GCU UNV104 Full Course

GCU UNV104 Full Course

GCU UNV104 Full Course. DQ1 In this topic, you are required to begin the development of your expository essay by completing several brainstorming techniques.

Please review Topic 1: Study Materials and locate “Invention: Finding Your Ideas” and then share with your classmates two brainstorming techniques that you found helpful. In addition, explain why you found these helpful and how it relates to information literacy and the writing process.

DQ2 Considering the resources and readings assigned to you this week, give a brief overview of Information Literacy in your own words. Include in your response, the process of information literacy and challenges that college students may face in becoming information literate.



UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 The topic resource and readings have reviewed the reasons and importance of using online GCU Library resources in your research. Using examples from the Course Materials, explain why it is important to use scholarly, peer reviewed resources retrieved from the online GCU Library vs. a general Internet search. In those instances where you need to do a search on the Internet, what guidelines should you follow? Why?

DQ2 Review the reading strategies on pages 70-73 in the textbook. Apply one of the reading strategies towards one of the peer-reviewed articles you chose in the Topic 1 Brainstorming Worksheet. After reading your article, select a sentence that supports your essay topic. Format this sentence into a direct quote and include an in-text citation. Then, paraphrase the quote and include an in-text citation. In addition, include a reference citation at the end of your response. GCU UNV104 Full Course


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 This week, you will be creating an organized blueprint of your plans for the essay by creating a thesis statement.

The thesis statement for this type of essay is called a mapped thesis statement and should be one sentence in length. All three supporting paragraph subtopics should be present within it and listed at the end of the statement.

Please post your proposed thesis statement as your response to this DQ (no need to meet the word count for this response). We will be working together as a class to approve and/or revise the thesis statements.

For this DQ response:

1. List the main topic/question you selected in Topic 1 for the brainstorming worksheet:

2. List three subtopics:

3. List your proposed thesis statement exactly as you would like it to appear in your paper. Remember, your thesis statement will be located at the end of your introductory paragraph. Make sure your thesis statement lists three subtopics clearly and is written in third person:


1. Topic: Freshman year academic success

2. Subtopics: Goal setting, Time Management, Motivation

3. Thesis: Freshman year academic success has been proven to be achieved through goal setting, time management, and motivation.

DQ2 Explore the LopesWrite Technical Support page, and answer the following questions: 1) what is the purpose of the LopesWrite report; 2) why is it important to review your report and similarity score before hitting the final submission option; and 3) what are some possible consequences of not checking your LopesWrite report?


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Read the two articles and view the video provided below.

After reviewing all three resources, use your own words to discuss some implications of being accused of plagiarism in the professional world or in your chosen career.

Within your response, include a paraphrased statement from at least two of the sources to support your thoughts.  Be sure to include their appropriate in-text citations.

Article and Video Links:

Barry, D., Barstow, D., Glater, J. D., Liptak, A., & Steinberg, J. (2003). Correcting the record: Times reporter who resigned leaves long trail of deception. New York Times, 11. Retreived from


The Jayson Blair story: Favoritism and plagiarism at The New York Times [Video file]. (2003). In Films On Demand. Retrieved from


SPJ Code of Ethics. (2014, September 6). Retrieved June 12, 2017, from


DQ2 When someone’s writing is not focused, clear, and precise the message is often lost or confusing. To succeed in today’s competitive, professional world you must be able to communicate effectively; especially through writing.

Describe a situation (real or fictional) where not having a focused message in your writing could lead to a problem or poor outcome. Describe how you can use the writing process to ensure your writing is focused and effective. GCU UNV104 Full Course


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 In this course you have been introduced to many different types of resources to help you become a good writer at the college level. What resources did you use prior to taking this course to help you with the research and/or writing process? What new resource(s) have you found most helpful? Please explain.

DQ2 Identify challenges that may be present in the online classroom communication such as the nonverbal and auditory cues? What are some strategies we can use to overcome these obstacles?


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Review your first draft, instructor feedback, LopesWrite feedback, and course materials. Provide three successful strategies you will use in preparing your final draft. Why did you select these strategies? Do you have any questions as you prepare for your final draft this week?

DQ2 Explain why going through the writing process steps improves the quality of writing. What did you find most difficult about the writing process?


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Choose one of the required or optional readings assigned this week (go to Dashboard >> Path >> Topic 7 >> Study Materials to find optional readings). Discuss the importance of effective communication; support your response by integrating paraphrased information from at least one of the required or optional readings assigned this week.

