groups such as activists and professional associations. The policy stream puts the demands for change through various policy change proposals. The academicians and researchers in Texas should seek evidence on the impact of grants to the unpaid caregivers and support the intervention. The politics stream entails political issues in collaborating the efforts and resources to consider the policy impacts and costs. This constitutes the pressure groups campaigns and the administrative or legislative activities that weigh on various factors about the identified problem and the projected solutions through the policy stream (Macaulay & Focsa, 2016). This is the role of the professional bodies of healthcare providers and the legislature in determining the effectiveness of the provided policy proposals. According to the model, convergence of the three streams forms an opportunity window for policy change. This model applies to the identified problem of poor quality of caregiving services and wellbeing of the unpaid caregivers.

Evidence-Based Policy Change

The provision of quality healthcare is dependent on the wellbeing of the care providers, the availability of resources, and the professional capacity of the healthcare providers. The major problem identified by the bill is the inadequacy in the quality of care to the dementia patients by the unpaid caregivers. One quality of the unpaid caregivers is that they lack the training and professionalism in caring for the patients and thus the poor quality. Training improves the skills on handling healthcare-related issues and the psychological issues revolving around the patient and resulting from the dementia condition. Weir et al. (2021) conducted a systematic review on the effectiveness of caregiver training for informal caregivers assisting patients diagnosed with neurological disorders. The researchers established that the training contributed to improved quality of services and wellbeing of the patients compared to their performance before the intervention. The training improved the levels of confidence among the unpaid caregivers in delivering care.


Payment is used as a motivation and compensation for services delivered. Even though caregiving is much of a call to help other people gain health and wellbeing, payments and stipends motivate the caregivers to provide the caregiving services even in meeting the challenges. Caregiving for the patients suffering from dementia takes a lot of time, requiring concentration on the behaviors and activities of the patients, an indication that the caregivers have less time for their personal development and social life. This may lead to disinterest in caregiving and depression due to strains and thus negatively impact their caregiving processes. Reckrey et al. (2021) conducted a study on the impact of paying family caregivers caring for dementia patients on the quality of care. According to the study, caregivers who received part-time and zero payment lacked emotional attachment to the caregiving activities and performed poorly compared to those who received quality appreciation. This shows that appreciation to the family caregivers for dementia patients improves the quality of care and wellbeing of the caregivers.

The bill provides a solution of providing grants to unpaid caregivers to be trained on effective caregiving. This training includes how to effectively handle the patients, cope with the distressing care, and ensure quality care and relationship with the patients. This strategy largely focuses on the training measure that increases the knowledge on quality care. An alternative strategy in solving the problem is increasing the healthcare coverage to incorporate the professional healthcare providers in the caregiving process to collaborate with the unpaid caregivers for quality improvement in care. Additionally, the government can include the unpaid caregivers in the plan of optimal pay and incorporate the local healthcare providers such as public health nurses in training and inducting the caregivers.


Providing grants for both training and stipends for unpaid caregivers may largely impact the quality of care for dementia patients. Caregiving is a physically, emotionally, and financially draining role that requires general support from all stakeholders. Increased emotional, financial, and physical stability project an equal quality in care for dependent patients such as dementia patients. The provision of payments would thus help improve and cover the financial deficits, compensating the caregivers for their time and energy in caring for dementia patients. This, to their functions as an appreciation for their services to the patients. Clark (2021) points out that paying family caregivers is possible since some states in the United States are doing it and are helping improve the quality of care. Some states, such as California, New York, and Washington, have formalized paying family caregivers through Medicaid plans. Education and training of unpaid family caregivers are essential in improving the quality of care. Paying for education can be difficult for Texas and thus can encourage the paid caregivers to seek education and collaboration with the local healthcare providers for improved skills. Through a study, Burgdorf et al. (2019) established that the family caregivers who received payments were four times more likely to seek training and education programs. POLICY ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK PAPER




ALZ. (2021). Bipartisan Legislation to Expand Caregiver Training and Support Introduced in 117th Congress. Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Burgdorf, J., Roth, D. L., Riffin, C., & Wolff, J. L. (2019). Factors Associated With Receipt of Training Among Caregivers of Older Adults. JAMA internal medicine, 179(6), 833–835.

Clark, A. (2021, September 13). What States Pay Family Caregivers in 2021? The Senior List.

Judy Gregg, D. N. P., Miller, J., & Tennant, K. F. (2018). Nurse policy entrepreneurship in a rural community: A multiple streams framework approach. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 23(3), 1-11.

