NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

The Joint Commission’s New Speak Up™ Brochure: “What You Should Know About prevent fall”

I need the paper to be over prevent fall: the website link to the joint commission’s new speak-up brochure is in the rubric. I also attached the brochure of Prevent fall to make it easy for you.

Everything you are going to need is in the attachment rubric and don’t forget to do as it asks.

P.S please follow the instructions in the instructions box images. This paper is very important. Use the scholarly articles that are less than 5 years published to support your evidence. Don’t forget to go over the rubric while you write the paper.

The paper should not be longer than three (3) pages, excluding the title page, reference page. “Do not pass through three pages, make sure all the information is fit in those three pages”NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines


NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines c Revised: JAN21 1


This assignment increases the students’ awareness of the National Patient Safety Goals developed by The Joint
Commission. Specifically, this assignment will introduce the Speak Up Initiatives, an award-winning patient safety
program designed to help patients promote their own safety by proactively taking charge of their healthcare.

Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
CO #2: Apply the concepts of health promotion and illness prevention in the laboratory setting. (PO #2)

CO #8: Explain the rationale for selected nursing interventions based upon current nursing literature. (PO #8)

Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to
this assignment.

Total points possible: 50 points

Preparing the assignment

1. Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.

a. Select a Speak Up brochure from
 The Joint Commission website.
b. Write a short paper reviewing the brochure. Use the Grading Criteria (below) to structure your critique.

c. Include current nursing or healthcare journal article to support your critique.

2. Include the following sections

a. Introduction of brochure (3 points/6%)
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
i. Includes brochure title

ii. Identifies date published

iii. Describes individuals or groups

iv. Brochure properly cited, included on reference list, and submitted with assignment

b. Summary of article (5 points/ 10%) -brochure citation required

i. Explain the main topics discussed

c. Communication (5 points/10 %) -brochure citation required

i. Review information that promotes communication between patients and healthcare providers

d. Personal Reflection (2 points /4%)
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
i. Why did this topic interest you?

e. Evaluation of brochure (14 points/28% total (2 points each) (Brochure & nursing article must be cited)

i. Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient

ii. What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure?

iii. Was the information presented clearly?

iv. Did current nursing or healthcare related research article support the information presented in the

v. What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this

vi. Who else can use this information?

vii. Will this information increase patient safety?

f. Evidence Review & Application (5 points/10% total)

i. Evidence was integrated from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article to support your answers.

g. Conclusion (5 points/10%)

i. Restates main ideas

ii. Includes supporting information from body of paper

NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

NR224 Fundamentals: Skills
RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

NR224 RUA Safety Goals Guidelines c Revised: JAN21 2

iii. Summarizes the benefits of following the brochure’s advice to a person at risk

h. APA style and structure (2 points/4%)
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
i. Adheres to current APA edition formatting guidelines for title page, margins, in-text citations, and

ii. Section headers are required

a. Summary of Brochure

b. Patient Communication

c. Personal Reflection

d. Evaluation of Brochure

e. Evidence Review and Application

f. Conclusion

iii. Paper is no longer than three (3) pages, excluding title page, reference page, and copy of brochure

a. Extra pages will not be read or contribute to the assignment grade

i. Clarity of writing (9 points/18%)

i. Proper use of Standard English

ii. Shows original thought

iii. No spelling or grammar errors

iv. Information presented in a logical progression

For writing assistance (APA, formatting, or grammar) visit the
 Citing Library Sources page in the online library.
Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you
fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

  NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

Chamberlain University College of Nursing

NR 304 Fundamental Skill

Prof. Christina Johnson

Assignment Due Date:

Memory Problem and Dementia



Growing up as a kid at about 6years of age, I looked at people with memory issues and dementia as a problem which is diabolical or may be caused by a person’s wicked act or was inflected on a person due to envy. I started having different ideas about memory problems and dementia in my adolescent age, to me, it was a degeneration in the brain. So, what is dementia? “It is a progressive chronic disorder of mental processes caused by damage to the brain, change in personality, brain disease, and memory disorders” (Hubert, & VanMeter, 2018)NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines. An article on the American Academy of Neurology stated the brochure about memory problems and dementia was published November 13, 2013. The brochure provided other organizations where people could get more information about this disease and how well to screen and manage people with memory loss and dementia, some of these organization are NIH Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral Center, Eldercare locator, and National Memory screening.

Summary of the article on Memory Problem and Dementia

The main topics discussed in this brochure, which we will be discussing starting with, what are the causes of memory problems? Some of the cause of memory loss has been linked to stress, and anxiety or depression, head injury, stroke, to mention a few. If a person makes visiting the doctor for regular health checkups important, most of these issues mentioned could be avoided.NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

Another topic discussed was, should a family member or friend go with you to the doctor? From my point of view, I would say yes because a close family or friend can explain better what they have noticed and the changes the person with this problem exhibits.

Another main topic discussed was, when should you be concerned about memory problems? When love ones start forgetting the names of people close to them, which is disheartening or forgetting if they have eaten, forget familiar locations, then that should be the best time to seek help from a specialist.

Another main topic discussed was, how can your family or friends help? Some of the ways family and friends can help is to continuously show love and have as much patience in redirecting the patient without hurting their feelings. Also, learn about helpful ways to manage dementia and join support groups.NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

Some of the information could promote communication between patients and healthcare providers. The patient should make a list of what worries them about the disease and try to be as honest as possible and not assuming the healthcare provider should know everything just by looking at the patient, that would promote communication between patient and healthcare provider. Also, write or bring all medication-taking even, herbals or vitamins (Coleman, 2015).

