Discussion: The Nurse Informaticist

Discussion: The Nurse Informaticist

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Pick your topic as above and email me for approval. Topics will be first come first serve.
  2. Address this issue through the lens of the nurse informaticist


Your presentation should

  • Consist of 15–20 slides in length, including the title and reference slides.
  • Use the following bolded topics and subtopics (required) to guide the flow of discussion in your presentation.
  • Define and describe the issue. (one to two slides)
    • Describe the background and history of the issue. (two to three slides)
    • Perform a review of the literature. (three to four slides)
    • *Summarize what is known about the issue.
      *Discuss solutions to the issue as identified from the literature.
    • Explain how the issue is being addressed at the organization where each team member is employed.(one slide)
    • Propose a best practice solution integrating information from the review of literature and from team member’s organizations. (one to two slides)
    • Conclusion – one slide
    • Use course content, your textbooks, professional journal articles, and professional websites as references for your work. (A minimum of 10 professional references with at least five (5) nursing journal articles required.) Discussion: The Nurse Informaticist
  1. Submit your assignment electronically in the designated location. Sometimes, a voice-over PowerPoint presentation is large and will not submit if the size is larger than the designated drop box. Review the size of your file and check with your instructor regarding any size limits for submission.

Presentation Tips: When submitting a PowerPoint make sure content flows between slides, avoid duplication of information; make sure format, grammar, APA format, and content are seamless and flow. Voice recordings should be done in a quiet environment with easily audible sound levels.

Clinical Scenario:

REASON FOR CONSULTATION: Desaturation to 64% on room air 1 hours ago with associated shortness of breath.

HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Mrs. X is 73-year-old Caucasian female who was admitted to the general surgery service 3 days ago for a leaking j-tube which was surgically replaced 2 days ago and is now working properly. This morning at 07:30, the RN reported that the patient was sleeping and doing fine, then the CNA made rounds at 0900 and Mrs. X was found be mildly dyspneic. Vital signs were checked at that time and were; temperature 38.6, pulse 120, respirations 22, blood pressure 138/38. O2 sat was 64% on room air. Discussion: The Nurse Informaticist