Macaulay, R., & Focsa, S. (2016). What Is The Value of a QALY? If Spending $10,000 on a Holiday for a Patient Produces a Greater Rise in Patient QALYs than an End-Of-Life Treatment of Similar Cost, Should a Health System Pay for One, For Both, Or Neither?. Value in Health, 19(3), A295.

Reckrey, J. M., Boerner, K., Franzosa, E., Bollens-Lund, E., & Ornstein, K. A. (2021). Paid Caregivers in the Community-Based Dementia Care Team: Do Family Caregivers Benefit?. Clinical Therapeutics.

Seidel, D., & Thyrian, J. R. (2019). The burden of caring for people with dementia–comparing family caregivers and professional caregivers. A descriptive study. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 12, 655.

Weir, R. L., Danilovich, M. K., & Hoover, D. L. (2021). A systematic review of the effectiveness of caregiver training with functional mobility tasks for informal caregivers assisting patients with neurological diagnoses. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-8. POLICY ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK PAPER

PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate response (2)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate response (2)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

QUESTION- Why are public health models important in providing quality health care? Briefly describe two public health models and their impact on quality health care.


Classmate( Carlos) reply –

There are numerous models aimed at changing the structure of a specific system or delivery of services. As a result, one needs to be aware of what the model is targeting in order to attain the best possible outcome. These models help the user carry out a plan, identify the issue, develop an intervention, implement it and evaluate the results in a systematic way. Public health models are aimed towards disease prevention and health promotion. Preventing diseases from occurring with the use of interventions backed by evidence-based practice allows for greater success. Which is why using models is a great way to provide quality health care. According to Rural Health Information (2018a), when selecting a model to implement, one has to take into account factors such as the population, the health problem, and the context with which the model will be implemented in. The Minnesota Department of Health’s Public Health Intervention model is a great model that is divided into 16 sections, which is then further broken down into three levels of practice. This model helps the public health nurses carry out interventions based on their scope of practice. PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate response (2)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health. This model impacts the quality of health care because it allows for individuals specialized in a specific area to focus in what they have a mastery of, allowing for a greater successful outcome. Another model is the Stages of Change Model also known as the Transtheoretical Model. This model focuses on the individual’s readiness to change their behavior through a series of stages: Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018b). This model provides quality health care by inserting the proper intervention based on the stage in which the individual is in to help them progress to the next stage. The model can be of big help with health promotion because it focuses on healthy behaviors and the setting in which the individual is in. This model is great to implement for programs that are aimed at substance abuse, exercise, smoking, and noncompliance.



Rural health Information Hub. (2018a). Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Theories. Retrieved from

Rural health Information Hub. (2018b). Stages of change model (transtheoretical model). retrieved from



Response to a Classmate’s (Carlos)

I agree with your definition of a public health model as a model that seeks to address the social or health problems in a given community comprehensively. However, I believe that a public health model should consider various issues related to communities, including the environment in which a community resides, and also identify causes and suggest possible interventions. On the other hand, a public health model will also adopt a population approach to disease prevention and health promotion (Duplaga et al., 2016). The public health model will, therefore, not only focus on the traditional areas of treatment diagnosis and etiology but also on health promotion, disease prevention, epidemiologic surveillance, and access to and evaluation of services (Duplaga et al., 2016). Public health models also aim to prevent various challenges by quickly identifying and responding to any problems that may occur in a community, targeting interventions and policies and specific known risk factors to a given problem, and finally minimizing the long-term effects of a given problem (Duplaga et al., 2016).


In addition to the Minnesota Department of Health, public health intervention model, and the transtheoretical model, there are other public health models, including ecological models and health belief models. Ecological models are, therefore, the models that consider the diverse levels that might influence health behaviors, including interpersonal factors, institutional and organizational factors, community factors and public policy factors (Peckham et al., 2017). Ecological models of public health highlight that the health behaviors of communities will be affected by numerous factors. On the other hand, health belief model is also another model that can guide health promotion programs (Peckham et al., 2017). PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate response (2)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health




Duplaga, M., Grysztar, M., Rodzinka, M., & Kopec, A. (2016). Scoping review of health promotion and disease prevention interventions addressed to elderly people. BMC Health Services Research, 16(S5).

Peckham, S., Hann, A., Kendall, S., & Gillam, S. (2017). Health promotion and disease prevention in general practice and primary care: a scoping study. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 18(06), 529–540. PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate response (2)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

Data Collection Method

For this assignment, data will be collected  for a community health need.