Evaluation of the Brochure

When I took a good look at this brochure, the step-by-step breakdown explaining what leads to memory loss and dementia was well done. Those are ways one could avoid or live with it without it causing a strain in the family. The thing which could have been done to improve on in this brochure was the picture which was used showing the elder people. From my point of view, memory problems or dementia still affect other ages of life who have been involved in a brain injury, facing stress or depression from a sudden breakup or loss of a job.NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

This topic got my interest because, when I think of memory problems and dementia, I cannot help but think of my grandparent then, and my parents and what will happen to my generation, if proper research to stop the high rate of memory problems and dementia is not available. Presently, I have a family member who is facing a memory loss problem, and how disheartening to see one’s love one forgets virtually almost everything and everyone. The only thing we can do is assist them with prescribed medication and show as much love as possible.

Going through the information from this brochure, I found it beneficial not only for incorporating it in patient education also helps families who are facing this kind of issue and for more knowledge on how to go through the day with ease when caring for a loved one. It also provided other support organizations where one can learn more to handle memory problems and dementia.NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

This brochure was presented clearly from my point of view, it explained the meaning of memory problems and dementia. It broke down step by step what to do, how well to handle when told a person has dementia, and how to get the best from healthcare providers. It also provided more informational websites and organizations.

The research made regarding this brochure made me understand, healthcare-related research supports the information presented in this brochure. For instance, “we are pleased to support the efforts of The Joint Commission to help inform patients and families experiencing the significant challenges of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias” (“The Joint Commission’s New Speak Up™ Brochure Offers Advice about Memory Problems and Dementia”, 2020). NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

From my point of view, the population of individuals who would benefit from this brochure is everyone, whether you know or don’t know anyone with memory problem or dementia, to be knowledgeable about this disease is the first way to prevent and handle it.


This information would increase patient safety, and why I think so is because, if a visits his or her doctor for a physical exam, after testing or referred to a specialist, they will be able to determine the type of memory problem and what triggers it. Early detection can keep patients from harm to themselves or others.


Memory problems and dementia should not rub us of the joy of spending time remembering our love once or who we are, watching families, friends, neighbors care for loved ones going through the pains of memory problems and dementia is heartbreaking. Seeking medical care early and making sure we provide our healthcare provider with as much information as possible about one’s health would help. Taking time to go through the information on the brochure can go a long way in preventing or managing the problems associated with memory problems or dementia.

NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines


Coleman, J. (2015). Pathways to Effective Communication for Healthcare Providers and

Caregivers | Family Caregiver Alliance. Retrieved 20 November

2020, from

VanMeter, K., & Hubert, R. (2018). Gould’s Pathophysiology for the Health Professions

(6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines

The Joint Commission’s New Speak Up™ Brochure Offers Advice about Memory

Problems and Dementia. (2020). Retrieved 20 November 2020, from

Speak Up
To Prevent Falls

Take care of your health

 Exercise regularly. It builds strength and some exercises can improve your balance.

• Prevent dehydration. It can affect your balance.

 Have your vision checked.

 If your medicine leaves you drowsy, dizzy, weak or confused, tell your doctor. Ask how to

reduce these side effects or if you can take another medicine.
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
Take extra precautions

 Turn on the lights when you enter a room. Do not walk in the dark.

 Make sure your pathway is clear.

 Use the handrails on staircases.

 Sit in chairs that do not move and have arm rests to help you sit down and stand up.

• Wear shoes that have firm, flat, non-slip soles.

 Do not wear shoes that do not have backs on them.

 Replace the rubber tips on canes and walkers when they become worn.

Make small changes to your home

• Install timers, “clap-on” or motion sensors on your lights.

 Declutter regular pathways, such as to the bathroom and in poorly lit areas.

 Use night lights in your bedroom, bathroom and the hallway.

 Remove rugs that can slip. Rubber mats are a good replacement.

• Put frequently used items in easy-to-reach places that do not require using a step stool.

 Make sure it is easy to get in and out of your bed.
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
• Apply non-slip treads on stairs.

• Apply decals or waterproof, non-slip mats in the bathtub and shower.

 Install grab bars near the toilet and the bathtub or shower.

 A home care agency, personal care and support agency, or community program may be

able to help make changes to your home if you live alone and need help.

Ask for help in the hospital or nursing home

 Always use your call button to ask for help getting out of bed. It’s for your safety. You

may be weaker than you realize.

 Pay attention to what your doctors or nurses tell you about your risk of falling. A fall can

mean a longer hospital stay. Also, injuries from a fall can affect your health for the rest of

your life.

• Tell your doctor or nurse if your medicine makes you sleepy, light-headed, dizzy,

sluggish, unbalanced or confused.

 Do not feel embarrassed asking for help going to the toilet. You will need extra help until

you get stronger.
NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines
• Wear non-slip socks or footwear.

 Lower the height of the bed and the side rails.

The goal of Speak Up™ is to help patients and their advocates become active in their care.

Speak Up™ materials are intended for the public and have been put into a simplified (i.e., easy-to-read) format to reach a wider audience. They are not meant

to be comprehensive statements of standards interpretation or other accreditation requirements, nor are they intended to represent evidence-based clinical

practices or clinical practice guidelines. Thus, care should be exercised in using the content of Speak Up™ materials. Speak Up™ materials are available to all

health care organizations; their use does not indicate that an organization is accredited by The Joint Commission.

The Joint Commission | May be copied and distributed | Department of Corporate Communications. NR224 Fundamentals: Skills RUA: Safety Goals Guidelines