PSY-357 Topic 5: CLC- Media Portrayal of Adolescence Assignment

PSY-357 Topic 5: CLC- Media Portrayal of Adolescence Assignment

PSY-357 – Lifespan Development

Topic 5 – CLC-Media Portrayal of Adolescence

Directions: This is a CLC assignment. Each member of the group will watch a television show in which an adolescent(s) is a main character of the show. Watch at least three episodes of a season. After watching the episodes, answer the following questions to guide you in your CLC discussion.

Remember to share which show you will be watching so your colleagues do not watch the same show.

1. List the name of program watched and the year(s) each originally aired.

2. Describe how adolescents were characterized in the program.PSY-357 Topic 5: CLC- Media Portrayal of Adolescence Assignment


3. Were the characterizations positive or negative? Explain.

4. Did the characterizations represent stereotypes we have for adolescents?

5. Would these adolescents be positive role models for younger children?

6. Are the issues of adolescence accurately portrayed?

7. If you watched a show that originally aired in different years, did you notice a difference in the portrayal of adolescence? Explain the differences you saw.

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

For this CLC discussion you will be analyzing the media’s portrayal of adolescence. You will need to plan your time accordingly to have this assignment done before your group assignment is due. Use the attached document “Media Portrayal of Adolescence” to begin your analysis of the media’s portrayal of adolescence. Share which show you are watching in your CLC forum so there are not multiples of the same show.

As a group, discuss any themes you noticed and note any common themes across shows.

As a group you will develop a one page flyer or pamphlet for parents or caregivers on issues impacting adolescences. Theses should be the same issues and themes that presented themselves during your CLC discussion. Your flyer or pamphlet should contain the following:PSY-357 Topic 5: CLC- Media Portrayal of Adolescence Assignment

  1. Risk factors associated with the issue.
  2. The prevalence of the issue.
  3. Ways to prevent or treat an issue.

Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Please review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. PSY-357 Topic 5: CLC- Media Portrayal of Adolescence Assignment