– Begin by choosing a population of interest.- (An option of chosen population will be high school (Secondary school) students***)***Ages 14 to 18 years old.


– Research your chosen population for available health data- Substance use and alcohol abuse among high school (Secondary school) students


This is your secondary data. From the data available about your population, identify a health need that you would like to address- (Access to mental health care and substance abuse for teens)

-Choose a data collection method to collect primary data about the identified health need for your population. Popular data collection methods to choose from are surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

-Write a 800-word plan describing how you will collect primary data about the identified health need for your chosen population. PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

Include the following in your data collection plan:

  1. Description of the chosen population and identified health need.
  2. Identify the most appropriate data collection method for your chosen population with rationale.
  3. Describe which type of data that will be collected (qualitative or quantitative).
  4. Identify health indicators specific to the population with at least one source.
  5. Provide at least five example questions to be used in your data collection.
  6. Include a rationale for each question asked, including the expected data.

Cite two or three resources in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method




Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods are essential in research. The data collection methods act as directives for researchers to know how and when the collected data can be used in research findings. They also enhance the effectiveness of research by providing critique for the investigators to tackle and give efficient conclusions and results. The paper discusses the data collection process among secondary school students aged 14-18 years, engaging in substance abuse, and the appropriate data collection method to use.

Population and Health Need

The focus is on high school students aged between 14 to 18 years old. Statistics have shown that the number of high school students using alcohol and other substances keeps on increasing. In the United States, mental health issues among adolescents aged 12 to 18 years are prevalently high compared to before. An approximation of the same number might increase if the problem is not taken carefully (Lipari et al., 2016). Secondary school students at the age of 14-18 years mostly face mental issues based on their emotions and behaviors. A study conducted an interview on this age group to investigate if such students receive treatment for their mental problems.

Most secondary students at this age gap are prone to peer pressure and adolescent changes that might lead to negative impacts if not controlled. Students get to interact with each other at different levels and meet new colleagues. This is whereby they begin to join various school clubs and others outside the school. In the process, some get to indulge in substance abuse that later triggers their emotions and behaviors, leading to mental health issues, thus affecting their general academic performance.

Data Collection Method; Interview

The secondary school students are an essential and delicate group of the population. This is because they are more knowledgeable and have prior information; because they are either affected indirectly or directly. Therefore, the interview will be the most suitable method to use. The students will be interviewed using the open-ended question to allow them to explore their views and ideas based on what they have seen, experienced, and observed among them regarding the issue of mental health and substance abuse (Paradis et al., 2016). This will give a clear insight into what is going on as there will be diverse opinions and views from them.

Data Type: Qualitative

Collecting qualitative data is vital in this group because it will help investigate the phenomenon in question. Qualitative, tend to incite deep into the real issue and provide rich, in-depth information that assists in knowing why a particular problem occurs (Bowler et al., 2018). For instance, in this circumstance, it is essential to point out why these students need access to mental health and assistance with substance abuse, especially among teens. Qualitative data will give specific reasons that have been only identified by the students, teachers, and their randomly selected parents. Qualitative data enables the collection of realistic and conceptual information because it comes directly from the participant facing the issue (Bowler et al., 2018). Therefore, it attempts to verify and sample only that which is needed and relevant to the study.

Health Indicators

A recent survey conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health in 2018 show the prevailing rate at which those aged between 12 to 18 years are more exposed to substance use and mental issues (Welty et al., 2019). The number keeps rising each year, putting pressure on mental health institutions and counseling organizations to help reduce the number. In the United States, the survey shows that by the end of the first month in 2018, almost 164.8 million; aged between 12 and above were under substance use such as illicit drug, alcohol use, and cigarette smoking (Welty et al., 2019). PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method

The current survey also showed a higher number of secondary students and youths who are suicidal due to depression and the effects of substance use. Most of those involved in substance use, such as tobacco use, are mainly students who also sell them. All these occur in the local areas where businesses are being conducted with no attempt to help stop teens from using substances. The number of those who seek mental health increases with a higher percentage showing that the secondary students are at a higher level of accessing mental health as long as the abuse of substance use is not solved.