Give the title of the reading chosen and a brief explanation of why you chose it.

Explain the importance of effective communication. (Do this by paraphrasing from the resource. Remember to include an in-text citation.)

List the full APA citation for the source you chose.

DQ2 In using the GCU Online Library, please research an article within your program of study (POS) or career field that is current (within the last 5 years). Provide a brief summary of the article, and discuss why this article appealed to you and how it is relevant to your POS or career field. If there were any questions that arose from the reading, please include them as well.

Please provide proper GCU Style referencing format, include in-text citation, as well as the permalink to the article.


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 1 Assignment  

Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet

Access and complete the “Brainstorming and Beginning Research Worksheet” assignment.

To assist you with this assignment, be sure to review the “The Writing Process” media; this is a great resource for you to use as you create your essay throughout the course.

Access and complete the “Brainstorming and Beginning Research” worksheet. This assignment will walk you through the writing process steps of choosing a topic, brainstorming techniques, research strategies, and research. GCU UNV104 Full Course

Submit the completed assignment to the final assignment drop box by the end of Topic 1 (Sunday, by 11:59pm, Arizona Time).





Expository Essay: Brainstorming and Beginning Research

Before you begin any writing assignment, it is often necessary to complete several “pre-writing” activities necessary for completing your expository essay including selecting a topic, brainstorming, research strategies, and research. Follow the instructions to complete these pre-writing activities. Make sure you complete all sections of this worksheet.

Part 1: Select a Topic – Pick One

Below are lists of essay topics to use for the expository essay please highlight/bold your topic choice so your instructor will know your selection.

1.            Three services Veterans need to successfully return to civilian life

2.            Three characteristics of good leaders

3.            Three ways bullying can negatively impact children

4.            Three ways technology can impact communication

5.            Three issues found in a large classroom

6.            Three services the Christian church can provide the community

Part 2: Brainstorming Strategies

Read: Topic 1 Lecture.

Review: “Invention: Finding Your Ideas” section of “The Writing Process” media piece:


Complete: In box 1, use the brainstorming method of “Free Writing”.

Brainstorm Method: Free Writing:

Set a timer for 10 minutes and complete your free write brainstorm activity in this box to show your work.

Part 3: Research Strategies – Key Words & Phrases

Step 1: Pull keywords that were generated from your brainstorming activity in part 2.  These keywords need to pertain to the topic selected from part 1.

Step 2: Combine keywords to come up with Boolean search terms. Boolean Search Possibilities: Boolean search terms utilize AND phrases and is covered on page 15 of the course eBook.

An example table is provided below to demonstrate how you should complete this. Please do not use any part of the example as part of your own table.


Example Tables

Keywords pulled from brainstorming         Boolean: Phrases from Keywords

1. Online Learning            1. Online Learning AND Education

2. Student Success            2. Online Learning AND Student Success

Keywords pulled from brainstorming

Boolean: Phrases with Keywords – Boolean search terms utilize AND phrases. This is covered on page 15 of the course eBook

1.            1.

2.            2.

3.            3.

Part 4: Define Sub-topics

State three potential sub-topics you want to write about based on the topic you selected in Part 1. Subtopics are the main ideas you plan to use to explain your chosen topic. GCU UNV104 Full Course

1.            Sub-topic 1:

2.            Sub-topic 2:

3.            Sub-topic 3:

Part 5: Navigating the GCU Online Library

Overview: The GCU Library will be a vital resource for you during your academic career. The Library contains a wealth of resources that will help you find, research, and broaden your understanding on any given topic. Learning to correctly use resources to support your writing is an essential component of your academic success.

Before starting this section, review the short walk-through tutorial on the GCU Library. http://tutorials.gcumedia.com/mediaElement/library-walk-through-tutorial/library-walk-through-tutorial-v1.1.php


UNV104 21st Century Skills: Communication and Information Literacy

Week 2 Assignment 

Reading Strategies and Annotated Reference List Assignment

Using your preferred reading strategy, read through three articles you plan to use as references in your Expository Essay. You will then complete the assignment, which in return, will also help you prepare citations for you to include within your essay.

Review the Topic 2 readings and resources.

Access and complete the “Annotated Reference List” worksheet.

Submit the completed assignment to the final assignment drop box by the end of Topic 2 (Sunday, by 11:59pm, Arizona Time). GCU UNV104 Full Course