Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment

Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment

Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with various data sources used by health care organizations to obtain quality data. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) creates an annual report, the National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, which assesses the performance of the U.S. health care system. This report identifies strengths and weaknesses of the health care system in addition to disparities for access to health care and quality of health care. The report is based on more than 250 measures of quality and disparities, and it covers a broad range of health care services and settings.

Access the “2017 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Sources” through the AHRQ website, using the link provided in the topic materials. Select five data sources from this report and fill in the required components on the “Quality Data Sources Organizer.” Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment


Quality Data Sources Organizer

Data Source Primary Content Population Targeted Demographic Data Schedule Is This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data? How / When / Where the Information Might Be Used




Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment




Access the five data sources “2017 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report Data Sources” through the AHRQ website, using the link provided in the topic materials. Select five data sources from this report and fill in the required components on the “Quality Data Sources Organizer.”


Quality Data Sources Organizer Sample

Quality Data Sources Organizer

Data Source Primary Content Population Targeted Demographic Data Schedule Is This a Source of Primary or Secondary Data? How / When / Where the Information Might Be Used
National The database The target Ethnicity, It is The source is Some of the information
Consumer entails the scores population education, age, annually secondary data. is used in the value based
Assessment of and experiences includes the race, gender, scheduled. Data is assembled purchasing or the pay for
Healthcare of health health care plan and region through performance initiatives to
Providers and practitioner and members such (CAHPS, standardized set stand for transformation
Systems plans by as adults and 2016). of questions that in ways CMS compensate
(CAHPS) voluntary children. are administered for services (CAHPS,
Benchmarking participants. The through mail or 2016).
Database 5.0 CAHPS telephone
(CAHPS, version adult and questionnaire
2016) child health plan survey.
survey reporting
questions are in
four major groups
that summarize
the consumer
experiences under
the provided


Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment

areas, obtaining the required care, obtaining care first, how effective physicians communicate, and health plan information as well as customer service.
National HIV/AIDS 

Surveillance System (CDC, 2019)

The primary content entails the HIV mode of exposure, case definition and other demographic information. The target is the whole population and therefore the HIV/AIDs data is across the world. State and county, age, gender, race, residence, ethnicity, birth country, and whether alive. The surveillanc e report for HIV/AIDs 

is published annually (CDC,


The data source is secondary. NHBS results have been published in various issues of CDC morbidity as well as mortality weekly report. The data as well as is utilized in the provision of behavioral context for HIV surveillance trends data. 

The data is also used in



Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) The BRFSS aim is to gather standardized state specified data on preventive care approaches as well as risk behaviors related to chronic diseases and infectious diseases that can be prevented in adult populations. Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment The survey targets the U.S. civilian, age 18 and above and stays in households (NCHS, & CDC, 2017). Age, gender, ethnicity or race, education level, household income, marital status, and employment status. Data are collected monthly even though the survey is done annually. The source is secondary data. States use BRFSS to solve emerging and urgent health issues such as flu season to monitor shortage of vaccines.
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Data assembled entails information about chronic illnesses such as health status, nutritional 

status, dietary


targets the United States civilians and excludes people in custody and

Race, age, gender, education level, origin, place of birth, occupation and They are fielded periodically and yearly. The data release 


The data source is secondary. University research division may use demographic and dietary data to envisage elderly people nutritional status.


Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment

intake, and immunization status among others (NCHS, & CDC, 2017). supervised care. income. in 2 year cycles.
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) 

(NCHS, & CDC, 2017)

Data are assembled from medical documents and entails types of provider visited, visit reason, diagnosis, the ordered drug, test ordered, test procedure performed and patient data such as age and sex. 

Other data include payment source

and provided

The basic sampling unit is the patient visit. The excluded ones are anesthesiology, radiology and pathology specialists (NCHS, & CDC, 2017) 


Gender, patient age, race, and ethnicity. The survey is done annual. The data source is secondary. The level data are collected through survey. The data can be utilized to bolster professional education, for healthcare workers, and implementing health policy. It can also be utilized to assess chronic illness and treatment approach such as use of statin in older adults (NCHS, & CDC, 2017) 








 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019). HIV Surveillance Report Available at: http://www. cdc. gov/hiv/library/reports/hiv-surveillance. html.

National Center for Health Statistics, & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2013 NAMCS Micro-data file documentation.

The CAHPS Database (2016). CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database, 2016 Chartbook: What consumers say about their experiences with their health plans and medical care. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; 2016. https://cahpsdatabase.ahrq.gov/files/2016CAHPSHealthPlanChartbook.pdf. Quality Data Sources Organizer Nursing Assignment