Research Questions

The qualitative data type chosen for this group excites the frequency of questions that can help solve the issue of substance abuse in teens and mental health access. Some of these questions will be; do the students acknowledge the impacts of substance abuse on their health? Do they have professional counseling resources and staff necessary for conducting mental health assessments? Is there any additional pressing issue that leads to these mental health problems? How is the academic performance of these students who are directly involved in these issues? How often do the mental health programs occur in the school, and are there any follow-ups made?

 Rationale and Expected Data

The rationale for the first question is to create self-awareness among the students regarding how conscious they are about their health. The expected data is bridging the gap of those students taking alcohol, illicit drugs, and tobacco. In the case of assessing the availability of mental health facilities in the school, it is mainly to ensure that there are efficient resources that are effective for students in managing their mental problems. The expected data is to increase the number of students who access mental health facilities and reduce the number of those who are suicidal. The main focus of trying to find if there are any other issues is to make the students be open-minded, that there are some issues that can be triggered by behaviors and emotions leading to depression. The expectation is to identify the related pressing issues and talk about them to find solutions.

It is crucial to assess the students’ academic performance to identify the leading cause for their poor performances precisely. The expected data is to determine the number of low-performing students, high performing students, and averagely. Then check the cases they have been involved in at school. The frequency of the mental health program sessions is crucial for documentation to acknowledge the progress of the individual students. This helps in keeping records and data of the students and their progress through monitoring assessments. PHN 652- TOPIC 3-Assignment-Data Collection Method


Bowler, L., Julien, H., & Haddon, L. (2018). Exploring youth information-seeking behaviour and mobile technologies through a secondary analysis of qualitative data. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science50(3), 322-331.

Lipari, R. N., Hedden, S., Blau, G., & Rubenstein, L. (2016). Adolescent mental health service use and reasons for using services in specialty, educational, and general medical settings. The CBHSQ Report

Paradis, E., O’Brien, B., Nimmon, L., Bandiera, G., & Martimianakis, M. A. (2016). Design: Selection of data collection methods. Journal of graduate medical education8(2), 263-264.

Welty, L., Harrison, A., Abram, K., Olson, N., Aaby, D., & McCoy, K. (2019). Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.(2017). Key substance use and mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2016 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (HHS Publication No. SMA 17-5044, NSDUH Series H-52). Rockville, MD: Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Retrieved. College of Health Sciences106(5), 128.

PHN 652- Topic 3 DQ 2-Data Collection And Analysis Methods

PHN 652- Topic 3 DQ 2-Data Collection And Analysis Methods

Topic 3 DQ 2-Data Collection and Analysis Methods

QUESTION-There are numerous ways in which public health nurses can collect data in order to identify population needs and develop interventions, including surveys, focus groups, and interviews. Choose the two data collection methods you feel are the most effective. Describe each method and explain why you chose them. How would you know which data collection technique is most effective for your chosen population? ***The chosen population will be high (Secondary) school students***  Ages 14 to 18 years old. PHN 652- Topic 3 DQ 2-Data Collection And Analysis Methods




Data Collection Methods

Data collection methods are essential in creating a general flow of research. The methodology and approaches used determine how the information collected can be used by researchers (Paradis et al.,2016). Data collection methods are used according to the type of questions used in the research( Ivey,2017). Therefore, all studies must use data collection methods to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the information collected. This study will focus on two methods and the most effective data collection method for the chosen population.


Interviews are primarily efficient data collection methods. Data is usually collected individually because each participant responds to the questions based on their views and perceptions (Paradis et al.,2016). Some interviews can be open-ended, others closed. Depending on the type of interview, participants give feedback as individuals. This type of method offers researchers diverse responses based on their study.


A survey is more of the same as interviews but differs a little bit. In a survey, questions are more directly focused on the feelings, views, and perceptions of what a specific group of individuals thinks about a particular issue. It mainly helps give a baseline knowledge of what the researcher is working on (Paradis et al.,2016).  The participants can sometimes be allowed to provide open answers depending on the research type. PHN 652- Topic 3 DQ 2-Data Collection And Analysis Methods



The Most Suitable Method

In this case, of high school students aged between 14 to 18 years of age, the most appropriate data collection method to use is a survey. The questions act as a guideline to give in-depth responses to collect accurate and evidence-based data. This can be appropriate in the context whereby a researcher is trying to identify the various school activities that the students participate in and their impacts on their lives in general.




Ivey, J. (2017). Demystifying research II: Data collection methods and considerations. Pediatric Nursing43(4), 200.

Paradis, E., O’Brien, B., Nimmon, L., Bandiera, G., & Martimianakis, M. A. (2016). Design: Selection of data collection methods. Journal of graduate medical education8(2), 263-264.

