GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional

GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional



Topic: Spiritual and Cultural Emphases on Death and Dying

Allied health professionals are confronted with different death and dying practices. An effective allied health professional recognizes the importance of understanding different cultural practices, and learns how to evaluate the death, dying, and spiritual beliefs and practices across the cultures. GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional

Read the two specified case histories and choose one for this assignment.

Chapter 4, “Stories of Abby: An Ojibwa Journey” and Chapter 14, “Stories of Shanti: Culture and Karma,” by Gelfland, Raspa, and Sherylyn, from End-of-Life Stories: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries (2005), available in the GCU Library:


Identify your role as a health care professional in supporting Abby or Shanti’s dying rituals, and in creating strategies for displaying respect while still providing quality care. Integrate your strategies as you develop a care plan describing how you would approach the situation and care for the patient. Review the “Care Plan” template prior to beginning.


Include the following in your care plan:

Communication: family and patient

Treatment options that align with the specific culture

Education: family and patient

Family roles in the process

Spiritual beliefs


Cultural responses

Any additional components that you feel would need to be addressed (from your perspective as a health care professional)

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional


HLT 324v Week 1 Complete Latest


HLT 324V Week 1 Discussion 1

Describe the concept of “variant characteristics of culture.” Which characteristics can change and which cannot? Is equality for variant cultures typically supported in the United States? Provide examples to support your statement.

HLT 324V Week 1 Discussion 2

How does cultural competency occur? What can one do to become culturally aware? Describe an effective approach to using The Purnell Model when working with subcultures (immigration status, gender, political beliefs, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, educational status, etc.).

HLT 324V Week 1 Allied Health Community Media Scenario


The ability to communicate, interact with different cultures, and think critically is essential in the medical field. The interactive media scenario you will use for this assignment illustrates a situation that could easily arise when working in health care. To complete this assignment:

Go to the “Allied Health Community” media link: http://lc.gcumedia.com/hlt307v/allied-health-community/allied-health-community-v1.1.html

Click “Enter” to begin.

Click on the box that says “SCENARIOS.”

Click on “View Scenario” for the “Critical Decision Making for Providers.”

Examine how the described problem might happen in your facility and the impact it could have. Work through this situation by examining all of the choices presented in the scenario.

When you get to the end of the scenarios, one scenario will have the word “Transcultural” on the top right corner. Click on “Transcultural.” Read the scenario and answer the four questions that are provided.

While APA format is not required for this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide located in the Student Success Center. GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

HLT 324V Week 1 Benchmark Assignment – Diversity in Health Care Essay

Diversity has a significant influence on health care. Studying transcultural health care helps health professionals understand different cultures in order to provide holistic and individualized health care. Review the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence, including the theory, framework and 12 domains. Write 750-1,000 word paper exploring the Purnell Model for Cultural Competence. Include the following:

Explain the theory and organizational framework of the Purnell Model, and discuss its relevance to transcultural health care.

Describe Purnell’s 12 domains of culture, and assess how each of these domains plays an active role in the diversity of health care in your specific field. GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional

Discuss how this model can be applied when working with different cultures in order to become a more culturally competent health care provider.

Cite at least three references, including the course textbook.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.


You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Healthcare ProfessionalDeath is a universal experience. No matter what our culture, our religion, our race, or our country of origin, we will all die. How we approach death, how we think about suffering and grief, and what we believe happens after we die vary based on our culture, religion, and spiritual beliefs. Spiritual beliefs ground our thinking about end-of-life concepts. Death affects everybody involved financially, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, and physically. Culturaland religious beliefs have been found to be fundamental sources of help as they give strength to those dealing with dying and death experiences. It is through such scenarios that health care professionals have been confronted with different beliefs and practices regarding dying and death. There is need for health care professionals to be careful when caring for patients from different cultures. Being aware of a patient’s beliefs can help eliminate the negative judgment that he/she is likely to pass based on different personal beliefs; this is because their perceptions can easily affect the patient’s inclination and conduct. In my personal opinion, honoring and supporting other patient’s death and dying rituals and practices honors mine as well. Therefore, itis necessary that the healthcare workers are aware of different cultural practices, so that they can be effective while handling the patients. In the case study of Abby’s dying rituals, a number of cultural challenges have been presented. This paper based on is a case study of 76 year old Ojibwa women, Abby whose daughter Mary wants her to die in native Indian way. The writer is trying to discuss the cultural practices of the Native Indian patients and how one can approach the situation as presented in the case study. GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional
CASE TUDY2Communication: Family and PatientCyclical reincarnation of the soul is one of the foundations of the Hindu religion. Death is viewed as a natural aspect of life, and there are numerous epic tales, sacred scriptures, and Vedic guidance that describe the reason for death’s existence. The Indian cultural rite aims at helping t

History and description
The “Purnell Model for Cultural Competence” was developed by Larry D. Purnell and Betty J. Paulanka,[7] as an outline to classify and arrange elements that have an effect on the culture of an individual.[8] The framework uses an ethnographic method to encourage cultural awareness and appreciation[4] in relation to healthcare. It offers a basis for individual’s providing care to gain knowledge around concepts and features that relate to various cultures[citation needed] in anticipation of assisting the performance of culturally competent care in clinical settings. The model has been recognised as a way to integrate transcultural proficiency into the execution of nursing[citation needed] and in “primary, secondary and tertiary”[1] environments.

Cultural competence has been described as a process, which is constantly occurring and through which one slowly advances[9] from lacking knowledge to developing it. An individual begins as unconsciously unskilled[10] due to their absence of personal knowledge that they are lacking awareness about other cultures. Next, an individual becomes aware of their incompetence due to their acknowledgement that they have insufficient comprehension of other cultures. Individuals then become deliberately competent (through learning about others’ cultures) so that they are able to apply personalised interventions. Finally, individuals gradually become oblivious to their competence[10] due to their ability to instinctively provide patients with culturally competent care. GCU HLT 324V Week 4 Case Study Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional

In multicultural societies, it is becoming essential for healthcare professionals to be able to provide culturally competent care due to the results of enhanced personal health,[11] as well as the health of the overall population. The greater the overall knowledge a health practitioner has about cultures, the better their ability is to conduct evaluations and in turn provide culturally competent suggestions to patients. Purnell’s model requires the caregiver to contemplate the distinct identities of each patient and their views towards their treatment[citation needed] and care.