PHN 652 -Topic 3 DQ 1-Data Collection And Analysis Methods

PHN 652 -Topic 3 DQ 1-Data Collection And Analysis Methods

Topic 3 DQ 1-Data Collection And Analysis Methods

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using qualitative or quantitative data. Give an example of when you would use each.




Qualitative Data

Qualitative data is crucial in research. It is the type of data that describes the information and categorically identifies with a specific individual (Gibbs, 2018).  For instance, data is collected using factors identifying people in a particular population, such as sex and ethnicity. The data collected using the qualitative method is usually authentic and easily reliable. The study focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative data and the uses of qualitative and quantitative data.


Qualitative data describes the information, thus giving more detailed information. It can be written easily inform of texts and other ways. Help summarizes the bulky information into a simpler manner therefore easy to understand (Gibbs, 2018). Qualitative data can use several methods to collect data at once, thus making data collection cost-efficient and manageable. PHN 652 -Topic 3 DQ 1-Data Collection And Analysis Methods


Qualitative data is mainly applicable to the most detailed research that requires detailed information. Despite its advantages, it also has its disadvantages. Some of these are, it can be time-consuming. Due to the bulkiness of data and describing context, it can take too much time to complete the process. Its data can be more challenging to analyze due to the description of the content.

When to use Qualitative and Quantitative

Qualitative data explore all ideas through the description to analyze data and usually tries to interpret that information that is unknown (Ahmad et al., 2019). For example, research done on the covid-19 virus has detailed reports describing the pandemic. On the other hand, quantitative data is used to quantify analysis. It tends to answer the existing questions, thus relies mainly on qualitative data (Ahmad et al., 2019). Quantitative data can be used in a study that focuses on finding the numbers of affected people in a population to collect data. Data is organized in a numerical way to answer existing questions.


Ahmad, S., Wasim, S., Irfan, S., Gogoi, S., Srivastava, A., & Farheen, Z. (2019). Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research. population1, 2.

Gibbs, G. R. (2018). Analyzing qualitative data (Vol. 6). Sage. PHN 652 -Topic 3 DQ 1-Data Collection And Analysis Methods

PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

QUESTION- TOPIC 2 DQ1-Why are public health models important in providing quality health care? Briefly describe two public health models and their impact on quality health care.


Classmate Chayah’s-Response

Public health models can be important in delivering quality care for many reasons. These models can enrich current public health programs and help with identifications of areas of need. Models can examine where interventions are needed and where collaborations are desired to improve outcomes. Programs can be specific at times and using models can broaden perspective for overall improvement (Friedman & Starfield, 2003). Models can also help in practice to focus programs to be integrated and multifactor. Many models show the need for intersectoral activities and bring attention to environmental and community influences. Evaluation frameworks suggested by models can help with evaluation frameworks as well (Friedman & Starfield, 2003). All of these important factors can improve quality health care.  PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health

While there are many traditional models there are also developing models for the modern time. One of interest was an article looking at the Laugh Model used in Utah. A low-cost social media platform was examined. The goal being communication with the public concerning public health hoping to get their message received and community engagement to occur (Lister et al., 2015). There was an online campaign concerning healthy family meals. Facebook ads, Twitter ads, and other social media engagement and results were measured looking at people visiting the intended nutrition site. The model they followed resulted in an indeed lower cost way to reach more people. When the population was engaged this way, it was found that it may be more effective, evidence of social media enhancing collaborations, effectiveness, and increased sustainability (Lister et al., 2015). When communication and access is improved it is one way to get people quality care.


Another, more widely used, public health model is the Health Belief Model. This model is theoretical in nature and used in guidance with health promotion and disease prevention programs. It is used to predict and comprehend individual health behaviors (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). The model looks at key variables that influence behaviors such as personal belief of perceived threat, how severe one thinks the consequence will be, how beneficial they think a change may be, perceived barriers, and confidence of success of any changes undertaken. This model is useful for the creation of both short- and long-term interventions (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). The implementation of this model can help quality care be delivered for many reasons. There is guidance for a needs assessment helping to determine populations that should be targeted for interventions, education of risk, communication to the public in appropriate ways, working to reduce barriers, and providing support that is likely to help individual behavior changes (Rural Health Information Hub, 2018). PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health



Friedman, D. J. & Starfield, B. (2003). Models of Population Health: Their Value for US Public Health Practice, Policy, and Research. American Journal of Public Health, 93, 366-369.


Lister, C., Royne, M., Payne, H. E., Cannon, B., Hanson, C., & Barnes, M. (2015). The Laugh Model: Reframing and Rebranding Public Health Through Social Media. American journal of public health105(11), 2245–2251.



Public Health Models

Hello, thank you for this opportunity to respond to your post. I want to thank you for taking the time to contribute to this post. I will only add a few points to your post since I fully agree with your discussion. The public health model is an epidemiological concept that uses other approaches to reduce illnesses in a particular region by identifying risk factors. Different public health models function uniquely in the essence of providing quality care services.

In summary of the importance of the public health model on quality healthcare, I would like to interpret the process and strategical ways. The models identify all the potential risks in the population, reducing its size, strengths in the population size, thus creating a differential pattern (Scott et al., 2016). Therefore, the population at risk can be studied and samples taken for further preventive interventions. These public health models are crucial for healthcare organizations working at community levels to provide quality care and manage the risk factors of diseases.


The health belief model can also predict physical activities or behavioral changes of patients, especially in the community (Wu et al., 2020). For instance, the model can be helpful in trying to find out the association between obesity and physical fitness among youths and adults aged between 25-45 years. The model will check on their behaviors towards diet and physical exercise routines every week. It becomes easier to analyze the population’s health based on the findings of their results. Public health models have proven to significantly contribute to managing potential risks of diseases and illnesses among people. The models use diverse approaches in giving evidence-based results that health organizations can use and improve quality healthcare. PHN 652-Topic 2 DQ 1: Classmate Response (1)-Models And Tools Used In Public Health



Scott, D., Lonne, B., & Higgins, D. (2016). Public health models for preventing child maltreatment: Applications from the field of injury prevention. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse17(4), 408-419.

Wu, S., Feng, X., & Sun, X. (2020). Development and evaluation of the health belief model scale for exercise. International journal of nursing sciences7, S23-S30.

Public Policy Meeting Summary Assignment

Public Policy Meeting Summary Assignment

THIS PAPER SHOULD BE BASED ON A PUBLIC MEETING “Health Experts Testify on COVID-19 Impact on Children” HERE IS THE LINK Policy Meeting Assignment

Submit a 3-4 page summary paper on the public policy meeting ( mentioned above). Include headings in your paper that address these components:

The purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics
Background information and a description about the committee
One specific topic that was discussed at the meeting and an explanation of the committee process
An analysis of the key stakeholder positions related to the topic discussed
Key interactions that occurred at the meeting
Outcomes of the meeting including the specific topic focus
Current APA Style, proper grammar, and references as appropriate. Public Policy Meeting Summary Assignment





Public Policy Meeting

The purpose of the public policy meeting was to try and understand the impact of covid-19 on children with the meeting considering many issues, including masking, social isolation, obesity, and depression which are some of the effects of Covid19 on children (, 2020). The key agenda of the meeting was to determine how Covid19 affects children and how various arms of the government can be involved in mitigating such effects. In the meeting, the members of the house energy and Commerce subcommittee, therefore, considered the input of various health experts. The public policy meeting was held in the Rayburn House office building in Congress, with many participants joining remotely through various teleconferencing devices (, 2020). The key participants in the meeting, therefore, included house representatives and health experts from various healthcare facilities and non-governmental organizations.

Background Information and a Description about the Committee

The House Energy and Commerce subcommittee is led by the Democratic Party and is responsible for various issues, including consumer protection, telecommunications, environmental quality, food and drug safety, public health and research, energy policy, foreign and interstate commerce (, 2020).  The committee is currently chaired by Ms. DeGette. For the highlighted public policy meeting, the main focus of the subcommittee was on public health issues. In the public policy meeting, the subcommittee put to task various health experts to try and understand the impact that Covid-19 was having on children(C-SPAN, 2021). Public Policy Meeting Summary Assignment



One Specific Topic that was discussed at the Meeting and an Explanation of the Committee Process

One of the specific topics that were addressed in the public policy meeting was the impact of covid-19 on children, both direct and indirect. The committee process of addressing various issues included consideration of opening statement various members of the committee, including the chair of the subcommittee, ranking member of the subcommittee, the full committee chair, and the full committee ranking member(C-SPAN, 2021). The committee then welcomed the various witnesses to testify on the direct and indirect impact of covid-19 on children with the various witnesses including the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a pediatrician at the Monroe Carell Jr Children’s Hospital, American Psychological Association CEO, and the founder of a non-governmental organization called Vaxteen (C-SPAN, 2021).

An Analysis of the Key Stakeholder Positions Related to the Topic Discussed

According to the house energy and Commerce subcommittee chairperson, the main goal of the subcommittee was to curb the spread of Covid 19 and to eventually bring the Covid 19 pandemic to an end. According to the chair of the committee, Ms. DeGette,  the main goal of the public policy meeting was to involve various stakeholders and, more specifically, healthcare practitioners working with children to clearly understand the impact of covid-19 on children and how various stakeholders could continue to enhance the health of children during the Covid 19 pandemic(C-SPAN, 2021). On the other hand, Mr. Griffith, a ranking member in the subcommittee, highlighted the increase in cases of Covid 19 among children and the need to understand the causes of the increasing prevalence of Covid 19 in children. Mr. Griffiths also called for a holistic approach in assessing the impact of covid-19 on children by considering not only the health effects of Covid 19 but also the impact that the isolation that the pandemic had caused on the mental health of children, which has contributed to increased levels of anxiety depression obesity and eating disorders among children(C-SPAN, 2021). Mr. Griffiths also explored the impact of Covid 19 on the increasing cases of abuse and neglect among children, especially since the pandemic caused the closure of schools where teachers and educators in general play a significant role in reporting any cases of abuse and neglect among children.

On the other hand, representative Pallone highlighted that the lack of vaccines that were targeted to children below 12 years was a significant contributor to the rising cases of Covid-19 among children. Representative Pallone highlighted that a speedy approval of Covid 19 vaccines for children below 12 years would go a long way in reducing the cases of Covid 19 in such populations(C-SPAN, 2021). Public Policy Meeting Summary Assignment

On the other hand, Dr. Beers, the President of the American Academy of Pediatrics, highlighted that Covid 19 has had a significant impact on children and has resulted in an estimated 5.5 million cases among children, with over 21,000 children being hospitalized and at least 480 children dying across the US because of Covid 19. Dr. Beers also highlighted that African-American and Latino children were disproportionately affected by Covid. According to Dr. Beers, the best approach to preventing the spread of Covid-19 and the negative effects of the disease would be to promote a higher uptake of vaccines among teenagers and also encourage higher uptake of vaccines among children once such vaccines are approved by the FDA(C-SPAN, 2021).

On the other hand, DR. Rush, the president Of Monroe Carell Children’s Hospital, highlighted that covid-19 had a significant impact on children, especially those who come from low socioeconomic families. Children from such families were more likely to lack health insurance and lack access to healthcare services, and also be involved in lesser physical activity. All these combined factors result in negative health outcomes among children and specifically those from low socioeconomic families(C-SPAN, 2021).

On the other hand, the CEO of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Evans, highlighted that covid-19 had a significant negative effect on the mental health of children and contributed to increased cases of anxiety, depression, and also an increased rate of attempted suicide among children. This was therefore caused by the social isolation, disruptive schedules, and disrupted economic activities of families during the Covid-19 pandemic(C-SPAN, 2021).


Key Interactions that Occurred at the Meeting

The key interactions that occurred in the meeting included the house representative receiving views from the health experts on how to effectively mitigate the effects of Covid -19 among children and which would be the best approach to implement such mitigation measures.

Outcomes of the Meeting

The outcomes of the meetings included a recommendation by the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee for the adoption of various strategies to promote vaccination among teenagers so as to ensure that children return to their normal life as soon as possible and therefore reduce the various negative mental health issues associated with the disruptions caused by the Covid 19. The subcommittee also proposed that prompt approval of vaccination among children less than 12 years old would go a long way in preventing an increase in Covid-19 cases and also help children to return to their normal lives and avoid the negative mental health issues caused by Covid-19.



C-SPAN. (2021, September 22). Health Experts Testify on COVID-19 Impact on Children. C-Span.Org. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from (2020). House Committee on Energy and Commerce. Retrieved November 15, 2021, from Public Policy Meeting Summary Assignment

Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

WK1 Discussion Initial Post

Discussion: Career Goals: Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

An advanced practice nurse collaborates and communicates with patients, families, doctors, nurses, and specialists to ensure patients receive the care they need. As they diagnose, treat, manage, and educate patients, they are responsible for ensuring patient safety and maintaining ethical behavior. Competencies have been developed to help advanced practice nurse to understand the practice knowledge, skills, and attitudes they need to be successful.

For this Discussion, you will examine advanced nursing practice competencies and reflect on your strengths and challenges related to the competencies. In light of your reflection, you will consider how this course may help you attain your career goals or objectives. Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week, specifically the advanced nursing practice competencies. As you review the competencies, reflect on your own strengths and challenges when working with adults across the lifespan.

By Day 3

Post a summary of your expectations of this course. Also, include a brief explanation of your strengths and challenges as they relate to nursing practice competencies when working with adults. Describe any career goals or objectives this course may help you accomplish in the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) or Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP) role and explain why. Use your research to support your explanations by providing credible and scholarly sources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by offering a suggestion or resources to help your colleagues in addressing their personal strengths or challenges, or their career goals. Use your research to support your suggestions. Provide at least 3 credible and current scholarly sources. Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the Post to Discussion Question link and then select Create Thread to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click Submit, you cannot delete or edit your own posts, and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Submit!



Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

Nursing competencies refer to the ability of nurses to take appropriate action in their nursing practices through the utilization of knowledge, skills, beliefs, and past experiences. This allows them to effectively perform their role and collaborate with other parties in an organization. Advanced practice nurses need to have a comprehensive understanding of the strengths and challenges to perform their roles successfully.

Through the course, students learn how Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP) perform their duties in making decisions and taking care of adult populations. The course should also help students diagnose and manage primary healthcare patients and identify problems among the adults and elderly population. Through the course, we will acquire more knowledge regarding physical and behavioral diseases in the primary diagnosis process (Farrell, Payne, & Heye, 2015). Therefore students can plan, implement, and evaluate evidence-based approaches that promote health in primary care patients. I also expect to acquire the skills and confidence required in a clinical setup by the end of the course. Hence I can comprehend how to plan, evaluate and execute therapeutic systems for adult patients with chronic or acute illnesses.

Particular competencies are essential in (AGPCNP). An AGPCNP is a nurse who specializes in promoting and sustaining health, particularly among culturally; diverse and high-risk populations. These nurses can examine and manage health conditions across different age populations, from adolescents to older adults suffering from acute and several chronic illnesses. As an AGPCNP student, competencies to acquire include assessing and intervening in situations, effective communications, critical thinking, and patient caring and relations helps them perform their duties effectively (Hwang 2015). The required to fulfill competencies include monitoring, therapeutic approaches, reporting, and computing skills. Their extensive research skills significantly contribute to critical thinking. Lastly, having the proper ethical values and patient advocacy ensures that nurses relate well with their patients.

There are several strengths attributed to the nursing competencies of AGPCNP. The first is relationship management, where through their communication and relationship competencies, they can deliver disturbing news that will not affect the health issues of a patient (Fukada 2018). This is incredibly impactful with the elderly population. Other skills that strengthen their competencies include teamwork and collaboration, knowledge of evidence-based practices, health, quality improvement, and safety (Want, Goodman, and Selway, 2021). The practitioners’ challenges are increased workload since more patients are being diagnosed with multiple chronic conditions among adolescents, adults, and older adults. Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies

An Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (AGPCNP) is intensely committed to managing their patients’ health and community. My career goal is striving to prevent illnesses by educating communities and patients on healthy lifestyle habits. I will also provide education and sufficient knowledge to the patients on healthcare choices to avoid diabetes and, obesity among others. I firmly find passion in providing primary care to patients because they also get to self-manage themselves regarding their health. I also strongly advocate for collaboration among community members to promote a healthier society. The course will help me acquire the skills necessary to examine patients, diagnose, and treat, among others necessary for promoting a patient’s health. I will also develop skills to train patients on how to self-manage themselves, develop healthy lifestyles to enhance health and prevent illnesses. These skills will help me perform my duties effectively and collaborate with nurses, doctors, patients, and other practitioners.


Farrell, K., Payne, C., & Heye, M. (2015). Integrating interprofessional collaboration skills into the advanced practice registered nurse socialization process. Journal of Professional Nursing, 31(1), 5-10.

Fukada M. (2018). Nursing Competency: Definition, Structure, and Development. Yonago Acta Medica, 61(1), 1–7.

wang, J. I. (2015). What are hospital nurses’ strengths and weaknesses in patient safety competence? Findings from three Korean hospitals. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 27(3), 232-238

Want, D., Goodman, P., and Selway, J., 2021. Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Clinical Procedural Skills. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners. Strengths and Challenges Related to Nursing Practice Competencies